namespace :ar do desc 'Pre-load edge rails ActiveRecord' task :edge do unless path = ENV['EDGE_RAILS_DIR'] || ENV['EDGE_RAILS'] puts <<-EOS Need to define env var EDGE_RAILS_DIR or EDGE_RAILS- root of edge rails on your machine. i) Get copy of Edge Rails - ii) Set EDGE_RAILS_DIR to this folder in local/paths.rb - see local/paths.rb.sample for example or a) Set folder from environment or command line (rake ar:edge EDGE_RAILS_DIR=/path/to/rails) EOS exit end ENV['AR_LOAD_PATH'] = File.join(path, "activerecord/lib") end desc 'Pre-load ActiveRecord using VERSION=X.Y.Z, instead of latest' task :set do unless version = ENV['VERSION'] puts <<-EOS Usage: rake ar:get_version VERSION=1.15.3 Specify the version number with VERSION=X.Y.Z; and make sure you have that activerecord gem version installed. EOS end version = nil if version == "" || version == [] begin version ? gem('activerecord', version) : gem('activerecord') require 'active_record' ENV['AR_LOAD_PATH'] = $:.reverse.find { |path| /activerecord/ =~ path } rescue LoadError puts <<-EOS Missing: Cannot find activerecord #{version} installed. Install: gem install activerecord -v #{version} EOS exit end end end