--- /dev/null
+Feature: Creation of search terms
+ Tests that search_name table is filled correctly
+ Scenario: POIs without a name have no search entry
+ Given the scene roads-with-pois
+ And the places
+ | osm | class | type | geometry |
+ | N1 | place | house | :p-N1 |
+ And the named places
+ | osm | class | type | geometry |
+ | W1 | highway | residential | :w-north |
+ When importing
+ Then search_name has no entry for N1
+ Scenario: Named POIs inherit address from parent
+ Given the scene roads-with-pois
+ And the places
+ | osm | class | type | name | geometry |
+ | N1 | place | house | foo | :p-N1 |
+ | W1 | highway | residential | the road | :w-north |
+ When importing
+ Then search_name contains
+ | object | name_vector | nameaddress_vector |
+ | N1 | foo | the road |
+ @wip
+ Scenario: Roads take over the postcode from attached houses
+ Given the scene roads-with-pois
+ And the places
+ | osm | class | type | housenr | postcode | street | geometry |
+ | N1 | place | house | 1 | 12345 | North St | :p-S1 |
+ And the places
+ | osm | class | type | name | geometry |
+ | W1 | highway | residential | North St | :w-north |
+ When importing
+ Then search_name contains
+ | object | nameaddress_vector |
+ | W1 | 12345 |
return where, params
+ def get_place_id(self, cur):
+ where, params = self.table_select()
+ cur.execute("SELECT place_id FROM placex WHERE %s" % where, params)
+ eq_(1, cur.rowcount, "Expected exactly 1 entry in placex found %s" % cur.rowcount)
+ return cur.fetchone()[0]
+def assert_db_column(row, column, value):
+ if column == 'object':
+ return
+ if column.startswith('centroid'):
+ fac = float(column[9:]) if h.startswith('centroid*') else 1.0
+ x, y = value.split(' ')
+ assert_almost_equal(float(x) * fac, row['cx'])
+ assert_almost_equal(float(y) * fac, row['cy'])
+ else:
+ eq_(value, str(row[column]),
+ "Row '%s': expected: %s, got: %s"
+ % (column, value, str(row[column])))
+################################ STEPS ##################################
@given(u'the scene (?P<scene>.+)')
def set_default_scene(context, scene):
context.scene = scene
context.nominatim.run_setup_script('index', 'index-noanalyse')
@then("placex contains(?P<exact> exactly)?")
def check_placex_contents(context, exact):
cur = context.db.cursor(cursor_factory=psycopg2.extras.DictCursor)
- if exact:
- cur.execute('SELECT osm_type, osm_id, class from placex')
- to_match = [(r[0], r[1], r[2]) for r in cur]
+ expected_content = set()
for row in context.table:
nid = NominatimID(row['object'])
where, params = nid.table_select()
for res in cur:
+ if exact:
+ expected_content.add((res['osm_type'], res['osm_id'], res['class']))
for h in row.headings:
- if h == 'object':
- pass
- elif h.startswith('name'):
+ if h.startswith('name'):
name = h[5:] if h.startswith('name+') else 'name'
assert_in(name, res['name'])
eq_(res['name'][name], row[h])
elif h.startswith('extratags+'):
eq_(res['extratags'][h[10:]], row[h])
- elif h.startswith('centroid'):
- fac = float(h[9:]) if h.startswith('centroid*') else 1.0
- x, y = row[h].split(' ')
- assert_almost_equal(float(x) * fac, res['cx'])
- assert_almost_equal(float(y) * fac, res['cy'])
- eq_(row[h], str(res[h]),
- "Row '%s': expected: %s, got: %s" % (h, row[h], str(res[h])))
+ assert_db_column(res, h, row[h])
+ if exact:
+ cur.execute('SELECT osm_type, osm_id, class from placex')
+ eq_(expected_content, set([(r[0], r[1], r[2]) for r in cur]))
+ context.db.commit()
+@then("search_name contains")
+def check_search_name_contents(context):
+ cur = context.db.cursor(cursor_factory=psycopg2.extras.DictCursor)
+ for row in context.table:
+ pid = NominatimID(row['object']).get_place_id(cur)
+ cur.execute("""SELECT *, ST_X(centroid) as cx, ST_Y(centroid) as cy
+ FROM search_name WHERE place_id = %s""", (pid, ))
+ for res in cur:
+ for h in row.headings:
+ if h in ('name_vector', 'nameaddress_vector'):
+ terms = [x.strip().replace('#', ' ') for x in row[h].split(',')]
+ subcur = context.db.cursor()
+ subcur.execute("""SELECT word_id, word_token
+ FROM word, (SELECT unnest(%s) as term) t
+ WHERE word_token = make_standard_name(t.term)""",
+ (terms,))
+ ok_(subcur.rowcount >= len(terms))
+ for wid in subcur:
+ assert_in(wid[0], res[h],
+ "Missing term for %s/%s: %s" % (pid, h, wid[1]))
+ else:
+ assert_db_column(res, h, row[h])
@then("placex has no entry for (?P<oid>.*)")
def check_placex_has_entry(context, oid):
cur = context.db.cursor(cursor_factory=psycopg2.extras.DictCursor)
nid = NominatimID(oid)
where, params = nid.table_select()
- cur.execute("""SELECT *, ST_AsText(geometry) as geomtxt,
- ST_X(centroid) as cx, ST_Y(centroid) as cy
- FROM placex where %s""" % where,
- params)
+ cur.execute("SELECT * FROM placex where %s" % where, params)
+ eq_(0, cur.rowcount)
+ context.db.commit()
+@then("search_name has no entry for (?P<oid>.*)")
+def check_search_name_has_entry(context, oid):
+ cur = context.db.cursor(cursor_factory=psycopg2.extras.DictCursor)
+ pid = NominatimID(oid).get_place_id(cur)
+ cur.execute("SELECT * FROM search_name WHERE place_id = %s", (pid, ))
eq_(0, cur.rowcount)