-- Trigger functions for the placex table.
+-- Retrieve the data needed by the indexer for updating the place.
+-- Return parameters:
+-- name list of names
+-- address list of address tags, either from the object or a surrounding
+-- building
+-- country_feature If the place is a country feature, this contains the
+-- country code, otherwise it is null.
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION placex_prepare_update(p placex,
+ OUT name HSTORE,
+ OUT address HSTORE,
+ OUT country_feature VARCHAR)
+ AS $$
+ -- For POI nodes, check if the address should be derived from a surrounding
+ -- building.
+ IF p.rank_search < 30 OR p.osm_type != 'N' OR p.address is not null THEN
+ RAISE WARNING 'self address for % %', p.osm_type, p.osm_id;
+ address := p.address;
+ -- The additional && condition works around the misguided query
+ -- planner of postgis 3.0.
+ SELECT placex.address || hstore('_inherited', '') INTO address
+ FROM placex
+ WHERE ST_Covers(geometry, p.centroid)
+ and geometry && p.centroid
+ and (placex.address ? 'housenumber' or placex.address ? 'street' or placex.address ? 'place')
+ and rank_search > 28 AND ST_GeometryType(geometry) in ('ST_Polygon','ST_MultiPolygon')
+ LIMIT 1;
+ RAISE WARNING 'other address for % %: % (%)', p.osm_type, p.osm_id, address, p.centroid;
+ address := address - '_unlisted_place'::TEXT;
+ name := p.name;
+ country_feature := CASE WHEN p.admin_level = 2
+ and p.class = 'boundary' and p.type = 'administrative'
+ and p.osm_type = 'R'
+ THEN p.country_code
+ ELSE null
+ END;
-- Find the parent road of a POI.
-- \returns Place ID of parent object or NULL if none
NEW.place_id := nextval('seq_place');
NEW.indexed_status := 1; --STATUS_NEW
- NEW.country_code := lower(get_country_code(NEW.geometry));
+ NEW.centroid := ST_PointOnSurface(NEW.geometry);
+ NEW.country_code := lower(get_country_code(NEW.centroid));
NEW.partition := get_partition(NEW.country_code);
- NEW.geometry_sector := geometry_sector(NEW.partition, NEW.geometry);
+ NEW.geometry_sector := geometry_sector(NEW.partition, NEW.centroid);
IF NEW.osm_type = 'X' THEN
-- E'X'ternal records should already be in the right format so do nothing
nameaddress_vector INTEGER[];
addr_nameaddress_vector INTEGER[];
- inherited_address HSTORE;
linked_node_id BIGINT;
linked_importance FLOAT;
linked_wikipedia TEXT;
-- update not necessary for osmline, cause linked_place_id does not exist
NEW.extratags := NEW.extratags - 'linked_place'::TEXT;
- NEW.address := NEW.address - '_unlisted_place'::TEXT;
IF NEW.linked_place_id is not null THEN
{% if debug %}RAISE WARNING 'place already linked to %', NEW.linked_place_id;{% endif %}
{% if debug %}RAISE WARNING 'finding street for % %', NEW.osm_type, NEW.osm_id;{% endif %}
NEW.parent_place_id := null;
- -- if we have a POI and there is no address information,
- -- see if we can get it from a surrounding building
- inherited_address := ''::HSTORE;
- IF NEW.osm_type = 'N' AND addr_street IS NULL AND addr_place IS NULL
- AND NEW.housenumber IS NULL THEN
- FOR location IN
- -- The additional && condition works around the misguided query
- -- planner of postgis 3.0.
- SELECT address from placex where ST_Covers(geometry, NEW.centroid)
- and geometry && NEW.centroid
- and (address ? 'housenumber' or address ? 'street' or address ? 'place')
- and rank_search > 28 AND ST_GeometryType(geometry) in ('ST_Polygon','ST_MultiPolygon')
- limit 1
- NEW.housenumber := location.address->'housenumber';
- addr_street := location.address->'street';
- addr_place := location.address->'place';
- inherited_address := location.address;
-- We have to find our parent road.
NEW.parent_place_id := find_parent_for_poi(NEW.osm_type, NEW.osm_id,
{% if not db.reverse_only %}
IF array_length(name_vector, 1) is not NULL
- OR inherited_address is not NULL OR NEW.address is not NULL
+ OR NEW.address is not NULL
SELECT * INTO name_vector, nameaddress_vector
FROM create_poi_search_terms(NEW.place_id,
NEW.partition, NEW.parent_place_id,
- inherited_address || NEW.address,
+ NEW.address,
NEW.country_code, NEW.housenumber,
name_vector, NEW.centroid);
{% endif %}
+ -- If the address was inherited from a surrounding building,
+ -- do not add it permanently to the table.
+ IF NEW.address ? '_inherited' THEN
+ IF NEW.address ? '_unlisted_place' THEN
+ NEW.address := hstore('_unlisted_place', NEW.address->'_unlisted_place');
+ NEW.address := null;
with WorkerPool(self.dsn, self.num_threads) as pool:
while True:
- places = [p[0] for p in cur.fetchmany(batch)]
+ places = [p for p in cur.fetchmany(batch)]
if not places:
LOG.debug("Processing places: %s", str(places))
worker = pool.next_free_worker()
- worker.perform(runner.sql_index_place(places))
+ runner.index_places(worker, places)
# pylint: disable=C0111
-class RankRunner:
- """ Returns SQL commands for indexing one rank within the placex table.
+class AbstractPlacexRunner:
+ """ Returns SQL commands for indexing of the placex table.
+ SELECT_SQL = 'SELECT place_id, (placex_prepare_update(placex)).* FROM placex'
def __init__(self, rank):
self.rank = rank
+ self._sql_terms = 0
+ self._cached_index_sql = None
+ def _index_sql(self, num_places):
+ if num_places != self._sql_terms:
+ self._cached_index_sql = \
+ """ UPDATE placex
+ SET indexed_status = 0, address = v.addr
+ FROM (VALUES {}) as v(id, addr)
+ WHERE place_id = v.id
+ """.format(','.join(["(%s, %s::hstore)"] * num_places))
+ self._sql_terms = num_places
+ return self._cached_index_sql
+ def index_places(self, worker, places):
+ values = []
+ for place in places:
+ values.extend((place[x] for x in ('place_id', 'address')))
+ worker.perform(self._index_sql(len(places)), values)
+class RankRunner(AbstractPlacexRunner):
+ """ Returns SQL commands for indexing one rank within the placex table.
+ """
def name(self):
return "rank {}".format(self.rank)
def sql_get_objects(self):
- return """SELECT place_id FROM placex
- WHERE indexed_status > 0 and rank_address = {}
- ORDER BY geometry_sector""".format(self.rank)
- @staticmethod
- def sql_index_place(ids):
- return "UPDATE placex SET indexed_status = 0 WHERE place_id IN ({})"\
- .format(','.join((str(i) for i in ids)))
+ return """{} WHERE indexed_status > 0 and rank_address = {}
+ ORDER BY geometry_sector
+ """.format(self.SELECT_SQL, self.rank)
-class BoundaryRunner:
+class BoundaryRunner(AbstractPlacexRunner):
""" Returns SQL commands for indexing the administrative boundaries
of a certain rank.
- def __init__(self, rank):
- self.rank = rank
def name(self):
return "boundaries rank {}".format(self.rank)
def sql_get_objects(self):
- return """SELECT place_id FROM placex
- WHERE indexed_status > 0 and rank_search = {}
- and class = 'boundary' and type = 'administrative'
- ORDER BY partition, admin_level
- """.format(self.rank)
- @staticmethod
- def sql_index_place(ids):
- return "UPDATE placex SET indexed_status = 0 WHERE place_id IN ({})"\
- .format(','.join((str(i) for i in ids)))
+ return """{} WHERE indexed_status > 0 and rank_search = {}
+ and class = 'boundary' and type = 'administrative'
+ ORDER BY partition, admin_level
+ """.format(self.SELECT_SQL, self.rank)
class InterpolationRunner:
ORDER BY geometry_sector"""
- def sql_index_place(ids):
- return """UPDATE location_property_osmline
- SET indexed_status = 0 WHERE place_id IN ({})
- """.format(','.join((str(i) for i in ids)))
+ def index_places(worker, ids):
+ worker.perform(""" UPDATE location_property_osmline
+ SET indexed_status = 0 WHERE place_id IN ({})
+ """.format(','.join((str(i[0]) for i in ids))))
class PostcodeRunner:
ORDER BY country_code, postcode"""
- def sql_index_place(ids):
- return """UPDATE location_postcode SET indexed_status = 0
- WHERE place_id IN ({})
- """.format(','.join((str(i) for i in ids)))
+ def index_places(worker, ids):
+ worker.perform(""" UPDATE location_postcode SET indexed_status = 0
+ WHERE place_id IN ({})
+ """.format(','.join((str(i[0]) for i in ids))))
self.website_dir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory()
- cfg = Configuration(None, self.src_dir / 'settings', environ=self.test_env)
- cfg.lib_dir.php = self.src_dir / 'lib-php'
- refresh.setup_website(Path(self.website_dir.name) / 'website', cfg)
+ refresh.setup_website(Path(self.website_dir.name) / 'website',
+ self.get_test_config())
+ def get_test_config(self):
+ cfg = Configuration(Path(self.website_dir.name), self.src_dir / 'settings',
+ environ=self.test_env)
+ cfg.set_libdirs(module=self.build_dir / 'module',
+ osm2pgsql=self.build_dir / 'osm2pgsql' / 'osm2pgsql',
+ php=self.src_dir / 'lib-php',
+ sql=self.src_dir / 'lib-sql',
+ data=self.src_dir / 'data')
+ return cfg
def get_libpq_dsn(self):
dsn = self.test_env['NOMINATIM_DATABASE_DSN']
from table_compare import NominatimID, DBRow
from nominatim.indexer import indexer
+from nominatim.tokenizer import factory as tokenizer_factory
def check_database_integrity(context):
""" Check some generic constraints on the tables.
def import_and_index_data_from_place_table(context):
""" Import data previously set up in the place table.
+ nctx = context.nominatim
+ tokenizer = tokenizer_factory.create_tokenizer(nctx.get_test_config())
# XXX use tool function as soon as it is ported
self.conn = conn
with self.conn.cursor() as cur:
+ cur.execute('CREATE EXTENSION hstore')
cur.execute("""CREATE TABLE placex (place_id BIGINT,
class TEXT,
type TEXT,
indexed_date TIMESTAMP,
partition SMALLINT,
admin_level SMALLINT,
+ address HSTORE,
geometry_sector INTEGER)""")
cur.execute("""CREATE TABLE location_property_osmline (
place_id BIGINT,
END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;""")
+ cur.execute("""CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION placex_prepare_update(p placex,
+ OUT name HSTORE,
+ OUT address HSTORE,
+ OUT country_feature VARCHAR)
+ AS $$
+ address := p.address;
+ name := p.address;
+ END;
+ $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql STABLE;
+ """)
for table in ('placex', 'location_property_osmline', 'location_postcode'):
cur.execute("""CREATE TRIGGER {0}_update BEFORE UPDATE ON {0}