Why should you attend the State of the Map?

  • You are fed-up of paying high license fees for map data that comes with restrictive licenses
  • You’ve heard of crowd-sourcing and want to understand more about the benefits it can bring to your business
  • You are looking for better ways to engage your customers or constituents

The State of the Map 2009 features talks from OpenStreetMap and Industry leaders, including:


Other activities include:
  • The OpenStreetMap Application Challenge – hear from the startups, who are building innovative businesses ontpp of OSM data
  • Live demos and workshops
  • Networking opportunities and social events
Steve Coast

Steve Coast

OpenStreetMap Founder, Chair of the OpenStreetMap Foundation, "OSM Enables the World"

Peter Batty

Peter Batty

Spatial Networking Founder, former Intergraph CTO, "Geodata creation: past, present and future"

Muki Haklay

Muki Haklay

University College London, "Beyond Good Enough? Spatial Data Quality and OSM"

James Rutter

Surrey-HeathCouncil, "Making the Switch to OpenStreetMap"

Jochen Topf

GeoFabrik, "Creating Quality the OSM Way"

Nick Black

CloudMade, "Unleash your Application's Potential with CloudMade"

Gary Gale

Yahoo!, "Geographic Intelligence via an Open Strategy"

Peter Miller

ITO World, "Operating a UK wide Multi-modal journey planner and the role of user contributed data"

State of the Map Sponsors:

CloudMade AND Knowledge for business ITO DevelopmentSeed Offline maps on the iPhone Nestoria Tagzania Services GPS Media Partner