# for i in *as; do perl -MYAML::Syck=Dump -pi -E '$YAML::Syck::Headless = 1; s[iText\("(.*?)",\s*\x27(.*?)\x27\)][iText(\x27$2\x27)]gs; say STDERR Dump{$2,$1} if $1 and $2' $i 2>&1 | grep -v ^$; done action_createpoi: creating a POI point: Point hint_pointselected: point selected\n(shift-click point to\nstart new line) action_movepoint: moving a point hint_drawmode: click to add point\ndouble-click/Return\nto end line action_insertnode: adding a node into a way closechangeset: Closing changeset prompt_closechangeset',_root.changeset),completeClose,': Close changeset $1 openchangeset: Opening changeset ok: Ok prompt_changesetcomment: "Enter a description of your changes:" ok: Ok newchangeset: "\\nPlease try again: Potlatch will start a new changeset." emailauthor: \n\nPlease e-mail richard\@systemeD.net with a bug report, saying what you were doing at the time. error_connectionfailed: Sorry - the connection to the OpenStreetMap server failed. Any recent changes have not been saved.\n\nWould you like to try again? error_readfailed: Sorry - the OpenStreetMap server didn't respond when asked for data.\n\nWould you like to try again? login_retry: Your site login was not recognised. Please try again. login_uid: "Username:" login_pwd: "Password:" conflict_download: Download their version conflict_overwrite: Overwrite their version gpxpleasewait: Please wait while the GPX track is processed. prompt_revertversion: "Revert to an earlier saved version:" error_anonymous: You cannot contact an anonymous mapper. action_revertway: reverting a way action_createpoi: creating a POI deleting: deleting advice_uploadempty: Nothing to upload prompt_savechanges: Save changes advice_uploadfail: Upload stopped advice_uploadsuccess: All data successfully uploaded action_movepoi: moving a POI point: Point tip_splitway: Split way at selected point (X) tip_direction: Direction of way - click to reverse tip_clockwise: Clockwise circular way - click to reverse tip_anticlockwise: Anti-clockwise circular way - click to reverse tip_tidy: Tidy points in way (T) tip_noundo: Nothing to undo tip_gps: Show GPS tracks (G) tip_options: Set options (choose the map background) tip_photo: Load photos tip_addtag: Add a new tag tip_addrelation: Add to a relation tip_repeattag: Repeat tags from the previously selected way (R) tip_alert: An error occurred - click for details help: Help way: Way advice_toolong: Too long to unlock - please split into shorter ways deleting: deleting action_deletepoint: deleting a point deleting: deleting advice_deletingway: Deleting way (Z to undo) deleting: deleting advice_revertingway: Reverting to last saved way (Z to undo) action_cancelchanges: cancelling changes to advice_revertingpoi: Reverting to last saved POI (Z to undo) action_cancelchanges: cancelling changes to advice_deletingpoi: Deleting POI (Z to undo) deleting: deleting custom: "Custom: " nobackground: No background option_fadebackground: Fade background option_thinlines: Use thin lines at all scales option_thinareas: Use thinner lines for areas option_noname: Highlight unnamed roads option_tiger: Highlight unchanged TIGER option_custompointers: Use pen and hand pointers option_warnings: Show floating warnings option_external: "External launch:" option_photo: "Photo KML:" hint_saving_loading: loading/saving data hint_saving: saving data hint_loading: loading data tip_presettype: Choose what type of presets are offered in the menu. action_waytags: setting tags on a way action_pointtags: setting tags on a point action_poitags: setting tags on a POI ok: Ok ok: Ok tip_addtag: Add a new tag ok: Ok ok: Ok existingrelation: Add to an existing relation createrelation: Create a new relation findrelation: Find a relation containing norelations: No relations in current area prompt_welcome: Welcome to OpenStreetMap! prompt_helpavailable: New user? Look in the bottom left for help. prompt_editsave: Edit with save prompt_editlive: Edit live prompt_track: Convert GPS track to ways prompt_launch: Launch external URL editinglive: Editing live openchangeset: Opening changeset editingoffline: Editing offline save: Save tip_noundo: Nothing to undo error_nopoi: The POI cannot be found (perhaps you've panned away?) so I can't undo. error_nopoi: The POI cannot be found (perhaps you've panned away?) so I can't undo. advice_bendy: Too bendy to straighten (SHIFT to force) deleting: deleting deleting: deleting prompt_taggedpoints: Some of the points on this way are tagged. Really delete? action_changeway: changes to a way advice_waydragged: Way dragged (Z to undo) action_moveway: moving a way way: Way action_splitway: splitting a way action_mergeways: merging two ways action_mergeways: merging two ways advice_tagconflict: Tags don't match - please check (Z to undo) advice_nocommonpoint: The ways do not share a common point action_reverseway: reversing a way action_insertnode: adding a node into a way action_deletepoint: deleting a point ok: Ok prompt_createparallel: Create parallel way offset_dual: Dual carriageway (D2) offset_motorway: Motorway (D3) offset_narrowcanal: Narrow canal towpath offset_broadcanal: Broad canal towpath offset_choose: Choose offset (m) ok: Ok action_createparallel: creating parallel ways hint_drawmode: click to add point\ndouble-click/Return\nto end line action_addpoint: adding a node to the end of a way # for i in *as; do perl -MYAML::Syck=Dump -pi -E '$YAML::Syck::Headless = 1; s[iText\(\x27(.*?)\x27,\s*\x27(.*?)\x27\)][iText(\x27$2\x27)]gs; say STDERR Dump{$2,$1} if $1 and $2' $i 2>&1 | grep -v ^$; done retry: Retry retry: Retry retry: Retry retry: Retry heading_introduction: Introduction heading_pois: Getting started heading_surveying: Surveying heading_drawing: Drawing heading_tagging: Tagging heading_troubleshooting: Troubleshooting heading_quickref: Quick reference cancel: Cancel tip_revertversion: Choose the date to revert to cancel: Cancel cancel: Cancel tip_selectrelation: Add to the chosen route delete: Delete delete: Delete # for i in *as; do perl -MYAML::Syck=Dump -pi -E '$YAML::Syck::Headless = 1; s[iText\("(.*?)",\s*"(.*?)"\)][iText("$2")]gs; say STDERR Dump{$2,$1} if $1 and $2' $i 2>&1 | grep -v ^$; done login_title: Couldn't log in conflict_visitway: Click 'Ok' to show the way. conflict_visitpoi: Click 'Ok' to show the point. drag_pois: Drag and drop points of interest uploading: Uploading... ok: Ok advanced_parallel: Parallel way advanced_history: Way history advanced_inspector: Inspector advanced_undelete: Undelete advanced_close: Close changeset advanced_maximise: Maximise window ok: Ok advanced_maximise: Maximise window advanced_minimise: Minimise window # $ for i in *as; do perl -MYAML::Syck=Dump -pi -E '$YAML::Syck::Headless = 1; s[iText\("(.*?)",\s*\x27(.*?)\x27(,.*?)\)][iText(\x27$2\x27$3)]gs; say STDERR Dump{$2,$1} if $1 and $2' $i 2>&1 | grep -v ^$; done hint_overendpoint: over endpoint ($1)\nclick to join\nshift-click to merge hint_overpoint: over point ($1)\nclick to join a_poi: $1 a POI prompt_addtorelation: Add $1 to a relation tip_undo: Undo $1 (Z) error_noway: Way $1 cannot be found (perhaps you've panned away?) so I can't undo. error_nosharedpoint: Ways $1 and $2 don't share a common point any more, so I can't undo the split. error_noway: Way $1 cannot be found (perhaps you've panned away?) so I can't undo. error_noway: Way $1 cannot be found (perhaps you've panned away?) so I can't undo. error_noway: Way $1 cannot be found (perhaps you've panned away?) so I can't undo. error_noway: Way $1 cannot be found (perhaps you've panned away?) so I can't undo. a_way: $1 a way # for i in *as; do perl -MYAML::Syck=Dump -pi -E '$YAML::Syck::Headless = 1; s[iText\("(.*?)",\s*"(.*?)"(,.*?)\)][iText("$2"$3)]gs; say STDERR Dump{$2,$1} if $1 and $2' $i 2>&1 | grep -v ^$; done conflict_waychanged: Since you started editing, someone else has changed way $1$2. conflict_poichanged: Since you started editing, someone else has changed point $1$2. conflict_relchanged: Since you started editing, someone else has changed relation $1$2.