@APIDB Feature: v1/reverse Parameter Tests Tests for parameter inputs for the v1 reverse endpoint. This file contains mostly bad parameter input. Valid parameters are tested in the format tests. Scenario: Bad format When sending v1/reverse at 47.14122383,9.52169581334 with format sdf Then a HTTP 400 is returned Scenario: Missing lon parameter When sending v1/reverse at 52.52, Then a HTTP 400 is returned Scenario: Missing lat parameter When sending v1/reverse at ,52.52 Then a HTTP 400 is returned @v1-api-php-only Scenario: Missing osm_id parameter When sending v1/reverse at , | osm_type | | N | Then a HTTP 400 is returned @v1-api-php-only Scenario: Missing osm_type parameter When sending v1/reverse at , | osm_id | | 3498564 | Then a HTTP 400 is returned Scenario Outline: Bad format for lat or lon When sending v1/reverse at , | lat | lon | | | | Then a HTTP 400 is returned Examples: | lat | lon | | 48.9660 | 8,4482 | | 48,9660 | 8.4482 | | 48,9660 | 8,4482 | | 48.966.0 | 8.4482 | | 48.966 | 8.448.2 | | Nan | 8.448 | | 48.966 | Nan | | Inf | 5.6 | | 5.6 | -Inf | | | 3.4 | | 3.4 | | | -45.3 | ; | | gkjd | 50 | Scenario: Non-numerical zoom levels return an error When sending v1/reverse at 47.14122383,9.52169581334 | zoom | | adfe | Then a HTTP 400 is returned Scenario Outline: Truthy values for boolean parameters When sending v1/reverse at 47.14122383,9.52169581334 | addressdetails | | | Then exactly 1 result is returned And result has attributes address When sending v1/reverse at 47.14122383,9.52169581334 | extratags | | | Then exactly 1 result is returned And result has attributes extratags When sending v1/reverse at 47.14122383,9.52169581334 | namedetails | | | Then exactly 1 result is returned And result has attributes namedetails When sending v1/reverse at 47.14122383,9.52169581334 | polygon_geojson | | | Then exactly 1 result is returned And result has attributes geojson When sending v1/reverse at 47.14122383,9.52169581334 | polygon_kml | | | Then exactly 1 result is returned And result has attributes geokml When sending v1/reverse at 47.14122383,9.52169581334 | polygon_svg | | | Then exactly 1 result is returned And result has attributes svg When sending v1/reverse at 47.14122383,9.52169581334 | polygon_text | | | Then exactly 1 result is returned And result has attributes geotext Examples: | value | | yes | | no | | -1 | | 100 | | false | | 00 | Scenario: Only one geometry can be requested When sending v1/reverse at 47.165989816710066,9.515774846076965 | polygon_text | polygon_svg | | 1 | 1 | Then a HTTP 400 is returned Scenario Outline: Wrapping of legal jsonp requests When sending v1/reverse at 67.3245,0.456 with format | json_callback | | foo | Then the result is valid Examples: | format | outformat | | json | json | | jsonv2 | json | | geojson | geojson | | geocodejson | geocodejson | Scenario Outline: Illegal jsonp are not allowed When sending v1/reverse at 47.165989816710066,9.515774846076965 | param | value | |json_callback | | Then a HTTP 400 is returned Examples: | data | | 1asd | | bar(foo) | | XXX['bad'] | | foo; evil | @v1-api-python-only Scenario Outline: Reverse debug mode produces valid HTML When sending v1/reverse at , with format debug | lat | lon | | | | Then the result is valid html Examples: | lat | lon | | 0.0 | 0.0 | | 47.06645 | 9.56601 | | 47.14081 | 9.52267 | Scenario Outline: Full address display for city housenumber-level address with street When sending v1/reverse at 47.1068011,9.52810091 with format Then address of result 0 is | type | value | | house_number | 8 | | road | Im Winkel | | neighbourhood | Oberdorf | | village | Triesen | | ISO3166-2-lvl8 | LI-09 | | county | Oberland | | postcode | 9495 | | country | Liechtenstein | | country_code | li | Examples: | format | | json | | jsonv2 | | geojson | | xml | Scenario Outline: Results with name details When sending v1/reverse at 47.14052,9.52202 with format | zoom | namedetails | | 14 | 1 | Then results contain in field namedetails | name | | Ebenholz | Examples: | format | | json | | jsonv2 | | xml | | geojson | Scenario Outline: Results with extratags When sending v1/reverse at 47.14052,9.52202 with format | zoom | extratags | | 14 | 1 | Then results contain in field extratags | wikidata | | Q4529531 | Examples: | format | | json | | jsonv2 | | xml | | geojson |