{% load i18n extra_tags email_tags %} {% declare %} prefix = settings.EMAIL_SUBJECT_PREFIX app_name = settings.APP_SHORT_NAME exclude_finetune = True {% enddeclare %} {% email %} {% subject %}{% blocktrans %}{{ prefix }} Temporary login link{% endblocktrans %}{% endsubject %} {% htmlcontent notifications/base.html %}

{% blocktrans %}The following link grants you a one time access to your account at {{ app_name }}.{% endblocktrans %}

{% trans "Go to your account" %}

{% trans "If the above link is not clickable, copy and paste this url into your web browser's address bar:" %}

{% fullurl auth_tempsignin user=recipient.id,code=temp_login_code %}

{% endhtmlcontent %} {% textcontent notifications/base_text.html %} {% blocktrans %}The following url grants you a one time access to your account at {{ app_name }}.{% endblocktrans %} {% fullurl auth_tempsignin user=recipient.id,code=temp_login_code %} {% endtextcontent %} {% endemail %}