getConstants(); $aConstantNames = array(); foreach ($aConstants as $sName => $iValue) { $aConstantNames[$iValue] = $sName; } } return $aConstantNames[$iOperator]; } } /** * Description of a single interpretation of a search query. */ class SearchDescription { /// Ranking how well the description fits the query. private $iSearchRank = 0; /// Country code of country the result must belong to. private $sCountryCode = ''; /// List of word ids making up the name of the object. private $aName = array(); /// List of word ids making up the address of the object. private $aAddress = array(); /// Subset of word ids of full words making up the address. private $aFullNameAddress = array(); /// List of word ids that appear in the name but should be ignored. private $aNameNonSearch = array(); /// List of word ids that appear in the address but should be ignored. private $aAddressNonSearch = array(); /// Kind of search for special searches, see Nominatim::Operator. private $iOperator = Operator::NONE; /// Class of special feature to search for. private $sClass = ''; /// Type of special feature to search for. private $sType = ''; /// Housenumber of the object. private $sHouseNumber = ''; /// Postcode for the object. private $sPostcode = ''; /// Geographic search area. private $oNearPoint = false; // Temporary values used while creating the search description. /// Index of phrase currently processed private $iNamePhrase = -1; public function getRank() { return $this->iSearchRank; } public function addToRank($iAddRank) { $this->iSearchRank += $iAddRank; return $this->iSearchRank; } public function getPostCode() { return $this->sPostcode; } /** * Set the geographic search radius. */ public function setNear(&$oNearPoint) { $this->oNearPoint = $oNearPoint; } public function setPoiSearch($iOperator, $sClass, $sType) { $this->iOperator = $iOperator; $this->sClass = $sClass; $this->sType = $sType; } /** * Check if name or address for the search are specified. */ public function isNamedSearch() { return sizeof($this->aName) > 0 || sizeof($this->aAddress) > 0; } /** * Check if only a country is requested. */ public function isCountrySearch() { return $this->sCountryCode && sizeof($this->aName) == 0 && !$this->iOperator && !$this->oNearPoint; } /** * Check if a search near a geographic location is requested. */ public function isNearSearch() { return (bool) $this->oNearPoint; } public function isPoiSearch() { return (bool) $this->sClass; } public function looksLikeFullAddress() { return sizeof($this->aName) && (sizeof($this->aAddress || $this->sCountryCode)) && preg_match('/[0-9]+/', $this->sHouseNumber); } public function isOperator($iType) { return $this->iOperator == $iType; } public function hasHouseNumber() { return (bool) $this->sHouseNumber; } private function poiTable() { return 'place_classtype_'.$this->sClass.'_'.$this->sType; } public function countryCodeSQL($sVar, $sCountryList) { if ($this->sCountryCode) { return $sVar.' = \''.$this->sCountryCode."'"; } if ($sCountryList) { return $sVar.' in ('.$sCountryList.')'; } return ''; } public function hasOperator() { return $this->iOperator != Operator::NONE; } /** * Extract special terms from the query, amend the search * and return the shortended query. * * Only the first special term found will be used but all will * be removed from the query. */ public function extractKeyValuePairs($sQuery) { // Search for terms of kind [=]. preg_match_all( '/\\[([\\w_]*)=([\\w_]*)\\]/', $sQuery, $aSpecialTermsRaw, PREG_SET_ORDER ); foreach ($aSpecialTermsRaw as $aTerm) { $sQuery = str_replace($aTerm[0], ' ', $sQuery); if (!$this->hasOperator()) { $this->setPoiSearch(Operator::TYPE, $aTerm[1], $aTerm[2]); } } return $sQuery; } public function isValidSearch(&$aCountryCodes) { if (!sizeof($this->aName)) { if ($this->sHouseNumber) { return false; } } if ($aCountryCodes && $this->sCountryCode && !in_array($this->sCountryCode, $aCountryCodes) ) { return false; } return true; } /////////// Search building functions public function extendWithFullTerm($aSearchTerm, $bWordInQuery, $bHasPartial, $sPhraseType, $bFirstToken, $bFirstPhrase, $bLastToken, &$iGlobalRank) { $aNewSearches = array(); if (($sPhraseType == '' || $sPhraseType == 'country') && !empty($aSearchTerm['country_code']) && $aSearchTerm['country_code'] != '0' ) { if (!$this->sCountryCode) { $oSearch = clone $this; $oSearch->iSearchRank++; $oSearch->sCountryCode = $aSearchTerm['country_code']; // Country is almost always at the end of the string // - increase score for finding it anywhere else (optimisation) if (!$bLastToken) { $oSearch->iSearchRank += 5; } $aNewSearches[] = $oSearch; // If it is at the beginning, we can be almost sure that // the terms are in the wrong order. Increase score for all searches. if ($bFirstToken) { $iGlobalRank++; } } } elseif (($sPhraseType == '' || $sPhraseType == 'postalcode') && $aSearchTerm['class'] == 'place' && $aSearchTerm['type'] == 'postcode' ) { // We need to try the case where the postal code is the primary element // (i.e. no way to tell if it is (postalcode, city) OR (city, postalcode) // so try both. if (!$this->sPostcode && $bWordInQuery) { // If we have structured search or this is the first term, // make the postcode the primary search element. if ($this->iOperator == Operator::NONE && ($sPhraseType == 'postalcode' || $bFirstToken) ) { $oSearch = clone $this; $oSearch->iSearchRank++; $oSearch->iOperator = Operator::POSTCODE; $oSearch->aAddress = array_merge($this->aAddress, $this->aName); $oSearch->aName = array($aSearchTerm['word_id'] => $aSearchTerm['word']); $aNewSearches[] = $oSearch; } // If we have a structured search or this is not the first term, // add the postcode as an addendum. if ($this->iOperator != Operator::POSTCODE && ($sPhraseType == 'postalcode' || sizeof($this->aName)) ) { $oSearch = clone $this; $oSearch->iSearchRank++; $oSearch->sPostcode = $aSearchTerm['word']; $aNewSearches[] = $oSearch; } } } elseif (($sPhraseType == '' || $sPhraseType == 'street') && $aSearchTerm['class'] == 'place' && $aSearchTerm['type'] == 'house' ) { if (!$this->sHouseNumber && $this->iOperator != Operator::POSTCODE) { $oSearch = clone $this; $oSearch->iSearchRank++; $oSearch->sHouseNumber = trim($aSearchTerm['word_token']); // sanity check: if the housenumber is not mainly made // up of numbers, add a penalty if (preg_match_all("/[^0-9]/", $oSearch->sHouseNumber, $aMatches) > 2) { $oSearch->iSearchRank++; } // also must not appear in the middle of the address if (sizeof($this->aAddress) || sizeof($this->aAddressNonSearch)) { $oSearch->iSearchRank++; } $aNewSearches[] = $oSearch; } } elseif ($sPhraseType == '' && $aSearchTerm['class'] !== '' && $aSearchTerm['class'] !== null ) { // require a normalized exact match of the term // if we have the normalizer version of the query // available if ($this->iOperator == Operator::NONE && (isset($aSearchTerm['word']) && $aSearchTerm['word']) && $bWordInQuery ) { $oSearch = clone $this; $oSearch->iSearchRank++; $iOp = Operator::NEAR; // near == in for the moment if ($aSearchTerm['operator'] == '') { if (sizeof($this->aName)) { $iOp = Operator::NAME; } $oSearch->iSearchRank += 2; } $oSearch->setPoiSearch($iOp, $aSearchTerm['class'], $aSearchTerm['type']); $aNewWordsetSearches[] = $oSearch; } } elseif (isset($aSearchTerm['word_id']) && $aSearchTerm['word_id']) { $iWordID = $aSearchTerm['word_id']; if (sizeof($this->aName)) { if (($sPhraseType == '' || !$bFirstPhrase) && $sPhraseType != 'country' && !$bHasPartial ) { $oSearch = clone $this; $oSearch->iSearchRank++; $oSearch->aAddress[$iWordID] = $iWordID; $aNewSearches[] = $oSearch; } else { $this->aFullNameAddress[$iWordID] = $iWordID; } } else { $oSearch = clone $this; $oSearch->iSearchRank++; $oSearch->aName = array($iWordID => $iWordID); $aNewSearches[] = $oSearch; } } return $aNewSearches; } public function extendWithPartialTerm($aSearchTerm, $bStructuredPhrases, $iPhrase, &$aWordFrequencyScores, $aFullTokens) { // Only allow name terms. if (!(isset($aSearchTerm['word_id']) && $aSearchTerm['word_id'])) { return array(); } $aNewSearches = array(); $iWordID = $aSearchTerm['word_id']; if ((!$bStructuredPhrases || $iPhrase > 0) && sizeof($this->aName) && strpos($aSearchTerm['word_token'], ' ') === false ) { if ($aWordFrequencyScores[$iWordID] < CONST_Max_Word_Frequency) { $oSearch = clone $this; $oSearch->iSearchRank++; $oSearch->aAddress[$iWordID] = $iWordID; $aNewSearches[] = $oSearch; } else { $oSearch = clone $this; $oSearch->iSearchRank++; $oSearch->aAddressNonSearch[$iWordID] = $iWordID; if (preg_match('#^[0-9]+$#', $aSearchTerm['word_token'])) { $oSearch->iSearchRank += 2; } if (sizeof($aFullTokens)) { $oSearch->iSearchRank++; } $aNewSearches[] = $oSearch; // revert to the token version? foreach ($aFullTokens as $aSearchTermToken) { if (empty($aSearchTermToken['country_code']) && empty($aSearchTermToken['lat']) && empty($aSearchTermToken['class']) ) { $oSearch = clone $this; $oSearch->iSearchRank++; $oSearch->aAddress[$aSearchTermToken['word_id']] = $aSearchTermToken['word_id']; $aNewSearches[] = $oSearch; } } } } if ((!$this->sPostcode && !$this->aAddress && !$this->aAddressNonSearch) && (!sizeof($this->aName) || $this->iNamePhrase == $iPhrase) ) { $oSearch = clone $this; $oSearch->iSearchRank++; if (!sizeof($this->aName)) { $oSearch->iSearchRank += 1; } if (preg_match('#^[0-9]+$#', $aSearchTerm['word_token'])) { $oSearch->iSearchRank += 2; } if ($aWordFrequencyScores[$iWordID] < CONST_Max_Word_Frequency) { $oSearch->aName[$iWordID] = $iWordID; } else { $oSearch->aNameNonSearch[$iWordID] = $iWordID; } $oSearch->iNamePhrase = $iPhrase; $aNewSearches[] = $oSearch; } return $aNewSearches; } /////////// Query functions public function queryCountry(&$oDB, $sViewboxSQL) { $sSQL = 'SELECT place_id FROM placex '; $sSQL .= "WHERE country_code='".$this->sCountryCode."'"; $sSQL .= ' AND rank_search = 4'; if ($sViewboxSQL) { $sSQL .= " AND ST_Intersects($sViewboxSQL, geometry)"; } $sSQL .= " ORDER BY st_area(geometry) DESC LIMIT 1"; if (CONST_Debug) var_dump($sSQL); return chksql($oDB->getCol($sSQL)); } public function queryNearbyPoi(&$oDB, $sCountryList, $sViewboxSQL, $sViewboxCentreSQL, $sExcludeSQL, $iLimit) { if (!$this->sClass) { return array(); } $sPoiTable = $this->poiTable(); $sSQL = 'SELECT count(*) FROM pg_tables WHERE tablename = \''.$sPoiTable."'"; if (chksql($oDB->getOne($sSQL))) { $sSQL = 'SELECT place_id FROM '.$sPoiTable.' ct'; if ($sCountryList) { $sSQL .= ' JOIN placex USING (place_id)'; } if ($this->oNearPoint) { $sSQL .= ' WHERE '.$this->oNearPoint->withinSQL('ct.centroid'); } else { $sSQL .= " WHERE ST_Contains($sViewboxSQL, ct.centroid)"; } if ($sCountryList) { $sSQL .= " AND country_code in ($sCountryList)"; } if ($sExcludeSQL) { $sSQL .= ' AND place_id not in ('.$sExcludeSQL.')'; } if ($sViewboxCentreSQL) { $sSQL .= " ORDER BY ST_Distance($sViewboxCentreSQL, ct.centroid) ASC"; } elseif ($this->oNearPoint) { $sSQL .= ' ORDER BY '.$this->oNearPoint->distanceSQL('ct.centroid').' ASC'; } $sSQL .= " limit $iLimit"; if (CONST_Debug) var_dump($sSQL); return chksql($oDB->getCol($sSQL)); } if ($this->oNearPoint) { $sSQL = 'SELECT place_id FROM placex WHERE '; $sSQL .= 'class=\''.$this->sClass."' and type='".$this->sType."'"; $sSQL .= ' AND '.$this->oNearPoint->withinSQL('geometry'); $sSQL .= ' AND linked_place_id is null'; if ($sCountryList) { $sSQL .= " AND country_code in ($sCountryList)"; } $sSQL .= ' ORDER BY '.$this->oNearPoint->distanceSQL('centroid')." ASC"; $sSQL .= " LIMIT $iLimit"; if (CONST_Debug) var_dump($sSQL); return chksql($oDB->getCol($sSQL)); } return array(); } public function queryPostcode(&$oDB, $sCountryList, $iLimit) { $sSQL = 'SELECT p.place_id FROM location_postcode p '; if (sizeof($this->aAddress)) { $sSQL .= ', search_name s '; $sSQL .= 'WHERE s.place_id = p.parent_place_id '; $sSQL .= 'AND array_cat(s.nameaddress_vector, s.name_vector)'; $sSQL .= ' @> '.getArraySQL($this->aAddress).' AND '; } else { $sSQL .= 'WHERE '; } $sSQL .= "p.postcode = '".pg_escape_string(reset($this->$aName))."'"; $sCountryTerm = $this->countryCodeSQL('p.country_code', $sCountryList); if ($sCountryTerm) { $sSQL .= ' AND '.$sCountyTerm; } $sSQL .= " LIMIT $iLimit"; if (CONST_Debug) var_dump($sSQL); return chksql($oDB->getCol($sSQL)); } public function queryNamedPlace(&$oDB, $aWordFrequencyScores, $sCountryList, $iMinAddressRank, $iMaxAddressRank, $sExcludeSQL, $sViewboxSmall, $sViewboxLarge, $iLimit) { $aTerms = array(); $aOrder = array(); if ($this->sHouseNumber && sizeof($this->aAddress)) { $sHouseNumberRegex = '\\\\m'.$this->sHouseNumber.'\\\\M'; $aOrder[] = ' ('; $aOrder[0] .= 'EXISTS('; $aOrder[0] .= ' SELECT place_id'; $aOrder[0] .= ' FROM placex'; $aOrder[0] .= ' WHERE parent_place_id = search_name.place_id'; $aOrder[0] .= " AND transliteration(housenumber) ~* E'".$sHouseNumberRegex."'"; $aOrder[0] .= ' LIMIT 1'; $aOrder[0] .= ') '; // also housenumbers from interpolation lines table are needed if (preg_match('/[0-9]+/', $this->sHouseNumber)) { $iHouseNumber = intval($this->sHouseNumber); $aOrder[0] .= 'OR EXISTS('; $aOrder[0] .= ' SELECT place_id '; $aOrder[0] .= ' FROM location_property_osmline '; $aOrder[0] .= ' WHERE parent_place_id = search_name.place_id'; $aOrder[0] .= ' AND startnumber is not NULL'; $aOrder[0] .= ' AND '.$iHouseNumber.'>=startnumber '; $aOrder[0] .= ' AND '.$iHouseNumber.'<=endnumber '; $aOrder[0] .= ' LIMIT 1'; $aOrder[0] .= ')'; } $aOrder[0] .= ') DESC'; } if (sizeof($this->aName)) { $aTerms[] = 'name_vector @> '.getArraySQL($this->aName); } if (sizeof($this->aAddress)) { // For infrequent name terms disable index usage for address if (CONST_Search_NameOnlySearchFrequencyThreshold && sizeof($this->aName) == 1 && $aWordFrequencyScores[$this->aName[reset($this->aName)]] < CONST_Search_NameOnlySearchFrequencyThreshold ) { $aTerms[] = 'array_cat(nameaddress_vector,ARRAY[]::integer[]) @> '.getArraySQL($this->aAddress); } else { $aTerms[] = 'nameaddress_vector @> '.getArraySQL($this->aAddress); } } $sCountryTerm = $this->countryCodeSQL('country_code', $sCountryList); if ($sCountryTerm) { $aTerms[] = $sCountryTerm; } if ($this->sHouseNumber) { $aTerms[] = "address_rank between 16 and 27"; } elseif (!$this->sClass || $this->iOperator == Operator::NAME) { if ($iMinAddressRank > 0) { $aTerms[] = "address_rank >= ".$iMinAddressRank; } if ($iMaxAddressRank < 30) { $aTerms[] = "address_rank <= ".$iMaxAddressRank; } } if ($this->oNearPoint) { $aTerms[] = $this->oNearPoint->withinSQL('centroid'); $aOrder[] = $this->oNearPoint->distanceSQL('centroid'); } elseif ($this->sPostcode) { if (!sizeof($this->aAddress)) { $aTerms[] = "EXISTS(SELECT place_id FROM location_postcode p WHERE p.postcode = '".$this->sPostcode."' AND ST_DWithin(search_name.centroid, p.geometry, 0.1))"; } else { $aOrder[] = "(SELECT min(ST_Distance(search_name.centroid, p.geometry)) FROM location_postcode p WHERE p.postcode = '".$this->sPostcode."')"; } } if ($sExcludeSQL) { $aTerms[] = 'place_id not in ('.$sExcludeSQL.')'; } if ($sViewboxSmall) { $aTerms[] = 'centroid && '.$sViewboxSmall; } if ($this->oNearPoint) { $aOrder[] = $this->oNearPoint->distanceSQL('centroid'); } if ($this->sHouseNumber) { $sImportanceSQL = '- abs(26 - address_rank) + 3'; } else { $sImportanceSQL = '(CASE WHEN importance = 0 OR importance IS NULL THEN 0.75-(search_rank::float/40) ELSE importance END)'; } if ($sViewboxSmall) { $sImportanceSQL .= " * CASE WHEN ST_Contains($sViewboxSmall, centroid) THEN 1 ELSE 0.5 END"; } if ($sViewboxLarge) { $sImportanceSQL .= " * CASE WHEN ST_Contains($sViewboxLarge, centroid) THEN 1 ELSE 0.5 END"; } $aOrder[] = "$sImportanceSQL DESC"; if (sizeof($this->aFullNameAddress)) { $sExactMatchSQL = ' ( '; $sExactMatchSQL .= ' SELECT count(*) FROM ( '; $sExactMatchSQL .= ' SELECT unnest('.getArraySQL($this->aFullNameAddress).')'; $sExactMatchSQL .= ' INTERSECT '; $sExactMatchSQL .= ' SELECT unnest(nameaddress_vector)'; $sExactMatchSQL .= ' ) s'; $sExactMatchSQL .= ') as exactmatch'; $aOrder[] = 'exactmatch DESC'; } else { $sExactMatchSQL = '0::int as exactmatch'; } if ($this->sHouseNumber || $this->sClass) { $iLimit = 20; } if (sizeof($aTerms)) { $sSQL = 'SELECT place_id,'.$sExactMatchSQL; $sSQL .= ' FROM search_name'; $sSQL .= ' WHERE '.join(' and ', $aTerms); $sSQL .= ' ORDER BY '.join(', ', $aOrder); $sSQL .= ' LIMIT '.$iLimit; if (CONST_Debug) var_dump($sSQL); return chksql( $oDB->getAll($sSQL), "Could not get places for search terms." ); } return array(); } public function queryHouseNumber(&$oDB, $aRoadPlaceIDs, $sExcludeSQL, $iLimit) { $sPlaceIDs = join(',', $aRoadPlaceIDs); $sHouseNumberRegex = '\\\\m'.$this->sHouseNumber.'\\\\M'; $sSQL = 'SELECT place_id FROM placex '; $sSQL .= 'WHERE parent_place_id in ('.$sPlaceIDs.')'; $sSQL .= " AND transliteration(housenumber) ~* E'".$sHouseNumberRegex."'"; if ($sExcludeSQL) { $sSQL .= ' AND place_id not in ('.$sExcludeSQL.')'; } $sSQL .= " LIMIT $iLimit"; if (CONST_Debug) var_dump($sSQL); $aPlaceIDs = chksql($oDB->getCol($sSQL)); if (sizeof($aPlaceIDs)) { return array('aPlaceIDs' => $aPlaceIDs, 'iHouseNumber' => -1); } $bIsIntHouseNumber= (bool) preg_match('/[0-9]+/', $this->sHouseNumber); $iHousenumber = intval($this->sHouseNumber); if ($bIsIntHouseNumber) { // if nothing found, search in the interpolation line table $sSQL = 'SELECT distinct place_id FROM location_property_osmline'; $sSQL .= ' WHERE startnumber is not NULL'; $sSQL .= ' AND parent_place_id in ('.$sPlaceIDs.') AND ('; if ($iHousenumber % 2 == 0) { // If housenumber is even, look for housenumber in streets // with interpolationtype even or all. $sSQL .= "interpolationtype='even'"; } else { // Else look for housenumber with interpolationtype odd or all. $sSQL .= "interpolationtype='odd'"; } $sSQL .= " or interpolationtype='all') and "; $sSQL .= $iHousenumber.">=startnumber and "; $sSQL .= $iHousenumber."<=endnumber"; if ($sExcludeSQL) { $sSQL .= ' AND place_id not in ('.$sExcludeSQL.')'; } $sSQL .= " limit $iLimit"; if (CONST_Debug) var_dump($sSQL); $aPlaceIDs = chksql($oDB->getCol($sSQL, 0)); if (sizeof($aPlaceIDs)) { return array('aPlaceIDs' => $aPlaceIDs, 'iHouseNumber' => $iHousenumber); } } // If nothing found try the aux fallback table if (CONST_Use_Aux_Location_data) { $sSQL = 'SELECT place_id FROM location_property_aux'; $sSQL .= ' WHERE parent_place_id in ('.$sPlaceIDs.')'; $sSQL .= " AND housenumber = '".$this->sHouseNumber."'"; if ($sExcludeSQL) { $sSQL .= " AND place_id not in ($sExcludeSQL)"; } $sSQL .= " limit $iLimit"; if (CONST_Debug) var_dump($sSQL); $aPlaceIDs = chksql($oDB->getCol($sSQL)); if (sizeof($aPlaceIDs)) { return array('aPlaceIDs' => $aPlaceIDs, 'iHouseNumber' => -1); } } // If nothing found then search in Tiger data (location_property_tiger) if (CONST_Use_US_Tiger_Data && $bIsIntHouseNumber) { $sSQL = 'SELECT distinct place_id FROM location_property_tiger'; $sSQL .= ' WHERE parent_place_id in ('.$sPlaceIDs.') and ('; if ($iHousenumber % 2 == 0) { $sSQL .= "interpolationtype='even'"; } else { $sSQL .= "interpolationtype='odd'"; } $sSQL .= " or interpolationtype='all') and "; $sSQL .= $iHousenumber.">=startnumber and "; $sSQL .= $iHousenumber."<=endnumber"; if ($sExcludeSQL) { $sSQL .= ' AND place_id not in ('.$sExcludeSQL.')'; } $sSQL .= " limit $iLimit"; if (CONST_Debug) var_dump($sSQL); $aPlaceIDs = chksql($oDB->getCol($sSQL, 0)); if (sizeof($aPlaceIDs)) { return array('aPlaceIDs' => $aPlaceIDs, 'iHouseNumber' => $iHousenumber); } } return array(); } public function queryPoiByOperator(&$oDB, $aParentIDs, $sExcludeSQL, $iLimit) { $sPlaceIDs = join(',', $aParentIDs); $aClassPlaceIDs = array(); if ($this->iOperator == Operator::TYPE || $this->iOperator == Operator::NAME) { // If they were searching for a named class (i.e. 'Kings Head pub') // then we might have an extra match $sSQL = 'SELECT place_id FROM placex '; $sSQL .= " WHERE place_id in ($sPlaceIDs)"; $sSQL .= " AND class='".$this->sClass."' "; $sSQL .= " AND type='".$this->sType."'"; $sSQL .= " AND linked_place_id is null"; $sSQL .= " ORDER BY rank_search ASC "; $sSQL .= " LIMIT $iLimit"; if (CONST_Debug) var_dump($sSQL); $aClassPlaceIDs = chksql($oDB->getCol($sSQL)); } // NEAR and IN are handled the same if ($this->iOperator == Operator::TYPE || $this->iOperator == Operator::NEAR) { $sClassTable = $this->poiTable(); $sSQL = "SELECT count(*) FROM pg_tables WHERE tablename = '$sClassTable'"; $bCacheTable = (bool) chksql($oDB->getOne($sSQL)); $sSQL = "SELECT min(rank_search) FROM placex WHERE place_id in ($sPlaceIDs)"; if (CONST_Debug) var_dump($sSQL); $iMaxRank = (int)chksql($oDB->getOne($sSQL)); // For state / country level searches the normal radius search doesn't work very well $sPlaceGeom = false; if ($iMaxRank < 9 && $bCacheTable) { // Try and get a polygon to search in instead $sSQL = 'SELECT geometry FROM placex'; $sSQL .= " WHERE place_id in ($sPlaceIDs)"; $sSQL .= " AND rank_search < $iMaxRank + 5"; $sSQL .= " AND ST_GeometryType(geometry) in ('ST_Polygon','ST_MultiPolygon')"; $sSQL .= " ORDER BY rank_search ASC "; $sSQL .= " LIMIT 1"; if (CONST_Debug) var_dump($sSQL); $sPlaceGeom = chksql($oDB->getOne($sSQL)); } if ($sPlaceGeom) { $sPlaceIDs = false; } else { $iMaxRank += 5; $sSQL = 'SELECT place_id FROM placex'; $sSQL .= " WHERE place_id in ($sPlaceIDs) and rank_search < $iMaxRank"; if (CONST_Debug) var_dump($sSQL); $aPlaceIDs = chksql($oDB->getCol($sSQL)); $sPlaceIDs = join(',', $aPlaceIDs); } if ($sPlaceIDs || $sPlaceGeom) { $fRange = 0.01; if ($bCacheTable) { // More efficient - can make the range bigger $fRange = 0.05; $sOrderBySQL = ''; if ($this->oNearPoint) { $sOrderBySQL = $this->oNearPoint->distanceSQL('l.centroid'); } elseif ($sPlaceIDs) { $sOrderBySQL = "ST_Distance(l.centroid, f.geometry)"; } elseif ($sPlaceGeom) { $sOrderBySQL = "ST_Distance(st_centroid('".$sPlaceGeom."'), l.centroid)"; } $sSQL = 'SELECT distinct i.place_id'; if ($sOrderBySQL) { $sSQL .= ', i.order_term'; } $sSQL .= ' from (SELECT l.place_id'; if ($sOrderBySQL) { $sSQL .= ','.$sOrderBySQL.' as order_term'; } $sSQL .= ' from '.$sClassTable.' as l'; if ($sPlaceIDs) { $sSQL .= ",placex as f WHERE "; $sSQL .= "f.place_id in ($sPlaceIDs) "; $sSQL .= " AND ST_DWithin(l.centroid, f.centroid, $fRange)"; } elseif ($sPlaceGeom) { $sSQL .= " WHERE ST_Contains('$sPlaceGeom', l.centroid)"; } if ($sExcludeSQL) { $sSQL .= ' AND l.place_id not in ('.$sExcludeSQL.')'; } $sSQL .= 'limit 300) i '; if ($sOrderBySQL) { $sSQL .= 'order by order_term asc'; } $sSQL .= " limit $iLimit"; if (CONST_Debug) var_dump($sSQL); $aClassPlaceIDs = array_merge($aClassPlaceIDs, chksql($oDB->getCol($sSQL))); } else { if ($this->oNearPoint) { $fRange = $this->oNearPoint->radius(); } $sOrderBySQL = ''; if ($this->oNearPoint) { $sOrderBySQL = $this->oNearPoint->distanceSQL('l.geometry'); } else { $sOrderBySQL = "ST_Distance(l.geometry, f.geometry)"; } $sSQL = 'SELECT distinct l.place_id'; if ($sOrderBySQL) { $sSQL .= ','.$sOrderBySQL.' as orderterm'; } $sSQL .= ' FROM placex as l, placex as f'; $sSQL .= " WHERE f.place_id in ($sPlaceIDs)"; $sSQL .= " AND ST_DWithin(l.geometry, f.centroid, $fRange)"; $sSQL .= " AND l.class='".$this->sClass."'"; $sSQL .= " AND l.type='".$this->sType."'"; if ($sExcludeSQL) { $sSQL .= " AND l.place_id not in (".$sExcludeSQL.")"; } if ($sOrderBySQL) { $sSQL .= "ORDER BY orderterm ASC"; } $sSQL .= " limit $iLimit"; if (CONST_Debug) var_dump($sSQL); $aClassPlaceIDs = array_merge($aClassPlaceIDs, chksql($oDB->getCol($sSQL))); } } } return $aClassPlaceIDs; } /////////// Sort functions static function bySearchRank($a, $b) { if ($a->iSearchRank == $b->iSearchRank) { return $a->iOperator + strlen($a->sHouseNumber) - $b->iOperator - strlen($b->sHouseNumber); } return $a->iSearchRank < $b->iSearchRank ? -1 : 1; } //////////// Debugging functions function dumpAsHtmlTableRow(&$aWordIDs) { $kf = function($k) use (&$aWordIDs) { return $aWordIDs[$k]; }; echo ""; echo "$this->iSearchRank"; echo "".join(', ', array_map($kf, $this->aName)).""; echo "".join(', ', array_map($kf, $this->aNameNonSearch)).""; echo "".join(', ', array_map($kf, $this->aAddress)).""; echo "".join(', ', array_map($kf, $this->aAddressNonSearch)).""; echo "".$this->sCountryCode.""; echo "".Operator::toString($this->iOperator).""; echo "".$this->sClass.""; echo "".$this->sType.""; echo "".$this->sPostcode.""; echo "".$this->sHouseNumber.""; if ($this->oNearPoint) { echo "".$this->oNearPoint->lat().""; echo "".$this->oNearPoint->lon().""; echo "".$this->oNearPoint->radius().""; } else { echo ""; } echo ""; } };