+++ /dev/null
-Detailed instructions for installing OSQA on WebFaction
-Adapted from http://code.pinaxproject.com/wiki/DetailedPinaxWebfaction/
-Please email turian at gmail with any updates or corrections.
-Installing OSQA on Webfaction
-Details the steps for setting up OSQA on a Webfaction shared-hosting
-account, including email setup, using Apache2, mod_wsgi, psycopg2.
-If you want to search-and-replace through this file, you will need to replace:
- osqa_server [name of Webfaction application, which will be in ~/webapps/]
- osqa_static [name of Webfaction application for static media serving]
- DOMAIN.com [domain name for OSQA site]
- PORT [port number assigned by WebFaction to your mod_wsgi application]
- SITENAME [name you give the OSQA site, which will contain the apache logs]
- MYOSQA [name of the OSQA project]
- MAILBOX_USERNAME [username you give the email address]
- MAILBOX_PASSWORD [password that webfaction gives to this email username]
- OSQADATABASE_NAME [username you give the database]
- OSQADATABASE_PASSWORD [password that webfaction gives to this database]
- ~/envs/osqa [directory for the OSQA python environment, grep for 'env']
- USERNAME [your WebFaction username]
-Some things I'm not sure about:
-Here's what I don't know how to do:
- * Set up a nginx server for static media.
- * Configure sphinx search
- * Use PostgreSQL, not MySQL: http://osqa.net/question/13/can-i-use-osqa-with-postgresql
-Webfaction Control Panel
-(Note: if you sign up and pick django it will create the application
-for you, website/subdomain and associate the two for you.)
- If necessary, add or create any domains or subdomains you may need.
- https://panel.webfaction.com/domain/list/
- Let's call the domain DOMAIN.com.
- Create a new Webfaction application with a "Type:" of "mod_wsgi
- 2.5/Python2.5", naming it "osqa_server". (These instructions
- might also work with mod_wsgi 2.0, if you like.)
- https://panel.webfaction.com/app_/list
- Note the port number assigned to the mod_wsgi application. Call
- it PORT.
- Create a new Webfaction website which will associate the subdomain
- with the new osqa_server application. Give it name SITENAME, at least one
- domain, and set it to use the osqa_server application for the site's
- root location, "/".
- https://panel.webfaction.com/site/list
- You will need to create a database, typically one for each project
- you create. Change the type to PostgreSql and modify the name (it
- defaults to your webfaction account name) by adding an underscore
- and a project-specific identifier such as "_osqa". Before
- leaving this section of the control panel, you may wish to change
- the password.
- https://panel.webfaction.com/database/create
- Save the database password for later.
- [The following I haven't figured out yet]
- You will probably want to add a static media server. This is a
- Webfaction application. I created one of type "Static only (no
- .htaccess)" and with the name of "osqa_static".
- https://panel.webfaction.com/app_/create
- To configure email, you need an email mailbox. Add one here. Note
- that your mailbox password shouldn't be the same password you use
- to SSH to webfaction.
- https://panel.webfaction.com/mailbox/list
- Save the mail password for later.
- We will call the username and password MAILBOX_USERNAME and
- MAILBOX_PASSWORD, respectively.
- You might also consider adding an email address like admin@DOMAIN.com,
- here:
- https://panel.webfaction.com/email/list
-OSQA Software
- Log onto webfaction and get the code. I use my fork because I have
- a simple pip installation:
- git://github.com/turian/osqa.git
- In my situation, I keep source code in ~/utils/src, create
- virtual environments in ~/envs/osqa, and create Pinax projects in
- ~/webapps/osqa_server/projects.
- You will need pip + virtualenv installed:
- easy_install --prefix=~/utils/ pip
- easy_install --prefix=~/utils/ virtualenv
- cd ~/utils/src/
- git clone git://github.com/turian/osqa.git
- cd osqa
- # We need python2.5 to be compatible with WSGI
- python2.5 ~/utils/bin/pip install -E ~/envs/osqa -r osqa-requirements.txt
- source ~/envs/osqa/bin/activate
- # [Optional] If you want a MySQL database
- easy_install-2.5 --prefix ~/envs/osqa/ mysql-python
-Additional Software
- [Note that PostgreSQL installation doesn't work for me.]
- You will need to install psycopg2 separately for PostgreSQL.
- Psycopg2 requires a little fiddling. Continuing to
- work in the ~/utils/src/ directory:
- cd ~/utils/src/
- wget http://initd.org/pub/software/psycopg/psycopg2-2.0.13.tar.gz
- tar zxf psycopg2-2.0.13.tar.gz
- cd psycopg2-2.0.13
- nano setup.cfg
- # edit the line reading "#pg_config=" so that it reads:
- "pg_config=/usr/local/pgsql/bin/pg_config"
- python2.5 setup.py build
- python2.5 setup.py install
-Create a Project
- In Pinax, you clone a project from OSQA.
- However, OSQA we just copy it.
- cd ~/webapps/osqa_server
- mkdir projects
- cd projects
- cp -R ~/utils/src/osqa MYOSQA
- export OSQAPROJECT=`pwd`
- Make some directories, as described in the OSQA INSTALL file:
- [okay I haven't actually done this yet]
-# mkdir -p $OSQASITE/upfiles/
-# mkdir -p $OSQALOG
-# sudo chown -R `whoami`:www-data $OSQASITE
-# sudo chown -R `whoami`:www-data $OSQALOG
-# chmod -R g+w $OSQASITE/upfiles
-# chmod -R g+w $OSQALOG
- Edit the settings files:
- cp settings_local.py.dist settings_local.py
- vi settings_local.py settings.py
- Pay attention to the following settings:
- EMAIL_HOST='smtp.webfaction.com'
- # The following setting might not be necessary, it's used in Pinax tho
- APP_URL = 'http://DOMAIN.com' #used by email notif system and RSS
- [Later on, the install instructions should talk about]
- SERVE_MEDIA = False # [Not present, not ready yet]
- Create a directory for logs:
- mkdir log
- Modify mail cron scripts "cron/send_email_alerts" as follows:
- [Pinax has cron/emit_notices.sh, cron/retry_deferred.sh,
- cron/send_mail.sh, are these also necessary?]
- #!/bin/sh
- WORKON_HOME=~/envs/osqa
- PROJECT_ROOT=~/webapps/osqa_server/projects/MYOSQA/
- # activate virtual environment
- . $WORKON_HOME/bin/activate
- python manage.py send_email_alerts >> $PROJECT_ROOT/log/cron_mail.log 2>&1
- Use command "crontab -e" to add this script to your cron file, to run twice a day::
- 1 0,12 * * * ~/webapps/osqa_server/projects/MYOSQA/cron/send_email_alerts
- [Configure sphinx]
- Create the database tables, indices, and so forth:
- python manage.py syncdb
- [Ignore the following static media steps, I haven't tried them]
- Build media directory links within the project and create symbolic
- links on the static media server.
- python manage.py build_media -all
- mkdir ~/webapps/OSQA_STATIC/MYOSQA
- ln -sd ~/webapps/osqa_server/projects/MYOSQA/site_media ~/webapps/OSQA_STATIC/MYOSQA/site_media
- Set up the badges:
- 1. You should run the SQL commands in:
- sql_scripts/badges.sql
- 2. Edit paths in the file `cron/multi_award_badges`. (This
- file doesn't yet exist in the git repositories, so just
- copy `cron/send_email_alerts` and make sure the command
- `multi_award_badges` is executed.)
- 3. Run `cron/multi_award_badges` to make sure it works okay.
- 4. Use `crontab -e` to call `cron/multi_award_badges` maybe
- four times an hour.
- 4,19,34,49 * * * * ~/webapps/osqa_server/projects/MYOSQA/cron/multi_award_badges
- 5. Repeat steps 1-4 for `cron/once_award_badges`.
-Configure Apache2
- Edit ~/webapps/osqa_server/apache2/conf/httpd.conf as follows::
- ServerRoot "/home/USERNAME/webapps/osqa_server/apache2"
- ServerName DOMAIN.com
- LoadModule dir_module modules/mod_dir.so
- LoadModule env_module modules/mod_env.so
- #LoadModule setenvif_module modules/mod_setenvif.so
- LoadModule log_config_module modules/mod_log_config.so
- LoadModule mime_module modules/mod_mime.so
- LoadModule rewrite_module modules/mod_rewrite.so
- LoadModule wsgi_module modules/mod_wsgi.so
- KeepAlive Off
- Listen PORT
- LogFormat "%{X-Forwarded-For}i %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b \"%{Referer}i\" \"%{User-Agent}i\"" combined
- CustomLog /home/USERNAME/logs/user/access_osqa_server_log combined
- ErrorLog /home/USERNAME/logs/user/error_osqa_server_log
- ServerLimit 2
- #SetEnvIf X-Forwarded-SSL on HTTPS=1
- WSGIPythonPath /home/USERNAME/envs/osqa/lib/python2.5/site-packages/
- WSGIScriptAlias / /home/USERNAME/webapps/osqa_server/projects/MYOSQA/osqa.wsgi
- LoadModule alias_module modules/mod_alias.so
- WSGIDaemonProcess osqaWSGI user=USERNAME group=USERNAME threads=25 python-path=/home/USERNAME/envs/osqa/lib/python2.5/site-packages
- WSGIProcessGroup osqaWSGI
- NameVirtualHost
- #ErrorLog "logs/MYOSQA_2009_05_06.log"
- SetHandler none
- #Alias /site_media /home/USERNAME/webapps/static/MYOSQA/site_media
- #force all content to be served as static files
- #otherwise django will be crunching images through itself wasting time
- Alias /content/ /home/USERNAME/webapps/osqa_server/projects/MYOSQA/templates/content/
- Alias /forum/admin/media/ /home/turian/envs/osqa/lib/python2.5/site-packages/django/contrib/admin/media/
- #AliasMatch /([^/]*\.css) /home/USERNAME/webapps/osqa_server/projects/MYOSQA/templates/content/style/$1
- <Directory "/home/USERNAME/webapps/osqa_server/projects/MYOSQA/templates/content">
- # Order deny,allow
- # Allow from all
- </Directory>
- If you want virtual hosts of the admin interface under HTTPS, please
- look at OSQA's install file.
- Create osqa.wsgi and edit it:
- cp osqa.wsgi.dist osqa.wsgi
- Edit ~/webapps/osqa_server/projects/MYOSQA/deploy/osqa.wsgi as follows::
- import os
- import sys
- # redirect sys.stdout to sys.stderr for bad libraries like geopy that uses
- # print statements for optional import exceptions.
- sys.stdout = sys.stderr
- from os.path import abspath, dirname, join
- from site import addsitedir
- # add the virtual environment site-packages to the path
- from site import addsitedir
- addsitedir('/home/USERNAME/envs/osqa/lib/python2.5/site-packages')
- sys.path.insert(0, abspath(join(dirname(__file__), "../")))
- sys.path.append(abspath(dirname(__file__)))
- from django.conf import settings
- os.environ["DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE"] = "MYOSQA.settings"
- #print sys.path
- from django.core.handlers.wsgi import WSGIHandler
- application = WSGIHandler()
-And then you're up and running with:
- ~/webapps/osqa_server/apache2/bin/stop
- ~/webapps/osqa_server/apache2/bin/start
-You should log in to the admin interface (http://DOMAIN.com/admin/),
-and go to "Sites > Sites", and change the domain name that is used in
-all emails.