oDB =& $oDB; $this->oNormalizer = \Transliterator::createFromRules(CONST_Term_Normalization_Rules); $this->oTransliterator = \Transliterator::createFromRules(CONST_Transliteration); } public function checkStatus() { $sSQL = 'SELECT word_id FROM word WHERE word_id is not null limit 1'; $iWordID = $this->oDB->getOne($sSQL); if ($iWordID === false) { throw new \Exception('Query failed', 703); } if (!$iWordID) { throw new \Exception('No value', 704); } } public function setCountryRestriction($aCountries) { $this->aCountryRestriction = $aCountries; } public function normalizeString($sTerm) { if ($this->oNormalizer === null) { return $sTerm; } return $this->oNormalizer->transliterate($sTerm); } private function makeStandardWord($sTerm) { return trim($this->oTransliterator->transliterate(' '.$sTerm.' ')); } public function tokensForSpecialTerm($sTerm) { $aResults = array(); $sSQL = "SELECT word_id, info->>'class' as class, info->>'type' as type "; $sSQL .= ' FROM word WHERE word_token = :term and type = \'S\''; Debug::printVar('Term', $sTerm); Debug::printSQL($sSQL); $aSearchWords = $this->oDB->getAll($sSQL, array(':term' => $this->makeStandardWord($sTerm))); Debug::printVar('Results', $aSearchWords); foreach ($aSearchWords as $aSearchTerm) { $aResults[] = new \Nominatim\Token\SpecialTerm( $aSearchTerm['word_id'], $aSearchTerm['class'], $aSearchTerm['type'], \Nominatim\Operator::TYPE ); } Debug::printVar('Special term tokens', $aResults); return $aResults; } public function extractTokensFromPhrases(&$aPhrases) { $sNormQuery = ''; $aWordLists = array(); $aTokens = array(); foreach ($aPhrases as $iPhrase => $oPhrase) { $sNormQuery .= ','.$this->normalizeString($oPhrase->getPhrase()); $sPhrase = $this->makeStandardWord($oPhrase->getPhrase()); Debug::printVar('Phrase', $sPhrase); if (strlen($sPhrase) > 0) { $aWords = explode(' ', $sPhrase); Tokenizer::addTokens($aTokens, $aWords); $aWordLists[] = $aWords; } else { $aWordLists[] = array(); } } Debug::printVar('Tokens', $aTokens); Debug::printVar('WordLists', $aWordLists); $oValidTokens = $this->computeValidTokens($aTokens, $sNormQuery); foreach ($aPhrases as $iPhrase => $oPhrase) { $oPhrase->computeWordSets($aWordLists[$iPhrase], $oValidTokens); } return $oValidTokens; } private function computeValidTokens($aTokens, $sNormQuery) { $oValidTokens = new TokenList(); if (!empty($aTokens)) { $this->addTokensFromDB($oValidTokens, $aTokens, $sNormQuery); // Try more interpretations for Tokens that could not be matched. foreach ($aTokens as $sToken) { if ($sToken[0] != ' ' && !$oValidTokens->contains($sToken)) { if (preg_match('/^([0-9]{5}) [0-9]{4}$/', $sToken, $aData)) { // US ZIP+4 codes - merge in the 5-digit ZIP code $oValidTokens->addToken( $sToken, new Token\Postcode(null, $aData[1], 'us') ); } elseif (preg_match('/^[0-9]+$/', $sToken)) { // Unknown single word token with a number. // Assume it is a house number. $oValidTokens->addToken( $sToken, new Token\HouseNumber(null, trim($sToken)) ); } } } } return $oValidTokens; } private function addTokensFromDB(&$oValidTokens, $aTokens, $sNormQuery) { // Check which tokens we have, get the ID numbers $sSQL = 'SELECT word_id, word_token, type, word,'; $sSQL .= " info->>'op' as operator,"; $sSQL .= " info->>'class' as class, info->>'type' as ctype,"; $sSQL .= " info->>'count' as count"; $sSQL .= ' FROM word WHERE word_token in ('; $sSQL .= join(',', $this->oDB->getDBQuotedList($aTokens)).')'; Debug::printSQL($sSQL); $aDBWords = $this->oDB->getAll($sSQL, null, 'Could not get word tokens.'); foreach ($aDBWords as $aWord) { $iId = (int) $aWord['word_id']; $sTok = $aWord['word_token']; switch ($aWord['type']) { case 'C': // country name tokens if ($aWord['word'] !== null && (!$this->aCountryRestriction || in_array($aWord['word'], $this->aCountryRestriction)) ) { $oValidTokens->addToken( $sTok, new Token\Country($iId, $aWord['word']) ); } break; case 'H': // house number tokens $oValidTokens->addToken($sTok, new Token\HouseNumber($iId, $aWord['word_token'])); break; case 'P': // postcode tokens // Postcodes are not normalized, so they may have content // that makes SQL injection possible. Reject postcodes // that would need special escaping. if ($aWord['word'] !== null && pg_escape_string($aWord['word']) == $aWord['word'] ) { $sNormPostcode = $this->normalizeString($aWord['word']); if (strpos($sNormQuery, $sNormPostcode) !== false) { $oValidTokens->addToken( $sTok, new Token\Postcode($iId, $aWord['word'], null) ); } } break; case 'S': // tokens for classification terms (special phrases) if ($aWord['class'] !== null && $aWord['ctype'] !== null) { $oValidTokens->addToken($sTok, new Token\SpecialTerm( $iId, $aWord['class'], $aWord['ctype'], (isset($aWord['operator'])) ? Operator::NEAR : Operator::NONE )); } break; case 'W': // full-word tokens $oValidTokens->addToken($sTok, new Token\Word( $iId, (int) $aWord['count'], substr_count($aWord['word_token'], ' ') )); break; case 'w': // partial word terms $oValidTokens->addToken($sTok, new Token\Partial( $iId, $aWord['word_token'], (int) $aWord['count'] )); break; default: break; } } } /** * Add the tokens from this phrase to the given list of tokens. * * @param string[] $aTokens List of tokens to append. * * @return void */ private static function addTokens(&$aTokens, $aWords) { $iNumWords = count($aWords); for ($i = 0; $i < $iNumWords; $i++) { $sPhrase = $aWords[$i]; $aTokens[$sPhrase] = $sPhrase; for ($j = $i + 1; $j < $iNumWords; $j++) { $sPhrase .= ' '.$aWords[$j]; $aTokens[$sPhrase] = $sPhrase; } } } }