source '' gem 'rails', '3.0.10' gem 'pg' gem 'arel', '>= 2.0.9' gem 'libxml-ruby', '>= 2.0.5', :require => 'libxml' gem 'rmagick', :require => 'RMagick' gem 'oauth', '>= 0.4.4' gem 'oauth-plugin', '>= 0.4.0.pre4' gem 'httpclient' gem 'SystemTimer', '>= 1.1.3', :require => 'system_timer' gem 'sanitize' gem 'rails-i18n-updater' gem 'validates_email_format_of', '>= 1.5.1' gem 'open_id_authentication', '>= 1.1.0' # Should only load if memcache is in use #gem 'memcached' # Should only load if we're not in database offline mode gem 'composite_primary_keys', '= 3.1.10' # Bundle gems for the local environment. Make sure to # put test-only gems in this group so their generators # and rake tasks are available in development mode: group :development, :test do gem 'timecop' end