@APIDB Feature: Geocodejson for Reverse API Testing correctness of geocodejson output (API version v1). Scenario Outline: Simple OSM result When sending v1/reverse at 47.066,9.504 with format geocodejson | addressdetails | | | Then result has attributes place_id, accuracy And result has country,postcode,county,city,district,street,housenumber, admin Then results contain | osm_type | osm_id | osm_key | osm_value | type | | node | 6522627624 | shop | bakery | house | And results contain | name | label | | Dorfbäckerei Herrmann | Dorfbäckerei Herrmann, 29, Gnetsch, Mäls, Balzers, Oberland, 9496, Liechtenstein | And results contain in field geojson | type | coordinates | | Point | [9.5036065, 47.0660892] | And results contain in field __geocoding | version | licence | attribution | | 0.1.0 | ODbL | ^Data © OpenStreetMap contributors, ODbL 1.0. https?://osm.org/copyright$ | Examples: | has_address | attributes | | 1 | attributes | | 0 | not attributes | Scenario: City housenumber-level address with street When sending v1/reverse at 47.1068011,9.52810091 with format geocodejson Then results contain | housenumber | street | postcode | city | country | | 8 | Im Winkel | 9495 | Triesen | Liechtenstein | And results contain in field admin | level6 | level8 | | Oberland | Triesen | Scenario: Town street-level address with street When sending v1/reverse at 47.066,9.504 with format geocodejson | zoom | | 16 | Then results contain | name | city | postcode | country | | Gnetsch | Balzers | 9496 | Liechtenstein | Scenario: Poi street-level address with footway When sending v1/reverse at 47.06515,9.50083 with format geocodejson Then results contain | street | city | postcode | country | | Burgweg | Balzers | 9496 | Liechtenstein | Scenario: City address with suburb When sending v1/reverse at 47.146861,9.511771 with format geocodejson Then results contain | housenumber | street | district | city | postcode | country | | 5 | Lochgass | Ebenholz | Vaduz | 9490 | Liechtenstein | @Tiger Scenario: Tiger address When sending v1/reverse at 32.4752389363,-86.4810198619 with format geocodejson Then results contain | osm_type | osm_id | osm_key | osm_value | type | | way | 396009653 | place | house | house | And results contain | housenumber | street | city | county | postcode | country | | 707 | Upper Kingston Road | Prattville | Autauga County | 36067 | United States | Scenario: Interpolation address When sending v1/reverse at 47.118533,9.57056562 with format geocodejson Then results contain | osm_type | osm_id | osm_key | osm_value | type | | way | 1 | place | house | house | And results contain | label | | 1019, Grosssteg, Sücka, Triesenberg, Oberland, 9497, Liechtenstein | And result has not attributes name Scenario: Line geometry output is supported When sending v1/reverse at 47.06597,9.50467 with format geocodejson | param | value | | polygon_geojson | 1 | Then results contain in field geojson | type | | LineString | Scenario Outline: Only geojson polygons are supported When sending v1/reverse at 47.06597,9.50467 with format geocodejson | param | value | | | 1 | Then results contain in field geojson | type | | Point | Examples: | param | | polygon_text | | polygon_svg | | polygon_kml |