Creating database ===================== OSM server use databse with follow name : openstreetmap You may create it with your prefrable client or run next (linux) command : $ mysqladmin -u -p create openstreetmap (change with appropriate username of administrativ user eg. root ) Creating user, password, and access rightts ============================================= $ mysql -u -p (change with appropriate username of administrativ user eg. root ) > grant all privileges on openstreetmap.* to 'openstreetmap'@'localhost' identified by 'openstreetmap'; > flush privileges; > exit Creating database skeleton tables =================================== $ mysql openstreetmap -u openstreetmap -p < db/create_database.sql New server patch (RAILS) ========================== Run follow command to prepare tables to be OSM REILS distribution compatible : $ mysql openstreetmap -u openstreetmap -p < db/migrate.sql