# Set file creation mask umask 002 # # No core dumps limit coredumpsize 0 # Terminal initialization stty -ixon ttyctl -f # Make sure we know the username if [[ -z "$USER" ]] then USER=`logname`; export USER fi # Setup a default path PATH=.:$HOME/bin:/usr/local/bin:/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/usr/X11R6/bin # Setup a pager PAGER=less; export PAGER LESS=aceiMs; export LESS # Use vi for editing EDITOR=/usr/bin/vi; export EDITOR VISUAL=/usr/bin/vi; export VISUAL # Z-shell options setopt ALL_EXPORT setopt AUTO_CD setopt AUTO_LIST setopt AUTO_MENU setopt CDABLE_VARS setopt CORRECT setopt CORRECT_ALL setopt EXTENDED_GLOB setopt HIST_IGNORE_DUPS setopt HIST_NO_STORE setopt LIST_AMBIGUOUS setopt LIST_TYPES setopt LONG_LIST_JOBS setopt NO_BEEP setopt NO_NOMATCH setopt NOTIFY setopt RC_EXPAND_PARAM setopt SH_WORD_SPLIT # Keep tramp happy if [[ "$TERM" = "dumb" ]] then unsetopt ZLE fi # History setup HISTFILE=$HOME/.zshhistory SAVEHIST=200 HISTSIZE=200 # Files to ignore when completing fignore=( \~ \# .o ) # Set the prompt if [[ "$TERM" == "xterm" ]] then PROMPT="%{]2;%M%}%m [%~] %# " else PROMPT="%m [%~] %# " fi # Set aliases alias ls="ls -CFh" alias df="df -h" alias du="du -h" alias mv="nocorrect mv" # no spelling correction on mv alias cp="nocorrect cp" # no spelling correction on cp alias mkdir="nocorrect mkdir" # no spelling correction on mkdir alias man="nocorrect man" # no spelling correction on man alias pg="less" alias mailq="/usr/sbin/exim -bp" alias runq="sudo /usr/sbin/exim -qq" alias mailrm="sudo /usr/sbin/exim -Mrm" alias mailedit="sudo /usr/sbin/exim -Meb" alias mailfreeze="sudo /usr/sbin/exim -Mf" alias mailthaw="sudo /usr/sbin/exim -Mt" # ish type history list (zsh: ctrl-v key, emacs ctrl-q key) bindkey "\eOA" history-beginning-search-backward \ "\e[A" history-beginning-search-backward \ "\eOB" history-beginning-search-forward \ "\e[B" history-beginning-search-forward \ "\eOU" end-of-line \ "\e[U" end-of-line \ "^A" beginning-of-line \ "^E" end-of-line \ "\eOV" beginning-of-line \ "\e[V" beginning-of-line \ "\eOD" backward-char \ "\e[D" backward-char \ "\eOC" forward-char \ "\e[C" forward-char \ "^F" forward-word \ "^B" backward-word \ "\e[2~" overwrite-mode \ "^P" push-line \ "^K" kill-line \ "\e[3~" delete-char # Completion options . $HOME/.zcomp # Add the local functions to the function search path fpath=($HOME/zshfuncs $fpath) # Autoload all functions on the function search path foreach file in $HOME/zshfuncs/* do autoload `basename $file` done