[project] name = "nominatim" description = "A tool for building a database of OpenStreetMap for geocoding and for searching the database." readme = "README.md" requires-python = ">=3.7" license = 'GPL-3.0-or-later' maintainers = [ { name = "Sarah Hoffmann", email = "lonvia@denofr.de" } ] keywords = [ "geocoding", "OpenStreetMap", "search" ] classifiers = [ "Programming Language :: Python :: 3", "License :: OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)", "Operating System :: OS Independent", ] dependencies = [ "psycopg2", "python-dotenv", "psutil", "jinja2", "SQLAlchemy>=1.4.31", "asyncpg>=0.8", "PyICU", "pyYAML>=5.1", "datrie" ] dynamic = ["version"] [project.urls] Homepage = "https://nominatim.org" Issues = "https://github.com/osm-search/Nominatim/issues" [build-system] requires = ["hatchling"] build-backend = "hatchling.build" [tool.hatch.version] source = "code" path = "nominatim/version.py" expression = "NOMINATIM_VERSION.release_version()" [tool.hatch.build.targets.sdist] only-include = ["nominatim", "lib-sql", "settings", "docs", "man", "data", "munin", "test/python", "test/bdd", "test/testdata", "test/testdb"] artifacts = ["data/country_osm_grid.sql.gz"] [tool.hatch.build.targets.wheel] only-include = ["nominatim", "lib-sql", "settings", "data/words.sql", "data/country_osm_grid.sql.gz", "wheel_build/nominatim"] exclude = ["nominatim/paths.py"] [tool.hatch.build.targets.wheel.shared-scripts] "wheel_build/shared/scripts" = "/" [tool.hatch.build.targets.wheel.sources] "wheel_build/nominatim" = "nominatim" "lib-sql" = "nominatim/resources/lib-sql" "settings" = "nominatim/resources/settings" "data" = "nominatim/resources"