X-Git-Url: https://git.openstreetmap.org/rails.git/blobdiff_plain/59a5b6d1c6ebdd82e3b9b73ca0eed89961e8093a..b396c8cbe5473746007369003cdac07224133f9e:/vendor/assets/iD/iD/locales/en.json diff --git a/vendor/assets/iD/iD/locales/en.json b/vendor/assets/iD/iD/locales/en.json index 55064aa44..ff15951fd 100644 --- a/vendor/assets/iD/iD/locales/en.json +++ b/vendor/assets/iD/iD/locales/en.json @@ -1,3623 +1,6086 @@ { - "modes": { - "add_area": { - "title": "Area", - "description": "Add parks, buildings, lakes or other areas to the map.", - "tail": "Click on the map to start drawing an area, like a park, lake, or building." - }, - "add_line": { - "title": "Line", - "description": "Add highways, streets, pedestrian paths, canals or other lines to the map.", - "tail": "Click on the map to start drawing a road, path, or route." - }, - "add_point": { - "title": "Point", - "description": "Add restaurants, monuments, postal boxes or other points to the map.", - "tail": "Click on the map to add a point." - }, - "browse": { - "title": "Browse", - "description": "Pan and zoom the map." - }, - "draw_area": { - "tail": "Click to add nodes to your area. Click the first node to finish the area." - }, - "draw_line": { - "tail": "Click to add more nodes to the line. Click on other lines to connect to them, and double-click to end the line." - } - }, - "operations": { - "add": { - "annotation": { - "point": "Added a point.", - "vertex": "Added a node to a way.", - "relation": "Added a relation." - } - }, - "start": { - "annotation": { - "line": "Started a line.", - "area": "Started an area." - } - }, - "continue": { - "key": "A", - "title": "Continue", - "description": "Continue this line.", - "not_eligible": "No line can be continued here.", - "multiple": "Several lines can be continued here. To choose a line, press the Shift key and click on it to select it.", - "annotation": { - "line": "Continued a line.", - "area": "Continued an area." - } - }, - "cancel_draw": { - "annotation": "Canceled drawing." - }, - "change_role": { - "annotation": "Changed the role of a relation member." - }, - "change_tags": { - "annotation": "Changed tags." - }, - "circularize": { - "title": "Circularize", - "description": { - "line": "Make this line circular.", - "area": "Make this area circular." - }, - "key": "O", - "annotation": { - "line": "Made a line circular.", - "area": "Made an area circular." - }, - "not_closed": "This can't be made circular because it's not a loop.", - "too_large": "This can't be made circular because not enough of it is currently visible.", - "connected_to_hidden": "This can't be made circular because it is connected to a hidden feature." - }, - "orthogonalize": { - "title": "Square", - "description": { - "line": "Square the corners of this line.", - "area": "Square the corners of this area." - }, - "key": "S", - "annotation": { - "line": "Squared the corners of a line.", - "area": "Squared the corners of an area." - }, - "not_squarish": "This can't be made square because it is not squarish.", - "too_large": "This can't be made square because not enough of it is currently visible.", - "connected_to_hidden": "This can't be made square because it is connected to a hidden feature." - }, - "straighten": { - "title": "Straighten", - "description": "Straighten this line.", - "key": "S", - "annotation": "Straightened a line.", - "too_bendy": "This can't be straightened because it bends too much.", - "connected_to_hidden": "This line can't be straightened because it is connected to a hidden feature." - }, - "delete": { - "title": "Delete", - "description": "Delete object permanently.", - "annotation": { - "point": "Deleted a point.", - "vertex": "Deleted a node from a way.", - "line": "Deleted a line.", - "area": "Deleted an area.", - "relation": "Deleted a relation.", - "multiple": "Deleted {n} objects." - }, - "incomplete_relation": "This feature can't be deleted because it hasn't been fully downloaded.", - "connected_to_hidden": "This can't be deleted because it is connected to a hidden feature." - }, - "add_member": { - "annotation": "Added a member to a relation." - }, - "delete_member": { - "annotation": "Removed a member from a relation." - }, - "connect": { - "annotation": { - "point": "Connected a way to a point.", - "vertex": "Connected a way to another.", - "line": "Connected a way to a line.", - "area": "Connected a way to an area." - } - }, - "disconnect": { - "title": "Disconnect", - "description": "Disconnect these lines/areas from each other.", - "key": "D", - "annotation": "Disconnected lines/areas.", - "not_connected": "There aren't enough lines/areas here to disconnect.", - "connected_to_hidden": "This can't be disconnected because it is connected to a hidden feature." - }, - "merge": { - "title": "Merge", - "description": "Merge these lines.", - "key": "C", - "annotation": "Merged {n} lines.", - "not_eligible": "These features can't be merged.", - "not_adjacent": "These lines can't be merged because they aren't connected.", - "restriction": "These lines can't be merged because at least one is a member of a \"{relation}\" relation.", - "incomplete_relation": "These features can't be merged because at least one hasn't been fully downloaded." - }, - "move": { - "title": "Move", - "description": "Move this to a different location.", - "key": "M", - "annotation": { - "point": "Moved a point.", - "vertex": "Moved a node in a way.", - "line": "Moved a line.", - "area": "Moved an area.", - "multiple": "Moved multiple objects." - }, - "incomplete_relation": "This feature can't be moved because it hasn't been fully downloaded.", - "too_large": "This can't be moved because not enough of it is currently visible.", - "connected_to_hidden": "This can't be moved because it is connected to a hidden feature." - }, - "rotate": { - "title": "Rotate", - "description": "Rotate this object around its center point.", - "key": "R", - "annotation": { - "line": "Rotated a line.", - "area": "Rotated an area." - }, - "too_large": "This can't be rotated because not enough of it is currently visible.", - "connected_to_hidden": "This can't be rotated because it is connected to a hidden feature." - }, - "reverse": { - "title": "Reverse", - "description": "Make this line go in the opposite direction.", - "key": "V", - "annotation": "Reversed a line." - }, - "split": { - "title": "Split", - "description": { - "line": "Split this line into two at this node.", - "area": "Split the boundary of this area into two.", - "multiple": "Split the lines/area boundaries at this node into two." - }, - "key": "X", - "annotation": { - "line": "Split a line.", - "area": "Split an area boundary.", - "multiple": "Split {n} lines/area boundaries." - }, - "not_eligible": "Lines can't be split at their beginning or end.", - "multiple_ways": "There are too many lines here to split.", - "connected_to_hidden": "This can't be split because it is connected to a hidden feature." - }, - "restriction": { - "help": { - "select": "Click to select a road segment.", - "toggle": "Click to toggle turn restrictions.", - "toggle_on": "Click to add a \"{restriction}\" restriction.", - "toggle_off": "Click to remove the \"{restriction}\" restriction." - }, - "annotation": { - "create": "Added a turn restriction", - "delete": "Deleted a turn restriction" - } - } - }, - "undo": { - "tooltip": "Undo: {action}", - "nothing": "Nothing to undo." - }, - "redo": { - "tooltip": "Redo: {action}", - "nothing": "Nothing to redo." - }, - "tooltip_keyhint": "Shortcut:", - "browser_notice": "This editor is supported in Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera, and Internet Explorer 9 and above. Please upgrade your browser or use Potlatch 2 to edit the map.", - "translate": { - "translate": "Translate", - "localized_translation_label": "Multilingual name", - "localized_translation_language": "Choose language", - "localized_translation_name": "Name" - }, - "zoom_in_edit": "Zoom in to Edit", - "logout": "logout", - "loading_auth": "Connecting to OpenStreetMap...", - "report_a_bug": "report a bug", - "feature_info": { - "hidden_warning": "{count} hidden features", - "hidden_details": "These features are currently hidden: {details}" - }, - "status": { - "error": "Unable to connect to API.", - "offline": "The API is offline. Please try editing later.", - "readonly": "The API is read-only. You will need to wait to save your changes." - }, - "commit": { - "title": "Save Changes", - "description_placeholder": "Brief description of your contributions", - "message_label": "Commit message", - "upload_explanation": "The changes you upload will be visible on all maps that use OpenStreetMap data.", - "upload_explanation_with_user": "The changes you upload as {user} will be visible on all maps that use OpenStreetMap data.", - "save": "Save", - "cancel": "Cancel", - "changes": "{count} Changes", - "warnings": "Warnings", - "modified": "Modified", - "deleted": "Deleted", - "created": "Created" - }, - "contributors": { - "list": "Edits by {users}", - "truncated_list": "Edits by {users} and {count} others" - }, - "geocoder": { - "search": "Search worldwide...", - "no_results_visible": "No results in visible map area", - "no_results_worldwide": "No results found" - }, - "geolocate": { - "title": "Show My Location" - }, - "inspector": { - "no_documentation_combination": "There is no documentation available for this tag combination", - "no_documentation_key": "There is no documentation available for this key", - "show_more": "Show More", - "view_on_osm": "View on openstreetmap.org", - "all_tags": "All tags", - "all_members": "All members", - "all_relations": "All relations", - "new_relation": "New relation...", - "role": "Role", - "choose": "Select feature type", - "results": "{n} results for {search}", - "reference": "View on OpenStreetMap Wiki", - "back_tooltip": "Change feature", - "remove": "Remove", - "search": "Search", - "multiselect": "Selected items", - "unknown": "Unknown", - "incomplete": "", - "feature_list": "Search features", - "edit": "Edit feature", - "check": { - "yes": "Yes", - "no": "No" - }, - "none": "None", - "node": "Node", - "way": "Way", - "relation": "Relation", - "location": "Location", - "add_fields": "Add field:" - }, - "background": { - "title": "Background", - "description": "Background settings", - "percent_brightness": "{opacity}% brightness", - "none": "None", - "custom": "Custom", - "custom_button": "Edit custom background", - "custom_prompt": "Enter a tile URL template. Valid tokens are {z}, {x}, {y} for Z/X/Y scheme and {u} for quadtile scheme.", - "fix_misalignment": "Fix alignment", - "reset": "reset" - }, - "map_data": { - "title": "Map Data", - "description": "Map Data", - "data_layers": "Data Layers", - "fill_area": "Fill Areas", - "map_features": "Map Features", - "autohidden": "These features have been automatically hidden because too many would be shown on the screen. You can zoom in to edit them." - }, - "feature": { - "points": { - "description": "Points", - "tooltip": "Points of Interest" - }, - "major_roads": { - "description": "Major Roads", - "tooltip": "Highways, Streets, etc." - }, - "minor_roads": { - "description": "Minor Roads", - "tooltip": "Service Roads, Parking Aisles, Tracks, etc." - }, - "paths": { - "description": "Paths", - "tooltip": "Sidewalks, Foot Paths, Cycle Paths, etc." - }, - "buildings": { - "description": "Buildings", - "tooltip": "Buildings, Shelters, Garages, etc." - }, - "landuse": { - "description": "Landuse Features", - "tooltip": "Forests, Farmland, Parks, Residential, Commercial, etc." - }, - "boundaries": { - "description": "Boundaries", - "tooltip": "Administrative Boundaries" - }, - "water": { - "description": "Water Features", - "tooltip": "Rivers, Lakes, Ponds, Basins, etc." - }, - "rail": { - "description": "Rail Features", - "tooltip": "Railways" - }, - "power": { - "description": "Power Features", - "tooltip": "Power Lines, Power Plants, Substations, etc." - }, - "past_future": { - "description": "Past/Future", - "tooltip": "Proposed, Construction, Abandoned, Demolished, etc." - }, - "others": { - "description": "Others", - "tooltip": "Everything Else" - } - }, - "area_fill": { - "wireframe": { - "description": "No Fill (Wireframe)", - "tooltip": "Enabling wireframe mode makes it easy to see the background imagery." - }, - "partial": { - "description": "Partial Fill", - "tooltip": "Areas are drawn with fill only around their inner edges. (Recommended for beginner mappers)" - }, - "full": { - "description": "Full Fill", - "tooltip": "Areas are drawn fully filled." - } - }, - "restore": { - "heading": "You have unsaved changes", - "description": "Do you wish to restore unsaved changes from a previous editing session?", - "restore": "Restore", - "reset": "Reset" - }, - "save": { - "title": "Save", - "help": "Save changes to OpenStreetMap, making them visible to other users.", - "no_changes": "No changes to save.", - "error": "An error occurred while trying to save", - "unknown_error_details": "Please ensure you are connected to the internet.", - "uploading": "Uploading changes to OpenStreetMap.", - "unsaved_changes": "You have unsaved changes" - }, - "success": { - "edited_osm": "Edited OSM!", - "just_edited": "You just edited OpenStreetMap!", - "view_on_osm": "View on OSM", - "facebook": "Share on Facebook", - "twitter": "Share on Twitter", - "google": "Share on Google+", - "help_html": "Your changes should appear in the \"Standard\" layer in a few minutes. Other layers, and certain features, may take longer\n(details).\n" - }, - "confirm": { - "okay": "Okay" - }, - "splash": { - "welcome": "Welcome to the iD OpenStreetMap editor", - "text": "iD is a friendly but powerful tool for contributing to the world's best free world map. This is version {version}. For more information see {website} and report bugs at {github}.", - "walkthrough": "Start the Walkthrough", - "start": "Edit Now" - }, - "source_switch": { - "live": "live", - "lose_changes": "You have unsaved changes. Switching the map server will discard them. Are you sure you want to switch servers?", - "dev": "dev" - }, - "tag_reference": { - "description": "Description", - "on_wiki": "{tag} on wiki.osm.org", - "used_with": "used with {type}" - }, - "validations": { - "untagged_point": "Untagged point", - "untagged_line": "Untagged line", - "untagged_area": "Untagged area", - "many_deletions": "You're deleting {n} objects. Are you sure you want to do this? This will delete them from the map that everyone else sees on openstreetmap.org.", - "tag_suggests_area": "The tag {tag} suggests line should be area, but it is not an area", - "untagged_point_tooltip": "Select a feature type that describes what this point is.", - "untagged_line_tooltip": "Select a feature type that describes what this line is.", - "untagged_area_tooltip": "Select a feature type that describes what this area is.", - "deprecated_tags": "Deprecated tags: {tags}" - }, - "zoom": { - "in": "Zoom In", - "out": "Zoom Out" - }, - "cannot_zoom": "Cannot zoom out further in current mode.", - "gpx": { - "local_layer": "Local GPX file", - "drag_drop": "Drag and drop a .gpx file on the page, or click the button to the right to browse", - "zoom": "Zoom to GPX track", - "browse": "Browse for a .gpx file" - }, - "mapillary": { - "tooltip": "Street-level photos from Mapillary", - "title": "Photo Overlay (Mapillary)", - "view_on_mapillary": "View this image on Mapillary" - }, - "help": { - "title": "Help", - "help": "# Help\n\nThis is an editor for [OpenStreetMap](http://www.openstreetmap.org/), the\nfree and editable map of the world. You can use it to add and update\ndata in your area, making an open-source and open-data map of the world\nbetter for everyone.\n\nEdits that you make on this map will be visible to everyone who uses\nOpenStreetMap. In order to make an edit, you'll need a\n[free OpenStreetMap account](https://www.openstreetmap.org/user/new).\n\nThe [iD editor](http://ideditor.com/) is a collaborative project with [source\ncode available on GitHub](https://github.com/openstreetmap/iD).\n", - "editing_saving": "# Editing & Saving\n\nThis editor is designed to work primarily online, and you're accessing\nit through a website right now.\n\n### Selecting Features\n\nTo select a map feature, like a road or point of interest, click\non it on the map. This will highlight the selected feature, open a panel with\ndetails about it, and show a menu of things you can do with the feature.\n\nTo select multiple features, hold down the 'Shift' key. Then either click\non the features you want to select, or drag on the map to draw a rectangle.\nThis will draw a box and select all the points within it.\n\n### Saving Edits\n\nWhen you make changes like editing roads, buildings, and places, these are\nstored locally until you save them to the server. Don't worry if you make\na mistake - you can undo changes by clicking the undo button, and redo\nchanges by clicking the redo button.\n\nClick 'Save' to finish a group of edits - for instance, if you've completed\nan area of town and would like to start on a new area. You'll have a chance\nto review what you've done, and the editor supplies helpful suggestions\nand warnings if something doesn't seem right about the changes.\n\nIf everything looks good, you can enter a short comment explaining the change\nyou made, and click 'Save' again to post the changes\nto [OpenStreetMap.org](http://www.openstreetmap.org/), where they are visible\nto all other users and available for others to build and improve upon.\n\nIf you can't finish your edits in one sitting, you can leave the editor\nwindow and come back (on the same browser and computer), and the\neditor application will offer to restore your work.\n", - "roads": "# Roads\n\nYou can create, fix, and delete roads with this editor. Roads can be all\nkinds: paths, highways, trails, cycleways, and more - any often-crossed\nsegment should be mappable.\n\n### Selecting\n\nClick on a road to select it. An outline should become visible, along\nwith a small tools menu on the map and a sidebar showing more information\nabout the road.\n\n### Modifying\n\nOften you'll see roads that aren't aligned to the imagery behind them\nor to a GPS track. You can adjust these roads so they are in the correct\nplace.\n\nFirst click on the road you want to change. This will highlight it and show\ncontrol points along it that you can drag to better locations. If\nyou want to add new control points for more detail, double-click a part\nof the road without a node, and one will be added.\n\nIf the road connects to another road, but doesn't properly connect on\nthe map, you can drag one of its control points onto the other road in\norder to join them. Having roads connect is important for the map\nand essential for providing driving directions.\n\nYou can also click the 'Move' tool or press the `M` shortcut key to move the entire road at\none time, and then click again to save that movement.\n\n### Deleting\n\nIf a road is entirely incorrect - you can see that it doesn't exist in satellite\nimagery and ideally have confirmed locally that it's not present - you can delete\nit, which removes it from the map. Be cautious when deleting features -\nlike any other edit, the results are seen by everyone and satellite imagery\nis often out of date, so the road could simply be newly built.\n\nYou can delete a road by clicking on it to select it, then clicking the\ntrash can icon or pressing the 'Delete' key.\n\n### Creating\n\nFound somewhere there should be a road but there isn't? Click the 'Line'\nicon in the top-left of the editor or press the shortcut key `2` to start drawing\na line.\n\nClick on the start of the road on the map to start drawing. If the road\nbranches off from an existing road, start by clicking on the place where they connect.\n\nThen click on points along the road so that it follows the right path, according\nto satellite imagery or GPS. If the road you are drawing crosses another road, connect\nit by clicking on the intersection point. When you're done drawing, double-click\nor press 'Return' or 'Enter' on your keyboard.\n", - "gps": "# GPS\n\nGPS data is the most trusted source of data for OpenStreetMap. This editor\nsupports local traces - `.gpx` files on your local computer. You can collect\nthis kind of GPS trace with a number of smartphone applications as well as\npersonal GPS hardware.\n\nFor information on how to perform a GPS survey, read\n[Surveying with a GPS](http://learnosm.org/en/beginner/using-gps/).\n\nTo use a GPX track for mapping, drag and drop the GPX file onto the map\neditor. If it's recognized, it will be added to the map as a bright purple\nline. Click on the 'Map Data' menu on the right side to enable,\ndisable, or zoom to this new GPX-powered layer.\n\nThe GPX track isn't directly uploaded to OpenStreetMap - the best way to\nuse it is to draw on the map, using it as a guide for the new features that\nyou add, and also to [upload it to OpenStreetMap](http://www.openstreetmap.org/trace/create)\nfor other users to use.\n", - "imagery": "# Imagery\n\nAerial imagery is an important resource for mapping. A combination of\nairplane flyovers, satellite views, and freely-compiled sources are available\nin the editor under the 'Background Settings' menu on the right.\n\nBy default a [Bing Maps](http://www.bing.com/maps/) satellite layer is\npresented in the editor, but as you pan and zoom the map to new geographical\nareas, new sources will become available. Some countries, like the United\nStates, France, and Denmark have very high-quality imagery available for some areas.\n\nImagery is sometimes offset from the map data because of a mistake on the\nimagery provider's side. If you see a lot of roads shifted from the background,\ndon't immediately move them all to match the background. Instead you can adjust\nthe imagery so that it matches the existing data by clicking 'Fix alignment' at\nthe bottom of the Background Settings UI.\n", - "addresses": "# Addresses\n\nAddresses are some of the most useful information for the map.\n\nAlthough addresses are often represented as parts of streets, in OpenStreetMap\nthey're recorded as attributes of buildings and places along streets.\n\nYou can add address information to places mapped as building outlines\nas well as those mapped as single points. The optimal source of address\ndata is from an on-the-ground survey or personal knowledge - as with any\nother feature, copying from commercial sources like Google Maps is strictly\nforbidden.\n", - "inspector": "# Using the Inspector\n\nThe inspector is the section on the left side of the page that allows you to\nedit the details of the selected feature.\n\n### Selecting a Feature Type\n\nAfter you add a point, line, or area, you can choose what type of feature it\nis, like whether it's a highway or residential road, supermarket or cafe.\nThe inspector will display buttons for common feature types, and you can\nfind others by typing what you're looking for in the search box.\n\nClick the 'i' in the bottom-right-hand corner of a feature type button to\nlearn more about it. Click a button to choose that type.\n\n### Using Forms and Editing Tags\n\nAfter you choose a feature type, or when you select a feature that already\nhas a type assigned, the inspector will display fields with details about\nthe feature like its name and address.\n\nBelow the fields you see, you can click icons to add other details,\nlike [Wikipedia](http://www.wikipedia.org/) information, wheelchair\naccess, and more.\n\nAt the bottom of the inspector, click 'Additional tags' to add arbitrary\nother tags to the element. [Taginfo](http://taginfo.openstreetmap.org/) is a\ngreat resource for learn more about popular tag combinations.\n\nChanges you make in the inspector are automatically applied to the map.\nYou can undo them at any time by clicking the 'Undo' button.\n", - "buildings": "# Buildings\n\nOpenStreetMap is the world's largest database of buildings. You can create\nand improve this database.\n\n### Selecting\n\nYou can select a building by clicking on its border. This will highlight the\nbuilding and open a small tools menu and a sidebar showing more information\nabout the building.\n\n### Modifying\n\nSometimes buildings are incorrectly placed or have incorrect tags.\n\nTo move an entire building, select it, then click the 'Move' tool. Move your\nmouse to shift the building, and click when it's correctly placed.\n\nTo fix the specific shape of a building, click and drag the nodes that form\nits border into better places.\n\n### Creating\n\nOne of the main questions around adding buildings to the map is that\nOpenStreetMap records buildings both as shapes and points. The rule of thumb\nis to _map a building as a shape whenever possible_, and map companies, homes,\namenities, and other things that operate out of buildings as points placed\nwithin the building shape.\n\nStart drawing a building as a shape by clicking the 'Area' button in the top\nleft of the interface, and end it either by pressing 'Return' on your keyboard\nor clicking on the first node drawn to close the shape.\n\n### Deleting\n\nIf a building is entirely incorrect - you can see that it doesn't exist in satellite\nimagery and ideally have confirmed locally that it's not present - you can delete\nit, which removes it from the map. Be cautious when deleting features -\nlike any other edit, the results are seen by everyone and satellite imagery\nis often out of date, so the building could simply be newly built.\n\nYou can delete a building by clicking on it to select it, then clicking the\ntrash can icon or pressing the 'Delete' key.\n", - "relations": "# Relations\n\nA relation is a special type of feature in OpenStreetMap that groups together\nother features. For example, two common types of relations are *route relations*,\nwhich group together sections of road that belong to a specific freeway or\nhighway, and *multipolygons*, which group together several lines that define\na complex area (one with several pieces or holes in it like a donut).\n\nThe group of features in a relation are called *members*. In the sidebar, you can\nsee which relations a feature is a member of, and click on a relation there\nto select the it. When the relation is selected, you can see all of its\nmembers listed in the sidebar and highlighted on the map.\n\nFor the most part, iD will take care of maintaining relations automatically\nwhile you edit. The main thing you should be aware of is that if you delete a\nsection of road to redraw it more accurately, you should make sure that the\nnew section is a member of the same relations as the original.\n\n## Editing Relations\n\nIf you want to edit relations, here are the basics.\n\nTo add a feature to a relation, select the feature, click the \"+\" button in the\n\"All relations\" section of the sidebar, and select or type the name of the relation.\n\nTo create a new relation, select the first feature that should be a member,\nclick the \"+\" button in the \"All relations\" section, and select \"New relation...\".\n\nTo remove a feature from a relation, select the feature and click the trash\nbutton next to the relation you want to remove it from.\n\nYou can create multipolygons with holes using the \"Merge\" tool. Draw two areas (inner\nand outer), hold the Shift key and click on each of them to select them both, and then\nclick the \"Merge\" (+) button.\n" - }, - "intro": { - "navigation": { - "title": "Navigation", - "drag": "The main map area shows OpenStreetMap data on top of a background. You can navigate by dragging and scrolling, just like any web map. **Drag the map!**", - "select": "Map features are represented three ways: using points, lines or areas. All features can be selected by clicking on them. **Click on the point to select it.**", - "header": "The header shows us the feature type.", - "pane": "When a feature is selected, the feature editor is displayed. The header shows us the feature type and the main pane shows the feature's attributes, such as its name and address. **Close the feature editor with the close button in the top right.**" - }, - "points": { - "title": "Points", - "add": "Points can be used to represent features such as shops, restaurants and monuments. They mark a specific location, and describe what's there. **Click the Point button to add a new point.**", - "place": "The point can be placed by clicking on the map. **Place the point on top of the building.**", - "search": "There are many different features that can be represented by points. The point you just added is a Cafe. **Search for '{name}'**", - "choose": "**Choose Cafe from the list.**", - "describe": "The point is now marked as a cafe. Using the feature editor, we can add more information about the feature. **Add a name**", - "close": "The feature editor can be closed by clicking on the close button. **Close the feature editor**", - "reselect": "Often points will already exist, but have mistakes or be incomplete. We can edit existing points. **Select the point you just created.**", - "fixname": "**Change the name and close the feature editor.**", - "reselect_delete": "All features on the map can be deleted. **Click on the point you created.**", - "delete": "The menu around the point contains operations that can be performed on it, including delete. **Delete the point.**" - }, - "areas": { - "title": "Areas", - "add": "Areas are used to show the boundaries of features like lakes, buildings, and residential areas. They can be also be used for more detailed mapping of many features you might normally map as points. **Click the Area button to add a new area.**", - "corner": "Areas are drawn by placing nodes that mark the boundary of the area. **Place the starting node on one of the corners of the playground.**", - "place": "Draw the area by placing more nodes. Finish the area by clicking on the starting node. **Draw an area for the playground.**", - "search": "**Search for '{name}'.**", - "choose": "**Choose Playground from the list.**", - "describe": "**Add a name, and close the feature editor**" - }, - "lines": { - "title": "Lines", - "add": "Lines are used to represent features such as roads, railroads and rivers. **Click the Line button to add a new line.**", - "start": "**Start the line by clicking on the end of the road.**", - "intersect": "Click to add more nodes to the line. You can drag the map while drawing if necessary. Roads, and many other types of lines, are part of a larger network. It is important for these lines to be connected properly in order for routing applications to work. **Click on Flower Street, to create an intersection connecting the two lines.**", - "finish": "Lines can be finished by clicking on the last node again. **Finish drawing the road.**", - "road": "**Select Road from the list**", - "residential": "There are different types of roads, the most common of which is Residential. **Choose the Residential road type**", - "describe": "**Name the road and close the feature editor.**", - "restart": "The road needs to intersect Flower Street.", - "wrong_preset": "You didn't select the Residential road type. **Click here to choose again**" - }, - "startediting": { - "title": "Start Editing", - "help": "More documentation and this walkthrough are available here.", - "save": "Don't forget to regularly save your changes!", - "start": "Start mapping!" - } - }, - "presets": { - "categories": { - "category-building": { - "name": "Building" - }, - "category-golf": { - "name": "Golf" - }, - "category-landuse": { - "name": "Land Use" - }, - "category-path": { - "name": "Path" - }, - "category-rail": { - "name": "Rail" - }, - "category-restriction": { - "name": "Restriction" - }, - "category-road": { - "name": "Road" - }, - "category-route": { - "name": "Route" - }, - "category-water-area": { - "name": "Water" - }, - "category-water-line": { - "name": "Water" + "en": { + "modes": { + "add_area": { + "title": "Area", + "description": "Add parks, buildings, lakes or other areas to the map.", + "tail": "Click on the map to start drawing an area, like a park, lake, or building." + }, + "add_line": { + "title": "Line", + "description": "Add highways, streets, pedestrian paths, canals or other lines to the map.", + "tail": "Click on the map to start drawing a road, path, or route." + }, + "add_point": { + "title": "Point", + "description": "Add restaurants, monuments, postal boxes or other points to the map.", + "tail": "Click on the map to add a point." + }, + "browse": { + "title": "Browse", + "description": "Pan and zoom the map." + }, + "draw_area": { + "tail": "Click to add nodes to your area. Click the first node to finish the area." + }, + "draw_line": { + "tail": "Click to add more nodes to the line. Click on other lines to connect to them, and double-click to end the line." } }, - "fields": { - "access": { - "label": "Access", - "placeholder": "Unknown", - "types": { - "access": "General", - "foot": "Foot", - "motor_vehicle": "Motor Vehicles", - "bicycle": "Bicycles", - "horse": "Horses" - }, - "options": { - "yes": { - "title": "Allowed", - "description": "Access permitted by law; a right of way" - }, - "no": { - "title": "Prohibited", - "description": "Access not permitted to the general public" - }, - "permissive": { - "title": "Permissive", - "description": "Access permitted until such time as the owner revokes the permission" - }, - "private": { - "title": "Private", - "description": "Access permitted only with permission of the owner on an individual basis" - }, - "designated": { - "title": "Designated", - "description": "Access permitted according to signs or specific local laws" - }, - "destination": { - "title": "Destination", - "description": "Access permitted only to reach a destination" - } - } - }, - "access_simple": { - "label": "Access", - "placeholder": "yes" - }, - "access_toilets": { - "label": "Access" - }, - "address": { - "label": "Address", - "placeholders": { - "housename": "Housename", - "housenumber": "123", - "street": "Street", - "city": "City", - "postcode": "Postcode", - "place": "Place", - "hamlet": "Hamlet", - "suburb": "Suburb", - "subdistrict": "Subdistrict", - "district": "District", - "province": "Province", - "state": "State", - "country": "Country" + "operations": { + "add": { + "annotation": { + "point": "Added a point.", + "vertex": "Added a node to a way.", + "relation": "Added a relation." } }, - "admin_level": { - "label": "Admin Level" - }, - "aerialway": { - "label": "Type" - }, - "aerialway/access": { - "label": "Access", - "options": { - "entry": "Entry", - "exit": "Exit", - "both": "Both" + "start": { + "annotation": { + "line": "Started a line.", + "area": "Started an area." } }, - "aerialway/bubble": { - "label": "Bubble" - }, - "aerialway/capacity": { - "label": "Capacity (per hour)", - "placeholder": "500, 2500, 5000..." - }, - "aerialway/duration": { - "label": "Duration (minutes)", - "placeholder": "1, 2, 3..." - }, - "aerialway/heating": { - "label": "Heated" - }, - "aerialway/occupancy": { - "label": "Occupancy", - "placeholder": "2, 4, 8..." - }, - "aerialway/summer/access": { - "label": "Access (summer)", - "options": { - "entry": "Entry", - "exit": "Exit", - "both": "Both" + "continue": { + "key": "A", + "title": "Continue", + "description": "Continue this line.", + "not_eligible": "No line can be continued here.", + "multiple": "Several lines can be continued here. To choose a line, press the Shift key and click on it to select it.", + "annotation": { + "line": "Continued a line.", + "area": "Continued an area." } }, - "aeroway": { - "label": "Type" - }, - "amenity": { - "label": "Type" - }, - "artist": { - "label": "Artist" - }, - "artwork_type": { - "label": "Type" - }, - "atm": { - "label": "ATM" + "cancel_draw": { + "annotation": "Canceled drawing." }, - "backrest": { - "label": "Backrest" + "change_role": { + "annotation": "Changed the role of a relation member." }, - "barrier": { - "label": "Type" + "change_tags": { + "annotation": "Changed tags." }, - "bench": { - "label": "Bench" - }, - "bicycle_parking": { - "label": "Type" - }, - "boundary": { - "label": "Type" - }, - "brand": { - "label": "Brand" - }, - "building": { - "label": "Building" - }, - "building_area": { - "label": "Building" - }, - "capacity": { - "label": "Capacity", - "placeholder": "50, 100, 200..." - }, - "cardinal_direction": { - "label": "Direction", - "options": { - "N": "North", - "E": "East", - "S": "South", - "W": "West", - "NE": "Northeast", - "SE": "Southeast", - "SW": "Southwest", - "NW": "Northwest", - "NNE": "North-northeast", - "ENE": "East-northeast", - "ESE": "East-southeast", - "SSE": "South-southeast", - "SSW": "South-southwest", - "WSW": "West-southwest", - "WNW": "West-northwest", - "NNW": "North-northwest" - } - }, - "clock_direction": { - "label": "Direction", - "options": { - "clockwise": "Clockwise", - "anticlockwise": "Counterclockwise" + "circularize": { + "title": "Circularize", + "description": { + "line": "Make this line circular.", + "area": "Make this area circular." + }, + "key": "O", + "annotation": { + "line": "Made a line circular.", + "area": "Made an area circular." + }, + "not_closed": "This can't be made circular because it's not a loop.", + "too_large": "This can't be made circular because not enough of it is currently visible.", + "connected_to_hidden": "This can't be made circular because it is connected to a hidden feature." + }, + "orthogonalize": { + "title": "Square", + "description": { + "line": "Square the corners of this line.", + "area": "Square the corners of this area." + }, + "key": "S", + "annotation": { + "line": "Squared the corners of a line.", + "area": "Squared the corners of an area." + }, + "not_squarish": "This can't be made square because it is not squarish.", + "too_large": "This can't be made square because not enough of it is currently visible.", + "connected_to_hidden": "This can't be made square because it is connected to a hidden feature." + }, + "straighten": { + "title": "Straighten", + "description": "Straighten this line.", + "key": "S", + "annotation": "Straightened a line.", + "too_bendy": "This can't be straightened because it bends too much.", + "connected_to_hidden": "This line can't be straightened because it is connected to a hidden feature." + }, + "delete": { + "title": "Delete", + "description": { + "single": "Delete this feature permanently.", + "multiple": "Delete these features permanently." + }, + "annotation": { + "point": "Deleted a point.", + "vertex": "Deleted a node from a way.", + "line": "Deleted a line.", + "area": "Deleted an area.", + "relation": "Deleted a relation.", + "multiple": "Deleted {n} features." + }, + "too_large": { + "single": "This feature can't be deleted because not enough of it is currently visible.", + "multiple": "These features can't be deleted because not enough of them are currently visible." + }, + "incomplete_relation": { + "single": "This feature can't be deleted because it hasn't been fully downloaded.", + "multiple": "These features can't be deleted because they haven't been fully downloaded." + }, + "part_of_relation": { + "single": "This feature can't be deleted because it is part of a larger relation. You must remove it from the relation first.", + "multiple": "These features can't be deleted because they are part of larger relations. You must remove them from the relations first." + }, + "connected_to_hidden": { + "single": "This feature can't be deleted because it is connected to a hidden feature.", + "multiple": "These features can't be deleted because some are connected to hidden features." } }, - "collection_times": { - "label": "Collection Times" - }, - "construction": { - "label": "Type" - }, - "country": { - "label": "Country" - }, - "covered": { - "label": "Covered" - }, - "craft": { - "label": "Type" - }, - "crop": { - "label": "Crop" - }, - "crossing": { - "label": "Type" + "add_member": { + "annotation": "Added a member to a relation." }, - "cuisine": { - "label": "Cuisine" + "delete_member": { + "annotation": "Removed a member from a relation." }, - "delivery": { - "label": "Delivery" - }, - "denomination": { - "label": "Denomination" - }, - "denotation": { - "label": "Denotation" - }, - "description": { - "label": "Description" - }, - "electrified": { - "label": "Electrification", - "placeholder": "Contact Line, Electrified Rail...", - "options": { - "contact_line": "Contact Line", - "rail": "Electrified Rail", - "yes": "Yes (unspecified)", - "no": "No" + "connect": { + "annotation": { + "point": "Connected a way to a point.", + "vertex": "Connected a way to another.", + "line": "Connected a way to a line.", + "area": "Connected a way to an area." } }, - "elevation": { - "label": "Elevation" - }, - "emergency": { - "label": "Emergency" - }, - "entrance": { - "label": "Type" - }, - "except": { - "label": "Exceptions" - }, - "fax": { - "label": "Fax", - "placeholder": "+31 42 123 4567" - }, - "fee": { - "label": "Fee" - }, - "fire_hydrant/type": { - "label": "Type", - "options": { - "pillar": "Pillar/Aboveground", - "underground": "Underground", - "wall": "Wall", - "pond": "Pond" + "disconnect": { + "title": "Disconnect", + "description": "Disconnect these lines/areas from each other.", + "key": "D", + "annotation": "Disconnected lines/areas.", + "not_connected": "There aren't enough lines/areas here to disconnect.", + "connected_to_hidden": "This can't be disconnected because it is connected to a hidden feature.", + "relation": "This can't be disconnected because it connects members of a relation." + }, + "merge": { + "title": "Merge", + "description": "Merge these features.", + "key": "C", + "annotation": "Merged {n} features.", + "not_eligible": "These features can't be merged.", + "not_adjacent": "These features can't be merged because their endpoints aren't connected.", + "restriction": "These features can't be merged because at least one is a member of a \"{relation}\" relation.", + "incomplete_relation": "These features can't be merged because at least one hasn't been fully downloaded.", + "conflicting_tags": "These features can't be merged because some of their tags have conflicting values." + }, + "move": { + "title": "Move", + "description": { + "single": "Move this feature to a different location.", + "multiple": "Move these features to a different location." + }, + "key": "M", + "annotation": { + "point": "Moved a point.", + "vertex": "Moved a node in a way.", + "line": "Moved a line.", + "area": "Moved an area.", + "multiple": "Moved multiple features." + }, + "incomplete_relation": { + "single": "This feature can't be moved because it hasn't been fully downloaded.", + "multiple": "These features can't be moved because they haven't been fully downloaded." + }, + "too_large": { + "single": "This feature can't be moved because not enough of it is currently visible.", + "multiple": "These features can't be moved because not enough of them are currently visible." + }, + "connected_to_hidden": { + "single": "This feature can't be moved because it is connected to a hidden feature.", + "multiple": "These features can't be moved because some are connected to hidden features." } }, - "fixme": { - "label": "Fix Me" - }, - "fuel": { - "label": "Fuel" - }, - "fuel/biodiesel": { - "label": "Sells Biodiesel" - }, - "fuel/diesel": { - "label": "Sells Diesel" - }, - "fuel/e10": { - "label": "Sells E10" - }, - "fuel/e85": { - "label": "Sells E85" - }, - "fuel/lpg": { - "label": "Sells Propane" - }, - "fuel/octane_100": { - "label": "Sells Racing Gasoline" - }, - "fuel/octane_91": { - "label": "Sells Regular Gasoline" - }, - "fuel/octane_95": { - "label": "Sells Midgrade Gasoline" - }, - "fuel/octane_98": { - "label": "Sells Premium Gasoline" - }, - "gauge": { - "label": "Gauge" - }, - "gender": { - "label": "Gender", - "placeholder": "Unknown", - "options": { - "male": "Male", - "female": "Female", - "unisex": "Unisex" + "reflect": { + "title": { + "long": "Reflect Long", + "short": "Reflect Short" + }, + "description": { + "long": { + "single": "Reflect this feature across its long axis.", + "multiple": "Reflect these features across their long axis." + }, + "short": { + "single": "Reflect this feature across its short axis.", + "multiple": "Reflect these features across their short axis." + } + }, + "key": { + "long": "T", + "short": "Y" + }, + "annotation": { + "long": { + "single": "Reflected a feature across its long axis.", + "multiple": "Reflected multiple features across their long axis." + }, + "short": { + "single": "Reflected a feature across its short axis.", + "multiple": "Reflected multiple features across their short axis." + } + }, + "incomplete_relation": { + "single": "This feature can't be reflected because it hasn't been fully downloaded.", + "multiple": "These features can't be reflected because they haven't been fully downloaded." + }, + "too_large": { + "single": "This feature can't be reflected because not enough of it is currently visible.", + "multiple": "These features can't be reflected because not enough of them are currently visible." + }, + "connected_to_hidden": { + "single": "This feature can't be reflected because it is connected to a hidden feature.", + "multiple": "These features can't be reflected because some are connected to hidden features." } }, - "generator/method": { - "label": "Method" - }, - "generator/source": { - "label": "Source" - }, - "generator/type": { - "label": "Type" - }, - "golf_hole": { - "label": "Reference", - "placeholder": "Hole number (1-18)" - }, - "handicap": { - "label": "Handicap", - "placeholder": "1-18" - }, - "highway": { - "label": "Type" - }, - "historic": { - "label": "Type" - }, - "hoops": { - "label": "Hoops", - "placeholder": "1, 2, 4..." - }, - "iata": { - "label": "IATA" - }, - "icao": { - "label": "ICAO" - }, - "incline": { - "label": "Incline" - }, - "information": { - "label": "Type" - }, - "internet_access": { - "label": "Internet Access", - "options": { - "yes": "Yes", - "no": "No", - "wlan": "Wifi", - "wired": "Wired", - "terminal": "Terminal" + "rotate": { + "title": "Rotate", + "description": { + "single": "Rotate this feature around its center point.", + "multiple": "Rotate these features around their center point." + }, + "key": "R", + "annotation": { + "line": "Rotated a line.", + "area": "Rotated an area.", + "multiple": "Rotated multiple features." + }, + "incomplete_relation": { + "single": "This feature can't be rotated because it hasn't been fully downloaded.", + "multiple": "These features can't be rotated because they haven't been fully downloaded." + }, + "too_large": { + "single": "This feature can't be rotated because not enough of it is currently visible.", + "multiple": "These features can't be rotated because not enough of them are currently visible." + }, + "connected_to_hidden": { + "single": "This feature can't be rotated because it is connected to a hidden feature.", + "multiple": "These features can't be rotated because some are connected to hidden features." } }, - "lamp_type": { - "label": "Type" - }, - "landuse": { - "label": "Type" - }, - "lanes": { - "label": "Lanes", - "placeholder": "1, 2, 3..." - }, - "layer": { - "label": "Layer" - }, - "leaf_cycle": { - "label": "Leaf Cycle", - "options": { - "evergreen": "Evergreen", - "deciduous": "Deciduous", - "semi_evergreen": "Semi-Evergreen", - "semi_deciduous": "Semi-Deciduous", - "mixed": "Mixed" - } + "reverse": { + "title": "Reverse", + "description": "Make this line go in the opposite direction.", + "key": "V", + "annotation": "Reversed a line." + }, + "split": { + "title": "Split", + "description": { + "line": "Split this line into two at this node.", + "area": "Split the boundary of this area into two.", + "multiple": "Split the lines/area boundaries at this node into two." + }, + "key": "X", + "annotation": { + "line": "Split a line.", + "area": "Split an area boundary.", + "multiple": "Split {n} lines/area boundaries." + }, + "not_eligible": "Lines can't be split at their beginning or end.", + "multiple_ways": "There are too many lines here to split.", + "connected_to_hidden": "This can't be split because it is connected to a hidden feature." }, - "leaf_type": { - "label": "Leaf Type", - "options": { - "broadleaved": "Broadleaved", - "needleleaved": "Needleleaved", - "mixed": "Mixed", - "leafless": "Leafless" + "restriction": { + "help": { + "select": "Click to select a road segment.", + "toggle": "Click to toggle turn restrictions.", + "toggle_on": "Click to add a \"{restriction}\" restriction.", + "toggle_off": "Click to remove the \"{restriction}\" restriction." + }, + "annotation": { + "create": "Added a turn restriction", + "delete": "Deleted a turn restriction" } - }, - "leisure": { - "label": "Type" - }, - "length": { - "label": "Length (Meters)" - }, - "levels": { - "label": "Levels", - "placeholder": "2, 4, 6..." - }, - "lit": { - "label": "Lit" + } + }, + "undo": { + "tooltip": "Undo: {action}", + "nothing": "Nothing to undo." + }, + "redo": { + "tooltip": "Redo: {action}", + "nothing": "Nothing to redo." + }, + "tooltip_keyhint": "Shortcut:", + "browser_notice": "This editor is supported in Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera, and Internet Explorer 11 and above. Please upgrade your browser or use Potlatch 2 to edit the map.", + "translate": { + "translate": "Translate", + "localized_translation_label": "Multilingual name", + "localized_translation_language": "Choose language", + "localized_translation_name": "Name" + }, + "zoom_in_edit": "Zoom in to edit", + "login": "login", + "logout": "logout", + "loading_auth": "Connecting to OpenStreetMap...", + "report_a_bug": "Report a bug", + "help_translate": "Help translate", + "feature_info": { + "hidden_warning": "{count} hidden features", + "hidden_details": "These features are currently hidden: {details}" + }, + "status": { + "error": "Unable to connect to API.", + "offline": "The API is offline. Please try editing later.", + "readonly": "The API is read-only. You will need to wait to save your changes.", + "rateLimit": "The API is limiting anonymous connections. You can fix this by logging in." + }, + "commit": { + "title": "Upload to OpenStreetMap", + "upload_explanation": "The changes you upload will be visible on all maps that use OpenStreetMap data.", + "upload_explanation_with_user": "The changes you upload as {user} will be visible on all maps that use OpenStreetMap data.", + "request_review": "I would like someone to review my edits.", + "save": "Upload", + "cancel": "Cancel", + "changes": "{count} Changes", + "download_changes": "Download osmChange file", + "warnings": "Warnings", + "modified": "Modified", + "deleted": "Deleted", + "created": "Created", + "about_changeset_comments": "About changeset comments", + "about_changeset_comments_link": "//wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Good_changeset_comments", + "google_warning": "You mentioned Google in this comment: remember that copying from Google Maps is strictly forbidden.", + "google_warning_link": "http://www.openstreetmap.org/copyright" + }, + "contributors": { + "list": "Edits by {users}", + "truncated_list": "Edits by {users} and {count} others" + }, + "info_panels": { + "key": "I", + "background": { + "key": "B", + "title": "Background", + "zoom": "Zoom", + "vintage": "Vintage", + "source": "Source", + "description": "Description", + "resolution": "Resolution", + "accuracy": "Accuracy", + "unknown": "Unknown", + "show_tiles": "Show Tiles", + "hide_tiles": "Hide Tiles", + "show_vintage": "Show Vintage", + "hide_vintage": "Hide Vintage" + }, + "history": { + "key": "H", + "title": "History", + "selected": "{n} selected", + "version": "Version", + "last_edit": "Last Edit", + "edited_by": "Edited By", + "changeset": "Changeset", + "unknown": "Unknown", + "link_text": "History on openstreetmap.org" }, "location": { - "label": "Location" - }, - "man_made": { - "label": "Type" - }, - "maxspeed": { - "label": "Speed Limit", - "placeholder": "40, 50, 60..." - }, - "mtb/scale": { - "label": "Mountain Biking Difficulty", - "placeholder": "0, 1, 2, 3...", - "options": { - "0": "0: Solid gravel/packed earth, no obstacles, wide curves", - "1": "1: Some loose surface, small obstacles, wide curves", - "2": "2: Much loose surface, large obstacles, easy hairpins", - "3": "3: Slippery surface, large obstacles, tight hairpins", - "4": "4: Loose surface or boulders, dangerous hairpins", - "5": "5: Maximum difficulty, boulder fields, landslides", - "6": "6: Not rideable except by the very best mountain bikers" - } - }, - "mtb/scale/imba": { - "label": "IMBA Trail Difficulty", - "placeholder": "Easy, Medium, Difficult...", - "options": { - "0": "Easiest (white circle)", - "1": "Easy (green circle)", - "2": "Medium (blue square)", - "3": "Difficult (black diamond)", - "4": "Extremely Difficult (double black diamond)" + "key": "L", + "title": "Location", + "unknown_location": "Unknown Location" + }, + "measurement": { + "key": "M", + "title": "Measurement", + "selected": "{n} selected", + "geometry": "Geometry", + "closed": "closed", + "center": "Center", + "perimeter": "Perimeter", + "length": "Length", + "area": "Area", + "centroid": "Centroid", + "location": "Location", + "metric": "Metric", + "imperial": "Imperial" + } + }, + "geometry": { + "point": "point", + "vertex": "vertex", + "line": "line", + "area": "area", + "relation": "relation" + }, + "geocoder": { + "search": "Search worldwide...", + "no_results_visible": "No results in visible map area", + "no_results_worldwide": "No results found" + }, + "geolocate": { + "title": "Show My Location", + "locating": "Locating, please wait..." + }, + "inspector": { + "no_documentation_combination": "There is no documentation available for this tag combination", + "no_documentation_key": "There is no documentation available for this key", + "documentation_redirect": "This documentation has been redirected to a new page", + "show_more": "Show More", + "view_on_osm": "View on openstreetmap.org", + "all_fields": "All fields", + "all_tags": "All tags", + "all_members": "All members", + "all_relations": "All relations", + "new_relation": "New relation...", + "role": "Role", + "choose": "Select feature type", + "results": "{n} results for {search}", + "reference": "View on OpenStreetMap Wiki", + "back_tooltip": "Change feature", + "remove": "Remove", + "search": "Search", + "multiselect": "Selected features", + "unknown": "Unknown", + "incomplete": "", + "feature_list": "Search features", + "edit": "Edit feature", + "check": { + "yes": "Yes", + "no": "No", + "reverser": "Change Direction" + }, + "radio": { + "structure": { + "type": "Type", + "default": "Default", + "layer": "Layer" } }, - "mtb/scale/uphill": { - "label": "Mountain Biking Uphill Difficulty", - "placeholder": "0, 1, 2, 3...", - "options": { - "0": "0: Avg. incline <10%, gravel/packed earth, no obstacles", - "1": "1: Avg. incline <15%, gravel/packed earth, few small objects", - "2": "2: Avg. incline <20%, stable surface, fistsize rocks/roots", - "3": "3: Avg. incline <25%, variable surface, fistsize rocks/branches", - "4": "4: Avg. incline <30%, poor condition, big rocks/branches", - "5": "5: Very steep, bike generally needs to be pushed or carried" + "add": "Add", + "none": "None", + "node": "Node", + "way": "Way", + "relation": "Relation", + "location": "Location", + "add_fields": "Add field:" + }, + "background": { + "title": "Background", + "description": "Background settings", + "key": "B", + "percent_brightness": "{opacity}% brightness", + "none": "None", + "best_imagery": "Best known imagery source for this location", + "switch": "Switch back to this background", + "custom": "Custom", + "custom_button": "Edit custom background", + "custom_prompt": "Enter a tile URL template. Valid tokens are:\n - {zoom}/{z}, {x}, {y} for Z/X/Y tile scheme\n - {ty} for flipped TMS-style Y coordinates\n - {u} for quadtile scheme\n - {switch:a,b,c} for DNS server multiplexing\n\nExample:\n{example}", + "fix_misalignment": "Adjust imagery offset", + "imagery_source_faq": "Where does this imagery come from?", + "reset": "reset", + "offset": "Drag anywhere in the gray area below to adjust the imagery offset, or enter the offset values in meters.", + "minimap": { + "description": "Minimap", + "tooltip": "Show a zoomed out map to help locate the area currently displayed.", + "key": "/" + } + }, + "map_data": { + "title": "Map Data", + "description": "Map Data", + "key": "F", + "data_layers": "Data Layers", + "layers": { + "osm": { + "tooltip": "Map data from OpenStreetMap", + "title": "OpenStreetMap data" } }, - "name": { - "label": "Name", - "placeholder": "Common name (if any)" - }, - "natural": { - "label": "Natural" - }, - "network": { - "label": "Network" - }, - "note": { - "label": "Note" - }, - "office": { - "label": "Type" + "fill_area": "Fill Areas", + "map_features": "Map Features", + "autohidden": "These features have been automatically hidden because too many would be shown on the screen. You can zoom in to edit them.", + "osmhidden": "These features have been automatically hidden because the OpenStreetMap layer is hidden." + }, + "feature": { + "points": { + "description": "Points", + "tooltip": "Points of Interest" }, - "oneway": { - "label": "One Way", - "options": { - "undefined": "Assumed to be No", - "yes": "Yes", - "no": "No" - } + "traffic_roads": { + "description": "Traffic Roads", + "tooltip": "Highways, Streets, etc." }, - "oneway_yes": { - "label": "One Way", - "options": { - "undefined": "Assumed to be Yes", - "yes": "Yes", - "no": "No" - } + "service_roads": { + "description": "Service Roads", + "tooltip": "Service Roads, Parking Aisles, Tracks, etc." }, - "opening_hours": { - "label": "Hours" - }, - "operator": { - "label": "Operator" - }, - "par": { - "label": "Par", - "placeholder": "3, 4, 5..." - }, - "park_ride": { - "label": "Park and Ride" - }, - "parking": { - "label": "Type", - "options": { - "surface": "Surface", - "multi-storey": "Multilevel", - "underground": "Underground", - "sheds": "Sheds", - "carports": "Carports", - "garage_boxes": "Garage Boxes", - "lane": "Roadside Lane" - } + "paths": { + "description": "Paths", + "tooltip": "Sidewalks, Foot Paths, Cycle Paths, etc." }, - "phone": { - "label": "Phone", - "placeholder": "+31 42 123 4567" - }, - "piste/difficulty": { - "label": "Difficulty", - "placeholder": "Easy, Intermediate, Advanced...", - "options": { - "novice": "Novice (instructional)", - "easy": "Easy (green circle)", - "intermediate": "Intermediate (blue square)", - "advanced": "Advanced (black diamond)", - "expert": "Expert (double black diamond)", - "freeride": "Freeride (off-piste)", - "extreme": "Extreme (climbing equipment required)" - } + "buildings": { + "description": "Buildings", + "tooltip": "Buildings, Shelters, Garages, etc." }, - "piste/grooming": { - "label": "Grooming", - "options": { - "classic": "Classic", - "mogul": "Mogul", - "backcountry": "Backcountry", - "classic+skating": "Classic and Skating", - "scooter": "Scooter/Snowmobile", - "skating": "Skating" - } + "landuse": { + "description": "Landuse Features", + "tooltip": "Forests, Farmland, Parks, Residential, Commercial, etc." }, - "piste/type": { - "label": "Type", - "options": { - "downhill": "Downhill", - "nordic": "Nordic", - "skitour": "Skitour", - "sled": "Sled", - "hike": "Hike", - "sleigh": "Sleigh", - "ice_skate": "Ice Skate", - "snow_park": "Snow Park", - "playground": "Playground" - } + "boundaries": { + "description": "Boundaries", + "tooltip": "Administrative Boundaries" }, - "place": { - "label": "Type" + "water": { + "description": "Water Features", + "tooltip": "Rivers, Lakes, Ponds, Basins, etc." }, - "population": { - "label": "Population" + "rail": { + "description": "Rail Features", + "tooltip": "Railways" }, "power": { - "label": "Type" - }, - "railway": { - "label": "Type" - }, - "recycling/cans": { - "label": "Accepts Cans" - }, - "recycling/clothes": { - "label": "Accepts Clothes" - }, - "recycling/glass": { - "label": "Accepts Glass" - }, - "recycling/paper": { - "label": "Accepts Paper" - }, - "ref": { - "label": "Reference" - }, - "relation": { - "label": "Type" - }, - "religion": { - "label": "Religion" - }, - "restriction": { - "label": "Type" - }, - "restrictions": { - "label": "Turn Restrictions" - }, - "route": { - "label": "Type" - }, - "route_master": { - "label": "Type" - }, - "sac_scale": { - "label": "Hiking Difficulty", - "placeholder": "Mountain Hiking, Alpine Hiking...", - "options": { - "hiking": "T1: Hiking", - "mountain_hiking": "T2: Mountain Hiking", - "demanding_mountain_hiking": "T3: Demanding Mountain Hiking", - "alpine_hiking": "T4: Alpine Hiking", - "demanding_alpine_hiking": "T5: Demanding Alpine Hiking", - "difficult_alpine_hiking": "T6: Difficult Alpine Hiking" - } - }, - "seasonal": { - "label": "Seasonal" - }, - "service": { - "label": "Type" + "description": "Power Features", + "tooltip": "Power Lines, Power Plants, Substations, etc." }, - "service/bicycle/chaintool": { - "label": "Chain Tool", - "options": { - "undefined": "Assumed to be No", - "yes": "Yes", - "no": "No" - } + "past_future": { + "description": "Past/Future", + "tooltip": "Proposed, Construction, Abandoned, Demolished, etc." }, - "service/bicycle/pump": { - "label": "Air Pump", - "options": { - "undefined": "Assumed to be No", - "yes": "Yes", - "no": "No" + "others": { + "description": "Others", + "tooltip": "Everything Else" + } + }, + "area_fill": { + "wireframe": { + "description": "No Fill (Wireframe)", + "tooltip": "Enabling wireframe mode makes it easy to see the background imagery.", + "key": "W" + }, + "partial": { + "description": "Partial Fill", + "tooltip": "Areas are drawn with fill only around their inner edges. (Recommended for beginner mappers)" + }, + "full": { + "description": "Full Fill", + "tooltip": "Areas are drawn fully filled." + } + }, + "restore": { + "heading": "You have unsaved changes", + "description": "Do you wish to restore unsaved changes from a previous editing session?", + "restore": "Restore my changes", + "reset": "Discard my changes" + }, + "save": { + "title": "Save", + "help": "Review your changes and upload them to OpenStreetMap, making them visible to other users.", + "no_changes": "No changes to save.", + "error": "Errors occurred while trying to save", + "status_code": "Server returned status code {code}", + "unknown_error_details": "Please ensure you are connected to the internet.", + "uploading": "Uploading changes to OpenStreetMap...", + "unsaved_changes": "You have unsaved changes", + "conflict": { + "header": "Resolve conflicting edits", + "count": "Conflict {num} of {total}", + "previous": "< Previous", + "next": "Next >", + "keep_local": "Keep mine", + "keep_remote": "Use theirs", + "restore": "Restore", + "delete": "Leave Deleted", + "download_changes": "Or download osmChange file", + "done": "All conflicts resolved!", + "help": "Another user changed some of the same map features you changed.\nClick on each feature below for more details about the conflict, and choose whether to keep\nyour changes or the other user's changes.\n" + } + }, + "merge_remote_changes": { + "conflict": { + "deleted": "This feature has been deleted by {user}.", + "location": "This feature was moved by both you and {user}.", + "nodelist": "Nodes were changed by both you and {user}.", + "memberlist": "Relation members were changed by both you and {user}.", + "tags": "You changed the {tag} tag to \"{local}\" and {user} changed it to \"{remote}\"." + } + }, + "success": { + "edited_osm": "Edited OSM!", + "just_edited": "You just edited OpenStreetMap!", + "view_on_osm": "View on OSM", + "facebook": "Share on Facebook", + "twitter": "Share on Twitter", + "google": "Share on Google+", + "help_html": "Your changes should appear in the \"Standard\" layer in a few minutes. Other layers, and certain features, may take longer.", + "help_link_text": "Details", + "help_link_url": "https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/FAQ#I_have_just_made_some_changes_to_the_map._How_do_I_get_to_see_my_changes.3F" + }, + "confirm": { + "okay": "OK", + "cancel": "Cancel" + }, + "splash": { + "welcome": "Welcome to the iD OpenStreetMap editor", + "text": "iD is a friendly but powerful tool for contributing to the world's best free world map. This is version {version}. For more information see {website} and report bugs at {github}.", + "walkthrough": "Start the Walkthrough", + "start": "Edit now" + }, + "source_switch": { + "live": "live", + "lose_changes": "You have unsaved changes. Switching the map server will discard them. Are you sure you want to switch servers?", + "dev": "dev" + }, + "version": { + "whats_new": "What's new in iD {version}" + }, + "tag_reference": { + "description": "Description", + "on_wiki": "{tag} on wiki.osm.org", + "used_with": "used with {type}" + }, + "validations": { + "disconnected_highway": "Disconnected highway", + "disconnected_highway_tooltip": "Roads should be connected to other roads or building entrances.", + "old_multipolygon": "Multipolygon tags on outer way", + "old_multipolygon_tooltip": "This style of multipolygon is deprecated. Please assign the tags to the parent multipolygon instead of the outer way.", + "untagged_point": "Untagged point", + "untagged_point_tooltip": "Select a feature type that describes what this point is.", + "untagged_line": "Untagged line", + "untagged_line_tooltip": "Select a feature type that describes what this line is.", + "untagged_area": "Untagged area", + "untagged_area_tooltip": "Select a feature type that describes what this area is.", + "untagged_relation": "Untagged relation", + "untagged_relation_tooltip": "Select a feature type that describes what this relation is.", + "many_deletions": "You're deleting {n} features. Are you sure you want to do this? This will delete them from the map that everyone else sees on openstreetmap.org.", + "tag_suggests_area": "The tag {tag} suggests line should be area, but it is not an area", + "deprecated_tags": "Deprecated tags: {tags}" + }, + "zoom": { + "in": "Zoom in", + "out": "Zoom out" + }, + "cannot_zoom": "Cannot zoom out further in current mode.", + "full_screen": "Toggle Full Screen", + "gpx": { + "local_layer": "Local file", + "drag_drop": "Drag and drop a .gpx, .geojson or .kml file on the page, or click the button to the right to browse", + "zoom": "Zoom to layer", + "browse": "Browse for a file" + }, + "mapillary_images": { + "tooltip": "Street-level photos from Mapillary", + "title": "Photo Overlay (Mapillary)" + }, + "mapillary_signs": { + "tooltip": "Traffic signs from Mapillary (must enable Photo Overlay)", + "title": "Traffic Sign Overlay (Mapillary)" + }, + "mapillary": { + "view_on_mapillary": "View this image on Mapillary" + }, + "openstreetcam_images": { + "tooltip": "Street-level photos from OpenStreetCam", + "title": "Photo Overlay (OpenStreetCam)" + }, + "openstreetcam": { + "view_on_openstreetcam": "View this image on OpenStreetCam" + }, + "help": { + "title": "Help", + "key": "H", + "help": "# Help\n\nThis is an editor for [OpenStreetMap](http://www.openstreetmap.org/), the\nfree and editable map of the world. You can use it to add and update\ndata in your area, making an open-source and open-data map of the world\nbetter for everyone.\n\nEdits that you make on this map will be visible to everyone who uses\nOpenStreetMap. In order to make an edit, you'll need to\n[log in](https://www.openstreetmap.org/login).\n\nThe [iD editor](http://ideditor.com/) is a collaborative project with [source\ncode available on GitHub](https://github.com/openstreetmap/iD).\n", + "editing_saving": "# Editing & Saving\n\nThis editor is designed to work primarily online, and you're accessing\nit through a website right now.\n\n### Selecting Features\n\nTo select a map feature, like a road or point of interest, click on it on\nthe map. This will highlight the selected feature and load a sidebar with\ndetails about it. If you right-click on it, it will show a menu of things\nyou can do with the feature.\n\nTo select multiple features, hold down the 'Shift' key. Then either click\non the features you want to select, or drag on the map to draw a contour\naround those features. All the points inside the lasso area will be selected.\n\n### Saving Edits\n\nWhen you make changes like editing roads, buildings, and places, these are\nstored locally until you save them to the server. Don't worry if you make\na mistake - you can undo changes by clicking the undo button, and redo\nchanges by clicking the redo button.\n\nClick 'Save' to finish a group of edits - for instance, if you've completed\nan area of town and would like to start on a new area. You'll have a chance\nto review what you've done, and the editor supplies helpful suggestions\nand warnings if something doesn't seem right about the changes.\n\nIf everything looks good, you can enter a short comment explaining the change\nyou made, and click 'Upload' to post the changes to\n[OpenStreetMap.org](http://www.openstreetmap.org/), where they will be visible\nto all other users and available for others to build and improve upon.\n\nIf you can't finish your edits in one sitting, you can leave the editor\nwindow and come back (on the same browser and computer), and the\neditor application will offer to restore your work.\n\n### Using the editor\n\nYou can view a list of keyboard shortcuts by pressing the `?` key.\n", + "roads": "# Roads\n\nYou can create, fix, and delete roads with this editor. Roads can be all\nkinds: paths, highways, trails, cycleways, and more - any often-crossed\nsegment should be mappable.\n\n### Selecting\n\nClick on a road to select it. An outline should become visible, along\nwith a sidebar showing more information about the road. If you right-click\non it, you'll have a menu of actions you can apply on the road.\n\n### Modifying\n\nOften you'll see roads that aren't aligned to the imagery behind them\nor to a GPS track. You can adjust these roads so they are in the correct\nplace.\n\nFirst click on the road you want to change. This will highlight it and show\ncontrol points along it that you can drag to better locations. If\nyou want to add new control points for more detail, double-click a part\nof the road without a node, and one will be added.\n\nIf the road connects to another road, but doesn't properly connect on\nthe map, you can drag one of its control points onto the other road in\norder to join them. Having roads connect is important for the map\nand essential for providing driving directions.\n\nYou can also right-click on it and select the 'Move' tool, or simply press\nthe `M` shortcut key, to move the entire road at one time, and then click\nagain to save that movement.\n\n### Deleting\n\nIf a road is entirely incorrect - you can see that it doesn't exist in satellite\nimagery and ideally have confirmed locally that it's not present - you can delete\nit, which removes it from the map. Be cautious when deleting features -\nlike any other edit, the results are seen by everyone and satellite imagery\nis often out of date, so the road could simply be newly built.\n\nYou can delete a road by clicking on it to select it, then pressing the 'Delete'\nkey or right-clicking it and then clicking the trash can icon.\n\n### Creating\n\nFound somewhere there should be a road but there isn't? Click the 'Line'\nicon in the top-left of the editor or press the shortcut key `2` to start drawing\na line.\n\nClick on the start of the road on the map to start drawing. If the road\nbranches off from an existing road, start by clicking on the place where they connect.\n\nThen click on points along the road so that it follows the right path, according\nto satellite imagery or GPS. If the road you are drawing crosses another road, connect\nit by clicking on the intersection point. When you're done drawing, double-click\nor press 'Return' or 'Enter' on your keyboard.\n", + "gps": "# GPS\n\nCollected GPS traces are one valuable source of data for OpenStreetMap. This editor\nsupports local traces - `.gpx` files on your local computer. You can collect\nthis kind of GPS trace with a number of smartphone applications as well as\npersonal GPS hardware.\n\nFor information on how to perform a GPS survey, read\n[Mapping with a smartphone, GPS, or paper](http://learnosm.org/en/mobile-mapping/).\n\nTo use a GPX track for mapping, drag and drop the GPX file onto the map\neditor. If it's recognized, it will be added to the map as a bright purple\nline. Click on the 'Map Data' menu on the right side to enable,\ndisable, or zoom to this new GPX-powered layer.\n\nThe GPX track isn't directly uploaded to OpenStreetMap - the best way to\nuse it is to draw on the map, using it as a guide for the new features that\nyou add, and also to [upload it to OpenStreetMap](http://www.openstreetmap.org/trace/create)\nfor other users to use.\n", + "imagery": "# Imagery\n\nAerial imagery is an important resource for mapping. A combination of\nairplane flyovers, satellite views, and freely-compiled sources are available\nin the editor under the 'Background Settings' menu on the right.\n\nBy default a [Bing Maps](http://www.bing.com/maps/) satellite layer is\npresented in the editor, but as you pan and zoom the map to new geographical\nareas, new sources will become available. Some countries, like the United\nStates, France, and Denmark have very high-quality imagery available for some areas.\n\nImagery is sometimes offset from the map data because of a mistake on the\nimagery provider's side. If you see a lot of roads shifted from the background,\ndon't immediately move them all to match the background. Instead you can adjust\nthe imagery so that it matches the existing data by clicking 'Fix alignment' at\nthe bottom of the Background Settings UI.\n", + "addresses": "# Addresses\n\nAddresses are some of the most useful information for the map.\n\nAlthough addresses are often represented as parts of streets, in OpenStreetMap\nthey're recorded as attributes of buildings and places along streets.\n\nYou can add address information to places mapped as building outlines\nas well as those mapped as single points. The optimal source of address\ndata is from an on-the-ground survey or personal knowledge - as with any\nother feature, copying from commercial sources like Google Maps is strictly\nforbidden.\n", + "inspector": "# Using the Inspector\n\nThe inspector is the section on the left side of the page that allows you to\nedit the details of the selected feature.\n\n### Selecting a Feature Type\n\nAfter you add a point, line, or area, you can choose what type of feature it\nis, like whether it's a highway or residential road, supermarket or cafe.\nThe inspector will display buttons for common feature types, and you can\nfind others by typing what you're looking for in the search box.\n\nClick the 'i' in the bottom-right-hand corner of a feature type button to\nlearn more about it. Click a button to choose that type.\n\n### Using Forms and Editing Tags\n\nAfter you choose a feature type, or when you select a feature that already\nhas a type assigned, the inspector will display fields with details about\nthe feature like its name and address.\n\nBelow the fields you see, you can click the 'Add field' dropdown to add\nother details, like a Wikipedia link, wheelchair access, and more.\n\nAt the bottom of the inspector, click 'Additional tags' to add arbitrary\nother tags to the element. [Taginfo](http://taginfo.openstreetmap.org/) is a\ngreat resource for learn more about popular tag combinations.\n\nChanges you make in the inspector are automatically applied to the map.\nYou can undo them at any time by clicking the 'Undo' button.\n", + "buildings": "# Buildings\n\nOpenStreetMap is the world's largest database of buildings. You can create\nand improve this database.\n\n### Selecting\n\nYou can select a building by clicking on its border. This will highlight the\nbuilding and load a sidebar showing more information about the building.\nIf you right-click on it, it will show a menu of actions you can execute\nin the building.\n\n### Modifying\n\nSometimes buildings are incorrectly placed or have incorrect tags.\n\nTo move an entire building, select it and press the 'M' shortcut key,\nor right-click it and select the 'Move' tool. Move your\nmouse to shift the building, and click when it's correctly placed.\n\nTo fix the specific shape of a building, click and drag the nodes that form\nits border into better places.\n\n### Creating\n\nOne of the main questions around adding buildings to the map is that\nOpenStreetMap records buildings both as shapes and points. The rule of thumb\nis to _map a building as a shape whenever possible_, and map companies, homes,\namenities, and other things that operate out of buildings as points placed\nwithin the building shape.\n\nStart drawing a building as a shape by clicking the 'Area' button in the top\nleft of the interface, and end it either by pressing 'Return' on your keyboard\nor clicking on the first node drawn to close the shape.\n\n### Deleting\n\nIf a building is entirely incorrect - you can see that it doesn't exist in satellite\nimagery and ideally have confirmed locally that it's not present - you can delete\nit, which removes it from the map. Be cautious when deleting features -\nlike any other edit, the results are seen by everyone and satellite imagery\nis often out of date, so the building could simply be newly built.\n\nYou can delete a building by clicking on it to select it, then pressing the 'Delete'\nkey, or right-clicking it and then clicking the trash can icon.\n", + "relations": "# Relations\n\nA relation is a special type of feature in OpenStreetMap that groups together\nother features. For example, two common types of relations are *route relations*,\nwhich group together sections of road that belong to a specific freeway or\nhighway, and *multipolygons*, which group together several lines that define\na complex area (one with several pieces or holes in it like a donut).\n\nThe group of features in a relation are called *members*. In the bottom of the\nsidebar, you can see which relations a feature is a member of, and click on a\nrelation there will select it. When the relation is selected, you can see all of\nits members listed in the sidebar and highlighted on the map.\n\nFor the most part, iD will take care of maintaining relations automatically\nwhile you edit. The main thing you should be aware of is that if you delete a\nsection of road to redraw it more accurately, you should make sure that the\nnew section is a member of the same relations as the original.\n\n## Editing Relations\n\nIf you want to edit relations, here are the basics.\n\nTo add a feature to a relation, select the feature, click the \"+\" button in the\n\"All relations\" section of the sidebar, and select or type the name of the relation.\n\nTo create a new relation, select the first feature that should be a member,\nclick the \"+\" button in the \"All relations\" section, and select \"New relation...\".\n\nTo remove a feature from a relation, select the feature and click the trash\nbutton next to the relation you want to remove it from.\n\nYou can create multipolygons with holes using the \"Merge\" tool. Draw two areas (inner\nand outer), hold the Shift key and click on each of them to select them both, and then\npress the 'C' shortcut key. Other option is to select both, and then right-click one\nof the and click the \"Merge\" (+) button.\n" + }, + "intro": { + "done": "done", + "ok": "OK", + "graph": { + "block_number": "", + "city": "Three Rivers", + "county": "", + "district": "", + "hamlet": "", + "neighbourhood": "", + "postcode": "49093", + "province": "", + "quarter": "", + "state": "MI", + "subdistrict": "", + "suburb": "", + "countrycode": "us", + "name": { + "1st-avenue": "1st Avenue", + "2nd-avenue": "2nd Avenue", + "4th-avenue": "4th Avenue", + "5th-avenue": "5th Avenue", + "6th-avenue": "6th Avenue", + "6th-street": "6th Street", + "7th-avenue": "7th Avenue", + "8th-avenue": "8th Avenue", + "9th-avenue": "9th Avenue", + "10th-avenue": "10th Avenue", + "11th-avenue": "11th Avenue", + "12th-avenue": "12th Avenue", + "access-point-employment": "Access Point Employment", + "adams-street": "Adams Street", + "andrews-elementary-school": "Andrews Elementary School", + "andrews-street": "Andrews Street", + "armitage-street": "Armitage Street", + "barrows-school": "Barrows School", + "battle-street": "Battle Street", + "bennett-street": "Bennett Street", + "bowman-park": "Bowman Park", + "collins-drive": "Collins Drive", + "conrail-railroad": "Conrail Railroad", + "conservation-park": "Conservation Park", + "constantine-street": "Constantine Street", + "cushman-street": "Cushman Street", + "dollar-tree": "Dollar Tree", + "douglas-avenue": "Douglas Avenue", + "east-street": "East Street", + "elm-street": "Elm Street", + "flower-street": "Flower Street", + "foster-street": "Foster Street", + "french-street": "French Street", + "garden-street": "Garden Street", + "gem-pawnbroker": "Gem Pawnbroker", + "golden-finch-framing": "Golden Finch Framing", + "grant-avenue": "Grant Avenue", + "hoffman-pond": "Hoffman Pond", + "hoffman-street": "Hoffman Street", + "hook-avenue": "Hook Avenue", + "jefferson-street": "Jefferson Street", + "kelsey-street": "Kelsey Street", + "lafayette-park": "LaFayette Park", + "las-coffee-cafe": "L.A.'s Coffee Cafe", + "lincoln-avenue": "Lincoln Avenue", + "lowrys-books": "Lowry's Books", + "lynns-garage": "Lynn's Garage", + "main-street-barbell": "Main Street Barbell", + "main-street-cafe": "Main Street Cafe", + "main-street-fitness": "Main Street Fitness", + "main-street": "Main Street", + "maple-street": "Maple Street", + "marina-park": "Marina Park", + "market-street": "Market Street", + "memory-isle-park": "Memory Isle Park", + "memory-isle": "Memory Isle", + "michigan-avenue": "Michigan Avenue", + "middle-street": "Middle Street", + "millard-street": "Millard Street", + "moore-street": "Moore Street", + "morris-avenue": "Morris Avenue", + "mural-mall": "Mural Mall", + "paisanos-bar-and-grill": "Paisano's Bar and Grill", + "paisley-emporium": "Paisley Emporium", + "paparazzi-tattoo": "Paparazzi Tattoo", + "pealer-street": "Pealer Street", + "pine-street": "Pine Street", + "pizza-hut": "Pizza Hut", + "portage-avenue": "Portage Avenue", + "portage-river": "Portage River", + "preferred-insurance-services": "Preferred Insurance Services", + "railroad-drive": "Railroad Drive", + "river-city-appliance": "River City Appliance", + "river-drive": "River Drive", + "river-road": "River Road", + "river-street": "River Street", + "riverside-cemetery": "Riverside Cemetery", + "riverwalk-trail": "Riverwalk Trail", + "riviera-theatre": "Riviera Theatre", + "rocky-river": "Rocky River", + "saint-joseph-river": "Saint Joseph River", + "scidmore-park-petting-zoo": "Scidmore Park Petting Zoo", + "scidmore-park": "Scidmore Park", + "scouter-park": "Scouter Park", + "sherwin-williams": "Sherwin-Williams", + "south-street": "South Street", + "southern-michigan-bank": "Southern Michigan Bank", + "spring-street": "Spring Street", + "sturgeon-river-road": "Sturgeon River Road", + "three-rivers-city-hall": "Three Rivers City Hall", + "three-rivers-elementary-school": "Three Rivers Elementary School", + "three-rivers-fire-department": "Three Rivers Fire Department", + "three-rivers-high-school": "Three Rivers High School", + "three-rivers-middle-school": "Three Rivers Middle School", + "three-rivers-municipal-airport": "Three Rivers Municipal Airport", + "three-rivers-post-office": "Three Rivers Post Office", + "three-rivers-public-library": "Three Rivers Public Library", + "three-rivers": "Three Rivers", + "unique-jewelry": "Unique Jewelry", + "walnut-street": "Walnut Street", + "washington-street": "Washington Street", + "water-street": "Water Street", + "west-street": "West Street", + "wheeler-street": "Wheeler Street", + "william-towing": "William Towing", + "willow-drive": "Willow Drive", + "wood-street": "Wood Street", + "world-fare": "World Fare" } }, - "shelter": { - "label": "Shelter" - }, - "shelter_type": { - "label": "Type" - }, - "shop": { - "label": "Type" - }, - "sloped_curb": { - "label": "Sloped Curb" - }, - "smoking": { - "label": "Smoking", - "placeholder": "No, Separated, Yes...", - "options": { - "no": "No smoking anywhere", - "separated": "In smoking areas, not physically isolated", - "isolated": "In smoking areas, physically isolated", - "outside": "Allowed outside", - "yes": "Allowed everywhere", - "dedicated": "Dedicated to smokers (e.g. smokers' club)" + "welcome": { + "title": "Welcome", + "welcome": "Welcome! This walkthrough will teach you the basics of editing on OpenStreetMap.", + "practice": "All of the data in this walkthrough is just for practicing, and any edits that you make in the walkthrough will not be saved.", + "words": "This walkthrough will introduce some new words and concepts. When we introduce a new word, we'll use *italics*.", + "mouse": "You can use any input device to edit the map, but this walkthrough assumes you have a mouse with left and right buttons. **If you want to attach a mouse, do so now, then click OK.**", + "leftclick": "When this tutorial asks you to click or double-click, we mean with the left button. On a trackpad it might be a single-click or single-finger tap. **Left-click {num} times.**", + "rightclick": "Sometimes we'll also ask you to right-click. This might be the same as control-click, or two-finger tap on a trackpad. Your keyboard might even have a 'menu' key that works like right-click. **Right-click {num} times.**", + "chapters": "So far, so good! You can use the buttons below to skip chapters at any time or to restart a chapter if you get stuck. Let's begin! **Click '{next}' to continue.**" + }, + "navigation": { + "title": "Navigation", + "drag": "The main map area shows OpenStreetMap data on top of a background.{br}You can drag the map by pressing and holding the left mouse button while moving the mouse around. You can also use the arrow keys on your keyboard. **Drag the map!**", + "zoom": "You can zoom in or out by scrolling with the mouse wheel or trackpad, or by clicking the {plus} / {minus} buttons. **Zoom the map!**", + "features": "We use the word *features* to describe the things that appear on the map. Anything in the real world can be mapped as a feature on OpenStreetMap.", + "points_lines_areas": "Map features are represented using *points, lines, or areas.*", + "nodes_ways": "In OpenStreetMap, points are sometimes called *nodes*, and lines and areas are sometimes called *ways*.", + "click_townhall": "All features on the map can be selected by clicking on them. **Click on the point to select it.**", + "selected_townhall": "Great! The point is now selected. Selected features are drawn with a pulsing glow.", + "editor_townhall": "When a feature is selected, the *feature editor* is displayed alongside the map.", + "preset_townhall": "The top part of the feature editor shows the feature's type. This point is a {preset}.", + "fields_townhall": "The middle part of the feature editor contains *fields* showing the feature's attributes, such as its name and address.", + "close_townhall": "**Close the feature editor by hitting escape or pressing the {button} button in the upper corner.**", + "search_street": "You can also search for features in the current view, or worldwide. **Search for '{name}'.**", + "choose_street": "**Choose {name} from the list to select it.**", + "selected_street": "Great! {name} is now selected.", + "editor_street": "The fields shown for a street are different than the fields that were shown for the town hall.{br}For this selected street, the feature editor shows fields like '{field1}' and '{field2}'. **Close the feature editor by hitting escape or pressing the {button} button.**", + "play": "Try moving the map and clicking on some other features to see what kinds of things can be added to OpenStreetMap. **When you are ready to continue to the next chapter, click '{next}'.**" + }, + "points": { + "title": "Points", + "add_point": "*Points* can be used to represent features such as shops, restaurants, and monuments.{br}They mark a specific location, and describe what's there. **Click the {button} Point button to add a new point.**", + "place_point": "To place the new point on the map, position your mouse cursor where the point should go, then left-click or press the spacebar. **Move the mouse pointer over this building, then left-click or press the spacebar.**", + "search_cafe": "There are many different features that can be represented by points. The point you just added is a cafe. **Search for '{preset}'.**", + "choose_cafe": "**Choose {preset} from the list.**", + "feature_editor": "The point is now marked as a cafe. Using the feature editor, we can add more information about the cafe.", + "add_name": "In OpenStreetMap, all of the fields are optional, and it's OK to leave a field blank if you are unsure.{br}Let's pretend that you have local knowledge of this cafe, and you know its name. **Add a name for the cafe.**", + "add_close": "The feature editor will remember all of your changes automatically. **When you are finished adding the name, hit escape, enter, or click the {button} button to close the feature editor.**", + "reselect": "Often points will already exist, but have mistakes or be incomplete. We can edit existing points. **Click to select the cafe you just created.**", + "update": "Let's fill in some more details for this cafe. You can change its name, add a cuisine, or add an address. **Change the cafe details.**", + "update_close": "**When you are finished updating the cafe, hit escape, enter, or click the {button} button to close the feature editor.**", + "rightclick": "You can right-click on any feature to see the *edit menu*, which shows a list of editing operations that can be performed. **Right-click to select the point you created and show the edit menu.**", + "delete": "It's OK to delete features that don't exist in the real world.{br}Deleting a feature from OpenStreetMap removes it from the map that everyone uses, so you should make sure a feature is really gone before you delete it. **Click on the {button} button to delete the point.**", + "undo": "You can always undo any changes up until you save your edits to OpenStreetMap. **Click on the {button} button to undo the delete and get the point back.**", + "play": "Now that you know how to create and edit points, try creating a few more points for practice! **When you are ready to continue to the next chapter, click '{next}'.**" + }, + "areas": { + "title": "Areas", + "add_playground": "*Areas* are used to show the boundaries of features like lakes, buildings, and residential areas.{br}They can be also be used for more detailed mapping of many features you might normally map as points. **Click the {button} Area button to add a new area.**", + "start_playground": "Let's add this playground to the map by drawing an area. Areas are drawn by placing *nodes* along the outer edge of the feature. **Click or press spacebar to place a starting node on one of the corners of the playground.**", + "continue_playground": "Continue drawing the area by placing more nodes along the playground's edge. It is OK to connect the area to the existing walking paths.{br}Tip: You can hold down the '{alt}' key to prevent nodes from connecting to other features. **Continue drawing an area for the playground.**", + "finish_playground": "Finish the area by pressing enter, or clicking again on either the first or last node. **Finish drawing an area for the playground.**", + "search_playground": "**Search for '{preset}'.**", + "choose_playground": "**Choose {preset} from the list.**", + "add_field": "This playground doesn't have an official name, so we won't add anything in the Name field.{br}Instead let's add some additional details about the playground to the Description field. **Open the Add Field list.**", + "choose_field": "**Choose {field} from the list.**", + "retry_add_field": "You didn't select the {field} field. Let's try again.", + "describe_playground": "**Add a description, then click the {button} button to close the feature editor.**", + "play": "Good job! Try drawing a few more areas, and see what other kinds of area features you can add to OpenStreetMap. **When you are ready to continue to the next chapter, click '{next}'.**" + }, + "lines": { + "title": "Lines", + "add_line": "*Lines* are used to represent features such as roads, railroads, and rivers. **Click the {button} Line button to add a new line.**", + "start_line": "Here is a road that is missing. Let's add it!{br}In OpenStreetMap, lines should be drawn down the center of the road. You can drag and zoom the map while drawing if necessary. **Start a new line by clicking at the top end of this missing road.**", + "intersect": "Click or press spacebar to add more nodes to the line.{br}Roads, and many other types of lines, are part of a larger network. It is important for these lines to be connected properly in order for routing applications to work. **Click on {name} to create an intersection connecting the two lines.**", + "retry_intersect": "The road needs to intersect {name}. Let's try again!", + "continue_line": "Continue drawing the line for the new road. Remember that you can drag and zoom the map if needed.{br}When you are finished drawing, click on the last node again. **Finish drawing the road.**", + "choose_category_road": "**Select {category} from the list.**", + "choose_preset_residential": "There are many different types of roads, but this one is a residential road. **Choose the {preset} type.**", + "retry_preset_residential": "You didn't select the {preset} type. **Click here to choose again.**", + "name_road": "**Give this road a name, then hit escape, enter, or click the {button} button to close the feature editor.**", + "did_name_road": "Looks good! Next we will learn how to update the shape of a line.", + "update_line": "Sometimes you will need to change the shape of an existing line. Here is a road that doesn't look quite right.", + "add_node": "We can add some nodes to this line to improve its shape. One way to add a node is to double-click the line where you want to add a node. **Double-click on the line to create a new node.**", + "start_drag_endpoint": "When a line is selected, you can drag any of its nodes by clicking and holding down the left mouse button while you drag. **Drag the endpoint to the place where these roads should intersect.**", + "finish_drag_endpoint": "This spot looks good. **Release the left mouse button to finish dragging.**", + "start_drag_midpoint": "Small triangles are drawn at the *midpoints* between nodes. Another way to create a new node is to drag a midpoint to a new location. **Drag the midpoint triangle to create a new node along the curve of the road.**", + "continue_drag_midpoint": "This line is looking much better! Continue to adjust this line by double-clicking or dragging midpoints until the curve matches the road shape. **When you're happy with how the line looks, click OK.**", + "delete_lines": "It's OK to delete lines for roads that don't exist in the real world.{br}Here's an example where the city planned a {street} but never built it. We can improve this part of the map by deleting the extra lines.", + "rightclick_intersection": "The last real street is {street1}, so we will *split* {street2} at this intersection and remove everything above it. **Right click on the intersection node.**", + "split_intersection": "**Click on the {button} button to split {street}.**", + "retry_split": "You didn't click the Split button. Try again.", + "did_split_multi": "Good job! {street1} is now split into two pieces. The top part can be removed. **Click the top part of {street2} to select it.**", + "did_split_single": "**Click the top part of {street2} to select it.**", + "multi_select": "{selected} is now selected. Let's also select {other1}. You can shift-click to select multiple things. **Shift-click on {other2}.**", + "multi_rightclick": "Good! Both lines to delete are now selected. **Right-click on one of the lines to show the edit menu.**", + "multi_delete": "**Click on the {button} button to delete the extra lines.**", + "retry_delete": "You didn't click the Delete button. Try again.", + "play": "Great! Use the skills that you've learned in this chapter to practice editing some more lines. **When you are ready to continue to the next chapter, click '{next}'.**" + }, + "buildings": { + "title": "Buildings", + "add_building": "OpenStreetMap is the world's largest database of buildings.{br}You can help improve this database by tracing buildings that aren't already mapped. **Click the {button} Area button to add a new area.**", + "start_building": "Let's add this house to the map by tracing its outline.{br}Buildings should be traced around their footprint as accurately as possible. **Click or press spacebar to place a starting node on one of the corners of the building.**", + "continue_building": "Continue adding more nodes to trace the outline of the building. Remember that you can zoom in if you want to add more details.{br}Finish the building by pressing enter, or clicking again on either the first or last node. **Finish tracing the building.**", + "retry_building": "It looks like you had some trouble placing the nodes at the building corners. Try again!", + "choose_category_building": "**Choose {category} from the list.**", + "choose_preset_house": "There are many different types of buildings, but this one is clearly a house.{br}If you're not sure of the type, it's OK to just choose the generic Building type. **Choose the {preset} type.**", + "close": "**Hit escape or click the {button} button to close the feature editor.**", + "rightclick_building": "**Right-click to select the building you created and show the edit menu.**", + "square_building": "The house that you just added will look even better with perfectly square corners. **Click on the {button} button to square the building shape.**", + "retry_square": "You didn't click the Square button. Try again.", + "done_square": "See how the corners of the building moved into place? Let's learn another useful trick.", + "add_tank": "Next we'll trace this circular storage tank. **Click the {button} Area button to add a new area.**", + "start_tank": "Don't worry, you won't need to draw a perfect circle. Just draw an area inside the tank that touches its edge. **Click or press spacebar to place a starting node on the edge of the tank.**", + "continue_tank": "Add a few more nodes around the edge. The circle will be created outside the nodes that you draw.{br}Finish the area by pressing enter, or clicking again on either the first or last node. **Finish tracing the tank.**", + "search_tank": "**Search for '{preset}'.**", + "choose_tank": "**Choose {preset} from the list.**", + "rightclick_tank": "**Right-click to select the storage tank you created and show the edit menu.**", + "circle_tank": "**Click on the {button} button to make the tank a circle.**", + "retry_circle": "You didn't click the Circularize button. Try again.", + "play": "Great Job! Practice tracing a few more buildings, and try some of the other commands on the edit menu. **When you are ready to continue to the next chapter, click '{next}'.**" + }, + "startediting": { + "title": "Start Editing", + "help": "You're now ready to edit OpenStreetMap!{br}You can replay this walkthrough anytime or view more documentation by clicking the {button} Help button or pressing the '{key}' key.", + "shortcuts": "You can view a list of commands along with their keyboard shortcuts by pressing the '{key}' key.", + "save": "Don't forget to regularly save your changes!", + "start": "Start mapping!" + } + }, + "shortcuts": { + "title": "Keyboard shortcuts", + "tooltip": "Show the keyboard shortcuts screen.", + "toggle": { + "key": "?" + }, + "key": { + "alt": "Alt", + "backspace": "Backspace", + "cmd": "Cmd", + "ctrl": "Ctrl", + "delete": "Delete", + "del": "Del", + "end": "End", + "enter": "Enter", + "esc": "Esc", + "home": "Home", + "option": "Option", + "pause": "Pause", + "pgdn": "PgDn", + "pgup": "PgUp", + "return": "Return", + "shift": "Shift", + "space": "Space" + }, + "gesture": { + "drag": "drag" + }, + "or": "-or-", + "browsing": { + "title": "Browsing", + "navigation": { + "title": "Navigation", + "pan": "Pan map", + "pan_more": "Pan map by one screenful", + "zoom": "Zoom in / Zoom out", + "zoom_more": "Zoom in / Zoom out by a lot" + }, + "help": { + "title": "Help", + "help": "Show help/documentation", + "keyboard": "Show keyboard shortcuts" + }, + "display_options": { + "title": "Display options", + "background": "Show background options", + "background_switch": "Switch back to last background", + "map_data": "Show map data options", + "fullscreen": "Enter full screen mode", + "wireframe": "Toggle wireframe mode", + "minimap": "Toggle minimap" + }, + "selecting": { + "title": "Selecting features", + "select_one": "Select a single feature", + "select_multi": "Select multiple features", + "lasso": "Draw a selection lasso around features" + }, + "with_selected": { + "title": "With feature selected", + "edit_menu": "Toggle edit menu" + }, + "vertex_selected": { + "title": "With node selected", + "previous": "Jump to previous node", + "next": "Jump to next node", + "first": "Jump to first node", + "last": "Jump to last node", + "change_parent": "Switch parent way" } }, - "smoothness": { - "label": "Smoothness", - "placeholder": "Thin Rollers, Wheels, Off-Road...", - "options": { - "excellent": "Thin Rollers: rollerblade, skateboard", - "good": "Thin Wheels: racing bike", - "intermediate": "Wheels: city bike, wheelchair, scooter", - "bad": "Robust Wheels: trekking bike, car, rickshaw", - "very_bad": "High Clearance: light duty off-road vehicle", - "horrible": "Off-Road: heavy duty off-road vehicle", - "very_horrible": "Specialized off-road: tractor, ATV", - "impassable": "Impassable / No wheeled vehicle" + "editing": { + "title": "Editing", + "drawing": { + "title": "Drawing", + "add_point": "'Add point' mode", + "add_line": "'Add line' mode", + "add_area": "'Add area' mode", + "place_point": "Place a point", + "disable_snap": "Hold to disable point snapping", + "stop_line": "Finish drawing a line or area" + }, + "operations": { + "title": "Operations", + "continue_line": "Continue a line at the selected node", + "merge": "Combine (merge) selected features", + "disconnect": "Disconnect features at the selected node", + "split": "Split a line into two at the selected node", + "reverse": "Reverse a line", + "move": "Move selected features", + "rotate": "Rotate selected features", + "orthogonalize": "Straighten line / Square area corners", + "circularize": "Circularize a closed line or area", + "reflect_long": "Reflect features across the longer axis", + "reflect_short": "Reflect features across the shorter axis", + "delete": "Delete selected features" + }, + "commands": { + "title": "Commands", + "copy": "Copy selected features", + "paste": "Paste copied features", + "undo": "Undo last action", + "redo": "Redo last action", + "save": "Save changes" } }, - "social_facility_for": { - "label": "People served", - "placeholder": "Homeless, Disabled, Child, etc" - }, - "source": { - "label": "Source" - }, - "sport": { - "label": "Sport" - }, - "sport_ice": { - "label": "Sport" - }, - "sport_racing": { - "label": "Sport" - }, - "structure": { - "label": "Structure", - "placeholder": "Unknown", - "options": { - "bridge": "Bridge", - "tunnel": "Tunnel", - "embankment": "Embankment", - "cutting": "Cutting", - "ford": "Ford" + "tools": { + "title": "Tools", + "info": { + "title": "Information", + "all": "Toggle all information panels", + "background": "Toggle background panel", + "history": "Toggle history panel", + "location": "Toggle location panel", + "measurement": "Toggle measurement panel" } - }, - "studio_type": { - "label": "Type" - }, - "substation": { - "label": "Type" - }, - "supervised": { - "label": "Supervised" - }, - "surface": { - "label": "Surface" - }, - "tactile_paving": { - "label": "Tactile Paving" - }, - "takeaway": { - "label": "Takeaway", - "placeholder": "Yes, No, Takeaway Only...", - "options": { - "yes": "Yes", - "no": "No", - "only": "Takeaway Only" - } - }, - "toilets/disposal": { - "label": "Disposal", - "options": { - "flush": "Flush", - "pitlatrine": "Pit/Latrine", - "chemical": "Chemical", - "bucket": "Bucket" - } - }, - "tourism": { - "label": "Type" - }, - "towertype": { - "label": "Tower type" - }, - "tracktype": { - "label": "Track Type", - "placeholder": "Solid, Mostly Solid, Soft...", - "options": { - "grade1": "Solid: paved or heavily compacted hardcore surface", - "grade2": "Mostly Solid: gravel/rock with some soft material mixed in", - "grade3": "Even mixture of hard and soft materials", - "grade4": "Mostly Soft: soil/sand/grass with some hard material mixed in", - "grade5": "Soft: soil/sand/grass" - } - }, - "trail_visibility": { - "label": "Trail Visibility", - "placeholder": "Excellent, Good, Bad...", - "options": { - "excellent": "Excellent: unambiguous path or markers everywhere", - "good": "Good: markers visible, sometimes require searching", - "intermediate": "Intermediate: few markers, path mostly visible", - "bad": "Bad: no markers, path sometimes invisible/pathless", - "horrible": "Horrible: often pathless, some orientation skills required", - "no": "No: pathless, excellent orientation skills required" - } - }, - "trees": { - "label": "Trees" - }, - "tunnel": { - "label": "Tunnel" - }, - "vending": { - "label": "Type of Goods" - }, - "water": { - "label": "Type" - }, - "waterway": { - "label": "Type" - }, - "website": { - "label": "Website", - "placeholder": "http://example.com/" - }, - "wetland": { - "label": "Type" - }, - "wheelchair": { - "label": "Wheelchair Access" - }, - "width": { - "label": "Width (Meters)" - }, - "wikipedia": { - "label": "Wikipedia" } }, "presets": { - "address": { - "name": "Address", - "terms": "" - }, - "aerialway": { - "name": "Aerialway", - "terms": "ski 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"drive-in,film,flick,movie,theater,picture,show,screen" - }, - "amenity/clinic": { - "name": "Clinic", - "terms": "medical,urgentcare" - }, - "amenity/clock": { - "name": "Clock", - "terms": "" - }, - "amenity/college": { - "name": "College Grounds", - "terms": "university" - }, - "amenity/community_centre": { - "name": "Community Center", - "terms": "event,hall" - }, - "amenity/compressed_air": { - "name": "Compressed Air", - "terms": "" - }, - "amenity/courthouse": { - "name": "Courthouse", - "terms": "" - }, - "amenity/dentist": { - "name": "Dentist", - "terms": "tooth,teeth" - }, - "amenity/doctor": { - "name": "Doctor", - "terms": "medic*" - }, - "amenity/dojo": { - "name": "Dojo / Martial Arts Academy", - "terms": "martial arts,dojang" - }, - "amenity/drinking_water": { - "name": "Drinking Water", - "terms": "fountain,potable" - }, - "amenity/embassy": { - "name": "Embassy", - "terms": "" - }, - "amenity/fast_food": { - "name": "Fast Food", - "terms": "restaurant" - }, - 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"" - }, - "amenity/parking_entrance": { - "name": "Parking Garage Entrance/Exit", - "terms": "" - }, - "amenity/pharmacy": { - "name": "Pharmacy", - "terms": "drug,medicine" - }, - "amenity/place_of_worship": { - "name": "Place of Worship", - "terms": "abbey,basilica,bethel,cathedral,chancel,chantry,chapel,church,fold,house of God,house of prayer,house of worship,minster,mission,mosque,oratory,parish,sacellum,sanctuary,shrine,synagogue,tabernacle,temple" - }, - "amenity/place_of_worship/buddhist": { - "name": "Buddhist Temple", - "terms": "stupa,vihara,monastery,temple,pagoda,zendo,dojo" - }, - "amenity/place_of_worship/christian": { - "name": "Church", - "terms": "christian,abbey,basilica,bethel,cathedral,chancel,chantry,chapel,fold,house of God,house of prayer,house of worship,minster,mission,oratory,parish,sacellum,sanctuary,shrine,tabernacle,temple" - }, - "amenity/place_of_worship/jewish": { - "name": "Synagogue", - "terms": "jewish" - }, - "amenity/place_of_worship/muslim": { - 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"Scaffolder", - "terms": "" - }, - "craft/sculpter": { - "name": "Sculpter", - "terms": "" - }, - "craft/shoemaker": { - "name": "Shoemaker", - "terms": "cobbler" - }, - "craft/stonemason": { - "name": "Stonemason", - "terms": "masonry" - }, - "craft/sweep": { - "name": "Chimney Sweep", - "terms": "" - }, - "craft/tailor": { - "name": "Tailor", - "terms": "clothes,suit" - }, - "craft/tiler": { - "name": "Tiler", - "terms": "" - }, - "craft/tinsmith": { - "name": "Tinsmith", - "terms": "" - }, - "craft/upholsterer": { - "name": "Upholsterer", - "terms": "" - }, - "craft/watchmaker": { - "name": "Watchmaker", - "terms": "" - }, - "craft/window_construction": { - "name": "Window Construction", - "terms": "glass" - }, - "craft/winery": { - "name": "Winery", - "terms": "" - }, - "embankment": { - "name": "Embankment", - "terms": "" - }, - "emergency/ambulance_station": { - "name": "Ambulance Station", - "terms": "EMS,EMT,rescue" - }, - "emergency/fire_hydrant": { - "name": "Fire Hydrant", - 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"Type" + }, + "boules": { + "label": "Type" + }, + "boundary": { + "label": "Type" + }, + "brand": { + "label": "Brand" + }, + "bridge": { + "label": "Type", + "placeholder": "Default" + }, + "building_area": { + "label": "Building" + }, + "building": { + "label": "Building" + }, + "bunker_type": { + "label": "Type" + }, + "cables": { + "label": "Cables", + "placeholder": "1, 2, 3..." + }, + "camera/direction": { + "label": "Direction (Degrees Clockwise)", + "placeholder": "45, 90, 180, 270" + }, + "camera/mount": { + "label": "Camera Mount" + }, + "camera/type": { + "label": "Camera Type", + "options": { + "fixed": "Fixed", + "panning": "Panning", + "dome": "Dome" + } + }, + "capacity": { + "label": "Capacity", + "placeholder": "50, 100, 200..." + }, + "cardinal_direction": { + "label": "Direction", + "options": { + "N": "North", + "E": "East", + "S": "South", + "W": "West", + "NE": "Northeast", + "SE": "Southeast", + "SW": "Southwest", + "NW": "Northwest", + "NNE": "North-northeast", 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"A bike lane separated from traffic by a physical barrier" + }, + "share_busway": { + "title": "Bike lane shared with bus", + "description": "A bike lane shared with a bus lane" + }, + "opposite_lane": { + "title": "Opposite bike lane", + "description": "A bike lane that travels in the opposite direction of traffic" + }, + "opposite": { + "title": "Contraflow bike lane", + "description": "A bike lane that travels in both directions on a one-way street" + } + } + }, + "date": { + "label": "Date" + }, + "delivery": { + "label": "Delivery" + }, + "denomination": { + "label": "Denomination" + }, + "denotation": { + "label": "Denotation" + }, + "description": { + "label": "Description" + }, + "devices": { + "label": "Devices", + "placeholder": "1, 2, 3..." + }, + "diaper": { + "label": "Diaper Changing Available" + }, + "display": { + "label": "Display" + }, + "dock": { + "label": "Type" + }, + "drive_through": { + "label": "Drive-Through" + }, + "duration": { + "label": "Duration", + 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"Terminal" + } + }, + "internet_access/fee": { + "label": "Internet Access Fee" + }, + "internet_access/ssid": { + "label": "SSID (Network Name)" + }, + "kerb": { + "label": "Curb" + }, + "label": { + "label": "Label" + }, + "lamp_type": { + "label": "Type" + }, + "landuse": { + "label": "Type" + }, + "lanes": { + "label": "Lanes", + "placeholder": "1, 2, 3..." + }, + "layer": { + "label": "Layer", + "placeholder": "0" + }, + "leaf_cycle_singular": { + "label": "Leaf Cycle", + "options": { + "evergreen": "Evergreen", + "deciduous": "Deciduous", + "semi_evergreen": "Semi-Evergreen", + "semi_deciduous": "Semi-Deciduous" + } + }, + "leaf_cycle": { + "label": "Leaf Cycle", + "options": { + "evergreen": "Evergreen", + "deciduous": "Deciduous", + "semi_evergreen": "Semi-Evergreen", + "semi_deciduous": "Semi-Deciduous", + "mixed": "Mixed" + } + }, + "leaf_type_singular": { + "label": "Leaf Type", + "options": { + "broadleaved": "Broadleaved", + "needleleaved": "Needleleaved", + "leafless": "Leafless" + } + }, + "leaf_type": { + "label": "Leaf Type", + "options": { + "broadleaved": "Broadleaved", + "needleleaved": "Needleleaved", + "mixed": "Mixed", + "leafless": "Leafless" + } + }, + "leisure": { + "label": "Type" + }, + "length": { + "label": "Length (Meters)" + }, + "level": { + "label": "Level" + }, + "levels": { + "label": "Levels", + "placeholder": "2, 4, 6..." + }, + "lit": { + "label": "Lit" + }, + "location": { + "label": "Location" + }, + "man_made": { + "label": "Type" + }, + "manhole": { + "label": "Type" + }, + "map_size": { + "label": "Coverage" + }, + "map_type": { + "label": "Type" + }, + "maxheight": { + "label": "Max Height", + "placeholder": "4, 4.5, 5, 14'0\", 14'6\", 15'0\"" + }, + "maxspeed": { + "label": "Speed Limit", + "placeholder": "40, 50, 60..." + }, + "maxstay": { + "label": "Max Stay" + }, + "maxweight": { + "label": "Max Weight" + }, + "memorial": { + "label": "Type" + }, + "milestone_position": { + "label": "Milestone Position", + "placeholder": "Distance to one decimal (123.4)" + }, + "mtb/scale": { + "label": "Mountain Biking Difficulty", + "placeholder": "0, 1, 2, 3...", + "options": { + "0": "0: Solid gravel/packed earth, no obstacles, wide curves", + "1": "1: Some loose surface, small obstacles, wide curves", + "2": "2: Much loose surface, large obstacles, easy hairpins", + "3": "3: Slippery surface, large obstacles, tight hairpins", + "4": "4: Loose surface or boulders, dangerous hairpins", + "5": "5: Maximum difficulty, boulder fields, landslides", + "6": "6: Not rideable except by the very best mountain bikers" + } + }, + "mtb/scale/imba": { + "label": "IMBA Trail Difficulty", + "placeholder": "Easy, Medium, Difficult...", + "options": { + "0": "Easiest (white circle)", + "1": "Easy (green circle)", + "2": "Medium (blue square)", + "3": "Difficult (black diamond)", + "4": "Extremely Difficult (double black diamond)" + } + }, + "mtb/scale/uphill": { + "label": "Mountain Biking Uphill Difficulty", + "placeholder": "0, 1, 2, 3...", + "options": { + "0": "0: Avg. incline <10%, gravel/packed earth, no obstacles", + "1": "1: Avg. incline <15%, gravel/packed earth, few small objects", + "2": "2: Avg. incline <20%, stable surface, fistsize rocks/roots", + "3": "3: Avg. incline <25%, variable surface, fistsize rocks/branches", + "4": "4: Avg. incline <30%, poor condition, big rocks/branches", + "5": "5: Very steep, bike generally needs to be pushed or carried" + } + }, + "name": { + "label": "Name", + "placeholder": "Common name (if any)" + }, + "natural": { + "label": "Natural" + }, + "network_bicycle": { + "label": "Network Type", + "placeholder": "Local, Regional, National, International", + "options": { + "lcn": "Local", + "rcn": "Regional", + "ncn": "National", + "icn": "International" + } + }, + "network_foot": { + "label": "Network Type", + "placeholder": "Local, Regional, National, International", + "options": { + "lwn": "Local", + "rwn": "Regional", + "nwn": "National", + "iwn": "International" + } + }, + "network_horse": { + "label": "Network Type", + "placeholder": "Local, Regional, National, International", + "options": { + "lhn": "Local", + "rhn": "Regional", + "nhn": "National", + "ihn": "International" + } + }, + "network_road": { + "label": "Network" + }, + "network": { + "label": "Network" + }, + "note": { + "label": "Note" + }, + "office": { + "label": "Type" + }, + "oneway_yes": { + "label": "One Way", + "options": { + "undefined": "Assumed to be Yes", + "yes": "Yes", + "no": "No" + } + }, + "oneway": { + "label": "One Way", + "options": { + "undefined": "Assumed to be No", + "yes": "Yes", + "no": "No" + } + }, + "opening_hours": { + "label": "Hours" + }, + "operator": { + "label": "Operator" + }, + "outdoor_seating": { + "label": "Outdoor Seating" + }, + "par": { + "label": "Par", + "placeholder": "3, 4, 5..." + }, + "parallel_direction": { + "label": "Direction", + "options": { + "forward": "Forward", + "backward": "Backward" + } + }, + "park_ride": { + "label": "Park and Ride" + }, + "parking": { + "label": "Type", + "options": { + "surface": "Surface", + "multi-storey": "Multilevel", + "underground": "Underground", + "sheds": "Sheds", + "carports": "Carports", + "garage_boxes": "Garage Boxes", + "lane": "Roadside Lane" + } + }, + "payment_multi": { + "label": "Payment Types" + }, + "phases": { + "label": "Phases", + "placeholder": "1, 2, 3..." + }, + "phone": { + "label": "Phone", + "placeholder": "+31 42 123 4567" + }, + "piste/difficulty": { + "label": "Difficulty", + "placeholder": "Easy, Intermediate, Advanced...", + "options": { + "novice": "Novice (instructional)", + "easy": "Easy (green circle)", + "intermediate": "Intermediate (blue square)", + "advanced": "Advanced (black diamond)", + "expert": "Expert (double black diamond)", + "freeride": "Freeride (off-piste)", + "extreme": "Extreme (climbing equipment required)" + } + }, + "piste/grooming": { + "label": "Grooming", + "options": { + "classic": "Classic", + "mogul": "Mogul", + "backcountry": "Backcountry", + "classic+skating": "Classic and Skating", + "scooter": "Scooter/Snowmobile", + "skating": "Skating" + } + }, + "piste/type": { + "label": "Type", + "options": { + "downhill": "Downhill", + "nordic": "Nordic", + "skitour": "Skitour", + "sled": "Sled", + "hike": "Hike", + "sleigh": "Sleigh", + "ice_skate": "Ice Skate", + "snow_park": "Snow Park", + "playground": "Playground" + } + }, + "place": { + "label": "Type" + }, + "plant": { + "label": "Plant" + }, + "plant/output/electricity": { + "label": "Power Output", + "placeholder": "500 MW, 1000 MW, 2000 MW..." + }, + "playground/baby": { + "label": "Baby Seat" + }, + "playground/max_age": { + "label": "Maximum Age" + }, + "playground/min_age": { + "label": "Minimum Age" + }, + "population": { + "label": "Population" + }, + "power_supply": { + "label": "Power Supply" + }, + "power": { + "label": "Type" + }, + "produce": { + "label": "Produce" + }, + "product": { + "label": "Products" + 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+ }, + "service_times": { + "label": "Service Times" + }, + "service": { + "label": "Type" + }, + "service/bicycle": { + "label": "Services" + }, + "service/vehicle": { + "label": "Services" + }, + "shelter_type": { + "label": "Type" + }, + "shelter": { + "label": "Shelter" + }, + "shop": { + "label": "Type" + }, + "site": { + "label": "Type" + }, + "smoking": { + "label": "Smoking", + "placeholder": "No, Separated, Yes...", + "options": { + "no": "No smoking anywhere", + "separated": "In smoking areas, not physically isolated", + "isolated": "In smoking areas, physically isolated", + "outside": "Allowed outside", + "yes": "Allowed everywhere", + "dedicated": "Dedicated to smokers (e.g. smokers' club)" + } + }, + "smoothness": { + "label": "Smoothness", + "placeholder": "Thin Rollers, Wheels, Off-Road...", + "options": { + "excellent": "Thin Rollers: rollerblade, skateboard", + "good": "Thin Wheels: racing bike", + "intermediate": "Wheels: city bike, wheelchair, scooter", + "bad": "Robust Wheels: trekking bike, car, rickshaw", + "very_bad": "High Clearance: light duty off-road vehicle", + "horrible": "Off-Road: heavy duty off-road vehicle", + "very_horrible": "Specialized off-road: tractor, ATV", + "impassable": "Impassable / No wheeled vehicle" + } + }, + "social_facility_for": { + "label": "People Served" + }, + "social_facility": { + "label": "Type" + }, + "source": { + "label": "Sources" + }, + "sport_ice": { + "label": "Sports" + }, + "sport_racing_motor": { + "label": "Sports" + }, + "sport_racing_nonmotor": { + "label": "Sports" + }, + "sport": { + "label": "Sports" + }, + "stars": { + "label": "Stars" + }, + "start_date": { + "label": "Start Date" + }, + "step_count": { + "label": "Number of Steps" + }, + "stop": { + "label": "Stop Type", + "options": { + "all": "All Ways", + "minor": "Minor Road" + } + }, + "structure_waterway": { + "label": "Structure", + "placeholder": "Unknown", + "options": { + "tunnel": "Tunnel" + } + }, + "structure": { + "label": "Structure", + "placeholder": "Unknown", + "options": { + "bridge": "Bridge", + "tunnel": "Tunnel", + "embankment": "Embankment", + "cutting": "Cutting", + "ford": "Ford" + } + }, + "studio": { + "label": "Type" + }, + "substance": { + "label": "Substance" + }, + "substation": { + "label": "Type" + }, + "supervised": { + "label": "Supervised" + }, + "support": { + "label": "Support" + }, + "surface": { + "label": "Surface" + }, + "surveillance": { + "label": "Surveillance Kind" + }, + "surveillance/type": { + "label": "Surveillance Type", + "options": { + "camera": "Camera", + "guard": "Guard", + "ALPR": "Automatic License Plate Reader" + } + }, + "surveillance/zone": { + "label": "Surveillance Zone" + }, + "switch": { + "label": "Type", + "options": { + "mechanical": "Mechanical", + "circuit_breaker": "Circuit Breaker", + "disconnector": "Disconnector", + "earthing": "Earthing" + } + }, + "tactile_paving": { + "label": "Tactile Paving" + }, + "takeaway": { + "label": "Takeaway", + "placeholder": "Yes, No, Takeaway Only...", + "options": { + "yes": "Yes", + "no": "No", + "only": "Takeaway Only" + } + }, + "toilets/disposal": { + "label": "Disposal", + "options": { + "flush": "Flush", + "pitlatrine": "Pit/Latrine", + "chemical": "Chemical", + "bucket": "Bucket" + } + }, + "toll": { + "label": "Toll" + }, + "tomb": { + "label": "Type" + }, + "tourism_attraction": { + "label": "Tourism" + }, + "tourism": { + "label": "Type" + }, + "tower/construction": { + "label": "Construction", + "placeholder": "Guyed, Lattice, Concealed, ..." + }, + "tower/type": { + "label": "Type" + }, + "tracktype": { + "label": "Track Type", + "placeholder": "Solid, Mostly Solid, Soft...", + "options": { + "grade1": "Solid: paved or heavily compacted hardcore surface", + "grade2": "Mostly Solid: gravel/rock with some soft material mixed in", + "grade3": "Even mixture of hard and soft materials", + "grade4": "Mostly Soft: soil/sand/grass with some hard material mixed in", + "grade5": "Soft: soil/sand/grass" + } + }, + "trade": { + "label": "Type" + }, + "traffic_calming": { + "label": "Type" + }, + "traffic_signals": { + "label": "Type" + }, + "trail_visibility": { + "label": "Trail Visibility", + "placeholder": "Excellent, Good, Bad...", + "options": { + "excellent": "Excellent: unambiguous path or markers everywhere", + "good": "Good: markers visible, sometimes require searching", + "intermediate": "Intermediate: few markers, path mostly visible", + "bad": "Bad: no markers, path sometimes invisible/pathless", + "horrible": "Horrible: often pathless, some orientation skills required", + "no": "No: pathless, excellent orientation skills required" + } + }, + "transformer": { + "label": "Type", + "options": { + "distribution": "Distribution", + "generator": "Generator", + "converter": "Converter", + "traction": "Traction", + "auto": "Autotransformer", + "phase_angle_regulator": "Phase Angle Regulator", + "auxiliary": "Auxiliary", + "yes": "Unknown" + } + }, + "trees": { + "label": "Trees" + }, + "tunnel": { + "label": "Type", + "placeholder": "Default" + }, + "vending": { + "label": "Type of Goods" + }, + "visibility": { + "label": "Visibility", + "options": { + "house": "Up to 5m (16ft)", + "street": "5 to 20m (16 to 65ft)", + "area": "Over 20m (65ft)" + } + }, + "volcano/status": { + "label": "Volcano Status", + "options": { + "active": "Active", + "dormant": "Dormant", + "extinct": "Extinct" + } + }, + "volcano/type": { + "label": "Volcano Type", + "options": { + "stratovolcano": "Stratovolcano", + "shield": "Shield", + "scoria": "Scoria" + } + }, + "voltage": { + "label": "Voltage" + }, + "voltage/primary": { + "label": "Primary Voltage" + }, + "voltage/secondary": { + "label": "Secondary Voltage" + }, + "voltage/tertiary": { + "label": "Tertiary Voltage" + }, + "wall": { + "label": "Type" + }, + "water_point": { + "label": "Water Point" + }, + "water": { + "label": "Type" + }, + "waterway": { + "label": "Type" + }, + "website": { + "label": "Website", + "placeholder": "http://example.com/" + }, + "wetland": { + "label": "Type" + }, + "wheelchair": { + "label": "Wheelchair Access" + }, + "width": { + "label": "Width (Meters)" + }, + "wikipedia": { + "label": "Wikipedia" + }, + "windings": { + "label": "Windings", + "placeholder": "1, 2, 3..." + }, + "windings/configuration": { + "label": "Windings Configuration", + "options": { + "star": "Star / Wye", + "delta": "Delta", + "open-delta": "Open Delta", + "zigzag": "Zig Zag", + "open": "Open", + "scott": "Scott", + "leblanc": "Leblanc" + } + } }, - "traffic_calming/table": { - "name": "Raised Pedestrian Crossing", - "terms": "speed table,flat top hump" + "presets": { + "aerialway": { + "name": "Aerialway", + "terms": "ski lift,funifor,funitel" + }, + "aeroway": { + "name": "Aeroway", + "terms": "" + }, + "amenity": { + "name": "Amenity", + "terms": "" + }, + "highway": { + "name": "Highway", + "terms": "" + }, + "place": { + "name": "Place", + "terms": "" + }, + "power": { + 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"" + }, + "aerialway/rope_tow": { + "name": "Rope Tow Lift", + "terms": "handle tow,bugel lift" + }, + "aerialway/station": { + "name": "Aerialway Station", + "terms": "" + }, + "aerialway/t-bar": { + "name": "T-bar Lift", + "terms": "tbar" + }, + "aeroway/aerodrome": { + "name": "Airport", + "terms": "airplane,airport,aerodrome" + }, + "aeroway/apron": { + "name": "Apron", + "terms": "ramp" + }, + "aeroway/gate": { + "name": "Airport Gate", + "terms": "" + }, + "aeroway/hangar": { + "name": "Hangar", + "terms": "" + }, + "aeroway/helipad": { + "name": "Helipad", + "terms": "helicopter,helipad,heliport" + }, + "aeroway/runway": { + "name": "Runway", + "terms": "landing strip" + }, + "aeroway/taxiway": { + "name": "Taxiway", + "terms": "" + }, + "aeroway/terminal": { + "name": "Airport Terminal", + "terms": "airport,aerodrome" + }, + "amenity/coworking_space": { + "name": "Coworking Space", + "terms": "" + }, + "amenity/nursing_home": { + "name": "Nursing Home", + "terms": "" + }, + 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"bistro,coffee,tea" + }, + "amenity/car_rental": { + "name": "Car Rental", + "terms": "" + }, + "amenity/car_sharing": { + "name": "Car Sharing", + "terms": "" + }, + "amenity/car_wash": { + "name": "Car Wash", + "terms": "" + }, + "amenity/casino": { + "name": "Casino", + "terms": "gambling,roulette,craps,poker,blackjack" + }, + "amenity/charging_station": { + "name": "Charging Station", + "terms": "EV,Electric Vehicle,Supercharger" + }, + "amenity/childcare": { + "name": "Nursery/Childcare", + "terms": "daycare,orphanage,playgroup" + }, + "amenity/cinema": { + "name": "Cinema", + "terms": "drive-in,film,flick,movie,theater,picture,show,screen" + }, + "amenity/clinic": { + "name": "Clinic", + "terms": "medical,urgentcare" + }, + "amenity/clinic/abortion": { + "name": "Abortion Clinic", + "terms": "" + }, + "amenity/clinic/fertility": { + "name": "Fertility Clinic", + "terms": "egg,fertility,reproductive,sperm,ovulation" + }, + "amenity/clock": { + "name": "Clock", + "terms": "" + }, + "amenity/college": { + "name": "College Grounds", + "terms": "university" + }, + "amenity/community_centre": { + "name": "Community Center", + "terms": "event,hall" + }, + "amenity/compressed_air": { + "name": "Compressed Air", + "terms": "" + }, + "amenity/courthouse": { + "name": "Courthouse", + "terms": "" + }, + "amenity/crematorium": { + "name": "Crematorium", + "terms": "cemetery,funeral" + }, + "amenity/dentist": { + "name": "Dentist", + "terms": "tooth,teeth" + }, + "amenity/doctors": { + "name": "Doctor", + "terms": "medic*,physician" + }, + "amenity/dojo": { + "name": "Dojo / Martial Arts Academy", + "terms": "martial arts,dojang" + }, + "amenity/drinking_water": { + "name": "Drinking Water", + "terms": "fountain,potable" + }, + "amenity/driving_school": { + "name": "Driving School", + "terms": "" + }, + "amenity/embassy": { + "name": "Embassy", + "terms": "" + }, + "amenity/fast_food": { + "name": "Fast Food", + "terms": "restaurant,takeaway" + }, + "amenity/ferry_terminal": { + "name": "Ferry Terminal", + "terms": "" + }, + "amenity/fire_station": { + "name": "Fire Station", + "terms": "" + }, + "amenity/food_court": { + "name": "Food Court", + "terms": "fast food,restaurant,food" + }, + "amenity/fountain": { + "name": "Fountain", + "terms": "" + }, + "amenity/fuel": { + "name": "Gas Station", + "terms": "petrol,fuel,gasoline,propane,diesel,lng,cng,biodiesel" + }, + "amenity/grave_yard": { + "name": "Graveyard", + "terms": "" + }, + "amenity/grit_bin": { + "name": "Grit Bin", + "terms": "salt,sand" + }, + "amenity/hospital": { + "name": "Hospital Grounds", + "terms": "clinic,doctor,emergency room,health,infirmary,institution,sanatorium,sanitarium,sick,surgery,ward" + }, + "amenity/hunting_stand": { + "name": "Hunting Stand", + "terms": "game,gun,lookout,rifle,shoot*,wild,watch" + }, + "amenity/ice_cream": { + "name": "Ice Cream Shop", + "terms": "gelato,sorbet,sherbet,frozen,yogurt" + }, + "amenity/internet_cafe": { + "name": "Internet Cafe", + "terms": "cybercafe,taxiphone,teleboutique,coffee,cafe,net,lanhouse" + }, + "amenity/kindergarten": { + "name": "Preschool/Kindergarten Grounds", + "terms": "kindergarden,pre-school" + }, + "amenity/library": { + "name": "Library", + "terms": "book" + }, + "amenity/marketplace": { + "name": "Marketplace", + "terms": "" + }, + "amenity/motorcycle_parking": { + "name": "Motorcycle Parking", + "terms": "" + }, + "amenity/music_school": { + "name": "Music School", + "terms": "school of music" + }, + "amenity/nightclub": { + "name": "Nightclub", + "terms": "disco*,night club,dancing,dance club" + }, + "amenity/parking_entrance": { + "name": "Parking Garage Entrance/Exit", + "terms": "" + }, + "amenity/parking_space": { + "name": "Parking Space", + "terms": "" + }, + "amenity/parking": { + "name": "Car Parking", + "terms": "" + }, + "amenity/pavilion": { + "name": "Pavilion", + "terms": "" + }, + "amenity/pharmacy": { + "name": "Pharmacy", + "terms": "drug*,med*,prescription" + }, + 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"Public Bookcase", + "terms": "library,bookcrossing" + }, + "amenity/ranger_station": { + "name": "Ranger Station", + "terms": "visitor center,visitor centre,permit center,permit centre,backcountry office,warden office,warden center" + }, + "amenity/recycling_centre": { + "name": "Recycling Center", + "terms": "bottle,can,dump,glass,garbage,rubbish,scrap,trash" + }, + "amenity/recycling": { + "name": "Recycling", + "terms": "bin,can,bottle,glass,garbage,rubbish,scrap,trash" + }, + "amenity/restaurant": { + "name": "Restaurant", + "terms": "bar,breakfast,cafe,café,canteen,coffee,dine,dining,dinner,drive-in,eat,grill,lunch,table" + }, + "amenity/sanitary_dump_station": { + "name": "RV Toilet Disposal", + "terms": "Motor Home,Camper,Sanitary,Dump Station,Elsan,CDP,CTDP,Chemical Toilet" + }, + "amenity/school": { + "name": "School Grounds", + "terms": "academy,elementary school,middle school,high school" + }, + "amenity/shelter": { + "name": "Shelter", + "terms": "lean-to,gazebo,picnic" + 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"bin,garbage,rubbish,litter,trash" + }, + "amenity/waste_disposal": { + "name": "Garbage Dumpster", + "terms": "garbage,rubbish,litter,trash" + }, + "amenity/waste_transfer_station": { + "name": "Waste Transfer Station", + "terms": "dump,garbage,recycling,rubbish,scrap,trash" + }, + "amenity/waste/dog_excrement": { + "name": "Dog Excrement Bin", + "terms": "bin,garbage,rubbish,litter,trash,poo,dog" + }, + "amenity/water_point": { + "name": "RV Drinking Water", + "terms": "" + }, + "amenity/watering_place": { + "name": "Animal Watering Place", + "terms": "" + }, + "area": { + "name": "Area", + "terms": "" + }, + "area/highway": { + "name": "Road Surface", + "terms": "" + }, + "attraction/amusement_ride": { + "name": "Amusement Ride", + "terms": "theme park,carnival ride" + }, + "attraction/animal": { + "name": "Animal", + "terms": "zoo,theme park,animal park,lion,tiger,bear" + }, + "attraction/big_wheel": { + "name": "Big Wheel", + "terms": "ferris wheel,theme park,amusement ride" + }, 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"Hedge", + "terms": "" + }, + "barrier/kissing_gate": { + "name": "Kissing Gate", + "terms": "" + }, + "barrier/lift_gate": { + "name": "Lift Gate", + "terms": "" + }, + "barrier/retaining_wall": { + "name": "Retaining Wall", + "terms": "" + }, + "barrier/stile": { + "name": "Stile", + "terms": "" + }, + "barrier/toll_booth": { + "name": "Toll Booth", + "terms": "" + }, + "barrier/wall": { + "name": "Wall", + "terms": "" + }, + "boundary/administrative": { + "name": "Administrative Boundary", + "terms": "" + }, + "building": { + "name": "Building", + "terms": "" + }, + "building/bunker": { + "name": "Bunker", + "terms": "" + }, + "building/entrance": { + "name": "Entrance/Exit", + "terms": "" + }, + "building/train_station": { + "name": "Train Station", + "terms": "" + }, + "building/apartments": { + "name": "Apartments", + "terms": "" + }, + "building/barn": { + "name": "Barn", + "terms": "" + }, + "building/cabin": { + "name": "Cabin", + "terms": "" + }, + "building/cathedral": { + 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"Static Mobile Home", + "terms": "" + }, + "building/terrace": { + "name": "Row Houses", + "terms": "home,terrace,brownstone,family,residence,dwelling" + }, + "building/university": { + "name": "University Building", + "terms": "college" + }, + "building/warehouse": { + "name": "Warehouse", + "terms": "" + }, + "camp_site/camp_pitch": { + "name": "Camp Pitch", + "terms": "tent,rv" + }, + "club": { + "name": "Club", + "terms": "social" + }, + "craft": { + "name": "Craft", + "terms": "" + }, + "craft/jeweler": { + "name": "Jeweler", + "terms": "" + }, + "craft/locksmith": { + "name": "Locksmith", + "terms": "" + }, + "craft/optician": { + "name": "Optician", + "terms": "" + }, + "craft/tailor": { + "name": "Tailor", + "terms": "clothes,suit" + }, + "craft/basket_maker": { + "name": "Basket Maker", + "terms": "" + }, + "craft/beekeeper": { + "name": "Beekeeper", + "terms": "" + }, + "craft/blacksmith": { + "name": "Blacksmith", + "terms": "" + }, + "craft/boatbuilder": { + "name": "Boat 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"race*,running,sprint,track" + }, + "leisure/sauna": { + "name": "Sauna", + "terms": "" + }, + "leisure/slipway": { + "name": "Slipway", + "terms": "boat launch,boat ramp" + }, + "leisure/sports_centre": { + "name": "Sports Center / Complex", + "terms": "" + }, + "leisure/sports_centre/swimming": { + "name": "Swimming Pool Facility", + "terms": "dive,water" + }, + "leisure/stadium": { + "name": "Stadium", + "terms": "" + }, + "leisure/swimming_pool": { + "name": "Swimming Pool", + "terms": "dive,water" + }, + "leisure/track": { + "name": "Racetrack (Non-Motorsport)", + "terms": "cycle,dog,greyhound,horse,race*,track" + }, + "leisure/water_park": { + "name": "Water Park", + "terms": "swim,pool,dive" + }, + "line": { + "name": "Line", + "terms": "" + }, + "man_made": { + "name": "Man Made", + "terms": "" + }, + "man_made/embankment": { + "name": "Embankment", + "terms": "" + }, + "man_made/adit": { + "name": "Adit", + "terms": "entrance,underground,mine,cave" + }, + 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"trig point,triangulation pillar,trigonometrical station" + }, + "man_made/tower": { + "name": "Tower", + "terms": "" + }, + "man_made/wastewater_plant": { + "name": "Wastewater Plant", + "terms": "sewage*,water treatment plant,reclamation plant" + }, + "man_made/water_tower": { + "name": "Water Tower", + "terms": "" + }, + "man_made/water_well": { + "name": "Water Well", + "terms": "" + }, + "man_made/water_works": { + "name": "Water Works", + "terms": "" + }, + "man_made/watermill": { + "name": "Watermill", + "terms": "water,wheel,mill" + }, + "man_made/windmill": { + "name": "Windmill", + "terms": "wind,wheel,mill" + }, + "man_made/works": { + "name": "Factory", + "terms": "assembly,build,brewery,car,plant,plastic,processing,manufacture,refinery" + }, + "manhole": { + "name": "Manhole", + "terms": "cover,hole,sewer,sewage,telecom" + }, + "manhole/drain": { + "name": "Storm Drain", + "terms": "cover,drain,hole,rain,sewer,sewage,storm" + }, + "manhole/telecom": { + "name": "Telecom 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+ "terms": "crest" + }, + "natural/saddle": { + "name": "Saddle", + "terms": "pass,mountain pass,top" + }, + "natural/sand": { + "name": "Sand", + "terms": "desert" + }, + "natural/scree": { + "name": "Scree", + "terms": "loose rocks" + }, + "natural/scrub": { + "name": "Scrub", + "terms": "bush,shrubs" + }, + "natural/spring": { + "name": "Spring", + "terms": "" + }, + "natural/tree_row": { + "name": "Tree row", + "terms": "" + }, + "natural/tree": { + "name": "Tree", + "terms": "" + }, + "natural/volcano": { + "name": "Volcano", + "terms": "mountain,crater" + }, + "natural/water": { + "name": "Water", + "terms": "" + }, + "natural/water/lake": { + "name": "Lake", + "terms": "lakelet,loch,mere" + }, + "natural/water/pond": { + "name": "Pond", + "terms": "lakelet,millpond,tarn,pool,mere" + }, + "natural/water/reservoir": { + "name": "Reservoir", + "terms": "" + }, + "natural/wetland": { + "name": "Wetland", + "terms": "bog,marsh,reedbed,swamp,tidalflat" + }, + "natural/wood": { + 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