sDSN = $sDSN ?? getSetting('DATABASE_DSN'); } public function connect($bNew = false, $bPersistent = true) { if (isset($this->connection) && !$bNew) { return true; } $aConnOptions = array( \PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE => \PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION, \PDO::ATTR_DEFAULT_FETCH_MODE => \PDO::FETCH_ASSOC, \PDO::ATTR_PERSISTENT => $bPersistent ); // try { $conn = new \PDO($this->sDSN, null, null, $aConnOptions); } catch (\PDOException $e) { $sMsg = 'Failed to establish database connection:' . $e->getMessage(); throw new \Nominatim\DatabaseError($sMsg, 500, null, $e->getMessage()); } $conn->exec("SET DateStyle TO 'sql,european'"); $conn->exec("SET client_encoding TO 'utf-8'"); // Disable JIT and parallel workers. They interfere badly with search SQL. $conn->exec("UPDATE pg_settings SET setting = -1 WHERE name = 'jit_above_cost'"); $conn->exec("UPDATE pg_settings SET setting = 0 WHERE name = 'max_parallel_workers_per_gather'"); $iMaxExecution = ini_get('max_execution_time'); if ($iMaxExecution > 0) { $conn->setAttribute(\PDO::ATTR_TIMEOUT, $iMaxExecution); // seconds } $this->connection = $conn; return true; } // returns the number of rows that were modified or deleted by the SQL // statement. If no rows were affected returns 0. public function exec($sSQL, $aInputVars = null, $sErrMessage = 'Database query failed') { $val = null; try { if (isset($aInputVars)) { $stmt = $this->connection->prepare($sSQL); $stmt->execute($aInputVars); } else { $val = $this->connection->exec($sSQL); } } catch (\PDOException $e) { throw new \Nominatim\DatabaseError($sErrMessage, 500, null, $e, $sSQL); } return $val; } /** * Executes query. Returns first row as array. * Returns false if no result found. * * @param string $sSQL * * @return array[] */ public function getRow($sSQL, $aInputVars = null, $sErrMessage = 'Database query failed') { try { $stmt = $this->getQueryStatement($sSQL, $aInputVars, $sErrMessage); $row = $stmt->fetch(); } catch (\PDOException $e) { throw new \Nominatim\DatabaseError($sErrMessage, 500, null, $e, $sSQL); } return $row; } /** * Executes query. Returns first value of first result. * Returns false if no results found. * * @param string $sSQL * * @return array[] */ public function getOne($sSQL, $aInputVars = null, $sErrMessage = 'Database query failed') { try { $stmt = $this->getQueryStatement($sSQL, $aInputVars, $sErrMessage); $row = $stmt->fetch(\PDO::FETCH_NUM); if ($row === false) { return false; } } catch (\PDOException $e) { throw new \Nominatim\DatabaseError($sErrMessage, 500, null, $e, $sSQL); } return $row[0]; } /** * Executes query. Returns array of results (arrays). * Returns empty array if no results found. * * @param string $sSQL * * @return array[] */ public function getAll($sSQL, $aInputVars = null, $sErrMessage = 'Database query failed') { try { $stmt = $this->getQueryStatement($sSQL, $aInputVars, $sErrMessage); $rows = $stmt->fetchAll(); } catch (\PDOException $e) { throw new \Nominatim\DatabaseError($sErrMessage, 500, null, $e, $sSQL); } return $rows; } /** * Executes query. Returns array of the first value of each result. * Returns empty array if no results found. * * @param string $sSQL * * @return array[] */ public function getCol($sSQL, $aInputVars = null, $sErrMessage = 'Database query failed') { $aVals = array(); try { $stmt = $this->getQueryStatement($sSQL, $aInputVars, $sErrMessage); while (($val = $stmt->fetchColumn(0)) !== false) { // returns first column or false $aVals[] = $val; } } catch (\PDOException $e) { throw new \Nominatim\DatabaseError($sErrMessage, 500, null, $e, $sSQL); } return $aVals; } /** * Executes query. Returns associate array mapping first value to second value of each result. * Returns empty array if no results found. * * @param string $sSQL * * @return array[] */ public function getAssoc($sSQL, $aInputVars = null, $sErrMessage = 'Database query failed') { try { $stmt = $this->getQueryStatement($sSQL, $aInputVars, $sErrMessage); $aList = array(); while ($aRow = $stmt->fetch(\PDO::FETCH_NUM)) { $aList[$aRow[0]] = $aRow[1]; } } catch (\PDOException $e) { throw new \Nominatim\DatabaseError($sErrMessage, 500, null, $e, $sSQL); } return $aList; } /** * Executes query. Returns a PDO statement to iterate over. * * @param string $sSQL * * @return PDOStatement */ public function getQueryStatement($sSQL, $aInputVars = null, $sErrMessage = 'Database query failed') { try { if (isset($aInputVars)) { $stmt = $this->connection->prepare($sSQL); $stmt->execute($aInputVars); } else { $stmt = $this->connection->query($sSQL); } } catch (\PDOException $e) { throw new \Nominatim\DatabaseError($sErrMessage, 500, null, $e, $sSQL); } return $stmt; } /** * St. John's Way => 'St. John\'s Way' * * @param string $sVal Text to be quoted. * * @return string */ public function getDBQuoted($sVal) { return $this->connection->quote($sVal); } /** * Like getDBQuoted, but takes an array. * * @param array $aVals List of text to be quoted. * * @return array[] */ public function getDBQuotedList($aVals) { return array_map(function ($sVal) { return $this->getDBQuoted($sVal); }, $aVals); } /** * [1,2,'b'] => 'ARRAY[1,2,'b']'' * * @param array $aVals List of text to be quoted. * * @return string */ public function getArraySQL($a) { return 'ARRAY['.join(',', $a).']'; } /** * Check if a table exists in the database. Returns true if it does. * * @param string $sTableName * * @return boolean */ public function tableExists($sTableName) { $sSQL = 'SELECT count(*) FROM pg_tables WHERE tablename = :tablename'; return ($this->getOne($sSQL, array(':tablename' => $sTableName)) == 1); } /** * Deletes a table. Returns true if deleted or didn't exist. * * @param string $sTableName * * @return boolean */ public function deleteTable($sTableName) { return $this->exec('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS '.$sTableName.' CASCADE') == 0; } /** * Tries to connect to the database but on failure doesn't throw an exception. * * @return boolean */ public function checkConnection() { $bExists = true; try { $this->connect(true); } catch (\Nominatim\DatabaseError $e) { $bExists = false; } return $bExists; } /** * e.g. 9.6, 10, 11.2 * * @return float */ public function getPostgresVersion() { $sVersionString = $this->getOne('SHOW server_version_num'); preg_match('#([0-9]?[0-9])([0-9][0-9])[0-9][0-9]#', $sVersionString, $aMatches); return (float) ($aMatches[1].'.'.$aMatches[2]); } /** * e.g. 2, 2.2 * * @return float */ public function getPostgisVersion() { $sVersionString = $this->getOne('select postgis_lib_version()'); preg_match('#^([0-9]+)[.]([0-9]+)[.]#', $sVersionString, $aMatches); return (float) ($aMatches[1].'.'.$aMatches[2]); } /** * Returns an associate array of postgresql database connection settings. Keys can * be 'database', 'hostspec', 'port', 'username', 'password'. * Returns empty array on failure, thus check if at least 'database' is set. * * @return array[] */ public static function parseDSN($sDSN) { // $aInfo = array(); if (preg_match('/^pgsql:(.+)$/', $sDSN, $aMatches)) { foreach (explode(';', $aMatches[1]) as $sKeyVal) { list($sKey, $sVal) = explode('=', $sKeyVal, 2); if ($sKey == 'host') { $sKey = 'hostspec'; } elseif ($sKey == 'dbname') { $sKey = 'database'; } elseif ($sKey == 'user') { $sKey = 'username'; } $aInfo[$sKey] = $sVal; } } return $aInfo; } /** * Takes an array of settings and return the DNS string. Key names can be * 'database', 'hostspec', 'port', 'username', 'password' but aliases * 'dbname', 'host' and 'user' are also supported. * * @return string * */ public static function generateDSN($aInfo) { $sDSN = sprintf( 'pgsql:host=%s;port=%s;dbname=%s;user=%s;password=%s;', $aInfo['host'] ?? $aInfo['hostspec'] ?? '', $aInfo['port'] ?? '', $aInfo['dbname'] ?? $aInfo['database'] ?? '', $aInfo['user'] ?? '', $aInfo['password'] ?? '' ); $sDSN = preg_replace('/\b\w+=;/', '', $sDSN); $sDSN = preg_replace('/;\Z/', '', $sDSN); return $sDSN; } }