baseCmd = $sBaseCmd; $this->aParams = array(); $this->aEnv = null; // null = use the same environment as the current PHP process $this->stdoutString = null; foreach ($aParams as $sParam) { $this->addParams($sParam); } } public function addParams(...$aParams) { foreach ($aParams as $sParam) { if (isset($sParam) && $sParam !== null && $sParam !== '') { array_push($this->aParams, $sParam); } } return $this; } public function addEnvPair($sKey, $sVal) { if (isset($sKey) && $sKey && isset($sVal)) { if (!isset($this->aEnv)) $this->aEnv = $_ENV; $this->aEnv = array_merge($this->aEnv, array($sKey => $sVal), $_ENV); } return $this; } public function escapedCmd() { $aEscaped = array_map(function ($sParam) { return $this->escapeParam($sParam); }, array_merge(array($this->baseCmd), $this->aParams)); return join(' ', $aEscaped); } public function run() { $sCmd = $this->escapedCmd(); // $aEnv does not need escaping, proc_open seems to handle it fine $aFDs = array( 0 => array('pipe', 'r'), 1 => STDOUT, 2 => STDERR ); $aPipes = null; $hProc = @proc_open($sCmd, $aFDs, $aPipes, null, $this->aEnv); if (!is_resource($hProc)) { throw new \Exception('Unable to run command: ' . $sCmd); } fclose($aPipes[0]); // no stdin $iStat = proc_close($hProc); return $iStat; } private function escapeParam($sParam) { if (preg_match('/^-*\w+$/', $sParam)) return $sParam; return escapeshellarg($sParam); } }