--- /dev/null
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only
+# This file is part of Nominatim.
+# Copyright (C) 2020 Sarah Hoffmann
+import logging
+from datetime import datetime
+log = logging.getLogger()
+class ProgressLogger(object):
+ """ Tracks and prints progress for the indexing process.
+ `name` is the name of the indexing step being tracked.
+ `total` sets up the total number of items that need processing.
+ `log_interval` denotes the interval in seconds at which progres
+ should be reported.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, name, total, log_interval=1):
+ self.name = name
+ self.total_places = total
+ self.done_places = 0
+ self.rank_start_time = datetime.now()
+ self.next_info = 50 if log.isEnabledFor(logging.INFO) else total + 1
+ def add(self, num=1):
+ """ Mark `num` places as processed. Print a log message if the
+ logging is at least info and the log interval has past.
+ """
+ self.done_places += num
+ if self.done_places >= self.next_info:
+ now = datetime.now()
+ done_time = (now - self.rank_start_time).total_seconds()
+ places_per_sec = self.done_places / done_time
+ eta = (self.total_places - self.done_places)/places_per_sec
+ log.info("Done {} in {} @ {:.3f} per second - {} ETA (seconds): {:.2f}"
+ .format(self.done_places, int(done_time),
+ places_per_sec, self.name, eta))
+ self.next_info += int(places_per_sec)
+ def done(self):
+ """ Print final staticstics about the progress.
+ """
+ rank_end_time = datetime.now()
+ diff_seconds = (rank_end_time-self.rank_start_time).total_seconds()
+ log.warning("Done {}/{} in {} @ {:.3f} per second - FINISHED {}\n".format(
+ self.done_places, self.total_places, int(diff_seconds),
+ self.done_places/diff_seconds, self.name))
from psycopg2.extras import wait_select
import select
+from indexer.progress import ProgressLogger
log = logging.getLogger()
def make_connection(options, asynchronous=False):
def name(self):
return "rank {}".format(self.rank)
- def sql_index_sectors(self):
- return """SELECT geometry_sector, count(*) FROM placex
+ def sql_count_objects(self):
+ return """SELECT count(*) FROM placex
WHERE rank_search = {} and indexed_status > 0
- GROUP BY geometry_sector
- ORDER BY geometry_sector""".format(self.rank)
+ """.format(self.rank)
- def sql_nosector_places(self):
+ def sql_get_objects(self):
return """SELECT place_id FROM placex
WHERE indexed_status > 0 and rank_search = {}
ORDER BY geometry_sector""".format(self.rank)
- def sql_sector_places(self):
- return """SELECT place_id FROM placex
- WHERE indexed_status > 0 and rank_search = {}
- and geometry_sector = %s""".format(self.rank)
def sql_index_place(self):
return "UPDATE placex SET indexed_status = 0 WHERE place_id = %s"
def name(self):
return "interpolation lines (location_property_osmline)"
- def sql_index_sectors(self):
- return """SELECT geometry_sector, count(*) FROM location_property_osmline
- WHERE indexed_status > 0
- GROUP BY geometry_sector
- ORDER BY geometry_sector"""
+ def sql_count_objects(self):
+ return """SELECT count(*) FROM location_property_osmline
+ WHERE indexed_status > 0"""
- def sql_nosector_places(self):
+ def sql_get_objects(self):
return """SELECT place_id FROM location_property_osmline
WHERE indexed_status > 0
ORDER BY geometry_sector"""
- def sql_sector_places(self):
- return """SELECT place_id FROM location_property_osmline
- WHERE indexed_status > 0 and geometry_sector = %s
- ORDER BY geometry_sector"""
def sql_index_place(self):
return """UPDATE location_property_osmline
SET indexed_status = 0 WHERE place_id = %s"""
log.warning("Starting {}".format(obj.name()))
- cur = self.conn.cursor(name='main')
- cur.execute(obj.sql_index_sectors())
+ cur = self.conn.cursor()
+ cur.execute(obj.sql_count_objects())
- total_tuples = 0
- for r in cur:
- total_tuples += r[1]
- log.debug("Total number of rows; {}".format(total_tuples))
+ total_tuples = cur.fetchone()[0]
+ log.debug("Total number of rows: {}".format(total_tuples))
- cur.scroll(0, mode='absolute')
+ cur.close()
next_thread = self.find_free_thread()
- done_tuples = 0
- rank_start_time = datetime.now()
- min_grouped_tuples = total_tuples - len(self.threads) * 1000
+ progress = ProgressLogger(obj.name(), total_tuples)
- next_info = 100 if log.isEnabledFor(logging.INFO) else total_tuples + 1
+ cur = self.conn.cursor(name='places')
+ cur.execute(obj.sql_get_objects())
- pcur = self.conn.cursor()
+ for place in cur:
+ place_id = place[0]
+ log.debug("Processing place {}".format(place_id))
+ thread = next(next_thread)
- for r in cur:
- sector = r[0]
- pcur.execute(obj.sql_sector_places(), (sector, ))
+ thread.perform(obj.sql_index_place(), (place_id,))
+ progress.add()
- for place in pcur:
- place_id = place[0]
- log.debug("Processing place {}".format(place_id))
- thread = next(next_thread)
- thread.perform(obj.sql_index_place(), (place_id,))
- done_tuples += 1
- if done_tuples >= next_info:
- now = datetime.now()
- done_time = (now - rank_start_time).total_seconds()
- tuples_per_sec = done_tuples / done_time
- log.info("Done {} in {} @ {:.3f} per second - {} ETA (seconds): {:.2f}"
- .format(done_tuples, int(done_time),
- tuples_per_sec, obj.name(),
- (total_tuples - done_tuples)/tuples_per_sec))
- next_info += int(tuples_per_sec)
- pcur.close()
for t in self.threads:
- rank_end_time = datetime.now()
- diff_seconds = (rank_end_time-rank_start_time).total_seconds()
- log.warning("Done {}/{} in {} @ {:.3f} per second - FINISHED {}\n".format(
- done_tuples, total_tuples, int(diff_seconds),
- done_tuples/diff_seconds, obj.name()))
+ progress.done()
def find_free_thread(self):
""" Generator that returns the next connection that is free for