/* osm.org routing interface See also: https://github.com/apmon/openstreetmap-website/tree/routing2 https://github.com/apmon/openstreetmap-website/compare/routing2 https://github.com/apmon/openstreetmap-website/blob/9755c3ae0a8d0684d43760f91dc864ff42d8477a/app/views/routing/start.js.erb *** draggable start/end markers *** translation (including all alerts and presentation) *** export GPX *** URL history (or do we consciously not want to support that?) *** add YOURS engine *** add GraphHopper engine */ var TURN_INSTRUCTIONS=["", "Continue on ", // 1 "Slight right onto ", // 2 "Turn right onto ", // 3 "Sharp right onto ", // 4 "U-turn along ", // 5 "Sharp left onto ", // 6 "Turn left onto ", // 7 "Slight left onto ", // 8 "(via point) ", // 9 "Follow ", // 10 "At roundabout take ", // 11 "Leave roundabout - ", // 12 "Stay on roundabout - ", // 13 "Start at end of ", // 14 "Reach destination", // 15 "Go against one-way on ", // 16 "End of one-way on "] // 17 var ROUTING_POLYLINE={ color: '#03f', opacity: 0.3, weight: 10 }; OSM.RoutingEngines={ list: [] // common functions and constants, e.g. OSRM parser, can go here }; OSM.Routing=function(map,name,jqSearch) { var r={}; r.map=map; // Leaflet map r.name=name; // global variable name of this instance (needed for JSONP) r.jqSearch=jqSearch; // JQuery object for search panel r.route_from=null; // null=unset, false=awaiting response, [lat,lon]=geocoded r.route_to=null; // | r.awaitingGeocode=false;// true if the user has requested a route, but we're waiting on a geocode result r.viaPoints=[]; // not yet used r.polyline=null; // Leaflet polyline object r.chosenEngine=null; // currently selected routing engine // Geocoding r.geocode=function(id,event) { var _this=this; var field=event.target; var v=event.target.value; // *** do something if v=='' var querystring = '<%= NOMINATIM_URL %>search?q=' + encodeURIComponent(v) + '&format=json'; // *** &accept-language=<%#= request.user_preferred_languages.join(',') %> // *** prefer current viewport r[field.id]=false; $.getJSON(querystring, function(json) { _this._gotGeocode(json,field); }); }; r._gotGeocode=function(json,field) { if (json.length==0) { alert("Sorry, couldn't find that place."); // *** internationalise r[field.id]=null; return; } field.value=json[0].display_name; var lat=Number(json[0].lat), lon=Number(json[0].lon); r[field.id]=[lat,lon]; // ** update markers if (r.awaitingGeocode) { r.awaitingGeocode=false; r.requestRoute(); } }; // Route-fetching UI r.requestRoute=function() { if (r.route_from && r.route_to) { r.chosenEngine.getRoute(true,[r.route_from,r.route_to]); // then, when the route has been fetched, it'll call the engine's gotRoute function } else if (r.route_from==false || r.route_to==false) { // we're waiting for a Nominatim response before we can request a route r.awaitingGeocode=true; } }; // Take an array of Leaflet LatLngs and draw it as a polyline r.setPolyline=function(line) { if (r.polyline) map.removeLayer(r.polyline); r.polyline=L.polyline(line, ROUTING_POLYLINE).addTo(r.map); r.map.fitBounds(r.polyline.getBounds()); }; // Take directions and write them out // data = { steps: array of [latlng, sprite number, instruction text, distance in metres] } // sprite numbers equate to OSRM's route_instructions turn values // *** translations? r.setItinerary=function(data) { // Create base table $("#content").removeClass("overlay-sidebar"); $('#sidebar_content').empty(); var html='


'.replace(/~/g,"'"); html+=""; $('#sidebar_content').html(html); // Add each row var cumulative=0; for (var i=0; i"); row.append("
"); row.append(""+step[2]); row.append(""+dist); with ({ num: i, ll: step[0] }) { row.on('click',function(e) { r.clickTurn(num, ll); }); }; $('#turnbyturn').append(row); cumulative+=step[3]; } }; r.clickTurn=function(num,latlng) { L.popup().setLatLng(latlng).setContent("


").openOn(r.map); }; // Close all routing UI r.close=function() { $("#content").addClass("overlay-sidebar"); if (r.polyline) map.removeLayer(r.polyline); }; // Routing engine handling // Add all engines var list=OSM.RoutingEngines.list; list.sort(function(a,b) { return a.name>b.name; }); var select=r.jqSearch.find('select.routing_engines'); for (var i=0; i"+list[i].name+""); } r.engines=list; r.chosenEngine=list[0]; // default to first engine // Choose an engine on dropdown change r.selectEngine=function(e) { r.chosenEngine=r.engines[e.target.selectedIndex]; }; // Choose an engine by name r.chooseEngine=function(name) { for (var i=0; i