#!/usr/bin/perl # =head1 NAME Memcached - A Plugin to monitor Memcached Servers =head1 MUNIN CONFIGURATION [memcached_*] env.host *default* env.port 11211 *default* =head2 MUNIN ENVIRONMENT CONFIGURATION EXPLANATION host = host we are going to monitor port = port we are connecting to, in order to gather stats =head1 NODE CONFIGURATION Please make sure you can telnet to your memcache servers and issue the following commands: stats Available Graphs contained in this Plugin bytes => This graphs the current network traffic in and out commands => This graphs the current commands being issued to the memcache machine. conns => This graphs the current, max connections as well as avg conns per sec avg conns per sec is derived from total_conns / uptime. evictions => This graphs the current evictions on the node. items => This graphs the current items and total items in the memcached node. memory => This graphs the current and max memory allocation. The following example holds true for all graphing options in this plugin. Example: ln -s /usr/share/munin/plugins/memcached_ /etc/munin/plugins/memcached_bytes =head1 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The core of this plugin is based on the mysql_ plugin maintained by Kjell-Magne Ãierud Thanks to dormando as well for putting up with me ;) =head1 AUTHOR Matt West < https://code.google.com/p/memcached-munin-plugin/ > =head1 LICENSE GPLv2 =head1 MAGIC MARKERS #%# family=manual #%# capabilities=autoconf suggest =cut use strict; use IO::Socket; my $host = $ENV{host} || ""; my $port = $ENV{port} || 11211; my %stats; # This hash contains the information contained in two memcache commands # stats and stats settings. # So I was trying to figure out how to build this up, and looking at some good examples # I decided to use the format, or for the most part, the format from the mysql_ munin plugin # for Innodb by Kjell-Magne Ãierud, it just spoke ease of flexibility especially with multigraphs # thanks btw ;) # # %graphs is a container for all of the graph definition information. In here is where you'll # find the configuration information for munin's graphing procedure. # Format: # # $graph{graph_name} => { # config => { # # You'll find keys and values stored here for graph manipulation # }, # datasrc => [ # # Name: name given to data value # # Attr: Attribute for given value # { name => 'Name', (Attr) }, # { ... }, # ], # } my %graphs; $graphs{items} = { config => { args => '--base 1000 --lower-limit 0', vlabel => 'Items in Memcached', category => 'memcached', title => 'Items', info => 'This graph shows the number of items in use by memcached', }, datasrc => [ { name => 'curr_items', label => 'Current Items', min => '0' }, { name => 'total_items', label => 'New Items', min => '0', type => 'DERIVE' }, ], }; $graphs{memory} = { config => { args => '--base 1024 --lower-limit 0', vlabel => 'Bytes Used', category => 'memcached', title => 'Memory Usage', info => 'This graph shows the memory consumption of memcached', }, datasrc => [ { name => 'limit_maxbytes', draw => 'AREA', label => 'Maximum Bytes Allocated', min => '0' }, { name => 'bytes', draw => 'AREA', label => 'Current Bytes Used', min => '0' }, ], }; $graphs{bytes} = { config => { args => '--base 1000', vlabel => 'bits in (-) / out (+)', title => 'Network Traffic', category => 'memcached', info => 'This graph shows the network traffic in (-) / out (+) of the machine', order => 'bytes_read bytes_written', }, datasrc => [ { name => 'bytes_read', type => 'DERIVE', label => 'Network Traffic coming in (-)', graph => 'no', cdef => 'bytes_read,8,*', min => '0' }, { name => 'bytes_written', type => 'DERIVE', label => 'Traffic in (-) / out (+)', negative => 'bytes_read', cdef => 'bytes_written,8,*', min => '0' }, ], }; $graphs{conns} = { config => { args => '--base 1000 --lower-limit 0', vlabel => 'Connections per ${graph_period}', category => 'memcached', title => 'Connections', info => 'This graph shows the number of connections being handled by memcached', order => 'curr_conns avg_conns', }, datasrc => [ { name => 'curr_conns', label => 'Current Connections', min => '0' }, { name => 'avg_conns' , label => 'Avg Connections', min => '0' }, ], }; $graphs{commands} = { config => { args => '--base 1000 --lower-limit 0', vlabel => 'Commands per ${graph_period}', category => 'memcached', title => 'Commands', info => 'This graph shows the number of commands being handled by memcached', }, datasrc => [ { name => 'cmd_get', type => 'DERIVE', label => 'Gets', info => 'Cumulative number of retrieval reqs', min => '0' }, { name => 'cmd_set', type => 'DERIVE', label => 'Sets', info => 'Cumulative number of storage reqs', min => '0' }, { name => 'get_hits', type => 'DERIVE', label => 'Get Hits', info => 'Number of keys that were requested and found', min => '0' }, { name => 'get_misses', type => 'DERIVE', label => 'Get Misses', info => 'Number of keys there were requested and not found', min => '0' }, ], }; $graphs{evictions} = { config => { args => '--base 1000 --lower-limit 0', vlabel => 'Evictions per ${graph_period}', category => 'memcached', title => 'Evictions', info => 'This graph shows the number of evictions per second', }, datasrc => [ { name => 'evictions', label => 'Evictions', info => 'Cumulative Evictions Across All Slabs', type => 'DERIVE', min => '0' }, ], }; ## #### Config Check #### ## if (defined $ARGV[0] && $ARGV[0] eq 'config') { $0 =~ /memcached_(.+)*/; my $plugin = $1; die 'Unknown Plugin Specified: ' . ($plugin ? $plugin : '') unless $graphs{$plugin}; # We need to fetch the stats before we do any config, cause its needed for multigraph fetch_stats(); # Now lets go ahead and print out our config. do_config($plugin); exit 0; } ## #### Autoconf Check #### ## if (defined $ARGV[0] && $ARGV[0] eq 'autoconf') { my $s = IO::Socket::INET->new( Proto => "tcp", PeerAddr => $host, PeerPort => $port, ); if (defined($s)) { print "yes\n"; exit 0; } else { print "no (unable to connect to $host\[:$port\])\n"; exit 0; } } ## #### Suggest Check #### ## if (defined $ARGV[0] && $ARGV[0] eq 'suggest') { my $s = IO::Socket::INET->new( Proto => "tcp", PeerAddr => $host, PeerPort => $port, ); if (defined($s)) { my @rootplugins = ('bytes','conns','commands','evictions','items','memory'); foreach my $plugin (@rootplugins) { print "$plugin\n"; } exit 0; } else { print "no (unable to connect to $host\[:$port\])\n"; exit 0; } } ## #### Well We aren't running (auto)config/suggest so lets print some stats #### ## fetch_output(); ## #### Subroutines for printing info gathered from memcached #### ## ## #### This subroutine performs the bulk processing for printing statistics. ## sub fetch_output { $0 =~ /memcached_(.+)*/; my $plugin = $1; die 'Unknown Plugin Specified: ' . ($plugin ? $plugin : '') unless $graphs{$plugin}; # Well we need to actually fetch the stats before we do anything to them. fetch_stats(); # Now lets go ahead and print out our output. print_root_output($plugin); return; } ## #### This subroutine is for the root non-multigraph graphs which render on the main node page #### ## sub print_root_output { my ($plugin) = (@_); my $graph = $graphs{$plugin}; #print "graph memcached_$plugin\n"; if ($plugin ne 'conns') { foreach my $dsrc (@{$graph->{datasrc}}) { my %datasrc = %$dsrc; while ( my ($key, $value) = each(%datasrc)) { next if ($key ne 'name'); my $output = $stats{$value}; print "$dsrc->{name}.value $output\n"; } } } else { my $output; foreach my $dsrc (@{$graph->{datasrc}}) { my %datasrc = %$dsrc; while ( my ($key, $value) = each(%datasrc)) { if ($value eq 'curr_conns') { $output = $stats{curr_connections}; } elsif ($value eq 'avg_conns') { $output = sprintf("%02d", $stats{total_connections} / $stats{uptime}); } else { next; } print "$dsrc->{name}.value $output\n"; } } } return; } ## #### Subroutines for printing out config information for graphs #### ## ## #### This subroutine does the bulk printing the config info per graph #### ## sub do_config { my ($plugin) = (@_); print_root_config($plugin); return; } ## #### This subroutine is for the config info for non multigraph graphs which render on the main node page #### ## sub print_root_config { my ($plugin) = (@_); die 'Unknown Plugin Specified: ' . ($plugin ? $plugin : '') unless $graphs{$plugin}; my $graph = $graphs{$plugin}; my %graphconf = %{$graph->{config}}; #print "graph memcached_$plugin\n"; while ( my ($key, $value) = each(%graphconf)) { print "graph_$key $value\n"; } foreach my $dsrc (@{$graph->{datasrc}}) { my %datasrc = %$dsrc; while ( my ($key, $value) = each(%datasrc)) { next if ($key eq 'name'); print "$dsrc->{name}.$key $value\n"; } } return; } ## #### This subroutine actually performs the data fetch for us #### #### These commands do not lock up Memcache at all #### ## sub fetch_stats { my $s = IO::Socket::INET->new( Proto => "tcp", PeerAddr => $host, PeerPort => $port, ); die "Error: Unable to Connect to $host\[:$port\]\n" unless $s; print $s "stats\r\n"; while (my $line = <$s>) { if ($line =~ /STAT\s(.+?)\s(\d+)/) { my ($skey,$svalue) = ($1,$2); $stats{$skey} = $svalue; } last if $line =~ /^END/; } }