#!/usr/bin/ruby require "rubygems" require "pg" require "yaml" require "time" require "fileutils" require "xml/libxml" require "zlib" # after this many changes, a changeset will be closed CHANGES_LIMIT = 50000 # this is the scale factor for lat/lon values stored as integers in the database GEO_SCALE = 10000000 ## # changeset class keeps some information about changesets downloaded from the # database - enough to let us know which changesets are closed/open & recently # closed. class Changeset attr_reader :id, :created_at, :closed_at, :num_changes def initialize(row) @id = row["id"].to_i @created_at = Time.parse(row["created_at"]) @closed_at = Time.parse(row["closed_at"]) @num_changes = row["num_changes"].to_i end def closed?(t) (@closed_at < t) || (@num_changes >= CHANGES_LIMIT) end def open?(t) !closed?(t) end def activity_between?(t1, t2) ((@closed_at >= t1) && (@closed_at < t2)) || ((@created_at >= t1) && (@created_at < t2)) end end ## # state and connections associated with getting changeset data # replicated to a file. class Replicator def initialize(config) @config = YAML.load(File.read(config)) @state = YAML.load(File.read(@config["state_file"])) @conn = PGconn.connect(@config["db"]) @now = Time.now.getutc end def open_changesets last_run = @state["last_run"] last_run = (@now - 60) if last_run.nil? @state["last_run"] = @now # pretty much all operations on a changeset will modify its closed_at # time (see rails_port's changeset model). so it is probably enough # for us to look at anything that was closed recently, and filter from # there. @conn .exec("select id, created_at, closed_at, num_changes from changesets where closed_at > ((now() at time zone 'utc') - '1 hour'::interval)") .map { |row| Changeset.new(row) } .select { |cs| cs.activity_between?(last_run, @now) } end # creates an XML file containing the changeset information from the # list of changesets output by open_changesets. def changeset_dump(changesets) doc = XML::Document.new doc.root = XML::Node.new("osm") { "version" => "0.6", "generator" => "replicate_changesets.rb", "copyright" => "OpenStreetMap and contributors", "attribution" => "http://www.openstreetmap.org/copyright", "license" => "http://opendatacommons.org/licenses/odbl/1-0/" } .each { |k, v| doc.root[k] = v } changesets.each do |cs| xml = XML::Node.new("changeset") xml["id"] = cs.id.to_s xml["created_at"] = cs.created_at.getutc.xmlschema xml["closed_at"] = cs.closed_at.getutc.xmlschema if cs.closed?(@now) xml["open"] = cs.open?(@now).to_s xml["num_changes"] = cs.num_changes.to_s res = @conn.exec("select u.id, u.display_name, c.min_lat, c.max_lat, c.min_lon, c.max_lon from users u join changesets c on u.id=c.user_id where c.id=#{cs.id}") xml["user"] = res[0]["display_name"] xml["uid"] = res[0]["id"] unless res[0]["min_lat"].nil? || res[0]["max_lat"].nil? || res[0]["min_lon"].nil? || res[0]["max_lon"].nil? xml["min_lat"] = (res[0]["min_lat"].to_f / GEO_SCALE).to_s xml["max_lat"] = (res[0]["max_lat"].to_f / GEO_SCALE).to_s xml["min_lon"] = (res[0]["min_lon"].to_f / GEO_SCALE).to_s xml["max_lon"] = (res[0]["max_lon"].to_f / GEO_SCALE).to_s end res = @conn.exec("select k, v from changeset_tags where changeset_id=#{cs.id}") res.each do |row| tag = XML::Node.new("tag") tag["k"] = row["k"] tag["v"] = row["v"] xml << tag end doc.root << xml end doc.to_s end # saves new state (including the changeset dump xml) def save! File.open(@config["state_file"], "r") do |fl| fl.flock(File::LOCK_EX) sequence = (@state.key?("sequence") ? @state["sequence"] + 1 : 0) data_file = @config["data_dir"] + format("/%03d/%03d/%03d.osm.gz", sequence / 1000000, (sequence / 1000) % 1000, (sequence % 1000)) tmp_state = @config["state_file"] + ".tmp" tmp_data = "/tmp/changeset_data.osm.tmp" # try and write the files to tmp locations and then # move them into place later, to avoid in-progress # clashes, or people seeing incomplete files. begin FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.dirname(data_file)) Zlib::GzipWriter.open(tmp_data) do |fh| fh.write(changeset_dump(open_changesets)) end @state["sequence"] = sequence File.open(tmp_state, "w") do |fh| fh.write(YAML.dump(@state)) end FileUtils.mv(tmp_data, data_file) FileUtils.mv(tmp_state, @config["state_file"]) fl.flock(File::LOCK_UN) rescue STDERR.puts("Error! Couldn't update state.") fl.flock(File::LOCK_UN) raise end end end end rep = Replicator.new(ARGV[0]) rep.save!