{% extends "base.html" %} {% load i18n %} {% load extra_tags %} {% load humanize %} {% load extra_filters %} {% load smart_if %} {% block title %}{% spaceless %}{% trans "Home" %}{% endspaceless %}{% endblock %} {% block meta %} {% endblock %} {% block forejs %} {% endblock %} {% block content %}
{% trans "Questions" %}
{% trans "newest" %} {% trans "hottest" %} {% trans "most voted" %} {% trans "all questions" %}
{% for question in questions.object_list %}
{% trans "votes" %}
{% trans "answers" %}
{% trans "views" %}


{% diff_date question.last_activity_at %} {% if question.last_activity_by %} {{ question.last_activity_by }} {% get_score_badge question.last_activity_by %} {% endif %}
{% for tag in question.tagname_list %} {% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
{% endblock %} {% block sidebar %} {% if not request.user.is_authenticated %}

{% trans "welcome to website" %}

{{ settings.APP_INTRO|safe }}
{% else %} {% include "tag_selector.html" %} {% endif %}

{% trans "Recent tags" %}

{% for tag in tags %} {% endfor %}
{% if awards %}

{% trans "Recent awards" %}

{% endif %}
{% trans "subscribe to the questions feed" %}
{% endblock %} {% block tail %}
{% cnprog_paginator context %}
{% cnprog_pagesize context %}
{% endblock %}