raise OSM::APIVersionMismatchError.new(new.version, old.version)
elsif new.changeset.nil?
raise OSM::APIChangesetMissingError.new
- elsif new.changeset.empty?
- raise OSM::APIChangesetMissingError.new
elsif new.changeset.user_id != user.id
raise OSM::APIUserChangesetMismatchError.new
elsif not new.changeset.is_open?
# create a node with random lat/lon
lat = rand(100)-50 + rand
lon = rand(100)-50 + rand
- content("<osm><node lat='#{lat}' lon='#{lon}' /></osm>")
+ # normal user has a changeset open, so we'll use that.
+ changeset = changesets(:normal_user_first_change)
+ # create a minimal xml file
+ content("<osm><node lat='#{lat}' lon='#{lon}' changeset='#{changeset.id}'/></osm>")
put :create
# hope for success
assert_response :success, "node upload did not return success status"
# read id of created node and search for it
nodeid = @response.body
checknode = Node.find(nodeid)
# compare values
assert_in_delta lat * 10000000, checknode.latitude, 1, "saved node does not match requested latitude"
assert_in_delta lon * 10000000, checknode.longitude, 1, "saved node does not match requested longitude"
- assert_equal users(:normal_user).id, checknode.user_id, "saved node does not belong to user that created it"
+ assert_equal changesets(:normal_user_first_change).id, checknode.changeset_id, "saved node does not belong to changeset that it was created in"
assert_equal true, checknode.visible, "saved node is not visible"
# now set auth
basic_authorization(users(:normal_user).email, "test");
- # this should work
+ # delete now takes a payload
+ content(nodes(:visible_node).to_xml)
delete :delete, :id => current_nodes(:visible_node).id
assert_response :success
# this won't work since the node is already deleted
+ content(nodes(:invisible_node).to_xml)
delete :delete, :id => current_nodes(:invisible_node).id
assert_response :gone
assert_response :not_found
# this won't work since the node is in use
+ content(nodes(:used_node_1).to_xml)
delete :delete, :id => current_nodes(:used_node_1).id
assert_response :precondition_failed
def content(c)
- @request.env["RAW_POST_DATA"] = c
+ @request.env["RAW_POST_DATA"] = c.to_s
# Load standard fixtures needed to test API methods
def self.api_fixtures
- fixtures :users
+ fixtures :users, :changesets
- fixtures :current_nodes, :nodes, :current_node_tags
+ fixtures :current_nodes, :nodes
set_fixture_class :current_nodes => :Node
set_fixture_class :nodes => :OldNode
+ fixtures :current_node_tags,:node_tags
set_fixture_class :current_node_tags => :NodeTag
+ set_fixture_class :node_tags => :OldNodeTag
fixtures :current_ways, :current_way_nodes, :current_way_tags
set_fixture_class :current_ways => :Way