]> git.openstreetmap.org Git - osqa.git/commitdiff
SPLUNK-189, adding pngfix for IE6.
authorjordan <jordan@0cfe37f9-358a-4d5e-be75-b63607b5c754>
Thu, 7 Apr 2011 21:25:11 +0000 (21:25 +0000)
committerjordan <jordan@0cfe37f9-358a-4d5e-be75-b63607b5c754>
Thu, 7 Apr 2011 21:25:11 +0000 (21:25 +0000)
git-svn-id: http://svn.osqa.net/svnroot/osqa/trunk@943 0cfe37f9-358a-4d5e-be75-b63607b5c754

forum/skins/default/media/iepngfix/blank.gif [new file with mode: 0755]
forum/skins/default/media/iepngfix/iepngfix.htc [new file with mode: 0755]
forum/skins/default/media/iepngfix/iepngfix_tilebg.js [new file with mode: 0755]

diff --git a/forum/skins/default/media/iepngfix/blank.gif b/forum/skins/default/media/iepngfix/blank.gif
new file mode 100755 (executable)
index 0000000..75b945d
Binary files /dev/null and b/forum/skins/default/media/iepngfix/blank.gif differ
diff --git a/forum/skins/default/media/iepngfix/iepngfix.htc b/forum/skins/default/media/iepngfix/iepngfix.htc
new file mode 100755 (executable)
index 0000000..909f599
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
+<script type="text/javascript">\r
+// IE5.5+ PNG Alpha Fix v2.0 Alpha\r
+// (c) 2004-2009 Angus Turnbull http://www.twinhelix.com\r
+// This is licensed under the GNU LGPL, version 2.1 or later.\r
+// For details, see: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/LGPL/2.1/\r
+var IEPNGFix = window.IEPNGFix || {};\r
+IEPNGFix.data = IEPNGFix.data || {};\r
+// CONFIG: blankImg is the path to blank.gif, *relative to the HTML document*.\r
+// Try either:\r
+// * An absolute path like:  '/images/blank.gif'\r
+// * A path relative to this HTC file like:  thisFolder + 'blank.gif'\r
+var thisFolder = document.URL.replace(/(\\|\/)[^\\\/]*$/, '/');\r
+IEPNGFix.blankImg = thisFolder + 'blank.gif';\r
+IEPNGFix.fix = function(elm, src, t) {\r
+       // Applies an image 'src' to an element 'elm' using the DirectX filter.\r
+       // If 'src' is null, filter is disabled.\r
+       // Disables the 'hook' to prevent infinite recursion on setting BG/src.\r
+       // 't' = type, where background tile = 0, background = 1, IMG SRC = 2.\r
+       var h = this.hook.enabled;\r
+       this.hook.enabled = 0;\r
+       var f = 'DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader';\r
+               src = (src || '').replace(/\(/g, '%28').replace(/\)/g, '%29');\r
+       if (\r
+               src && !(/IMG|INPUT/.test(elm.nodeName) && (t != 2)) &&\r
+               elm.currentStyle.width == 'auto' && elm.currentStyle.height == 'auto'\r
+       ) {\r
+               if (elm.offsetWidth) {\r
+                       elm.style.width = elm.offsetWidth + 'px';\r
+               }\r
+               if (elm.clientHeight) {\r
+                       elm.style.height = elm.clientHeight + 'px';\r
+               }\r
+               if (elm.currentStyle.display == 'inline') {\r
+                       elm.style.display = 'inline-block';\r
+               }\r
+       }\r
+       if (t == 1) {\r
+               elm.style.backgroundImage = 'url("' + this.blankImg + '")';\r
+       }\r
+       if (t == 2) {\r
+               elm.src = this.blankImg;\r
+       }\r
+       if (elm.filters[f]) {\r
+               elm.filters[f].enabled = src ? true : false;\r
+               if (src) {\r
+                       elm.filters[f].src = src;\r
+               }\r
+       } else if (src) {\r
+               elm.style.filter = 'progid:' + f + '(src="' + src +\r
+                       '",sizingMethod="' + (t == 2 ? 'scale' : 'crop') + '")';\r
+       }\r
+       this.hook.enabled = h;\r
+IEPNGFix.process = function(elm, init) {\r
+       // Checks the onpropertychange event (on first 'init' run, a fake event)\r
+       // and calls the filter-applying-functions.\r
+       if (\r
+               !/MSIE (5\.5|6)/.test(navigator.userAgent) ||\r
+               typeof elm.filters == 'unknown'\r
+       ) {\r
+               return;\r
+       }\r
+       if (!this.data[elm.uniqueID]) {\r
+               this.data[elm.uniqueID] = {\r
+                       className: ''\r
+               };\r
+       }\r
+       var data = this.data[elm.uniqueID],\r
+               evt = init ? { propertyName: 'src,backgroundImage' } : event,\r
+               isSrc = /src/.test(evt.propertyName),\r
+               isBg = /backgroundImage/.test(evt.propertyName),\r
+               isPos = /width|height|background(Pos|Rep)/.test(evt.propertyName),\r
+               isClass = !init && ((elm.className != data.className) &&\r
+                       (elm.className || data.className));\r
+       if (!(isSrc || isBg || isPos || isClass)) {\r
+               return;\r
+       }\r
+       data.className = elm.className;\r
+       var blank = this.blankImg.match(/([^\/]+)$/)[1],\r
+               eS = elm.style,\r
+               eCS = elm.currentStyle;\r
+       // Required for Whatever:hover - erase set BG if className changes.\r
+       if (\r
+               isClass && (eS.backgroundImage.indexOf('url(') == -1 ||\r
+               eS.backgroundImage.indexOf(blank) > -1)\r
+       ) {\r
+               return setTimeout(function() {\r
+                       eS.backgroundImage = '';\r
+               }, 0);\r
+       }\r
+       // Foregrounds.\r
+       if (isSrc && elm.src && { IMG: 1, INPUT: 1 }[elm.nodeName]) {\r
+               if ((/\.png/i).test(elm.src)) {\r
+                       if (!elm.oSrc) {\r
+                               // MM rollover compat\r
+                               elm.oSrc = elm.src;\r
+                       }\r
+                       this.fix(elm, elm.src, 2);\r
+               } else if (elm.src.indexOf(blank) == -1) {\r
+                       this.fix(elm, '');\r
+               }\r
+       }\r
+       // Backgrounds.\r
+       var bgSrc = eCS.backgroundImage || eS.backgroundImage;\r
+       if ((bgSrc + elm.src).indexOf(blank) == -1) {\r
+               var bgPNG = bgSrc.match(/url[("']+(.*\.png[^\)"']*)[\)"']/i);\r
+               if (bgPNG) {\r
+                       if (this.tileBG && !{ IMG: 1, INPUT: 1 }[elm.nodeName]) {\r
+                               this.tileBG(elm, bgPNG[1]);\r
+                               this.fix(elm, '', 1);\r
+                       } else {\r
+                               if (data.tiles && data.tiles.src) {\r
+                                       this.tileBG(elm, '');\r
+                               }\r
+                               this.fix(elm, bgPNG[1], 1);\r
+                               this.childFix(elm);\r
+                       }\r
+               } else {\r
+                       if (data.tiles && data.tiles.src) {\r
+                               this.tileBG(elm, '');\r
+                       }\r
+                       this.fix(elm, '');\r
+               }\r
+       } else if ((isPos || isClass) && data.tiles && data.tiles.src) {\r
+               this.tileBG(elm, data.tiles.src);\r
+       }\r
+       if (init) {\r
+               this.hook.enabled = 1;\r
+               elm.attachEvent('onpropertychange', this.hook);\r
+       }\r
+IEPNGFix.childFix = function(elm) {\r
+       // "hasLayout" fix for unclickable children inside PNG backgrounds.\r
+       var tags = [\r
+                       'a',\r
+                       'input',\r
+                       'select',\r
+                       'textarea',\r
+                       'button',\r
+                       'iframe',\r
+                       'object'\r
+               ],\r
+               t = tags.length,\r
+               tFix = [];\r
+       while (t--) {\r
+               var pFix = elm.all.tags(tags[t]),\r
+                       e = pFix.length;\r
+               while (e--) {\r
+                       tFix.push(pFix[e]);\r
+               }\r
+       }\r
+       t = tFix.length;\r
+       if (t && (/relative|absolute/i).test(elm.currentStyle.position)) {\r
+               alert('IEPNGFix: Unclickable children of element:' +\r
+                       '\n\n<' + elm.nodeName + (elm.id && ' id=' + elm.id) + '>');\r
+       }\r
+       while (t--) {\r
+               if (!(/relative|absolute/i).test(tFix[t].currentStyle.position)) {\r
+                       tFix[t].style.position = 'relative';\r
+               }\r
+       }\r
+IEPNGFix.hook = function() {\r
+       if (IEPNGFix.hook.enabled) {\r
+               IEPNGFix.process(element, 0);\r
+       }\r
+IEPNGFix.process(element, 1);\r
diff --git a/forum/skins/default/media/iepngfix/iepngfix_tilebg.js b/forum/skins/default/media/iepngfix/iepngfix_tilebg.js
new file mode 100755 (executable)
index 0000000..6a1ff49
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+// IE5.5+ PNG Alpha Fix v2.0 Alpha: Background Tiling Support\r
+// (c) 2008-2009 Angus Turnbull http://www.twinhelix.com\r
+// This is licensed under the GNU LGPL, version 2.1 or later.\r
+// For details, see: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/LGPL/2.1/\r
+var IEPNGFix = window.IEPNGFix || {};\r
+IEPNGFix.tileBG = function(elm, pngSrc, ready) {\r
+       // Params: A reference to a DOM element, the PNG src file pathname, and a\r
+       // hidden "ready-to-run" passed when called back after image preloading.\r
+       var data = this.data[elm.uniqueID],\r
+               elmW = Math.max(elm.clientWidth, elm.scrollWidth),\r
+               elmH = Math.max(elm.clientHeight, elm.scrollHeight),\r
+               bgX = elm.currentStyle.backgroundPositionX,\r
+               bgY = elm.currentStyle.backgroundPositionY,\r
+               bgR = elm.currentStyle.backgroundRepeat;\r
+       // Cache of DIVs created per element, and image preloader/data.\r
+       if (!data.tiles) {\r
+               data.tiles = {\r
+                       elm: elm,\r
+                       src: '',\r
+                       cache: [],\r
+                       img: new Image(),\r
+                       old: {}\r
+               };\r
+       }\r
+       var tiles = data.tiles,\r
+               pngW = tiles.img.width,\r
+               pngH = tiles.img.height;\r
+       if (pngSrc) {\r
+               if (!ready && pngSrc != tiles.src) {\r
+                       // New image? Preload it with a callback to detect dimensions.\r
+                       tiles.img.onload = function() {\r
+                               this.onload = null;\r
+                               IEPNGFix.tileBG(elm, pngSrc, 1);\r
+                       };\r
+                       return tiles.img.src = pngSrc;\r
+               }\r
+       } else {\r
+               // No image?\r
+               if (tiles.src) ready = 1;\r
+               pngW = pngH = 0;\r
+       }\r
+       tiles.src = pngSrc;\r
+       if (!ready && elmW == tiles.old.w && elmH == tiles.old.h &&\r
+               bgX == tiles.old.x && bgY == tiles.old.y && bgR == tiles.old.r) {\r
+               return;\r
+       }\r
+       // Convert English and percentage positions to pixels.\r
+       var pos = {\r
+                       top: '0%',\r
+                       left: '0%',\r
+                       center: '50%',\r
+                       bottom: '100%',\r
+                       right: '100%'\r
+               },\r
+               x,\r
+               y,\r
+               pc;\r
+       x = pos[bgX] || bgX;\r
+       y = pos[bgY] || bgY;\r
+       if (pc = x.match(/(\d+)%/)) {\r
+               x = Math.round((elmW - pngW) * (parseInt(pc[1]) / 100));\r
+       }\r
+       if (pc = y.match(/(\d+)%/)) {\r
+               y = Math.round((elmH - pngH) * (parseInt(pc[1]) / 100));\r
+       }\r
+       x = parseInt(x);\r
+       y = parseInt(y);\r
+       // Handle backgroundRepeat.\r
+       var repeatX = { 'repeat': 1, 'repeat-x': 1 }[bgR],\r
+               repeatY = { 'repeat': 1, 'repeat-y': 1 }[bgR];\r
+       if (repeatX) {\r
+               x %= pngW;\r
+               if (x > 0) x -= pngW;\r
+       }\r
+       if (repeatY) {\r
+               y %= pngH;\r
+               if (y > 0) y -= pngH;\r
+       }\r
+       // Go!\r
+       this.hook.enabled = 0;\r
+       if (!({ relative: 1, absolute: 1 }[elm.currentStyle.position])) {\r
+               elm.style.position = 'relative';\r
+       }\r
+       var count = 0,\r
+               xPos,\r
+               maxX = repeatX ? elmW : x + 0.1,\r
+               yPos,\r
+               maxY = repeatY ? elmH : y + 0.1,\r
+               d,\r
+               s,\r
+               isNew;\r
+       if (pngW && pngH) {\r
+               for (xPos = x; xPos < maxX; xPos += pngW) {\r
+                       for (yPos = y; yPos < maxY; yPos += pngH) {\r
+                               isNew = 0;\r
+                               if (!tiles.cache[count]) {\r
+                                       tiles.cache[count] = document.createElement('div');\r
+                                       isNew = 1;\r
+                               }\r
+                               var clipR = Math.max(0, xPos + pngW > elmW ? elmW - xPos : pngW),\r
+                                       clipB = Math.max(0, yPos + pngH > elmH ? elmH - yPos : pngH);\r
+                               d = tiles.cache[count];\r
+                               s = d.style;\r
+                               s.behavior = 'none';\r
+                               s.left = (xPos - parseInt(elm.currentStyle.paddingLeft)) + 'px';\r
+                               s.top = yPos + 'px';\r
+                               s.width = clipR + 'px';\r
+                               s.height = clipB + 'px';\r
+                               s.clip = 'rect(' +\r
+                                       (yPos < 0 ? 0 - yPos : 0) + 'px,' +\r
+                                       clipR + 'px,' +\r
+                                       clipB + 'px,' +\r
+                                       (xPos < 0 ? 0 - xPos : 0) + 'px)';\r
+                               s.display = 'block';\r
+                               if (isNew) {\r
+                                       s.position = 'absolute';\r
+                                       s.zIndex = -999;\r
+                                       if (elm.firstChild) {\r
+                                               elm.insertBefore(d, elm.firstChild);\r
+                                       } else {\r
+                                               elm.appendChild(d);\r
+                                       }\r
+                               }\r
+                               this.fix(d, pngSrc, 0);\r
+                               count++;\r
+                       }\r
+               }\r
+       }\r
+       while (count < tiles.cache.length) {\r
+               this.fix(tiles.cache[count], '', 0);\r
+               tiles.cache[count++].style.display = 'none';\r
+       }\r
+       this.hook.enabled = 1;\r
+       // Cache so updates are infrequent.\r
+       tiles.old = {\r
+               w: elmW,\r
+               h: elmH,\r
+               x: bgX,\r
+               y: bgY,\r
+               r: bgR\r
+       };\r
+IEPNGFix.update = function() {\r
+       // Update all PNG backgrounds.\r
+       for (var i in IEPNGFix.data) {\r
+               var t = IEPNGFix.data[i].tiles;\r
+               if (t && t.elm && t.src) {\r
+                       IEPNGFix.tileBG(t.elm, t.src);\r
+               }\r
+       }\r
+IEPNGFix.update.timer = 0;\r
+if (window.attachEvent && !window.opera) {\r
+       window.attachEvent('onresize', function() {\r
+               clearTimeout(IEPNGFix.update.timer);\r
+               IEPNGFix.update.timer = setTimeout(IEPNGFix.update, 100);\r
+       });\r
index 374e2a3741cf93221cd8f1a33b237eb3cd40fc05..01f4307cf4b1dbfa45533d6c608ef1e278a01a6c 100644 (file)
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+        <style type="text/css">
+        img, div, a { behavior: url({% media "/media/iepngfix/iepngfix.htc" %}) }
+        </style>
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