maxlon = node.lon + 0.1
maxlat = + 0.1
bbox = "#{minlon},#{minlat},#{maxlon},#{maxlat}"
- get :map, :bbox => bbox
+ get :map, :params => { :bbox => bbox }
print @request.to_yaml
print @response.body
relation = create(:relation_member, :member => node).relation
bbox = "#{node.lon},#{},#{node.lon},#{}"
- get :map, :bbox => bbox
+ get :map, :params => { :bbox => bbox }
assert_response :success, "The map call should have succeeded"
assert_select "osm[version='#{API_VERSION}'][generator='#{GENERATOR}']", :count => 1 do
assert_select "bounds[minlon='#{node.lon}'][minlat='#{}'][maxlon='#{node.lon}'][maxlat='#{}']", :count => 1
relation = create(:relation_member, :member => way1).relation
bbox = "#{node.lon},#{},#{node.lon},#{}"
- get :map, :bbox => bbox
+ get :map, :params => { :bbox => bbox }
assert_response :success, "The map call should have succeeded"
assert_select "osm[version='#{API_VERSION}'][generator='#{GENERATOR}']", :count => 1 do
assert_select "bounds[minlon='#{node.lon}'][minlat='#{}'][maxlon='#{node.lon}'][maxlat='#{}']", :count => 1
def test_map_empty
- get :map, :bbox => "179.998,89.998,179.999.1,89.999"
+ get :map, :params => { :bbox => "179.998,89.998,179.999.1,89.999" }
assert_response :success, "The map call should have succeeded"
assert_select "osm[version='#{API_VERSION}'][generator='#{GENERATOR}']", :count => 1 do
assert_select "bounds[minlon='179.9980000'][minlat='89.9980000'][maxlon='179.9990000'][maxlat='89.9990000']", :count => 1
maxlon = point.longitude + 0.001
maxlat = point.latitude + 0.001
bbox = "#{minlon},#{minlat},#{maxlon},#{maxlat}"
- get :trackpoints, :bbox => bbox
+ get :trackpoints, :params => { :bbox => bbox }
assert_response :success
assert_select "gpx[version='1.0'][creator='']", :count => 1 do
assert_select "trk" do
maxlon = point.longitude + 0.002
maxlat = point.latitude + 0.002
bbox = "#{minlon},#{minlat},#{maxlon},#{maxlat}"
- get :trackpoints, :bbox => bbox
+ get :trackpoints, :params => { :bbox => bbox }
assert_response :success
assert_select "gpx[version='1.0'][creator='']", :count => 1 do
assert_select "trk", :count => 1 do
maxlon = point.longitude + 0.002
maxlat = point.latitude + 0.002
bbox = "#{minlon},#{minlat},#{maxlon},#{maxlat}"
- get :trackpoints, :bbox => bbox
+ get :trackpoints, :params => { :bbox => bbox }
assert_response :success
assert_select "gpx[version='1.0'][creator='']", :count => 1 do
assert_select "trk", :count => 1 do
def test_traces_page_less_than_0
-10.upto(-1) do |i|
- get :trackpoints, :page => i, :bbox => "-0.1,-0.1,0.1,0.1"
+ get :trackpoints, :params => { :page => i, :bbox => "-0.1,-0.1,0.1,0.1" }
assert_response :bad_request
assert_equal "Page number must be greater than or equal to 0", @response.body, "The page number was #{i}"
0.upto(10) do |i|
- get :trackpoints, :page => i, :bbox => "-0.1,-0.1,0.1,0.1"
+ get :trackpoints, :params => { :page => i, :bbox => "-0.1,-0.1,0.1,0.1" }
assert_response :success, "The page number was #{i} and should have been accepted"
def test_bbox_too_big
@badbigbbox.each do |bbox|
%w[trackpoints map].each do |tq|
- get tq, :bbox => bbox
+ get tq, :params => { :bbox => bbox }
assert_response :bad_request, "The bbox:#{bbox} was expected to be too big"
assert_equal "The maximum bbox size is #{MAX_REQUEST_AREA}, and your request was too large. Either request a smaller area, or use planet.osm", @response.body, "bbox: #{bbox}"
def test_bbox_malformed
@badmalformedbbox.each do |bbox|
%w[trackpoints map].each do |tq|
- get tq, :bbox => bbox
+ get tq, :params => { :bbox => bbox }
assert_response :bad_request, "The bbox:#{bbox} was expected to be malformed"
assert_equal "The parameter bbox is required, and must be of the form min_lon,min_lat,max_lon,max_lat", @response.body, "bbox: #{bbox}"
def test_bbox_lon_mixedup
@badlonmixedbbox.each do |bbox|
%w[trackpoints map].each do |tq|
- get tq, :bbox => bbox
+ get tq, :params => { :bbox => bbox }
assert_response :bad_request, "The bbox:#{bbox} was expected to have the longitude mixed up"
assert_equal "The minimum longitude must be less than the maximum longitude, but it wasn't", @response.body, "bbox: #{bbox}"
def test_bbox_lat_mixedup
@badlatmixedbbox.each do |bbox|
%w[trackpoints map].each do |tq|
- get tq, :bbox => bbox
+ get tq, :params => { :bbox => bbox }
assert_response :bad_request, "The bbox:#{bbox} was expected to have the latitude mixed up"
assert_equal "The minimum latitude must be less than the maximum latitude, but it wasn't", @response.body, "bbox: #{bbox}"
def test_changes_zoom_invalid
zoom_to_test = %w[p -1 0 17 one two]
zoom_to_test.each do |zoom|
- get :changes, :zoom => zoom
+ get :changes, :params => { :zoom => zoom }
assert_response :bad_request
assert_equal @response.body, "Requested zoom is invalid, or the supplied start is after the end time, or the start duration is more than 24 hours"
def test_changes_zoom_valid
1.upto(16) do |zoom|
- get :changes, :zoom => zoom
+ get :changes, :params => { :zoom => zoom }
assert_response :success
# NOTE: there was a test here for the timing, but it was too sensitive to be a good test
# and it was annoying.
def test_changes_hours_invalid
invalid = %w[-21 335 -1 0 25 26 100 one two three ping pong :]
invalid.each do |hour|
- get :changes, :hours => hour
+ get :changes, :params => { :hours => hour }
assert_response :bad_request, "Problem with the hour: #{hour}"
assert_equal @response.body, "Requested zoom is invalid, or the supplied start is after the end time, or the start duration is more than 24 hours", "Problem with the hour: #{hour}."
def test_changes_hours_valid
1.upto(24) do |hour|
- get :changes, :hours => hour
+ get :changes, :params => { :hours => hour }
assert_response :success
def test_changes_start_end_invalid
- get :changes, :start => "2010-04-03 10:55:00", :end => "2010-04-03 09:55:00"
+ get :changes, :params => { :start => "2010-04-03 10:55:00", :end => "2010-04-03 09:55:00" }
assert_response :bad_request
assert_equal @response.body, "Requested zoom is invalid, or the supplied start is after the end time, or the start duration is more than 24 hours"
def test_changes_start_end_valid
- get :changes, :start => "2010-04-03 09:55:00", :end => "2010-04-03 10:55:00"
+ get :changes, :params => { :start => "2010-04-03 09:55:00", :end => "2010-04-03 10:55:00" }
assert_response :success