# Icelandic, by Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason is: number: # Used in number_with_delimiter() # These are also the defaults for 'currency', 'percentage', 'precision', and 'human' format: # Sets the separator between the units, for more precision (e.g. 1.0 / 2.0 == 0.5) separator: "," # Delimets thousands (e.g. 1,000,000 is a million) (always in groups of three) delimiter: "." # Number of decimals, behind the separator (1 with a precision of 2 gives: 1.00) precision: 2 # Used in number_to_currency() currency: format: # Where is the currency sign? %u is the currency unit, %n the number (default: $5.00) format: "%u %n" unit: "kr." # These three are to override number.format and are optional #separator: "," #delimiter: "." #precision: 2 # Used in number_to_human_size() human: format: # These three are to override number.format and are optional # separator: delimiter: "" precision: 1 storage_units: # Storage units output formatting. # %u is the storage unit, %n is the number (default: 2 MB) format: "%n %u" units: byte: one: "bæti" other: "bæti" kb: "KB" mb: "MB" gb: "GB" tb: "TB" date: formats: # Use the strftime parameters for formats. # When no format has been given, it uses default. # You can provide other formats here if you like! default: "%d.%m.%Y" short: "%e. %b" long: "%e. %B %Y" day_names: [sunnudaginn, mánudaginn, þriðjudaginn, miðvikudaginn, fimmtudaginn, föstudaginn, laugardaginn] abbr_day_names: [sun, mán, þri, mið, fim, fös, lau] # Don't forget the nil at the beginning; there's no such thing as a 0th month month_names: [~, janúar, febrúar, mars, apríl, maí, júní, júlí, ágúst, september, október, nóvember, desember] abbr_month_names: [~, jan, feb, mar, apr, maí, jún, júl, ágú, sep, okt, nóv, des] # Used in date_select and datime_select. order: [:day, :month, :year] time: formats: default: "%A %e. %B %Y kl. %H:%M" time: "%H:%M" short: "%e. %B kl. %H:%M" long: "%A %e. %B %Y kl. %H:%M" am: "" pm: "" # Used in array.to_sentence. support: array: sentence_connector: "og" words_connector: ", " two_words_connector: " og " last_word_connector: " og " skip_last_comma: true # Used in distance_of_time_in_words(), distance_of_time_in_words_to_now(), time_ago_in_words() datetime: distance_in_words: half_a_minute: "hálf mínúta" less_than_x_seconds: one: "minna en 1 sekúnda" other: "minna en %{count} sekúndur" x_seconds: one: "1 sekúnda" other: "%{count} sekúndur" less_than_x_minutes: one: "minna en 1 mínúta" other: "minna en %{count} mínútur" x_minutes: one: "1 mínúta" other: "%{count} mínútur" about_x_hours: one: "u.þ.b. 1 klukkustund" other: "u.þ.b. %{count} klukkustundir" x_days: one: "1 dagur" other: "%{count} dagar" about_x_months: one: "u.þ.b. 1 mánuður" other: "u.þ.b. %{count} mánuðir" x_months: one: "1 mánuður" other: "%{count} mánuðir" about_x_years: one: "u.þ.b. 1 ár" other: "u.þ.b. %{count} ár" over_x_years: one: "meira en 1 ár" other: "meira en %{count} ár" activerecord: errors: template: header: one: "Ekki var hægt að vista %{model} vegna einnar villu." other: "Ekki var hægt að vista %{model} vegna %{count} villna." body: "Upp kom vandamál í eftirfarandi dálkum:" messages: inclusion: "er ekki í listanum" exclusion: "er frátekið" invalid: "er ógilt" confirmation: "er ekki jafngilt staðfestingunni" accepted: "þarf að vera tekið gilt" empty: "má ekki vera tómt" blank: "má ekki innihalda auða stafi" too_long: "er of langt (má mest vera %{count} stafir)" too_short: "er of stutt (má minnst vera %{count} stafir)" wrong_length: "er af rangri lengd (má mest vera %{count} stafir)" taken: "er þegar í notkun" not_a_number: "er ikke et tall" greater_than: "þarf að vera stærri en %{count}" greater_than_or_equal_to: "þarf að vera stærri en eða jafngilt %{count}" equal_to: "þarf að vera jafngilt %{count}" less_than: "þarf að vera minna en %{count}" less_than_or_equal_to: "þarf að vera minna en eða jafngilt %{count}" odd: "þarf að vera oddatala" even: "þarf að vera slétt tala"