@APIDB Feature: Object details Testing different parameter options for details API. Scenario: JSON Details When sending json details query for W78099902 Then the result is valid json And result has attributes geometry And result has not attributes keywords,address,linked_places,parentof Scenario: JSON Details with keywords When sending json details query for W78099902 | keywords | | 1 | Then the result is valid json And result has attributes keywords Scenario: JSON Details with addressdetails When sending json details query for W78099902 | addressdetails | | 1 | Then the result is valid json And result has attributes address Scenario: JSON Details with linkedplaces When sending json details query for R123924 | linkedplaces | | 1 | Then the result is valid json And result has attributes linked_places Scenario: JSON Details with hierarchy When sending json details query for W78099902 | hierarchy | | 1 | Then the result is valid json And result has attributes hierarchy Scenario: JSON Details with linkedplaces When sending json details query for R123924 | linkedplaces | | 1 | Then the result is valid json Scenario Outline: HTML Details with keywords When sending html details query for | keywords | | 1 | Then the result is valid html Examples: | osmid | | W78099902 | | N3121929846 |