sl: map: view: Zemljevid edit: Urejanje coordinates: "Koordinate:" browse: changeset: title: "Paket sprememb" changeset: "Paket sprememb:" download: "Prenesi {{changeset_xml_link}} ali {{osmchange_xml_link}}" changesetxml: "Changeset XML" osmchangexml: "osmChange XML" changeset_details: created_at: "Ustvarjen ob:" closed_at: "Zaključen ob:" belongs_to: "Pripada:" bounding_box: "Pravokotno področje:" no_bounding_box: "Ta paket nima določenega pravokotnega področja." show_area_box: "Prikaži pravokotno področje" box: "področje" has_nodes: "Vsebuje naslednjih {{node_count}} vozlišč:" has_ways: "Vsebuje naslednjih {{way_count}} poti:" has_relations: "Vsebuje naslednjih {{relation_count}} relacij:" common_details: edited_at: "Urejeno ob:" edited_by: "Uredil:" version: "Različica:" in_changeset: "V paketu sprememb:" containing_relation: relation: "Relacija {{relation_name}}" relation_as: "(kot {{relation_role}})" map: loading: "Nalaganje..." deleted: "Izbrisano" view_larger_map: "Poglej večji zemljevid" node_details: coordinates: "Koordinate: " part_of: "Del:" node_history: node_history: "Zgodovina vozlišča" download: "{{download_xml_link}} ali {{view_details_link}}" download_xml: "prenesi XML" view_details: "poglej podrobnosti" node: node: "Vozlišče" node_title: "Vozlišče: {{node_name}}" download: "{{download_xml_link}} ali {{view_history_link}}" download_xml: "prenesi XML" view_history: "poglej zgodovino" not_found: sorry: "Oprostite, {{type}} z ID-jem {{id}} ni bilo mogoče najti." paging_nav: showing_page: "Prikazana stran" of: "od" relation_details: members: "Člani:" part_of: "Del:" relation_history: relation_history: "Zgodovina relacije" relation_history_title: "Zgodovina relacije: {{relation_name}}" relation_member: as: "kot" relation: relation: "Relacija" relation_title: "Relacija: {{relation_name}}" download: "{{download_xml_link}} ali {{view_history_link}}" download_xml: "prenesi XML" view_history: "poglej zgodovino" start: view_data: "Ogled podatkov trenutno prikazanega zemljevida" manually_select: "Ročno izberi drugo področje" start_rjs: data_frame_title: "Podatki" zoom_or_select: "Povečajte zemljevid ali izberite področje za prikaz" drag_a_box: "Za izbor področja povlecite pravokotnik na zemljevidu" manually_select: "Ročno izberi drugo področje" loaded_an_area: "Naložili ste področje, ki vsebuje" browsers: "elementov. Nekateri spletni brskalniki ne zmorejo prikaza takšne količine podatkov. Na splošno brskalniki najbolje prikazujejo 100 ali manj elementov hkrati: karkoli drugega lahko upočasni vaš brskalnik ali ga naredi neodzivnega. Če ste prepričani, da želite prikazati vse te podatke, pritisnite na spodnji gumb." load_data: "Naloži podatke" unable_to_load: "Ni mogoče naložiti: Pravokotno področje velikosti" must_be_smaller: "je preveliko (mora biti manjše od 0.25)" loading: "Nalaganje..." show_history: "Prikaži zgodovino" wait: "Počakajte..." history_for: "Zgodovina" details: "Podrobnosti" private_user: "private user" edited_by: "Uredil" at_timestamp: "ob" tag_details: tags: "Oznake:" way_details: nodes: "Vozlišča:" part_of: "Del:" way_history: way_history: "Zgodovina poti" way_history_title: "Zgodovina poti: {{way_name}}" download: "{{download_xml_link}} ali {{view_details_link}}" download_xml: "prenesi XML" view_details: "poglej podrobnosti" way: way: "Pot" way_title: "Pot: {{way_name}}" download: "{{download_xml_link}} ali {{view_history_link}}" download_xml: "prenesi XML" view_history: "poglej zgodovino" changeset: changeset_paging_nav: showing_page: "Prikaz strani" of: "od" changeset: still_editing: "(still editing)" anonymous: "Anonimen" no_comment: "(brez)" no_edits: "(brez sprememb)" show_area_box: "prikaži pravokotno področje" big_area: "(veliko)" view_changeset_details: "View changeset details" more: "več" changesets: id: "ID" saved_at: "Saved at" user: "User" comment: "Comment" area: "Area" list_bbox: history: "History" changesets_within_the_area: "Changesets within the area:" show_area_box: "show area box" no_changesets: "No changesets" all_changes_everywhere: "For all changes everywhere see {{recent_changes_link}}" recent_changes: "Recent Changes" no_area_specified: "No area specified" first_use_view: "First use the {{view_tab_link}} to pan and zoom to an area of interest, then click the history tab." view_the_map: "view the map" view_tab: "view tab" alternatively_view: "Alternatively, view all {{recent_changes_link}}" list: recent_changes: "Recent Changes" recently_edited_changesets: "Recently edited changesets:" for_more_changesets: "For more changesets, select a user and view their edits, or see the editing 'history' of a specific area." list_user: edits_by_username: "Edits by {{username_link}}" no_visible_edits_by: "No visible edits by {{name}}." for_all_changes: "For changes by all users see {{recent_changes_link}}" recent_changes: "Recent Changes" diary_entry: list: title: "Users' diaries" new: New Diary Entry new_title: Compose a new entry in your user diary no_entries: No diary entries recent_entries: "Recent diary entries: " older_entries: Older Entries newer_entries: Newer Entries edit: title: "Edit diary entry" subject: "Subject: " body: "Body: " language: "Language: " location: "Location: " latitude: "Latitude: " longitude: "Longitude: " use_map_link: "use map" save_button: "Save" marker_text: Diary entry location no_such_entry: heading: "No entry with the id: {{id}}" body: "Sorry, there is no diary entry or comment with the id {{id}}. Please check your spelling, or maybe the link you clicked is wrong." no_such_user: body: "Sorry, there is no user with the name {{user}}. Please check your spelling, or maybe the link you clicked is wrong." posted_by: "Posted by {{link_user}} at {{created}} in {{language}}" comment_link: Comment on this entry reply_link: Reply to this entry comment_count: one: 1 comment other: "{{count}} comments" edit_link: Edit this entry comment_from: "Comment from {{link_user}} at {{comment_created_at}}" export: start: area_to_export: "Area to Export" manually_select: "Manually select a different area" format_to_export: "Format to Export" osm_xml_data: "OpenStreetMap XML Data" mapnik_image: "Mapnik Image" osmarender_image: "Osmarender Image" embeddable_html: "Embeddable HTML" licence: "Licence" export_details: 'OpenStreetMap data is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 license.' options: "Options" format: "Format" scale: "Scale" max: "max" image_size: "Image Size" zoom: "Povečava" add_marker: "Add a marker to the map" latitude: "Šir:" longitude: "Dol:" output: "Output" paste_html: "Paste HTML to embed in website" export_button: "Izvozi" start_rjs: export: "Izvoz" drag_a_box: "Drag a box on the map to select an area" manually_select: "Manually select a different area" click_add_marker: "Click on the map to add a marker" change_marker: "Change marker position" add_marker: "Add a marker to the map" view_larger_map: "View Larger Map" geocoder: results: results: "Zadetki" type_from_source: "{{type}} iz {{source_link}}" no_results: "Ni zadetkov" layouts: welcome_user: "Dobrodošli, {{user_link}}" inbox: "prejeta pošta ({{size}})" logout: odjava log_in: prijava sign_up: vpis view: Zemljevid edit: Uredi history: Zgodovina export: Izvoz gps_traces: GPS sledi user_diaries: Dnevniki uporabnikov tag_line: The Free Wiki World Map intro_1: "OpenStreetMap is a free editable map of the whole world. It is made by people like you." intro_2: "OpenStreetMap allows you to view, edit and use geographical data in a collaborative way from anywhere on Earth." intro_3: "OpenStreetMap's hosting is kindly supported by the {{ucl}} and {{bytemark}}." osm_offline: "The OpenStreetMap database is currently offline while essential database maintenance work is carried out." osm_read_only: "The OpenStreetMap database is currently in read-only mode while essential database maintenance work is carried out." donate: "Support OpenStreetMap by {{link}} to the Hardware Upgrade Fund." donate_link_text: donating help_wiki: "Pomoč in Wiki" news_blog: "Novice" shop: Trgovina sotm: 'Udeležite se letošnje OpenStreetMap konference, The State of the Map, ki bo od 10 do 12 Julija v Amsterdamu!' alt_donation: Prispevaj finančna sredstva notifier: diary: banner1: "* Ne odgovarjajte na to sporočilo. *" banner2: "* Za odgovor uporabite spletno stran OpenStreetMap. *" hi: "Pozdravljen, {{to_user}}!" header: "{{from_user}} je komentiral vaš nedavni vnos v OpenStreetMap dnevnik z naslovom {{subject}}:" footer: "Komentar lahko preberete tudi na {{readurl}} komentirate lahko na {{commenturl}} ali odgovorite na {{replyurl}}" friend_notification: had_added_you: "{{user}} vas je dodal med prijatelje na OpenStreetMap." see_their_profile: "You can see their profile at {{userurl}} and add them as a friend too if you wish." signup_confirm_plain: greeting: "Pozdravljeni!" hopefully_you: "Nekdo (najverjetneje vi) bi rad naredil uporabniški račun na" # next two translations run-on : please word wrap appropriately click_the_link_1: "Če ste to vi, dobrodošli! Kliknite na spodnjo povezavo za " click_the_link_2: "potrditev računa in več informacij o projektu OpenStreetMap." introductory_video: "Uvodni video posnetek si lahko pogledate na naslovu:" more_videos: "There are more videos here:" the_wiki: "Get reading about OpenStreetMap on the wiki:" opengeodata: " is OpenStreetMap's blog, and it has podcasts too:" wiki_signup: "You may also want to sign up to the OpenStreetMap wiki at:" # next four translations are in pairs : please word wrap appropriately user_wiki_1: "It is recommended that you create a user wiki page, which includes" user_wiki_2: "category tags noting where you are, such as [[Category:Users_in_London]]." current_user_1: "A list of current users in categories, based on where in the world" current_user_2: "they are, is available from:" signup_confirm_html: greeting: "Hi there!" hopefully_you: "Someone (hopefully you) would like to create an account over at" click_the_link: "If this is you, welcome! Please click the link below to confirm that account and read on for more information about OpenStreetMap" introductory_video: "You can watch an {{introductory_video_link}}." video_to_openstreetmap: "introductory video to OpenStreetMap" more_videos: "There are {{more_videos_link}}." more_videos_here: "more videos here" get_reading: 'Get reading about OpenStreetMap on the wiki

the opengeodata blog which has podcasts to listen to also!' wiki_signup: 'You may also want to sign up to the OpenStreetMap wiki.' user_wiki_page: 'It is recommended that you create a user wiki page, which includes category tags noting where you are, such as [[Category:Users_in_London]].' current_user: 'A list of current users in categories, based on where in the world they are, is available from Category:Users_by_geographical_region.' message: inbox: my_inbox: "My inbox" outbox: "outbox" you_have: "You have {{new_count}} new messages and {{old_count}} old messages" from: "From" subject: "Subject" date: "Date" no_messages_yet: "You have no messages yet. Why not get in touch with some of the {{people_mapping_nearby_link}}?" people_mapping_nearby: "people mapping nearby" message_summary: unread_button: "Mark as unread" read_button: "Mark as read" reply_button: "Reply" new: send_message_to: "Send a new message to {{name}}" subject: "Subject" body: "Body" send_button: "Send" back_to_inbox: "Back to inbox" no_such_user: no_such_user: "No such user or message" sorry: "Sorry there is no user or message with that name or id" outbox: my_inbox: "My {{inbox_link}}" inbox: "inbox" outbox: "outbox" you_have_sent_messages: "You have {{sent_count}} sent messages" to: "To" subject: "Subject" date: "Date" no_sent_messages: "You have no sent messages yet. Why not get in touch with some of the {{people_mapping_nearby_link}}?" people_mapping_nearby: "people mapping nearby" read: reading_your_messages: "Reading your messages" from: "From" subject: "Subject" date: "Date" reply_button: "Reply" unread_button: "Mark as unread" back_to_inbox: "Back to inbox" reading_your_sent_messages: "Reading your sent messages" to: "To" back_to_outbox: "Back to outbox" site: index: js_1: "You are either using a browser that doesn't support javascript, or you have disabled javascript." js_2: "OpenStreetMap uses javascript for its slippy map." js_3: 'You may want to try the Tiles@Home static tile browser if you are unable to enable javascript.' permalink: Permalink license: "Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 license by the OpenStreetMap project and its contributors." edit: not_public: "You haven't set your edits to be public." not_public_description: "You can no longer edit the map unless you do so. You can set your edits as public from your {{user_page}}." user_page_link: user page anon_edits: "({{link}})" anon_edits_link: "" anon_edits_link_text: "Find out why this is the case." flash_player_required: 'You need a Flash player to use Potlatch, the OpenStreetMap Flash editor. You can download Flash Player from Several other options are also available for editing OpenStreetMap.' potlatch_unsaved_changes: "You have unsaved changes. (To save in Potlatch, you should deselect the current way or point, if editing in list mode, or click save if you have a save button.)" sidebar: search_results: Search Results close: Close search: search: Search where_am_i: "Where am I?" submit_text: "Go" searching: "Searching..." search_help: "examples: 'Alkmaar', 'Regent Street, Cambridge', 'CB2 5AQ', or 'post offices near Lünen' more examples..." key: map_key: "Map key" trace: create: upload: "Upload GPS Trace" edit: filename: "Filename:" uploaded_at: "Uploaded at:" points: "Points:" start_coord: "Start coordinate:" edit: "edit" owner: "Owner:" description: "Description:" tags: "Tags:" save_button: "Save Changes" no_such_user: no_such_user: "Sorry, there is no user with the name {{name}}. Please check your spelling, or maybe the link you clicked is wrong." trace_form: upload_gpx: "Upload GPX File" description: "Description" tags: "Tags" public: "Public?" upload_button: "Upload" help: "Help" trace_header: see_just_your_traces: "See just your traces, or upload a trace" see_all_traces: "See all traces" see_your_traces: "See all your traces" traces_waiting: "You have {{count}} traces waiting for upload. Please consider waiting for these to finish before uploading any more, so as not to block the queue for other users." trace_optionals: tags: "Tags" view: pending: "PENDING" filename: "Filename:" download: "download" uploaded: "Uploaded at:" points: "Points:" start_coordinates: "Start coordinate:" map: "map" edit: "edit" owner: "Owner:" description: "Description:" tags: "Tags" none: "None" make_public: "Make this track public permanently" edit_track: "Edit this track" delete_track: "Delete this track" trace_paging_nav: showing: "Showing page" of: "of" trace: pending: "PENDING" more: "more" trace_details: "View Trace Details" view_map: "View Map" edit: "edit" edit_map: "Edit Map" public: "PUBLIC" private: "PRIVATE" by: "by" in: "in" user: login: heading: "Login" please login: "Please login or {{create_user_link}}." create_account: "create an account" email or username: "Email Address or Username: " password: "Password: " lost password link: "Lost your password?" login_button: "Login" lost_password: title: "lost password" heading: "Forgotten Password?" email address: "Email Address:" new password button: "Send me a new password" notice email on way: "Sorry you lost it :-( but an email is on its way so you can reset it soon." notice email cannot find: "Couldn't find that email address, sorry." reset_password: title: "reset password" flash changed check mail: "Your password has been changed and is on its way to your mailbox :-)" flash token bad: "Didn't find that token, check the URL maybe?" new: heading: "Create a User Account" no_auto_account_create: "Unfortunately we are not currently able to create an account for you automatically." contact_webmaster: 'Please contact the webmaster to arrange for an account to be created - we will try and deal with the request as quickly as possible. ' fill_form: "Fill in the form and we'll send you a quick email to activate your account." license_agreement: 'By creating an account, you agree that all work uploaded to and all data created by use of any tools which connect to is to be (non-exclusively) licensed under this Creative Commons license (by-sa).' email address: "Email Address: " confirm email address: "Confirm Email Address: " not displayed publicly: 'Not displayed publicly (see privacy policy)' display name: "Display Name: " password: "Password: " confirm password: "Confirm Password: " signup: Signup flash create success message: "User was successfully created. Check your email for a confirmation note, and you\'ll be mapping in no time :-)

Please note that you won't be able to login until you've received and confirmed your email address.

If you use an antispam system which sends confirmation requests then please make sure you whitelist as we are unable to reply to any confirmation requests." no_such_user: body: "Sorry, there is no user with the name {{user}}. Please check your spelling, or maybe the link you clicked is wrong." view: my diary: my diary new diary entry: new diary entry my edits: my edits my traces: my traces my settings: my settings send message: send message diary: diary edits: edits traces: traces remove as friend: remove as friend add as friend: add as friend mapper since: "Mapper since: " ago: "({{time_in_words_ago}} ago)" user image heading: User image delete image: Delete Image upload an image: Upload an image add image: Add Image description: Description user location: User location no home location: "No home location has been set." if set location: "If you set your location, a pretty map and stuff will appear below. You can set your home location on your {{settings_link}} page." settings_link_text: settings your friends: Your friends no friends: You have not added any friends yet. km away: "{{distance}}km away" nearby users: "Nearby users: " no nearby users: "There are no users who admit to mapping nearby yet." change your settings: change your settings friend_map: your location: Your location nearby mapper: "Nearby mapper: " account: my settings: My settings email never displayed publicly: "(never displayed publicly)" public editing: heading: "Public editing: " enabled: "Enabled. Not anonymous and can edit data." enabled link: "" enabled link text: "what's this?" disabled: "Disabled and cannot edit data, all previous edits are anonymous." disabled link text: "why can't I edit?" profile description: "Profile Description: " preferred languages: "Preferred Languages: " home location: "Home Location: " no home location: "You have not entered your home location." latitude: "Latitude: " longitude: "Longitude: " update home location on click: "Update home location when I click on the map?" save changes button: Save Changes make edits public button: Make all my edits public return to profile: Return to profile flash update success confirm needed: "User information updated successfully. Check your email for a note to confirm your new email address." flash update success: "User information updated successfully." confirm: heading: Confirm a user account press confirm button: "Press the confirm button below to activate your account." button: Confirm confirm email: heading: Confirm a change of email address press confirm button: "Press the confirm button below to confirm your new email address." button: Confirm set_home: flash success: "Home location saved successfully" go_public: flash success: "All your edits are now public, and you are now allowed to edit."