About & Help

Nominatim is a search engine for OpenStreetMap data. You may search for a name or address (forward search) or look up data by its geographic coordinate (reverse search). Each result comes with a link to a details page where you can inspect what data about the object is saved in the database and investigate how the address of the object has been computed.

This website is the debugging interface for the Nominatim search service used by the OpenStreetMap website.


API documentation can be found at the Nominatim website. This instance usually runs the latest version of the software and uses up-to-date data from OpenStreetMap.

Please read the Usage Policy before using the API for your own website or software.

Report a problem

There is a FAQ for commonly asked questions. For general questions about OpenStreetMap data, please use OSM Help.

Use Nominatim issues on github to report problems.

Please ensure that you include a full description of the problem, including the search query that you used, the problem with the result and, if the problem relates to missing data, the osm type (node, way, relation) and id of the item that is missing.

Problems that contain enough detail are likely to get looked at before ones that require significant research.

Source code

This website is based on Nominatim UI, a debugging interface for the Nominatim geocoding software.

Privacy policy

This site and the API are subject to the OSMF privacy policy.