#!/usr/bin/ruby require 'rubygems' require 'date' require 'hpricot' require 'open-uri' def uri_and_times_from_status(server) file = open("http://#{server}/server-status").read doc = Hpricot.parse(file) tables = doc / 'table' rows = (tables[0] / 'tr')[1..-1] data = rows.collect {|r| (r / 'td').collect {|x| x.inner_html} } # filter where the PID is numeric, status is 'W' and host matches the server matching_data = data.select {|r| (r[1].to_i > 0) && r[3].match(/W/) && r[11].match(server)} # return URI and number of seconds processing for each request matching_data.collect {|r| [r[12], r[5].to_i]} end CALL_TYPES = { :map => "Map API calls", :upload => "Changeset diff uploads", :amf => "AMF API calls", :history => "Element history fetches", :full => "Full element fetches", :trkpts => "GPX trackpoints calls", :web => "Web site traffic", :other => "Other API calls" } def categorise_uri(line) uri = line.split(" ")[1] case uri when /api\/0\.6\/map/ then :map when /api\/0\.6\/changeset\/[0-9]*\/upload/ then :upload when /api\/0\.6\/amf/ then :amf when /api\/0\.6\/(node|way|relation)\/[0-9]*\/history/ then :history when /api\/0\.6\/(node|way|relation)\/[0-9]*\/full/ then :full when /api\/0\.6\/trackpoints/ then :trkpts when /api\/0\.6\// then :other else :web end end server = $0.match("api_waits_(.*)")[1] if ARGV[0] == 'config' puts "graph_title Wait times for active requests" puts "graph_vlabel Average time of requests" puts "graph_category api" CALL_TYPES.each { |k, v| puts "#{k}.label #{v}" } else counts = uri_and_times_from_status(server). collect {|x,y| [categorise_uri(x), y]}. inject(Hash.new) do |h, e| category, time = e if h.has_key? category h[category] += [time] else h[category] = [time] end h end CALL_TYPES.keys.each do |type| count = counts[type] || [0] avg = count.inject(0){|x,y|x+y} / (1.0 * count.length) puts "#{type}.value #{avg}" end end