LOGFILE=/var/log/nominatim/restricted_ips.log # space-separated list of IPs that are never banned WHITELIST = '' # space-separated list of IPs manually blocked BLACKLIST = '' # user-agents that should be blocked from bulk mode # (matched with startswith) UA_BLOCKLIST = () # time before a automatically blocked IP is allowed back BLOCKCOOLOFF_PERIOD='1 hour' # quiet time before an IP is released from the bulk pool BULKCOOLOFF_PERIOD='15 min' BULKLONG_LIMIT=8000 BULKSHORT_LIMIT=2000 BLOCK_UPPER=19000 BLOCK_LOWER=4000 BLOCK_LOADFAC=380 BULK_LOADFAC=160 BULK_LOWER=1500 MAX_BULK_IPS=85