#!/bin/bash # DO NOT EDIT - This file is being maintained by Chef # Send output to the log exec > /var/log/tile/update-lowzoom-<%= @style %>.log 2>&1 # Define function to update tiles from z0 to z12 for style "<%= @style %>" function update_tiles { render_old \ --timestamp=$(stat -c %Y "/srv/tile.openstreetmap.org/styles/<%= @style %>/project.xml") \ --tile-dir=/srv/tile.openstreetmap.org/tiles \ --socket=/var/run/renderd/renderd.sock \ --num-threads=<%= node.cpu_cores - 1 %> \ --map="<%= @style %>" \ --max-load=<%= node.cpu_cores - 1 %> \ --min-zoom=0 --max-zoom=12 } # Loop running the update command until it suceeds until update_tiles do sleep 30 done # Update timestamp for style "<%= @style %>" touch \ --reference="/srv/tile.openstreetmap.org/styles/<%= @style %>/project.xml" \ "/srv/tile.openstreetmap.org/tiles/<%= @style %>/planet-import-complete" exit 0