+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Centre Universitaire de Recherche et d'Application en Télédétection (CURAT) de l'Université Felix Houphouet Boigny",
+ "extendedDescription": "Our chapter aim is to promote the use of collaborative free mapping and the use of openstreetmap data in the field of research and their application in the implementation of tools for decision-making. Help students produce their own data of their research."
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at The Gambia YMCA / University of the Gambia",
+ "extendedDescription": "Connected YouthMappers is comprised of dedicated young Gambians who aspire to change and aid national development."
+ },
+ "cape-coast-youthmappers": {
+ "name": "University of Cape Coast YouthMappers",
+ "description": "Follow us on Twitter: {url}",
+ "extendedDescription": "This is the official handle for the Youth Mappers chapter of the University of Cape Coast, Ghana. we love maps, open data and helping the vulnerable."
+ },
+ "osm-gh-facebook": {
+ "name": "OpenStreetMap Ghana on Facebook",
+ "description": "Facebook group for people interested in OpenStreetMap.",
+ "extendedDescription": "Mappers in Ghana community, promoting OpenStreetMap and Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT) projects in Ghana. Join us."
+ },
+ "osm-gh-twitter": {
+ "name": "OpenStreetMap Ghana on Twitter",
+ "description": "Follow us on Twitter: {url}"
+ },
+ "talk-gh": {
+ "name": "Talk-gh Mailing List",
+ "description": "Talk-gh is the official mailing list for Ghana OSM community."
+ "name": "Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology YouthMappers",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology"
+ },
+ "ym-University-of-Cape-Coast": {
+ "name": "UCC Geographical Society",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of Cape Coast",
+ "extendedDescription": "We are a society that encompasses all students who are reading and read geography in the Department of Geography and Regional Planning at the University of Cape Coast. Our main aim is to promote interest in the discipline inside and outside of the classroom. Our motto is “We comprehend the Earth and its inhabitants.”"
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of Energy and Natural Resources",
+ "extendedDescription": "To provide a sound education to all citizens about the deteriorating environment and provide utmost use of recreation of the environment for human survival."
+ },
+ "ym-University-of-Ghana": {
+ "name": "University of Ghana YouthMappers",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of Ghana",
+ "extendedDescription": "UG YouthMappers consists of both graduate and undergraduate students possessing knowledge and skills in GIS and Remote Sensing. The club is composed of an energetic team that is poised to address social issues and mitigate environmental problems through mapping. Our fundamental principles are capacity building, empowerment and teamwork."
+ },
+ "ym-University-of-Mines-and-Technology": {
+ "name": "UMaT YouthMappers",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of Mines and Technology",
+ "extendedDescription": "UMaT YouthMappers is a group of volunteer students who seek to grant students the opportunity to improve skills in the field of mapping & creating open geographic data and analyses that address locally defined development challenges worldwide."
+ },
+ "ym-General-Lansana-Conte-University": {
+ "name": "YouthMappers General Lansana Conte University",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at General Lansana Conte University",
+ "extendedDescription": "The YouthMappers of the University General Lansana Conté is a non profit community willing to contribute to Map Guinea and others part of the world. We are promoting the use of GIS and Open data to build decision support tools. We also work to build capacities among the students and local communities."
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Institute of Science and Veterinary Medicine",
+ "extendedDescription": "YouthMappers ISSMV Dabala is a non profit organisation working to promote humanitarian mapping and the use of open sources and open data to build decision making tools in Guinea."
+ },
+ "ym-Universit-de-NZrkor": {
+ "name": "Youthmappers à N'Zérékoré",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Université de N'Zérékoré",
+ "extendedDescription": "YouthMappers est un groupe qui permet de faire la cartographie des communautés enclavées et à la prise des décisions en cas de catastrophes ou épidémies. Elle permet aussi la production et l'utilisation des données en accès gratuit."
+ },
+ "map-kibera": {
+ "name": "Map Kibera Trust",
+ "description": "Map Kibera is a registered organization working in Kenya",
+ "extendedDescription": "Map Kibera Trust’s mission is to increase influence and representation of marginalized communities through the creative use of digital tools for action."
+ },
+ "osm-kenya": {
+ "name": "OSM Kenya",
+ "description": "OSM Kenya is a community of OSM contributors and users",
+ "extendedDescription": "OSM is a local community for individuals interested in OpenStreetMap including organizations, developers, and YouthMappers chapters in the country."
+ },
+ "ym-Dedan-Kimathi-University-of-Technology": {
+ "name": "GDEV",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Dedan Kimathi University of Technology",
+ "extendedDescription": "GDEV is a group of enthusiastic GIS group at DeKUT that aims at helping students share, engage and learn from each other in matters geospatial"
+ "name": "Association of Geomatics Engineering Students",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology",
+ "extendedDescription": "The Association of Geomatics Engineering Students (AGES), aims at promoting GIS products and services as well as training students on the use of the same. It not only promotes socialization between the students and practicing professionals, but also provides a platform for exchanging new ideas for holding new GIS and surveying events and training at the university."
+ },
+ "ym-Karatina-University": {
+ "name": "Nature Club Karatina University",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Karatina University",
+ "extendedDescription": "This chapter aims to bring together all GIS enthusiasts.They include environment experts, wildlife experts, aquatic and tourism officers, just to mention a few. Its main aim is to provide a platform where students can learn from each other and, in the process, understand how to integrate the GIS skills in their various career paths as well as provide solutions to various environmental related challenges."
+ },
+ "ym-Kenyatta-University": {
+ "name": "Kenyatta University GIS Club",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Kenyatta University",
+ "extendedDescription": "Kenyatta University GIS Club (KUGISC) was founded on 28th October 2016, with more than 200 students and staff from all faculty within campus as members. We are committed to empower members with spatial knowledge, skills and expertise required in understanding the Earth. We help in mapping resources within the university by incorporating geospatial data in their projects as well as fieldwork data collection."
+ },
+ "ym-Moi-University": {
+ "name": "Geography Students Association",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Moi University",
+ "extendedDescription": "The Geography Students Association at Moi University (GEOSAMU) explores, discovers and aims at developing the entire world through the young Geo-Spatial analysts. GEOSAMU is part of the Department of Geography."
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Technical University of Kenya",
+ "extendedDescription": "It's a geographical information based group with very passionate students in the relevant fields of study. We do training to members on emerging trends in the market and keep up with technological advancements"
+ },
+ "ym-University-of-Nairobi": {
+ "name": "Geospatial Engineering Students Association",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of Nairobi",
+ "extendedDescription": "UN students are working with the local OSM community, Map Kibera, and GrouthTruth to learn about open mapping and contribute data for needs in their urban communities."
+ },
+ "ym-African-Methodist-Episcopal-University": {
+ "name": "YouthMappers-AMEU",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at African Methodist Episcopal University"
+ },
+ "ym-Cuttington-University": {
+ "name": "Cuttington University YouthMappers",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Cuttington University",
+ "extendedDescription": "The YouthMappers at Cuttington University, Suakoko, and Bong County comprised of Students from three different departments; namely, the Department of Natural Resources Management “DONRM”, Department of Environmental Sciences, and the Department of Natural Sciences. Since the establishment of the Chapter in February 2017, the overall membership is 20 students, with each department containing 5 students."
+ },
+ "ym-Grand-Gedeh-County-Community-College": {
+ "name": "YouthMappers at Grand Gedeh County Community College",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Grand Gedeh County Community College",
+ "extendedDescription": "The Youth Mappers of GGCCC sole intent is to put places in and around Liberia that are not on the map. We gather youths from the college within the Grand Gedeh Community College to make it their duties to unite and bring these places to the spot light geographically."
+ },
+ "ym-Nimba-County-Community-College": {
+ "name": "Nimba County Community College Youth Mappers",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Nimba County Community College"
+ },
+ "ym-Stella-Maris-Polytechnic": {
+ "name": "YouthMappers-SMP",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Stella Maris Polytechnic"
+ },
+ "ym-University-of-Liberia-YouthMappers": {
+ "name": "University of Liberia YouthMappers",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of Liberia YouthMappers",
+ "extendedDescription": "The University of Liberia YouthMappers is a chapter organization of the Global YouthMappers. We are a nonprofit student mapping organization focus on mapping for Liberia’s development and the World at large. The purpose of this organization shall be to utilize technology and geospatial knowledge as means of creating and developing maps; collecting and analyzing data that will address local and worldwide challenges. Our aim is to support and create opportunity for students to develop interest and skills in the fields of mapping. We envision a united student community that are collaborative, active and are willing to work with the University of Liberia YouthMappers in order to better the lives of others."
+ "description": "Malagasy Facebook group for people interested in OpenStreetMap."
+ },
+ "talk-mg": {
+ "name": "Talk-mg Mailing List",
+ "description": "Place for OpenStreetMap contributors, communities and users in Madagascar to share and discuss."
+ },
+ "ym-University-of-Malawi": {
+ "name": "Chanco Malawi YouthMappers",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of Malawi",
+ "extendedDescription": "Chanco Malawi YouthMappers is the student mapping organization for the University of Malawi's Chancellor College. The students in this chapter focus on mapping for Malawi's development and science needs."
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Université des Sciences Sociale et de Gestion de Bamako"
+ },
+ "ym-Universidade-Eduardo-Mondlane": {
+ "name": "Comunidade YouthMappers Moçambique",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Universidade Eduardo Mondlane",
+ "extendedDescription": "We are a student group that intends to join Mozambican society to create a resilient community of humanitarian mapping. The community intend to map the physical occupation of our Country and create open geographic data, accessible to the public and able to be used in several areas without associated costs."
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Namibia University of Science and Technology"
+ },
+ "ym-Abia-State-University": {
+ "name": "AbsuMappersTeam",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Abia State University",
+ "extendedDescription": "AbsuMappersTeam is voluntary team of map enthusiast ,using openstreetmap,GIS and other open source geospatial techno;ogy to solve problems.It is a dedicated for disaster response using OpenStreetMap.It is a professional mentoring and empowerment platform for those with passion for GIS and Mapping.It is a community of volunteers for geospatial data creation,field data collection and mapping.The team was co-founded by Victor N.Sunday(the Team mentor) and Professor J.U.Ogbonna ,the team coordinator and faculty Advisor. AbsuMapperTeam is an affiliate of UniiqueMappersTeam-Port Harcourt.The team stands to support sustainable development using geospatial technology"
+ },
+ "ym-Ahmadu-Bello-University": {
+ "name": "ABU Geomappers",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Ahmadu Bello University",
+ "extendedDescription": "We are a group of Data driven Humanitarian mappers, who are dedicated to rendering humanitarian service in response to disaster and mitigation. We are glad to contribute our expertise and knowledge through mapping, and helping to spread #OpenEvangelism through Training, and collaboration."
+ },
+ "ym-Federal-School-of-Surveys": {
+ "name": "OyoMappersTeam (OMT) Oyo",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Federal School of Surveys"
+ },
+ "ym-Federal-University-of-Technology-Akure": {
+ "name": "YouthMappers Futa Space Club",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Federal University of Technology, Akure",
+ "extendedDescription": "Our mission is to raise the next generation of Space Leaders. Activities include research and capacity building in Remote Sensing, GIS, Climate Change, Astronomy, Cosmology, Space Engineering, Global Navigation, Robotics and Space Education."
+ },
+ "ym-Ignatius-Ajuru-University-of-Education": {
+ "name": "IgnatiusMappersTeam (IMT)",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Ignatius Ajuru University of Education",
+ "extendedDescription": "We are a YouthMappers Chapter of Ignatius Ajuru University of Education involved in crowdsourced mapping of our environment and remote mapping of resilient communities.We are a team of volunteers using openstreetmap and other open Geospatial source for mapping."
+ },
+ "ym-University-of-Nigeria-Enugu-Campus": {
+ "name": "LionMappersTeam (LMT) Enugu",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of Nigeria, Enugu Campus",
+ "extendedDescription": "The LionMappersTeam(LMT)Enugu Campus is an affiliate of YouthMappers Network, with the sole aim of providing members the opportunity to learn and improve their skills in the field of Geoinformatics and to create open geographic data and analysis that addresses locally defined challenges globally. It is a team of volunteers for Crowdsourced Mapping and Geographic Information provision using Openstreetmap, Citizen Science and other Geospatial Technology for research, training and response to resilient community challenges. We are involved in Web-Cartography, GIS and Remote Sensing Applications and ResearchWe are passionate about Volunteered Geographic Information.Paticipatory GIS and Citizen Science.Our major activities include online crowdsourced-Cartography, Field Mapping ,Training workshops and outreaches to High School as well as Humanitarian/Disaster Response Mapping."
+ },
+ "ym-University-of-Nigeria-Nsukka": {
+ "name": "LionMappersTeam (LMT) Nsukka",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of Nigeria, Nsukka",
+ "extendedDescription": "The LionMappersTeam is an affiliate of YouthMappers Network, with the sole aim of providing members the opportunity to learn and improve their skills in the field of mapping science and to create open geographic data and analysis that addresses locally defined challenges globally. It is a team of volunteers for crowdsourced mapping and geographic information provision using Openstreetmap, citizen science and other geospatial technology for research, training and response to resilient community challenges. We are involved in GIS and Remote Sensing Applications and Research.Paticipatory GIS and Citizen Science,field mapping ,training workshops and outreaches to High Schools."
+ },
+ "ym-University-of-Port-Harcourt": {
+ "name": "UniqueMappersTeam (UMT) Port Harcourt",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of Port Harcourt",
+ "extendedDescription": "UniqueMappersTeam(UMT)Port Harcourt is an action group and a team of volunteers for a collaborative online mapping targeted at training and empowering members with trending mapping skills to create open geospatial data and analysis that addresses locally defined challenges for geoinformation and to provide humanitarian mapping services to resilient communities in Niger Delta,Nigeria and elsewhere.We promote Crowdsoucred Mapping and Geographic information volunteering using OpenStreetMap(OSM) platform and other accessible platforms for Rapid Response Mapping,Disaster Mapping,Geo-intelligence Mapping,Map updates and training.Its an affiliate Campus chapter of Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team(HOT).It is a project-task team of YouthMappers that provide opportunity for members to learn and improve their skills in Geoinformatics so as to explore global opportunities in the field of Mapping and Geoinformation."
+ },
+ "osm-africa-telegram": {
+ "name": "OpenStreetMap Africa Telegram",
+ "description": "OpenStreetMap Telegram for Africa"
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Insititue d' Enseignement Superieur de Ruhengeri",
+ "extendedDescription": "We are students from Land Administration and Management and Land survey Departments from INES-Ruhengeri. We are engaged in mapping activities that create the changes toward sustainable development in our community."
+ },
+ "ym-University-of-Rwanda-Huye-Campus": {
+ "name": "Rwanda YouthMappers",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of Rwanda - Huye Campus",
+ "extendedDescription": "Based on the commitment and the purpose of promoting mapping, and the information from YouthMappers public talks, we have organized as students in Geography department who are committed in mapping to found a chapter of our Campus. We have supported by our Facilitator Dr. Gaspard Rwanyiziri (Director of CGIS-Rwanda) and various lecturer mentors."
+ },
+ "ym-Institut-Suprieur-de-Management-Kolda": {
+ "name": "Les Femmes Leaders de ISM/Kolda",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Institut Supérieur de Management Kolda",
+ "extendedDescription": "Les Femmes Leaders de ISM/Kolda is an all-female mapping group in southern Senegal looking to put Kolda and surrounding villages on the map and better understand how to use OSM."
+ },
+ "ym-Universit-Gaston-Berger": {
+ "name": "YouthMappers at UGB",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Université Gaston Berger",
+ "extendedDescription": "YouthMappers UGB is made up of young students and researchers who are passionate about mapping. Our aim is to improve students' skills in the field of cartography and to participate in the creation of open geographic data that responds to development challenges around the world and particularly in Africa."
+ },
+ "ym-Fourah-Bay-College": {
+ "name": "Student's Geographical Association",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Fourah Bay College",
+ "extendedDescription": "The Student's Geographical Association- YouthMappers is an association of Fourah Bay College Students with the common goals of mapping out vulnerable places in Sierra Leone and the world at large for relief and other beneficial purposes,carry out Research and other educative endeavors. The chapter consists of young people with great ideas, development oriented with the capacity to relate with each other, comprehend and implement sustainable developmental projects as a team."
+ },
+ "ym-Njala-University-Freetown-Campus": {
+ "name": "Njala Freetown YouthMappers",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Njala University, Freetown Campus",
+ "extendedDescription": "We are students of Njala University Freetown Campus, studying Information Technology under the department of Physics and Computer Science. and we are located at Henry Street Freetown, Sierra Leone."
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Njala University, Njala Campus"
+ },
+ "ym-University-of-Pretoria": {
+ "name": "Centre for Geoinformation Science",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of Pretoria",
+ "extendedDescription": "The students who map Pretoria are supported by the University of Pretoria's Centre for Geoinformation Science, a platform from where the excellence of UP individuals and teams involved in geographic information science (GISc) research, education and training, professional development and community engagement is encouraged and strengthened through collaborations, education and training and alliances within South Africa and abroad."
+ },
+ "ym-Ardhi-University": {
+ "name": "ARU Mapper",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Ardhi University",
+ "extendedDescription": "As upcoming geospatial data consultants we seek to educate and provide advice to the society on how they can use spatial data not only as a form of location but a tool of decision making and predict different hazardous and climatical changes which may harm them or future genarations."
+ },
+ "ym-Institute-of-Finance-Management": {
+ "name": "IFM mappers",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Institute of Finance Management",
+ "extendedDescription": "This is a new chapter at out institute and we are looking forward to use our financial education that we are receiving here at the campus and link ig with the environment in order to develop our sustainable environment towards helping the community with the effects of our environment in a financial ways by converting them into numbers. this is widely explained in ecosystem accounting and environmental accounts"
+ "name": "Youth Mappers Chapter at Institute of Rural Development Planning - Lake Zone Centre",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Institute of Rural Development Planning Mwanza"
+ },
+ "ym-Institute-of-Rural-Development-Planning": {
+ "name": "Mipango YouthMappers Chapter",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Institute of Rural Development Planning",
+ "extendedDescription": "Mipango YouthMappers Chapter was introduced at IRDP on 3rd July, 2017 by Dr.Domitilla Bashemera. The founding members were 300 (190 males and 110 female) Bachelor Degree students, who were registered as members of the Chapter. Gerald Zacharia is the president of the chapter and Juster Lugira is Vice President."
+ },
+ "ym-Open-University-of-Tanzania": {
+ "name": "Youth Mappers at Open University of Tanzania",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Open University of Tanzania",
+ "extendedDescription": "Youth Mappers at Open University of Tanzania\n\nHad been founded by members and students of Open University of Tanzania in Department of Geography who are mainly need to improve their career and help young community through joint and partnership projects with local community groups such as Mikoko Scout Group (www.msg.or.tz) and start cooperation with international colleges and universities for exchange programs in relation to Geography Studies as some programs prepared by Mikoko Scout Group which will link local university and other universities of the same interest through International Nature & Environmental Youth Camp 2019 (www.campsite.msg.or.tz/nature.html )\n\nOur chapter will soon be recognized as youth network program that will open opportunity for students to study and conduct research studies at a local levels."
+ },
+ "ym-Sokoine-University-of-Agriculture": {
+ "name": "SMCoSE YouthMappers",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Sokoine University of Agriculture",
+ "extendedDescription": "A Chapter comprising of Environmental sciences and management students and Geography studies under the dept. of Geography and we will be using mapping techniques, based on systems concepts and theories, can be used to facilitate, explore, and capture the different understandings of the relationships, perspectives, and boundaries involved in environmental sustainability to obtain a more complete comprehension of the concept and develop plans for action."
+ },
+ "ym-University-of-Dar-es-Salaam": {
+ "name": "YouthMappers at University of Dar es Salaam",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of Dar es Salaam",
+ "extendedDescription": "The purpose of the University of Dar es Salaam YouthMappers is to use and promote open source data and GIS technologies to map potential disaster areas, provide resources for emergency management, connect its members with open source and GIS organizations in the city of Dar es Salaam, and serve any upcoming needs of our project partners ."
+ },
+ "ym-Busitema-University": {
+ "name": "Good Mappers",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Busitema University",
+ "extendedDescription": "Good mappers is a team of students in Busitema University. Its main objective is to create a community of experienced mappers who can contribute to the world map."
+ },
+ "ym-Gulu-University": {
+ "name": "CSGU Mappers",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Gulu University",
+ "extendedDescription": "The CSGU Mappers are the Computing Society at Gulu University. This chapter is creative, passionate, innovative and ready to map Uganda and the world at large, beyond other people's imagination."
+ },
+ "ym-Kumi-University": {
+ "name": "Ever Last YouthMappers",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Kumi University",
+ "extendedDescription": "This energetic group of students organizes within the faculty of Science and Information Technology."
+ },
+ "ym-Makerere-University": {
+ "name": "Geo YouthMappers",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Makerere University",
+ "extendedDescription": "Geo YouthMappers is a Makerere University based mapping chapter esteemed to apply the spatial conception to the real world.We have collaborated on various mapping events with OSM. Our main aim is the desire to simplify data and make it readily available mostly for disaster preparedness.\"We map the world and change lives."
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Mbarara University of Science and Technology",
+ "extendedDescription": "MUST Street Mappers is a Youth Mappers chapter at the Mbarara University of Science and Technology that is based on making our country and the world at large a better place through mapping. We base on collected information to notice patterns and data mine to present relevant and beneficial information to society."
+ },
+ "ym-St.-Augustine-International-University": {
+ "name": "YouthMappers at St Augustine International University",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at St. Augustine International University"
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Uganda Christian University Mbale Campus",
+ "extendedDescription": "We are Team Mappers for life! Please come and join us as we map together!\" This group works from the Department of Information Technology at the UCU."
+ },
+ "ym-Uganda-Pentecostal-University": {
+ "name": "HiTech Youth Mappers",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Uganda Pentecostal University",
+ "extendedDescription": "A new Youthmappers Chapter in Western Uganda. Ready to map and provide open data with OpenStreetMap for development purposes."
+ },
+ "ym-St.-Mawaggali-Trades-Training-Institute": {
+ "name": "MawaggaliMappers",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at St. Mawaggali Trades Training Institute",
+ "extendedDescription": "We are the youthappers chapter at St. Mawaggali trades in choma who are want to contribute the different humantarian tasks to serve lives through mapping."
+ },
+ "ym-The-University-of-Zambia": {
+ "name": "YouthMappers Unza",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at The University of Zambia"
+ },
+ "ym-University-of-Zimbabwe": {
+ "name": "UZMappers",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of Zimbabwe",
+ "extendedDescription": "UzMappersTeam Zimbabwe is a team of Volunteers using OpenStreetMap for Open Data Mapping and Humanitarian Disaster response mapping .The team empowers its members with open source geospatial technology skills."
+ },
+ "osm-afghanistan-facebook": {
+ "name": "OpenStreetMap Afghanistan",
+ "description": "Improve OpenStreetMap in Afghanistan"
+ },
+ "OSM-BGD-facebook": {
+ "name": "OpenStreetMap Bangladesh",
+ "description": "Improve OpenStreetMap in Bangladesh",
+ "extendedDescription": "Mapping in Bangladesh? Have questions, want to connect with the community here? Join us at {url}. All are welcome!",
+ "events": {
+ "sotmasia2019": {
+ "name": "State of the Map Asia 2019",
+ "description": "Join the 2019 OpenStreetMap region-wide event at State of the Map Asia in Dhaka",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Asian University for Women",
+ "extendedDescription": "The Asian University for Women seeks to graduate women who will be skilled and innovative professionals, service-oriented leaders in the businesses and communities in which they will work and live, and promoters of intercultural understanding and sustainable human and economic development in Asia and throughout the world."
+ },
+ "ym-Dhaka-College": {
+ "name": "YouthMappers Daka College",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Dhaka College",
+ "extendedDescription": "YouthMappers DhakaCollege is an approach by students to help mapping vulnerable areas of the world as a part of Humanitarian Action. YouthMappers gives the opportunity to the students for helping people and using mapping for humanitarian purposes. This open geographic data can be used for educational, navigational and other humanitarian purposes. Happy mapping."
+ },
+ "ym-Dhaka-University": {
+ "name": "Openstreetmap YouthMappers",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Dhaka University",
+ "extendedDescription": "It's a great privilege for the students of University of Dhaka to map for humanitarian purposes. Our chapter gives the opportunity to the students for helping people and use mapping for humanitarian purposes."
+ },
+ "ym-Eastern-University": {
+ "name": "YouthMappers at Eastern University",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Eastern University",
+ "extendedDescription": "YouthMappers at Eastern University, Bangladesh has been formed with a view to assisting people during humanitarian crisis. The students, likewise other mappers of the world, are promised to assist people in using the map for educational, navigational and other humanitarian purposes."
+ },
+ "ym-Jahangirnagar-University": {
+ "name": "YouthMappers at IRS, Jahangirnagar University",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Jahangirnagar University"
+ },
+ "ym-Khulna-University": {
+ "name": "Khulna University YouthMappers",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Khulna University",
+ "extendedDescription": "KU students and faculty from multiple disciplines are experienced at creating open data for OSM to address local challenges of development, including food security and other topics."
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Rajshahi University of Engineering & Technology",
+ "extendedDescription": "The \"YouthMappers at RUET\" is a humanitarian mapping group of students of Rajshahi University of Engineering & Technology (RUET) to share, develop and practice the knowledge of GIS. This group encourages using open source geospatial data and platform to make solution to reach the most vulnerable group of the world."
+ },
+ "ym-Sherubtse-College": {
+ "name": "Geographical Society",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Sherubtse College",
+ "extendedDescription": "The Geographical Society, in the Department of Geography & Planning, Sherubtse College, Royal University of Bhutan, with support from the Center for Climate Change and Spatial Information, has made several efforts to create awareness and address important issues at the local and national level. We now join hands with the international student-centered YouthMappers network on \"Mapping for Resilience\" and contributing to a global 'Happiness'!"
+ },
+ "OSM-India-facebook": {
+ "name": "OpenStreetMap India - Participatory neighborhood mapping",
+ "description": "Improve OpenStreetMap in India",
+ "extendedDescription": "Mapping in India? Have questions, want to connect with the community here? Join us at {url}. All are welcome!"
+ },
+ "osm-india-forum": {
+ "name": "OpenStreetMap India forum",
+ "description": "OpenStreetMap India web forum"
+ },
+ "osm-india-github": {
+ "name": "OpenStreetMap India GitHub",
+ "description": "Code with us: {url}"
+ },
+ "OSM-india-mailinglist": {
+ "name": "OpenStreetMap India Mailinglist",
+ "description": "Talk-in is the official Mailinglist for Indian Community"
+ },
+ "osm-india-telegram": {
+ "name": "OpenStreetMap India Telegram",
+ "description": "Join our family: {url}"
+ },
+ "OSM-india-twitter": {
+ "name": "OpenStreetMap India Twitter",
+ "description": "We are just a tweet away: {url}"
+ },
+ "osm-india-website": {
+ "name": "OpenStreetMap India",
+ "description": "Mappers and OpenStreetMap users in India"
+ },
+ "osm-india-wiki": {
+ "name": "OpenStreetMap Wikiproject India",
+ "description": "Everything you need to know about mapping in India: {url}"
+ },
+ "osm-india-youtube": {
+ "name": "OpenStreetMap India Youtube",
+ "description": "Subscribe to our channel: {url}"
+ },
+ "OSM-India-Puducherry-Facebook": {
+ "name": "Free Software Hardware Movement - Facebook",
+ "description": "FSHM Facebook page to know about community events, activities",
+ "extendedDescription": "FSHM organizes events relating to free software/hardware, technology, activism and OpenStreetMap. Its FB page is the best way to keep in contact with its events."
+ },
+ "OSM-Puducherry-Mailing-List": {
+ "name": "Free Software Hardware Movement - Mailing List",
+ "description": "FSHM Puducherry mailing list to discuss mapping in Puducherry and other things.",
+ "extendedDescription": "FSHM organizes events relating to free software/hardware, technology, activism and OpenStreetMap."
+ },
+ "OSM-India-Puducherry-Matrix": {
+ "name": "Free Software Hardware Movement - Matrix",
+ "description": "FSHM Riot group to discuss, share and update mapping activities, events in and around Puducherry",
+ "extendedDescription": "FSHM community members share their OSM mapping updates / experiences through the Riot.im group, this group is also used to discuss things related to free software / hardware, technology and activism."
+ },
+ "ym-Gujarat-University": {
+ "name": "CCIM at Ahmedabad",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Gujarat University"
+ },
+ "OSM-IDN-facebook": {
+ "name": "OpenStreetMap Indonesia",
+ "description": "Improve OpenStreetMap in Indonesia",
+ "extendedDescription": "Mapping in Indonesia? Have questions, want to connect with the community here? Join us at {Url}. All are welcome!"
+ },
+ "ym-Universitas-Negeri-Makassar": {
+ "name": "Kontur Geografi",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Universitas Negeri Makassar"
+ },
+ "ym-University-Muhammadiyah-Surakarta": {
+ "name": "SpaceTime",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University Muhammadiyah Surakarta",
+ "extendedDescription": "SpaceTime is a community mapping in the Faculty of Geography of Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta. SpaceTime was founded by Bruce Maldy Pratama, Mukhlis Akbar and Irfandi Fauzi. They are active students in the Faculty of Geography University Muhammadiyah Surakarta."
+ },
+ "osm-iran-aparat": {
+ "name": "OpenStreetMap Iran Aparat",
+ "description": "Subscribe to our channel at {url}",
+ "extendedDescription": "A good resource of videos about anything related to OpenStreetMap. Mainly in Persian."
+ },
+ "osm-iran-forum": {
+ "name": "OpenStreetMap Iran web forum",
+ "description": "OpenStreetMap Iran web forum",
+ "extendedDescription": "A web forum for OpenStreetMap users in Iran. Feel free to ask questions and discuss with others!"
+ },
+ "osm-iran-telegram": {
+ "name": "OpenStreetMap Iran Telegram",
+ "description": "You're welcome to join our Telegram channel at {url}. We also have a supergroup of many OSMers interested in Iran. Find its link in bio of channel."
+ "description": "Talk-ko is an Official Mailinglist for the Communities to dicuss matters about Korea"
+ },
+ "OSM-Korea-telegram": {
+ "name": "OSM Korea Telegram",
+ "description": "Unofficial Group for OpenStreetMap contributors, communities, and users in Korea to share and discuss."
+ },
+ "OSM-MY-facebook": {
+ "name": "OpenStreetMap Malaysia on Facebook",
+ "description": "For chat about anything related to OpenStreetMap!"
+ },
+ "OSM-MY-forum": {
+ "name": "OpenStreetMap Malaysia Forum",
+ "description": "Official OpenStreetMap Malaysia Forum"
+ },
+ "OSM-MY-matrix": {
+ "name": "OpenStreetMap Malaysia Riot channel",
+ "description": "All mappers are welcome! Sign up at {signupUrl}"
+ },
+ "OSM-MNG-facebook": {
+ "name": "OpenStreetMap Mongolia",
+ "description": "Improve OpenStreetMap in Mongolia",
+ "extendedDescription": "Mapping in Mongolia? Have questions, want to connect with the community here? Join us at {Url}. All are welcome!"
+ },
+ "OSM-MMR-facebook": {
+ "name": "OpenStreetMap Myanmar",
+ "description": "Improve OpenStreetMap in Myanmar",
+ "extendedDescription": "Mapping in Myanmar? Have questions, want to connect with the community here? Join us at {Url}. All are welcome!"
+ },
+ "OSM-Nepal-facebook": {
+ "name": "OpenStreetMap Nepal",
+ "description": "Improve OpenStreetMap in Nepal",
+ "extendedDescription": "Mapping in Nepal? Have questions, want to connect with the community here? Join us at {Url}. All are welcome!"
+ },
+ "ym-Institute-of-Crisis-Management-Studies": {
+ "name": "Institute of Crisis Management Studies YouthMappers",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Institute of Crisis Management Studies",
+ "extendedDescription": "To develop Crisis Mappers to assist during disaster situations."
+ },
+ "ym-Kathmandu-University": {
+ "name": "Geomatics Engineering Society,GES",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Kathmandu University",
+ "extendedDescription": "Geomatics Engineering Society (GES) established in 2008 A.D is a departmental club under Department of Civil and Geomatics Engineering (DCGE) at Kathmandu University. GES acts as a platform to develop the skills of students apart from their educational activities by focusing on activities like technical trainings, seminars, talk programs and interaction with experts from related field, sports activities etc."
+ },
+ "ym-Tribhuvan-University": {
+ "name": "Geomatics Engineering Students Association",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Tribhuvan University",
+ "extendedDescription": "This organization is the student forum of Geomatics Engineering students of Tribhuvan University , Institute of Engineering on the Pashchimanchal campus. Established since the beginning of the degree program, students have been active in mapping and leadership and are thrilled to be a part of the YouthMappers network."
+ },
+ "OSM-Asia-mailinglist": {
+ "name": "OpenStreetMap Asia Mailinglist",
+ "description": "Talk-asia is the official Mailinglist for Asian Community"
+ },
+ "osm-asia-telegram": {
+ "name": "OpenStreetMap Asia Telegram",
+ "description": "Join our family: {url}"
+ },
+ "OSM-PH-facebook": {
+ "name": "OpenStreetMap PH Facebook",
+ "description": "Welcome to OpenStreetMap Philippines, where we encourage all fellow Filipinos to contribute to the OpenStreetMap project."
+ },
+ "OSM-PH-mailinglist": {
+ "name": "Talk-ph Mailing List",
+ "description": "A mailing list to discuss OpenStreetMap in the Philippines"
+ },
+ "OSM-PH-slack": {
+ "name": "OpenStreetMap PH Slack",
+ "description": "All are welcome! Sign up at {signupUrl}"
+ },
+ "OSM-PH-telegram": {
+ "name": "OpenStreetMap PH Telegram",
+ "description": "Un-official, Telegram local community of OpenStreetMap contributors and friends in the Philippines"
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Far Eastern University -Institute of Technology",
+ "extendedDescription": "FEU has been recognized as one of the leading universities in the Philippines. Its mission centers on producing graduates who have contributed to the advancement of the country. The university continuously challenges itself to raise the bar of excellence to achieve a top-tier status not only in the Philippines but also in the South East Asian region"
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of the Philippines Resilience Institute",
+ "extendedDescription": "The UP Resilience Institute was established in 2016 with a mission statement to empower local communities through multidisciplinary research and actions toward resilience. Through UP NOAH Center, and the help of different organizations, we have provided building exposure maps for 17 provinces out of the 82 and uploaded more than 4 million footprints to Open Street Maps."
+ },
+ "OSM-RU-forum": {
+ "name": "OpenStreetMap RU forum",
+ "description": "OpenStreetMap Russia web forum"
+ },
+ "OSM-RU-telegram": {
+ "name": "OpenStreetMap RU telegram",
+ "description": "OpenStreetMap Russia telegram chat"
+ },
+ "OSM-sri-lanka-facebook": {
+ "name": "OpenStreetMap Sri Lanka",
+ "description": "Improve OpenStreetMap in Sri Lanka",
+ "extendedDescription": "Mapping in Sri Lanka? Have questions, want to connect with the community here? Join us at {Url}. All are welcome!"
+ },
+ "OSM-TW-facebook": {
+ "name": "OpenStreetMap Taiwan Community",
+ "description": "Facebook Group for Mappers and OpenStreetMap users to discuss matters about Taiwan."
+ },
+ "OSM-TW-mailinglist": {
+ "name": "OpenStreetMap Taiwan Mailinglist",
+ "description": "Talk-tw is an Official Mailinglist for the Communities to dicuss matters about Taiwan"
+ },
+ "OSM-TW-telegram": {
+ "name": "OpenStreetMap Taiwan Telegram",
+ "description": "A Telegram group for the OSM Taiwan community: {url}"
+ },
+ "OSM-TH-CNX-meetup": {
+ "name": "OSM Meetup Chiang Mai",
+ "description": "Irregular meeting of the OpenStreetMap community in Chiang Mai",
+ "extendedDescription": "Members of the OpenStreetMap community meet every few months in Chiang Mai. Get in contact and check out {url} to see when the next meetup is scheduled"
+ },
+ "OSM-TH-facebook": {
+ "name": "OpenStreetMap TH Facebook group",
+ "description": "Facebook group for OpenStreetMappers in Thailand"
+ },
+ "OSM-TH-forum": {
+ "name": "OpenStreetMap TH forum",
+ "description": "OpenStreetMap Thailand web forum"
+ },
+ "al-forum": {
+ "name": "OSM Albania Forum",
+ "description": "OpenStreetMap Albania Forum"
+ },
+ "al-maptime-tirana": {
+ "name": "Maptime Tirana",
+ "description": "Social events organized around mapping - beginners most welcome!",
+ "extendedDescription": "Maptime is an open learning environment for all levels and degrees of knowledge, offering intentional educational support for the beginner. Maptime is simultaneously flexible and structured, creating space for mapping tutorials, workshops, ongoing projects with a shared goal, and independent/collaborative work time."
+ "description": "We help grow and improve OpenStreetMap in Belgium.",
+ "extendedDescription": "If you want to help to improve and grow the mapping community in Belgium, to make even more people crazy about mapping, OpenStreetMap Belgium is the right place for you!"
+ },
+ "be-facebook": {
+ "name": "OpenStreetMap BE Facebook Community",
+ "description": "Mappers and OpenStreetMap on Facebook in Belgium"
+ },
+ "be-forum": {
+ "name": "OpenStreetMap BE forum",
+ "description": "OpenStreetMap Belgium web forum"
+ },
+ "be-irc": {
+ "name": "OpenStreetMap Belgium IRC",
+ "description": "Join #osmbe on irc.oftc.net (port 6667)",
+ "extendedDescription": "Join #osmbe on irc.oftc.net (port 6667), it is bridged with the Matrix chat channel"
+ },
+ "be-mailinglist": {
+ "name": "Talk-be Mailing List",
+ "description": "Talk-be is the official mailing list for the Belgian OSM community"
+ },
+ "be-matrix": {
+ "name": "OpenStreetMap BE Matrix channel",
+ "description": "All mappers are welcome!",
+ "extendedDescription": "Most talk is happening at the \"OpenStreetMap Belgium\" channel. You can ask anything there! The other rooms are for specific subjects."
+ },
+ "be-meetup": {
+ "name": "OpenStreetMap Belgium Meetup",
+ "description": "Real life meetups of everyone who is interested in OpenStreetMap",
+ "extendedDescription": "Physical meetups are great to meet other mappers, ask them questions and to learn a lot. Especially new contributors are very welcome!"
+ },
+ "be-twitter": {
+ "name": "OpenStreetMap Belgium Twitter",
+ "description": "OSM Belgium on Twitter: @osm_be"
+ },
+ "OSM-BiH-telegram": {
+ "name": "OpenStreetMap BiH Telegram",
+ "description": "A Telegram group for the OSM Bosnia and Herzegovina community: {url}"
+ "description": "Join #osm-de on irc.oftc.net (port 6667)"
+ },
+ "de-mailinglist": {
+ "name": "Talk-de Mailing List",
+ "description": "Talk-de is the official mailing list for the German OSM community"
+ },
+ "de-ostwestfalen-lippe-mailinglist": {
+ "name": "OWL Mailing List",
+ "description": "This is the mailing list for the Ostwestfalen-Lippe OSM community"
+ },
+ "de-telegram": {
+ "name": "OpenStreetMap Germany Telegram",
+ "description": "Join the OpenStreetMap Germany Telegram supergroup at {url}"
+ },
+ "osm-de": {
+ "name": "OpenStreetMap Germany",
+ "description": "The platform for information on OpenStreetMap in Germany"
+ },
+ "ym-Heidelberg-University": {
+ "name": "disastermappers heidelberg",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Heidelberg University",
+ "extendedDescription": "Disastermappers Heidelberg was founded in 2014 as a student initiative to build a platform for exchange between students, researchers and humanitarian actors. Disastermappers are a member of Missing Maps and are organizing mapathons, workshops and webinars in Heidelberg and beyond and support HOT and Missing Maps through research and applications."
+ },
+ "hu-facebook": {
+ "name": "OpenStreetMap HU on Facebook",
+ "description": "Mappers and OpenStreetMap Facebook in Hungary"
+ },
+ "hu-forum": {
+ "name": "OpenStreetMap HU forum",
+ "description": "OpenStreetMap Hungary web forum"
+ },
+ "hu-meetup": {
+ "name": "OpenStreetMap Hungary Meetup",
+ "description": "The platform for organizing meetups in Hungary"
+ },
+ "is-chapter": {
+ "name": "OpenStreetMap Iceland Local Chapter",
+ "description": "We help grow and improve OpenStreetMap in Iceland."
+ },
+ "is-facebook": {
+ "name": "OSM Iceland on Facebook",
+ "description": "Page of OpenStreetMap in Iceland"
+ },
+ "is-mailinglist": {
+ "name": "Talk-is Mailing List",
+ "description": "Talk-is is the official mailing list for the Icelandic OSM community"
+ },
+ "is-twitter": {
+ "name": "OSM Iceland on Twitter",
+ "description": "Twitter of OpenStreetMap in Iceland"
+ },
+ "ireland-chapter": {
+ "name": "OpenStreetMap Ireland Local Chapter",
+ "description": "We help grow and improve OpenStreetMap in Ireland.",
+ "extendedDescription": "OpenStreetMap Ireland provides an advocate voice for the OpenStreetMap project on the island of Ireland, in addition to interacting with other open initiatives."
+ "description": "Improve OpenStreetMap in the Rome area",
+ "extendedDescription": "We aim to be a resource for people to discuss and share knowledge on utilizing free geographic data sets especially OpenStreetMap, and Open geo-spatial software that manages, edits, and displays geographic data, and advocate for its use in Lazio."
+ },
+ "South-Tyrol-Mailing-List": {
+ "name": "OpenStreetMap mailing list for South Tyrol",
+ "description": "OpenStreetMap Italy regional talk list for South Tyrol"
+ },
+ "talk-it-lazio": {
+ "name": "OpenStreetMap IT Lazio",
+ "description": "All are welcome! Sign up at {signupUrl}",
+ "extendedDescription": "Mailinglist for Rome and Lazio area."
+ },
+ "Trentino-Mailing-List": {
+ "name": "OpenStreetMap mailing list for Trentino",
+ "description": "OpenStreetMap Italy regional talk list for Trentino"
+ },
+ "ym-Politecnico-di-Milano": {
+ "name": "PoliMappers",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Politecnico di Milano",
+ "extendedDescription": "PoliMappers is a volunteer students’ association based at Politecnico di Milano. The mission of the group is to train and motivate the next generation of volunteer mappers and to do mapping using free and open source software within the university as well as primary and secondary schools."
+ },
+ "kosovo-telegram": {
+ "name": "OpenStreetMap Kosovo on Telegram",
+ "description": "Semi-official all-Kosovo Telegram public group. We welcome all mappers from anywhere in any language."
+ },
+ "lu-mailinglist": {
+ "name": "Talk-lu Mailing List",
+ "description": "Official mailing list for the Luxembourgish OSM community"
+ },
+ "ym-Universit-Mohammed-V-Rabat": {
+ "name": "Brahmapoutre at Rabat",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Université Mohammed V Rabat",
+ "extendedDescription": "This chapter sees participation in the YouthMappers program as an oppourtunity to share our knowlege create new working relationships with other chapters in different countries"
+ },
+ "nl-forum": {
+ "name": "Netherlands OpenStreetMap forum",
+ "description": "OpenStreetMap Netherlands web forum"
+ },
+ "nl-telegram": {
+ "name": "Netherlands OpenStreetMap Telegram",
+ "description": "A Telegram group for the OSM Netherlands community: {url}"
+ },
+ "no-forum": {
+ "name": "OpenStreetMap Norway Web Forum",
+ "description": "OpenStreetMap Norway web forum"
+ },
+ "no-irc": {
+ "name": "OpenStreetMap Norway on IRC",
+ "description": "Chat room for mappers and OpenStreetMap users, developers and enthusiasts in Norway"
+ },
+ "no-mailinglist": {
+ "name": "OpenStreetMap Norway mailing list",
+ "description": "Mailing list for mappers and OpenStreetMap users, developers and enthusiasts in Norway"
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Universidad Autonoma de Madrid"
+ },
+ "ym-Universidad-Politcnica-de-Madrid": {
+ "name": "Mapeo Humanitario",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid",
+ "extendedDescription": "Geo-volunteering group formed at Moncloa Campus on November 2017. Around 20 members from three Universities (Complutense, CEU and UPM). Undergraduate students, MSc and PhD students collaborate together with organizations (MSF, Acción contra el Hambre,...) supported by trainers from Geoinquietos. Official recognition by UPM as Educative Innovation Project (Code IE1718.0411)"
+ },
+ "osm-se": {
+ "name": "OpenStreetMap.se",
+ "description": "Provide OSM services and information for the local community in Sweden"
+ },
+ "se-facebook": {
+ "name": "OpenStreetMap Sweden Facebook",
+ "description": "OpenStreetMap Sweden on Facebook"
+ },
+ "se-forum": {
+ "name": "OpenStreetMap Sweden Web Forum",
+ "description": "OpenStreetMap Sweden web forum"
+ },
+ "se-irc": {
+ "name": "OpenStreetMap Sweden IRC",
+ "description": "Join #osm.se on irc.oftc.net (port 6667)"
+ },
+ "se-mailinglist": {
+ "name": "Talk-se Mailing List",
+ "description": "A mailing list to discuss OpenStreetMap in Sweden"
+ },
+ "se-twitter": {
+ "name": "OpenStreetMap Sweden on Twitter",
+ "description": "Follow us on Twitter: {url}"
+ },
+ "ch-irc": {
+ "name": "OpenStreetMap Switzerland IRC",
+ "description": "Join #osm-ch on irc.oftc.net (port 6667)"
+ "description": "The platform for information on OpenStreetMap in Switzerland"
+ },
+ "ym-Istanbul-Technical-University": {
+ "name": "YouthMappers ITU",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Istanbul Technical University",
+ "extendedDescription": "YouthMappers ITU is an interdisciplinary and collaborative student community to promote humanitarian mapping for vulnerable settlements and aims to develop and share strategic and innovative spatial information for the future cities by using geographical information systems and open data."
+ },
+ "ua-facebook": {
+ "name": "OpenStreetMap Ukraine Facebook group",
+ "description": "Join the OpenStreetMap Ukraine community on Facebook"
+ },
+ "ua-forum": {
+ "name": "OpenStreetMap Ukraine Forum",
+ "description": "Forum of OpenStreetMap community in Ukraine"
+ },
+ "ua-github": {
+ "name": "OpenStreetMap Ukraine on GitHub",
+ "description": "OpenStreetMap Ukraine GitHub"
+ },
+ "ua-slack": {
+ "name": "OpenStreetMap Ukraine Slack",
+ "description": "Join the OpenStreetMap Ukraine community on Slack"
+ "description": "Social gathering for East Midlands mappers and users",
+ "extendedDescription": "A group have been meeting since March 2011, initially in Nottingham, and, more recently in Derby, and from time to time elsewhere in the East Midlands. These are social gatherings, but are an excellent place to come and ask specific questions about OSM either in the area or in general. In the summer months we usually do some light mapping for an hour in the vicinity of our meeting place. The group as a whole has a special interest in mapping public rights of way and from time to time has mapping meetings for this purpose."
+ },
+ "gb-irc": {
+ "name": "OpenStreetMap United Kingdom IRC",
+ "description": "Join #osm-gb on irc.oftc.net (port 6667)",
+ "extendedDescription": "Join #osm-gb on irc.oftc.net (port 6667), please be patient and wait for a few minutes if you ask a question"
+ },
+ "uk-localchapter": {
+ "name": "OpenStreetMap UK",
+ "description": "The official Local Chapter for the UK (including Northern Ireland).",
+ "extendedDescription": "We support OpenStreetMap by holding events, providing community resources, building partnerships, and by spreading the word. Join OpenStreetMap UK here: {signupUrl}"
+ },
+ "uk-london-twitter": {
+ "name": "OpenStreetMap London on Twitter",
+ "description": "OpenStreetMap London on Twitter: {url}"
+ },
+ "gb-mailinglist": {
+ "name": "Talk-gb Mailing List",
+ "description": "Talk-gb is the main communication forum list for the UK (including Northern Ireland) OSM community"
+ },
+ "mappa-mercia-group": {
+ "name": "Mappa Mercia local group",
+ "description": "A home for OpenStreetMap enthusiasts in the Midlands",
+ "extendedDescription": "Mappa Mercia is a project to grow OpenStreetMap in the West Midlands, UK. We run community events, provide training and support local organisations wishing to open up their data."
+ },
+ "uk-twitter": {
+ "name": "OpenStreetMap UK on Twitter",
+ "description": "OpenStreetMap UK on Twitter: {url}"
+ },
+ "ym-Queen-Mary-University-of-London": {
+ "name": "Queen Mary YouthMappers",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Queen Mary University of London",
+ "extendedDescription": "This chapter will be part of the activities of the Queen Mary Geography Society."
+ },
+ "ym-University-of-Exeter": {
+ "name": "University of Exeter British Red Cross Missing Maps",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of Exeter",
+ "extendedDescription": "We are a team of enthusiastic Geographers with comprehensive knowledge of GIS. We are passionate about supporting the British Red Cross Society with various humanitarian aid efforts. We are also important teachers of the significance of mapping remotely sensed data and how this helps on the ground. Our mapathons have themed academic focuses that highlight the different GIS research in our geography department, while also functioning as employability awareness events which we use to invite speakers in to talk about their GIS/British Red Cross careers."
+ },
+ "ym-University-of-Warwick": {
+ "name": "University of Warwick Resilience Mapping Society",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of Warwick",
+ "extendedDescription": "We are a group of enthusiastic mappers based at Warwick University. Our aim is to get people excited about humanitarian mapping and help them understand the impact this activity has on the field. We are closely aligned with Missing Maps and Doctors Without Borders UK and focus on HOT tasks in our mapping activities and workshops. Our mapathons are listed on the Missing Maps page whenever they are scheduled."
+ },
+ "il-telegram": {
+ "name": "OSM Israel on Telegram",
+ "description": "A Telegram group for the OpenStreetMap community in Israel: {url}"
+ },
+ "ym-Yarmouk-University": {
+ "name": "YouthMappers at YU",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Yarmouk University",
+ "extendedDescription": "YouthMappers chapter at YU is the first mapping group in the Middle East and North Africa region where refugees, drought, and poverty are rising crises and in urgent need for humanitarian mapping activities to mitigate the consequences of such crises. YU Mappers are encouraged to use open data to address challenges in MENA region to bring relief and development to target areas within the region."
+ },
+ "sa-telegram": {
+ "name": "OSM Saudi Arabia on Telegram",
+ "description": "A Telegram group for the OpenStreetMap community in Saudi Arabia: {url}"
+ },
+ "ym-Sacred-Heart-Junior-College": {
+ "name": "Youth Mappers at Sacred Heart Junior College",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Sacred Heart Junior College"
+ },
+ "OSM-CA-Slack": {
+ "name": "OSM-CA Slack",
+ "description": "All are welcome! Sign up at {signupUrl}."
+ },
+ "OSM-Vancouver-meetup": {
+ "name": "OpenStreetMap Vancouver",
+ "description": "Mappers and OpenStreetMap users in the Vancouver, BC area"
+ },
+ "ym-Universidad-de-Costa-Rica": {
+ "name": "YouthMappers de Universidad de Costa Rica",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Universidad de Costa Rica",
+ "extendedDescription": "YouthMappers de Universidad de Costa Rica nace en función de acción social para y por miembros de comunidades distintas según temáticas de involucramiento, interacción y representación de variables dentro de un espacio geográfico definido (un territorio) Gracias a las herramientas de OpenStreetMaps tenemos la viabilidad de poder obtener, validar y compartir la información generada para comprobación y uso destinadas a las comunidades o el interesado en tales temáticas objetivas."
+ },
+ "OSM-CU-telegram": {
+ "name": "OSM Cuba on Telegram",
+ "description": "OpenStreetMap Cuba Telegram chat"
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of the West Indies, Mona Campus",
+ "extendedDescription": "The UWI, Mona Campus Library engages in public, outreach and special projects. This will allow our library the means to be a catalyst for spatial literacy and advocate for spatial data sharing and access to Jamaican and Caribbean interests. We have disaster relief and communication needs and extensive earth science and geo-hazards needs to better serve our campus and community. Specifically, we hace a Science Library to showcase such to all faculty and students."
+ },
+ "ni-facebook": {
+ "name": "OpenStreetMap NI Community",
+ "description": "Mappers and OpenStreetMap on Facebook in Nicaragua"
+ },
+ "ni-mailinglist": {
+ "name": "Talk-ni Mailing List",
+ "description": "Talk-ni is the official mailing list for the Nicaraguan OSM community"
+ "description": "OSM Nicaragua on Twitter: @osm_ni"
+ },
+ "osm-ni": {
+ "name": "MapaNica.net",
+ "description": "Provide OSM services and information for the local community in Nicaragua"
+ },
+ "ym-Universidad-Nacional-de-Ingenieria": {
+ "name": "Yeka Street MGA",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Universidad Nacional de Ingenieria",
+ "extendedDescription": "YEKA STREET is a work team constituted by students from Universidad Nacional de Ingenieria at Managua, Nicaragua. With the principal purpose of apply our knowledge and skills using many tools and apps to map areas in our cities and contribute to the development community projects and disasters relieve plans. We want to lead the way adding more students from all careers and universities in our country to join us at this cause, increasing in this way the life level and reducing the population vulnerability."
+ },
+ "ym-University-of-Panama": {
+ "name": "YouthMappers UP",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of Panama",
+ "extendedDescription": "Student mappers in Panama work with open spatial data to help identify, define, address, and create meaning about locally defined development challenges. They collaborate with students from other countries on community mapping topics from ecotourism to food security, from biodiversity to indigenous issues, promoting a humanistic vision through scientific perspectives."
+ },
+ "ym-Universidad-de-Puerto-Rico-Rio-Piedras": {
+ "name": "UPR YouthMappers",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Universidad de Puerto Rico - Rio Piedras"
+ },
+ "Bay-Area-OpenStreetMappers": {
+ "name": "Bay Area OpenStreetMappers",
+ "description": "Improve OpenStreetMap in the Bay Area",
+ "extendedDescription": "This group is about growing the OpenStreetMap community here in the Bay Area. Our events are open to everyone, from open source enthusiasts, cyclists, GIS professionals, geocachers, and beyond. Anyone and everyone who is interested in maps, map making and free map data is welcome to join our group as well as attend our events."
+ },
+ "Central-Pennsylvania-OSM": {
+ "name": "Central Pennsylvania OSM",
+ "description": "Online mapping community based out of State College, PA"
+ },
+ "Code-for-San-Jose-Slack": {
+ "name": "Code for San Jose Slack",
+ "description": "All are welcome! Sign up at {signupUrl}, then join the #osm channel."
+ },
+ "Dallas-Fort-Worth-OSM": {
+ "name": "Dallas-Fort Worth OSM",
+ "description": "The OpenStreetMap user group for Dallas-Fort Worth",
+ "extendedDescription": "Dallas, Fort Worth, and all the cities in between are abounding with creative and tech-savvy people. The vision for this usergroup is to find new ways to use the amazing resource of OSM."
+ },
+ "GeoPhilly": {
+ "name": "GeoPhilly",
+ "description": "Meetup for map enthusiasts in the Philadelphia area",
+ "extendedDescription": "GeoPhilly unites developers, geographers, data geeks, open source enthusiasts, civic hackers and map addicts in our shared love of maps and the stories they tell. If you use maps as part of your work or just want to learn more, this is the meetup for you! Our events aim to be open, friendly, educational and social and range from happy hours to lightning talks or even workshops. Come create a diverse, inspiring geospatial community in the Philadelphia with us!"
+ },
+ "MapMinnesota": {
+ "name": "MapMinnesota",
+ "description": "Mappers and OpenStreetMap enthusiasts in the Twin Cities area",
+ "extendedDescription": "Connecting OpenStreetMap enthusiasts in Minnesota and the Twin Cities!"
+ },
+ "Mapping-DC-meetup": {
+ "name": "Mapping DC",
+ "description": "Improve OpenStreetMap in the DC area",
+ "extendedDescription": "We are a group of volunteer mappers who aim to improve the OpenStreetMap in the DC area. We also aim to teach others about the OSM ecosystem, data analytics, cartography, and GIS. We gather every other month at meetups to focus on one area of our city."
+ },
+ "Maptime-ME-meetup": {
+ "name": "MaptimeME",
+ "description": "Mappers and OpenStreetMap users, around Portland, ME",
+ "extendedDescription": "Maptime is, rather literally, time for mapmaking. Our mission is to open the doors of cartographic possibility to anyone interested by creating a time and space for collaborative learning, exploration, and map creation using mapping tools and technologies."
+ },
+ "MaptimeHRVA-twitter": {
+ "name": "MaptimeHRVA Twitter",
+ "description": "Follow us on Twitter at {url}"
+ },
+ "us-ma-mailinglist": {
+ "name": "Talk-us-massachusetts Mailing List",
+ "description": "Email mailing list for the Massachusetts OSM community"
+ },
+ "OpenCleveland-meetup": {
+ "name": "Open Cleveland",
+ "description": "Improve OpenStreetMap in the Cleveland area",
+ "extendedDescription": "Open Geo Cleveland aims to be a resource for people to discuss and share knowledge on utilizing free geographic data sets especially OpenStreetMap, and Open geo-spatial software that manages, edits, and displays geographic data, and advocate for its use in Northeast Ohio. We're also a maptime chapter =)"
+ },
+ "OSM-Boston": {
+ "name": "OpenStreetMap Boston",
+ "description": "Mappers and OpenStreetMap users in the Boston area",
+ "extendedDescription": "OpenStreetMap is the free and open, wiki-style map of the world, with hundreds of thousands of contributions every day from people like you. Editing the map is simple, and fun! Join us both indoors and outdoors in our effort to create the best map of the Boston area and the rest of the world!"
+ },
+ "OSM-Central-Salish-Sea": {
+ "name": "OpenStreetMap Central Salish Sea",
+ "description": "Mappers and OpenStreetMap users around Mount Vernon, WA",
+ "extendedDescription": "OpenStreetMap is an map of the world made by people like you. It's a map that you build, that's given away for free like wikipedia. Check out osm.org for more. We meet all the time to talk maps, make maps and have fun!"
+ },
+ "OSM-Chattanooga": {
+ "name": "OSM Chattanooga",
+ "description": "The OpenStreetMap user group for Chattanooga"
+ },
+ "OSM-Colorado": {
+ "name": "OpenStreetMap Colorado",
+ "description": "Mappers and OpenStreetMap users in the state of Colorado, USA",
+ "extendedDescription": "OpenStreetMap (OSM) Colorado is a local collaboration of people interested in contributing their efforts to create free maps. We encourage all of our mappers to organize or suggest mapping events throughout the state. Meetup activities can be simple social mixers, OSM basic to advanced training, or community mapping parties."
+ },
+ "OSM-Portland-forum": {
+ "name": "OpenStreetMap PDX Google Group",
+ "description": "Forum and mailing list for OpenStreetMap users in the Portland area",
+ "extendedDescription": "This group is to facilitate improvements to OpenStreetMap in the Portland, Oregon area to support applications such as the Open Trip Planner."
+ },
+ "OSM-Portland": {
+ "name": "OpenStreetMap Portland",
+ "description": "Mappers and OpenStreetMap users in the Portland area",
+ "extendedDescription": "OpenStreetMap (OSM) is a map of the world made by people like you. It's a map that you build, that's given away for free like wikipedia. Check out osm.org for more, and come join us at a meetup to talk maps, contribute to OSM, and have fun!"
+ },
+ "OSM-Seattle": {
+ "name": "OpenStreetMap Seattle",
+ "description": "Mappers and OpenStreetMap users in the Seattle area"
+ },
+ "OSM-SoCal": {
+ "name": "OpenStreetMap Southern California",
+ "description": "Let's have some fun, contribute something to Los Angeles, and learn about mapping!",
+ "extendedDescription": "OpenStreetMap (OSM) Southern California is for anyone interested in mapping to get together to work with OpenStreetMap. OpenStreetMap, the Wikipedia of maps, is a free open-source map of the world being created by more than 1,000,000 volunteers around the globe. Everyone is welcome. If you don't know OpenStreetMap, we'll teach you. If you have an idea for a mapping project or even a field trip that the group can do, great!"
+ },
+ "OSM-South-Bay": {
+ "name": "OSM South Bay",
+ "description": "Map Nights hosted by Code for San Jose",
+ "extendedDescription": "Code for San Jose, the local Code for America brigade, hosts monthly Map Nights on Thursday nights in downtown San José. Meet fellow South Bay mappers, help out with local mapping projects, and hear about other civic tech projects. Programming and GIS skills are not required."
+ },
+ "OSM-Tampa-Bay": {
+ "name": "OpenStreetMap Tampa Bay",
+ "description": "Mappers and OpenStreetMap users in the Tampa Bay area",
+ "extendedDescription": "OSM Tampa Bay group for local residents to get together and build out the definitive map of Tampa Bay with OpenStreetMap, the free and editable map of the world. If you're into maps, data, open source, GPS, hiking, cycling, et cetera, you'll love working with OpenStreetMap -- so join in! We'll get together and map and talk about new topics once-a-month or so."
+ },
+ "OSM-US-Slack": {
+ "name": "OpenStreetMap US Slack",
+ "description": "All are welcome! Sign up at {signupUrl}"
+ },
+ "OSM-US": {
+ "name": "OpenStreetMap US",
+ "description": "We help grow and improve OpenStreetMap in the United States.",
+ "extendedDescription": "We support OpenStreetMap by holding annual conferences, providing community resources, building partnerships, and by spreading the word. Join OpenStreetMap US here: {signupUrl}"
+ },
+ "OSM-Utah": {
+ "name": "OpenStreetMap Utah",
+ "description": "Mappers and OpenStreetMap users in the Salt Lake City area",
+ "extendedDescription": "Activities may include things like Learn To Map workshops, mapping parties and outdoor data collection. The events will take place in the SLC area, at least initially. We are looking for seasoned mappers as well as people new to OSM. Join and let's do some mapping!"
+ },
+ "OSM-Wyoming": {
+ "name": "OpenStreetMap Wyoming",
+ "description": "Mappers and OpenStreetMap users in the state of Wyoming",
+ "extendedDescription": "OpenStreetMap (OSM) Wyoming is a local collaboration of people interested in contributing their efforts to create free maps. We encourage all of our mappers to organize or suggest mapping events throughout the state. Meetup activities can be simple social mixers, OSM basic to advanced training, or community mapping parties."
+ },
+ "PHXGeo-meetup": {
+ "name": "PHXGeo Meetup",
+ "description": "Mappers and OpenStreetMap users in the Phoenix, AZ area",
+ "extendedDescription": "This is a meetup group for those in the Phoenix area who like maps, GIS, OpenStreetMap, cartography and anything in between."
+ },
+ "PHXGeo-twitter": {
+ "name": "PHXGeo Twitter",
+ "description": "Follow us on Twitter at {url}"
+ },
+ "Western-Slope-facebook": {
+ "name": "Western Slope OSM Facebook",
+ "description": "Mappers and OpenStreetMap users around Grand Junction, CO"
+ },
+ "Western-Slope-meetup": {
+ "name": "Western Slope OSM Meetup",
+ "description": "Mappers and OpenStreetMap users around Grand Junction, CO",
+ "extendedDescription": "The goal of this group is to introduce OpenStreetMap to the community, develop a community of mappers, create the most amazing geodata possible using whatever method we can and finally strategize in order to get this data out into our community. Imagine accurate trail signage! Imagine further development of bike paths! Imagine anything you want, that's the joy of OpenStreetMap!"
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Ball State University",
+ "extendedDescription": "Our chapter is a very active one. We primarily focus on community events, fundraising, and field trips. We are currently looking to develop more mapping-related activities to draw in other students from campus who may be interested in contributing."
+ },
+ "ym-California-University-of-Pennsylvania": {
+ "name": "CalU PA GIS Club",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at California University of Pennsylvania",
+ "extendedDescription": "GIS Students at Cal U learn to apply spatial theory to the real world. The university degree program focuses on geography as well as utilizing GIS in emergency management."
+ },
+ "ym-Central-Washington-University": {
+ "name": "Geography Club",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Central Washington University",
+ "extendedDescription": "Our goal teaming up with Youthmappers is to bring relief to areas that are in need of humanitarian mapping. By doing so, we are serving our fellow brothers and sisters around the world as well as furthering our own cartography skills."
+ },
+ "ym-Clemson-University": {
+ "name": "Clemson Mappers",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Clemson University",
+ "extendedDescription": "Students in Clemson are supported by the Center for Geospatial Technologies, a community of interdisciplinary geospatial science practitioners supporting research, teaching, and outreach activities using technologies that enable the collection, analysis, and application of geospatial data. Students integrate geospatial technologies within their scholarly activities across all disciplines and build connections throughout the world."
+ },
+ "ym-College-of-William-and-Mary": {
+ "name": "All over the map!",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at College of William and Mary",
+ "extendedDescription": "The students who are all over the map are supported by the Center for Geospatial Analysis, a group integrating GIS across the curriculum and providing student and faculty with hardware, software, and expertise. Students of all backgrounds utilize GIS across campus, including environmental science and policy, geology, history, business, sociology, biology, anthropology, public policy, and marine sciences."
+ },
+ "ym-Cornell-University": {
+ "name": "Mapping Society",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Cornell University",
+ "extendedDescription": "Cornell students and faculty use open data and open source software to address challenges at local, national, and global scales. In doing so, we advance our academic and personal goals of developing our own skills around GIS and spatial literacy."
+ },
+ "ym-George-Mason-University": {
+ "name": "Mason Mappers",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at George Mason University",
+ "extendedDescription": "Mason Mappers Student Society is a humanitarian mapping student organization in the George Mason University GGS Department, and its goal is to promote education and knowledge in geo-technologies, geo-info science, to foster good global stewardship and engage in professional development while building a positive, interactive geo-community, as well as shaping students into leaders of tomorrow."
+ },
+ "ym-Indiana-University-of-Pennsylvania": {
+ "name": "Geospatial Science Club",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Indiana University of Pennsylvania"
+ },
+ "ym-Jacksonville-State-University": {
+ "name": "JSU Disaster Mapping Team",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Jacksonville State University",
+ "extendedDescription": "The JSU Disaster Mapping Team is a program at Jacksonville State University dedicated to assisting disaster response in times of emergencies. This includes tornadoes, severe thunderstorms, floods, etc. The team is intended to be a valuable asset to surrounding counties and a conduit for the JSU Geoscience Department students to apply what they have learned in an academic setting to support emergency services. Our goal is to streamline disaster response and recovery operations while utilizing student skill sets"
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Kansas State University",
+ "extendedDescription": "We are the Kansas State University Chapter of Gamma Theta Upsilon, an international geography honor society with affiliation to YouthMappers. We have been active with mapping for OSM and conducted a mapathon called \"Map for Nepal,\" in which we used OpenStreetMap to digitize unmapped areas of Nepal after the earthquake in 2015."
+ },
+ "ym-McGill-University": {
+ "name": "Open Mapping Group McGill: A Member of the McGill Undergraduate Geography Society",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at McGill University",
+ "extendedDescription": "The Open Mapping Group McGill: A Member of McGill Undergraduate Geography Society (OMG McGill) aims to connect students with open geospatial data and technologies to enhance resilience, community-building, and learning through mapping–on campus, in Montreal, in Canada, and abroad."
+ },
+ "ym-Miami-University": {
+ "name": "Geography and Planning Society",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Miami University",
+ "extendedDescription": "GPS at Miami University aims to create a close-knit community of planners and geographers who want to have fun, learn more about careers and higher education in their field, network, and work alongside professionals for real experience."
+ },
+ "ym-Monroe-Community-College": {
+ "name": "MCC Mapping Corps",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Monroe Community College"
+ },
+ "ym-Montgomery-College": {
+ "name": "GeoMC",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Montgomery College",
+ "extendedDescription": "GeoMC’s mission is to provide students with hands-on experience in applying geospatial tools, collecting data, and project management. Most of our students come with a background in GIS and are geography majors. Our chapter’s members come from diverse backgrounds and we all work together to make a positive impact in the world live in."
+ },
+ "ym-New-York-University": {
+ "name": "NYU mHealth Initiative Mapping Corps",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at New York University",
+ "extendedDescription": "The NYU mobile health or “mHealth” research initiative focuses on development of systems that link people - usually via their phones - to the places that they live and traverse, and thus supports novel research on the way phones and maps can be leveraged to understand behavioral decision making and ultimately health outcomes."
+ },
+ "ym-Ohio-Wesleyan-University": {
+ "name": "Environment and Wildlife Club",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Ohio Wesleyan University",
+ "extendedDescription": "Environment and Wildlife Club looks at environmental issues on campus, in Delaware, and even nationally! We create campus and community projects, explore and enjoy the outdoors, volunteer, and try to promote environmentalism in every aspect of our lives."
+ },
+ "ym-Oklahoma-State-University": {
+ "name": "Geography Club",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Oklahoma State University"
+ },
+ "ym-State-University-of-New-York-Geneseo": {
+ "name": "SUNY Geneseo GIS Association",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at State University of New York Geneseo",
+ "extendedDescription": "We spread awareness, support, education, volunteerism, and career advancement opportunities in geographic information systems, across disciplines and departments, in the context of SUNY Geneseo, the local community, and global community."
+ },
+ "ym-SUNY-at-Fredonia": {
+ "name": "Geoventurers",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at SUNY at Fredonia",
+ "extendedDescription": "GeoVenturers is a group of students joining together across a number of majors on our campus that see geospatial technologies as a tool to serve others and to bring people together. Mentoring for the group brings in science education from the department of curriculum and instruction. We hope that we can bring our skills to play in helping make people's lives better."
+ },
+ "ym-Texas-Tech-University": {
+ "name": "YouthMappers at TTU",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Texas Tech University",
+ "extendedDescription": "As one of the co-founding chapters of the network, the TTU YouthMappers are enthusiastic to serve as interdisciplinary leaders to help create open geographic data and analyses that address locally defined development challenges worldwide. The chapter strives to exchange and collaborate with other chapters around the globe while also offering themselves as a local resource and service to Texas Tech student organizations in ways that add value to their respecitive campus activities through mapping."
+ },
+ "ym-The-Citadel": {
+ "name": "YouthMappers at The Citadel",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at The Citadel",
+ "extendedDescription": "This chapter is also a Rotaract Club, which is an affiliate of Rotary International. Multiple members, as well as leadership have expressed an interest in YouthMappers and we would like to affiliate our Citadel Rotaract Club with YouthMappers."
+ },
+ "ym-The-George-Washington-University": {
+ "name": "Humanitarian Mapping Society",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at The George Washington University",
+ "extendedDescription": "Models of leadership and engagement, HMS seeks to render aid and better the world through humanitarian Geographic Information Systems (GIS) projects. This co-founding affiliated chapter on the campus of GWU has a plethora of experience to share, and frequently partners directly with USAID, the American Red Cross, and the US Department of State in their DC area to expand student-led efforts and serve the global community."
+ },
+ "ym-The-Johns-Hopkins-University-SAIS": {
+ "name": "SAIS YouthMappers",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at The Johns Hopkins University, SAIS",
+ "extendedDescription": "The mission of SAIS Youth Mappers is to provide students at the Johns Hopkins University SAIS with the opportunity to become highly skilled humanitarian mappers. As a group within the South Asia Club, its primary focus is on supporting humanitarian mapping projects in the Indo-Pacific Region."
+ },
+ "ym-The-Pennsylvania-State-University": {
+ "name": "Penn State GIS Coalition",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at The Pennsylvania State University",
+ "extendedDescription": "The Penn State Geospatial Information Science (GIS) Coalition is an organization that offers students majoring, minoring, or sharing an interest in GIS opportunities to develop supplementary knowledge and skills necessary to succeed in the professional GIS industry."
+ },
+ "ym-University-of-California-Davis": {
+ "name": "Mapping Club",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of California, Davis"
+ },
+ "ym-University-of-Central-Florida": {
+ "name": "Geospatial Information Society",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of Central Florida",
+ "extendedDescription": "Our mission is to foster a social and educational environment for all majors who are interested in the discussion and application of GIS. Group and community events throughout the academic year organize students to volunteer to help local and regional communities by using community-based GIS projects and educating local middle and high school students on the use and application of GIS."
+ },
+ "ym-University-of-Chicago": {
+ "name": "Tobler Society",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of Chicago"
+ },
+ "ym-University-of-Maryland-College-Park": {
+ "name": "Geography Club",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of Maryland - College Park",
+ "extendedDescription": "The mission of the Geography Club at the University of Maryland College Park is to engage and encourage students to explore geographic interests within the campus and the community."
+ },
+ "ym-University-of-North-Texas": {
+ "name": "UNT Geography Club",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of North Texas",
+ "extendedDescription": "The Geography Club is a student organization at University of North Texas that welcomes all students who are interested in geography. The objective of the Geography Club is to promote interest in Geography, the Major and the Geography Department along with fellowship among students and faculty. The club also seeks to represent student needs and wants in regard to the study of geography and to provide a forum for the presentation of innovative ideas to the benefit of the University community."
+ },
+ "ym-University-of-Northern-Colorado": {
+ "name": "UNCO Geography and GIS Club",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of Northern Colorado",
+ "extendedDescription": "Official Geography and GIS Club chapter affiliated with the University of Northern Colorado where our aim is to learn, share and connect with those around us. #MakingSenseOfTheWorld"
+ },
+ "ym-University-of-Oregon": {
+ "name": "Map by Northwest",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of Oregon",
+ "extendedDescription": "Map By Northwest aims to engage undergraduate students at the University of Oregon in mapping projects to assist in humanitarian causes and for conducting geographic research. We welcome students from all disciplines to join us in our mapping adventures."
+ },
+ "ym-University-of-Redlands": {
+ "name": "URSpatial Geo-Thinkers",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of Redlands",
+ "extendedDescription": "To build upon the members' GIS skills and knowledge of the tools and methods through applied social engagement as well as to educate the campus community about the power of mapping and spatial analysis through community service events."
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of South Carolina",
+ "extendedDescription": "The GGSA is a fully student-run organization, designed to serve as an advocate and resource for all geography graduate students by filling the role of liaison between the department and students. Our goal is to further professional, academic, and personal development of graduate students interested in the field of geography and its sub disciplines."
+ },
+ "ym-University-of-Southern-California": {
+ "name": "SC Mappers",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of Southern California",
+ "extendedDescription": "We see the world differently: we view it through a spatial lens. With the power of spatial thinking, we connect place and space to help address global challenges. Collaborate with us!"
+ },
+ "ym-University-of-Vermont": {
+ "name": "University of Vermont Humanitarian Mapping Club",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of Vermont"
+ },
+ "ym-University-of-Victoria": {
+ "name": "Society of Geography Students",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of Victoria",
+ "extendedDescription": "SOGS seeks to promote and represent social and academic interests within the Department of Geography. This is expressed by four key goals: To provide a forum for the discussion of matters concerning the quality and accessibility of education within geography; to provide a means of expressing a consensus of student opinion to deparhnental faculty through representation at deparkrnental meetings and on departrnental committees; to undertake anangements for such activities as are for the benefit of students and are seen to be within the field of interest of students in geography; to act as a liaison through the UVSS and the Course Union Council with other student groups on campus"
+ },
+ "ym-University-of-Wyoming": {
+ "name": "Gamma Theta Upsilon/Geography Club",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of Wyoming"
+ },
+ "ym-UW-Madison": {
+ "name": "BadgerMaps",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at UW-Madison",
+ "extendedDescription": "BadgerMaps is the UW campus chapter of Youthmappers, an organization dedicated to humanitarian and community mapping services. We connect our volunteer network with opportunities to create GIS data for projects that need it."
+ },
+ "ym-Vassar-College": {
+ "name": "Hudson Valley Mappers",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Vassar College",
+ "extendedDescription": "Our mission is to provide a multi-disciplinary platform for peers, educators, and community organizations to engage in local mapping projects with a focus on strengthening our local ecosystems, our built environment, and the health of our community. We also seek to contribute geospatial support for global humanitarian aid and development efforts."
+ },
+ "ym-Villanova-University": {
+ "name": "The Villanova Globeplotters",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Villanova University",
+ "extendedDescription": "The Villanova Globeplotters is built on Villanova’s Augustinian principle of selfless-service to the global community. Mixed with relaxed social interaction, we strive to provide geospatial outreach to those in need regardless of participating students’ race, academic major, student group association, or college career level."
+ },
+ "ym-West-Virginia-University": {
+ "name": "Maptime Morgantown",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at West Virginia University",
+ "extendedDescription": "Working as a collaborative team, this co-founding chapter focuses on providing an open learning environment for those interested in working on projects that intersect international development, emergency response, and geographic information science.\nThey connect beginners and experts by providing technical training and experience in building meaningful and useful geographic infrastructure data, while connecting to sister cities around the world."
+ },
+ "ym-Western-Michigan-University": {
+ "name": "Geography Club",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Western Michigan University"
+ },
+ "geogeeks_perth_meetup": {
+ "name": "GeoGeeks Perth Meetup",
+ "description": "Perth-based meetup group for people interested in mapping, geospatial data, and open source. We'll be working on anything that involves a sense of place."
+ },
+ "talk-au": {
+ "name": "Talk-au Mailing List",
+ "description": "Place for Aussie mappers to chat"
+ },
+ "Maptime-Oceania-Slack": {
+ "name": "Maptime Oceania Slack",
+ "description": "Sign up at {signupUrl}"
+ },
+ "talk-nz": {
+ "name": "Talk-nz Mailing List",
+ "description": "New Zealand's OSM community talk"
+ },
+ "OSM-AR-facebook": {
+ "name": "OpenStreetMap Argentina Facebook",
+ "description": "Join the OpenStreetMap Argentina community on Facebook",
+ "extendedDescription": "News from the local community"
+ },
+ "OSM-AR-forum": {
+ "name": "OpenStreetMap Argentina web forum",
+ "description": "Join the OpenStreetMap Argentina web forum",
+ "extendedDescription": "Ideal for long or important discussions. Slow response time."
+ },
+ "OSM-AR-irc": {
+ "name": "OpenStreetMap Argentina IRC",
+ "description": "Join #osm-ar on irc.oftc.net (port 6667)",
+ "extendedDescription": "You may find the most geeky user in the community."
+ },
+ "OSM-AR-mailinglist": {
+ "name": "Talk-ar Mailing List",
+ "description": "Historic mailing list. Almost unused today."
+ },
+ "OSM-AR-telegram": {
+ "name": "OpenStreetMap Argentina Telegram",
+ "description": "Join the OpenStreetMap Argentina community on Telegram",
+ "extendedDescription": "The most active channel in the community, ideal for chatting and getting answers to your questions instantly. Everyone is welcome!"
+ },
+ "OSM-AR-twitter": {
+ "name": "OpenStreetMap Argentina Twitter",
+ "description": "Follow us on Twitter at {url}",
+ "extendedDescription": "News from the local community and OpenStreetMap in general."
+ },
+ "OSM-BO-mailinglist": {
+ "name": "Talk-bo Mailing List",
+ "description": "Talk-bo is the official mailing list for the Bolivian OpenStreetMap community",
+ "extendedDescription": "Mapping in Bolivia? Have questions, want to connect with the community here? Join us at {url}. All are welcome!"
+ },
+ "Bahia-telegram": {
+ "name": "OpenStreetMap Bahia Telegram Group",
+ "description": "Join the OpenStreetMap Bahia community on Telegram",
+ "extendedDescription": "Join the community to learn more about OpenStreetMap, ask questions or participate in our meetings. Everyone is welcome!"
+ "description": "Join the OpenStreetMap Brasília community on Telegram",
+ "extendedDescription": "Join the community to learn more about OpenStreetMap, ask questions or participate in our meetings. Everyone is welcome!"
+ },
+ "OSM-br-discord": {
+ "name": "OpenStreetMap Brasil Discord",
+ "description": "Join the OpenStreetMap Brasil community on Discord"
+ },
+ "OSM-br-mailinglist": {
+ "name": "Talk-br Mailing List",
+ "description": "A mailing list to discuss OpenStreetMap in Brazil"
+ },
+ "OSM-br-telegram": {
+ "name": "OpenStreetMap Brasil Telegram",
+ "description": "Join the OpenStreetMap Brasil community on Telegram",
+ "extendedDescription": "Join the community to learn more about OpenStreetMap, ask questions or participate in our meetings. Everyone is welcome!"
+ },
+ "OSM-br-twitter": {
+ "name": "OpenStreetMap Brasil Twitter",
+ "description": "Follow us on Twitter at {url}"
+ },
+ "RS-telegram": {
+ "name": "OpenStreetMap Rio Grande do Sul Telegram Group",
+ "description": "Join the OpenStreetMap Rio Grande do Sul community on Telegram",
+ "extendedDescription": "Join the community to learn more about OpenStreetMap, ask questions or participate in our meetings. Everyone is welcome!"
+ },
+ "OSM-CL-facebook": {
+ "name": "OpenStreetMap Chile Facebook",
+ "description": "Join the OpenStreetMap Chile community on Facebook",
+ "extendedDescription": "Join the community to learn more about OpenStreetMap, ask questions or participate in our meetings. Everyone is welcome!"
+ },
+ "OSM-CL-mailinglist": {
+ "name": "Talk-cl Mailing List",
+ "description": "A mailing list to discuss OpenStreetMap in Chile"
+ },
+ "OSM-CL-telegram": {
+ "name": "OpenStreetMap Chile Telegram",
+ "description": "Join the OpenStreetMap Chile community on Telegram",
+ "extendedDescription": "Join the community to learn more about OpenStreetMap, ask questions or participate in our meetings. Everyone is welcome!"
+ },
+ "OSM-CL-twitter": {
+ "name": "OpenStreetMap Chile Twitter",
+ "description": "Follow us on Twitter at {url}"
+ },
+ "Maptime-Bogota": {
+ "name": "Maptime Bogotá",
+ "description": "We're a group of mappers interested in mapping in OpenStreetMap around Bogotá.",
+ "extendedDescription": "Learn to collect data in the field and digitize onto OpenStreetMap. It is not necessary to have previous knowledge! You just need the desire to participate, learn, and have fun."
+ },
+ "OSM-CO-facebook": {
+ "name": "OpenStreetMap Colombia Facebook",
+ "description": "Join the OpenStreetMap Colombia community on Facebook",
+ "extendedDescription": "Join the community to learn more about OpenStreetMap. Everyone is welcome!"
+ },
+ "OSM-CO-mailinglist": {
+ "name": "Talk-co Mailing List",
+ "description": "A mailing list to discuss OpenStreetMap in Colombia"
+ "description": "News of the OpenStreetMap Colombia community and the OSMCo Foundation"
+ },
+ "ym-Universidad-de-Antioquia": {
+ "name": "Geomatica UDEA",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Universidad de Antioquia",
+ "extendedDescription": "We are a group interested in geospatial data, voluntary cartography, and participating in mapping with others in our country and within the YouthMappers network."
+ },
+ "ym-Universidad-de-La-Guajira": {
+ "name": "Grupo Mesh",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Universidad de La Guajira",
+ "extendedDescription": "Grupo Mesh is a student organization at the Universidad de la Guajira in Colombia, including students from the program of Environmental Engineering who learn cartography and open mapping."
+ },
+ "ym-Universidad-de-Los-Andes": {
+ "name": "Cartografos Uniandes",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Universidad de Los Andes",
+ "extendedDescription": "We are a circle of student participation that seeks to use mapping and spatial reasoning as a means to create bonds of cooperation and integration between the university and society by addressing different spatial, social, political , economic and cultural dynamics."
+ },
+ "ym-Universidad-de-San-Buenaventura": {
+ "name": "YouthMappers San Buenaventura",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Universidad de San Buenaventura",
+ "extendedDescription": "We are pleased to join YouthMappers mapping for a better world and community."
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Universidad Distrital Francisco Jose de Caldas",
+ "extendedDescription": "The Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas is a public, coeducational, research university based in Bogotá, Colombia with a population of 26,140 students."
+ },
+ "ym-Universidad-Nacional-de-Colombia": {
+ "name": "Grupo UN",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Universidad Nacional de Colombia",
+ "extendedDescription": "Students are uniting to map and network with university students across the country of Colombia and across the globe. Geographic specialties include affiliation with microbiology and health disciplines."
+ "extendedDescription": "OSMF supports the OpenStreetMap by fundraising, maintaining the servers which power OSM, organizing the annual State of the Map conference, and coordinating the volunteers who keep OSM running. You can show your support and have a voice in the direction of OpenStreetMap by joining as an OSMF member here: {signupUrl}"