aLevels = json_decode($sJson, true); if (!$this->aLevels) { switch (json_last_error()) { case JSON_ERROR_NONE: break; case JSON_ERROR_DEPTH: fail('JSON error - Maximum stack depth exceeded'); break; case JSON_ERROR_STATE_MISMATCH: fail('JSON error - Underflow or the modes mismatch'); break; case JSON_ERROR_CTRL_CHAR: fail('JSON error - Unexpected control character found'); break; case JSON_ERROR_SYNTAX: fail('JSON error - Syntax error, malformed JSON'); break; case JSON_ERROR_UTF8: fail('JSON error - Malformed UTF-8 characters, possibly incorrectly encoded'); break; default: fail('JSON error - Unknown error'); break; } } } /** * Dump the description into a database table. * * @param object $oDB Database conneciton to use. * @param string $sTable Name of table to create. * * @return null * * A new table is created. Any previously existing table is dropped. * The table has the following columns: * country, class, type, rank_search, rank_address. */ public function createTable($oDB, $sTable) { $oDB->exec('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS '.$sTable); $sSql = 'CREATE TABLE '.$sTable; $sSql .= '(country_code varchar(2), class TEXT, type TEXT,'; $sSql .= ' rank_search SMALLINT, rank_address SMALLINT)'; $oDB->exec($sSql); $sSql = 'CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON '.$sTable.' (country_code, class, type)'; $oDB->exec($sSql); $sSql = 'INSERT INTO '.$sTable.' VALUES '; foreach ($this->aLevels as $aLevel) { $aCountries = array(); if (isset($aLevel['countries'])) { foreach ($aLevel['countries'] as $sCountry) { $aCountries[$sCountry] = $oDB->getDBQuoted($sCountry); } } else { $aCountries['NULL'] = 'NULL'; } foreach ($aLevel['tags'] as $sKey => $aValues) { foreach ($aValues as $sValue => $mRanks) { $aFields = array( $oDB->getDBQuoted($sKey), $sValue ? $oDB->getDBQuoted($sValue) : 'NULL' ); if (is_array($mRanks)) { $aFields[] = (string) $mRanks[0]; $aFields[] = (string) $mRanks[1]; } else { $aFields[] = (string) $mRanks; $aFields[] = (string) $mRanks; } $sLine = ','.join(',', $aFields).'),'; foreach ($aCountries as $sCountries) { $sSql .= '('.$sCountries.$sLine; } } } } $oDB->exec(rtrim($sSql, ',')); } }