]> git.openstreetmap.org Git - rails.git/commitdiff
Removed old copy of OpenLayers that was hanging around.
authorTom Hughes <tom@compton.nu>
Mon, 19 Apr 2010 14:14:47 +0000 (15:14 +0100)
committerTom Hughes <tom@compton.nu>
Mon, 19 Apr 2010 14:14:47 +0000 (15:14 +0100)
37 files changed:
public/lib/OpenLayers.js [deleted file]
public/lib/OpenLayers/Ajax.js [deleted file]
public/lib/OpenLayers/Control.js [deleted file]
public/lib/OpenLayers/Control/KeyboardDefaults.js [deleted file]
public/lib/OpenLayers/Control/LayerSwitcher.js [deleted file]
public/lib/OpenLayers/Control/MouseDefaults.js [deleted file]
public/lib/OpenLayers/Control/MouseToolbar.js [deleted file]
public/lib/OpenLayers/Control/PanZoom.js [deleted file]
public/lib/OpenLayers/Control/PanZoomBar.js [deleted file]
public/lib/OpenLayers/Events.js [deleted file]
public/lib/OpenLayers/Feature.js [deleted file]
public/lib/OpenLayers/Feature/WFS.js [deleted file]
public/lib/OpenLayers/Icon.js [deleted file]
public/lib/OpenLayers/Layer.js [deleted file]
public/lib/OpenLayers/Layer/Google.js [deleted file]
public/lib/OpenLayers/Layer/Grid.js [deleted file]
public/lib/OpenLayers/Layer/KaMap.js [deleted file]
public/lib/OpenLayers/Layer/Markers.js [deleted file]
public/lib/OpenLayers/Layer/Text.js [deleted file]
public/lib/OpenLayers/Layer/VirtualEarth.js [deleted file]
public/lib/OpenLayers/Layer/WFS.js [deleted file]
public/lib/OpenLayers/Layer/WMS.js [deleted file]
public/lib/OpenLayers/Layer/WMS/Untiled.js [deleted file]
public/lib/OpenLayers/Layer/Yahoo.js [deleted file]
public/lib/OpenLayers/Map.js [deleted file]
public/lib/OpenLayers/Marker.js [deleted file]
public/lib/OpenLayers/Popup.js [deleted file]
public/lib/OpenLayers/Popup/Anchored.js [deleted file]
public/lib/OpenLayers/Popup/AnchoredBubble.js [deleted file]
public/lib/OpenLayers/SingleFile.js [deleted file]
public/lib/OpenLayers/Tile.js [deleted file]
public/lib/OpenLayers/Tile/Image.js [deleted file]
public/lib/OpenLayers/Tile/WFS.js [deleted file]
public/lib/OpenLayers/Util.js [deleted file]
public/lib/Prototype.js [deleted file]
public/lib/Rico/Color.js [deleted file]
public/lib/Rico/Corner.js [deleted file]

diff --git a/public/lib/OpenLayers.js b/public/lib/OpenLayers.js
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 57afe85..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright (c) 2006 MetaCarta, Inc., published under the BSD license.
- * See http://svn.openlayers.org/trunk/openlayers/license.txt for the full
- * text of the license. */
-/// This blob sucks in all the files in uncompressed form for ease of use
-OpenLayers = new Object();
-OpenLayers._scriptName = ( 
-    typeof(_OPENLAYERS_SFL_) == "undefined" ? "lib/OpenLayers.js" 
-                                            : "OpenLayers.js" );
-OpenLayers._getScriptLocation = function () {
-    var scriptLocation = "";
-    var SCRIPT_NAME = OpenLayers._scriptName;
-    var scripts = document.getElementsByTagName('script');
-    for (var i = 0; i < scripts.length; i++) {
-        var src = scripts[i].getAttribute('src');
-        if (src) {
-            var index = src.lastIndexOf(SCRIPT_NAME); 
-            // is it found, at the end of the URL?
-            if ((index > -1) && (index + SCRIPT_NAME.length == src.length)) {  
-                scriptLocation = src.slice(0, -SCRIPT_NAME.length);
-                break;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    return scriptLocation;
-  `_OPENLAYERS_SFL_` is a flag indicating this file is being included
-  in a Single File Library build of the OpenLayers Library.
-  When we are *not* part of a SFL build we dynamically include the
-  OpenLayers library code.
-  When we *are* part of a SFL build we do not dynamically include the 
-  OpenLayers library code as it will be appended at the end of this file.
-if (typeof(_OPENLAYERS_SFL_) == "undefined") {
-    /*
-      The original code appeared to use a try/catch block
-      to avoid polluting the global namespace,
-      we now use a anonymous function to achieve the same result.
-     */
-    (function() {
-    var jsfiles=new Array(
-        "Prototype.js", 
-        "Rico/Corner.js",
-        "Rico/Color.js",
-        "OpenLayers/Util.js",
-        "OpenLayers/Ajax.js",
-        "OpenLayers/Events.js",
-        "OpenLayers/Map.js",
-        "OpenLayers/Layer.js",
-        "OpenLayers/Icon.js",
-        "OpenLayers/Marker.js",
-        "OpenLayers/Popup.js",
-        "OpenLayers/Tile.js",
-        "OpenLayers/Feature.js",
-        "OpenLayers/Feature/WFS.js",
-        "OpenLayers/Tile/Image.js",
-        "OpenLayers/Tile/WFS.js",
-//        "OpenLayers/Layer/Google.js",
-//        "OpenLayers/Layer/VirtualEarth.js",
-//        "OpenLayers/Layer/Yahoo.js",
-        "OpenLayers/Layer/Grid.js",
-        "OpenLayers/Layer/KaMap.js",
-        "OpenLayers/Layer/Markers.js",
-        "OpenLayers/Layer/Text.js",
-        "OpenLayers/Layer/WMS.js",
-        "OpenLayers/Layer/WFS.js",
-        "OpenLayers/Layer/WMS/Untiled.js",
-        "OpenLayers/Popup/Anchored.js",
-        "OpenLayers/Popup/AnchoredBubble.js",
-        "OpenLayers/Control.js",
-        "OpenLayers/Control/MouseDefaults.js",
-        "OpenLayers/Control/MouseToolbar.js",
-        "OpenLayers/Control/KeyboardDefaults.js",
-        "OpenLayers/Control/PanZoom.js",
-        "OpenLayers/Control/PanZoomBar.js",
-        "OpenLayers/Control/LayerSwitcher.js"
-    ); // etc.
-    var allScriptTags = "";
-    var host = OpenLayers._getScriptLocation() + "lib/";
-    // check to see if prototype.js was already loaded
-    //  if so, skip the first dynamic include 
-    //
-    var start=1;
-    try { x = Prototype; }
-    catch (e) { start=0; }
-    for (var i = start; i < jsfiles.length; i++) {
-        var currentScriptTag = "<script src='" + host + jsfiles[i] + "'></script>"; 
-        allScriptTags += currentScriptTag;
-    }
-    document.write(allScriptTags);
-    })();
diff --git a/public/lib/OpenLayers/Ajax.js b/public/lib/OpenLayers/Ajax.js
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 5c92c1a..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright (c) 2006 MetaCarta, Inc., published under the BSD license.
- * See http://svn.openlayers.org/trunk/openlayers/license.txt for the full
- * text of the license. */
-OpenLayers.ProxyHost = "/proxy/?url=";\r
-//OpenLayers.ProxyHost = "examples/proxy.cgi?url=";\r
-* Ajax reader for OpenLayers\r
-*@uri url to do remote XML http get\r
-*@param 'get' format params (x=y&a=b...)\r
-*@who object to handle callbacks for this request\r
-*@complete  the function to be called on success \r
-*@failure  the function to be called on failure\r
-* example usage from a caller:\r
-*   caps: function(request) {\r
-*    -blah-  \r
-*   },\r
-*   OpenLayers.loadURL(url,params,this,caps);\r
-* Notice the above example does not provide an error handler; a default empty\r
-* handler is provided which merely logs the error if a failure handler is not \r
-* supplied\r
-/** \r
-* @param {} request\r
-OpenLayers.nullHandler = function(request) {\r
-    alert("Unhandled request return " + request.statusText);\r
-/** Background load a document\r
-* @param {String} uri URI of source doc\r
-* @param {String} params Params on get (doesnt seem to work)\r
-* @param {Object} caller object which gets callbacks\r
-* @param {Function} onComplete callback for success\r
-* @param {Function} onFailure callback for failure\r
-* Both callbacks optional (though silly)\r
-OpenLayers.loadURL = function(uri, params, caller,\r
-                                  onComplete, onFailure) {\r
-    if (OpenLayers.ProxyHost && uri.startsWith("http")) {\r
-        uri = OpenLayers.ProxyHost + escape(uri);\r
-        if (!params) {\r
-            params="";\r
-        }\r
-        params += "&cachehack=" + new Date().getTime();\r
-    }\r
-    var success = (onComplete) ? onComplete.bind(caller)\r
-                                : OpenLayers.nullHandler;\r
-    var failure = (onFailure) ? onFailure.bind(caller)\r
-                           : OpenLayers.nullHandler;\r
-    // from prototype.js\r
-    new Ajax.Request(uri, \r
-                     {   method: 'get', \r
-                         parameters: params,\r
-                         onComplete: success, \r
-                         onFailure: failure\r
-                      }\r
-                     );\r
-/** Parse XML into a doc structure\r
-* @param {String} text\r
-* @returns Parsed Ajax Response ??\r
-* @type ?\r
-OpenLayers.parseXMLString = function(text) {\r
-    //MS sucks, if the server is bad it dies\r
-    var index = text.indexOf('<');\r
-    if (index > 0) {\r
-        text = text.substring(index);\r
-    }\r
-    var ajaxResponse = Try.these(\r
-        function() {\r
-            var xmldom = new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLDOM');\r
-            xmldom.loadXML(text);\r
-            return xmldom;\r
-        },\r
-        function() {\r
-            return new DOMParser().parseFromString(text, 'text/xml');\r
-        },\r
-        function() {\r
-            var req = new XMLHttpRequest();\r
-            req.open("GET", "data:" + "text/xml" +\r
-                     ";charset=utf-8," + encodeURIComponent(text), false);\r
-            if (req.overrideMimeType) {\r
-                req.overrideMimeType("text/xml");\r
-            }\r
-            req.send(null);\r
-            return req.responseXML;\r
-        }\r
-    );\r
-    return ajaxResponse;\r
diff --git a/public/lib/OpenLayers/Control.js b/public/lib/OpenLayers/Control.js
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 117fb26..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright (c) 2006 MetaCarta, Inc., published under the BSD license.
- * See http://svn.openlayers.org/trunk/openlayers/license.txt for the full
- * text of the license. */
-* @class
-OpenLayers.Control = Class.create();
-OpenLayers.Control.prototype = {
-    /** this gets set in the addControl() function in OpenLayers.Map
-    * @type OpenLayers.Map */
-    map: null,
-    /** @type DOMElement */
-    div: null,
-    /** @type OpenLayers.Pixel */
-    position: null,
-    /**
-    * @constructor
-    */
-    initialize: function (options) {
-        Object.extend(this, options);
-    },
-    /**
-    * @param {OpenLayers.Pixel} px
-    *
-    * @returns A reference to the DIV DOMElement containing the control
-    * @type DOMElement
-    */
-    draw: function (px) {
-        if (this.div == null) {
-            this.div = OpenLayers.Util.createDiv();
-        }
-        if (px != null) {
-            this.position = px.copyOf();
-        }
-        this.moveTo(this.position);        
-        return this.div;
-    },
-    /**
-    * @param {OpenLayers.Pixel} px
-    */
-    moveTo: function (px) {
-        if ((px != null) && (this.div != null)) {
-            this.div.style.left = px.x + "px";
-            this.div.style.top = px.x + "px";
-        }
-    },
-    /**
-    */
-    destroy: function () {
-        // eliminate circular references
-        this.map = null;
-    },
-    /** @final @type String */
-    CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Control"
diff --git a/public/lib/OpenLayers/Control/KeyboardDefaults.js b/public/lib/OpenLayers/Control/KeyboardDefaults.js
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index e93ad96..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright (c) 2006 MetaCarta, Inc., published under the BSD license.
- * See http://svn.openlayers.org/trunk/openlayers/license.txt for the full
- * text of the license. */
-// @require: OpenLayers/Control.js
- * @class
- */
-OpenLayers.Control.KeyboardDefaults = Class.create();
-OpenLayers.Control.KeyboardDefaults.prototype = 
-  Object.extend( new OpenLayers.Control(), {
-    /** @type int */
-    slideFactor: 50,
-    /**
-     * @constructor
-     */
-    initialize: function() {
-        OpenLayers.Control.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
-    },
-    /**
-     * 
-     */
-    draw: function() {
-        Event.observe(document, 
-                      'keypress', 
-                      this.defaultKeyDown.bind(this));
-    },
-    /**
-    * @param {Event} evt
-    */
-    defaultKeyDown: function (evt) {
-        var slide = this.map.getResolution() * this.slideFactor;
-        var center = this.map.getCenter();
-        var newCenter = center.copyOf();
-        switch(evt.keyCode) {
-            case Event.KEY_LEFT:
-                newCenter = newCenter.add( -slide, 0);
-                break;
-            case Event.KEY_RIGHT: 
-                newCenter = newCenter.add( slide, 0);
-                break;
-            case Event.KEY_UP:
-                newCenter = newCenter.add( 0, slide);
-                break;
-            case Event.KEY_DOWN:
-                newCenter = newCenter.add( 0, -slide);
-                break;
-        }
-        if (!newCenter.equals(center)) {
-            this.map.setCenter(newCenter);
-            Event.stop(evt);
-        }
-    },
-    /** @final @type String */
-    CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Control.KeyboardDefaults"
diff --git a/public/lib/OpenLayers/Control/LayerSwitcher.js b/public/lib/OpenLayers/Control/LayerSwitcher.js
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 0327639..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,224 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright (c) 2006 MetaCarta, Inc., published under the BSD license.
- * See http://svn.openlayers.org/trunk/openlayers/license.txt for the full
- * text of the license. */
-// @require: OpenLayers/Control.js
-* @class
-OpenLayers.Control.LayerSwitcher = Class.create();
-/** color used in the UI to show a layer is active/displayed
-* @final
-* @type String 
-OpenLayers.Control.LayerSwitcher.ACTIVE_COLOR = "darkblue";
-/** color used in the UI to show a layer is deactivated/hidden
-* @final
-* @type String 
-OpenLayers.Control.LayerSwitcher.NONACTIVE_COLOR = "lightblue";
-OpenLayers.Control.LayerSwitcher.prototype = 
-  Object.extend( new OpenLayers.Control(), {
-    /** @type String */
-    activeColor: "",
-    /** @type String */
-    nonActiveColor: "",
-    /** @type String */
-    mode: "checkbox",
-    /**
-    * @constructor
-    */
-    initialize: function(options) {
-        this.activeColor = OpenLayers.Control.LayerSwitcher.ACTIVE_COLOR;
-        this.nonActiveColor = OpenLayers.Control.LayerSwitcher.NONACTIVE_COLOR;
-        this.backdrops = [];
-        OpenLayers.Control.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
-    },
-    /**
-    * @returns A reference to the DIV DOMElement containing the switcher tabs
-    * @type DOMElement
-    */  
-    draw: function() {
-        // initialize our internal div
-        OpenLayers.Control.prototype.draw.apply(this);
-        this.div.style.position = "absolute";
-        this.div.style.top = "10px";
-        this.div.style.right = "0px";
-        this.div.style.left = "";
-        this.div.style.fontFamily = "sans-serif";
-        this.div.style.color = "white";
-        this.div.style.fontWeight = "bold";
-        this.div.style.marginTop = "3px";
-        this.div.style.marginLeft = "3px";
-        this.div.style.marginBottom = "3px";
-        this.div.style.fontSize="smaller";   
-        this.div.style.width = "10em";
-        this.map.events.register("addlayer", this, this.redraw);
-        this.map.events.register("removelayer", this, this.redraw);
-        return this.redraw();    
-    },
-    /**
-    * @returns A reference to the DIV DOMElement containing the switcher tabs
-    * @type DOMElement
-    */  
-    redraw: function() {
-        //clear out previous incarnation of LayerSwitcher tabs
-        this.div.innerHTML = "";
-        var visible = false;
-        for( var i = 0; i < this.map.layers.length; i++) {
-            if (visible && this.mode == "radio") {
-                this.map.layers[i].setVisibility(false);
-            } else {
-                visible = this.map.layers[i].getVisibility();
-            }
-            this.addTab(this.map.layers[i]);
-        }
-        return this.div;
-    },
-    /** 
-    * @param {event} evt
-    */
-    singleClick: function(evt) {
-        var div = Event.element(evt);
-        // See comment about OL #57 fix below.
-        // If the click occurred on the corner spans we need
-        // to make sure we act on the actual label tab instead.
-        div = div.labelElement || div;
-        var layer = div.layer;
-        if (this.mode == "radio") {
-            for(var i=0; i < this.backdrops.length; i++) {
-                this.setTabActivation(this.backdrops[i], false);
-                this.backdrops[i].layer.setVisibility(false);
-            }
-            this.setTabActivation(div, true);
-            layer.setVisibility(true);
-        } else {
-            var visible = layer.getVisibility();
-            this.setTabActivation(div, !visible);
-            layer.setVisibility(!visible);
-        }
-        Event.stop(evt);
-    },
-    /** 
-    * @private
-    *
-    * @param {event} evt
-    */
-    ignoreEvent: function(evt) {
-        Event.stop(evt);
-        return false;
-    },
-    /** 
-    * @private
-    * 
-    * @param {OpenLayers.Layer} layer
-    */            
-    addTab: function(layer) {
-        // Outer DIV - for Rico Corners
-        //
-        var backdropLabelOuter = document.createElement('div');
-        backdropLabelOuter.id = "LayerSwitcher_" + layer.name + "_Tab";
-        backdropLabelOuter.style.marginTop = "4px";
-        backdropLabelOuter.style.marginBottom = "4px";
-        this._setEventHandlers(backdropLabelOuter);
-        // Inner Label - for Rico Corners
-        //
-        var backdropLabel = document.createElement('p');
-        backdropLabel.innerHTML = layer.name;
-        backdropLabel.style.marginTop = "0px";
-        backdropLabel.style.marginBottom = "0px";
-        backdropLabel.style.paddingLeft = "10px";
-        backdropLabel.style.paddingRight = "10px";
-        // add reference to layer onto the div for use in event handlers
-        backdropLabel.layer = layer;
-        // set event handlers
-        this._setEventHandlers(backdropLabel);
-        // add label to div
-        backdropLabelOuter.appendChild(backdropLabel);
-        this.backdrops.append(backdropLabel); 
-        // add div to main LayerSwitcher Div
-        this.div.appendChild(backdropLabelOuter);
-        Rico.Corner.round(backdropLabelOuter, {corners: "tl bl",
-                                      bgColor: "transparent",
-                                      color: "white",
-                                      blend: false});
-        // extend the event handlers to operate on the
-        // rounded corners as well. (Fixes OL #57.)
-        var spanElements=backdropLabel.parentNode.getElementsByTagName("span");
-        for (var currIdx = 0; currIdx < spanElements.length; currIdx++) {
-            this._setEventHandlers(spanElements[currIdx], backdropLabel);
-        }
-        this.setTabActivation(backdropLabel, layer.getVisibility());
-    },
-    /*
-      @private
-      @param {DOMElement} div
-      @param {Boolean} activate
-    */
-    _setEventHandlers : function(element, labelDiv) {
-        // We only want to respond to a mousedown event.
-        element.onclick = this.singleClick.bindAsEventListener(this);
-        element.ondblclick = this.singleClick.bindAsEventListener(this);
-        element.onmouseup = this.ignoreEvent.bindAsEventListener(this);
-        element.onmousedown = this.ignoreEvent.bindAsEventListener(this);
-        // If we are operating on a corner span we need to store a
-        // reference to the actual tab. (See comment about OL #57 fix above.)
-        if (labelDiv) {
-            element.labelElement = labelDiv;
-        }
-    },
-    /**
-    * @private
-    *
-    * @param {DOMElement} div
-    * @param {Boolean} activate
-    */
-    setTabActivation:function(div, activate) {
-        var color = (activate) ? this.activeColor : this.nonActiveColor;
-        Rico.Corner.changeColor(div, color);
-    },
-    /** @final @type String */
-    CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Control.LayerSwitcher"
diff --git a/public/lib/OpenLayers/Control/MouseDefaults.js b/public/lib/OpenLayers/Control/MouseDefaults.js
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 3ae7edd..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,130 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright (c) 2006 MetaCarta, Inc., published under the BSD license.
- * See http://svn.openlayers.org/trunk/openlayers/license.txt for the full
- * text of the license. */
-// @require: OpenLayers/Control.js
-OpenLayers.Control.MouseDefaults = Class.create();
-OpenLayers.Control.MouseDefaults.prototype = 
-  Object.extend( new OpenLayers.Control(), {
-    performedDrag: false,
-    initialize: function() {
-        OpenLayers.Control.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
-    },
-    draw: function() {
-        this.map.events.register( "click", this, this.defaultClick );
-        this.map.events.register( "dblclick", this, this.defaultDblClick );
-        this.map.events.register( "mousedown", this, this.defaultMouseDown );
-        this.map.events.register( "mouseup", this, this.defaultMouseUp );
-        this.map.events.register( "mousemove", this, this.defaultMouseMove );
-        this.map.events.register( "mouseout", this, this.defaultMouseOut );
-    },
-    defaultClick: function (evt) {
-        if (!Event.isLeftClick(evt)) return;
-        var notAfterDrag = !this.performedDrag;
-        this.performedDrag = false;
-        return notAfterDrag;
-    },
-    /**
-    * @param {Event} evt
-    */
-    defaultDblClick: function (evt) {
-        var newCenter = this.map.getLonLatFromViewPortPx( evt.xy ); 
-        this.map.setCenter(newCenter, this.map.zoom + 1);
-    },
-    /**
-    * @param {Event} evt
-    */
-    defaultMouseDown: function (evt) {
-        if (!Event.isLeftClick(evt)) return;
-        this.mouseDragStart = evt.xy.copyOf();
-        this.performedDrag  = false;
-        if (evt.shiftKey) {
-            this.map.div.style.cursor = "crosshair";
-            this.zoomBox = OpenLayers.Util.createDiv('zoomBox',
-                                                     this.mouseDragStart,
-                                                     null,
-                                                     null,
-                                                     "absolute",
-                                                     "2px solid red");
-            this.zoomBox.style.backgroundColor = "white";
-            this.zoomBox.style.filter = "alpha(opacity=50)"; // IE
-            this.zoomBox.style.opacity = "0.50";
-            this.zoomBox.style.zIndex = this.map.Z_INDEX_BASE["Popup"] - 1;
-            this.map.viewPortDiv.appendChild(this.zoomBox);
-        }
-        document.onselectstart=function() { return false; }
-        Event.stop(evt);
-    },
-    /**
-    * @param {Event} evt
-    */
-    defaultMouseMove: function (evt) {
-        if (this.mouseDragStart != null) {
-            if (this.zoomBox) {
-                var deltaX = Math.abs(this.mouseDragStart.x - evt.xy.x);
-                var deltaY = Math.abs(this.mouseDragStart.y - evt.xy.y);
-                this.zoomBox.style.width = deltaX+"px";
-                this.zoomBox.style.height = deltaY+"px";
-                if (evt.xy.x < this.mouseDragStart.x) {
-                    this.zoomBox.style.left = evt.xy.x+"px";
-                }
-                if (evt.xy.y < this.mouseDragStart.y) {
-                    this.zoomBox.style.top = evt.xy.y+"px";
-                }
-            } else {
-                var deltaX = this.mouseDragStart.x - evt.xy.x;
-                var deltaY = this.mouseDragStart.y - evt.xy.y;
-                var size = this.map.getSize();
-                var newXY = new OpenLayers.Pixel(size.w / 2 + deltaX,
-                                                 size.h / 2 + deltaY);
-                var newCenter = this.map.getLonLatFromViewPortPx( newXY ); 
-                this.map.setCenter(newCenter, null, true);
-                this.mouseDragStart = evt.xy.copyOf();
-                this.map.div.style.cursor = "move";
-            }
-            this.performedDrag = true;
-        }
-    },
-    /**
-    * @param {Event} evt
-    */
-    defaultMouseUp: function (evt) {
-        if (!Event.isLeftClick(evt)) return;
-        if (this.zoomBox) {
-            var start = this.map.getLonLatFromViewPortPx( this.mouseDragStart ); 
-            var end = this.map.getLonLatFromViewPortPx( evt.xy );
-            var top = Math.max(start.lat, end.lat);
-            var bottom = Math.min(start.lat, end.lat);
-            var left = Math.min(start.lon, end.lon);
-            var right = Math.max(start.lon, end.lon);
-            var bounds = new OpenLayers.Bounds(left, bottom, right, top);
-            var zoom = this.map.getZoomForExtent(bounds);
-            this.map.setCenter(new OpenLayers.LonLat(
-              (start.lon + end.lon) / 2,
-              (start.lat + end.lat) / 2
-             ), zoom);
-            this.map.viewPortDiv.removeChild(document.getElementById("zoomBox"));
-            this.zoomBox = null;
-        } else {
-            this.map.setCenter(this.map.center);
-        }
-        document.onselectstart=null;
-        this.mouseDragStart = null;
-        this.map.div.style.cursor = "default";
-    },
-    defaultMouseOut: function (evt) {
-        if (this.mouseDragStart != null
-            && OpenLayers.Util.mouseLeft(evt, this.map.div)) {
-                this.defaultMouseUp(evt);
-        }
-    }
diff --git a/public/lib/OpenLayers/Control/MouseToolbar.js b/public/lib/OpenLayers/Control/MouseToolbar.js
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 28b78d6..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,262 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright (c) 2006 MetaCarta, Inc., published under the BSD license.
- * See http://svn.openlayers.org/trunk/openlayers/license.txt for the full
- * text of the license. */
-// @require: OpenLayers/Control.js
-OpenLayers.Control.MouseToolbar = Class.create();
-OpenLayers.Control.MouseToolbar.X = 6;
-OpenLayers.Control.MouseToolbar.Y = 300;
-OpenLayers.Control.MouseToolbar.prototype = 
-  Object.extend( new OpenLayers.Control(), {
-    mode: null,
-    buttons: null,
-    direction: "vertical",
-    initialize: function(position, direction) {
-        OpenLayers.Control.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
-        this.position = new OpenLayers.Pixel(OpenLayers.Control.MouseToolbar.X,
-                                             OpenLayers.Control.MouseToolbar.Y);
-        if (position) {
-            this.position = position;
-        }
-        if (direction) {
-            this.direction = direction; 
-        }
-        this.measureDivs = [];
-    },
-    draw: function() {
-        OpenLayers.Control.prototype.draw.apply(this, arguments);
-        this.buttons = new Object();
-        this.map.events.register( "dblclick", this, this.defaultDblClick );
-        this.map.events.register( "mousedown", this, this.defaultMouseDown );
-        this.map.events.register( "mouseup", this, this.defaultMouseUp );
-        this.map.events.register( "mousemove", this, this.defaultMouseMove );
-        this.map.events.register( "mouseout", this, this.defaultMouseOut );
-        var sz = new OpenLayers.Size(28,28);
-        var centered = this.position;
-        this._addButton("zoombox", "drag-rectangle-off.png", "drag-rectangle-on.png", centered, sz, "Shift->Drag to zoom to area");
-        centered = centered.add((this.direction == "vertical" ? 0 : sz.w), (this.direction == "vertical" ? sz.h : 0));
-        this._addButton("pan", "panning-hand-off.png", "panning-hand-on.png", centered, sz, "Drag the map to pan.");
-        centered = centered.add((this.direction == "vertical" ? 0 : sz.w), (this.direction == "vertical" ? sz.h : 0));
-        this._addButton("measure", "measuring-stick-off.png", "measuring-stick-on.png", centered, sz, "Hold alt when clicking to show distance between selected points");
-        this.switchModeTo("pan");
-        this.map.events.register("zoomend", this, function() { this.switchModeTo("pan"); });
-        return this.div;
-    },
-    _addButton:function(id, img, activeImg, xy, sz, title) {
-        var imgLocation = OpenLayers.Util.getImagesLocation() + img;
-        var activeImgLocation = OpenLayers.Util.getImagesLocation() + activeImg;
-        // var btn = new ol.AlphaImage("_"+id, imgLocation, xy, sz);
-        var btn = OpenLayers.Util.createAlphaImageDiv(
-                                    "OpenLayers_Control_MouseToolbar_" + id, 
-                                    xy, sz, imgLocation, "absolute");
-        //we want to add the outer div
-        this.div.appendChild(btn);
-        btn.imgLocation = imgLocation;
-        btn.activeImgLocation = activeImgLocation;
-        btn.events = new OpenLayers.Events(this, btn);
-        btn.events.register("mousedown", this, this.buttonClick); 
-        btn.events.register("mouseup", this, Event.stop);
-        btn.action = id;
-        btn.title = title;
-        btn.alt = title;
-        btn.map = this.map;
-        //we want to remember/reference the outer div
-        this.buttons[id] = btn;
-        return btn;
-    },
-    buttonClick: function(evt) {
-        if (!Event.isLeftClick(evt)) return;
-        this.switchModeTo(evt.div.action);
-        Event.stop(evt);
-    },
-    /**
-    * @param {Event} evt
-    */
-    defaultDblClick: function (evt) {
-        this.switchModeTo("pan");
-        var newCenter = this.map.getLonLatFromViewPortPx( evt.xy ); 
-        this.map.setCenter(newCenter, this.map.zoom + 2);
-    },
-    /**
-    * @param {Event} evt
-    */
-    defaultMouseDown: function (evt) {
-        if (!Event.isLeftClick(evt)) return;
-        this.mouseDragStart = evt.xy.copyOf();
-        if (evt.shiftKey && this.mode !="zoombox") {
-            this.switchModeTo("zoombox");
-        } else if (evt.altKey && this.mode !="measure") {
-            this.switchModeTo("measure");
-        } else if (!this.mode) {
-            this.switchModeTo("pan");
-        }
-        switch (this.mode) {
-            case "zoombox":
-                this.map.div.style.cursor = "crosshair";
-                this.zoomBox = OpenLayers.Util.createDiv('zoomBox',
-                                                         this.mouseDragStart,
-                                                         null,
-                                                         null,
-                                                         "absolute",
-                                                         "2px solid red");
-                this.zoomBox.style.backgroundColor = "white";
-                this.zoomBox.style.filter = "alpha(opacity=50)"; // IE
-                this.zoomBox.style.opacity = "0.50";
-                this.zoomBox.style.zIndex = this.map.Z_INDEX_BASE["Popup"] - 1;
-                this.map.viewPortDiv.appendChild(this.zoomBox);
-                break;
-            case "measure":
-                var distance = "";
-                if (this.measureStart) {
-                    measureEnd = this.map.getLonLatFromViewPortPx(this.mouseDragStart);
-                    distance = OpenLayers.Util.distVincenty(this.measureStart, measureEnd);
-                    distance = Math.round(distance * 100) / 100;
-                    distance = distance + "km";
-                    this.measureStartBox = this.measureBox;
-                }    
-                this.measureStart = this.map.getLonLatFromViewPortPx(this.mouseDragStart);;
-                this.measureBox = OpenLayers.Util.createDiv(null,
-                                                         this.mouseDragStart.add(
-                                                           -2-parseInt(this.map.layerContainerDiv.style.left),
-                                                           -2-parseInt(this.map.layerContainerDiv.style.top)),
-                                                         null,
-                                                         null,
-                                                         "absolute");
-                this.measureBox.style.width="4px";
-                this.measureBox.style.height="4px";
-                this.measureBox.style.backgroundColor="red";
-                this.measureBox.style.zIndex = this.map.Z_INDEX_BASE["Popup"] - 1;
-                this.map.layerContainerDiv.appendChild(this.measureBox);
-                if (distance) {
-                    this.measureBoxDistance = OpenLayers.Util.createDiv(null,
-                                                         this.mouseDragStart.add(
-                                                           -2-parseInt(this.map.layerContainerDiv.style.left),
-                                                           2-parseInt(this.map.layerContainerDiv.style.top)),
-                                                         null,
-                                                         null,
-                                                         "absolute");
-                    this.measureBoxDistance.innerHTML = distance;
-                    this.measureBoxDistance.style.zIndex = this.map.Z_INDEX_BASE["Popup"] - 1;
-                    this.map.layerContainerDiv.appendChild(this.measureBoxDistance);
-                    this.measureDivs.append(this.measureBoxDistance);
-                }
-                this.measureBox.style.zIndex = this.map.Z_INDEX_BASE["Popup"] - 1;
-                this.map.layerContainerDiv.appendChild(this.measureBox);
-                this.measureDivs.append(this.measureBox);
-                break;
-            default:
-                this.map.div.style.cursor = "move";
-                break;
-        }
-        document.onselectstart = function() { return false; } 
-        Event.stop(evt);
-    },
-    switchModeTo: function(mode) {
-        if (mode != this.mode) {
-            if (this.mode) {
-                OpenLayers.Util.modifyAlphaImageDiv(this.buttons[this.mode], null, null, null, this.buttons[this.mode].imgLocation);
-            }
-            if (this.mode == "measure" && mode != "measure") {
-                for(var i = 0; i < this.measureDivs.length; i++) {
-                    if (this.measureDivs[i]) { 
-                        this.map.layerContainerDiv.removeChild(this.measureDivs[i]);
-                    }
-                }
-                this.measureDivs = [];
-                this.measureStart = null;
-            }
-            this.mode = mode;
-            OpenLayers.Util.modifyAlphaImageDiv(this.buttons[mode], null, null, null, this.buttons[mode].activeImgLocation);
-        } 
-    }, 
-    leaveMode: function() {
-        this.switchModeTo("pan");
-    },
-    /**
-    * @param {Event} evt
-    */
-    defaultMouseMove: function (evt) {
-        if (this.mouseDragStart != null) {
-            switch (this.mode) {
-                case "zoombox": 
-                    var deltaX = Math.abs(this.mouseDragStart.x - evt.xy.x);
-                    var deltaY = Math.abs(this.mouseDragStart.y - evt.xy.y);
-                    this.zoomBox.style.width = deltaX+"px";
-                    this.zoomBox.style.height = deltaY+"px";
-                    if (evt.xy.x < this.mouseDragStart.x) {
-                        this.zoomBox.style.left = evt.xy.x+"px";
-                    }
-                    if (evt.xy.y < this.mouseDragStart.y) {
-                        this.zoomBox.style.top = evt.xy.y+"px";
-                    }
-                    break;
-                default:
-                    var deltaX = this.mouseDragStart.x - evt.xy.x;
-                    var deltaY = this.mouseDragStart.y - evt.xy.y;
-                    var size = this.map.getSize();
-                    var newXY = new OpenLayers.Pixel(size.w / 2 + deltaX,
-                                                     size.h / 2 + deltaY);
-                    var newCenter = this.map.getLonLatFromViewPortPx( newXY ); 
-                    this.map.setCenter(newCenter, null, true);
-                    this.mouseDragStart = evt.xy.copyOf();
-            }
-        }
-    },
-    /**
-    * @param {Event} evt
-    */
-    defaultMouseUp: function (evt) {
-        if (!Event.isLeftClick(evt)) return;
-        switch (this.mode) {
-            case "zoombox":
-                var start = this.map.getLonLatFromViewPortPx( this.mouseDragStart ); 
-                var end = this.map.getLonLatFromViewPortPx( evt.xy );
-                var top = Math.max(start.lat, end.lat);
-                var bottom = Math.min(start.lat, end.lat);
-                var left = Math.min(start.lon, end.lon);
-                var right = Math.max(start.lon, end.lon);
-                var bounds = new OpenLayers.Bounds(left, bottom, right, top);
-                var zoom = this.map.getZoomForExtent(bounds);
-                this.map.setCenter(new OpenLayers.LonLat(
-                  (start.lon + end.lon) / 2,
-                  (start.lat + end.lat) / 2
-                 ), zoom);
-                this.map.viewPortDiv.removeChild(document.getElementById("zoomBox"));
-                this.zoomBox = null;
-                this.leaveMode();
-                break;
-            case "pan":
-                this.map.setCenter(this.map.center);
-        }
-        document.onselectstart = null;
-        this.mouseDragStart = null;
-        this.map.div.style.cursor = "default";
-    },
-    defaultMouseOut: function (evt) {
-        if (this.mouseDragStart != null
-            && OpenLayers.Util.mouseLeft(evt, this.map.div)) {
-                this.defaultMouseUp(evt);
-        }
-    }
diff --git a/public/lib/OpenLayers/Control/PanZoom.js b/public/lib/OpenLayers/Control/PanZoom.js
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 32eed2f..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,164 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright (c) 2006 MetaCarta, Inc., published under the BSD license.
- * See http://svn.openlayers.org/trunk/openlayers/license.txt for the full
- * text of the license. */
-// @require: OpenLayers/Control.js
- * @class
- * 
- * default zoom/pan controls
- */
-OpenLayers.Control.PanZoom = Class.create();
-OpenLayers.Control.PanZoom.X = 4;
-OpenLayers.Control.PanZoom.Y = 4;
-OpenLayers.Control.PanZoom.prototype = 
-  Object.extend( new OpenLayers.Control(), {
-    /** @type int */
-    slideFactor: 50,
-    /** @type Array of Button Divs */
-    buttons: null,
-    /** @type OpenLayers.Pixel */
-    position: null,
-    /**
-     * @constructor
-     */
-    initialize: function() {
-        OpenLayers.Control.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
-        this.position = new OpenLayers.Pixel(OpenLayers.Control.PanZoom.X,
-                                             OpenLayers.Control.PanZoom.Y);
-    },
-    /**
-    * @param {OpenLayers.Pixel} px
-    * 
-    * @returns A reference to the container div for the PanZoom control
-    * @type DOMElement
-    */
-    draw: function(px) {
-        // initialize our internal div
-        OpenLayers.Control.prototype.draw.apply(this, arguments);
-        px = this.position;
-        // place the controls
-        this.buttons = new Array();
-        var sz = new OpenLayers.Size(18,18);
-        var centered = new OpenLayers.Pixel(px.x+sz.w/2, px.y);
-        this._addButton("panup", "north-mini.png", centered, sz);
-        px.y = centered.y+sz.h;
-        this._addButton("panleft", "west-mini.png", px, sz);
-        this._addButton("panright", "east-mini.png", px.add(sz.w, 0), sz);
-        this._addButton("pandown", "south-mini.png", 
-                        centered.add(0, sz.h*2), sz);
-        this._addButton("zoomin", "zoom-plus-mini.png", 
-                        centered.add(0, sz.h*3+5), sz);
-        this._addButton("zoomworld", "zoom-world-mini.png", 
-                        centered.add(0, sz.h*4+5), sz);
-        this._addButton("zoomout", "zoom-minus-mini.png", 
-                        centered.add(0, sz.h*5+5), sz);
-        return this.div;
-    },
-    /**
-     * @param {String} id
-     * @param {String} img
-     * @param {OpenLayers.Pixel} xy
-     * @param {OpenLayers.Size} sz
-     * 
-     * @returns A Div (an alphaImageDiv, to be precise) that contains the 
-     *          image of the button, and has all the proper event handlers
-     *          set.
-     * @type DOMElement
-     */
-    _addButton:function(id, img, xy, sz) {
-        var imgLocation = OpenLayers.Util.getImagesLocation() + img;
-        // var btn = new ol.AlphaImage("_"+id, imgLocation, xy, sz);
-        var btn = OpenLayers.Util.createAlphaImageDiv(
-                                    "OpenLayers_Control_PanZoom_" + id, 
-                                    xy, sz, imgLocation, "absolute");
-        //we want to add the outer div
-        this.div.appendChild(btn);
-        btn.onmousedown = this.buttonDown.bindAsEventListener(btn);
-        btn.ondblclick  = this.doubleClick.bindAsEventListener(btn);
-        btn.onclick  = this.doubleClick.bindAsEventListener(btn);
-        btn.action = id;
-        btn.map = this.map;
-        btn.slideFactor = this.slideFactor;
-        //we want to remember/reference the outer div
-        this.buttons.push(btn);
-        return btn;
-    },
-    /**
-     * @param {event} evt
-     * 
-     * @type Boolean
-     */
-    doubleClick: function (evt) {
-        Event.stop(evt);
-        return false;
-    },
-    /**
-     * @param {event} evt
-     */
-    buttonDown: function (evt) {
-        if (!Event.isLeftClick(evt)) return;
-        var slide = this.map.getResolution() * this.slideFactor;
-        var center = this.map.getCenter();
-        var newCenter = center.copyOf();
-        switch (this.action) {
-            case "panup": 
-                newCenter = newCenter.add( 0, slide);
-                break;
-            case "pandown": 
-                newCenter = newCenter.add( 0, -slide);
-                break;
-            case "panleft": 
-                newCenter = newCenter.add( -slide, 0);
-                break;
-            case "panright": 
-                newCenter = newCenter.add( slide, 0);
-                break;
-            case "zoomin": 
-                this.map.zoomIn(); 
-                break;
-            case "zoomout": 
-                this.map.zoomOut(); 
-                break;
-            case "zoomworld": 
-                this.map.zoomToFullExtent(); 
-                break;
-        }
-        if (!newCenter.equals(center)) {
-            this.map.setCenter(newCenter);
-        }
-        Event.stop(evt);
-    },
-    /**
-     * 
-     */
-    destroy: function() {
-        OpenLayers.Control.prototype.destroy.apply(this, arguments);
-        for(i=0; i<this.buttons.length; i++) {
-            this.buttons[i].map = null;
-        }
-    },
-    /** @final @type String */
-    CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Control.PanZoom"
diff --git a/public/lib/OpenLayers/Control/PanZoomBar.js b/public/lib/OpenLayers/Control/PanZoomBar.js
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 168c928..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,202 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright (c) 2006 MetaCarta, Inc., published under the BSD license.
- * See http://svn.openlayers.org/trunk/openlayers/license.txt for the full
- * text of the license. */
-// @require: OpenLayers/Control/PanZoom.js
-// default zoom/pan controls
-OpenLayers.Control.PanZoomBar = Class.create();
-OpenLayers.Control.PanZoomBar.X = 4;
-OpenLayers.Control.PanZoomBar.Y = 4;
-OpenLayers.Control.PanZoomBar.prototype = 
-  Object.extend( new OpenLayers.Control.PanZoom(), {
-    /** @type Array(...) */
-    buttons: null,
-    /** @type int */
-    zoomStopWidth: 18,
-    /** @type int */
-    zoomStopHeight: 11,
-    initialize: function() {
-        OpenLayers.Control.PanZoom.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
-        this.position = new OpenLayers.Pixel(OpenLayers.Control.PanZoomBar.X,
-                                             OpenLayers.Control.PanZoomBar.Y);
-    },
-    /**
-    * @param {OpenLayers.Pixel} px
-    */
-    draw: function(px) {
-        // initialize our internal div
-        OpenLayers.Control.prototype.draw.apply(this, arguments);
-        px = this.position;
-        // place the controls
-        this.buttons = new Array();
-        var sz = new OpenLayers.Size(18,18);
-        var centered = new OpenLayers.Pixel(px.x+sz.w/2, px.y);
-        this._addButton("panup", "north-mini.png", centered, sz);
-        px.y = centered.y+sz.h;
-        this._addButton("panleft", "west-mini.png", px, sz);
-        this._addButton("panright", "east-mini.png", px.add(sz.w, 0), sz);
-        this._addButton("pandown", "south-mini.png", centered.add(0, sz.h*2), sz);
-        this._addButton("zoomin", "zoom-plus-mini.png", centered.add(0, sz.h*3+5), sz);
-        centered = this._addZoomBar(centered.add(0, sz.h*4 + 5));
-        this._addButton("zoomout", "zoom-minus-mini.png", centered, sz);
-        return this.div;
-    },
-    /** 
-    * @param {OpenLayers.Pixel} location where zoombar drawing is to start.
-    */
-    _addZoomBar:function(centered) {
-        var imgLocation = OpenLayers.Util.getImagesLocation();
-        var id = "OpenLayers_Control_PanZoomBar_Slider" + this.map.id;
-        var slider = OpenLayers.Util.createAlphaImageDiv(id,
-                       centered.add(-1, 
-                         (this.map.getZoomLevels())*this.zoomStopHeight), 
-                       new OpenLayers.Size(20,9), 
-                       imgLocation+"slider.png",
-                       "absolute");
-        this.slider = slider;
-        this.sliderEvents = new OpenLayers.Events(this, slider);
-        this.sliderEvents.register("mousedown", this, this.zoomBarDown);
-        this.sliderEvents.register("mousemove", this, this.zoomBarDrag);
-        this.sliderEvents.register("mouseup", this, this.zoomBarUp);
-        this.sliderEvents.register("dblclick", this, this.doubleClick);
-        this.sliderEvents.register("click", this, this.doubleClick);
-        sz = new OpenLayers.Size();
-        sz.h = this.zoomStopHeight*(this.map.getZoomLevels()+1);
-        sz.w = this.zoomStopWidth;
-        var div = null
-        if (OpenLayers.Util.alphaHack()) {
-            var id = "OpenLayers_Control_PanZoomBar" + this.map.id;
-            div = OpenLayers.Util.createAlphaImageDiv(id, centered,
-                                      new OpenLayers.Size(sz.w, 
-                                              this.zoomStopHeight),
-                                      imgLocation + "zoombar.png", 
-                                      "absolute", null, "crop");
-            div.style.height = sz.h;
-        } else {
-            div = OpenLayers.Util.createDiv(
-                        'OpenLayers_Control_PanZoomBar_Zoombar' + this.map.id,
-                        centered,
-                        sz,
-                        imgLocation+"zoombar.png");
-        }
-        this.zoombarDiv = div;
-        this.divEvents = new OpenLayers.Events(this, div);
-        this.divEvents.register("mousedown", this, this.divClick);
-        this.divEvents.register("mousemove", this, this.passEventToSlider);
-        this.divEvents.register("dblclick", this, this.doubleClick);
-        this.divEvents.register("click", this, this.doubleClick);
-        this.div.appendChild(div);
-        this.startTop = parseInt(div.style.top);
-        this.div.appendChild(slider);
-        this.map.events.register("zoomend", this, this.moveZoomBar);
-        centered = centered.add(0, 
-            this.zoomStopHeight*(this.map.getZoomLevels()+1));
-        return centered; 
-    },
-    /* 
-     * @param evt
-     * This function is used to pass events that happen on the div, or the map,
-     * through to the slider, which then does its moving thing.
-     */
-    passEventToSlider:function(evt) {
-        this.sliderEvents.handleBrowserEvent(evt);
-    },
-    /*
-     * divClick: Picks up on clicks directly on the zoombar div
-     *           and sets the zoom level appropriately.
-     */
-    divClick: function (evt) {
-        if (!Event.isLeftClick(evt)) return;
-        var y = evt.xy.y;
-        var top = Position.page(evt.object)[1];
-        var levels = Math.floor((y - top)/this.zoomStopHeight);
-        this.map.zoomTo(this.map.getZoomLevels() - levels);
-        Event.stop(evt);
-    },
-    /* 
-     * @param evt
-     * event listener for clicks on the slider
-     */
-    zoomBarDown:function(evt) {
-        if (!Event.isLeftClick(evt)) return;
-        this.map.events.register("mousemove", this, this.passEventToSlider);
-        this.map.events.register("mouseup", this, this.passEventToSlider);
-        this.mouseDragStart = evt.xy.copyOf();
-        this.zoomStart = evt.xy.copyOf();
-        this.div.style.cursor = "move";
-        Event.stop(evt);
-    },
-    /*
-     * @param evt
-     * This is what happens when a click has occurred, and the client is dragging.
-     * Here we must ensure that the slider doesn't go beyond the bottom/top of the 
-     * zoombar div, as well as moving the slider to its new visual location
-     */
-    zoomBarDrag:function(evt) {
-        if (this.mouseDragStart != null) {
-            var deltaY = this.mouseDragStart.y - evt.xy.y
-            var offsets = Position.page(this.zoombarDiv);
-            if ((evt.clientY - offsets[1]) > 0 && 
-                (evt.clientY - offsets[1]) < parseInt(this.zoombarDiv.style.height) - 2) {
-                var newTop = parseInt(this.slider.style.top) - deltaY;
-                this.slider.style.top = newTop+"px";
-            }
-            this.mouseDragStart = evt.xy.copyOf();
-        }
-        Event.stop(evt);
-    },
-    /* 
-     * @param evt
-     * Perform cleanup when a mouseup event is received -- discover new zoom level
-     * and switch to it.
-     */
-    zoomBarUp:function(evt) {
-        if (!Event.isLeftClick(evt)) return;
-        if (this.zoomStart) {
-            this.div.style.cursor="default";
-            this.map.events.remove("mousemove");
-            this.map.events.remove("mouseup");
-            var deltaY = this.zoomStart.y - evt.xy.y
-            this.map.zoomTo(this.map.zoom + Math.round(deltaY/this.zoomStopHeight));
-            this.moveZoomBar();
-            this.mouseDragStart = null;
-            Event.stop(evt);
-        }
-    },
-    /* 
-    * Change the location of the slider to match the current zoom level.
-    */
-    moveZoomBar:function() {
-        var newTop = 
-            (this.map.getZoomLevels() - this.map.getZoom()) * this.zoomStopHeight
-            + this.startTop + 1;
-        this.slider.style.top = newTop + "px";
-    },    
-    CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Control.PanZoomBar"
diff --git a/public/lib/OpenLayers/Events.js b/public/lib/OpenLayers/Events.js
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 00e158b..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright (c) 2006 MetaCarta, Inc., published under the BSD license.
- * See http://svn.openlayers.org/trunk/openlayers/license.txt for the full
- * text of the license. */
-OpenLayers.Events = Class.create();
-OpenLayers.Events.prototype = {
-    // Array: supported events
-        "mouseover", "mouseout",
-        "mousedown", "mouseup", "mousemove", 
-        "click", "dblclick",
-        "resize", "focus", "blur"
-    ],
-    // hash of Array(Function): events listener functions
-    listeners: null,
-    // Object: the code object issuing application events
-    object: null,
-    // DOMElement: the DOM element receiving browser events
-    div: null,
-    // Array: list of support application events
-    eventTypes: null,
-    /**
-    * @param {OpenLayers.Map} map
-    * @param {DOMElement} div
-    */
-    initialize: function (object, div, eventTypes) {
-        this.listeners  = {};
-        this.object     = object;
-        this.div        = div;
-        this.eventTypes = eventTypes;
-        if (eventTypes) {
-            for (var i = 0; i < this.eventTypes.length; i++) {
-                // create a listener list for every custom application event
-                this.listeners[ this.eventTypes[i] ] = [];
-            }
-        }
-        for (var i = 0; i < this.BROWSER_EVENTS.length; i++) {
-            var eventType = this.BROWSER_EVENTS[i];
-            // every browser event has a corresponding application event 
-            // (whether it's listened for or not).
-            this.listeners[ eventType ] = [];
-            Event.observe(div, eventType, 
-                this.handleBrowserEvent.bindAsEventListener(this));
-        }
-        // disable dragstart in IE so that mousedown/move/up works normally
-        Event.observe(div, "dragstart", Event.stop);
-    },
-    /**
-    * @param {str} type
-    * @param {Object} obj
-    * @param {Function} func
-    */
-    register: function (type, obj, func) {
-        if (func == null) {
-            obj = this.object;
-            func = obj;
-        }
-        var listeners = this.listeners[type];
-        listeners.push( {obj: obj, func: func} );
-    },
-    unregister: function (type, obj, func) {
-        var listeners = this.listeners[type];
-        for (var i = 0; i < listeners.length; i++) {
-            if (listeners[i].obj == obj && listeners[i].type == type) {
-                listeners.splice(i, 1);
-                break;
-            }
-        }
-    },
-    remove: function(type) {
-        this.listeners[type].pop();
-    },
-    /**
-    * @param {event} evt
-    */
-    handleBrowserEvent: function (evt) {
-        evt.xy = this.getMousePosition(evt); 
-        this.triggerEvent(evt.type, evt)
-    },
-    /**
-    * @param {event} evt
-    * 
-    * @return {OpenLayers.Pixel}
-    */
-    getMousePosition: function (evt) {
-        if (!this.div.offsets) {
-            this.div.offsets = Position.page(this.div);
-        }
-        return new OpenLayers.Pixel(
-                        evt.clientX - this.div.offsets[0], 
-                        evt.clientY - this.div.offsets[1]); 
-    },
-    /**
-    * @param {str} type
-    * @param {event} evt
-    */
-    triggerEvent: function (type, evt) {
-        if (evt == null) {
-            evt = {};
-        }
-        evt.object = this.object;
-        evt.div = this.div;
-        var listeners = this.listeners[type];
-        for (var i = 0; i < listeners.length; i++) {
-            var callback = listeners[i];
-            var continueChain = callback.func.call(callback.obj, evt);
-            if (continueChain != null && !continueChain) break;
-        }
-    }
diff --git a/public/lib/OpenLayers/Feature.js b/public/lib/OpenLayers/Feature.js
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index a153180..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright (c) 2006 MetaCarta, Inc., published under the BSD license.
- * See http://svn.openlayers.org/trunk/openlayers/license.txt for the full
- * text of the license. */
- * @class
- */
-OpenLayers.Feature = Class.create();
-OpenLayers.Feature.prototype= {
-    /** @type OpenLayers.Events */
-    events:null,
-    /** @type OpenLayers.Layer */
-    layer: null,
-    /** @type String */
-    id: null,
-    /** @type OpenLayers.LonLat */
-    lonlat:null,
-    /** @type Object */
-    data:null,
-    /** @type OpenLayers.Marker */
-    marker: null,
-    /** @type OpenLayers.Popup */
-    popup: null,
-    /** 
-     * @constructor
-     * 
-     * @param {OpenLayers.Layer} layer
-     * @param {String} id
-     * @param {OpenLayers.LonLat} lonlat
-     * @param {Object} data
-     */
-    initialize: function(layer, lonlat, data, id) {
-        this.layer = layer;
-        this.lonlat = lonlat;
-        this.data = (data != null) ? data : new Object();
-        this.id = (id ? id : 'f' + Math.random());
-    },
-    /**
-     * 
-     */
-    destroy: function() {
-        //remove the popup from the map
-        if ((this.layer != null) && (this.layer.map != null)) {
-            if (this.popup != null) {
-                this.layer.map.removePopup(this.popup);
-            }
-        }
-        this.events = null;
-        this.layer = null;
-        this.id = null;
-        this.lonlat = null;
-        this.data = null;
-        if (this.marker != null) {
-            this.marker.destroy();
-            this.marker = null;
-        }
-        if (this.popup != null) {
-            this.popup.destroy();
-            this.popup = null;
-        }
-    },
-    /**
-     * @returns A Marker Object created from the 'lonlat' and 'icon' properties
-     *          set in this.data. If no 'lonlat' is set, returns null. If no
-     *          'icon' is set, OpenLayers.Marker() will load the default image
-     * @type OpenLayers.Marker
-     */
-    createMarker: function() {
-        var marker = null;
-        if (this.lonlat != null) {
-            this.marker = new OpenLayers.Marker(this.lonlat, this.data.icon);
-        }
-        return this.marker;
-    },
-    /**
-     * 
-     */
-    createPopup: function() {
-        if (this.lonlat != null) {
-            var id = this.id + "_popup";
-            var anchor = (this.marker) ? this.marker.icon : null;
-            this.popup = new OpenLayers.Popup.AnchoredBubble(id, 
-                                                    this.lonlat,
-                                                    this.data.popupSize,
-                                                    this.data.popupContentHTML,
-                                                    anchor); 
-        }        
-        return this.popup;
-    },
-    CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Feature"
diff --git a/public/lib/OpenLayers/Feature/WFS.js b/public/lib/OpenLayers/Feature/WFS.js
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index b2eb0f5..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright (c) 2006 MetaCarta, Inc., published under the BSD license.
- * See http://svn.openlayers.org/trunk/openlayers/license.txt for the full
- * text of the license. */
- * @class\r
- */\r
-OpenLayers.Feature.WFS = Class.create();\r
-OpenLayers.Feature.WFS.prototype = \r
-  Object.extend( new OpenLayers.Feature(), {\r
-      \r
-    /** \r
-     * @constructor\r
-     * \r
-     * @param {OpenLayers.Layer} layer\r
-     * @param {XMLNode} xmlNode\r
-     */\r
-    initialize: function(layer, xmlNode) {\r
-        var newArguments = arguments;\r
-        if (arguments.length > 0) {\r
-            var data = this.processXMLNode(xmlNode);\r
-            newArguments = new Array(layer, data.lonlat, data, data.id)\r
-        }\r
-        OpenLayers.Feature.prototype.initialize.apply(this, newArguments);\r
-        \r
-        if (arguments.length > 0) {\r
-            this.createMarker();\r
-            this.layer.addMarker(this.marker);\r
-        }\r
-    },\r
-    \r
-    destroy: function() {\r
-        if (this.marker != null) {\r
-            this.layer.removeMarker(this.marker);  \r
-        }\r
-        OpenLayers.Feature.prototype.destroy.apply(this, arguments);\r
-    },\r
-    /**\r
-     * @param {XMLNode} xmlNode\r
-     * \r
-     * @returns Data Object with 'id', 'lonlat', and private properties set\r
-     * @type Object\r
-     */\r
-    processXMLNode: function(xmlNode) {\r
-        //this should be overridden by subclasses\r
-        // must return an Object with 'id' and 'lonlat' values set\r
-        var point = xmlNode.getElementsByTagName("Point");
-        var text  = point[0].textContent;
-        var floats = text.split(",");
-        return {lonlat: new OpenLayers.LonLat(parseFloat(floats[0]),
-                                              parseFloat(floats[1])),
-                id: null};
-    },\r
-    \r
-    /** @final @type String */\r
-    CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Feature.WFS"\r
-  \r
-  \r
-  \r
-  \r
diff --git a/public/lib/OpenLayers/Icon.js b/public/lib/OpenLayers/Icon.js
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 76a2338..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright (c) 2006 MetaCarta, Inc., published under the BSD license.
- * See http://svn.openlayers.org/trunk/openlayers/license.txt for the full
- * text of the license. */
-* @class
-OpenLayers.Icon = Class.create();
-OpenLayers.Icon.prototype = {
-    /** image url
-    * @type String */
-    url: null,
-    /** @type OpenLayers.Size */
-    size:null,
-    /** distance in pixels to offset the image when being rendered
-    * @type OpenLayers.Pixel */
-    offset: null,    
-    /** Function to calculate the offset (based on the size) 
-     * @type OpenLayers.Pixel */
-    calculateOffset: null,    
-    /** @type DOMElement */
-    imageDiv: null,
-    /** @type OpenLayers.Pixel */
-    px: null,
-    /** 
-    * @constructor
-    *
-    * @param {String} url
-    * @param {OpenLayers.Size} size
-    * @param {Function} calculateOffset
-    */
-    initialize: function(url, size, offset, calculateOffset) {
-        this.url = url;
-        this.size = (size) ? size : new OpenLayers.Size(20,20);
-        this.offset = (offset) ? offset : new OpenLayers.Pixel(0,0);
-        this.calculateOffset = calculateOffset;
-        this.imageDiv = OpenLayers.Util.createAlphaImageDiv();
-    },
-    destroy: function() {
-        this.imageDiv = null;
-    },
-    /** 
-    * @returns A fresh copy of the icon.
-    * @type OpenLayers.Icon
-    */
-    clone: function() {
-        return new OpenLayers.Icon(this.size, this.url, this.offset);
-    },
-    /**
-     * @param {OpenLayers.Size} size
-     */
-    setSize: function(size) {
-        if (size != null) {
-            this.size = size;
-        }
-        this.draw();
-    },
-    /** 
-    * @param {OpenLayers.Pixel} px
-    * 
-    * @return A new DOM Image of this icon set at the location passed-in
-    * @type DOMElement
-    */
-    draw: function(px) {
-        OpenLayers.Util.modifyAlphaImageDiv(this.imageDiv, 
-                                            null, 
-                                            null, 
-                                            this.size, 
-                                            this.url, 
-                                            "absolute");
-        this.moveTo(px);
-        return this.imageDiv;
-    }, 
-    /**
-    * @param {OpenLayers.Pixel} px
-    */
-    moveTo: function (px) {
-        //if no px passed in, use stored location
-        if (px != null) {
-            this.px = px;
-        }
-        if ((this.px != null) && (this.imageDiv != null)) {
-            if (this.calculateOffset) {
-                this.offset = this.calculateOffset(this.size);  
-            }
-            var offsetPx = this.px.offset(this.offset);
-            OpenLayers.Util.modifyAlphaImageDiv(this.imageDiv, null, offsetPx);
-        }
-    },
-    /** @final @type String */
-    CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Icon"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/lib/OpenLayers/Layer.js b/public/lib/OpenLayers/Layer.js
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 23da82e..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright (c) 2006 MetaCarta, Inc., published under the BSD license.
- * See http://svn.openlayers.org/trunk/openlayers/license.txt for the full
- * text of the license. */
- * @class
- */
-OpenLayers.Layer = Class.create();
-OpenLayers.Layer.prototype = {
-    /** @type String */
-    name: null,
-    /** @type DOMElement */
-    div: null,
-    /** This variable is set in map.addLayer, not within the layer itself
-    * @type OpenLayers.Map */
-    map: null,
-    /**
-     * @constructor
-     * 
-     * @param {String} name
-     */
-    initialize: function(name) {
-        if (arguments.length > 0) {
-            this.name = name;
-            if (this.div == null) {
-                this.div = OpenLayers.Util.createDiv();
-                this.div.style.width = "100%";
-                this.div.style.height = "100%";
-            }
-        }
-    },
-    /**
-     * Destroy is a destructor: this is to alleviate cyclic references which
-     * the Javascript garbage cleaner can not take care of on its own.
-     */
-    destroy: function() {
-        if (this.map != null) {
-            this.map.removeLayer(this);
-        }
-        this.map = null;
-    },
-    /**
-    * @params {OpenLayers.Bounds} bound
-    * @params {Boolean} zoomChanged tells when zoom has changed, as layers have to do some init work in that case.
-    */
-    moveTo: function (bound, zoomChanged) {
-        // not implemented here
-        return;
-    },
-    /**
-     * @param {OpenLayers.Map} map
-     */
-    setMap: function(map) {
-        this.map = map;
-    },
-    /**
-     * @returns Whether or not the layer is a base layer. This should be 
-     *          determined individually by all subclasses. 
-     * @type Boolean
-     */
-    isBaseLayer: function() {
-       //this function should be implemented by all subclasses.
-    },
-    /**
-    * @returns Whether or not the layer is visible
-    * @type Boolean
-    */
-    getVisibility: function() {
-        return (this.div.style.display != "none");
-    },
-    /** 
-    * @param {bool} visible
-    */
-    setVisibility: function(visible) {
-        this.div.style.display = (visible) ? "block" : "none";
-        if ((visible) && (this.map != null)) {
-            this.moveTo(this.map.getExtent());
-        }
-    },
-    /** @final @type String */
-    CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Layer"
diff --git a/public/lib/OpenLayers/Layer/Google.js b/public/lib/OpenLayers/Layer/Google.js
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 6d9b9b6..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,152 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright (c) 2006 MetaCarta, Inc., published under the BSD license.
- * See http://svn.openlayers.org/trunk/openlayers/license.txt for the full
- * text of the license. */
-// @require: OpenLayers/Layer.js
-// load Google map control script
-// this key was generated for: http://openlayers.python-hosting.com/testing/euzuro/
-document.write("<script src='http://maps.google.com/maps?file=api&amp;v=2&amp;key=ABQIAAAAmQ3udCHPQVB_9T_edFZ7YRRRlP-tOiFgaSzksg_0w1dphL9c5BTfdJMKT91b0UJGibNcWEM0Q5-O1w'></script>");
- * @class
- */
-OpenLayers.Layer.Google = Class.create();
-OpenLayers.Layer.Google.prototype = Object.extend( new OpenLayers.Layer(), {
-    /** @type Boolean */
-    viewPortLayer: true,
-    /** @type GMap2 gmap stores the Google Map element */
-    gmap:null,
-    /** @type Boolean */
-    dragging:false,
-    /** 
-     * @constructor
-     * 
-     * @param {String} name
-     */
-    initialize: function(name) {
-        OpenLayers.Layer.prototype.initialize.apply(this, [name]);
-    },
-     /** 
-     * @param {OpenLayers.Map} map
-     */
-    setMap:function(map) {
-        OpenLayers.Layer.prototype.setMap.apply(this, arguments);
-        // once our layer has been added to the map, we can create the vemap
-        this.map.events.register("addlayer", this, this.loadGMap);
-    },
-    /** Google layer is always a base class.
-     * @type Boolean
-     */
-    isBaseLayer: function() {
-        return true;
-    },
-    /** 
-     * @param {OpenLayers.Bounds} bounds
-     * @param {int} zoomChanged
-     */
-    moveTo:function(bounds,zoomChanged) {
-        if ((this.gmap != null) && (!this.dragging)) {
-            var olCenter = this.map.getCenter();
-            var gCenter = this.getGMapCenter();
-            var olZoom = this.map.getZoom();
-            var gZoom = this.gmap.getZoom();
-            if ((!olCenter.equals(gCenter)) || ((olZoom +1) != gZoom)) {
-                this.gmap.setCenter(new GLatLng(olCenter.lat, olCenter.lon), 
-                                    olZoom + 1);
-            }
-        }
-    },
-    /**
-     * 
-     */
-    loadGMap:function() {
-        // create div and set to same size as map
-        var gDiv = OpenLayers.Util.createDiv(this.name);
-        var sz = this.map.getSize();
-        gDiv.style.width = sz.w;
-        gDiv.style.height = sz.h;
-        this.div.appendChild(gDiv);
-        // create GMap, hide nav controls
-        this.gmap = new GMap2(this.div);
-        this.moveTo();
-        // catch pans and zooms from GMap
-        GEvent.addListener(this.gmap, 
-                           "moveend", 
-                           this.catchPanZoom.bindAsEventListener(this)); 
-        // attach to the drag start and end and we´ll set a flag so that
-        //  we dont get recursivity. this is because the events fall through
-        //  the gmaps div and into the main layer div
-        GEvent.addListener(this.gmap, 
-                           "dragstart", 
-                           this.dragStart.bindAsEventListener(this)); 
-        GEvent.addListener(this.gmap, 
-                           "dragend", 
-                           this.dragEnd.bindAsEventListener(this)); 
-    },
-    /** 
-     * @private
-     */
-    dragStart: function() {
-        this.dragging = true;
-    },
-    /** 
-     * @private
-     */
-    dragEnd: function() {
-        this.dragging = false;
-    },
-    /**
-     * @private 
-     * 
-     * @param {event} e
-     */
-    catchPanZoom: function(e) { 
-        var olCenter = this.getGMapCenter();
-        var gZoom = this.gmap.getZoom();
-        this.map.setCenter(olCenter, gZoom - 1);
-    },
-    /**
-     * @private
-     * 
-     * @returns An OpenLayers.LonLat with the center of the gmap, or null if 
-     *           the GMap has not been centered yet
-     * @type OpenLayers.LonLat
-     */
-    getGMapCenter:function() {
-        var olCenter = null;
-        var gCenter = this.gmap.getCenter();
-        if (gCenter != null) {
-            olCenter = new OpenLayers.LonLat(gCenter.lng(), gCenter.lat());
-        }
-        return olCenter;
-    },
-    /** @final @type String */
-    CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Layer.Google"
diff --git a/public/lib/OpenLayers/Layer/Grid.js b/public/lib/OpenLayers/Layer/Grid.js
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 736972b..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,296 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright (c) 2006 MetaCarta, Inc., published under the BSD license.
- * See http://svn.openlayers.org/trunk/openlayers/license.txt for the full
- * text of the license. */
-// @require: OpenLayers/Layer.js
-// @require: OpenLayers/Util.js
-OpenLayers.Layer.Grid = Class.create();
-OpenLayers.Layer.Grid.TILE_WIDTH = 256;
-OpenLayers.Layer.Grid.TILE_HEIGHT = 256;
-OpenLayers.Layer.Grid.prototype = Object.extend( new OpenLayers.Layer(), {
-    // str: url
-    url: null,
-    // hash: params
-    params: null,
-    // tileSize: OpenLayers.Size
-    tileSize: null,
-    // grid: Array(Array())
-    // this is an array of rows, each row is an array of tiles
-    grid: null,
-    /**
-    * @param {str} name
-    * @param {str} url
-    * @param {hash} params
-    */
-    initialize: function(name, url, params) {
-        var newArguments = arguments;
-        if (arguments.length > 0) {
-            newArguments = [name];
-        }          
-        OpenLayers.Layer.prototype.initialize.apply(this, newArguments);
-        this.url = url;
-        this.params = params;
-        this.tileSize = new OpenLayers.Size(OpenLayers.Layer.Grid.TILE_WIDTH,
-                                            OpenLayers.Layer.Grid.TILE_HEIGHT);
-    },
-    /**
-     * 
-     */
-    destroy: function() {
-        this.params = null;
-        this.clearGrid();
-        this.grid = null;
-        OpenLayers.Layer.prototype.destroy.apply(this, arguments); 
-    },
-    setTileSize: function (size) {
-        this.tileSize = size.copyOf();
-    },
-    /** 
-     * moveTo
-     * moveTo is a function called whenever the map is moved. All the moving
-     * of actual 'tiles' is done by the map, but moveTo's role is to accept
-     * a bounds and make sure the data that that bounds requires is pre-loaded.
-     * @param {OpenLayers.Bounds}
-     */
-    moveTo:function(bounds,zoomChanged) {
-        if (!this.getVisibility()) {
-            if (zoomChanged) {
-                this.grid = null;
-            }
-            return;
-        }
-        if (!this.grid || zoomChanged) {
-            this._initTiles();
-        } else { 
-            var i = 0;
-            while (this.getGridBounds().bottom > bounds.bottom) {
-               this.insertRow(false); 
-            }
-            while (this.getGridBounds().left > bounds.left) {
-               this.insertColumn(true); 
-            }
-            while (this.getGridBounds().top < bounds.top) {
-               this.insertRow(true); 
-            }
-            while (this.getGridBounds().right < bounds.right) {
-               this.insertColumn(false); 
-            }
-        }
-    },
-    getGridBounds:function() {
-        var topLeftTile = this.grid[0][0];
-        var bottomRightTile = this.grid[this.grid.length-1][this.grid[0].length-1];
-        return new OpenLayers.Bounds(topLeftTile.bounds.left, 
-                                     bottomRightTile.bounds.bottom,
-                                     bottomRightTile.bounds.right, 
-                                     topLeftTile.bounds.top);
-    },
-    /**
-    */
-    _initTiles:function() {
-        //first of all, clear out the main div
-        this.div.innerHTML = "";
-        //now clear out the old grid and start a new one
-        this.clearGrid();
-        this.grid = new Array();
-        var viewSize = this.map.getSize();
-        var bounds = this.map.getExtent();
-        var extent = this.map.getFullExtent();
-        var resolution = this.map.getResolution();
-        var tilelon = resolution*this.tileSize.w;
-        var tilelat = resolution*this.tileSize.h;
-        var offsetlon = bounds.left - extent.left;
-        var tilecol = Math.floor(offsetlon/tilelon);
-        var tilecolremain = offsetlon/tilelon - tilecol;
-        var tileoffsetx = -tilecolremain * this.tileSize.w;
-        var tileoffsetlon = extent.left + tilecol * tilelon;
-        var offsetlat = bounds.top - (extent.bottom + tilelat);  
-        var tilerow = Math.ceil(offsetlat/tilelat);
-        var tilerowremain = tilerow - offsetlat/tilelat;
-        var tileoffsety = -tilerowremain * this.tileSize.h;
-        var tileoffsetlat = extent.bottom + tilerow * tilelat;
-        tileoffsetx = Math.round(tileoffsetx); // heaven help us
-        tileoffsety = Math.round(tileoffsety);
-        this.origin = new OpenLayers.Pixel(tileoffsetx,tileoffsety);
-        var startX = tileoffsetx; 
-        var startLon = tileoffsetlon;
-        do {
-            var row = new Array();
-            this.grid.append(row);
-            tileoffsetlon = startLon;
-            tileoffsetx = startX;
-            do {
-                var tileBounds = new OpenLayers.Bounds(tileoffsetlon, 
-                                                       tileoffsetlat, 
-                                                       tileoffsetlon+tilelon,
-                                                       tileoffsetlat+tilelat);
-                var tile = this.addTile(tileBounds, 
-                                        new OpenLayers.Pixel(tileoffsetx - parseInt(this.map.layerContainerDiv.style.left),
-                                                             tileoffsety - parseInt(this.map.layerContainerDiv.style.top))
-                                                            );
-                tile.draw((this.params.TRANSPARENT == 'true'));
-                row.append(tile);
-                tileoffsetlon += tilelon;       
-                tileoffsetx += this.tileSize.w;
-            } while (tileoffsetlon < bounds.right)  
-            tileoffsetlat -= tilelat;
-            tileoffsety += this.tileSize.h;
-        } while(tileoffsetlat > bounds.bottom - tilelat)
-    },
-    /**
-    * @param {bool} prepend - if true, prepend to beginning.
-    *                         if false, then append to end
-    */
-    insertRow:function(prepend) {
-        var modelRowIndex = (prepend) ? 0 : (this.grid.length - 1);
-        var modelRow = this.grid[modelRowIndex];
-        var newRow = new Array();
-        var resolution = this.map.getResolution();
-        var deltaY = (prepend) ? -this.tileSize.h : this.tileSize.h;
-        var deltaLat = resolution * -deltaY;
-        for (var i=0; i < modelRow.length; i++) {
-            var modelTile = modelRow[i];
-            var bounds = modelTile.bounds.copyOf();
-            var position = modelTile.position.copyOf();
-            bounds.bottom = bounds.bottom + deltaLat;
-            bounds.top = bounds.top + deltaLat;
-            position.y = position.y + deltaY;
-            var newTile = this.addTile(bounds, position);
-            newTile.draw((this.params.TRANSPARENT == 'true'));
-            newRow.append(newTile);
-        }
-        if (newRow.length>0){
-            if (prepend) {
-                this.grid.prepend(newRow);
-            } else {
-                this.grid.append(newRow);
-            }
-        }       
-    },
-    /**
-    * @param {bool} prepend - if true, prepend to beginning.
-    *                         if false, then append to end
-    */
-    insertColumn:function(prepend) {
-        var modelCellIndex;
-        var deltaX = (prepend) ? -this.tileSize.w : this.tileSize.w;
-        var resolution = this.map.getResolution();
-        var deltaLon = resolution * deltaX;
-        for (var i=0; i<this.grid.length; i++) {
-            var row = this.grid[i];
-            modelTileIndex = (prepend) ? 0 : (row.length - 1);
-            var modelTile = row[modelTileIndex];
-            var bounds = modelTile.bounds.copyOf();
-            var position = modelTile.position.copyOf();
-            bounds.left = bounds.left + deltaLon;
-            bounds.right = bounds.right + deltaLon;
-            position.x = position.x + deltaX;
-            var newTile = this.addTile(bounds, position);
-            newTile.draw((this.params.TRANSPARENT == 'true'));
-            if (prepend) {
-                row = row.prepend(newTile);
-            } else {
-                row = row.append(newTile);
-            }
-        }
-    },
-    /** combine the ds's serverPath with its params and the tile's params. 
-    *   
-    *    does checking on the serverPath variable, allowing for cases when it 
-    *     is supplied with trailing ? or &, as well as cases where not. 
-    *
-    *    return in formatted string like this:
-    *        "server?key1=value1&key2=value2&key3=value3"
-    *
-    * @return {str}
-    */
-    getFullRequestString:function(params) {
-        var requestString = "";        
-        this.params.SRS = this.map.projection;
-        // concat tile params with layer params and convert to string
-        var allParams = Object.extend(this.params, params);
-        var paramsString = OpenLayers.Util.getParameterString(allParams);
-        var server = this.url;
-        var lastServerChar = server.charAt(server.length - 1);
-        if ((lastServerChar == "&") || (lastServerChar == "?")) {
-            requestString = server + paramsString;
-        } else {
-            if (server.indexOf('?') == -1) {
-                //serverPath has no ? -- add one
-                requestString = server + '?' + paramsString;
-            } else {
-                //serverPath contains ?, so must already have paramsString at the end
-                requestString = server + '&' + paramsString;
-            }
-        }
-        return requestString;
-    },
-    /** go through and remove all tiles from the grid, calling
-    *    destroy() on each of them to kill circular references
-    * 
-    * @private
-    */
-    clearGrid:function() {
-        if (this.grid) {
-            while(this.grid.length > 0) {
-                var row = this.grid[0];
-                while(row.length > 0) {
-                    var tile = row[0];
-                    tile.destroy();
-                    row.remove(tile);
-                }
-                this.grid.remove(row);                   
-            }
-        }
-    },
-    /**
-    * addTile gives subclasses of Grid the opportunity to create an 
-    * OpenLayer.Tile of their choosing. The implementer should initialize 
-    * the new tile and take whatever steps necessary to display it.
-    *
-    * @param {OpenLayers.Bounds} bounds
-    *
-    * @returns The added OpenLayers.Tile
-    * @type OpenLayers.Tile
-    */
-    addTile:function(bounds,position) {
-        // Should be implemented by subclasses
-    },
-    /** @final @type String */
-    CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Grid"
diff --git a/public/lib/OpenLayers/Layer/KaMap.js b/public/lib/OpenLayers/Layer/KaMap.js
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index e4f4145..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright (c) 2006 MetaCarta, Inc., published under the BSD license.
- * See http://svn.openlayers.org/trunk/openlayers/license.txt for the full
- * text of the license. */
-// @require: OpenLayers/Layer/Grid.js
-* @class
-OpenLayers.Layer.KaMap = Class.create();
-OpenLayers.Layer.KaMap.prototype = 
-  Object.extend( new OpenLayers.Layer.Grid(), {
-    metaTileHeight: 6,
-    metaTileWidth: 6,
-        i: 'jpeg',
-        map: ''
-    },
-    // this.cellSize = newScale/(oMap.resolution * inchesPerUnit[oMap.units]);
-    // kaMap.prototype.geoToPix = function( gX, gY ) { var pX = gX / this.cellSize; var pY = -1 * gY / this.cellSize; }
-    initialize: function(name, url, params, origin) {
-        this.kaOrigin = origin;
-        var newArguments = new Array();
-        newArguments.push(name, url, params);
-        OpenLayers.Layer.Grid.prototype.initialize.apply(this, newArguments);
-        this.params = (params ? params : {});
-        if (arguments.length > 0 && params) {
-            OpenLayers.Util.applyDefaults(
-                           this.params, 
-                           this.DEFAULT_PARAMS
-                           );
-        }
-    },
-    addTile:function(bounds,position) {
-        var zoom = this.map.getZoom();
-        var resolution = this.map.getResolution();
-        var scale = 128000000 / Math.pow(2, zoom);
-        // 1280000 is an empirical value for a specific tile server, not yet figured out the right way to do this in general.
-        // This will probably be based on map.maxResolution.
-        var cellSize = new OpenLayers.Size(resolution*this.tileSize.w, resolution*this.tileSize.h);
-        var pX = Math.floor(((bounds.left + this.kaOrigin.lon) / cellSize.w) * this.tileSize.w);
-        var pY = -Math.floor(((bounds.top+this.kaOrigin.lat) / cellSize.h) * this.tileSize.h);
-        var url = this.getFullRequestString(
-                      { t: pY, 
-                        l: pX,
-                        s: scale
-                      });
-        return new OpenLayers.Tile.Image(this, position, bounds, 
-                                             url, this.tileSize);
-    },
-    /** @final @type String */
-    CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Layer.KaMap"
diff --git a/public/lib/OpenLayers/Layer/Markers.js b/public/lib/OpenLayers/Layer/Markers.js
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 173b64d..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright (c) 2006 MetaCarta, Inc., published under the BSD license.
- * See http://svn.openlayers.org/trunk/openlayers/license.txt for the full
- * text of the license. */
-// @require: OpenLayers/Layer.js
-* @class
-OpenLayers.Layer.Markers = Class.create();
-OpenLayers.Layer.Markers.prototype = 
-  Object.extend( new OpenLayers.Layer(), {
-    /** internal marker list
-    * @type Array(OpenLayers.Marker) */
-    markers: null,
-    /**
-    * @constructor
-    *
-    * @param {String} name
-    */
-    initialize: function(name) {
-        OpenLayers.Layer.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
-        this.markers = new Array();
-    },
-    /**
-     * 
-     */
-    destroy: function() {
-        this.clearMarkers();
-        markers = null;
-        OpenLayers.Layer.prototype.destroy.apply(this, arguments);
-    },
-    /** 
-    * @param {OpenLayers.Bounds} bounds
-    * @param {Boolean} zoomChanged
-    */
-    moveTo: function(bounds, zoomChanged) {
-        if (zoomChanged) {
-            this.redraw();
-        }
-    },
-    /** WFS layer is never a base class. 
-     * @type Boolean
-     */
-    isBaseLayer: function() {
-        return false;
-    },
-    /**
-    * @param {OpenLayers.Marker} marker
-    */
-    addMarker: function(marker) {
-        this.markers.append(marker);
-        if (this.map && this.map.getExtent()) {
-            marker.map = this.map;
-            this.drawMarker(marker);
-        }
-    },
-    /**
-     * @param {OpenLayers.Marker} marker
-     */
-    removeMarker: function(marker) {
-        this.markers.remove(marker);
-        if ((marker.icon != null) && (marker.icon.imageDiv != null) &&
-            (marker.icon.imageDiv.parentNode == this.div) ) {
-            this.div.removeChild(marker.icon.imageDiv);    
-        }
-    },
-    /**
-     * 
-     */
-    clearMarkers: function() {
-        if (this.markers != null) {
-            while(this.markers.length > 0) {
-                this.removeMarker(this.markers[0]);
-            }
-        }
-    },
-    /** clear all the marker div's from the layer and then redraw all of them.
-    *    Use the map to recalculate new placement of markers.
-    */
-    redraw: function() {
-        for(i=0; i < this.markers.length; i++) {
-            this.drawMarker(this.markers[i]);
-        }
-    },
-    /** Calculate the pixel location for the marker, create it, and 
-    *    add it to the layer's div
-    * 
-    * @private 
-    * 
-    * @param {OpenLayers.Marker} marker
-    */
-    drawMarker: function(marker) {
-        var px = this.map.getLayerPxFromLonLat(marker.lonlat);
-        var markerImg = marker.draw(px);
-        if (!marker.drawn) {
-            this.div.appendChild(markerImg);
-            marker.drawn = true;
-        }
-    },
-    /** @final @type String */
-    CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Layer.Markers"
diff --git a/public/lib/OpenLayers/Layer/Text.js b/public/lib/OpenLayers/Layer/Text.js
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 4c5df83..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,172 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright (c) 2006 MetaCarta, Inc., published under the BSD license.
- * See http://svn.openlayers.org/trunk/openlayers/license.txt for the full
- * text of the license. */
-// @require: OpenLayers/Layer/Markers.js
-* @class
-OpenLayers.Layer.Text = Class.create();
-OpenLayers.Layer.Text.prototype = 
-  Object.extend( new OpenLayers.Layer.Markers(), {
-    /** store url of text file
-    * @type str */
-    location:null,
-    /** @type Array(OpenLayers.Feature) */
-    features: null,
-    /** @type OpenLayers.Feature */
-    selectedFeature: null,
-    /**
-    * @constructor
-    *
-    * @param {String} name
-    * @param {String} location
-    */
-    initialize: function(name, location) {
-        OpenLayers.Layer.Markers.prototype.initialize.apply(this, [name]);
-        this.location = location;
-        this.features = new Array();
-        new Ajax.Request(location, 
-          { method: 'get', onComplete:this.parseData.bind(this) } );
-    },
-    /**
-     * 
-     */
-    destroy: function() {
-        this.clearFeatures();
-        this.features = null;
-        OpenLayers.Layer.Markers.prototype.destroy.apply(this, arguments);
-    },
-    /** WFS layer is never a base class. 
-     * @type Boolean
-     */
-    isBaseLayer: function() {
-        return false;
-    },
-    /**
-     * @param {?} ajaxRequest
-     */
-    parseData: function(ajaxRequest) {
-        var text = ajaxRequest.responseText;
-        var lines = text.split('\n');
-        var columns;
-        // length - 1 to allow for trailing new line
-        for (var lcv = 0; lcv < (lines.length - 1); lcv++) {
-            var currLine = lines[lcv].replace(/^\s*/,'').replace(/\s*$/,'');
-            if (currLine.charAt(0) != '#') { /* not a comment */
-                if (!columns) {
-                    //First line is columns
-                    columns = currLine.split('\t');
-                } else {
-                    var vals = currLine.split('\t');
-                    var location = new OpenLayers.LonLat(0,0);
-                    var title; var url;
-                    var icon, iconSize, iconOffset;
-                    var set = false;
-                    for (var valIndex = 0; valIndex < vals.length; valIndex++) {
-                        if (vals[valIndex]) {
-                            if (columns[valIndex] == 'point') {
-                                var coords = vals[valIndex].split(',');
-                                location.lat = parseFloat(coords[0]);
-                                location.lon = parseFloat(coords[1]);
-                                set = true;
-                            } else if (columns[valIndex] == 'lat') {
-                                location.lat = parseFloat(vals[valIndex]);
-                                set = true;
-                            } else if (columns[valIndex] == 'lon') {
-                                location.lon = parseFloat(vals[valIndex]);
-                                set = true;
-                            } else if (columns[valIndex] == 'title')
-                                title = vals[valIndex];
-                            else if (columns[valIndex] == 'image' ||
-                                     columns[valIndex] == 'icon')
-                                url = vals[valIndex];
-                            else if (columns[valIndex] == 'iconSize') {
-                                var size = vals[valIndex].split(',');
-                                iconSize = new OpenLayers.Size(parseFloat(size[0]),
-                                                           parseFloat(size[1]));
-                            } else if (columns[valIndex] == 'iconOffset') {
-                                var offset = vals[valIndex].split(',');
-                                iconOffset = new OpenLayers.Pixel(parseFloat(offset[0]),
-                                                           parseFloat(offset[1]));
-                            } else if (columns[valIndex] == 'title') {
-                                title = vals[valIndex];
-                            } else if (columns[valIndex] == 'description') {
-                                description = vals[valIndex];
-                            }
-                        }
-                    }
-                    if (set) {
-                      var data = new Object();
-                      if (url != null) {
-                          data.icon = new OpenLayers.Icon(url, 
-                                                          iconSize, 
-                                                          iconOffset);
-                      } else {
-                          data.icon = OpenLayers.Marker.defaultIcon();
-                          //allows for the case where the image url is not 
-                          // specified but the size is. use a default icon
-                          // but change the size
-                          if (iconSize != null) {
-                              data.icon.setSize(iconSize);
-                          }
-                      }
-                      if ((title != null) && (description != null)) {
-                          data['popupContentHTML'] = '<h2>'+title+'</h2><p>'+description+'</p>';
-                      }
-                      var feature = new OpenLayers.Feature(this, location, data);
-                      this.features.append(feature);
-                      var marker = feature.createMarker();
-                      marker.events.register('click', feature, this.markerClick);
-                      this.addMarker(marker);
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    },
-    /**
-     * @param {Event} evt
-     */
-    markerClick: function(evt) {
-        sameMarkerClicked = (this == this.layer.selectedFeature);
-        this.layer.selectedFeature = (!sameMarkerClicked) ? this : null;
-        for(var i=0; i < this.layer.map.popups.length; i++) {
-            this.layer.map.removePopup(this.layer.map.popups[i]);
-        }
-        if (!sameMarkerClicked) {
-            this.layer.map.addPopup(this.createPopup()); 
-        }
-        Event.stop(evt);
-    },
-    /**
-     * 
-     */
-    clearFeatures: function() {
-        if (this.features != null) {
-            while(this.features.length > 0) {
-                var feature = this.features[0];
-                this.features.remove(feature);
-                feature.destroy();
-            }
-        }        
-    },
-    /** @final @type String */
-    CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Text"
diff --git a/public/lib/OpenLayers/Layer/VirtualEarth.js b/public/lib/OpenLayers/Layer/VirtualEarth.js
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 19db248..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright (c) 2006 MetaCarta, Inc., published under the BSD license.
- * See http://svn.openlayers.org/trunk/openlayers/license.txt for the full
- * text of the license. */
-// @require: OpenLayers/Layer.js\r
-// load VE map control script\r
-document.write("<script src='http://dev.virtualearth.net/mapcontrol/v3/mapcontrol.js'></script>");\r
- * @class \r
- */\r
-OpenLayers.Layer.VirtualEarth = Class.create();\r
-OpenLayers.Layer.VirtualEarth.prototype = \r
-  Object.extend( new OpenLayers.Layer(), {\r
-    /** @type Boolean */\r
-    viewPortLayer: true,\r
-    /** @type VEMap */\r
-    vemap: null,\r
-    \r
-    /**\r
-     * @constructor\r
-     * \r
-     * @param {str} name\r
-     */\r
-    initialize:function(name) {\r
-        OpenLayers.Layer.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments);\r
-    },\r
-    /** \r
-     * @param {OpenLayers.Map} map\r
-     */\r
-    setMap:function(map) {\r
-        OpenLayers.Layer.prototype.setMap.apply(this, arguments);\r
-        // once our layer has been added to the map, we can create the vemap\r
-        this.map.events.register("addlayer", this, this.loadVEMap);\r
-    },\r
-    /** Virtual Earth layer is always a base class. \r
-     * @type Boolean\r
-     */\r
-    isBaseLayer: function() {\r
-        return true;\r
-    },\r
-    /** \r
-     * @param {OpenLayers.Bounds} bounds\r
-     * @param {int} zoomChanged\r
-     */\r
-    moveTo:function(bounds,zoomChanged) {\r
-        if (this.vemap != null) {\r
-            var olCenter = this.map.getCenter();\r
-            var olZoom = this.map.getZoom();\r
-    \r
-            this.vemap.SetCenterAndZoom(new VELatLong(olCenter.lat, olCenter.lon),\r
-                                        olZoom + 1);\r
-        }\r
-    },\r
-    /**\r
-     * \r
-     */\r
-    loadVEMap:function() {\r
-        // create div and set to same size as map\r
-        var veDiv = OpenLayers.Util.createDiv(this.name);\r
-        var sz = this.map.getSize();\r
-        veDiv.style.width = sz.w;\r
-        veDiv.style.height = sz.h;\r
-        this.div.appendChild(veDiv);\r
-        // create VEMap, hide nav controls\r
-        this.vemap = new VEMap(this.name);\r
-        this.vemap.LoadMap();\r
-        this.vemap.HideDashboard();\r
-        // catch pans and zooms from VE Map\r
-        this.vemap.AttachEvent("onendcontinuouspan", \r
-                               this.catchPanZoom.bindAsEventListener(this)); \r
-        this.vemap.AttachEvent("onendzoom", \r
-                               this.catchPanZoom.bindAsEventListener(this)); \r
-        \r
-    },\r
-    /**\r
-     * @param {event} e\r
-     */\r
-    catchPanZoom: function(e) { \r
-        var veCenter = this.vemap.GetCenter();\r
-        var veZoom = this.vemap.GetZoomLevel();\r
-        \r
-        var olCenter = new OpenLayers.LonLat(veCenter.Longitude,\r
-                                             veCenter.Latitude);\r
-                                             \r
-        this.map.setCenter(olCenter, veZoom - 1);\r
-        \r
-    },\r
-    /** @final @type String */\r
-    CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Layer.VirtualEarth"\r
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/lib/OpenLayers/Layer/WFS.js b/public/lib/OpenLayers/Layer/WFS.js
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 6885b30..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,116 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright (c) 2006 MetaCarta, Inc., published under the BSD license.
- * See http://svn.openlayers.org/trunk/openlayers/license.txt for the full
- * text of the license. */
-// @require: OpenLayers/Layer/Grid.js
-// @require: OpenLayers/Layer/Markers.js
-* @class
-OpenLayers.Layer.WFS = Class.create();
-OpenLayers.Layer.WFS.prototype = 
-  Object.extend(new OpenLayers.Layer.Grid(),
-    Object.extend(new OpenLayers.Layer.Markers(), {
-    /** @type Object */
-    featureClass: OpenLayers.Feature.WFS,
-    /** @final @type hash */
-    DEFAULT_PARAMS: { service: "WFS",
-                      version: "1.0.0",
-                      request: "GetFeature",
-                      typename: "docpoint"
-                    },
-    /**
-    * @constructor
-    *
-    * @param {str} name
-    * @param {str} url
-    * @param {hash} params
-    * @param {Object} featureClass
-    */
-    initialize: function(name, url, params, featureClass) {
-        if (featureClass != null) this.featureClass = featureClass;
-        var newArguments = new Array();
-        if (arguments.length > 0) {
-            //uppercase params
-            params = OpenLayers.Util.upperCaseObject(params);
-            newArguments.push(name, url, params);
-        }
-        OpenLayers.Layer.Grid.prototype.initialize.apply(this, newArguments);
-        OpenLayers.Layer.Markers.prototype.initialize.apply(this, newArguments);
-        if (arguments.length > 0) {
-            OpenLayers.Util.applyDefaults(
-                           this.params, 
-                           OpenLayers.Util.upperCaseObject(this.DEFAULT_PARAMS)
-                           );
-        }
-    },    
-    /**
-     * 
-     */
-    destroy: function() {
-        OpenLayers.Layer.Grid.prototype.destroy.apply(this, arguments);
-        OpenLayers.Layer.Markers.prototype.destroy.apply(this, arguments);
-    },
-    /** 
-    * @param {OpenLayers.Bounds} bounds
-    * @param {Boolean} zoomChanged
-    */
-    moveTo: function(bounds, zoomChanged) {
-        OpenLayers.Layer.Grid.prototype.moveTo.apply(this, arguments);
-        OpenLayers.Layer.Markers.prototype.moveTo.apply(this, arguments);
-    },
-    /** WFS layer is never a base class. 
-     * @type Boolean
-     */
-    isBaseLayer: function() {
-        return false;
-    },
-    /**
-    * @param {String} name
-    * @param {hash} params
-    *
-    * @returns A clone of this OpenLayers.Layer.WMS, with the passed-in
-    *          parameters merged in.
-    * @type OpenLayers.Layer.WMS
-    */
-    clone: function (name, params) {
-        var mergedParams = {}
-        Object.extend(mergedParams, this.params);
-        Object.extend(mergedParams, params);
-        var obj = new OpenLayers.Layer.WFS(name, this.url, mergedParams);
-        obj.setTileSize(this.tileSize);
-        return obj;
-    },
-    /**
-    * addTile creates a tile, initializes it (via 'draw' in this case), and 
-    * adds it to the layer div. 
-    *
-    * @param {OpenLayers.Bounds} bounds
-    *
-    * @returns The added OpenLayers.Tile.WFS
-    * @type OpenLayers.Tile.WFS
-    */
-    addTile:function(bounds, position) {
-        url = this.getFullRequestString(
-                     { BBOX:bounds.toBBOX() });
-        return new OpenLayers.Tile.WFS(this, position, bounds, 
-                                           url, this.tileSize);
-    },
-    /** @final @type String */
-    CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Layer.WFS"
diff --git a/public/lib/OpenLayers/Layer/WMS.js b/public/lib/OpenLayers/Layer/WMS.js
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index d0e21f7..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright (c) 2006 MetaCarta, Inc., published under the BSD license.
- * See http://svn.openlayers.org/trunk/openlayers/license.txt for the full
- * text of the license. */
-// @require: OpenLayers/Layer/Grid.js
-* @class
-OpenLayers.Layer.WMS = Class.create();
-OpenLayers.Layer.WMS.prototype = 
-  Object.extend( new OpenLayers.Layer.Grid(), {
-    /** @final @type hash */
-    DEFAULT_PARAMS: { service: "WMS",
-                      version: "1.1.1",
-                      request: "GetMap",
-                      styles: "",
-                      exceptions: "application/vnd.ogc.se_inimage",
-                      format: "image/jpeg"
-                     },
-    /**
-    * @constructor
-    *
-    * @param {str} name
-    * @param {str} url
-    * @param {hash} params
-    */
-    initialize: function(name, url, params) {
-        var newArguments = new Array();
-        if (arguments.length > 0) {
-            //uppercase params
-            params = OpenLayers.Util.upperCaseObject(params);
-            newArguments.push(name, url, params);
-        }
-        OpenLayers.Layer.Grid.prototype.initialize.apply(this, newArguments);
-        if (arguments.length > 0) {
-            OpenLayers.Util.applyDefaults(
-                           this.params, 
-                           OpenLayers.Util.upperCaseObject(this.DEFAULT_PARAMS)
-                           );
-        }
-    },    
-    /** WFS layer is never a base class. 
-     * @type Boolean
-     */
-    isBaseLayer: function() {
-        return (this.params.TRANSPARENT != 'true');
-    },
-    /**
-    * @param {String} name
-    * @param {hash} params
-    *
-    * @returns A clone of this OpenLayers.Layer.WMS, with the passed-in
-    *          parameters merged in.
-    * @type OpenLayers.Layer.WMS
-    */
-    clone: function (name, params) {
-        var mergedParams = {};
-        Object.extend(mergedParams, this.params);
-        Object.extend(mergedParams, params);
-        var obj = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS(name, this.url, mergedParams);
-        obj.setTileSize(this.tileSize);
-        return obj;
-    },
-    /**
-    * addTile creates a tile, initializes it (via 'draw' in this case), and 
-    * adds it to the layer div. 
-    *
-    * @param {OpenLayers.Bounds} bounds
-    *
-    * @returns The added OpenLayers.Tile.Image
-    * @type OpenLayers.Tile.Image
-    */
-    addTile:function(bounds,position) {
-        url = this.getFullRequestString(
-                     {BBOX:bounds.toBBOX(),
-                      WIDTH:this.tileSize.w,
-                      HEIGHT:this.tileSize.h});
-        return new OpenLayers.Tile.Image(this, position, bounds, 
-                                             url, this.tileSize);
-    },
-    /** @final @type String */
-    CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Layer.WMS"
diff --git a/public/lib/OpenLayers/Layer/WMS/Untiled.js b/public/lib/OpenLayers/Layer/WMS/Untiled.js
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 4486c4f..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright (c) 2006 MetaCarta, Inc., published under the BSD license.
- * See http://svn.openlayers.org/trunk/openlayers/license.txt for the full
- * text of the license. */
-// @require: OpenLayers/Layer/Grid.js
-* @class
-OpenLayers.Layer.WMS.Untiled = Class.create();
-OpenLayers.Layer.WMS.Untiled.prototype = 
-  Object.extend( new OpenLayers.Layer.Grid(), {
-    /** @final @type hash */
-    DEFAULT_PARAMS: { service: "WMS",
-                      version: "1.1.1",
-                      request: "GetMap",
-                      styles: "",
-                      exceptions: "application/vnd.ogc.se_inimage",
-                      format: "image/jpeg"
-                     },
-    /**
-    * @constructor
-    *
-    * @param {str} name
-    * @param {str} url
-    * @param {hash} params
-    */
-    initialize: function(name, url, params) {
-        var newArguments = new Array();
-        if (arguments.length > 0) {
-            //uppercase params
-            params = OpenLayers.Util.upperCaseObject(params);
-            newArguments.push(name, url, params);
-        }
-        OpenLayers.Layer.Grid.prototype.initialize.apply(this, newArguments);
-        if (arguments.length > 0) {
-            OpenLayers.Util.applyDefaults(
-                           this.params, 
-                           OpenLayers.Util.upperCaseObject(this.DEFAULT_PARAMS)
-                           );
-        }
-    },    
-    /** WFS layer is never a base class. 
-     * @type Boolean
-     */
-    isBaseLayer: function() {
-        return (this.params.TRANSPARENT != true);
-    },
-    /**
-    * @param {String} name
-    * @param {hash} params
-    *
-    * @returns A clone of this OpenLayers.Layer.WMS, with the passed-in
-    *          parameters merged in.
-    * @type OpenLayers.Layer.WMS
-    */
-    clone: function (name, params) {
-        var mergedParams = {};
-        Object.extend(mergedParams, this.params);
-        Object.extend(mergedParams, params);
-        var obj = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS(name, this.url, mergedParams);
-        obj.setTileSize(this.tileSize);
-        return obj;
-    },
-    /**
-    * addTile creates a tile, initializes it (via 'draw' in this case), and 
-    * adds it to the layer div. 
-    *
-    * @param {OpenLayers.Bounds} bounds
-    *
-    * @returns The added OpenLayers.Tile.Image
-    * @type OpenLayers.Tile.Image
-    */
-    addTile:function(bounds,position) {
-        url = this.getFullRequestString(
-                     {BBOX:bounds.toBBOX(),
-                      WIDTH:this.map.getSize().w,
-                      HEIGHT:this.map.getSize().h});
-        return new OpenLayers.Tile.Image(this, position, bounds, 
-                                             url, this.map.getSize());
-    },
-    moveTo:function(bounds,zoomChanged, minor) {
-        if (!minor) {
-            this.div.innerHTML = "";
-            tile = this.addTile(bounds, new OpenLayers.Pixel(-parseInt(this.map.layerContainerDiv.style.left), -parseInt(this.map.layerContainerDiv.style.top)));
-            tile.draw();
-        }
-    },
-    /** @final @type String */
-    CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Layer.WMS.Untiled"
diff --git a/public/lib/OpenLayers/Layer/Yahoo.js b/public/lib/OpenLayers/Layer/Yahoo.js
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index eb9fab7..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,149 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright (c) 2006 MetaCarta, Inc., published under the BSD license.
- * See http://svn.openlayers.org/trunk/openlayers/license.txt for the full
- * text of the license. */
-// @require: OpenLayers/Layer.js\r
-// load Yahoo map control script\r
-document.write("<script src='http://api.maps.yahoo.com/ajaxymap?v=3.0&appid=euzuro-openlayers'></script>");\r
- * @class\r
- */\r
-OpenLayers.Layer.Yahoo = Class.create();\r
-OpenLayers.Layer.Yahoo.prototype = Object.extend( new OpenLayers.Layer(), {\r
-    /** @type Boolean */\r
-    viewPortLayer: true,\r
-    /** @type GMap2 gmap stores the Google Map element */\r
-    ymap:null,\r
-   \r
-    /** @type Boolean */\r
-    dragging:false,\r
-    \r
-    /** \r
-     * @constructor\r
-     * \r
-     * @param {String} name\r
-     */\r
-    initialize: function(name) {\r
-        OpenLayers.Layer.prototype.initialize.apply(this, [name]);\r
-    },\r
-    \r
-     /** \r
-     * @param {OpenLayers.Map} map\r
-     */\r
-    setMap:function(map) {\r
-        OpenLayers.Layer.prototype.setMap.apply(this, arguments);\r
-        // once our layer has been added to the map, we can create the vemap\r
-        this.map.events.register("addlayer", this, this.loadYMap);\r
-    },\r
-    /** Yahoo layer is always a base class.\r
-     * @type Boolean\r
-     */\r
-    isBaseLayer: function() {\r
-        return true;\r
-    },\r
-    \r
-    /** \r
-     * @param {OpenLayers.Bounds} bounds\r
-     * @param {int} zoomChanged\r
-     */\r
-    moveTo:function(bounds,zoomChanged) {\r
-        if ((this.ymap != null) && (!this.dragging)) {\r
-            var olCenter = this.map.getCenter();\r
-            var yCenter = this.getYMapCenter();\r
-            \r
-            var olZoom = this.map.getZoom();\r
-            var yZoom = this.ymap.getZoomLevel();\r
-            \r
-            if ((!olCenter.equals(yCenter)) || (( 16 - olZoom) != yZoom)) {\r
-                this.ymap.drawZoomAndCenter(new YGeoPoint(olCenter.lat, olCenter.lon), \r
-                                    16 - olZoom);\r
-            }\r
-        }\r
-    },\r
-    /**\r
-     * \r
-     */\r
-    loadYMap:function() {\r
-        // create div and set to same size as map\r
-        var yDiv = OpenLayers.Util.createDiv(this.name);\r
-        var sz = this.map.getSize();\r
-        yDiv.style.width = sz.w;\r
-        yDiv.style.height = sz.h;\r
-        this.div.appendChild(yDiv);\r
-        // create GMap, hide nav controls\r
-        this.ymap = new YMap(this.div);\r
-        // catch pans and zooms from GMap\r
-        YEvent.Capture(this.ymap, \r
-                       EventsList.endPan, \r
-                       this.catchPanZoom, \r
-                       this); \r
-        // catch pans and zooms from GMap\r
-        YEvent.Capture(this.ymap, \r
-                       EventsList.endAutoPan, \r
-                       this.catchPanZoom, \r
-                       this); \r
-        // attach to the drag start and end and we´ll set a flag so that\r
-        //  we dont get recursivity. this is because the events fall through\r
-        //  the gmaps div and into the main layer div\r
-        YEvent.Capture(this.ymap, \r
-                       EventsList.startPan, \r
-                       this.dragStart,\r
-                       this); \r
-    },\r
-    /** \r
-     * @private\r
-     */\r
-    dragStart: function() {\r
-        this.dragging = true;\r
-    },\r
-    \r
-    /**\r
-     * @private \r
-     * \r
-     * @param {event} e\r
-     */\r
-    catchPanZoom: function(e) { \r
-        this.dragging = false;\r
-        var olCenter = this.getYMapCenter();\r
-        var yZoom = this.ymap.getZoomLevel();\r
-        this.map.setCenter(olCenter, 16 - yZoom);\r
-        \r
-    },\r
-    /**\r
-     * @private\r
-     * \r
-     * @returns An OpenLayers.LonLat with the center of the ymap, or null if \r
-     *           the YMap has not been centered yet\r
-     * @type OpenLayers.LonLat\r
-     */\r
-    getYMapCenter:function() {\r
-        var olCenter = null;\r
-        var yCenter = this.ymap.getCenterLatLon();\r
-        if (yCenter != null) {\r
-            olCenter = new OpenLayers.LonLat(yCenter.Lon, yCenter.Lat);\r
-        }\r
-        return olCenter;\r
-    },\r
-    \r
-    /** @final @type String */\r
-    CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Layer.Yahoo"\r
diff --git a/public/lib/OpenLayers/Map.js b/public/lib/OpenLayers/Map.js
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 2591757..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,574 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright (c) 2006 MetaCarta, Inc., published under the BSD license.
- * See http://svn.openlayers.org/trunk/openlayers/license.txt for the full
- * text of the license. */
-// @require: OpenLayers/Util.js
-* @class
-OpenLayers.Map = Class.create();
-OpenLayers.Map.prototype = {
-    // Hash: base z-indexes for different classes of thing 
-    Z_INDEX_BASE: { Layer: 100, Popup: 200, Control: 1000 },
-    // Array: supported application event types
-    EVENT_TYPES: [ 
-        "addlayer", "removelayer", "movestart", "move", "moveend",
-        "zoomend", "layerchanged", "popupopen", "popupclose",
-        "addmarker", "removemarker", "clearmarkers", "mouseover",
-        "mouseout", "mousemove", "dragstart", "drag", "dragend" ],
-    // int: zoom levels, used to draw zoom dragging control and limit zooming
-    maxZoomLevel: 16,
-    // OpenLayers.Bounds
-    maxExtent: new OpenLayers.Bounds(-180, -90, 180, 90),
-    /* projection */
-    projection: "EPSG:4326",
-    /** @type OpenLayers.Size */
-    size: null,
-    // float
-    maxResolution: 1.40625, // degrees per pixel 
-                            // Default is whole world in 256 pixels, from GMaps
-    // DOMElement: the div that our map lives in
-    div: null,
-    // HTMLDivElement: the map's view port             
-    viewPortDiv: null,
-    // HTMLDivElement: the map's layer container
-    layerContainerDiv: null,
-    // Array(OpenLayers.Layer): ordered list of layers in the map
-    layers: null,
-    // Array(OpenLayers.Control)
-    controls: null,
-    // Array(OpenLayers.Popup)
-    popups: null,
-    // OpenLayers.LonLat
-    center: null,
-    // int
-    zoom: null,
-    // OpenLayers.Events
-    events: null,
-    // OpenLayers.Pixel
-    mouseDragStart: null,
-    /** @type OpenLayers.Layer */
-    baseLayer: null,
-    /**
-    * @param {DOMElement} div
-    */    
-    initialize: function (div, options) {
-        Object.extend(this, options);
-        this.div = div = $(div);
-        // the viewPortDiv is the outermost div we modify
-        var id = div.id + "_OpenLayers_ViewPort";
-        this.viewPortDiv = OpenLayers.Util.createDiv(id, null, null, null,
-                                                     "relative", null,
-                                                     "hidden");
-        this.viewPortDiv.style.width = "100%";
-        this.viewPortDiv.style.height = "100%";
-        this.div.appendChild(this.viewPortDiv);
-        // the layerContainerDiv is the one that holds all the layers
-        id = div.id + "_OpenLayers_Container";
-        this.layerContainerDiv = OpenLayers.Util.createDiv(id);
-        this.viewPortDiv.appendChild(this.layerContainerDiv);
-        this.events = new OpenLayers.Events(this, div, this.EVENT_TYPES);
-        this.updateSize();
-        // make the entire maxExtent fix in zoom level 0 by default
-        if (this.maxResolution == null || this.maxResolution == "auto") {
-            this.maxResolution = Math.max(
-                this.maxExtent.getWidth()  / this.size.w,
-                this.maxExtent.getHeight() / this.size.h );
-        }
-        // update the internal size register whenever the div is resized
-        this.events.register("resize", this, this.updateSize);
-        this.layers = [];
-        if (!this.controls) {
-            this.controls = [];
-            this.addControl(new OpenLayers.Control.MouseDefaults());
-            this.addControl(new OpenLayers.Control.PanZoom());
-        }
-        this.popups = new Array();
-        // always call map.destroy()
-        Event.observe(window, 'unload', 
-            this.destroy.bindAsEventListener(this));
-    },
-    /**
-    * @private
-    */
-    destroy:function() {
-        if (this.layers != null) {
-            for(var i=0; i< this.layers.length; i++) {
-                this.layers[i].destroy();
-            } 
-            this.layers = null;
-        }
-        if (this.controls != null) {
-            for(var i=0; i< this.controls.length; i++) {
-                this.controls[i].destroy();
-            } 
-            this.controls = null;
-        }
-    },
-    /**
-    * @param {OpenLayers.Layer} layer
-    */    
-    addLayer: function (layer) {
-        layer.setMap(this);
-        layer.div.style.overflow = "";
-        layer.div.style.zIndex = this.Z_INDEX_BASE['Layer'] + this.layers.length;
-        if (layer.viewPortLayer) {
-            this.viewPortDiv.appendChild(layer.div);
-        } else {
-            this.layerContainerDiv.appendChild(layer.div);
-        }
-        this.layers.push(layer);
-        // hack hack hack - until we add a more robust layer switcher,
-        //   which is able to determine which layers are base layers and 
-        //   which are not (and put baselayers in a radiobutton group and 
-        //   other layers in checkboxes) this seems to be the most straight-
-        //   forward way of dealing with this. 
-        //
-        if (layer.isBaseLayer()) {
-            this.baseLayer = layer;
-        }
-        this.events.triggerEvent("addlayer");
-    },
-    /** Removes a layer from the map by removing its visual element (the 
-     *   layer.div property), then removing it from the map's internal list 
-     *   of layers, setting the layer's map property to null. 
-     * 
-     *   a "removelayer" event is triggered.
-     * 
-     *   very worthy of mention is that simply removing a layer from a map
-     *   will not cause the removal of any popups which may have been created
-     *   by the layer. this is due to the fact that it was decided at some
-     *   point that popups would not belong to layers. thus there is no way 
-     *   for us to know here to which layer the popup belongs.
-     *    
-     *     A simple solution to this is simply to call destroy() on the layer.
-     *     the default OpenLayers.Layer class's destroy() function
-     *     automatically takes care to remove itself from whatever map it has
-     *     been attached to. 
-     * 
-     *     The correct solution is for the layer itself to register an 
-     *     event-handler on "removelayer" and when it is called, if it 
-     *     recognizes itself as the layer being removed, then it cycles through
-     *     its own personal list of popups, removing them from the map.
-     * 
-     * @param {OpenLayers.Layer} layer
-     */
-    removeLayer: function(layer) {
-        this.layerContainerDiv.removeChild(layer.div);
-        this.layers.remove(layer);
-        layer.map = null;
-        this.events.triggerEvent("removelayer");
-    },
-    /**
-    * @param {Array(OpenLayers.Layer)} layers
-    */    
-    addLayers: function (layers) {
-        for (var i = 0; i <  layers.length; i++) {
-            this.addLayer(layers[i]);
-        }
-    },
-    /**
-    * @param {OpenLayers.Control} control
-    * @param {OpenLayers.Pixel} px
-    */    
-    addControl: function (control, px) {
-        control.map = this;
-        this.controls.push(control);
-        var div = control.draw(px);
-        if (div) {
-            div.style.zIndex = this.Z_INDEX_BASE['Control'] +
-                                this.controls.length;
-            this.viewPortDiv.appendChild( div );
-        }
-    },
-    /** 
-    * @param {OpenLayers.Popup} popup
-    */
-    addPopup: function(popup) {
-        popup.map = this;
-        this.popups.push(popup);
-        var popupDiv = popup.draw();
-        if (popupDiv) {
-            popupDiv.style.zIndex = this.Z_INDEX_BASE['Popup'] +
-                                    this.popups.length;
-            this.layerContainerDiv.appendChild(popupDiv);
-        }
-    },
-    /** 
-    * @param {OpenLayers.Popup} popup
-    */
-    removePopup: function(popup) {
-        this.popups.remove(popup);
-        if (popup.div) {
-            this.layerContainerDiv.removeChild(popup.div);
-        }
-        popup.map = null;
-    },
-    /**
-    * @return {float}
-    */
-    getResolution: function () {
-        // return degrees per pixel
-        return this.maxResolution / Math.pow(2, this.zoom);
-    },
-    /**
-    * @return {int}
-    */
-    getZoom: function () {
-        return this.zoom;
-    },
-    /**
-    * @returns {OpenLayers.Size}
-    */
-    getSize: function () {
-        return this.size;
-    },
-    /**
-    * @private
-    */
-    updateSize: function() {
-        this.size = new OpenLayers.Size(
-                    this.div.clientWidth, this.div.clientHeight);
-        this.events.div.offsets = null;
-        // Workaround for the fact that hidden elements return 0 for size.
-        if (this.size.w == 0 && this.size.h == 0) {
-            var dim = Element.getDimensions(this.div);
-            this.size.w = dim.width;
-            this.size.h = dim.height;
-        }
-        if (this.size.w == 0 && this.size.h == 0) {
-            this.size.w = parseInt(this.div.style.width);
-            this.size.h = parseInt(this.div.style.height);
-       }
-    },
-    /**
-    * @return {OpenLayers.LonLat}
-    */
-    getCenter: function () {
-        return this.center;
-    },
-    /**
-    * @return {OpenLayers.Bounds}
-    */
-    getExtent: function () {
-        if (this.center) {
-            var res = this.getResolution();
-            var size = this.getSize();
-            var w_deg = size.w * res;
-            var h_deg = size.h * res;
-            return new OpenLayers.Bounds(
-                this.center.lon - w_deg / 2, 
-                this.center.lat - h_deg / 2,
-                this.center.lon + w_deg / 2,
-                this.center.lat + h_deg / 2);
-        } else {
-            return null;
-        }
-    },
-    /**
-    * @return {OpenLayers.Bounds}
-    */
-    getFullExtent: function () {
-        return this.maxExtent;
-    },
-    getZoomLevels: function() {
-        return this.maxZoomLevel;
-    },
-    /**
-    * @param {OpenLayers.Bounds} bounds
-    *
-    * @return {int}
-    */
-    getZoomForExtent: function (bounds) {
-        var size = this.getSize();
-        var width = bounds.getWidth();
-        var height = bounds.getHeight();
-        var deg_per_pixel = (width > height ? width / size.w : height / size.h);
-        var zoom = Math.log(this.maxResolution / deg_per_pixel) / Math.log(2);
-        return Math.floor(Math.min(Math.max(zoom, 0), this.getZoomLevels())); 
-    },
-    /**
-     * @param {OpenLayers.Pixel} layerPx
-     * 
-     * @returns px translated into view port pixel coordinates
-     * @type OpenLayers.Pixel
-     * @private
-     */
-    getViewPortPxFromLayerPx:function(layerPx) {
-        var viewPortPx = layerPx.copyOf();
-        viewPortPx.x += parseInt(this.layerContainerDiv.style.left);
-        viewPortPx.y += parseInt(this.layerContainerDiv.style.top);
-        return viewPortPx;
-    },
-    /**
-     * @param {OpenLayers.Pixel} viewPortPx
-     * 
-     * @returns px translated into view port pixel coordinates
-     * @type OpenLayers.Pixel
-     * @private
-     */
-    getLayerPxFromViewPortPx:function(viewPortPx) {
-        var layerPx = viewPortPx.copyOf();
-        layerPx.x -= parseInt(this.layerContainerDiv.style.left);
-        layerPx.y -= parseInt(this.layerContainerDiv.style.top);
-        return layerPx;
-    },
-    /**
-    * @param {OpenLayers.Pixel} px
-    *
-    * @return {OpenLayers.LonLat} 
-    */
-    getLonLatFromLayerPx: function (px) {
-       //adjust for displacement of layerContainerDiv
-       px = this.getViewPortPxFromLayerPx(px);
-       return this.getLonLatFromViewPortPx(px);         
-    },
-    /**
-    * @param {OpenLayers.Pixel} viewPortPx
-    *
-    * @returns An OpenLayers.LonLat which is the passed-in view port
-    *          OpenLayers.Pixel, translated into lon/lat given the 
-    *          current extent and resolution
-    * @type OpenLayers.LonLat
-    * @private
-    */
-    getLonLatFromViewPortPx: function (viewPortPx) {
-        var center = this.getCenter();        //map center lon/lat
-        var res  = this.getResolution();
-        var size = this.getSize();
-        var delta_x = viewPortPx.x - (size.w / 2);
-        var delta_y = viewPortPx.y - (size.h / 2);
-        return new OpenLayers.LonLat(center.lon + delta_x * res ,
-                                     center.lat - delta_y * res); 
-    },
-    // getLonLatFromPixel is a convenience function for the API
-    /**
-    * @param {OpenLayers.Pixel} pixel
-    *
-    * @returns An OpenLayers.LonLat corresponding to the given
-    *          OpenLayers.Pixel, translated into lon/lat using the 
-    *          current extent and resolution
-    * @type OpenLayers.LonLat
-    */
-    getLonLatFromPixel: function (px) {
-       return this.getLonLatFromViewPortPx(px);
-    },
-    /**
-    * @param {OpenLayers.LonLat} lonlat
-    *
-    * @returns An OpenLayers.Pixel which is the passed-in OpenLayers.LonLat, 
-    *          translated into layer pixels given the current extent 
-    *          and resolution
-    * @type OpenLayers.Pixel
-    */
-    getLayerPxFromLonLat: function (lonlat) {
-       //adjust for displacement of layerContainerDiv
-       var px = this.getViewPortPxFromLonLat(lonlat);
-       return this.getLayerPxFromViewPortPx(px);         
-    },
-    /**
-    * @param {OpenLayers.LonLat} lonlat
-    *
-    * @returns An OpenLayers.Pixel which is the passed-in OpenLayers.LonLat, 
-    *          translated into view port pixels given the current extent 
-    *          and resolution
-    * @type OpenLayers.Pixel
-    * @private
-    */
-    getViewPortPxFromLonLat: function (lonlat) {
-        var resolution = this.getResolution();
-        var extent = this.getExtent();
-        return new OpenLayers.Pixel(
-                       Math.round(1/resolution * (lonlat.lon - extent.left)),
-                       Math.round(1/resolution * (extent.top - lonlat.lat))
-                       );    
-    },
-    // getLonLatFromPixel is a convenience function for the API
-    /**
-    * @param {OpenLayers.LonLat} lonlat
-    *
-    * @returns An OpenLayers.Pixel corresponding to the OpenLayers.LonLat
-    *          translated into view port pixels using the current extent 
-    *          and resolution
-    * @type OpenLayers.Pixel
-    */
-    getPixelFromLonLat: function (lonlat) {
-       return this.getViewPortPxFromLonLat(lonlat);
-    },
-    /**
-    * @param {OpenLayers.LonLat} lonlat
-    * @param {int} zoom
-    */
-    setCenter: function (lonlat, zoom, minor) {
-        if (this.center) { // otherwise there's nothing to move yet
-            this.moveLayerContainer(lonlat);
-        }
-        this.center = lonlat.copyOf();
-        var zoomChanged = null;
-        if (zoom != null && zoom != this.zoom 
-            && zoom >= 0 && zoom <= this.getZoomLevels()) {
-            zoomChanged = (this.zoom == null ? 0 : this.zoom);
-            this.zoom = zoom;
-        }
-        if (!minor) this.events.triggerEvent("movestart");
-        this.moveToNewExtent(zoomChanged, minor);
-        if (!minor) this.events.triggerEvent("moveend");
-    },
-    /**
-     * @private
-     */
-    moveToNewExtent: function (zoomChanged, minor) {
-        if (zoomChanged != null) { // reset the layerContainerDiv's location
-            this.layerContainerDiv.style.left = "0px";
-            this.layerContainerDiv.style.top  = "0px";
-            //redraw popups
-            for (var i = 0; i < this.popups.length; i++) {
-                this.popups[i].updatePosition();
-            }
-        }
-        var bounds = this.getExtent();
-        for (var i = 0; i < this.layers.length; i++) {
-            this.layers[i].moveTo(bounds, (zoomChanged != null), minor);
-        }
-        this.events.triggerEvent("move");
-        if (zoomChanged != null)
-            this.events.triggerEvent("zoomend", 
-                {oldZoom: zoomChanged, newZoom: this.zoom});
-    },
-    /**
-     * zoomIn
-     * Increase zoom level by one.
-     * @param {int} zoom
-     */
-    zoomIn: function() {
-        if (this.zoom != null && this.zoom <= this.getZoomLevels()) {
-            this.zoomTo( this.zoom += 1 );
-        }
-    },
-    /**
-     * zoomTo
-     * Set Zoom To int
-     * @param {int} zoom
-     */
-    zoomTo: function(zoom) {
-       if (zoom >= 0 && zoom <= this.getZoomLevels()) {
-            var oldZoom = this.zoom;
-            this.zoom = zoom;
-            this.moveToNewExtent(oldZoom);
-       }
-    },
-    /**
-     * zoomOut
-     * Decrease zoom level by one.
-     * @param {int} zoom
-     */
-    zoomOut: function() {
-        if (this.zoom != null && this.zoom > 0) {
-            this.zoomTo( this.zoom - 1 );
-        }
-    },
-    /**
-     * zoomToFullExtent
-     * Zoom to the full extent and recenter.
-     */
-    zoomToFullExtent: function() {
-        var fullExtent = this.getFullExtent();
-        this.setCenter(
-          new OpenLayers.LonLat((fullExtent.left+fullExtent.right)/2,
-                                (fullExtent.bottom+fullExtent.top)/2),
-          this.getZoomForExtent(fullExtent)
-        );
-    },
-    /**
-    * @param {OpenLayers.LonLat} lonlat
-    * @private
-    */
-    moveLayerContainer: function (lonlat) {
-        var container = this.layerContainerDiv;
-        var resolution = this.getResolution();
-        var deltaX = Math.round((this.center.lon - lonlat.lon) / resolution);
-        var deltaY = Math.round((this.center.lat - lonlat.lat) / resolution);
-        var offsetLeft = parseInt(container.style.left);
-        var offsetTop  = parseInt(container.style.top);
-        container.style.left = (offsetLeft + deltaX) + "px";
-        container.style.top  = (offsetTop  - deltaY) + "px";
-    },
-    CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Map"
diff --git a/public/lib/OpenLayers/Marker.js b/public/lib/OpenLayers/Marker.js
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 0640295..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright (c) 2006 MetaCarta, Inc., published under the BSD license.
- * See http://svn.openlayers.org/trunk/openlayers/license.txt for the full
- * text of the license. */
-* @class
-OpenLayers.Marker = Class.create();
-OpenLayers.Marker.prototype = {
-    /** @type OpenLayers.Icon */
-    icon: null,
-    /** location of object
-    * @type OpenLayers.LonLat */
-    lonlat: null,
-    /** @type OpenLayers.Events*/
-    events: null,
-    /** @type OpenLayers.Map */
-    map: null,
-    /** 
-    * @constructor
-    *
-    * @param {OpenLayers.Icon} icon
-    * @param {OpenLayers.LonLat lonlat
-    */
-    initialize: function(lonlat, icon) {
-        this.lonlat = lonlat;
-        this.icon = (icon) ? icon : OpenLayers.Marker.defaultIcon();
-        this.events = new OpenLayers.Events(this, this.icon.imageDiv, null);
-    },
-    destroy: function() {
-        this.map = null;
-        if (this.icon != null) {
-            this.icon.destroy();
-            this.icon = null;
-        }
-    },
-    /** 
-    * @param {OpenLayers.Pixel} px
-    * 
-    * @return A new DOM Image with this marker´s icon set at the 
-    *         location passed-in
-    * @type DOMElement
-    */
-    draw: function(px) {
-        return this.icon.draw(px);
-    }, 
-    /**
-    * @param {OpenLayers.Pixel} px
-    */
-    moveTo: function (px) {
-        if ((px != null) && (this.icon != null)) {
-            this.icon.moveTo(px);
-        }            
-    },
-    /**
-     * @returns Whether or not the marker is currently visible on screen.
-     * @type Boolean
-     */
-    onScreen:function() {
-        var onScreen = false;
-        if (this.map) {
-            var screenBounds = this.map.getExtent();
-            onScreen = screenBounds.contains(this.lonlat.lon, this.lonlat.lat);
-        }    
-        return onScreen;
-    },
-    /**
-     * @param {float} inflate
-     */
-    inflate: function(inflate) {
-        if (this.icon) {
-            var newSize = new OpenLayers.Size(this.icon.size.w * inflate,
-                                              this.icon.size.h * inflate);
-            this.icon.setSize(newSize);
-        }        
-    },
-    /** @final @type String */
-    CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Marker"
- * @returns A default OpenLayers.Icon to use for a marker
- * @type OpenLayers.Icon
- */
-OpenLayers.Marker.defaultIcon = function() {
-    var url = OpenLayers.Util.getImagesLocation() + "marker.png";
-    var size = new OpenLayers.Size(21, 25);
-    var calculateOffset = function(size) {
-                    return new OpenLayers.Pixel(-(size.w/2), -size.h);
-                 };
-    return new OpenLayers.Icon(url, size, null, calculateOffset);        
diff --git a/public/lib/OpenLayers/Popup.js b/public/lib/OpenLayers/Popup.js
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 1491109..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,232 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright (c) 2006 MetaCarta, Inc., published under the BSD license.
- * See http://svn.openlayers.org/trunk/openlayers/license.txt for the full
- * text of the license. */
-* @class\r
-OpenLayers.Popup = Class.create();\r
-OpenLayers.Popup.count = 0;\r
-OpenLayers.Popup.WIDTH = 200;\r
-OpenLayers.Popup.HEIGHT = 200;\r
-OpenLayers.Popup.COLOR = "white";\r
-OpenLayers.Popup.OPACITY = 1;\r
-OpenLayers.Popup.BORDER = "0px";\r
-OpenLayers.Popup.prototype = {\r
-    /** @type OpenLayers.Events*/\r
-    events: null,\r
-    \r
-    /** @type String */\r
-    id: "",\r
-    /** @type OpenLayers.LonLat */\r
-    lonlat: null,\r
-    /** @type DOMElement */\r
-    div: null,\r
-    /** @type OpenLayers.Size*/\r
-    size: null,    \r
-    /** @type String */\r
-    contentHTML: "",\r
-    \r
-    /** @type String */\r
-    backgroundColor: "",\r
-    \r
-    /** @type float */\r
-    opacity: "",\r
-    /** @type String */\r
-    border: "",\r
-    /** this gets set in Map.js when the popup is added to the map\r
-     * @type OpenLayers.Map */\r
-    map: null,\r
-    /** \r
-    * @constructor\r
-    * \r
-    * @param {String} id\r
-    * @param {OpenLayers.LonLat} lonlat\r
-    * @param {OpenLayers.Size} size\r
-    * @param {String} contentHTML\r
-    */\r
-    initialize:function(id, lonlat, size, contentHTML) {\r
-        OpenLayers.Popup.count += 1;\r
-        this.id = (id != null) ? id : "Popup" + OpenLayers.Popup.count;\r
-        this.lonlat = lonlat;\r
-        this.size = (size != null) ? size \r
-                                  : new OpenLayers.Size(\r
-                                                   OpenLayers.Popup.WIDTH,\r
-                                                   OpenLayers.Popup.HEIGHT);\r
-        if (contentHTML != null) { \r
-             this.contentHTML = contentHTML;\r
-        }\r
-        this.backgroundColor = OpenLayers.Popup.COLOR;\r
-        this.opacity = OpenLayers.Popup.OPACITY;\r
-        this.border = OpenLayers.Popup.BORDER;\r
-        this.div = OpenLayers.Util.createDiv(this.id + "_div", null, null, \r
-                                             null, null, null, "hidden");\r
-        this.events = new OpenLayers.Events(this, this.div, null);\r
-    },\r
-    /** \r
-    */\r
-    destroy: function() {\r
-        if (this.map != null) {\r
-            this.map.removePopup(this);\r
-        }\r
-        this.div = null;\r
-        this.map = null;\r
-    },\r
-    /** \r
-    * @param {OpenLayers.Pixel} px\r
-    * \r
-    * @returns Reference to a div that contains the drawn popup\r
-    * @type DOMElement\r
-    */\r
-    draw: function(px) {\r
-        if (px == null) {\r
-            if ((this.lonlat != null) && (this.map != null)) {\r
-                px = this.map.getLayerPxFromLonLat(this.lonlat);\r
-            }\r
-        }\r
-        \r
-        this.setSize();\r
-        this.setBackgroundColor();\r
-        this.setOpacity();\r
-        this.setBorder();\r
-        this.setContentHTML();\r
-        this.moveTo(px);\r
-        return this.div;\r
-    },\r
-    /** \r
-     * if the popup has a lonlat and its map members set, \r
-     *  then have it move itself to its proper position\r
-     */\r
-    updatePosition: function() {\r
-        if ((this.lonlat) && (this.map)) {\r
-                var px = this.map.getLayerPxFromLonLat(this.lonlat);\r
-                this.moveTo(px);            \r
-        }\r
-    },\r
-    /**\r
-    * @param {OpenLayers.Pixel} px\r
-    */\r
-    moveTo: function(px) {\r
-        if ((px != null) && (this.div != null)) {\r
-            this.div.style.left = px.x + "px";\r
-            this.div.style.top = px.y + "px";\r
-        }\r
-    },\r
-    /**\r
-     * @returns Boolean indicating whether or not the popup is visible\r
-     * @type Boolean\r
-     */\r
-    visible: function() {\r
-        return Element.visible(this.div);\r
-    },\r
-    /**\r
-     * \r
-     */\r
-    toggle: function() {\r
-        Element.toggle(this.div);\r
-    },\r
-    /**\r
-     *\r
-     */\r
-    show: function() {\r
-        Element.show(this.div);\r
-    },\r
-    /**\r
-     *\r
-     */\r
-    hide: function() {\r
-        Element.hide(this.div);\r
-    },\r
-    /**\r
-    * @param {OpenLayers.Size} size\r
-    */\r
-    setSize:function(size) { \r
-        if (size != undefined) {\r
-            this.size = size; \r
-        }\r
-        \r
-        if (this.div != null) {\r
-            this.div.style.width = this.size.w;\r
-            this.div.style.height = this.size.h;\r
-        }\r
-    },  \r
-    /**\r
-    * @param {String} color\r
-    */\r
-    setBackgroundColor:function(color) { \r
-        if (color != undefined) {\r
-            this.backgroundColor = color; \r
-        }\r
-        \r
-        if (this.div != null) {\r
-            this.div.style.backgroundColor = this.backgroundColor;\r
-        }\r
-    },  \r
-    \r
-    /**\r
-    * @param {float} opacity\r
-    */\r
-    setOpacity:function(opacity) { \r
-        if (opacity != undefined) {\r
-            this.opacity = opacity; \r
-        }\r
-        \r
-        if (this.div != null) {\r
-            // for Mozilla and Safari\r
-            this.div.style.opacity = this.opacity;\r
-            // for IE\r
-            this.div.style.filter = 'alpha(opacity=' + this.opacity*100 + ')';\r
-        }\r
-    },  \r
-    \r
-    /**\r
-    * @param {int} border\r
-    */\r
-    setBorder:function(border) { \r
-        if (border != undefined) {\r
-            this.border = border;\r
-        }\r
-        \r
-        if (this.div != null) {\r
-            this.div.style.border = this.border;\r
-        }\r
-    },      \r
-    \r
-    /**\r
-    * @param {String} contentHTML\r
-    */\r
-    setContentHTML:function(contentHTML) {\r
-        if (contentHTML != null) {\r
-            this.contentHTML = contentHTML;\r
-        }\r
-        \r
-        if (this.div != null) {\r
-            this.div.innerHTML = this.contentHTML;\r
-        }    \r
-    },\r
-    CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Popup"\r
diff --git a/public/lib/OpenLayers/Popup/Anchored.js b/public/lib/OpenLayers/Popup/Anchored.js
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 90db912..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,125 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright (c) 2006 MetaCarta, Inc., published under the BSD license.
- * See http://svn.openlayers.org/trunk/openlayers/license.txt for the full
- * text of the license. */
-// @require: OpenLayers/Popup.js\r
-* @class\r
-OpenLayers.Popup.Anchored = Class.create();\r
-OpenLayers.Popup.Anchored.prototype =\r
-   Object.extend( new OpenLayers.Popup(), {\r
-    /** "lr", "ll", "tr", "tl" - relative position of the popup.\r
-     * @type String */\r
-    relativePosition: null,\r
-    /** Object which must have expose a 'size' (OpenLayers.Size) and \r
-     *                                 'offset' (OpenLayers.Pixel) \r
-     * @type Object */\r
-    anchor: null,\r
-    /** \r
-    * @constructor\r
-    * \r
-    * @param {String} id\r
-    * @param {OpenLayers.LonLat} lonlat\r
-    * @param {OpenLayers.Size} size\r
-    * @param {String} contentHTML\r
-    * @param {Object} anchor  Object which must expose a \r
-    *                         - 'size' (OpenLayers.Size) and \r
-    *                         - 'offset' (OpenLayers.Pixel) \r
-    *                         (this is generally an OpenLayers.Icon)\r
-    */\r
-    initialize:function(id, lonlat, size, contentHTML, anchor) {\r
-        var newArguments = new Array(id, lonlat, size, contentHTML);\r
-        OpenLayers.Popup.prototype.initialize.apply(this, newArguments);\r
-        this.anchor = (anchor != null) ? anchor \r
-                                       : { size: new OpenLayers.Size(0,0),\r
-                                           offset: new OpenLayers.Pixel(0,0)};\r
-    },\r
-    /** \r
-    * @param {OpenLayers.Pixel} px\r
-    * \r
-    * @returns Reference to a div that contains the drawn popup\r
-    * @type DOMElement\r
-    */\r
-    draw: function(px) {\r
-        if (px == null) {\r
-            if ((this.lonlat != null) && (this.map != null)) {\r
-                px = this.map.getLayerPxFromLonLat(this.lonlat);\r
-            }\r
-        }\r
-        \r
-        //calculate relative position\r
-        this.relativePosition = this.calculateRelativePosition(px);\r
-        \r
-        return OpenLayers.Popup.prototype.draw.apply(this, arguments);\r
-    },\r
-    \r
-    /** \r
-     * @private\r
-     * \r
-     * @param {OpenLayers.Pixel} px\r
-     * \r
-     * @returns The relative position ("br" "tr" "tl "bl") at which the popup\r
-     *           should be placed\r
-     * @type String\r
-     */\r
-    calculateRelativePosition:function(px) {\r
-        var lonlat = this.map.getLonLatFromLayerPx(px);        \r
-        \r
-        var extent = this.map.getExtent();\r
-        var quadrant = extent.determineQuadrant(lonlat);\r
-        \r
-        return OpenLayers.Bounds.oppositeQuadrant(quadrant);\r
-    }, \r
-    /**\r
-    * @param {OpenLayers.Pixel} px\r
-    */\r
-    moveTo: function(px) {\r
-        \r
-        var newPx = this.calculateNewPx(px);\r
-        \r
-        var newArguments = new Array(newPx);        \r
-        OpenLayers.Popup.prototype.moveTo.apply(this, newArguments);\r
-    },\r
-    \r
-    /**\r
-    * @param {OpenLayers.Size} size\r
-    */\r
-    setSize:function(size) { \r
-        OpenLayers.Popup.prototype.setSize.apply(this, arguments);\r
-        if ((this.lonlat) && (this.map)) {\r
-            var px = this.map.getLayerPxFromLonLat(this.lonlat);\r
-            this.moveTo(px);\r
-        }\r
-    },  \r
-    \r
-    /** \r
-     * @private \r
-     * \r
-     * @param {OpenLayers.Pixel} px\r
-     * \r
-     * @returns The the new px position of the popup on the screen\r
-     *           relative to the passed-in px\r
-     * @type OpenLayers.Pixel\r
-     */\r
-    calculateNewPx:function(px) {\r
-        var newPx = px.offset(this.anchor.offset);\r
-        var top = (this.relativePosition.charAt(0) == 't');\r
-        newPx.y += (top) ? -this.size.h : this.anchor.size.h;\r
-        \r
-        var left = (this.relativePosition.charAt(1) == 'l');\r
-        newPx.x += (left) ? -this.size.w : this.anchor.size.w;\r
-        return newPx;   \r
-    },\r
-    CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Popup.Anchored"\r
diff --git a/public/lib/OpenLayers/Popup/AnchoredBubble.js b/public/lib/OpenLayers/Popup/AnchoredBubble.js
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 352086d..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,183 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright (c) 2006 MetaCarta, Inc., published under the BSD license.
- * See http://svn.openlayers.org/trunk/openlayers/license.txt for the full
- * text of the license. */
-// @require: OpenLayers/Popup/Anchored.js\r
-* @class\r
-OpenLayers.Popup.AnchoredBubble = Class.create();\r
-//Border space for the rico corners\r
-OpenLayers.Popup.AnchoredBubble.CORNER_SIZE = 5;\r
-OpenLayers.Popup.AnchoredBubble.prototype =\r
-   Object.extend( new OpenLayers.Popup.Anchored(), {\r
-    /** @type DOMElement */\r
-    contentDiv:null,\r
-    \r
-    /** \r
-    * @constructor\r
-    * \r
-    * @param {String} id\r
-    * @param {OpenLayers.LonLat} lonlat\r
-    * @param {OpenLayers.Size} size\r
-    * @param {String} contentHTML\r
-    * @param {Object} anchor  Object which must expose a \r
-    *                         - 'size' (OpenLayers.Size) and \r
-    *                         - 'offset' (OpenLayers.Pixel) \r
-    *                         (this is generally an OpenLayers.Icon)\r
-    */\r
-    initialize:function(id, lonlat, size, contentHTML, anchor) {\r
-        OpenLayers.Popup.Anchored.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments);\r
-    },\r
-    /** \r
-    * @param {OpenLayers.Pixel} px\r
-    * \r
-    * @returns Reference to a div that contains the drawn popup\r
-    * @type DOMElement\r
-    */\r
-    draw: function(px) {\r
-        \r
-        OpenLayers.Popup.Anchored.prototype.draw.apply(this, arguments);\r
-        // make the content Div\r
-        var contentSize = this.size.copyOf();\r
-        contentSize.h -= (2 * OpenLayers.Popup.AnchoredBubble.CORNER_SIZE);\r
-        var id = this.div.id + "-contentDiv";\r
-        this.contentDiv = OpenLayers.Util.createDiv(id, null, contentSize, \r
-                                                    null, "relative", null,\r
-                                                    "hidden");\r
-        this.div.appendChild(this.contentDiv);\r
-        this.setContentHTML();\r
-        \r
-        this.setRicoCorners(true);\r
-        \r
-        //set the popup color and opacity           \r
-        this.setBackgroundColor(); \r
-        this.setOpacity();\r
-        return this.div;\r
-    },\r
-    /**\r
-    * @param {OpenLayers.Size} size\r
-    */\r
-    setSize:function(size) { \r
-        OpenLayers.Popup.Anchored.prototype.setSize.apply(this, arguments);\r
-        \r
-        if (this.contentDiv != null) {\r
-            var contentSize = this.size.copyOf();\r
-            contentSize.h -= (2 * OpenLayers.Popup.AnchoredBubble.CORNER_SIZE);\r
-    \r
-            this.contentDiv.style.height = contentSize.h + "px";\r
-            \r
-            //size has changed - must redo corners        \r
-            this.setRicoCorners(false);\r
-        }\r
-    },  \r
-    /**\r
-     * @param {String} color\r
-     */\r
-    setBackgroundColor:function(color) { \r
-        if (color != undefined) {\r
-            this.backgroundColor = color; \r
-        }\r
-        \r
-        if (this.div != null) {\r
-            if (this.contentDiv != null) {\r
-                this.div.style.background = "transparent";\r
-                Rico.Corner.changeColor(this.contentDiv, this.backgroundColor);\r
-            }\r
-        }\r
-    },  \r
-    \r
-    /**\r
-     * @param {float} opacity\r
-     */\r
-    setOpacity:function(opacity) { \r
-        if (opacity != undefined) {\r
-            this.opacity = opacity; \r
-        }\r
-        \r
-        if (this.div != null) {\r
-            if (this.contentDiv != null) {\r
-            Rico.Corner.changeOpacity(this.contentDiv, this.opacity);\r
-            }\r
-        }\r
-    },  \r
-    /** Bubble Popups can not have a border\r
-     * \r
-     * @param {int} border\r
-     */\r
-    setBorder:function(border) { \r
-        this.border = 0;\r
-    },      \r
-    /**\r
-     * @param {String} contentHTML\r
-     */\r
-    setContentHTML:function(contentHTML) {\r
-        if (contentHTML != null) {\r
-            this.contentHTML = contentHTML;\r
-        }\r
-        \r
-        if (this.contentDiv != null) {\r
-            this.contentDiv.innerHTML = this.contentHTML;\r
-        }    \r
-    },\r
-    \r
-    /** \r
-     * @private\r
-     * \r
-     * @param {Boolean} firstTime Is this the first time the corners are being\r
-     *                             rounded?\r
-     * \r
-     * update the rico corners according to the popup's\r
-     * current relative postion \r
-     */\r
-    setRicoCorners:function(firstTime) {\r
-    \r
-        var corners = this.getCornersToRound(this.relativePosition);\r
-        var options = {corners: corners,\r
-                         color: this.backgroundColor,\r
-                       bgColor: "transparent",\r
-                         blend: false};\r
-        if (firstTime) {\r
-            Rico.Corner.round(this.div, options);\r
-        } else {\r
-            Rico.Corner.reRound(this.contentDiv, options);\r
-            //set the popup color and opacity\r
-            this.setBackgroundColor(); \r
-            this.setOpacity();\r
-        }\r
-    },\r
-    /** \r
-     * @private\r
-     * \r
-     * @returns The proper corners string ("tr tl bl br") for rico\r
-     *           to round\r
-     * @type String\r
-     */\r
-    getCornersToRound:function() {\r
-        var corners = ['tl', 'tr', 'bl', 'br'];\r
-        //we want to round all the corners _except_ the opposite one. \r
-        var corner = OpenLayers.Bounds.oppositeQuadrant(this.relativePosition);\r
-        corners.remove(corner);\r
-        return corners.join(" ");\r
-    },\r
-    CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Popup.AnchoredBubble"\r
diff --git a/public/lib/OpenLayers/SingleFile.js b/public/lib/OpenLayers/SingleFile.js
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 857c484..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright (c) 2006 MetaCarta, Inc., published under the BSD license.
- * See http://svn.openlayers.org/trunk/openlayers/license.txt for the full
- * text of the license. */
diff --git a/public/lib/OpenLayers/Tile.js b/public/lib/OpenLayers/Tile.js
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index eca7c0b..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright (c) 2006 MetaCarta, Inc., published under the BSD license.
- * See http://svn.openlayers.org/trunk/openlayers/license.txt for the full
- * text of the license. */
- * OpenLayers.Tile 
- *
- * @class This is a class designed to designate a single tile, however
- * it is explicitly designed to do relatively little. Tiles store information
- * about themselves -- such as the URL that they are related to, and their 
- * size - but do not add themselves to the layer div automatically, for 
- * example.
- */
-OpenLayers.Tile = Class.create();
-OpenLayers.Tile.prototype = {
-    /** @type OpenLayers.Layer */
-    layer: null,
-    /** @type String url of the request */
-    url:null,
-    /** @type OpenLayers.Bounds */
-    bounds:null,
-    /** @type OpenLayers.Size */
-    size:null,
-    /** Top Left pixel of the tile
-    * @type OpenLayers.Pixel */
-    position:null,
-    /**
-    * @constructor
-    *
-    * @param {OpenLayers.Layer} layer
-    * @param {OpenLayers.Pixel} position
-    * @param {OpenLayers.Bounds} bounds
-    * @param {String} url
-    * @param {OpenLayers.Size} size
-    */   
-    initialize: function(layer, position, bounds, url, size) {
-        if (arguments.length > 0) {
-            this.layer = layer;
-            this.position = position;
-            this.bounds = bounds;
-            this.url = url;
-            this.size = size;
-        }
-    },
-    /** nullify references to prevent circular references and memory leaks
-    */
-    destroy:function() {
-        this.layer  = null;
-        this.bounds = null;
-        this.size = null;
-    },
-    /**
-    */
-    draw:function() {
-    // HACK HACK - should we make it a standard to put this sort of warning
-    //             message in functions that are supposed to be overridden?
-    //
-    //        Log.warn(this.CLASS_NAME + ": draw() not implemented");
-    },
-    /** remove this tile from the ds
-    */
-    remove:function() {
-    },
-    /**
-    * @type OpenLayers.Pixel
-    */
-    getPosition: function() {
-        return this.position;
-    },
-    /** @final @type String */
-    CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Tile"
diff --git a/public/lib/OpenLayers/Tile/Image.js b/public/lib/OpenLayers/Tile/Image.js
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 6a386f8..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright (c) 2006 MetaCarta, Inc., published under the BSD license.
- * See http://svn.openlayers.org/trunk/openlayers/license.txt for the full
- * text of the license. */
-// @require: OpenLayers/Tile.js
-* @class
-OpenLayers.Tile.Image = Class.create();
-OpenLayers.Tile.Image.prototype = 
-  Object.extend( new OpenLayers.Tile(), {
-    /** @type DOMElement img */
-    imgDiv:null,
-    /** 
-    * @constructor
-    *
-    * @param {OpenLayers.Grid} layer
-    * @param {OpenLayers.Pixel} position
-    * @param {OpenLayers.Bounds} bounds
-    * @param {String} url
-    * @param {OpenLayers.Size} size
-    */
-    initialize: function(layer, position, bounds, url, size) {
-        OpenLayers.Tile.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
-    },
-    destroy: function() {
-        if ((this.imgDiv != null) && (this.imgDiv.parentNode == this.layer.div)) {
-            this.layer.div.removeChild(this.imgDiv);
-        }
-        this.imgDiv = null;
-        OpenLayers.Tile.prototype.destroy.apply(this, arguments);
-    },
-    /**
-    */
-    draw:function(transparent) {
-        if (false) { // don't actually use the alpha PNG hack right now
-                     // it has a fiercely bad effect on IE6's performance
-            // if (transparent) {
-            this.imgDiv = OpenLayers.Util.createAlphaImageDiv(null,
-                                                           this.position,
-                                                           this.size,
-                                                           this.url,
-                                                           "absolute");
-        } else {
-            this.imgDiv = OpenLayers.Util.createImage(null,
-                                                      this.position,
-                                                      this.size,
-                                                      this.url,
-                                                      "absolute");
-        }
-        this.layer.div.appendChild(this.imgDiv);
-    },
-    /** @final @type String */
-    CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Tile.Image"
-  }
diff --git a/public/lib/OpenLayers/Tile/WFS.js b/public/lib/OpenLayers/Tile/WFS.js
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 486d138..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright (c) 2006 MetaCarta, Inc., published under the BSD license.
- * See http://svn.openlayers.org/trunk/openlayers/license.txt for the full
- * text of the license. */
-// @require: OpenLayers/Tile.js
-* @class
-OpenLayers.Tile.WFS = Class.create();
-OpenLayers.Tile.WFS.prototype = 
-  Object.extend( new OpenLayers.Tile(), {
-    /** @type Array(OpenLayers.Feature)*/ 
-    features: null,
-    /** 
-    * @constructor
-    *
-    * @param {OpenLayers.Layer} layer
-    * @param {OpenLayers.Pixel} position
-    * @param {OpenLayers.Bounds} bounds
-    * @param {String} url
-    * @param {OpenLayers.Size} size
-    */
-    initialize: function(layer, position, bounds, url, size) {
-        OpenLayers.Tile.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
-        this.features = new Array();
-    },
-    /**
-     * 
-     */
-    destroy: function() {
-        for(var i=0; i < this.features.length; i++) {
-            this.features[i].destroy();
-        }
-        OpenLayers.Tile.prototype.destroy.apply(this, arguments);
-    },
-    /**
-    */
-    draw:function() {
-        this.loadFeaturesForRegion(this.requestSuccess);        
-    },
-    /** get the full request string from the ds and the tile params 
-    *     and call the AJAX loadURL(). 
-    *
-    *     input are function pointers for what to do on success and failure.
-    * 
-    * @param {function} success
-    * @param {function} failure
-    */
-    loadFeaturesForRegion:function(success, failure) {
-        if (!this.loaded) {
-            if (this.url != "") {
-                // TODO: Hmmm, this stops multiple loads of the data when a 
-                //       result isn't immediately retrieved, but it's hacky. 
-                //       Do it better.
-                this.loaded = true; 
-                OpenLayers.loadURL(this.url, null, this, success, failure);
-            }
-        }
-    },
-    /** Return from AJAX request
-    *
-    * @param {} request
-    */
-    requestSuccess:function(request) {
-        var doc = request.responseXML;
-        if (!doc || request.fileType!="XML") {
-            doc = OpenLayers.parseXMLString(request.responseText);
-        }
-        var resultFeatures = doc.getElementsByTagName("featureMember");
-        //clear old featureList
-        this.features = new Array();
-        for (var i=0; i < resultFeatures.length; i++) {
-            var feature = new this.layer.featureClass(this.layer, 
-                                                      resultFeatures[i]);
-            this.features.append(feature);
-        }
-    },
-    /** @final @type String */
-    CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Tile.WFS"
-  }
diff --git a/public/lib/OpenLayers/Util.js b/public/lib/OpenLayers/Util.js
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 9270821..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1010 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright (c) 2006 MetaCarta, Inc., published under the BSD license.
- * See http://svn.openlayers.org/trunk/openlayers/license.txt for the full
- * text of the license. */
-* @class
-OpenLayers.Util = new Object();
-* @class This class represents a screen coordinate, in x and y coordinates
-OpenLayers.Pixel = Class.create();
-OpenLayers.Pixel.prototype = {
-    /** @type float */
-    x: 0.0,
-    /** @type float */
-    y: 0.0,
-    /** 
-    * @constructor
-    *
-    * @param {float} x
-    * @param {float} y
-    */
-    initialize: function(x, y) {
-        this.x = x;
-        this.y = y;
-    },
-    /**
-    * @return string representation of Pixel. ex: "x=200.4,y=242.2"
-    * @type str
-    */
-    toString:function() {
-        return ("x=" + this.x + ",y=" + this.y);
-    },
-    /**
-    * @type OpenLayers.Pixel
-    */
-    copyOf:function() {
-        return new OpenLayers.Pixel(this.x, this.y); 
-    },
-    /** 
-    * @param {OpenLayers.Pixel} px
-    * 
-    * @return whether or not the point passed in as parameter is equal to this
-    *          note that if px passed in is null, returns false
-    * @type bool
-    */
-    equals:function(px) {
-        var equals = false;
-        if (px != null) {
-            equals = ((this.x == px.x) && (this.y == px.y));
-        }
-        return equals;
-    },
-    /**
-    * @param {int} x
-    * @param {int} y
-    * 
-    * @return a new Pixel with this pixel's x&y augmented by the 
-    *         values passed in.
-    * @type OpenLayers.Pixel
-    */
-    add:function(x, y) {
-        return new OpenLayers.Pixel(this.x + x, this.y + y);
-    },
-    /**
-    * @param {OpenLayers.Pixel} px
-    * 
-    * @return a new Pixel with this pixel's x&y augmented by the 
-    *         x&y values of the pixel passed in.
-    * @type OpenLayers.Pixel
-    */
-    offset:function(px) {
-        return this.add(px.x, px.y);                
-    },
-    /** @final @type str */
-    CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Pixel"
-* @class This class represents a width and height pair
-OpenLayers.Size = Class.create();
-OpenLayers.Size.prototype = {
-    /** @type float */
-    w: 0.0,
-    /** @type float */
-    h: 0.0,
-    /** 
-    * @constructor
-    * 
-    * @param {float} w 
-    * @param {float} h 
-    */
-    initialize: function(w, h) {
-        this.w = w;
-        this.h = h;
-    },
-    /** 
-    * @return String representation of OpenLayers.Size object. 
-    *         (ex. <i>"w=55,h=66"</i>)
-    * @type String
-    */
-    toString:function() {
-        return ("w=" + this.w + ",h=" + this.h);
-    },
-    /** 
-    * @return New OpenLayers.Size object with the same w and h values
-    * @type OpenLayers.Size
-    */
-    copyOf:function() {
-        return new OpenLayers.Size(this.w, this.h);
-    },
-    /** 
-    * @param {OpenLayers.Size} sz
-    * @returns Boolean value indicating whether the passed-in OpenLayers.Size 
-    *          object has the same w and h components as this
-    *          note that if sz passed in is null, returns false
-    *
-    * @type bool
-    */
-    equals:function(sz) {
-        var equals = false;
-        if (sz != null) {
-            equals = ((this.w == sz.w) && (this.h == sz.h));
-        }
-        return equals;
-    },
-    /** @final @type String */
-    CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Size"
-* @class This class represents a longitude and latitude pair
-OpenLayers.LonLat = Class.create();
-OpenLayers.LonLat.prototype = {
-    /** @type float */
-    lon: 0.0,
-    /** @type float */
-    lat: 0.0,
-    /**
-    * @constructor
-    * 
-    * @param {float} lon
-    * @param {float} lat
-    */
-    initialize: function(lon, lat) {
-        this.lon = lon;
-        this.lat = lat;
-    },
-    /** 
-    * @return String representation of OpenLayers.LonLat object. 
-    *         (ex. <i>"lon=5,lat=42"</i>)
-    * @type String
-    */
-    toString:function() {
-        return ("lon=" + this.lon + ",lat=" + this.lat);
-    },
-    /** 
-    * @return Shortened String representation of OpenLayers.LonLat object. 
-    *         (ex. <i>"5, 42"</i>)
-    * @type String
-    */
-    toShortString:function() {
-        return (this.lon + ", " + this.lat);
-    },
-    /** 
-    * @return New OpenLayers.LonLat object with the same lon and lat values
-    * @type OpenLayers.LonLat
-    */
-    copyOf:function() {
-        return new OpenLayers.LonLat(this.lon, this.lat);
-    },
-    /** 
-    * @param {float} lon
-    * @param {float} lat
-    *
-    * @return A new OpenLayers.LonLat object with the lon and lat passed-in
-    *         added to this's. 
-    * @type OpenLayers.LonLat
-    */
-    add:function(lon, lat) {
-        return new OpenLayers.LonLat(this.lon + lon, this.lat + lat);
-    },
-    /** 
-    * @param {OpenLayers.LonLat} ll
-    * @returns Boolean value indicating whether the passed-in OpenLayers.LonLat
-    *          object has the same lon and lat components as this
-    *          note that if ll passed in is null, returns false
-    *
-    * @type bool
-    */
-    equals:function(ll) {
-        var equals = false;
-        if (ll != null) {
-            equals = ((this.lon == ll.lon) && (this.lat == ll.lat));
-        }
-        return equals;
-    },
-    /** @final @type String */
-    CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.LonLat"
-/** Alternative constructor that builds a new OpenLayers.LonLat from a 
-*    parameter string
-* @constructor
-* @param {String} str Comma-separated Lon,Lat coordinate string. 
-*                     (ex. <i>"5,40"</i>)
-* @returns New OpenLayers.LonLat object built from the passed-in String.
-* @type OpenLayers.LonLat
-OpenLayers.LonLat.fromString = function(str) {
-    var pair = str.split(",");
-    return new OpenLayers.LonLat(parseFloat(pair[0]), 
-                                 parseFloat(pair[1]));
-* @class This class represents a bounding box. 
-*        Data stored as left, bottom, right, top floats
-OpenLayers.Bounds = Class.create();
-OpenLayers.Bounds.prototype = {
-    /** @type float */
-    left: 0.0,
-    /** @type float */
-    bottom: 0.0,
-    /** @type float */
-    right: 0.0,
-    /** @type float */
-    top: 0.0,    
-    /**
-    * @constructor
-    *
-    * @param {float} left
-    * @param {float} bottom
-    * @param {float} right
-    * @param {float} top
-    *
-    */
-    initialize: function(left, bottom, right, top) {
-        this.left = left;
-        this.bottom = bottom;
-        this.right = right;
-        this.top = top;
-    },
-    /**
-    * @returns A fresh copy of the bounds
-    * @type OpenLayers.Bounds
-    */
-    copyOf:function() {
-        return new OpenLayers.Bounds(this.left, this.bottom, 
-                                     this.right, this.top);
-    },
-    /** 
-    * @param {OpenLayers.Bounds} bounds
-    * @returns Boolean value indicating whether the passed-in OpenLayers.Bounds
-    *          object has the same left, right, top, bottom components as this
-    *           note that if bounds passed in is null, returns false
-    *
-    * @type bool
-    */
-    equals:function(bounds) {
-        var equals = false;
-        if (bounds != null) {
-            equals = ((this.left == bounds.left) && 
-                      (this.right == bounds.right) &&
-                      (this.top == bounds.top) && 
-                      (this.bottom == bounds.bottom));
-        }
-        return equals;
-    },
-    /** 
-    * @return String representation of OpenLayers.Bounds object. 
-    *         (ex.<i>"left-bottom=(5,42) right-top=(10,45)"</i>)
-    * @type String
-    */
-    toString:function(){
-        return ( "left-bottom=(" + this.left + "," + this.bottom + ")"
-                 + " right-top=(" + this.right + "," + this.top + ")" );
-    },
-    /** 
-    * @return Simple String representation of OpenLayers.Bounds object.
-    *         (ex. <i>"5,42,10,45"</i>)
-    * @type String
-    */
-    toBBOX:function() {
-        return (this.left + "," + this.bottom + ","
-                + this.right + "," + this.top);
-    },
-    /**
-    * @returns The width of the bounds
-    * @type float
-    */
-    getWidth:function() {
-        return (this.right - this.left);
-    },
-    /**
-    * @returns The height of the bounds
-    * @type float
-    */
-    getHeight:function() {
-        return (this.top - this.bottom);
-    },
-    /**
-    * @returns An OpenLayers.Size which represents the size of the box
-    * @type OpenLayers.Size
-    */
-    getSize:function() {
-        return new OpenLayers.Size(this.getWidth(), this.getHeight());
-    },
-    /**
-    * @returns An OpenLayers.Pixel which represents the center of the bounds
-    * @type OpenLayers.Pixel
-    */
-    getCenterPixel:function() {
-        return new OpenLayers.Pixel( (this.left + this.right) / 2,
-                                     (this.bottom + this.top) / 2);
-    },
-    /**
-    * @returns An OpenLayers.LonLat which represents the center of the bounds
-    * @type OpenLayers.LonLat
-    */
-    getCenterLonLat:function() {
-        return new OpenLayers.LonLat( (this.left + this.right) / 2,
-                                      (this.bottom + this.top) / 2);
-    },
-    /**
-    * @param {float} x
-    * @param {float} y
-    *
-    * @returns A new OpenLayers.Bounds whose coordinates are the same as this, 
-    *          but shifted by the passed-in x and y values
-    * @type OpenLayers.Bounds
-    */
-    add:function(x, y){
-        return new OpenLayers.Box(this.left + x, this.bottom + y,
-                                  this.right + x, this.top + y);
-    },
-    /**
-    * @param {float} x
-    * @param {float} y
-    * @param {Boolean} inclusive Whether or not to include the border. 
-    *                            Default is true
-    *
-    * @return Whether or not the passed-in coordinates are within this bounds
-    * @type Boolean
-    */
-    contains:function(x, y, inclusive) {
-        //set default
-        if (inclusive == null) {
-            inclusive = true;
-        }
-        var contains = false;
-        if (inclusive) {
-            contains = ((x >= this.left) && (x <= this.right) && 
-                        (y >= this.bottom) && (y <= this.top));
-        } else {
-            contains = ((x > this.left) && (x < this.right) && 
-                        (y > this.bottom) && (y < this.top));
-        }              
-        return contains;
-    },
-    /**
-    * @param {OpenLayers.Bounds} bounds
-    * @param {Boolean} partial If true, only part of passed-in 
-    *                          OpenLayers.Bounds needs be within this bounds. 
-    *                          If false, the entire passed-in bounds must be
-    *                          within. Default is false
-    * @param {Boolean} inclusive Whether or not to include the border. 
-    *                            Default is true
-    *
-    * @return Whether or not the passed-in OpenLayers.Bounds object is 
-    *         contained within this bounds. 
-    * @type Boolean
-    */
-    containsBounds:function(bounds, partial, inclusive) {
-        //set defaults
-        if (partial == null) {
-            partial = false;
-        }
-        if (inclusive == null) {
-            inclusive = true;
-        }
-        var inLeft;
-        var inTop;
-        var inRight;
-        var inBottom;
-        if (inclusive) {
-            inLeft = (bounds.left >= this.left) && (bounds.left <= this.right);
-            inTop = (bounds.top >= this.bottom) && (bounds.top <= this.top);
-            inRight= (bounds.right >= this.left) && (bounds.right <= this.right);
-            inBottom = (bounds.bottom >= this.bottom) && (bounds.bottom <= this.top);
-        } else {
-            inLeft = (bounds.left > this.left) && (bounds.left < this.right);
-            inTop = (bounds.top > this.bottom) && (bounds.top < this.top);
-            inRight= (bounds.right > this.left) && (bounds.right < this.right);
-            inBottom = (bounds.bottom > this.bottom) && (bounds.bottom < this.top);
-        }
-        return (partial) ? (inTop || inBottom) && (inLeft || inRight )
-                         : (inTop && inLeft && inBottom && inRight);
-    },
-    /** 
-     * @param {OpenLayers.LonLat} lonlat
-     *
-     * @returns The quadrant ("br" "tr" "tl" "bl") of the bounds in which 
-     *           the coordinate lies.
-     * @type String
-     */
-    determineQuadrant: function(lonlat) {
-        var quadrant = "";
-        var center = this.getCenterLonLat();
-        quadrant += (lonlat.lat < center.lat) ? "b" : "t";
-        quadrant += (lonlat.lon < center.lon) ? "l" : "r";
-        return quadrant; 
-    },
-    /** @final @type String */
-    CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Bounds"
-/** Alternative constructor that builds a new OpenLayers.Bounds from a 
-*    parameter string
-* @constructor
-* @param {String} str Comma-separated bounds string. (ex. <i>"5,42,10,45"</i>)
-* @returns New OpenLayers.Bounds object built from the passed-in String.
-* @type OpenLayers.Bounds
-OpenLayers.Bounds.fromString = function(str) {
-    var bounds = str.split(",");
-    return OpenLayers.Bounds.fromArray(bounds);
-/** Alternative constructor that builds a new OpenLayers.Bounds
-*    from an array
-* @constructor
-* @param {Array} bbox Array of bounds values (ex. <i>[5,42,10,45]</i>)
-* @returns New OpenLayers.Bounds object built from the passed-in Array.
-* @type OpenLayers.Bounds
-OpenLayers.Bounds.fromArray = function(bbox) {
-    return new OpenLayers.Bounds(parseFloat(bbox[0]),
-                                 parseFloat(bbox[1]),
-                                 parseFloat(bbox[2]),
-                                 parseFloat(bbox[3]));
-/** Alternative constructor that builds a new OpenLayers.Bounds
-*    from an OpenLayers.Size
-* @constructor
-* @param {OpenLayers.Size} size
-* @returns New OpenLayers.Bounds object built with top and left set to 0 and
-*           bottom right taken from the passed-in OpenLayers.Size.
-* @type OpenLayers.Bounds
-OpenLayers.Bounds.fromSize = function(size) {
-    return new OpenLayers.Bounds(0,
-                                 size.h,
-                                 size.w,
-                                 0);
- * @param {String} quadrant 
- * 
- * @returns The opposing quadrant ("br" "tr" "tl" "bl"). For Example, if 
- *           you pass in "bl" it returns "tr", if you pass in "br" it 
- *           returns "tl", etc.
- * @type String
- */
-OpenLayers.Bounds.oppositeQuadrant = function(quadrant) {
-    var opp = "";
-    opp += (quadrant.charAt(0) == 't') ? 'b' : 't';
-    opp += (quadrant.charAt(1) == 'l') ? 'r' : 'l';
-    return opp;
-// Some other helpful things
-* @param {String} sStart
-* @returns Whether or not this string starts with the string passed in.
-* @type Boolean
-String.prototype.startsWith = function(sStart){
-    return (this.substr(0,sStart.length) == sStart);
-* @returns A trimmed version of the string - all leading and 
-*          trailing spaces removed
-* @type String
-String.prototype.trim = function() {
-    var b = 0;
-    while(this.substr(b,1) == " ") {
-        b++;
-    }
-    var e = this.length - 1;
-    while(this.substr(e,1) == " ") {
-        e--;
-    }
-    return this.substring(b, e+1);
-/** Remove an object from an array. Iterates through the array
-*    to find the item, then removes it.
-* @param {Object} item
-* @returns A reference to the array
-* @type Array
-Array.prototype.remove = function(item) {
-    for(var i=0; i < this.length; i++) {
-        if(this[i] == item) {
-            this.splice(i,1);
-            //break;more than once??
-        }
-    }
-    return this;
-* @returns A fresh copy of the array
-* @type Array
-Array.prototype.copyOf = function() {
-  var copy = new Array();
-  for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) {
-      copy[i] = this[i];
-  }
-  return copy;
-* @param  {Object} item
-Array.prototype.prepend = function(item) {
-    this.splice(0, 0, item);
-* @param  {Object} item
-Array.prototype.append = function(item){
-    this[this.length] = item;
-Array.prototype.clear = function() {
-    this.length = 0;
-* @param {Object} element
-* @returns The first index of the element in the array if found. Else returns -1
-* @type int
-Array.prototype.indexOf = function(element) {
-    var index = -1;
-    for(var i=0; i < this.length; i++) {
-        if (this[i] == element) {
-            index = i;
-            break;
-        }
-    }
-    return index;    
- * @param {String} id
- * @param {OpenLayers.Pixel} px
- * @param {OpenLayers.Size} sz
- * @param {String} position
- * @param {String} border
- * @param {String} overflow
- */
-OpenLayers.Util.modifyDOMElement = function(element, id, px, sz, position, 
-                                            border, overflow) {
-    if (id) {
-        element.id = id;
-    }
-    if (px) {
-        element.style.left = px.x + "px";
-        element.style.top = px.y + "px";
-    }
-    if (sz) {
-        element.style.width = sz.w + "px";
-        element.style.height = sz.h + "px";
-    }
-    if (position) {
-        element.style.position = position;
-    }
-    if (border) {
-        element.style.border = border;
-    }
-    if (overflow) {
-        element.style.overflow = overflow;
-    }
-* zIndex is NOT set
-* @param {String} id
-* @param {OpenLayers.Pixel} px
-* @param {OpenLayers.Size} sz
-* @param {String} imgURL
-* @param {String} position
-* @param {String} border
-* @param {String} overflow
-* @returns A DOM Div created with the specified attributes.
-* @type DOMElement
-OpenLayers.Util.createDiv = function(id, px, sz, imgURL, position, 
-                                     border, overflow) {
-    var dom = document.createElement('div');
-    //set specific properties
-    dom.style.padding = "0";
-    dom.style.margin = "0";
-    if (imgURL) {
-        dom.style.backgroundImage = 'url(' + imgURL + ')';
-    }
-    //set generic properties
-    if (!id) {
-        id = "OpenLayersDiv" + (Math.random() * 10000 % 10000);
-    }
-    if (!position) {
-        position = "absolute";
-    }
-    OpenLayers.Util.modifyDOMElement(dom, id, px, sz, 
-                                     position, border, overflow);
-    return dom;
-* @param {String} id
-* @param {OpenLayers.Pixel} px
-* @param {OpenLayers.Size} sz
-* @param {String} imgURL
-* @param {String} position
-* @param {String} border
-* @returns A DOM Image created with the specified attributes.
-* @type DOMElement
-OpenLayers.Util.createImage = function(id, px, sz, imgURL, position, border) {
-    image = document.createElement("img");
-    //set special properties
-    image.style.alt = id;
-    image.galleryImg = "no";
-    if (imgURL) {
-        image.src = imgURL;
-    }
-    //set generic properties
-    if (!id) {
-        id = "OpenLayersDiv" + (Math.random() * 10000 % 10000);
-    }
-    if (!position) {
-        position = "relative";
-    }
-    OpenLayers.Util.modifyDOMElement(image, id, px, sz, position, border);
-    return image;
-OpenLayers.Util.alphaHack = function() {
-    var arVersion = navigator.appVersion.split("MSIE");
-    var version = parseFloat(arVersion[1]);
-    return ( (document.body.filters) &&
-                      (version >= 5.5) && (version < 7) );
-* @param {DOMElement} div Div containing Alpha-adjusted Image
-* @param {String} id
-* @param {OpenLayers.Pixel} px
-* @param {OpenLayers.Size} sz
-* @param {String} imgURL
-* @param {String} position
-* @param {String} border
-* @param {String} sizing 'crop', 'scale', or 'image'. Default is "scale"
-OpenLayers.Util.modifyAlphaImageDiv = function(div, id, px, sz, imgURL, 
-                                               position, border, sizing) {
-    OpenLayers.Util.modifyDOMElement(div, id, px, sz);
-    var img = div.childNodes[0];
-    if (imgURL) {
-        img.src = imgURL;
-    }
-    OpenLayers.Util.modifyDOMElement(img, div.id + "_innerImage", null, sz, 
-                                     "relative", border);
-    if (OpenLayers.Util.alphaHack()) {
-        div.style.display = "inline-block";
-        if (sizing == null) {
-            sizing = "scale";
-        }
-        div.style.filter = "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft" +
-                           ".AlphaImageLoader(src='" + img.src + "', " +
-                           "sizingMethod='" + sizing + "')";
-        img.style.filter = "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft" +
-                                ".Alpha(opacity=0)";
-    }
-* @param {String} id
-* @param {OpenLayers.Pixel} px
-* @param {OpenLayers.Size} sz
-* @param {String} imgURL
-* @param {String} position
-* @param {String} border
-* @param {String} sizing 'crop', 'scale', or 'image'. Default is "scale"
-* @returns A DOM Div created with a DOM Image inside it. If the hack is 
-*           needed for transparency in IE, it is added.
-* @type DOMElement
-OpenLayers.Util.createAlphaImageDiv = function(id, px, sz, imgURL, 
-                                               position, border, sizing) {
-    var div = OpenLayers.Util.createDiv();
-    var img = OpenLayers.Util.createImage();
-    div.appendChild(img);
-    OpenLayers.Util.modifyAlphaImageDiv(div, id, px, sz, imgURL, 
-                                        position, border, sizing);
-    return div;
-/** Creates a new hash and copies over all the keys from the 
-*    passed-in object, but storing them under an uppercased
-*    version of the key at which they were stored.
-* @param {Object} object
-* @returns A new Object with all the same keys but uppercased
-* @type Object
-OpenLayers.Util.upperCaseObject = function (object) {
-    var uObject = new Object();
-    for (var key in object) {
-        uObject[key.toUpperCase()] = object[key];
-    }
-    return uObject;
-/** Takes a hash and copies any keys that don't exist from
-*   another hash, by analogy with Object.extend() from
-*   Prototype.js.
-* @param {Object} to
-* @param {Object} from
-* @type Object
-OpenLayers.Util.applyDefaults = function (to, from) {
-    for (var key in from) {
-        if (to[key] == null) {
-            to[key] = from[key];
-        }
-    }
-    return to;
-* @param {Object} params
-* @returns a concatenation of the properties of an object in 
-*    http parameter notation. 
-*    (ex. <i>"key1=value1&key2=value2&key3=value3"</i>)
-* @type String
-OpenLayers.Util.getParameterString = function(params) {
-    paramsArray = new Array();
-    for (var key in params) {
-        var value = params[key];
-        //skip functions
-        if (typeof value == 'function') continue;
-        paramsArray.push(key + "=" + value);
-    }
-    return paramsArray.join("&");
-* @returns The fully formatted image location string
-* @type String
-OpenLayers.Util.getImagesLocation = function() {
-    return OpenLayers._getScriptLocation() + "img/";
-/** These could/should be made namespace aware?
-* @param {} p
-* @param {str} tagName
-* @return {Array}
-OpenLayers.Util.getNodes=function(p, tagName) {
-    var nodes = Try.these(
-        function () {
-            return OpenLayers.Util._getNodes(p.documentElement.childNodes,
-                                            tagName);
-        },
-        function () {
-            return OpenLayers.Util._getNodes(p.childNodes, tagName);
-        }
-    );
-    return nodes;
-* @param {Array} nodes
-* @param {str} tagName
-* @return {Array}
-OpenLayers.Util._getNodes=function(nodes, tagName) {
-    var retArray = new Array();
-    for (var i=0;i<nodes.length;i++) {
-        if (nodes[i].nodeName==tagName) {
-            retArray.push(nodes[i]);
-        }
-    }
-    return retArray;
-* @param {} parent
-* @param {str} item
-* @param {int} index
-* @return {str}
-OpenLayers.Util.getTagText = function (parent, item, index) {
-    var result = OpenLayers.Util.getNodes(parent, item);
-    if (result && (result.length > 0))
-    {
-        if (!index) {
-            index=0;
-        }
-        if (result[index].childNodes.length > 1) {
-            return result.childNodes[1].nodeValue; 
-        }
-        else if (result[index].childNodes.length == 1) {
-            return result[index].firstChild.nodeValue; 
-        }
-    } else { 
-        return ""; 
-    }
-* @param {Event} evt
-* @param {HTMLDivElement} div
-* @return {boolean}
-OpenLayers.Util.mouseLeft = function (evt, div) {
-    // start with the element to which the mouse has moved
-    var target = (evt.relatedTarget) ? evt.relatedTarget : evt.toElement;
-    // walk up the DOM tree.
-    while (target != div && target != null) {
-        target = target.parentNode;
-    }
-    // if the target we stop at isn't the div, then we've left the div.
-    return (target != div);
-OpenLayers.Util.rad = function(x) {return x*Math.PI/180;};
-OpenLayers.Util.distVincenty=function(p1, p2) {
-    var a = 6378137, b = 6356752.3142,  f = 1/298.257223563;
-    var L = OpenLayers.Util.rad(p2.lon - p1.lon);
-    var U1 = Math.atan((1-f) * Math.tan(OpenLayers.Util.rad(p1.lat)));
-    var U2 = Math.atan((1-f) * Math.tan(OpenLayers.Util.rad(p2.lat)));
-    var sinU1 = Math.sin(U1), cosU1 = Math.cos(U1);
-    var sinU2 = Math.sin(U2), cosU2 = Math.cos(U2);
-    var lambda = L, lambdaP = 2*Math.PI;
-    var iterLimit = 20;
-    while (Math.abs(lambda-lambdaP) > 1e-12 && --iterLimit>0) {
-        var sinLambda = Math.sin(lambda), cosLambda = Math.cos(lambda);
-        var sinSigma = Math.sqrt((cosU2*sinLambda) * (cosU2*sinLambda) +
-        (cosU1*sinU2-sinU1*cosU2*cosLambda) * (cosU1*sinU2-sinU1*cosU2*cosLambda));
-        if (sinSigma==0) return 0;  // co-incident points
-        var cosSigma = sinU1*sinU2 + cosU1*cosU2*cosLambda;
-        var sigma = Math.atan2(sinSigma, cosSigma);
-        var alpha = Math.asin(cosU1 * cosU2 * sinLambda / sinSigma);
-        var cosSqAlpha = Math.cos(alpha) * Math.cos(alpha);
-        var cos2SigmaM = cosSigma - 2*sinU1*sinU2/cosSqAlpha;
-        var C = f/16*cosSqAlpha*(4+f*(4-3*cosSqAlpha));
-        lambdaP = lambda;
-        lambda = L + (1-C) * f * Math.sin(alpha) *
-        (sigma + C*sinSigma*(cos2SigmaM+C*cosSigma*(-1+2*cos2SigmaM*cos2SigmaM)));
-    }
-    if (iterLimit==0) return NaN  // formula failed to converge
-    var uSq = cosSqAlpha * (a*a - b*b) / (b*b);
-    var A = 1 + uSq/16384*(4096+uSq*(-768+uSq*(320-175*uSq)));
-    var B = uSq/1024 * (256+uSq*(-128+uSq*(74-47*uSq)));
-    var deltaSigma = B*sinSigma*(cos2SigmaM+B/4*(cosSigma*(-1+2*cos2SigmaM*cos2SigmaM)-
-        B/6*cos2SigmaM*(-3+4*sinSigma*sinSigma)*(-3+4*cos2SigmaM*cos2SigmaM)));
-    var s = b*A*(sigma-deltaSigma);
-    var d = s.toFixed(3)/1000; // round to 1mm precision
-    return d;
diff --git a/public/lib/Prototype.js b/public/lib/Prototype.js
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 07baf10..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1781 +0,0 @@
-/*  Prototype JavaScript framework, version 1.4.0
- *  (c) 2005 Sam Stephenson <sam@conio.net>
- *
- *  Prototype is freely distributable under the terms of an MIT-style license.
- *  For details, see the Prototype web site: http://prototype.conio.net/
- *
-var Prototype = {
-  Version: '1.4.0',
-  ScriptFragment: '(?:<script.*?>)((\n|\r|.)*?)(?:<\/script>)',
-  emptyFunction: function() {},
-  K: function(x) {return x}
-var Class = {
-  create: function() {
-    return function() {
-      this.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
-    }
-  }
-var Abstract = new Object();
-Object.extend = function(destination, source) {
-  for (property in source) {
-    destination[property] = source[property];
-  }
-  return destination;
-Object.inspect = function(object) {
-  try {
-    if (object == undefined) return 'undefined';
-    if (object == null) return 'null';
-    return object.inspect ? object.inspect() : object.toString();
-  } catch (e) {
-    if (e instanceof RangeError) return '...';
-    throw e;
-  }
-Function.prototype.bind = function() {
-  var __method = this, args = $A(arguments), object = args.shift();
-  return function() {
-    return __method.apply(object, args.concat($A(arguments)));
-  }
-Function.prototype.bindAsEventListener = function(object) {
-  var __method = this;
-  return function(event) {
-    return __method.call(object, event || window.event);
-  }
-Object.extend(Number.prototype, {
-  toColorPart: function() {
-    var digits = this.toString(16);
-    if (this < 16) return '0' + digits;
-    return digits;
-  },
-  succ: function() {
-    return this + 1;
-  },
-  times: function(iterator) {
-    $R(0, this, true).each(iterator);
-    return this;
-  }
-var Try = {
-  these: function() {
-    var returnValue;
-    for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
-      var lambda = arguments[i];
-      try {
-        returnValue = lambda();
-        break;
-      } catch (e) {}
-    }
-    return returnValue;
-  }
-var PeriodicalExecuter = Class.create();
-PeriodicalExecuter.prototype = {
-  initialize: function(callback, frequency) {
-    this.callback = callback;
-    this.frequency = frequency;
-    this.currentlyExecuting = false;
-    this.registerCallback();
-  },
-  registerCallback: function() {
-    setInterval(this.onTimerEvent.bind(this), this.frequency * 1000);
-  },
-  onTimerEvent: function() {
-    if (!this.currentlyExecuting) {
-      try {
-        this.currentlyExecuting = true;
-        this.callback();
-      } finally {
-        this.currentlyExecuting = false;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-function $() {
-  var elements = new Array();
-  for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
-    var element = arguments[i];
-    if (typeof element == 'string')
-      element = document.getElementById(element);
-    if (arguments.length == 1)
-      return element;
-    elements.push(element);
-  }
-  return elements;
-Object.extend(String.prototype, {
-  stripTags: function() {
-    return this.replace(/<\/?[^>]+>/gi, '');
-  },
-  stripScripts: function() {
-    return this.replace(new RegExp(Prototype.ScriptFragment, 'img'), '');
-  },
-  extractScripts: function() {
-    var matchAll = new RegExp(Prototype.ScriptFragment, 'img');
-    var matchOne = new RegExp(Prototype.ScriptFragment, 'im');
-    return (this.match(matchAll) || []).map(function(scriptTag) {
-      return (scriptTag.match(matchOne) || ['', ''])[1];
-    });
-  },
-  evalScripts: function() {
-    return this.extractScripts().map(eval);
-  },
-  escapeHTML: function() {
-    var div = document.createElement('div');
-    var text = document.createTextNode(this);
-    div.appendChild(text);
-    return div.innerHTML;
-  },
-  unescapeHTML: function() {
-    var div = document.createElement('div');
-    div.innerHTML = this.stripTags();
-    return div.childNodes[0] ? div.childNodes[0].nodeValue : '';
-  },
-  toQueryParams: function() {
-    var pairs = this.match(/^\??(.*)$/)[1].split('&');
-    return pairs.inject({}, function(params, pairString) {
-      var pair = pairString.split('=');
-      params[pair[0]] = pair[1];
-      return params;
-    });
-  },
-  toArray: function() {
-    return this.split('');
-  },
-  camelize: function() {
-    var oStringList = this.split('-');
-    if (oStringList.length == 1) return oStringList[0];
-    var camelizedString = this.indexOf('-') == 0
-      ? oStringList[0].charAt(0).toUpperCase() + oStringList[0].substring(1)
-      : oStringList[0];
-    for (var i = 1, len = oStringList.length; i < len; i++) {
-      var s = oStringList[i];
-      camelizedString += s.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + s.substring(1);
-    }
-    return camelizedString;
-  },
-  inspect: function() {
-    return "'" + this.replace('\\', '\\\\').replace("'", '\\\'') + "'";
-  }
-String.prototype.parseQuery = String.prototype.toQueryParams;
-var $break    = new Object();
-var $continue = new Object();
-var Enumerable = {
-  each: function(iterator) {
-    var index = 0;
-    try {
-      this._each(function(value) {
-        try {
-          iterator(value, index++);
-        } catch (e) {
-          if (e != $continue) throw e;
-        }
-      });
-    } catch (e) {
-      if (e != $break) throw e;
-    }
-  },
-  all: function(iterator) {
-    var result = true;
-    this.each(function(value, index) {
-      result = result && !!(iterator || Prototype.K)(value, index);
-      if (!result) throw $break;
-    });
-    return result;
-  },
-  any: function(iterator) {
-    var result = true;
-    this.each(function(value, index) {
-      if (result = !!(iterator || Prototype.K)(value, index))
-        throw $break;
-    });
-    return result;
-  },
-  collect: function(iterator) {
-    var results = [];
-    this.each(function(value, index) {
-      results.push(iterator(value, index));
-    });
-    return results;
-  },
-  detect: function (iterator) {
-    var result;
-    this.each(function(value, index) {
-      if (iterator(value, index)) {
-        result = value;
-        throw $break;
-      }
-    });
-    return result;
-  },
-  findAll: function(iterator) {
-    var results = [];
-    this.each(function(value, index) {
-      if (iterator(value, index))
-        results.push(value);
-    });
-    return results;
-  },
-  grep: function(pattern, iterator) {
-    var results = [];
-    this.each(function(value, index) {
-      var stringValue = value.toString();
-      if (stringValue.match(pattern))
-        results.push((iterator || Prototype.K)(value, index));
-    })
-    return results;
-  },
-  include: function(object) {
-    var found = false;
-    this.each(function(value) {
-      if (value == object) {
-        found = true;
-        throw $break;
-      }
-    });
-    return found;
-  },
-  inject: function(memo, iterator) {
-    this.each(function(value, index) {
-      memo = iterator(memo, value, index);
-    });
-    return memo;
-  },
-  invoke: function(method) {
-    var args = $A(arguments).slice(1);
-    return this.collect(function(value) {
-      return value[method].apply(value, args);
-    });
-  },
-  max: function(iterator) {
-    var result;
-    this.each(function(value, index) {
-      value = (iterator || Prototype.K)(value, index);
-      if (value >= (result || value))
-        result = value;
-    });
-    return result;
-  },
-  min: function(iterator) {
-    var result;
-    this.each(function(value, index) {
-      value = (iterator || Prototype.K)(value, index);
-      if (value <= (result || value))
-        result = value;
-    });
-    return result;
-  },
-  partition: function(iterator) {
-    var trues = [], falses = [];
-    this.each(function(value, index) {
-      ((iterator || Prototype.K)(value, index) ?
-        trues : falses).push(value);
-    });
-    return [trues, falses];
-  },
-  pluck: function(property) {
-    var results = [];
-    this.each(function(value, index) {
-      results.push(value[property]);
-    });
-    return results;
-  },
-  reject: function(iterator) {
-    var results = [];
-    this.each(function(value, index) {
-      if (!iterator(value, index))
-        results.push(value);
-    });
-    return results;
-  },
-  sortBy: function(iterator) {
-    return this.collect(function(value, index) {
-      return {value: value, criteria: iterator(value, index)};
-    }).sort(function(left, right) {
-      var a = left.criteria, b = right.criteria;
-      return a < b ? -1 : a > b ? 1 : 0;
-    }).pluck('value');
-  },
-  toArray: function() {
-    return this.collect(Prototype.K);
-  },
-  zip: function() {
-    var iterator = Prototype.K, args = $A(arguments);
-    if (typeof args.last() == 'function')
-      iterator = args.pop();
-    var collections = [this].concat(args).map($A);
-    return this.map(function(value, index) {
-      iterator(value = collections.pluck(index));
-      return value;
-    });
-  },
-  inspect: function() {
-    return '#<Enumerable:' + this.toArray().inspect() + '>';
-  }
-Object.extend(Enumerable, {
-  map:     Enumerable.collect,
-  find:    Enumerable.detect,
-  select:  Enumerable.findAll,
-  member:  Enumerable.include,
-  entries: Enumerable.toArray
-var $A = Array.from = function(iterable) {
-  if (!iterable) return [];
-  if (iterable.toArray) {
-    return iterable.toArray();
-  } else {
-    var results = [];
-    for (var i = 0; i < iterable.length; i++)
-      results.push(iterable[i]);
-    return results;
-  }
-Object.extend(Array.prototype, Enumerable);
-Array.prototype._reverse = Array.prototype.reverse;
-Object.extend(Array.prototype, {
-  _each: function(iterator) {
-    for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++)
-      iterator(this[i]);
-  },
-  clear: function() {
-    this.length = 0;
-    return this;
-  },
-  first: function() {
-    return this[0];
-  },
-  last: function() {
-    return this[this.length - 1];
-  },
-  compact: function() {
-    return this.select(function(value) {
-      return value != undefined || value != null;
-    });
-  },
-  flatten: function() {
-    return this.inject([], function(array, value) {
-      return array.concat(value.constructor == Array ?
-        value.flatten() : [value]);
-    });
-  },
-  without: function() {
-    var values = $A(arguments);
-    return this.select(function(value) {
-      return !values.include(value);
-    });
-  },
-  indexOf: function(object) {
-    for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++)
-      if (this[i] == object) return i;
-    return -1;
-  },
-  reverse: function(inline) {
-    return (inline !== false ? this : this.toArray())._reverse();
-  },
-  shift: function() {
-    var result = this[0];
-    for (var i = 0; i < this.length - 1; i++)
-      this[i] = this[i + 1];
-    this.length--;
-    return result;
-  },
-  inspect: function() {
-    return '[' + this.map(Object.inspect).join(', ') + ']';
-  }
-var Hash = {
-  _each: function(iterator) {
-    for (key in this) {
-      var value = this[key];
-      if (typeof value == 'function') continue;
-      var pair = [key, value];
-      pair.key = key;
-      pair.value = value;
-      iterator(pair);
-    }
-  },
-  keys: function() {
-    return this.pluck('key');
-  },
-  values: function() {
-    return this.pluck('value');
-  },
-  merge: function(hash) {
-    return $H(hash).inject($H(this), function(mergedHash, pair) {
-      mergedHash[pair.key] = pair.value;
-      return mergedHash;
-    });
-  },
-  toQueryString: function() {
-    return this.map(function(pair) {
-      return pair.map(encodeURIComponent).join('=');
-    }).join('&');
-  },
-  inspect: function() {
-    return '#<Hash:{' + this.map(function(pair) {
-      return pair.map(Object.inspect).join(': ');
-    }).join(', ') + '}>';
-  }
-function $H(object) {
-  var hash = Object.extend({}, object || {});
-  Object.extend(hash, Enumerable);
-  Object.extend(hash, Hash);
-  return hash;
-ObjectRange = Class.create();
-Object.extend(ObjectRange.prototype, Enumerable);
-Object.extend(ObjectRange.prototype, {
-  initialize: function(start, end, exclusive) {
-    this.start = start;
-    this.end = end;
-    this.exclusive = exclusive;
-  },
-  _each: function(iterator) {
-    var value = this.start;
-    do {
-      iterator(value);
-      value = value.succ();
-    } while (this.include(value));
-  },
-  include: function(value) {
-    if (value < this.start)
-      return false;
-    if (this.exclusive)
-      return value < this.end;
-    return value <= this.end;
-  }
-var $R = function(start, end, exclusive) {
-  return new ObjectRange(start, end, exclusive);
-var Ajax = {
-  getTransport: function() {
-    return Try.these(
-      function() {return new ActiveXObject('Msxml2.XMLHTTP')},
-      function() {return new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP')},
-      function() {return new XMLHttpRequest()}
-    ) || false;
-  },
-  activeRequestCount: 0
-Ajax.Responders = {
-  responders: [],
-  _each: function(iterator) {
-    this.responders._each(iterator);
-  },
-  register: function(responderToAdd) {
-    if (!this.include(responderToAdd))
-      this.responders.push(responderToAdd);
-  },
-  unregister: function(responderToRemove) {
-    this.responders = this.responders.without(responderToRemove);
-  },
-  dispatch: function(callback, request, transport, json) {
-    this.each(function(responder) {
-      if (responder[callback] && typeof responder[callback] == 'function') {
-        try {
-          responder[callback].apply(responder, [request, transport, json]);
-        } catch (e) {}
-      }
-    });
-  }
-Object.extend(Ajax.Responders, Enumerable);
-  onCreate: function() {
-    Ajax.activeRequestCount++;
-  },
-  onComplete: function() {
-    Ajax.activeRequestCount--;
-  }
-Ajax.Base = function() {};
-Ajax.Base.prototype = {
-  setOptions: function(options) {
-    this.options = {
-      method:       'post',
-      asynchronous: true,
-      parameters:   ''
-    }
-    Object.extend(this.options, options || {});
-  },
-  responseIsSuccess: function() {
-    return this.transport.status == undefined
-        || this.transport.status == 0
-        || (this.transport.status >= 200 && this.transport.status < 300);
-  },
-  responseIsFailure: function() {
-    return !this.responseIsSuccess();
-  }
-Ajax.Request = Class.create();
-Ajax.Request.Events =
-  ['Uninitialized', 'Loading', 'Loaded', 'Interactive', 'Complete'];
-Ajax.Request.prototype = Object.extend(new Ajax.Base(), {
-  initialize: function(url, options) {
-    this.transport = Ajax.getTransport();
-    this.setOptions(options);
-    this.request(url);
-  },
-  request: function(url) {
-    var parameters = this.options.parameters || '';
-    if (parameters.length > 0) parameters += '&_=';
-    try {
-      this.url = url;
-      if (this.options.method == 'get' && parameters.length > 0)
-        this.url += (this.url.match(/\?/) ? '&' : '?') + parameters;
-      Ajax.Responders.dispatch('onCreate', this, this.transport);
-      this.transport.open(this.options.method, this.url,
-        this.options.asynchronous);
-      if (this.options.asynchronous) {
-        this.transport.onreadystatechange = this.onStateChange.bind(this);
-        setTimeout((function() {this.respondToReadyState(1)}).bind(this), 10);
-      }
-      this.setRequestHeaders();
-      var body = this.options.postBody ? this.options.postBody : parameters;
-      this.transport.send(this.options.method == 'post' ? body : null);
-    } catch (e) {
-      this.dispatchException(e);
-    }
-  },
-  setRequestHeaders: function() {
-    var requestHeaders =
-      ['X-Requested-With', 'XMLHttpRequest',
-       'X-Prototype-Version', Prototype.Version];
-    if (this.options.method == 'post') {
-      requestHeaders.push('Content-type',
-        'application/x-www-form-urlencoded');
-      /* Force "Connection: close" for Mozilla browsers to work around
-       * a bug where XMLHttpReqeuest sends an incorrect Content-length
-       * header. See Mozilla Bugzilla #246651.
-       */
-      if (this.transport.overrideMimeType)
-        requestHeaders.push('Connection', 'close');
-    }
-    if (this.options.requestHeaders)
-      requestHeaders.push.apply(requestHeaders, this.options.requestHeaders);
-    for (var i = 0; i < requestHeaders.length; i += 2)
-      this.transport.setRequestHeader(requestHeaders[i], requestHeaders[i+1]);
-  },
-  onStateChange: function() {
-    var readyState = this.transport.readyState;
-    if (readyState != 1)
-      this.respondToReadyState(this.transport.readyState);
-  },
-  header: function(name) {
-    try {
-      return this.transport.getResponseHeader(name);
-    } catch (e) {}
-  },
-  evalJSON: function() {
-    try {
-      return eval(this.header('X-JSON'));
-    } catch (e) {}
-  },
-  evalResponse: function() {
-    try {
-      return eval(this.transport.responseText);
-    } catch (e) {
-      this.dispatchException(e);
-    }
-  },
-  respondToReadyState: function(readyState) {
-    var event = Ajax.Request.Events[readyState];
-    var transport = this.transport, json = this.evalJSON();
-    if (event == 'Complete') {
-      try {
-        (this.options['on' + this.transport.status]
-         || this.options['on' + (this.responseIsSuccess() ? 'Success' : 'Failure')]
-         || Prototype.emptyFunction)(transport, json);
-      } catch (e) {
-        this.dispatchException(e);
-      }
-      if ((this.header('Content-type') || '').match(/^text\/javascript/i))
-        this.evalResponse();
-    }
-    try {
-      (this.options['on' + event] || Prototype.emptyFunction)(transport, json);
-      Ajax.Responders.dispatch('on' + event, this, transport, json);
-    } catch (e) {
-      this.dispatchException(e);
-    }
-    /* Avoid memory leak in MSIE: clean up the oncomplete event handler */
-    if (event == 'Complete')
-      this.transport.onreadystatechange = Prototype.emptyFunction;
-  },
-  dispatchException: function(exception) {
-    (this.options.onException || Prototype.emptyFunction)(this, exception);
-    Ajax.Responders.dispatch('onException', this, exception);
-  }
-Ajax.Updater = Class.create();
-Object.extend(Object.extend(Ajax.Updater.prototype, Ajax.Request.prototype), {
-  initialize: function(container, url, options) {
-    this.containers = {
-      success: container.success ? $(container.success) : $(container),
-      failure: container.failure ? $(container.failure) :
-        (container.success ? null : $(container))
-    }
-    this.transport = Ajax.getTransport();
-    this.setOptions(options);
-    var onComplete = this.options.onComplete || Prototype.emptyFunction;
-    this.options.onComplete = (function(transport, object) {
-      this.updateContent();
-      onComplete(transport, object);
-    }).bind(this);
-    this.request(url);
-  },
-  updateContent: function() {
-    var receiver = this.responseIsSuccess() ?
-      this.containers.success : this.containers.failure;
-    var response = this.transport.responseText;
-    if (!this.options.evalScripts)
-      response = response.stripScripts();
-    if (receiver) {
-      if (this.options.insertion) {
-        new this.options.insertion(receiver, response);
-      } else {
-        Element.update(receiver, response);
-      }
-    }
-    if (this.responseIsSuccess()) {
-      if (this.onComplete)
-        setTimeout(this.onComplete.bind(this), 10);
-    }
-  }
-Ajax.PeriodicalUpdater = Class.create();
-Ajax.PeriodicalUpdater.prototype = Object.extend(new Ajax.Base(), {
-  initialize: function(container, url, options) {
-    this.setOptions(options);
-    this.onComplete = this.options.onComplete;
-    this.frequency = (this.options.frequency || 2);
-    this.decay = (this.options.decay || 1);
-    this.updater = {};
-    this.container = container;
-    this.url = url;
-    this.start();
-  },
-  start: function() {
-    this.options.onComplete = this.updateComplete.bind(this);
-    this.onTimerEvent();
-  },
-  stop: function() {
-    this.updater.onComplete = undefined;
-    clearTimeout(this.timer);
-    (this.onComplete || Prototype.emptyFunction).apply(this, arguments);
-  },
-  updateComplete: function(request) {
-    if (this.options.decay) {
-      this.decay = (request.responseText == this.lastText ?
-        this.decay * this.options.decay : 1);
-      this.lastText = request.responseText;
-    }
-    this.timer = setTimeout(this.onTimerEvent.bind(this),
-      this.decay * this.frequency * 1000);
-  },
-  onTimerEvent: function() {
-    this.updater = new Ajax.Updater(this.container, this.url, this.options);
-  }
-document.getElementsByClassName = function(className, parentElement) {
-  var children = ($(parentElement) || document.body).getElementsByTagName('*');
-  return $A(children).inject([], function(elements, child) {
-    if (child.className.match(new RegExp("(^|\\s)" + className + "(\\s|$)")))
-      elements.push(child);
-    return elements;
-  });
-if (!window.Element) {
-  var Element = new Object();
-Object.extend(Element, {
-  visible: function(element) {
-    return $(element).style.display != 'none';
-  },
-  toggle: function() {
-    for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
-      var element = $(arguments[i]);
-      Element[Element.visible(element) ? 'hide' : 'show'](element);
-    }
-  },
-  hide: function() {
-    for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
-      var element = $(arguments[i]);
-      element.style.display = 'none';
-    }
-  },
-  show: function() {
-    for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
-      var element = $(arguments[i]);
-      element.style.display = '';
-    }
-  },
-  remove: function(element) {
-    element = $(element);
-    element.parentNode.removeChild(element);
-  },
-  update: function(element, html) {
-    $(element).innerHTML = html.stripScripts();
-    setTimeout(function() {html.evalScripts()}, 10);
-  },
-  getHeight: function(element) {
-    element = $(element);
-    return element.offsetHeight;
-  },
-  classNames: function(element) {
-    return new Element.ClassNames(element);
-  },
-  hasClassName: function(element, className) {
-    if (!(element = $(element))) return;
-    return Element.classNames(element).include(className);
-  },
-  addClassName: function(element, className) {
-    if (!(element = $(element))) return;
-    return Element.classNames(element).add(className);
-  },
-  removeClassName: function(element, className) {
-    if (!(element = $(element))) return;
-    return Element.classNames(element).remove(className);
-  },
-  // removes whitespace-only text node children
-  cleanWhitespace: function(element) {
-    element = $(element);
-    for (var i = 0; i < element.childNodes.length; i++) {
-      var node = element.childNodes[i];
-      if (node.nodeType == 3 && !/\S/.test(node.nodeValue))
-        Element.remove(node);
-    }
-  },
-  empty: function(element) {
-    return $(element).innerHTML.match(/^\s*$/);
-  },
-  scrollTo: function(element) {
-    element = $(element);
-    var x = element.x ? element.x : element.offsetLeft,
-        y = element.y ? element.y : element.offsetTop;
-    window.scrollTo(x, y);
-  },
-  getStyle: function(element, style) {
-    element = $(element);
-    var value = element.style[style.camelize()];
-    if (!value) {
-      if (document.defaultView && document.defaultView.getComputedStyle) {
-        var css = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(element, null);
-        value = css ? css.getPropertyValue(style) : null;
-      } else if (element.currentStyle) {
-        value = element.currentStyle[style.camelize()];
-      }
-    }
-    if (window.opera && ['left', 'top', 'right', 'bottom'].include(style))
-      if (Element.getStyle(element, 'position') == 'static') value = 'auto';
-    return value == 'auto' ? null : value;
-  },
-  setStyle: function(element, style) {
-    element = $(element);
-    for (name in style)
-      element.style[name.camelize()] = style[name];
-  },
-  getDimensions: function(element) {
-    element = $(element);
-    if (Element.getStyle(element, 'display') != 'none')
-      return {width: element.offsetWidth, height: element.offsetHeight};
-    // All *Width and *Height properties give 0 on elements with display none,
-    // so enable the element temporarily
-    var els = element.style;
-    var originalVisibility = els.visibility;
-    var originalPosition = els.position;
-    els.visibility = 'hidden';
-    els.position = 'absolute';
-    els.display = '';
-    var originalWidth = element.clientWidth;
-    var originalHeight = element.clientHeight;
-    els.display = 'none';
-    els.position = originalPosition;
-    els.visibility = originalVisibility;
-    return {width: originalWidth, height: originalHeight};
-  },
-  makePositioned: function(element) {
-    element = $(element);
-    var pos = Element.getStyle(element, 'position');
-    if (pos == 'static' || !pos) {
-      element._madePositioned = true;
-      element.style.position = 'relative';
-      // Opera returns the offset relative to the positioning context, when an
-      // element is position relative but top and left have not been defined
-      if (window.opera) {
-        element.style.top = 0;
-        element.style.left = 0;
-      }
-    }
-  },
-  undoPositioned: function(element) {
-    element = $(element);
-    if (element._madePositioned) {
-      element._madePositioned = undefined;
-      element.style.position =
-        element.style.top =
-        element.style.left =
-        element.style.bottom =
-        element.style.right = '';
-    }
-  },
-  makeClipping: function(element) {
-    element = $(element);
-    if (element._overflow) return;
-    element._overflow = element.style.overflow;
-    if ((Element.getStyle(element, 'overflow') || 'visible') != 'hidden')
-      element.style.overflow = 'hidden';
-  },
-  undoClipping: function(element) {
-    element = $(element);
-    if (element._overflow) return;
-    element.style.overflow = element._overflow;
-    element._overflow = undefined;
-  }
-var Toggle = new Object();
-Toggle.display = Element.toggle;
-Abstract.Insertion = function(adjacency) {
-  this.adjacency = adjacency;
-Abstract.Insertion.prototype = {
-  initialize: function(element, content) {
-    this.element = $(element);
-    this.content = content.stripScripts();
-    if (this.adjacency && this.element.insertAdjacentHTML) {
-      try {
-        this.element.insertAdjacentHTML(this.adjacency, this.content);
-      } catch (e) {
-        if (this.element.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'tbody') {
-          this.insertContent(this.contentFromAnonymousTable());
-        } else {
-          throw e;
-        }
-      }
-    } else {
-      this.range = this.element.ownerDocument.createRange();
-      if (this.initializeRange) this.initializeRange();
-      this.insertContent([this.range.createContextualFragment(this.content)]);
-    }
-    setTimeout(function() {content.evalScripts()}, 10);
-  },
-  contentFromAnonymousTable: function() {
-    var div = document.createElement('div');
-    div.innerHTML = '<table><tbody>' + this.content + '</tbody></table>';
-    return $A(div.childNodes[0].childNodes[0].childNodes);
-  }
-var Insertion = new Object();
-Insertion.Before = Class.create();
-Insertion.Before.prototype = Object.extend(new Abstract.Insertion('beforeBegin'), {
-  initializeRange: function() {
-    this.range.setStartBefore(this.element);
-  },
-  insertContent: function(fragments) {
-    fragments.each((function(fragment) {
-      this.element.parentNode.insertBefore(fragment, this.element);
-    }).bind(this));
-  }
-Insertion.Top = Class.create();
-Insertion.Top.prototype = Object.extend(new Abstract.Insertion('afterBegin'), {
-  initializeRange: function() {
-    this.range.selectNodeContents(this.element);
-    this.range.collapse(true);
-  },
-  insertContent: function(fragments) {
-    fragments.reverse(false).each((function(fragment) {
-      this.element.insertBefore(fragment, this.element.firstChild);
-    }).bind(this));
-  }
-Insertion.Bottom = Class.create();
-Insertion.Bottom.prototype = Object.extend(new Abstract.Insertion('beforeEnd'), {
-  initializeRange: function() {
-    this.range.selectNodeContents(this.element);
-    this.range.collapse(this.element);
-  },
-  insertContent: function(fragments) {
-    fragments.each((function(fragment) {
-      this.element.appendChild(fragment);
-    }).bind(this));
-  }
-Insertion.After = Class.create();
-Insertion.After.prototype = Object.extend(new Abstract.Insertion('afterEnd'), {
-  initializeRange: function() {
-    this.range.setStartAfter(this.element);
-  },
-  insertContent: function(fragments) {
-    fragments.each((function(fragment) {
-      this.element.parentNode.insertBefore(fragment,
-        this.element.nextSibling);
-    }).bind(this));
-  }
-Element.ClassNames = Class.create();
-Element.ClassNames.prototype = {
-  initialize: function(element) {
-    this.element = $(element);
-  },
-  _each: function(iterator) {
-    this.element.className.split(/\s+/).select(function(name) {
-      return name.length > 0;
-    })._each(iterator);
-  },
-  set: function(className) {
-    this.element.className = className;
-  },
-  add: function(classNameToAdd) {
-    if (this.include(classNameToAdd)) return;
-    this.set(this.toArray().concat(classNameToAdd).join(' '));
-  },
-  remove: function(classNameToRemove) {
-    if (!this.include(classNameToRemove)) return;
-    this.set(this.select(function(className) {
-      return className != classNameToRemove;
-    }).join(' '));
-  },
-  toString: function() {
-    return this.toArray().join(' ');
-  }
-Object.extend(Element.ClassNames.prototype, Enumerable);
-var Field = {
-  clear: function() {
-    for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++)
-      $(arguments[i]).value = '';
-  },
-  focus: function(element) {
-    $(element).focus();
-  },
-  present: function() {
-    for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++)
-      if ($(arguments[i]).value == '') return false;
-    return true;
-  },
-  select: function(element) {
-    $(element).select();
-  },
-  activate: function(element) {
-    element = $(element);
-    element.focus();
-    if (element.select)
-      element.select();
-  }
-var Form = {
-  serialize: function(form) {
-    var elements = Form.getElements($(form));
-    var queryComponents = new Array();
-    for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
-      var queryComponent = Form.Element.serialize(elements[i]);
-      if (queryComponent)
-        queryComponents.push(queryComponent);
-    }
-    return queryComponents.join('&');
-  },
-  getElements: function(form) {
-    form = $(form);
-    var elements = new Array();
-    for (tagName in Form.Element.Serializers) {
-      var tagElements = form.getElementsByTagName(tagName);
-      for (var j = 0; j < tagElements.length; j++)
-        elements.push(tagElements[j]);
-    }
-    return elements;
-  },
-  getInputs: function(form, typeName, name) {
-    form = $(form);
-    var inputs = form.getElementsByTagName('input');
-    if (!typeName && !name)
-      return inputs;
-    var matchingInputs = new Array();
-    for (var i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++) {
-      var input = inputs[i];
-      if ((typeName && input.type != typeName) ||
-          (name && input.name != name))
-        continue;
-      matchingInputs.push(input);
-    }
-    return matchingInputs;
-  },
-  disable: function(form) {
-    var elements = Form.getElements(form);
-    for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
-      var element = elements[i];
-      element.blur();
-      element.disabled = 'true';
-    }
-  },
-  enable: function(form) {
-    var elements = Form.getElements(form);
-    for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
-      var element = elements[i];
-      element.disabled = '';
-    }
-  },
-  findFirstElement: function(form) {
-    return Form.getElements(form).find(function(element) {
-      return element.type != 'hidden' && !element.disabled &&
-        ['input', 'select', 'textarea'].include(element.tagName.toLowerCase());
-    });
-  },
-  focusFirstElement: function(form) {
-    Field.activate(Form.findFirstElement(form));
-  },
-  reset: function(form) {
-    $(form).reset();
-  }
-Form.Element = {
-  serialize: function(element) {
-    element = $(element);
-    var method = element.tagName.toLowerCase();
-    var parameter = Form.Element.Serializers[method](element);
-    if (parameter) {
-      var key = encodeURIComponent(parameter[0]);
-      if (key.length == 0) return;
-      if (parameter[1].constructor != Array)
-        parameter[1] = [parameter[1]];
-      return parameter[1].map(function(value) {
-        return key + '=' + encodeURIComponent(value);
-      }).join('&');
-    }
-  },
-  getValue: function(element) {
-    element = $(element);
-    var method = element.tagName.toLowerCase();
-    var parameter = Form.Element.Serializers[method](element);
-    if (parameter)
-      return parameter[1];
-  }
-Form.Element.Serializers = {
-  input: function(element) {
-    switch (element.type.toLowerCase()) {
-      case 'submit':
-      case 'hidden':
-      case 'password':
-      case 'text':
-        return Form.Element.Serializers.textarea(element);
-      case 'checkbox':
-      case 'radio':
-        return Form.Element.Serializers.inputSelector(element);
-    }
-    return false;
-  },
-  inputSelector: function(element) {
-    if (element.checked)
-      return [element.name, element.value];
-  },
-  textarea: function(element) {
-    return [element.name, element.value];
-  },
-  select: function(element) {
-    return Form.Element.Serializers[element.type == 'select-one' ?
-      'selectOne' : 'selectMany'](element);
-  },
-  selectOne: function(element) {
-    var value = '', opt, index = element.selectedIndex;
-    if (index >= 0) {
-      opt = element.options[index];
-      value = opt.value;
-      if (!value && !('value' in opt))
-        value = opt.text;
-    }
-    return [element.name, value];
-  },
-  selectMany: function(element) {
-    var value = new Array();
-    for (var i = 0; i < element.length; i++) {
-      var opt = element.options[i];
-      if (opt.selected) {
-        var optValue = opt.value;
-        if (!optValue && !('value' in opt))
-          optValue = opt.text;
-        value.push(optValue);
-      }
-    }
-    return [element.name, value];
-  }
-var $F = Form.Element.getValue;
-Abstract.TimedObserver = function() {}
-Abstract.TimedObserver.prototype = {
-  initialize: function(element, frequency, callback) {
-    this.frequency = frequency;
-    this.element   = $(element);
-    this.callback  = callback;
-    this.lastValue = this.getValue();
-    this.registerCallback();
-  },
-  registerCallback: function() {
-    setInterval(this.onTimerEvent.bind(this), this.frequency * 1000);
-  },
-  onTimerEvent: function() {
-    var value = this.getValue();
-    if (this.lastValue != value) {
-      this.callback(this.element, value);
-      this.lastValue = value;
-    }
-  }
-Form.Element.Observer = Class.create();
-Form.Element.Observer.prototype = Object.extend(new Abstract.TimedObserver(), {
-  getValue: function() {
-    return Form.Element.getValue(this.element);
-  }
-Form.Observer = Class.create();
-Form.Observer.prototype = Object.extend(new Abstract.TimedObserver(), {
-  getValue: function() {
-    return Form.serialize(this.element);
-  }
-Abstract.EventObserver = function() {}
-Abstract.EventObserver.prototype = {
-  initialize: function(element, callback) {
-    this.element  = $(element);
-    this.callback = callback;
-    this.lastValue = this.getValue();
-    if (this.element.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'form')
-      this.registerFormCallbacks();
-    else
-      this.registerCallback(this.element);
-  },
-  onElementEvent: function() {
-    var value = this.getValue();
-    if (this.lastValue != value) {
-      this.callback(this.element, value);
-      this.lastValue = value;
-    }
-  },
-  registerFormCallbacks: function() {
-    var elements = Form.getElements(this.element);
-    for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++)
-      this.registerCallback(elements[i]);
-  },
-  registerCallback: function(element) {
-    if (element.type) {
-      switch (element.type.toLowerCase()) {
-        case 'checkbox':
-        case 'radio':
-          Event.observe(element, 'click', this.onElementEvent.bind(this));
-          break;
-        case 'password':
-        case 'text':
-        case 'textarea':
-        case 'select-one':
-        case 'select-multiple':
-          Event.observe(element, 'change', this.onElementEvent.bind(this));
-          break;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-Form.Element.EventObserver = Class.create();
-Form.Element.EventObserver.prototype = Object.extend(new Abstract.EventObserver(), {
-  getValue: function() {
-    return Form.Element.getValue(this.element);
-  }
-Form.EventObserver = Class.create();
-Form.EventObserver.prototype = Object.extend(new Abstract.EventObserver(), {
-  getValue: function() {
-    return Form.serialize(this.element);
-  }
-if (!window.Event) {
-  var Event = new Object();
-Object.extend(Event, {
-  KEY_TAB:       9,
-  KEY_RETURN:   13,
-  KEY_ESC:      27,
-  KEY_LEFT:     37,
-  KEY_UP:       38,
-  KEY_RIGHT:    39,
-  KEY_DOWN:     40,
-  KEY_DELETE:   46,
-  element: function(event) {
-    return event.target || event.srcElement;
-  },
-  isLeftClick: function(event) {
-    return (((event.which) && (event.which == 1)) ||
-            ((event.button) && (event.button == 1)));
-  },
-  pointerX: function(event) {
-    return event.pageX || (event.clientX +
-      (document.documentElement.scrollLeft || document.body.scrollLeft));
-  },
-  pointerY: function(event) {
-    return event.pageY || (event.clientY +
-      (document.documentElement.scrollTop || document.body.scrollTop));
-  },
-  stop: function(event) {
-    if (event.preventDefault) {
-      event.preventDefault();
-      event.stopPropagation();
-    } else {
-      event.returnValue = false;
-      event.cancelBubble = true;
-    }
-  },
-  // find the first node with the given tagName, starting from the
-  // node the event was triggered on; traverses the DOM upwards
-  findElement: function(event, tagName) {
-    var element = Event.element(event);
-    while (element.parentNode && (!element.tagName ||
-        (element.tagName.toUpperCase() != tagName.toUpperCase())))
-      element = element.parentNode;
-    return element;
-  },
-  observers: false,
-  _observeAndCache: function(element, name, observer, useCapture) {
-    if (!this.observers) this.observers = [];
-    if (element.addEventListener) {
-      this.observers.push([element, name, observer, useCapture]);
-      element.addEventListener(name, observer, useCapture);
-    } else if (element.attachEvent) {
-      this.observers.push([element, name, observer, useCapture]);
-      element.attachEvent('on' + name, observer);
-    }
-  },
-  unloadCache: function() {
-    if (!Event.observers) return;
-    for (var i = 0; i < Event.observers.length; i++) {
-      Event.stopObserving.apply(this, Event.observers[i]);
-      Event.observers[i][0] = null;
-    }
-    Event.observers = false;
-  },
-  observe: function(elementParam, name, observer, useCapture) {
-    var element = $(elementParam);
-    useCapture = useCapture || false;
-    if (name == 'keypress' &&
-        (navigator.appVersion.match(/Konqueror|Safari|KHTML/)
-        || element.attachEvent))
-      name = 'keydown';
-    this._observeAndCache(element, name, observer, useCapture);
-  },
-  stopObserving: function(elementParam, name, observer, useCapture) {
-    var element = $(elementParam);
-    useCapture = useCapture || false;
-    if (name == 'keypress' &&
-        (navigator.appVersion.match(/Konqueror|Safari|KHTML/)
-        || element.detachEvent))
-      name = 'keydown';
-    if (element.removeEventListener) {
-      element.removeEventListener(name, observer, useCapture);
-    } else if (element.detachEvent) {
-      element.detachEvent('on' + name, observer);
-    }
-  }
-/* prevent memory leaks in IE */
-Event.observe(window, 'unload', Event.unloadCache, false);
-var Position = {
-  // set to true if needed, warning: firefox performance problems
-  // NOT neeeded for page scrolling, only if draggable contained in
-  // scrollable elements
-  includeScrollOffsets: false,
-  // must be called before calling withinIncludingScrolloffset, every time the
-  // page is scrolled
-  prepare: function() {
-    this.deltaX =  window.pageXOffset
-                || document.documentElement.scrollLeft
-                || document.body.scrollLeft
-                || 0;
-    this.deltaY =  window.pageYOffset
-                || document.documentElement.scrollTop
-                || document.body.scrollTop
-                || 0;
-  },
-  realOffset: function(element) {
-    var valueT = 0, valueL = 0;
-    do {
-      valueT += element.scrollTop  || 0;
-      valueL += element.scrollLeft || 0;
-      element = element.parentNode;
-    } while (element);
-    return [valueL, valueT];
-  },
-  cumulativeOffset: function(element) {
-    var valueT = 0, valueL = 0;
-    do {
-      valueT += element.offsetTop  || 0;
-      valueL += element.offsetLeft || 0;
-      element = element.offsetParent;
-    } while (element);
-    return [valueL, valueT];
-  },
-  positionedOffset: function(element) {
-    var valueT = 0, valueL = 0;
-    do {
-      valueT += element.offsetTop  || 0;
-      valueL += element.offsetLeft || 0;
-      element = element.offsetParent;
-      if (element) {
-        p = Element.getStyle(element, 'position');
-        if (p == 'relative' || p == 'absolute') break;
-      }
-    } while (element);
-    return [valueL, valueT];
-  },
-  offsetParent: function(element) {
-    if (element.offsetParent) return element.offsetParent;
-    if (element == document.body) return element;
-    while ((element = element.parentNode) && element != document.body)
-      if (Element.getStyle(element, 'position') != 'static')
-        return element;
-    return document.body;
-  },
-  // caches x/y coordinate pair to use with overlap
-  within: function(element, x, y) {
-    if (this.includeScrollOffsets)
-      return this.withinIncludingScrolloffsets(element, x, y);
-    this.xcomp = x;
-    this.ycomp = y;
-    this.offset = this.cumulativeOffset(element);
-    return (y >= this.offset[1] &&
-            y <  this.offset[1] + element.offsetHeight &&
-            x >= this.offset[0] &&
-            x <  this.offset[0] + element.offsetWidth);
-  },
-  withinIncludingScrolloffsets: function(element, x, y) {
-    var offsetcache = this.realOffset(element);
-    this.xcomp = x + offsetcache[0] - this.deltaX;
-    this.ycomp = y + offsetcache[1] - this.deltaY;
-    this.offset = this.cumulativeOffset(element);
-    return (this.ycomp >= this.offset[1] &&
-            this.ycomp <  this.offset[1] + element.offsetHeight &&
-            this.xcomp >= this.offset[0] &&
-            this.xcomp <  this.offset[0] + element.offsetWidth);
-  },
-  // within must be called directly before
-  overlap: function(mode, element) {
-    if (!mode) return 0;
-    if (mode == 'vertical')
-      return ((this.offset[1] + element.offsetHeight) - this.ycomp) /
-        element.offsetHeight;
-    if (mode == 'horizontal')
-      return ((this.offset[0] + element.offsetWidth) - this.xcomp) /
-        element.offsetWidth;
-  },
-  clone: function(source, target) {
-    source = $(source);
-    target = $(target);
-    target.style.position = 'absolute';
-    var offsets = this.cumulativeOffset(source);
-    target.style.top    = offsets[1] + 'px';
-    target.style.left   = offsets[0] + 'px';
-    target.style.width  = source.offsetWidth + 'px';
-    target.style.height = source.offsetHeight + 'px';
-  },
-  page: function(forElement) {
-    var valueT = 0, valueL = 0;
-    var element = forElement;
-    do {
-      valueT += element.offsetTop  || 0;
-      valueL += element.offsetLeft || 0;
-      // Safari fix
-      if (element.offsetParent==document.body)
-        if (Element.getStyle(element,'position')=='absolute') break;
-    } while (element = element.offsetParent);
-    element = forElement;
-    do {
-      valueT -= element.scrollTop  || 0;
-      valueL -= element.scrollLeft || 0;
-    } while (element = element.parentNode);
-    return [valueL, valueT];
-  },
-  clone: function(source, target) {
-    var options = Object.extend({
-      setLeft:    true,
-      setTop:     true,
-      setWidth:   true,
-      setHeight:  true,
-      offsetTop:  0,
-      offsetLeft: 0
-    }, arguments[2] || {})
-    // find page position of source
-    source = $(source);
-    var p = Position.page(source);
-    // find coordinate system to use
-    target = $(target);
-    var delta = [0, 0];
-    var parent = null;
-    // delta [0,0] will do fine with position: fixed elements,
-    // position:absolute needs offsetParent deltas
-    if (Element.getStyle(target,'position') == 'absolute') {
-      parent = Position.offsetParent(target);
-      delta = Position.page(parent);
-    }
-    // correct by body offsets (fixes Safari)
-    if (parent == document.body) {
-      delta[0] -= document.body.offsetLeft;
-      delta[1] -= document.body.offsetTop;
-    }
-    // set position
-    if(options.setLeft)   target.style.left  = (p[0] - delta[0] + options.offsetLeft) + 'px';
-    if(options.setTop)    target.style.top   = (p[1] - delta[1] + options.offsetTop) + 'px';
-    if(options.setWidth)  target.style.width = source.offsetWidth + 'px';
-    if(options.setHeight) target.style.height = source.offsetHeight + 'px';
-  },
-  absolutize: function(element) {
-    element = $(element);
-    if (element.style.position == 'absolute') return;
-    Position.prepare();
-    var offsets = Position.positionedOffset(element);
-    var top     = offsets[1];
-    var left    = offsets[0];
-    var width   = element.clientWidth;
-    var height  = element.clientHeight;
-    element._originalLeft   = left - parseFloat(element.style.left  || 0);
-    element._originalTop    = top  - parseFloat(element.style.top || 0);
-    element._originalWidth  = element.style.width;
-    element._originalHeight = element.style.height;
-    element.style.position = 'absolute';
-    element.style.top    = top + 'px';;
-    element.style.left   = left + 'px';;
-    element.style.width  = width + 'px';;
-    element.style.height = height + 'px';;
-  },
-  relativize: function(element) {
-    element = $(element);
-    if (element.style.position == 'relative') return;
-    Position.prepare();
-    element.style.position = 'relative';
-    var top  = parseFloat(element.style.top  || 0) - (element._originalTop || 0);
-    var left = parseFloat(element.style.left || 0) - (element._originalLeft || 0);
-    element.style.top    = top + 'px';
-    element.style.left   = left + 'px';
-    element.style.height = element._originalHeight;
-    element.style.width  = element._originalWidth;
-  }
-// Safari returns margins on body which is incorrect if the child is absolutely
-// positioned.  For performance reasons, redefine Position.cumulativeOffset for
-// KHTML/WebKit only.
-if (/Konqueror|Safari|KHTML/.test(navigator.userAgent)) {
-  Position.cumulativeOffset = function(element) {
-    var valueT = 0, valueL = 0;
-    do {
-      valueT += element.offsetTop  || 0;
-      valueL += element.offsetLeft || 0;
-      if (element.offsetParent == document.body)
-        if (Element.getStyle(element, 'position') == 'absolute') break;
-      element = element.offsetParent;
-    } while (element);
-    return [valueL, valueT];
-  }
diff --git a/public/lib/Rico/Color.js b/public/lib/Rico/Color.js
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index e61ae29..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,232 +0,0 @@
-Rico.Color = Class.create();
-Rico.Color.prototype = {
-   initialize: function(red, green, blue) {
-      this.rgb = { r: red, g : green, b : blue };
-   },
-   setRed: function(r) {
-      this.rgb.r = r;
-   },
-   setGreen: function(g) {
-      this.rgb.g = g;
-   },
-   setBlue: function(b) {
-      this.rgb.b = b;
-   },
-   setHue: function(h) {
-      // get an HSB model, and set the new hue...
-      var hsb = this.asHSB();
-      hsb.h = h;
-      // convert back to RGB...
-      this.rgb = Rico.Color.HSBtoRGB(hsb.h, hsb.s, hsb.b);
-   },
-   setSaturation: function(s) {
-      // get an HSB model, and set the new hue...
-      var hsb = this.asHSB();
-      hsb.s = s;
-      // convert back to RGB and set values...
-      this.rgb = Rico.Color.HSBtoRGB(hsb.h, hsb.s, hsb.b);
-   },
-   setBrightness: function(b) {
-      // get an HSB model, and set the new hue...
-      var hsb = this.asHSB();
-      hsb.b = b;
-      // convert back to RGB and set values...
-      this.rgb = Rico.Color.HSBtoRGB( hsb.h, hsb.s, hsb.b );
-   },
-   darken: function(percent) {
-      var hsb  = this.asHSB();
-      this.rgb = Rico.Color.HSBtoRGB(hsb.h, hsb.s, Math.max(hsb.b - percent,0));
-   },
-   brighten: function(percent) {
-      var hsb  = this.asHSB();
-      this.rgb = Rico.Color.HSBtoRGB(hsb.h, hsb.s, Math.min(hsb.b + percent,1));
-   },
-   blend: function(other) {
-      this.rgb.r = Math.floor((this.rgb.r + other.rgb.r)/2);
-      this.rgb.g = Math.floor((this.rgb.g + other.rgb.g)/2);
-      this.rgb.b = Math.floor((this.rgb.b + other.rgb.b)/2);
-   },
-   isBright: function() {
-      var hsb = this.asHSB();
-      return this.asHSB().b > 0.5;
-   },
-   isDark: function() {
-      return ! this.isBright();
-   },
-   asRGB: function() {
-      return "rgb(" + this.rgb.r + "," + this.rgb.g + "," + this.rgb.b + ")";
-   },
-   asHex: function() {
-      return "#" + this.rgb.r.toColorPart() + this.rgb.g.toColorPart() + this.rgb.b.toColorPart();
-   },
-   asHSB: function() {
-      return Rico.Color.RGBtoHSB(this.rgb.r, this.rgb.g, this.rgb.b);
-   },
-   toString: function() {
-      return this.asHex();
-   }
-Rico.Color.createFromHex = function(hexCode) {
-  if(hexCode.length==4) {
-    var shortHexCode = hexCode; 
-    var hexCode = '#';
-    for(var i=1;i<4;i++) hexCode += (shortHexCode.charAt(i) + 
-  }
-   if ( hexCode.indexOf('#') == 0 )
-      hexCode = hexCode.substring(1);
-   var red   = hexCode.substring(0,2);
-   var green = hexCode.substring(2,4);
-   var blue  = hexCode.substring(4,6);
-   return new Rico.Color( parseInt(red,16), parseInt(green,16), parseInt(blue,16) );
- * Factory method for creating a color from the background of
- * an HTML element.
- */
-Rico.Color.createColorFromBackground = function(elem) {
-   var actualColor = RicoUtil.getElementsComputedStyle($(elem), "backgroundColor", "background-color");
-   if ( actualColor == "transparent" && elem.parentNode )
-      return Rico.Color.createColorFromBackground(elem.parentNode);
-   if ( actualColor == null )
-      return new Rico.Color(255,255,255);
-   if ( actualColor.indexOf("rgb(") == 0 ) {
-      var colors = actualColor.substring(4, actualColor.length - 1 );
-      var colorArray = colors.split(",");
-      return new Rico.Color( parseInt( colorArray[0] ),
-                            parseInt( colorArray[1] ),
-                            parseInt( colorArray[2] )  );
-   }
-   else if ( actualColor.indexOf("#") == 0 ) {
-      return Rico.Color.createFromHex(actualColor);
-   }
-   else
-      return new Rico.Color(255,255,255);
-Rico.Color.HSBtoRGB = function(hue, saturation, brightness) {
-   var red   = 0;
-    var green = 0;
-    var blue  = 0;
-   if (saturation == 0) {
-      red = parseInt(brightness * 255.0 + 0.5);
-       green = red;
-       blue = red;
-    }
-    else {
-      var h = (hue - Math.floor(hue)) * 6.0;
-      var f = h - Math.floor(h);
-      var p = brightness * (1.0 - saturation);
-      var q = brightness * (1.0 - saturation * f);
-      var t = brightness * (1.0 - (saturation * (1.0 - f)));
-      switch (parseInt(h)) {
-         case 0:
-            red   = (brightness * 255.0 + 0.5);
-            green = (t * 255.0 + 0.5);
-            blue  = (p * 255.0 + 0.5);
-            break;
-         case 1:
-            red   = (q * 255.0 + 0.5);
-            green = (brightness * 255.0 + 0.5);
-            blue  = (p * 255.0 + 0.5);
-            break;
-         case 2:
-            red   = (p * 255.0 + 0.5);
-            green = (brightness * 255.0 + 0.5);
-            blue  = (t * 255.0 + 0.5);
-            break;
-         case 3:
-            red   = (p * 255.0 + 0.5);
-            green = (q * 255.0 + 0.5);
-            blue  = (brightness * 255.0 + 0.5);
-            break;
-         case 4:
-            red   = (t * 255.0 + 0.5);
-            green = (p * 255.0 + 0.5);
-            blue  = (brightness * 255.0 + 0.5);
-            break;
-          case 5:
-            red   = (brightness * 255.0 + 0.5);
-            green = (p * 255.0 + 0.5);
-            blue  = (q * 255.0 + 0.5);
-            break;
-        }
-    }
-   return { r : parseInt(red), g : parseInt(green) , b : parseInt(blue) };
-Rico.Color.RGBtoHSB = function(r, g, b) {
-   var hue;
-   var saturation;
-   var brightness;
-   var cmax = (r > g) ? r : g;
-   if (b > cmax)
-      cmax = b;
-   var cmin = (r < g) ? r : g;
-   if (b < cmin)
-      cmin = b;
-   brightness = cmax / 255.0;
-   if (cmax != 0)
-      saturation = (cmax - cmin)/cmax;
-   else
-      saturation = 0;
-   if (saturation == 0)
-      hue = 0;
-   else {
-      var redc   = (cmax - r)/(cmax - cmin);
-        var greenc = (cmax - g)/(cmax - cmin);
-        var bluec  = (cmax - b)/(cmax - cmin);
-        if (r == cmax)
-           hue = bluec - greenc;
-        else if (g == cmax)
-           hue = 2.0 + redc - bluec;
-      else
-           hue = 4.0 + greenc - redc;
-        hue = hue / 6.0;
-        if (hue < 0)
-           hue = hue + 1.0;
-   }
-   return { h : hue, s : saturation, b : brightness };
diff --git a/public/lib/Rico/Corner.js b/public/lib/Rico/Corner.js
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index b3a2970..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,314 +0,0 @@
-*  Copyright 2005 Sabre Airline Solutions  
-*  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this  
-*  file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at  
-*         http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0  
-*  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the  
-*  either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions  
-*  and limitations under the License.  
-var Rico = new Object();
-Rico.Corner = {
-   round: function(e, options) {
-      var e = $(e);
-      this._setOptions(options);
-      var color = this.options.color;
-      if ( this.options.color == "fromElement" )
-         color = this._background(e);
-      var bgColor = this.options.bgColor;
-      if ( this.options.bgColor == "fromParent" )
-         bgColor = this._background(e.offsetParent);
-      this._roundCornersImpl(e, color, bgColor);
-   },
-    /**   This is a helper function to change the background
-    *     color of <div> that has had Rico rounded corners added.
-    *
-    *     It seems we cannot just set the background color for the
-    *     outer <div> so each <span> element used to create the
-    *     corners must have its background color set individually.
-    *
-    * @param {DOM} theDiv - A child of the outer <div> that was
-    *                        supplied to the `round` method.
-    *
-    * @param {str} newColor - The new background color to use.
-    */
-    changeColor: function(theDiv, newColor) {
-        theDiv.style.backgroundColor = newColor;
-        var spanElements = theDiv.parentNode.getElementsByTagName("span");
-        for (var currIdx = 0; currIdx < spanElements.length; currIdx++) {
-            spanElements[currIdx].style.backgroundColor = newColor;
-        }
-    }, 
-    /**   This is a helper function to change the background
-    *     opacity of <div> that has had Rico rounded corners added.
-    *
-    *     See changeColor (above) for algorithm explanation
-    *
-    * @param {DOM} theDiv A child of the outer <div> that was
-    *                        supplied to the `round` method.
-    *
-    * @param {int} newOpacity The new opacity to use (0-1).
-    */
-    changeOpacity: function(theDiv, newOpacity) {
-        var mozillaOpacity = newOpacity;
-        var ieOpacity = 'alpha(opacity=' + newOpacity * 100 + ')';
-        theDiv.style.opacity = mozillaOpacity;
-        theDiv.style.filter = ieOpacity;
-        var spanElements = theDiv.parentNode.getElementsByTagName("span");
-        for (var currIdx = 0; currIdx < spanElements.length; currIdx++) {
-            spanElements[currIdx].style.opacity = mozillaOpacity;
-            spanElements[currIdx].style.filter = ieOpacity;
-        }
-    },
-    /** this function takes care of redoing the rico cornering
-    *    
-    *    you can't just call updateRicoCorners() again and pass it a 
-    *    new options string. you have to first remove the divs that 
-    *    rico puts on top and below the content div.
-    *
-    * @param {DOM} theDiv - A child of the outer <div> that was
-    *                        supplied to the `round` method.
-    *
-    * @param {Array} options - list of options
-    */
-    reRound: function(theDiv, options) {
-        var topRico = theDiv.parentNode.childNodes[0];
-        //theDiv would be theDiv.parentNode.childNodes[1]
-        var bottomRico = theDiv.parentNode.childNodes[2];
-        theDiv.parentNode.removeChild(topRico);
-        theDiv.parentNode.removeChild(bottomRico); 
-        this.round(theDiv.parentNode, options);
-    }, 
-   _roundCornersImpl: function(e, color, bgColor) {
-      if(this.options.border)
-         this._renderBorder(e,bgColor);
-      if(this._isTopRounded())
-         this._roundTopCorners(e,color,bgColor);
-      if(this._isBottomRounded())
-         this._roundBottomCorners(e,color,bgColor);
-   },
-   _renderBorder: function(el,bgColor) {
-      var borderValue = "1px solid " + this._borderColor(bgColor);
-      var borderL = "border-left: "  + borderValue;
-      var borderR = "border-right: " + borderValue;
-      var style   = "style='" + borderL + ";" + borderR +  "'";
-      el.innerHTML = "<div " + style + ">" + el.innerHTML + "</div>"
-   },
-   _roundTopCorners: function(el, color, bgColor) {
-      var corner = this._createCorner(bgColor);
-      for(var i=0 ; i < this.options.numSlices ; i++ )
-         corner.appendChild(this._createCornerSlice(color,bgColor,i,"top"));
-      el.style.paddingTop = 0;
-      el.insertBefore(corner,el.firstChild);
-   },
-   _roundBottomCorners: function(el, color, bgColor) {
-      var corner = this._createCorner(bgColor);
-      for(var i=(this.options.numSlices-1) ; i >= 0 ; i-- )
-         corner.appendChild(this._createCornerSlice(color,bgColor,i,"bottom"));
-      el.style.paddingBottom = 0;
-      el.appendChild(corner);
-   },
-   _createCorner: function(bgColor) {
-      var corner = document.createElement("div");
-      corner.style.backgroundColor = (this._isTransparent() ? "transparent" : bgColor);
-      return corner;
-   },
-   _createCornerSlice: function(color,bgColor, n, position) {
-      var slice = document.createElement("span");
-      var inStyle = slice.style;
-      inStyle.backgroundColor = color;
-      inStyle.display  = "block";
-      inStyle.height   = "1px";
-      inStyle.overflow = "hidden";
-      inStyle.fontSize = "1px";
-      var borderColor = this._borderColor(color,bgColor);
-      if ( this.options.border && n == 0 ) {
-         inStyle.borderTopStyle    = "solid";
-         inStyle.borderTopWidth    = "1px";
-         inStyle.borderLeftWidth   = "0px";
-         inStyle.borderRightWidth  = "0px";
-         inStyle.borderBottomWidth = "0px";
-         inStyle.height            = "0px"; // assumes css compliant box model
-         inStyle.borderColor       = borderColor;
-      }
-      else if(borderColor) {
-         inStyle.borderColor = borderColor;
-         inStyle.borderStyle = "solid";
-         inStyle.borderWidth = "0px 1px";
-      }
-      if ( !this.options.compact && (n == (this.options.numSlices-1)) )
-         inStyle.height = "2px";
-      this._setMargin(slice, n, position);
-      this._setBorder(slice, n, position);
-      return slice;
-   },
-   _setOptions: function(options) {
-      this.options = {
-         corners : "all",
-         color   : "fromElement",
-         bgColor : "fromParent",
-         blend   : true,
-         border  : false,
-         compact : false
-      }
-      Object.extend(this.options, options || {});
-      this.options.numSlices = this.options.compact ? 2 : 4;
-      if ( this._isTransparent() )
-         this.options.blend = false;
-   },
-   _whichSideTop: function() {
-      if ( this._hasString(this.options.corners, "all", "top") )
-         return "";
-      if ( this.options.corners.indexOf("tl") >= 0 && this.options.corners.indexOf("tr") >= 0 )
-         return "";
-      if (this.options.corners.indexOf("tl") >= 0)
-         return "left";
-      else if (this.options.corners.indexOf("tr") >= 0)
-          return "right";
-      return "";
-   },
-   _whichSideBottom: function() {
-      if ( this._hasString(this.options.corners, "all", "bottom") )
-         return "";
-      if ( this.options.corners.indexOf("bl")>=0 && this.options.corners.indexOf("br")>=0 )
-         return "";
-      if(this.options.corners.indexOf("bl") >=0)
-         return "left";
-      else if(this.options.corners.indexOf("br")>=0)
-         return "right";
-      return "";
-   },
-   _borderColor : function(color,bgColor) {
-      if ( color == "transparent" )
-         return bgColor;
-      else if ( this.options.border )
-         return this.options.border;
-      else if ( this.options.blend )
-         return this._blend( bgColor, color );
-      else
-         return "";
-   },
-   _setMargin: function(el, n, corners) {
-      var marginSize = this._marginSize(n);
-      var whichSide = corners == "top" ? this._whichSideTop() : this._whichSideBottom();
-      if ( whichSide == "left" ) {
-         el.style.marginLeft = marginSize + "px"; el.style.marginRight = "0px";
-      }
-      else if ( whichSide == "right" ) {
-         el.style.marginRight = marginSize + "px"; el.style.marginLeft  = "0px";
-      }
-      else {
-         el.style.marginLeft = marginSize + "px"; el.style.marginRight = marginSize + "px";
-      }
-   },
-   _setBorder: function(el,n,corners) {
-      var borderSize = this._borderSize(n);
-      var whichSide = corners == "top" ? this._whichSideTop() : this._whichSideBottom();
-      if ( whichSide == "left" ) {
-         el.style.borderLeftWidth = borderSize + "px"; el.style.borderRightWidth = "0px";
-      }
-      else if ( whichSide == "right" ) {
-         el.style.borderRightWidth = borderSize + "px"; el.style.borderLeftWidth  = "0px";
-      }
-      else {
-         el.style.borderLeftWidth = borderSize + "px"; el.style.borderRightWidth = borderSize + "px";
-      }
-      if (this.options.border != false)
-        el.style.borderLeftWidth = borderSize + "px"; el.style.borderRightWidth = borderSize + "px";
-   },
-   _marginSize: function(n) {
-      if ( this._isTransparent() )
-         return 0;
-      var marginSizes          = [ 5, 3, 2, 1 ];
-      var blendedMarginSizes   = [ 3, 2, 1, 0 ];
-      var compactMarginSizes   = [ 2, 1 ];
-      var smBlendedMarginSizes = [ 1, 0 ];
-      if ( this.options.compact && this.options.blend )
-         return smBlendedMarginSizes[n];
-      else if ( this.options.compact )
-         return compactMarginSizes[n];
-      else if ( this.options.blend )
-         return blendedMarginSizes[n];
-      else
-         return marginSizes[n];
-   },
-   _borderSize: function(n) {
-      var transparentBorderSizes = [ 5, 3, 2, 1 ];
-      var blendedBorderSizes     = [ 2, 1, 1, 1 ];
-      var compactBorderSizes     = [ 1, 0 ];
-      var actualBorderSizes      = [ 0, 2, 0, 0 ];
-      if ( this.options.compact && (this.options.blend || this._isTransparent()) )
-         return 1;
-      else if ( this.options.compact )
-         return compactBorderSizes[n];
-      else if ( this.options.blend )
-         return blendedBorderSizes[n];
-      else if ( this.options.border )
-         return actualBorderSizes[n];
-      else if ( this._isTransparent() )
-         return transparentBorderSizes[n];
-      return 0;
-   },
-   _hasString: function(str) { for(var i=1 ; i<arguments.length ; i++) if (str.indexOf(arguments[i]) >= 0) return true; return false; },
-   _blend: function(c1, c2) { var cc1 = Rico.Color.createFromHex(c1); cc1.blend(Rico.Color.createFromHex(c2)); return cc1; },
-   _background: function(el) { try { return Rico.Color.createColorFromBackground(el).asHex(); } catch(err) { return "#ffffff"; } },
-   _isTransparent: function() { return this.options.color == "transparent"; },
-   _isTopRounded: function() { return this._hasString(this.options.corners, "all", "top", "tl", "tr"); },
-   _isBottomRounded: function() { return this._hasString(this.options.corners, "all", "bottom", "bl", "br"); },
-   _hasSingleTextChild: function(el) { return el.childNodes.length == 1 && el.childNodes[0].nodeType == 3; }