"undo": "もとに戻す",
"zoom_to": "ここにズーム",
"copy": "コピー",
- "open_wikidata": "wikidata.org 上で開く"
+ "open_wikidata": "wikidata.org 上で開く",
+ "favorite": "お気に入り"
+ },
+ "toolbar": {
+ "inspect": "位置検索/タグ編集",
+ "undo_redo": "元に戻す/再実行",
+ "recent": "選択履歴",
+ "favorites": "お気に入り",
+ "add_feature": "地物を追加"
"modes": {
+ "add_feature": {
+ "title": "地物を追加",
+ "description": "マップに追加する地物を検索。",
+ "key": "Tab",
+ "result": "{count} 件の結果",
+ "results": "{count} 件の結果"
+ },
"add_area": {
"title": "エリア",
"description": "公園や建物、湖沼等を地図に追加",
- "tail": "クリックするとエリアの描画が開始されます。公園や湖沼、建物などを描くことができます。"
+ "tail": "クリックするとエリアの描画が開始されます。公園や湖沼、建物などを描くことができます。",
+ "filter_tooltip": "エリア"
"add_line": {
"title": "ライン",
"description": "道路や歩道、用水路など、ラインを描画",
- "tail": "クリックするとラインの描画が開始されます。道路や歩道、流水経路などを描くことができます。"
+ "tail": "クリックするとラインの描画が開始されます。道路や歩道、流水経路などを描くことができます。",
+ "filter_tooltip": "ライン"
"add_point": {
"title": "ポイント",
"description": "レストランや記念碑、郵便ボックス等、ポイント情報を追加",
- "tail": "クリックした地点にポイントを追加します"
+ "tail": "クリックした地点にポイントを追加します",
+ "filter_tooltip": "ポイント"
"add_note": {
"title": "メモ",
+ "label": "メモを追加",
"description": "問題を指摘したら他のマッパーに知らせましょう。",
- "tail": "マップをクリックしてメモを追加します。"
+ "tail": "マップをクリックしてメモを追加します。",
+ "key": "N"
+ },
+ "add_preset": {
+ "title": "{feature}を追加する",
+ "point": {
+ "title": "{feature}をポイントとして追加する"
+ },
+ "line": {
+ "title": "{feature}をラインとして追加する"
+ },
+ "area": {
+ "title": "{feature}をエリアとして追加する"
+ },
+ "building": {
+ "title": "{feature} を建物として追加する"
+ }
"browse": {
"title": "ブラウズ",
"not_closed": "エリアが閉じられていないため、円状に整形することができません",
"too_large": "ウェイが完全には表示されていないため、円状に整形することができません。",
- "connected_to_hidden": "非表示の地物に接続しているため、円状に整形することができません。"
+ "connected_to_hidden": "非表示の地物に接続しているため、円状に整形することができません。",
+ "not_downloaded": "一部がまだダウンロードされていないため、円状に整形できません。"
"orthogonalize": {
- "title": "直交化",
+ "title": "直角化",
"description": {
+ "vertex": "この角を直角にする。",
"line": "ラインの角を直角に整形",
"area": "エリアの角を直角に整形"
- "key": "S",
+ "key": "Q",
"annotation": {
+ "vertex": "角をひとつ直角にしました。",
"line": "ラインの角を90度に整形",
"area": "エリアの角を90度に整形"
- "not_squarish": "直交にできない辺があるため、角を直角に整形することができません",
- "too_large": "ウェイが完全には表示されていないため、四角形に整形することができません。",
- "connected_to_hidden": "非表示の地物に接続しているため、四角形に整形することができません。"
+ "end_vertex": "終端ノードなので直角化できません。",
+ "square_enough": "すでに直角です。",
+ "not_squarish": "直角にできない辺があるため、角を直角に整形することができません",
+ "too_large": "ウェイが完全には表示されていないため、直角に整形することができません。",
+ "connected_to_hidden": "非表示の地物に接続しているため、直角に整形することができません。",
+ "not_downloaded": "一部がまだダウンロードされていないため、直角に整形できません。"
"straighten": {
"title": "直線化",
- "description": "このラインを直線にします",
+ "description": {
+ "points": "これらのポイントを一直線に並べます。",
+ "line": "このラインを直線化します。"
+ },
"key": "S",
- "annotation": "ラインを直線にしました",
+ "annotation": {
+ "points": "いくつかのポイントを一直線に並べます。",
+ "line": "ラインを直線化します。"
+ },
"too_bendy": "このラインは複雑に曲がっているため、直線化できません。",
- "connected_to_hidden": "非表示の地物に接続しているため、直線に整形することができません。"
+ "connected_to_hidden": "非表示の地物に接続しているため、これは直線化できません。",
+ "not_downloaded": "一部がまだダウンロードされていないため、これは直線化できません。"
"delete": {
"title": "削除",
"connected_to_hidden": {
"single": "この地物は非表示の地物に接続しているため、削除できません。",
"multiple": "これらの地物は非表示の地物に接続しているため、削除できません。"
+ },
+ "not_downloaded": {
+ "single": "一部がまだダウンロードされていないため、この地物は削除できません。",
+ "multiple": "一部がまだダウンロードされていないため、これらの地物は削除できません。"
+ },
+ "has_wikidata_tag": {
+ "single": "この地物にはWikidataタグがあるため、削除できません。",
+ "multiple": "これらの地物にはWikidataタグがいくつかあるため、削除できません。"
+ }
+ },
+ "downgrade": {
+ "title": "ダウングレード",
+ "description": {
+ "building_address": "住所と建物以外のタグを全て削除します。",
+ "building": "建物以外のタグを全て削除します。",
+ "address": "住所以外のタグを全て削除します。"
+ },
+ "annotation": {
+ "building": {
+ "single": "地物を基本的な建物だけにダウングレードしました。",
+ "multiple": " {n} 件の地物を基本的な建物だけにダウングレードしました。"
+ },
+ "address": {
+ "single": "地物を住所だけにダウングレードしました。",
+ "multiple": "{n} 件の地物を住所だけにダウングレードしました。"
+ },
+ "multiple": "{n} 件の地物をダウングレードしました。"
+ },
+ "has_wikidata_tag": {
+ "single": "この地物にはWikidataタグがあるため、ダウングレードできません。",
+ "multiple": "これらの地物にはWikidataタグがいくつかあるため、ダウングレードできません。"
"add_member": {
"delete_member": {
"annotation": "リレーションからメンバーを削除"
+ "reorder_members": {
+ "annotation": "リレーションのメンバーを並べ直しました。"
+ },
"connect": {
"annotation": {
"from_vertex": {
"disconnect": {
"title": "接続解除",
"description": "ウェイの接続を解除して切り離します。",
+ "line": {
+ "description": "このラインを他の地物から切り離します。"
+ },
+ "area": {
+ "description": "このエリアを他の地物から切り離します。"
+ },
"key": "D",
"annotation": "ウェイの接続を解除",
+ "too_large": {
+ "single": "現在十分に表示しきれていないため、これは切り離しできません。"
+ },
"not_connected": "ライン/エリアの接続を解除できません",
+ "not_downloaded": "一部がまだダウンロードされていないため、切り離しできません。",
"connected_to_hidden": "非表示の地物に接続しているため、切り離すことができません。",
"relation": "リレーションに所属しているため、切り離すことが出来ません。"
"restriction": "\"{relation}\" リレーションを壊してしまうため、これらの地物はマージできません。",
"relation": "リレーションのロールが競合しているため、地物をマージできません",
"incomplete_relation": "地物全体がダウンロードされていないため、マージさせることができません。",
- "conflicting_tags": "タグの値が競合しているため、地物をマージできません"
+ "conflicting_tags": "タグの値が競合しているため、地物をマージできません",
+ "paths_intersect": "経路を自己交差することになるため、この地物はマージできません。"
"move": {
"title": "移動",
"connected_to_hidden": {
"single": "この地物は非表示の地物に接続しているため、移動できません。",
"multiple": "これらの地物は非表示の地物に接続しているため、移動できません。"
+ },
+ "not_downloaded": {
+ "single": "一部がまだダウンロードされていないため、この地物は移動できません。",
+ "multiple": "一部がまだダウンロードされていないため、これらの地物は移動できません。"
"reflect": {
"connected_to_hidden": {
"single": "この地物は非表示の地物に接続しているため、反転できません。",
"multiple": "これらの地物は非表示の地物に接続しているため、反転できません。"
+ },
+ "not_downloaded": {
+ "single": "一部がまだダウンロードされていないため、この地物は反転できません。",
+ "multiple": "一部がまだダウンロードされていないため、これらの地物は反転できません。"
"rotate": {
"connected_to_hidden": {
"single": "この地物は非表示の地物に接続しているため、回転できません。",
"multiple": "これらの地物は非表示の地物に接続しているため、回転できません。"
+ },
+ "not_downloaded": {
+ "single": "一部がまだダウンロードされていないため、この地物は回転できません。",
+ "multiple": "一部がまだダウンロードされていないため、これらの地物は回転できません。"
"reverse": {
"title": "方向反転",
- "description": "ラインの向きを反転",
+ "description": {
+ "point": "ポイントの方向を切り替え",
+ "points": "ポイントの方向を切り替え",
+ "line": "ラインの向きを反転",
+ "lines": "ラインの向きを反転",
+ "features": "地物の方向を切り替え"
+ },
"key": "V",
- "annotation": "ラインの方向反転"
+ "annotation": {
+ "point": "ポイントを反転しました。",
+ "points": "複数ポイントを反転しました。",
+ "line": "ラインを反転しました。",
+ "lines": "複数ラインを反転しました。",
+ "features": "複数の地物を反転しました。"
+ }
"split": {
"title": "分割",
"delete": "進行方向制限を削除しました"
- "detach_node": {
- "title": "取り外し",
+ "extract": {
+ "title": "抜き移し",
"key": "E",
- "description": "このノードをライン/エリアから取り外します。",
- "annotation": "ノードを元のライン/エリアから取り外す。",
- "restriction": "\"{relation}\" リレーションを壊してしまうため、このノードは取り外しできません。",
- "connected_to_hidden": "このノードは非表示の地物に接続しているため、削除できません。"
+ "description": {
+ "vertex": {
+ "single": "このポイントを親のライン/エリアから抜き移します。"
+ },
+ "area": {
+ "single": "このエリアからポイントを抜き移します。"
+ }
+ },
+ "annotation": {
+ "single": "ポイントを抜き移しました。"
+ },
+ "too_large": {
+ "area": {
+ "single": "エリアが完全には表示されていないため、ポイントを抜き移しできません。"
+ }
+ },
+ "restriction": {
+ "vertex": {
+ "single": "\"{relation}\" リレーションを壊してしまうため、このノードは抜き移しできません。"
+ }
+ },
+ "connected_to_hidden": {
+ "vertex": {
+ "single": "このポイントは非表示の地物に接続しているため、抜き移しできません。"
+ }
+ }
"restriction": {
"undo": {
"tooltip": "もとに戻す: {action}",
- "nothing": "もとに直す変更点がありません"
+ "nothing": "元に戻す変更点がありません"
"redo": {
"tooltip": "再実行: {action}",
- "nothing": "やり直した変更点がありません"
+ "nothing": "再実行する変更点がありません"
"tooltip_keyhint": "ショートカット",
"browser_notice": "このエディタは Firefox、Chrome、Safari、OperaそしてInternet Explorer 11以降で動作します。地図を編集するには、ブラウザをアップデートするか、Potlatch 2を利用してください。",
"translate": "翻訳",
"localized_translation_label": "多言語名称",
"localized_translation_language": "言語選択",
- "localized_translation_name": "名称"
+ "localized_translation_name": "名称",
+ "language_and_code": "{language} ({code})"
"zoom_in_edit": "ズームして編集",
"login": "ログイン",
"modified": "変更した地物",
"deleted": "削除した地物",
"created": "作成した地物",
+ "outstanding_errors_message": "まず全てのエラーを解決してください。{count} 件残っています。",
+ "comment_needed_message": "まず変更セットのコメントを追加してください。",
"about_changeset_comments": "変更セットの良いコメントについて",
"about_changeset_comments_link": "//wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Good_changeset_comments",
"google_warning": "コメントの中で Google に触れていますが、 Google マップからのコピーは絶対に禁止です。",
"key": "M",
"title": "計測",
"selected": "{n} 個を選択中",
- "geometry": "ジオメトリ",
+ "geometry": "描画する形状",
"closed_line": "クローズドライン",
"closed_area": "クローズドエリア",
"center": "中心",
"geocoder": {
"search": "世界中のデータから検索",
- "no_results_visible": "表示中のエリアからの検索結果はありませんでした",
+ "no_results_visible": "現在表示中のマップ領域にはありませんでした",
"no_results_worldwide": "検索結果がありません"
"geolocate": {
"tooltip_data": "マップを中央寄せ・ズームしてこのデータにフォーカス。",
"tooltip_issue": "マップを中央寄せ・ズームしてこの課題にフォーカス。"
- "no_documentation_combination": "このタグの組み合わせに関する解説はありません",
- "no_documentation_key": "このキーに対する解説はありません",
"show_more": "次を表示",
"view_on_osm": "openstreetmap.orgで確認",
"view_on_keepRight": "keepright.at 上で閲覧",
"all_tags": "すべてのタグ",
"all_members": "すべてのメンバー",
"all_relations": "すべてのリレーション",
+ "add_to_relation": "リレーションに追加",
"new_relation": "新しいリレーション...",
"choose_relation": "親のリレーションを選択",
"role": "役割",
"choose": "地物の種類を選択",
"results": "検索結果{n}件: {search}",
- "reference": "OpenStreetMap WIkiで確認",
- "edit_reference": "説明を編集または翻訳",
+ "no_documentation_key": "利用できる文書はありません。",
+ "edit_reference": "編集/翻訳",
"wiki_reference": "ドキュメントを見る",
"wiki_en_reference": "ドキュメントを英語で見る",
+ "hidden_preset": {
+ "manual": "{features} が非表示となっています。地図データ設定ペインで有効化してください。",
+ "zoom": "{features} が非表示となっています。ズームインして有効化してください。"
+ },
"back_tooltip": "地物の編集",
"remove": "削除",
"search": "検索",
"multiselect": "選択中の地物",
"unknown": "不明",
"incomplete": "<ダウンロード未完了>",
- "feature_list": "地物を検索",
- "edit": "å\9c°ç\89©ã\82\92ç·¨é\9b\86",
+ "feature_list": "地物名や座標で位置検索してズーム",
+ "edit": "å\9c°ç\89©ã\82¨ã\83\87ã\82£ã\82¿",
"check": {
"yes": "はい",
"no": "いいえ",
"switch": "背景に切り替え",
"custom": "カスタム",
"overlays": "オーバーレイの選択",
- "imagery_source_faq": "画像の情報 / 問題を報告",
+ "imagery_problem_faq": "画像の問題を報告する",
"reset": "設定リセット",
+ "reset_all": "全てリセット",
"display_options": "背景画質の調整",
"brightness": "明るさ",
"contrast": "コントラスト",
"tooltip": "現在表示中の周辺をズームアウトして表示",
"key": "/"
+ "panel": {
+ "description": "詳細パネルを表示",
+ "tooltip": "高度な背景情報を表示"
+ },
"fix_misalignment": "背景位置の調整",
"offset": "画像の位置を調整するには、灰色のエリアのどこかをドラッグするか、ずれ幅をメートル単位で入力するかしてください。"
"title": "OpenStreetMapのメモ"
"keepRight": {
- "tooltip": "マップの課題をkeepright.at から自動的に検知しました",
+ "tooltip": "keepright.atが自動検知したマップの改善提案",
"title": "KeepRight の改善提案"
+ "improveOSM": {
+ "tooltip": "improveosm.org が自動検知した設定漏れデータ",
+ "title": "ImproveOSM の改善提案(日本は未対応)"
+ },
"custom": {
"tooltip": "ページ上にデータファイルをドラッグ&ドロップするか、画面右側のボタンをクリックして設定してください",
"title": "カスタム地図データ",
"zoom": "データにズーム"
- "fill_area": "エリアの塗りつぶし有無",
+ "style_options": "スタイルの調整",
+ "highlight_edits": {
+ "key": "G"
+ },
"map_features": "表示対象地物の選択",
"autohidden": "表示対象となっている地物の数が多すぎます。ズームインしてから編集を行ってください。",
"osmhidden": "OpenStreetMapレイヤが非表示のため、これらの地物は自動的に非表示となっています。"
+ "visual_diff": {
+ "highlight_edits": {
+ "description": "変更部分をハイライト",
+ "tooltip": "編集された地物を概観"
+ }
+ },
+ "photo_overlays": {
+ "title": "写真の重ね合わせ",
+ "traffic_signs": {
+ "title": "交通標識"
+ },
+ "photo_type": {
+ "flat": {
+ "title": "平面写真",
+ "tooltip": "従来型の写真"
+ },
+ "panoramic": {
+ "title": "パノラマ写真",
+ "tooltip": "360° 写真"
+ }
+ }
+ },
"feature": {
"points": {
"description": "ポイント",
"description": "建築物",
"tooltip": "建築物、避難所、ガレージなど"
+ "building_parts": {
+ "description": "建物の一部分",
+ "tooltip": "3Dの建物と屋根の構成要素"
+ },
+ "indoor": {
+ "description": "屋内(インドア)の地物",
+ "tooltip": "部屋、廊下、吹き抜け等。"
+ },
"landuse": {
"description": "土地利用関連",
"tooltip": "森林、農地、公園、住宅地、商業区画など"
"description": "鉄道関連",
"tooltip": "鉄道"
+ "pistes": {
+ "description": "スキー",
+ "tooltip": "スキーのスロープ、橇用の斜面、アイススケート用の小径等。"
+ },
+ "aerialways": {
+ "description": "索道の地物",
+ "tooltip": "チェアリフト、ゴンドラ、ジップライン等。"
+ },
"power": {
"description": "電力関連",
"tooltip": "電線、高圧線、発電所、変電所など"
"past_future": {
- "description": "廃棄消失/建設予定地",
+ "description": "過去/未来の地物",
"tooltip": "予定地、建設中、廃業、撤去済など"
"others": {
- "description": "その他",
+ "description": "その他の地物",
"tooltip": "すべて"
"restore": {
- "heading": "OSMにアップロードされていない編集内容があります",
- "description": "前回作業した編集内容がアップロードされていません。編集内容を復元しますか?",
- "restore": "変更を復元",
- "reset": "変更を破棄"
+ "heading": "変更した内容が保存されていません",
+ "description": "直前の編集セッションから未保存の変更内容を復元しますか?",
+ "restore": "変更内容を復元",
+ "reset": "変更内容を破棄"
"save": {
"title": "保存",
"success": {
- "just_edited": "OpenStreetMap編集完了!",
- "thank_you": "マップの改善ありがとうございます。",
- "thank_you_location": "{where}付近でのマップ改善への協力ありがとうございます。",
- "help_html": "あなたが投稿した内容は(サーバーの状況にもよりますが)数分で標準レイヤーに反映されます。その他のレイヤーなどでは反映にさらに時間がかかる場合があります。",
+ "just_edited": "たった今OpenStreetMapが編集されました!",
+ "thank_you": "マップ改善へのご協力ありがとうございます。",
+ "thank_you_location": "{where} 付近のマップ改善へのご協力ありがとうこざいます。",
+ "thank_you_where": {
+ "format": "{place}{separator}{region}",
+ "separator": ", "
+ },
+ "help_html": "サーバーの状態にもよりますが、変更は通常数分で反映されます。標準地図以外への反映はもっと時間がかかる場合があります。",
"help_link_text": "詳細",
"help_link_url": "https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/FAQ#I_have_just_made_some_changes_to_the_map._How_do_I_get_to_see_my_changes.3F",
"view_on_osm": "OSM上で変更内容を閲覧",
"cancel": "キャンセル"
"splash": {
- "welcome": "iD 起動中",
- "text": "iDは、世界でもっとも優れた自由な世界地図を編集するためのツールで、馴染みやすく、かつ高機能です。現在のバージョンは {version} です。詳細は {website} で公開中です。バグ報告は {github} で受け付けています。",
- "walkthrough": "ã\83\81ã\83¥ã\83¼ã\83\88ã\83ªã\82¢ã\83«ã\82\92é\96\8bå§\8b",
- "start": "直ちに編集"
+ "welcome": "OpenStreetMap エディタの iD へようこそ",
+ "text": "iD はみんなで作る世界地図に貢献するための使いやすくパワフルなツールです。現在のバージョンは {version} です。詳細情報は {website} で、バグレポートは {github} でお願いします。",
+ "walkthrough": "ã\82¦ã\82©ã\83¼ã\82¯ã\82¹ã\83«ã\83¼ã\82\92å§\8bã\82\81ã\82\8b",
+ "start": "今すぐ編集を始める"
"source_switch": {
"live": "本番サーバ",
"on_wiki": "{tag}: wiki.osm.org ",
"used_with": "さらに詳しく: {type}"
- "validations": {
- "disconnected_highway": "切断された道路",
- "disconnected_highway_tooltip": "道路は他の道路か建物の入口に接続させてください。",
- "generic_name": "普通名詞の可能性",
- "generic_name_tooltip": "この地物には一般的な普通名詞の \"{name}\"タグが付いているようです。name タグには地物の公式な固有名詞だけを付けてください。(訳注:畑、神社、建物といった固有名詞ではないカテゴリやグループ名、あるいはOSM上にメモするための名前らしきものなどはname タグには入れてはいけません。固有の名前がわからない場合にはname タグは付けません。)",
- "old_multipolygon": "outerのウェイ上のマルチポリゴンタグ",
- "old_multipolygon_tooltip": "このスタイルのマルチポリゴンは非推奨となっています。outerのウェイの代わりに親のマルチポリゴンにタグを割り当ててください。",
- "untagged_point": "タグなしポイント",
- "untagged_point_tooltip": "この点が表す地物の種類を選択してください。",
- "untagged_line": "ラインにタグが付与されていません",
- "untagged_line_tooltip": "この直線が表す地物の種類を選択してください。",
- "untagged_area": "エリアにタグが付与されていません",
- "untagged_area_tooltip": "このエリアが表す地物の種類を選択してください。",
- "untagged_relation": "タグの無いリレーション",
- "untagged_relation_tooltip": "このリレーションを表す地物の種別を選んでください。",
- "many_deletions": "あなたは計{n}件の地物を削除しようとしています:{p}ノード, {l}ライン, {a}エリア, {r}リレーション。本当に削除しますか?この操作でみんながopenstreetmap.org上で見ているマップから削除されます。",
- "tag_suggests_area": "ラインに {tag} タグが付与されています。エリアで描かれるべきです",
- "deprecated_tags": "タグの重複: {tags}"
- },
"zoom": {
"in": "ズームイン",
"out": "ズームアウト"
"cannot_zoom": "現在のモードでは、これ以上ズームアウトできません。",
"full_screen": "フルスクリーンにする",
"QA": {
+ "improveOSM": {
+ "title": "ImproveOSM 検知内容",
+ "geometry_types": {
+ "path": "歩道・小道",
+ "parking": "駐車場",
+ "road": "道路",
+ "both": "道路と駐車場"
+ },
+ "directions": {
+ "east": "東",
+ "north": "北",
+ "northeast": "北東",
+ "northwest": "北西",
+ "south": "南",
+ "southeast": "南東",
+ "southwest": "南西",
+ "west": "西"
+ },
+ "error_types": {
+ "ow": {
+ "title": "一方通行が未設定",
+ "description": "{highway} のこの区間では、{num_trips} 件の通行記録のうち、{percentage} %が{from_node} から{to_node} に向かっています。「一方通行」タグが漏れている可能性があります。"
+ },
+ "mr": {
+ "title": "ジオメトリが未設定",
+ "description": "このエリアで記録された{num_trips}件の通行記録は、ここにマッピングされていない{geometry_type} がある可能性を示しています。",
+ "description_alt": "サードパーティのデータが、ここにマッピングされていない{geometry_type} がある可能性を示しています。"
+ },
+ "tr": {
+ "title": "進行方向制限が未設定",
+ "description": "{num_trips} 件の記録された通行({travel_direction}方面への移動)のうち{num_passed} 件が、{from_way} から{to_way} へ{junction}で方向転換しています。「{turn_restriction}」の制限が未設定である可能性があります。"
+ }
+ }
+ },
"keepRight": {
"title": "KeepRight の指摘内容",
"detail_title": "エラー",
"130": {
"title": "未接続のウェイ(浮島)",
- "description": "{var1} はマップの他のオブジェクトに接続していません。(訳注:(対処例)大きめの白い丸である未接続の終端ノードをドラッグして相手先のウェイに接続するか、終端ノード上でショートカットキー\"A\"を押すか、右クリックして(+)延長アイコンをクリックしてウェイを延ばして接続します。正しく接続されると丸は小さめのグレイに変化します。)"
+ "description": "{var1} はマップの他のオブジェクトに接続していません。(訳注:(対処例)大きめの白い丸である未接続の終端ノードをドラッグして相手先のウェイに接続するか、終端ノード上でショートカットキー\"A\"を押すか、右クリックして(+)延長アイコンをクリックしてウェイを延ばして接続します。正しく接続されると丸は小さめのグレイに変化します。エリアで描いたペデストリアンも他の歩道や道路に接続します)"
"150": {
"title": "タグの無い鉄道踏切",
"312": {
"title": "ラウンドアバウトの方向誤り",
- "description": "{var1} が {var2} 通行の国にある場合、その向き先は誤った方向に向かっています。"
+ "description": "{var1} が {var2} 通行の国にある場合、進行方向が誤っています。(訳注:日本は左側通行)"
"313": {
"title": "ラウンドアバウトの接続が弱い",
"streetside": {
"tooltip": "Microsoftによる街路写真",
- "title": "写真の重ね合わせ(Bing街路)",
+ "title": "Bing街路",
"report": "この画像のプライバシーについてレポートする",
"view_on_bing": "Bing 地図で確認",
"hires": "高解像度"
"mapillary_images": {
- "tooltip": "Mapillary から路上の写真を取得します",
- "title": "写真の重ね合わせ (Mapillary)"
+ "tooltip": "Mapillary から路上の写真を取得します"
- "mapillary_signs": {
- "tooltip": "Mapillaryから交通標識を取得します (写真の重ね合わせが有効の時のみ)",
- "title": "交通標識の重ね合わせ (Mapillary)"
+ "mapillary_map_features": {
+ "title": "地物",
+ "tooltip": "Mapillaryの地物",
+ "request_data": "データをリクエスト"
"mapillary": {
+ "title": "Mapillary",
+ "signs": {
+ "tooltip": "Mapillaryの交通標識"
+ },
"view_on_mapillary": "この画像をMapillaryで表示"
"openstreetcam_images": {
- "tooltip": "OpenStreetCamの街路写真",
- "title": "写真の重ね合わせ(OpenStreetCam)"
+ "tooltip": "OpenStreetCamの街路写真"
"openstreetcam": {
+ "title": "OpenStreetCam",
"view_on_openstreetcam": "この画像をOpenStreetCamで見る"
"note": {
"add_area_draw": "次にマウスカーソルを対象となる地物の角のひとつに置いて、{leftclick}左クリックまたはスペースキーを押してアリアの外周にノードを置き始めます。クリックまたはスペースキーを押してノードを追加します。外周を描いている間も、ズームインしたりマップをドラッグして詳細を描き加えることができます。",
"add_area_finish": "エリアを描き終わったら、`{return}`キーまたは`ESC`キーを押すか、最初または最後のノードを再度クリックして終了します。",
"square_area_h": "角を直角化",
- "square_area_command": "建物などエリアの地物の多くには直角な角があります。エリアの角を直角にするには、エリアの境界を{rightclick}右クリックして選択し、編集メニューから{orthogonalize} **直交化**を選びます。",
+ "square_area_command": "建物などエリアの地物の多くには直角な角があります。エリアの角を直角にするには、エリアの境界を{rightclick}右クリックして選択し、編集メニューから{orthogonalize} **直角化**を選びます。",
"modify_area_h": "エリアを変更",
"modify_area_dragnode": "例えば背景画像と一致しない建物など、形状が正しくないエリア見かけることは多いでしょう。エリアの形状を調整するにはまず{leftclick}左クリックして対象を選びます。エリアの全ノードが小さな円として表示されます。そしてノードをより正確な位置にドラッグすることができます。",
"modify_area_addnode": "そのエリアの外周上で{leftclick}**x2**ダブルクリックしたり、2つのノード間の中間にある小さな三角形をドラッグすると、エリアに沿って新しいノードを作成することができます。",
"title": "品質改善",
"intro": "*品質改善* (Q/A) 用のツールはOpenStreetMap内の不適切なタグ、接続されていない道路、その他の課題などを見つけ出し、マッパーはそれを見て修正することができます。Q/A の課題にどのようなものがあるか見てみる場合は、 {data} **地図データ設定** パネルをクリックして、専用の Q/A レイヤを有効化してください。(訳注:見つけ出された課題はあくまで機械的にピックアップされたものであり、必ずしもエラーではない場合があります。現地の状態やタグ付けの知識があまり無い場合にはくれぐれも注意してください。まずは地元や自分でマッピングした内容の修正から始めると良いでしょう。)",
"tools_h": "ツール",
- "tools": "現在は次のツールがサポートされています: [KeepRight](https://www.keepright.at/)。iD は将来 [Osmose](https://osmose.openstreetmap.fr/), [ImproveOSM](https://improveosm.org/en/), その他の Q/A ツールもサポートしたいと考えています。",
+ "tools": "現在は次のツールがサポートされています: [KeepRight](https://www.keepright.at/)及び[ImproveOSM](https://improveosm.org/en/)。iD は将来 [Osmose](https://osmose.openstreetmap.fr/), その他の Q/A ツールもサポートしたいと考えています。",
"issues_h": "課題の扱い方",
"issues": "Q/A の課題の扱い方はメモと似ています。マーカーをクリックすると、サードバー内で課題の詳細を見ることができます。各ツールにはそれぞれにできることがありますが、たいていコメントを付けたり課題をクローズしたりすることができます。"
+ "issues": {
+ "title": "改善提案",
+ "key": "I",
+ "list_title": "改善提案 ({count})",
+ "errors": {
+ "list_title": "エラー ({count})"
+ },
+ "warnings": {
+ "list_title": "警告 ({count})"
+ },
+ "rules": {
+ "title": "ルール"
+ },
+ "user_resolved_issues": "自分の編集で解決した改善提案",
+ "warnings_and_errors": "警告とエラー",
+ "no_issues": {
+ "message": {
+ "everything": "改善提案はありません",
+ "everything_in_view": "この画面内に改善提案はありません",
+ "edits": "あなたの編集への改善提案はありません",
+ "edits_in_view": "この画面内のあなたの編集への改善提案はありません",
+ "no_edits": "まだ編集内容がありません"
+ },
+ "hidden_issues": {
+ "none": "検知した改善提案はここに表示されます",
+ "elsewhere": "別の場所の改善提案: {count}",
+ "everything_else": "その他すべての改善提案: {count}",
+ "everything_else_elsewhere": "別の場所のその他すべての改善提案: {count}",
+ "disabled_rules": "無効化されたルールの改善提案: {count}",
+ "disabled_rules_elsewhere": "無効化されたルールの別の場所の改善提案: {count}",
+ "ignored_issues": "無視された改善提案: {count}",
+ "ignored_issues_elsewhere": "無視された別の場所の改善提案: {count}"
+ }
+ },
+ "options": {
+ "what": {
+ "title": "チェック対象:",
+ "edited": "自分の編集のみ",
+ "all": "全て"
+ },
+ "where": {
+ "title": "チェック範囲:",
+ "visible": "現在の画面のみ",
+ "all": "全て"
+ }
+ },
+ "suggested": "最新化の提案:",
+ "enable_all": "全て有効化",
+ "disable_all": "全て無効化",
+ "reset_ignored": "無視された ({count})件をリセット",
+ "fix_one": {
+ "title": "修正する"
+ },
+ "fix_all": {
+ "title": "全て修正する(訳注:一括操作は非推奨)",
+ "annotation": "妥当性確認による問題をいくつか修正しました。"
+ },
+ "almost_junction": {
+ "title": "交差点に未接続 ",
+ "message": "{feature} は{feature2} のすぐ近くにありますが接続されていません",
+ "tip": "近くの別の地物に接続している可能性のある地物を探す",
+ "self": {
+ "message": "{feature} は自身のすぐ近くにありますが再接続されていません"
+ },
+ "highway-highway": {
+ "reference": "交差する道路は頂点ノードを共有すべきです。"
+ }
+ },
+ "close_nodes": {
+ "title": "とても近いポイント",
+ "tip": "冗長で使いすぎのポイントを探す",
+ "message": "{way} 内の2つのポイントがとても近くにあります",
+ "reference": "ウェイにある冗長なポイントはマージするか離れたところに置くべきです。",
+ "detached": {
+ "message": "{feature} は{feature2} に近すぎます",
+ "reference": "別々のポイントは位置を共有すべきではありません。(訳注:まれに縦方向に重なる地物もある)"
+ }
+ },
+ "crossing_ways": {
+ "title": "重なったウェイ",
+ "message": "{feature} は{feature2} と重なっています",
+ "tip": "誤って交差している地物どうしを探す",
+ "building-building": {
+ "reference": "建物は別レイヤ上にある場合を除いて、交差すべきではありません。"
+ },
+ "building-highway": {
+ "reference": "建物と重なる道路は橋、トンネル、遮蔽物、入口のいずれかのタグを使うべきです。"
+ },
+ "building-railway": {
+ "reference": "建物と重なる鉄道は橋かトンネルのタグを使うべきです。"
+ },
+ "building-waterway": {
+ "reference": "建物と重なる水路はトンネルのタグか別のレイヤを使うべきです。"
+ },
+ "highway-highway": {
+ "reference": "重なっている道路は橋、トンネル、交差点のいずれかのタグを使うべきです。"
+ },
+ "highway-railway": {
+ "reference": "鉄道と重なる道路は橋、トンネル、踏切のいずれかのタグを使うべきです。"
+ },
+ "highway-waterway": {
+ "reference": "水路と重なる道路は橋、トンネル、洗い越し(ford)のいずれかのタグを使うべきです。"
+ },
+ "railway-railway": {
+ "reference": "重なっている鉄道は接続するか、橋やトンネルのタグを使うべきです。"
+ },
+ "railway-waterway": {
+ "reference": "水路と重なる鉄道は橋やトンネルのタグを使うべきです。"
+ },
+ "waterway-waterway": {
+ "reference": "重なっている水路は接続するかトンネルのタグを使うべきです。"
+ },
+ "tunnel-tunnel": {
+ "reference": "重なっているトンネルは別のレイヤを使うべきです。"
+ },
+ "tunnel-tunnel_connectable": {
+ "reference": "重なっているトンネルは接続するか、別のレイヤを使うべきです。"
+ },
+ "bridge-bridge": {
+ "reference": "重なっている橋は別のレイヤを使うべきです。"
+ },
+ "bridge-bridge_connectable": {
+ "reference": "重なっている橋は接続するか、別のレイヤを使うべきです。"
+ },
+ "indoor-indoor": {
+ "reference": "重なっているインドアの地物は別のレイヤを使うべきです。"
+ },
+ "indoor-indoor_connectable": {
+ "reference": "重なっているインドアの地物は別の階と接続するか、接続せずに別の階を使用するべきです。"
+ }
+ },
+ "disconnected_way": {
+ "title": "未接続のウェイ(浮島)",
+ "tip": "経路探索できない道路、小道、フェリールートを探す",
+ "routable": {
+ "message": {
+ "multiple": "相互に接続されただけの経路探索可能な地物が{count} 件あります。"
+ },
+ "reference": "全ての道路、小道、フェリールートは単一の経路探索ネットワークを形成するために接続すべきです。"
+ },
+ "highway": {
+ "message": "{highway} は他の道路や小道と切り離されています"
+ }
+ },
+ "fixme_tag": {
+ "message": "{feature} には\"Fix Me\" リクエストがあります",
+ "reference": "\"fixme\" タグはある地物についてのマッパーからの修正依頼です。"
+ },
+ "generic_name": {
+ "message": "{feature} には問題のありそうな名前\"{name}\" が付けられています",
+ "message_language": "{feature} には問題のありそうな名前\"{name}\" が言語{language} で付けられています",
+ "reference": "名前は実際の、現地にある地物の名前であるべきです。"
+ },
+ "help_request": {
+ "title": "ヘルプリクエスト",
+ "tip": "ヘルプリクエストがある地物を探す"
+ },
+ "incompatible_source": {
+ "title": "問題のありそうな情報源",
+ "tip": "問題のありそうな情報源の地物を探す",
+ "google": {
+ "feature": {
+ "message": "{feature} はGoogleをデータソースとして挙げています"
+ },
+ "reference": "Google製品はプロプライエタリであり出典として使用してはいけません。"
+ }
+ },
+ "incorrect_name": {
+ "message": "{feature} には間違った名前\"{name}\" が付けられています",
+ "message_language": "{feature} には間違った名前\"{name}\" が言語{language} で付けられています"
+ },
+ "invalid_format": {
+ "title": "不適切な形式",
+ "tip": "想定外の形式のタグを探す",
+ "email": {
+ "message": "{feature} には不適切なメールアドレスがあります",
+ "message_multi": "{feature} には不適切なメールアドレスが複数あります",
+ "reference": "メールアドレスは \"user@example.com\" のような形式でなければなりません。"
+ }
+ },
+ "mismatched_geometry": {
+ "title": "ジオメトリが不一致",
+ "tip": "タグとジオメトリが矛盾している地物を探す"
+ },
+ "missing_role": {
+ "title": "ロールが未設定",
+ "message": "{relation} 内の{member} にはロールがありません",
+ "tip": "不明あるいは不正なメンバーのロールを持つリレーションを探す",
+ "multipolygon": {
+ "reference": "マルチポリゴンのメンバーにはinnerかouterのロールが必須です"
+ }
+ },
+ "missing_tag": {
+ "title": "タグ未設定",
+ "tip": "何であるのかが分かるタグが抜けている地物を探す",
+ "reference": "地物にはタグを付けてそれが何であるかを定義しなければなりません",
+ "any": {
+ "message": "{feature} にはタグがありません"
+ },
+ "descriptive": {
+ "message": "{feature} が何であるのかを示すタグがありません"
+ },
+ "relation_type": {
+ "message": "リレーション{feature} にはtype がありません"
+ }
+ },
+ "old_multipolygon": {
+ "message": "{multipolygon} には間違ったタグがあります",
+ "reference": "マルチポリゴンはリレーションにタグ付けすべきで、outerのウェイにではありません。"
+ },
+ "outdated_tags": {
+ "title": "旧式のタグ(訳注:OSM Wikiで確認を推奨)",
+ "message": "{feature} には旧式のタグがあります",
+ "tip": "最新にできる非推奨タグを持つ地物を探す",
+ "reference": "その後タグ付け方法が変わっているものがあるので最新にすべきです。(訳注:よく分からないものはOSM-Wikiで確認してからアップグレードしてください)",
+ "incomplete": {
+ "message": "{feature} には不完全なタグがあります",
+ "reference": "タグを追加したほうが良い地物があります。"
+ },
+ "noncanonical_brand": {
+ "message": "{feature} はbrandの標準的なタグを使っていないようです",
+ "message_incomplete": "{feature} はbrandの不完全なタグを使っているようです",
+ "reference": "同一brandの地物には同じタグ付けをしてください。"
+ }
+ },
+ "point_as_vertex": {
+ "message": "{feature} はそのタグに基づいて単独のポイントであるべきです",
+ "reference": "地物の中にはラインやエリアの一部であってはいけないものがあります"
+ },
+ "private_data": {
+ "title": "プライベート情報",
+ "tip": "プライベートな情報が含まれる可能性のある地物を探す",
+ "reference": "個人の電話番号などセンシティブなデータはタグ付けしません。",
+ "contact": {
+ "message": "{feature} はプライベートな連絡先情報でタグ付けされている可能性があります"
+ }
+ },
+ "suspicious_name": {
+ "title": "問題のありそうな名前",
+ "tip": "一般名詞や問題のありそうな名前が付いた地物を探す"
+ },
+ "tag_suggests_area": {
+ "message": "{feature} は\"{tag}\" タグに基づくクローズドエリアであるべきです",
+ "reference": "エリアは終端を接続しなければなりません。"
+ },
+ "unknown_road": {
+ "message": "{feature} には区分がありません",
+ "reference": "種類が指定されていない道路は地図や経路探索で表示されない場合があります。"
+ },
+ "impossible_oneway": {
+ "title": "一方通行の行き止まり",
+ "tip": "一方通行が行き止まりの経路の課題を探す",
+ "waterway": {
+ "connected": {
+ "start": {
+ "message": "{feature} は接続された水路から離れたところを流れています"
+ },
+ "end": {
+ "message": "{feature} は接続された水路とは反対側に流れています"
+ },
+ "reference": "水路の区間は通常は同じ方向に流れるべきです。(低地では流れが変わる場合があります)"
+ }
+ },
+ "highway": {
+ "start": {
+ "message": "{feature} には到達できません",
+ "reference": "一方通行の道路は他の道路を経由して到達できなければなりません。"
+ },
+ "end": {
+ "message": "{feature} には出口がありません",
+ "reference": "一方通行の道路からは他の道路に行けなければなりません。"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "unsquare_way": {
+ "title": "直角ではない角({val} ° まで) (訳注:無効化を推奨)",
+ "message": "{feature} には直角ではない角があります",
+ "tip": "直角ではない角があるもののうち改善できそうなものを探す",
+ "buildings": {
+ "reference": "直角ではない角がある建物は直角にすることでより正確に描けることがあります。"
+ }
+ },
+ "vertex_as_point": {
+ "message": "{feature} はそのタグに基づいてラインやエリアの一部であるべきです",
+ "reference": "地物の中には単独のポイントであってはいけないものがあります"
+ },
+ "fix": {
+ "address_the_concern": {
+ "title": "関心を表明"
+ },
+ "connect_almost_junction": {
+ "annotation": "近接した地物を接続しました。"
+ },
+ "connect_crossing_features": {
+ "annotation": "重なっている地物を接続しました。"
+ },
+ "connect_endpoints": {
+ "title": "終端を接続する",
+ "annotation": "ウェイの終端を接続しました。"
+ },
+ "connect_feature": {
+ "title": "この地物を接続する"
+ },
+ "connect_features": {
+ "title": "地物を接続する"
+ },
+ "connect_using_ford": {
+ "title": "浅瀬を介して接続する"
+ },
+ "continue_from_start": {
+ "title": "開始点から延長する"
+ },
+ "continue_from_end": {
+ "title": "終了点から延長する"
+ },
+ "delete_feature": {
+ "title": "この地物を削除する(よく分からないものは安易に削除しないこと)"
+ },
+ "extract_point": {
+ "title": "このポイントを抜き移しする"
+ },
+ "ignore_issue": {
+ "title": "この改善提案を無視する"
+ },
+ "merge_close_vertices": {
+ "annotation": "ウェイ内の極めて近いポイントをマージ"
+ },
+ "merge_points": {
+ "title": "これらのポイントをマージ"
+ },
+ "move_points_apart": {
+ "title": "これらのポイントを離す"
+ },
+ "move_tags": {
+ "title": "タグを移動する",
+ "annotation": "タグを移動しました。"
+ },
+ "remove_from_relation": {
+ "title": "リレーションから削除する"
+ },
+ "remove_generic_name": {
+ "annotation": "一般名詞を削除しました。"
+ },
+ "remove_mistaken_name": {
+ "annotation": "間違った名前を削除しました。"
+ },
+ "remove_private_info": {
+ "annotation": "プライベートな情報を削除しました。"
+ },
+ "remove_proprietary_data": {
+ "title": "プロプライエタリなデータを全て削除"
+ },
+ "remove_tag": {
+ "title": "タグを削除する",
+ "annotation": "タグを削除しました。"
+ },
+ "remove_tags": {
+ "title": "タグを削除する"
+ },
+ "remove_the_name": {
+ "title": "名前を削除する"
+ },
+ "reposition_features": {
+ "title": "地物を配置し直す"
+ },
+ "reverse_feature": {
+ "title": "この地物を反転する"
+ },
+ "select_preset": {
+ "title": "地物の種類を選んでタグを付ける"
+ },
+ "select_road_type": {
+ "title": "道路の種類を選択"
+ },
+ "set_as_inner": {
+ "title": "inner にセットする"
+ },
+ "set_as_outer": {
+ "title": "outer にセットする"
+ },
+ "square_feature": {
+ "title": "この地物の直角に近い角だけを直角にする"
+ },
+ "tag_as_disconnected": {
+ "title": "未接続(行き止まり)のタグを付ける",
+ "annotation": "近接している地物に未接続(行き止まり)のタグを付けました。"
+ },
+ "tag_as_unsquare": {
+ "title": "物理的に直角で無いことをタグ付けする(訳注:この機能は議論中のため非推奨)",
+ "annotation": "直角では無い角があることをタグ付けしました(訳注:この機能は議論中のため非推奨)"
+ },
+ "tag_this_as_higher": {
+ "title": "これを高くタグ付けする"
+ },
+ "tag_this_as_lower": {
+ "title": "これを低くタグ付けする"
+ },
+ "upgrade_tags": {
+ "title": "タグをアップグレードする",
+ "annotation": "古いタグをアップグレードしました。"
+ },
+ "use_bridge_or_tunnel": {
+ "title": "橋かトンネルを使用する"
+ },
+ "use_different_layers": {
+ "title": "別のレイヤを使う"
+ },
+ "use_different_layers_or_levels": {
+ "title": "違うlayerかlevelを使ってください"
+ },
+ "use_different_levels": {
+ "title": "別の階を使う"
+ },
+ "use_tunnel": {
+ "title": "トンネルを使う"
+ }
+ }
+ },
"intro": {
"done": "完了",
"ok": "OK",
"choose_preset_house": "建物の種類はこれ以外にもいろいろありますが、これは明らかに家(一戸建て住宅)です。{br}種別がはっきりわからない場合は建物全般の種別を選べばOKです。**{preset} という種別を選びます。**",
"close": "**エスケープキーか{button} ボタンをクリックして地物エディタを閉じます。**",
"rightclick_building": "**作成した建物を右クリックで選んで編集メニューを表示します。**",
- "square_building": "あなたが描いた建物を、より建物らしい直角構造にしてみましょう。**{button}ボタンを押すと、建物の形が四角形になります。**",
- "retry_square": "直交化ボタン以外を押したようです。もう一度やってみてください。",
+ "square_building": "あなたが描いた建物を、より建物らしい直角構造にしてみましょう。**{button}ボタンを押すと、建物の形が直角になります。**",
+ "retry_square": "直角化ボタン以外を押したようです。もう一度やってみてください。",
"done_square": "建物の角が動いたのが分かりましたか?もうひとつ役に立つテクニックを学びましょう。",
"add_tank": "次に、この円形の貯蔵タンクをトレースします。**{button} エリアをクリックして新しいエリアを追加してください。**",
"start_tank": "きれいな円が描けなくても大丈夫。タンクの外周に触れるようにして、その内側のエリアに粗い円を描いてみてください。**クリックするかスペースキーを押してタンクの外周上に開始ノードを置きます。**",
"fullscreen": "全画面モードに入る",
"sidebar": "サイドバーの表示/非表示",
"wireframe": "ワイヤーフレームモード切替",
- "minimap": "ミニマップの表示/非表示"
+ "osm_data": "OpenStreetMapデータの表示切替",
+ "minimap": "ミニマップの表示/非表示",
+ "highlight_edits": "未保存の編集をハイライト"
"selecting": {
"title": "地物の選択",
"title": "編集",
"drawing": {
"title": "描画",
+ "focus_add_feature": "地物検索欄にフォーカスを移動",
"add_point": "「ポイントの追加」モード",
"add_line": "「ラインの追加」モード",
"add_area": "「エリアの追加」モード",
"add_note": "「メモの追加」モード",
+ "add_favorite": "お気に入りの地物を保存する",
"place_point": "ポイントまたはメモを置く",
"disable_snap": "押下中はポイント接近時の自動接続(SNAP)を無効化",
"stop_line": "ラインやエリアの描画を終了"
"continue_line": "選択モードでラインを継続",
"merge": "選択した地物を連結(マージ)",
"disconnect": "選択したノードで地物を切り離し",
- "detach_node": "選択したノードを元のライン/エリアから取り外す。",
+ "extract": "ポイントを地物から抜き移します。",
"split": "選択したノードでラインを2つに分割",
- "reverse": "ラインを反転",
+ "reverse": "選択した地物を反転しました。",
"move": "選択した地物を移動",
"rotate": "選択した地物を回転",
- "orthogonalize": "ラインを直線化 / エリアの角を直角化",
+ "orthogonalize": "ラインやエリアの角を直角にする",
+ "straighten": "ラインや複数ポイントを直線化する",
"circularize": "クローズドラインやエリアを円形化",
"reflect_long": "地物を長軸で反転",
"reflect_short": "地物を短軸で反転",
"category-landuse": {
"name": "土地利用の地物"
- "category-natural-area": {
- "name": "自然の地物"
- },
- "category-natural-line": {
- "name": "自然の地物"
- },
- "category-natural-point": {
+ "category-natural": {
"name": "自然の地物"
"category-path": {
- "name": "歩道・小道の地物"
+ "name": "歩道・小道"
"category-rail": {
- "name": "線路の地物"
+ "name": "線路"
"category-restriction": {
"name": "進行方向制限の地物"
- "category-road": {
- "name": "道路の地物"
+ "category-road_major": {
+ "name": "主要道路"
+ },
+ "category-road_minor": {
+ "name": "主要道路以外"
+ },
+ "category-road_service": {
+ "name": "敷地内道路"
"category-route": {
"name": "ルートの地物"
"category-utility": {
"name": "公共インフラの地物"
- "category-water-area": {
- "name": "水域の地物"
+ "category-water": {
+ "name": "水域"
- "category-water-line": {
- "name": "水路の地物"
+ "category-waterway": {
+ "name": "水路"
"fields": {
"access": {
- "label": "通行可",
+ "label": "通行可否",
"options": {
"designated": {
"description": "標識等や特定の地方条例で通行が許可されている",
"placeholder": "その他",
+ "terms": "アクセス, 許可",
"types": {
"access": "すべて",
"bicycle": "自転車",
"access_simple": {
- "label": "アクセス制限"
+ "label": "アクセス制限",
+ "terms": "アクセス, 許可"
+ },
+ "addr/interpolation": {
+ "label": "補間の種類",
+ "options": {
+ "all": "すべて",
+ "alphabetic": "アルファベット補間",
+ "even": "最初が奇数",
+ "odd": "最初が偶数"
+ }
"address": {
"label": "住所",
"placeholders": {
- "block_number": "街区符号",
- "block_number!jp": "街区符号",
+ "block_number": "街区符号 / 番 / 番地 / 地番",
+ "block_number!jp": "街区符号 / 番 / 番地 / 地番",
"city": "市町村",
"city!jp": "市町村と東京23区",
"city!vn": "市/町",
"hamlet": "Hamlet",
"housename": "地番",
"housenumber": "住居番号",
- "housenumber!jp": "住居番号/番地と枝番",
+ "housenumber!jp": "住居番号 / 号 / 支号 / 枝番号",
"neighbourhood": "字",
"neighbourhood!jp": "丁目/字/小字",
"place": "地名",
"province": "都道府県",
"province!jp": "都道府県",
"quarter": "大字",
- "quarter!jp": "大字/町",
+ "quarter!jp": "大字 / (市内の)町",
"state": "州",
"street": "所属する街路名",
"subdistrict": "Subdistrict",
"suburb": "区",
"suburb!jp": "区",
"unit": "単位"
- }
+ },
+ "terms": "住所, アドレス"
"admin_level": {
"label": "Admin Level"
"agrarian": {
"label": "製品"
+ "air_conditioning": {
+ "label": "空調有無",
+ "terms": "空調, エアコン, 冷暖房"
+ },
"amenity": {
"label": "種類"
"label": "対象となる動物"
"architect": {
- "label": "建築家"
+ "label": "建築家",
+ "terms": "建築家, 設計者, アーキテクト"
"area/highway": {
"label": "道路の種類"
"attraction": {
"label": "種類"
+ "baby_seat": {
+ "label": "ベビーシート"
+ },
"backrest": {
"label": "背もたれ"
+ "bar": {
+ "label": "バー",
+ "terms": "バー, 酒"
+ },
"barrier": {
"label": "種類"
"label": "美容の種類"
"bench": {
- "label": "ベンチ"
+ "label": "ベンチ",
+ "terms": "ベンチ, 椅子, いす, 腰掛け, 座席"
"bicycle_parking": {
"label": "種類"
"bin": {
- "label": "ゴミ箱有無"
+ "label": "ゴミ箱有無",
+ "terms": "ゴミ箱, ごみ箱, 廃棄物, 空き缶, 空き瓶, 空きビン, 空きカン"
+ },
+ "blind": {
+ "label": "視覚障害者向けアクセス",
+ "options": {
+ "limited": "一部可",
+ "no": "不可",
+ "yes": "可"
+ },
+ "terms": "視覚障害者向けアクセス, 視覚障害, 盲人, 弱視"
"blood_components": {
"label": "献血種類",
"board_type": {
"label": "種類"
+ "bollard": {
+ "label": "種類"
+ },
"booth": {
"label": "ブース"
"label": "種類"
"brand": {
- "label": "ブランド"
+ "label": "ブランド",
+ "terms": "ブランド, 系列"
"brewery": {
- "label": "ドラフトビール"
+ "label": "ドラフトビール",
+ "terms": "ドラフトビール, ビール"
"bridge": {
"label": "種類",
"label": "種類"
"building": {
- "label": "建物"
+ "label": "建物",
+ "terms": "建物, ビル"
+ },
+ "building/levels/underground": {
+ "label": "地下階数",
+ "placeholder": "2, 4, 6...",
+ "terms": "地下, 地下階数"
+ },
+ "building/levels_building": {
+ "label": "建物の地上階数",
+ "placeholder": "2, 4, 6...",
+ "terms": "階数, 総階数, 階建て"
"building/material": {
- "label": "建物の素材"
+ "label": "建物の素材",
+ "terms": "材料, 素材"
"building_area": {
"label": "建物"
"capacity": {
"label": "収容数",
- "placeholder": "50, 100, 200..."
+ "placeholder": "50, 100, 200...",
+ "terms": "キャパ, 容量, 収容数, 定員, 収容台数, 座席数"
"cash_in": {
"label": "入金"
"castle_type": {
"label": "種類"
+ "changing_table": {
+ "label": "オムツ交換台有無"
+ },
+ "charge_fee": {
+ "label": "料金",
+ "placeholder": "1 EUR, 5 USD, 10 JPY…",
+ "terms": "オムツ替え台, オムツ交換台"
+ },
+ "charge_toll": {
+ "label": "通行料金",
+ "placeholder": "1 EUR, 5 USD, 10 JPY…",
+ "terms": "通行料金, 料金"
+ },
"check_date": {
"label": "最終確認日"
"label": "収集時刻"
"colour": {
- "label": "色"
+ "label": "色",
+ "terms": "色, カラー"
"comment": {
"label": "変更セットのコメント",
- "placeholder": "æ\8a\95稿å\86\85容ã\81®ç\9fã\81\84説æ\98\8e(必須)"
+ "placeholder": "æ\8a\95稿å\86\85容ã\81®ç°¡æ½\94ã\81ªèª¬æ\98\8e(ã\82¢ã\83\83ã\83\97ã\83ã\83¼ã\83\89å\89\8dã\81«è¨\98å\85¥必須)"
"communication_multi": {
- "label": "通信回線の種類"
+ "label": "通信回線の種類",
+ "terms": "通信塔の種類, 通信"
"construction": {
"label": "種類"
+ "consulate": {
+ "label": "領事館の種類"
+ },
"contact/webcam": {
"label": "ウェブカメラのURL",
"placeholder": "http://example.com/"
"reversible": "切替通行"
+ "conveying_escalator": {
+ "label": "エスカレーター"
+ },
"country": {
"label": "国"
"placeholder": "1, 2, 3..."
"covered": {
- "label": "屋根"
+ "label": "屋根",
+ "terms": "覆い, 屋根, 被覆"
"craft": {
"label": "種類"
"crossing": {
"label": "種類"
+ "crossing/island": {
+ "label": "横断島"
+ },
"cuisine": {
"label": "料理"
"currency_multi": {
- "label": "通貨の種類"
+ "label": "通貨の種類",
+ "terms": "貨幣の種類, 貨幣, コイン, 紙幣, キャッシュ, 支払"
"cutting": {
"label": "種類",
"placeholder": "なし",
+ "terms": "自転車レーン, 自転車, 自転車専用",
"types": {
"cycleway:left": "左側",
"cycleway:right": "右側"
"label": "日付"
"delivery": {
- "label": "配達"
+ "label": "配達",
+ "terms": "配達, 出前, 配送"
"denomination": {
- "label": "宗派"
+ "label": "宗派",
+ "terms": "宗派"
"denotation": {
"label": "意味"
+ "departures_board": {
+ "label": "出発案内板",
+ "options": {
+ "no": "なし",
+ "realtime": "リアルタイム",
+ "timetable": "時刻表",
+ "yes": "あり"
+ }
+ },
"description": {
- "label": "説明"
+ "label": "説明",
+ "terms": "説明, 概要, サマリー"
"design": {
"label": "デザイン"
"label": "行き先の道路番号"
"destination/symbol_oneway": {
- "label": "行き先のシンボル"
+ "label": "行き先のシンボル",
+ "terms": "説明のシンボル, シンボル, アイコン"
"destination_oneway": {
"label": "行き先"
"label": "装置",
"placeholder": "1, 2, 3..."
- "diaper": {
- "label": "おむつ交換台の利用可否"
+ "diameter": {
+ "label": "直径",
+ "placeholder": "5 mm, 10 cm, 15 in…"
"diet_multi": {
- "label": "食事制限の種類"
+ "label": "食事制限の種類",
+ "terms": "食事制限の種類, 食事制限, ビーガン, ベジタビリアン, 菜食"
+ },
+ "diplomatic": {
+ "label": "外交組織の種類"
+ },
+ "diplomatic/services": {
+ "label": "サービスの種類"
"direction": {
"label": "方向(度、時計回り)",
"direction_vertex": {
- "label": "方向",
+ "label": "影響を受ける方向",
"options": {
"backward": "逆方向",
"both": "両方 / 全て",
"leashed": "首紐がある場合に犬を同行可",
"no": "犬は同行不可",
"yes": "犬は同行可"
- }
+ },
+ "terms": "犬, ペット, 動物"
+ },
+ "door": {
+ "label": "ドア"
+ },
+ "door_type": {
+ "label": "ドアの種類"
"drive_through": {
- "label": "ドライブスルー"
+ "label": "ドライブスルー",
+ "terms": "ドライブスルー"
"duration": {
"label": "所要時間",
- "placeholder": "00:00"
+ "placeholder": "00:00",
+ "terms": "期間"
"electrified": {
"label": "電化状態",
"placeholder": "架線、集電レール..."
"elevation": {
- "label": "標高"
+ "label": "標高",
+ "terms": "高度"
"email": {
"label": "メールアドレス",
- "placeholder": "example@example.com"
+ "placeholder": "example@example.com",
+ "terms": "メール, メールアドレス"
"embankment": {
"label": "種類",
"placeholder": "デフォルト"
+ "embassy": {
+ "label": "大使館の種類"
+ },
"emergency": {
"label": "緊急設備"
+ "emergency_combo": {
+ "label": "緊急設備の種類"
+ },
"enforcement": {
"label": "交通取締の種類"
"fax": {
"label": "FAX",
- "placeholder": "+31 42 123 4567"
+ "placeholder": "+31 42 123 4567",
+ "terms": "ファックス, ファクシミリ"
"fee": {
- "label": "利用料金"
+ "label": "利用料金",
+ "terms": "料金, 値段, 価格"
"fence_type": {
"label": "柵の種類"
"fire_hydrant/diameter": {
- "label": "口径 (mm, in, または文字)"
+ "label": "口径 (mm, in, または文字)",
+ "terms": "直径, 径"
"fire_hydrant/pressure": {
- "label": "水圧 (bar)"
+ "label": "水圧 (bar)",
+ "terms": "圧力, 水圧"
"fire_hydrant/type": {
"label": "形状",
"fireplace": {
"label": "暖炉"
+ "fishing": {
+ "label": "釣り",
+ "terms": "魚釣り, 釣り, フィッシング"
+ },
"fitness_station": {
"label": "設備の種類"
"fixme": {
- "label": "要修正"
+ "label": "要修正",
+ "terms": "修正依頼, 修正希望, 修正歓迎"
"flag/type": {
"label": "掲揚ポールの種類"
+ "floating": {
+ "label": "水に浮いているかどうか"
+ },
+ "flood_prone": {
+ "label": "洪水浸水想定区域",
+ "terms": "洪水浸水想定区域, 洪水, 浸水"
+ },
"ford": {
"label": "種類",
"placeholder": "デフォルト"
"frequency": {
- "label": "動作周波数"
+ "label": "動作周波数",
+ "terms": "周波数"
"frequency_electrified": {
- "label": "動作周波数"
+ "label": "動作周波数",
+ "terms": "周波数"
"from": {
"label": "From"
"male": "男性",
"unisex": "性別区分なし"
- "placeholder": "不明"
+ "placeholder": "不明",
+ "terms": "性別, 男性, 女性, ユニセックス"
"generator/method": {
"label": "方式"
"grape_variety": {
"label": "ブドウの品種"
+ "guest_house": {
+ "label": "ゲストハウスの種類"
+ },
"handicap": {
"label": "ハンディキャップ",
"placeholder": "1-18"
"handrail": {
- "label": "手すり"
+ "label": "手すり",
+ "terms": "手すり, 手摺"
"hashtags": {
"label": "提案されたハッシュタグ",
"label": "専門科"
"height": {
- "label": "高さ (メートル)"
+ "label": "高さ (メートル)",
+ "terms": "高さ"
+ },
+ "height_building": {
+ "label": "高さ (メートル)",
+ "terms": "高さ, 建物の高さ, 全高"
+ },
+ "highspeed": {
+ "label": "高速鉄道",
+ "terms": "高速, ハイスピード"
"highway": {
"label": "道路の種類"
"difficult": "困難: 狭くて荒れた道。乗り越えるべき障害物や狭い通路の可能性あり。",
"impossible": "通過不能: 馬では道または橋が通過できない。極端に狭い、サポート不足、はしごのような障害物。生命の危険あり。"
- "placeholder": "困難, 危険..."
+ "placeholder": "困難, 危険...",
+ "terms": "乗馬の難易度, 乗馬, 難易度"
"horse_stables": {
"label": "乗馬施設",
"iata": {
- "label": "IATA"
+ "label": "IATA空港コード"
"icao": {
- "label": "ICAO"
+ "label": "ICAO空港コード"
"incline": {
- "label": "傾斜"
+ "label": "傾斜",
+ "terms": "傾き, 傾斜, 斜度, 向き"
"incline_steps": {
"label": "傾斜",
"indoor": {
- "label": "室内"
+ "label": "室内",
+ "terms": "インドア, 屋内"
+ },
+ "indoor_type": {
+ "label": "屋内の種類"
"industrial": {
"label": "種類"
+ "informal": {
+ "label": "非公式な地物",
+ "terms": "非公式な地物, 非公式"
+ },
"information": {
"label": "種類"
"inscription": {
- "label": "碑文の文面"
+ "label": "碑文の文面",
+ "terms": "銘, 刻銘, 碑文, 記銘"
"intermittent": {
- "label": "間欠性"
+ "label": "間欠性",
+ "terms": "間欠, 季節, 季節涸川"
"intermittent_yes": {
"label": "間欠性"
"wired": "有線LAN",
"wlan": "Wi-Fi",
"yes": "有り"
- }
+ },
+ "terms": "インターネット, ネット, アクセスポイント"
"internet_access/fee": {
- "label": "インターネット接続利用料金"
+ "label": "インターネット接続利用料金",
+ "terms": "インターネットアクセス料金, アクセス料金, 使用料, 料金"
"internet_access/ssid": {
- "label": "SSID (ネットワーク名)"
+ "label": "SSID (Wifiネットワーク名)",
+ "terms": "WIFIネットワーク名, アクセスポイント名"
+ },
+ "interval": {
+ "label": "間隔",
+ "terms": "運行間隔, 間隔, インターバル"
"junction/ref_oneway": {
- "label": "ジャンクション番号"
+ "label": "ジャンクション番号",
+ "terms": "交差点番号, ジャンクション番号"
+ },
+ "junction_line": {
+ "label": "ジャンクション",
+ "options": {
+ "circular": "ロータリー交差点(優先権なし)",
+ "jughandle": "連絡用ランプ",
+ "roundabout": "ラウンドアバウト(優先権あり)"
+ },
+ "terms": "交差点, ジャンクション"
"kerb": {
"label": "縁石の詳細"
+ "kerb/height": {
+ "label": "縁石の高さ"
+ },
"label": {
"label": "ラベル"
"lanes": {
"label": "車線数",
- "placeholder": "1, 2, 3..."
+ "placeholder": "1, 2, 3...",
+ "terms": "レーン数, 車線数, 車線"
"language_multi": {
"label": "言語"
"layer": {
"label": "レイヤー",
- "placeholder": "0"
+ "placeholder": "0",
+ "terms": "レイヤ"
"leaf_cycle": {
"label": "葉の季節変化",
"label": "長さ (m)"
"level": {
- "label": "フロア番号(日本の1階は0)"
+ "label": "フロア番号(日本の1階は0)",
+ "terms": "階, フロア"
+ },
+ "level_semi": {
+ "label": "階数",
+ "terms": "階数"
"levels": {
"label": "総階数",
- "placeholder": "2, 4, 6..."
+ "placeholder": "2, 4, 6...",
+ "terms": "階, フロア"
+ },
+ "liaison": {
+ "label": "交流組織の種類"
+ },
+ "line_attachment": {
+ "label": "配線形態"
"lit": {
- "label": "照明"
+ "label": "照明",
+ "terms": "街灯, 灯り, ランプ, 照明"
"location": {
- "label": "位置"
+ "label": "位置",
+ "terms": "位置, 配置, 地下, 水面下, 地上"
"location_pool": {
"label": "位置",
"roof": "屋上"
+ "lock": {
+ "label": "水路上のドック"
+ },
+ "lockable": {
+ "label": "施錠可否",
+ "terms": "施錠可否, 施錠, ロック, 鍵"
+ },
"man_made": {
"label": "種類"
"manhole": {
"label": "種類"
+ "manufacturer": {
+ "label": "メーカー",
+ "terms": "メーカー, 製造者, 製作者"
+ },
"map_size": {
"label": "地図の範囲"
"label": "種類"
"material": {
- "label": "素材"
+ "label": "素材",
+ "terms": "材料, 素材"
+ },
+ "max_age": {
+ "label": "最高年齢",
+ "terms": "最高年齢, 最高齢, 最大年齢"
"maxheight": {
"label": "高さ制限",
- "placeholder": "4, 4.5, 5, 14'0\", 14'6\", 15'0\""
+ "placeholder": "4, 4.5, 5, 14'0\", 14'6\", 15'0\"",
+ "terms": "最大高"
"maxspeed": {
"label": "最高速度",
- "placeholder": "40, 50, 60..."
+ "placeholder": "40, 50, 60...",
+ "terms": "速度制限, 制限速度"
"maxspeed/advisory": {
"label": "安全速度",
- "placeholder": "40, 50, 60..."
+ "placeholder": "40, 50, 60...",
+ "terms": "安全速度, 提案速度"
"maxstay": {
- "label": "最大利用時間"
+ "label": "最大利用時間",
+ "terms": "最大滞在時間, 最大時間, 最長時間"
"maxweight": {
- "label": "最大重量"
+ "label": "最大重量",
+ "terms": "最大高"
+ },
+ "maxweight_bridge": {
+ "label": "最大重量",
+ "terms": "最大高"
"memorial": {
"label": "種類"
+ "microbrewery": {
+ "label": "地ビール醸造所",
+ "terms": "醸造所, クラフトビール, 蔵元"
+ },
+ "min_age": {
+ "label": "最少年齢",
+ "terms": "最小年齢, 最低年齢, 最年少"
+ },
"minspeed": {
"label": "最低速度制限",
- "placeholder": "20, 30, 40..."
+ "placeholder": "20, 30, 40...",
+ "terms": "最低速度, 最低速度制限, 速度制限"
"monitoring_multi": {
"label": "監視"
"5": "5: 最大の難しさ、漂礫地や地滑り",
"6": "6: 最上級のマウンテンバイクでなければ乗れない"
- "placeholder": "0, 1, 2, 3..."
+ "placeholder": "0, 1, 2, 3...",
+ "terms": "マウンテンバイクの難易度, マウンテンバイク, 難易度"
"mtb/scale/imba": {
"label": "IMBAトレイル難易度",
"3": "困難 (黒いひし形)",
"4": "非常に困難 (黒いひし形2つ)"
- "placeholder": "初級者、中級者、上級者..."
+ "placeholder": "初級者、中級者、上級者...",
+ "terms": "IBMAトレイル難易度, IMBAトレイル, 難易度"
"mtb/scale/uphill": {
"label": "マウンテンバイク登山難易度",
"4": "4: 平均30%未満の傾斜、地面状態は良くない、大きい岩や木の枝がある",
"5": "5: 非常に険しく、通常マウンテンバイクを押すか運ぶかする必要がある"
- "placeholder": "0, 1, 2, 3..."
+ "placeholder": "0, 1, 2, 3...",
+ "terms": "マウンテンバイク・アップヒルの難易度, マウンテンバイク, アップヒル, 難易度"
"name": {
"label": "名称",
- "placeholder": "一般的な呼称 (もしあれば)"
+ "placeholder": "固有の名称 (もしあれば)",
+ "terms": "名前, ネーム"
"natural": {
"label": "自然"
"network": {
- "label": "ネットワーク"
+ "label": "ネットワーク",
+ "terms": "ネットワーク"
"network_bicycle": {
"label": "ネットワークの種類",
"network_road": {
"label": "ネットワーク"
+ "not/name": {
+ "label": "誤表記",
+ "terms": "誤った名前, 誤り名, 誤表記, 誤表示"
+ },
"note": {
- "label": "メモ"
+ "label": "メモ",
+ "terms": "メモ, コメント"
"office": {
"label": "種類"
"oneway/bicycle": {
- "label": "一方通行 (自転車)"
+ "label": "一方通行 (自転車)",
+ "terms": "一方通行(自転車), 一方通行"
"oneway_yes": {
"label": "一方通行",
"label": "開始予定日"
"opening_hours": {
- "label": "利用可能な時間帯"
+ "label": "営業時間",
+ "placeholder": "不明",
+ "terms": "時間, 時刻"
"operator": {
- "label": "管理主体"
+ "label": "管理主体",
+ "terms": "管理者, 運営者"
+ },
+ "operator/type": {
+ "label": "管理者の種類"
"outdoor_seating": {
- "label": "屋外の席"
+ "label": "屋外の席",
+ "terms": "屋外席, 屋外の座席, 座席, シート"
"par": {
"label": "パー",
"placeholder": "3, 4, 5..."
"park_ride": {
- "label": "パーク&ライド"
+ "label": "パーク&ライド",
+ "terms": "パークアンドライド, 駐車"
"parking": {
"label": "種類",
"underground": "地下"
- "passenger_information_display": {
- "label": "乗客向け情報掲示板"
- },
"payment_multi": {
- "label": "支払の種類"
+ "label": "支払の種類",
+ "terms": "貨幣の種類, 貨幣, コイン, 紙幣, キャッシュ, 支払"
+ },
+ "payment_multi_fee": {
+ "label": "支払方法",
+ "terms": "貨幣の種類, 貨幣, コイン, 紙幣, キャッシュ, 支払"
"phases": {
"label": "相の数",
"phone": {
"label": "電話番号",
- "placeholder": "+31 42 123 4567"
+ "placeholder": "+31 42 123 4567",
+ "terms": "電話番号, 電話, 携帯番号"
"piste/difficulty": {
"label": "難易度",
"options": {
- "advanced": "Advanced",
- "easy": "Easy",
- "expert": "Expert",
+ "advanced": "上級",
+ "easy": "イージー",
+ "expert": "エキスパート",
"extreme": "エクストリーム",
"freeride": "フリーライド",
- "intermediate": "æ\99®é\80\9a",
+ "intermediate": "ä¸ç´\9a",
"novice": "ノービス"
- "placeholder": "初心者向け、普通、上級者向け"
+ "placeholder": "初級者、中級者、上級者向け"
"piste/difficulty_downhill": {
"label": "難易度",
"options": {
"advanced": "上級 (黒色のひし形)",
- "easy": "簡単 (緑色の円)",
+ "easy": "初級 (緑色の円)",
"expert": "エキスパート (黒色のひし形2つ)",
"extreme": "エクストリーム (登山装備要)",
"freeride": "フリーライド (コース外)",
- "intermediate": "æ\99®é\80\9a (é\9d\92è\89²ã\81®å\9b\9bè§\92)",
+ "intermediate": "ä¸ç´\9a (é\9d\92è\89²ã\81®å\9b\9bè§\92)",
"novice": "初心者向け (教習用)"
- "placeholder": "初心者向け、普通、上級者向け"
+ "placeholder": "初級者向け、普通、上級者向け"
"piste/difficulty_nordic": {
"label": "難易度",
"options": {
"advanced": "上級 - 狭い, 険しいか氷結あり, 急角度カーブ",
- "easy": "簡単 - ソフトな丘, 短区間のみ険しい",
+ "easy": "初級 - ソフトな丘, 短区間のみ険しい",
"expert": "エキスパート - 一帯は危険な地形",
- "intermediate": "æ\99®é\80\9a - é\99ºã\81\97ã\81\84é\83¨å\88\86ã\81\82ã\82\8a",
+ "intermediate": "ä¸ç´\9a - é\99ºã\81\97ã\81\84é\83¨å\88\86ã\81\82ã\82\8a",
"novice": "ノービス - 平坦, 特別な努力は不要"
"placeholder": "初心者向け、普通、上級者向け"
"label": "難易度",
"options": {
"advanced": "上級 - S: 40-45° の斜度",
- "easy": "簡単 - WS: 30-35° の斜度",
+ "easy": "初級 - WS: 30-35° の斜度",
"expert": "エキスパート - SS: 45–50° の斜度",
"extreme": "エクストリーム - EX: >55° の斜度",
"freeride": "フリーライド - AS: 50–55° の斜度",
"options": {
"connection": "接続路",
"downhill": "ダウンヒル",
- "hike": "ã\83\8fã\82¤ã\82ã\83³ã\82°",
+ "hike": "ã\83\8fã\82¤ã\82¯",
"ice_skate": "アイススケート",
"nordic": "ノルディック",
"playground": "児童公園",
"label": "発電所出力形態:電気",
"placeholder": "500 MW, 1000 MW, 2000 MW..."
- "playground/baby": {
- "label": "ベビーシート"
+ "playground": {
+ "label": "種類"
- "playground/max_age": {
- "label": "最高年齢"
+ "playground/theme": {
+ "label": "テーマ"
- "playground/min_age": {
- "label": "最低年齢"
+ "polling_station": {
+ "label": "投票所",
+ "terms": "投票所, 選挙"
"population": {
"label": "人口"
+ "post": {
+ "label": "郵便受の配達先住所"
+ },
"power": {
"label": "種類"
"power_supply": {
- "label": "電源"
+ "label": "電源",
+ "terms": "電源, 電源供給"
+ },
+ "preschool": {
+ "label": "幼児教育"
"produce": {
"label": "生産物"
"product": {
- "label": "製品"
+ "label": "製品",
+ "terms": "プロダクト, 製品, 産品"
+ },
+ "public_bookcase/type": {
+ "label": "種類"
"railway": {
"label": "路線の種類"
"placeholder": "小数点第一位までの距離 (123.4)"
"railway/signal/direction": {
- "label": "方向(鉄道信号機)",
+ "label": "影響を受ける方向",
"options": {
"backward": "逆方向",
"both": "両方向 / 全て",
"placeholder": "コンテナ, センター"
"ref": {
- "label": "参照コード"
+ "label": "参照コード",
+ "terms": "参照コード, リファレンス"
"ref/isil": {
"label": "ISILコード"
"label": "プラットホーム番号"
"ref_road_number": {
- "label": "道路番号"
+ "label": "道路番号",
+ "terms": "道路番号"
+ },
+ "ref_room_number": {
+ "label": "部屋番号"
"ref_route": {
- "label": "ルート番号"
+ "label": "ルート番号",
+ "terms": "ルート番号, ルート"
"ref_runway": {
"label": "滑走路番号",
"label": "種類"
"religion": {
- "label": "宗教"
+ "label": "宗教",
+ "terms": "リレーション, 関連"
+ },
+ "reservation": {
+ "label": "予約",
+ "options": {
+ "no": "予約不可",
+ "recommended": "予約推奨",
+ "required": "予約必須",
+ "yes": "予約可能"
+ },
+ "terms": "予約, 予約可否"
+ },
+ "residential": {
+ "label": "種類"
+ },
+ "resort": {
+ "label": "種類"
+ },
+ "resource": {
+ "label": "資源の種類"
"restriction": {
"label": "種類"
"label": "進行方向制限"
"roof/colour": {
- "label": "屋根の色"
+ "label": "屋根の色",
+ "terms": "屋根の色, 屋根のカラー, 色, カラー"
+ },
+ "room": {
+ "label": "部屋の種類"
"rooms": {
"label": "部屋数"
"hiking": "T1: ハイキング",
"mountain_hiking": "T2: 山岳ハイキング"
- "placeholder": "山岳ハイキング, 高地登山…"
+ "placeholder": "山岳ハイキング, 高地登山…",
+ "terms": "ハイキングの難易度, ハキング, 難易度"
+ },
+ "salt": {
+ "label": "塩分",
+ "terms": "塩, 塩分, 塩湖, 塩水"
"sanitary_dump_station": {
- "label": "汚物廃棄所の場所"
+ "label": "汚物廃棄所の場所",
+ "terms": "汚物処理方法, 汚物処理"
+ },
+ "screen": {
+ "label": "スクリーン数",
+ "placeholder": "1, 4, 8…"
"scuba_diving": {
"label": "提供サービス"
"label": "カテゴリー"
"seamark/type": {
- "label": "航路標識"
+ "label": "航路標識",
+ "terms": "航路標識, 標識"
"seamark/wreck/category": {
"label": "カテゴリー"
"placeholder": "2, 4, 6..."
"second_hand": {
- "label": "中古屋",
+ "label": "中古販売",
"options": {
"no": "中古品の取り扱いなし",
"only": "中古品のみ",
"yes": "中古品の取り扱いあり"
- "placeholder": "中古品のみ、中古品あり、中古品なし"
+ "placeholder": "中古品のみ、中古品あり、中古品なし",
+ "terms": "中古, 古物"
+ },
+ "self_service": {
+ "label": "セルフサービス"
"service": {
"label": "種類"
"label": "サービス"
"service/vehicle": {
- "label": "サービス車両"
+ "label": "車両向けサービス品目"
"service_rail": {
"label": "サービスの種類",
"siding": "側線",
"spur": "引き込み線",
"yard": "車両基地"
- }
+ },
+ "terms": "サービス, サービスの種類"
"service_times": {
- "label": "営業時間"
+ "label": "サービス提供時間"
"shelter": {
"label": "待合所有無"
"separated": "同室内分煙",
"yes": "すべて喫煙可"
- "placeholder": "禁煙, 分煙, 喫煙可..."
+ "placeholder": "禁煙, 分煙, 喫煙可...",
+ "terms": "喫煙, タバコ, たばこ, スモーキング"
"smoothness": {
"label": "スムーズさ",
"very_bad": "最低地上高が高い:軽クロカン車",
"very_horrible": "特殊オフロード車:トラクター・ATV(全地形対応車)"
- "placeholder": "ローラースケートなど, 二輪車・四輪車, オフロード車…"
+ "placeholder": "ローラースケートなど, 二輪車・四輪車, オフロード車…",
+ "terms": "スムーズさ"
"social_facility": {
"label": "種類"
"label": "対象者"
"source": {
- "label": "情報源"
+ "label": "情報源",
+ "terms": "ソース, 出典"
+ },
+ "species/wikidata": {
+ "label": "Wikidataの種",
+ "terms": "ウィキデータの種, ウィキデータ"
"sport": {
"label": "スポーツ"
"label": "種目"
"stars": {
- "label": "星の数"
+ "label": "星の数",
+ "terms": "星, スター, 評価"
"start_date": {
- "label": "供用開始日"
+ "label": "供用開始日",
+ "terms": "開始日"
"step_count": {
- "label": "段数"
+ "label": "段数",
+ "terms": "階段数, 段数"
+ },
+ "stile": {
+ "label": "種類"
"stop": {
"label": "一時停止の種類",
"minor": "非優先道路"
+ "street_cabinet": {
+ "label": "ストリートキャビネットの種類"
+ },
+ "stroller": {
+ "label": "ベビーカー利用可否",
+ "options": {
+ "limited": "一部可",
+ "no": "不可",
+ "yes": "可"
+ },
+ "terms": "ベビーカー利用可否, ベビーカー"
+ },
"structure": {
"label": "構造",
"options": {
"ford": "洗い越し",
"tunnel": "トンネル"
- "placeholder": "不明"
+ "placeholder": "不明",
+ "terms": "構造"
"structure_waterway": {
"label": "トンネルの種類",
"label": "種類"
"supervised": {
- "label": "監視"
+ "label": "監視",
+ "terms": "監視, 見守り"
"support": {
"label": "設置場所・支持素材"
"surface": {
- "label": "路面状態"
+ "label": "路面状態",
+ "terms": "表面, 路面, 壁面"
"surveillance": {
"label": "監視の種類"
"label": "監視ゾーン"
"survey/date": {
- "label": "最新現地調査日付"
+ "label": "最新現地調査日付",
+ "terms": "最終測定日"
"swimming_pool": {
"label": "種類"
"tactile_paving": {
- "label": "点字ブロック"
+ "label": "点字ブロック",
+ "terms": "点字ブロック, 歩道, バリアフリー, 視覚障害, 点字"
"takeaway": {
"label": "持ち帰り",
"only": "持ち帰りのみ",
"yes": "可能"
- "placeholder": "可、不可、持ち帰りのみ"
+ "placeholder": "可、不可、持ち帰りのみ",
+ "terms": "持ち帰り, テイクアウト, お持ち帰り"
+ },
+ "target": {
+ "label": "目標国"
+ },
+ "tidal": {
+ "label": "潮間帯",
+ "terms": "潮間帯, 干潟"
"to": {
"label": "To"
"pitlatrine": "汲み取り式"
+ "toilets/handwashing": {
+ "label": "手洗い場",
+ "terms": "手洗い場, 手洗い, 水道, 蛇口"
+ },
+ "toilets/position": {
+ "label": "便器の位置",
+ "terms": "位置, ポジション"
+ },
"toll": {
- "label": "料金"
+ "label": "料金",
+ "terms": "料金所, 料金"
"tomb": {
"label": "種類"
"tower/type": {
"label": "塔の種類"
+ "townhall/type": {
+ "label": "種類"
+ },
"tracktype": {
"label": "トラックの種類",
"options": {
"label": "交通標識"
"traffic_sign/direction": {
- "label": "方向",
+ "label": "影響を受ける方向",
"options": {
"backward": "逆方向",
"both": "両方向 / 全て",
"label": "特別な信号機の種類"
"traffic_signals/direction": {
- "label": "方向(信号機)",
+ "label": "影響を受ける方向",
"options": {
"backward": "逆方向",
"both": "両方 / 全て",
"intermediate": "中間: 道の大部分は分かるが目印は少ない",
"no": "不可: 道はなく,高度な定位技量が必要"
- "placeholder": "優・良・悪…"
+ "placeholder": "優・良・悪…",
+ "terms": "ハイキングコース, 見つけやすさ, 難易度"
"transformer": {
"label": "種類",
"trees": {
"label": "樹種"
+ "trench": {
+ "label": "種類"
+ },
+ "trolley_wire": {
+ "label": "トロリーバスの架線",
+ "terms": "トロリーバスの架線, トロリーバス, 架線"
+ },
"tunnel": {
"label": "種類",
"placeholder": "デフォルト"
"military": "軍事用",
"test": "試験用",
"tourism": "観光用"
- }
+ },
+ "terms": "使用方法, 鉄道使用方法"
+ },
+ "valve": {
+ "label": "バルブの種類"
"vending": {
"label": "商品の種類"
"label": "電圧"
"voltage/primary": {
- "label": "主電圧"
+ "label": "主電圧",
+ "terms": "主電圧"
"voltage/secondary": {
- "label": "第二電圧"
+ "label": "第二電圧",
+ "terms": "二次電圧"
"voltage/tertiary": {
- "label": "第三電圧"
+ "label": "第三電圧",
+ "terms": "三次電圧"
"voltage_electrified": {
- "label": "電圧"
+ "label": "電圧",
+ "terms": "電圧"
"wall": {
"label": "種類"
+ "waste": {
+ "label": "ゴミ箱"
+ },
"water": {
"label": "種類"
"label": "水源"
"water_volume": {
- "label": "備蓄水量(m³)"
+ "label": "備蓄水量(m³)",
+ "terms": "貯水量, 貯水"
"waterway": {
"label": "水路の種類"
"website": {
"label": "ウェブサイト",
- "placeholder": "http://example.com/"
+ "placeholder": "https://example.com",
+ "terms": "ウェブサイト, ホームページ"
"wetland": {
"label": "種類"
"wheelchair": {
- "label": "車椅子の利用可否"
+ "label": "車椅子の利用可否",
+ "options": {
+ "limited": "一部可",
+ "no": "不可",
+ "yes": "可"
+ },
+ "terms": "車椅子, 車椅子利用可否, 車椅子アクセス"
"wholesale": {
"label": "卸売商品"
"width": {
- "label": "幅 (m)"
+ "label": "幅 (m)",
+ "terms": "幅, 広さ"
"wikidata": {
- "label": "ウィキデータ"
+ "label": "ウィキデータ",
+ "terms": "ウィキデータ"
"wikipedia": {
- "label": "Wikipedia"
+ "label": "ウィキペディア",
+ "terms": "ウィキペディア"
"windings": {
"label": "コイル数",
- "placeholder": "1, 2, 3..."
+ "placeholder": "1, 2, 3...",
+ "terms": "巻, 巻き, コイル"
"windings/configuration": {
"label": "コイルの構成",
"options": {
- "delta": "Delta",
- "leblanc": "Leblanc",
- "open": "Open",
- "open-delta": "Open Delta",
- "scott": "Scott",
- "star": "Star / Wye",
- "zigzag": "Zig Zag"
- }
+ "delta": "Δ結線 / 三角結線 / デルタ結線",
+ "leblanc": "ルブラン結線",
+ "open": "開放巻線",
+ "open-delta": "V結線",
+ "scott": "スコット結線",
+ "star": "Y結線 / 星形結線 / スター結線",
+ "zigzag": "千鳥結線"
+ },
+ "terms": "コイル形状"
"presets": {
+ "addr/interpolation": {
+ "name": "住所補間"
+ },
"address": {
"name": "住所",
"terms": "住所"
"name": "貨物索道",
"terms": "貨物ロープウェイ"
+ "aerialway/j-bar": {
+ "name": "Jバーリフト",
+ "terms": "Jバーリフト, Lバーリフト, リフト, ケーブル, ワイヤー"
+ },
"aerialway/magic_carpet": {
"name": "マジックカーペットリフト",
"terms": "マジックカーペットリフト, ベルトコンベア"
"name": "Tバーリフト",
"terms": "Tバーリフト"
+ "aerialway/zip_line": {
+ "name": "ジップライン",
+ "terms": "ジップライン, ロープ, アウトドア"
+ },
"aeroway": {
"name": "航空施設"
"name": "ヘリパッド",
"terms": "ヘリパッド, ヘリコプター発着所, ヘリポート"
+ "aeroway/holding_position": {
+ "name": "停止ポイント(空港)",
+ "terms": "停止ポイント, 飛行機, 空港"
+ },
+ "aeroway/jet_bridge": {
+ "name": "ボーディング・ブリッジ",
+ "terms": "ボーディング・ブリッジ, 搭乗橋, 空港, 飛行機"
+ },
+ "aeroway/parking_position": {
+ "name": "駐機ポイント(空港)",
+ "terms": "駐機ポイント, 飛行機, 空港"
+ },
"aeroway/runway": {
"name": "滑走路",
"terms": "滑走路"
+ "aeroway/spaceport": {
+ "name": "宇宙船基地",
+ "terms": "宇宙船基地, 宇宙船, スペースポート, 宇宙船発射基地"
+ },
"aeroway/taxiway": {
"name": "航空機誘導路",
"terms": "誘導路"
"name": "空港ターミナル",
"terms": "空港ターミナル"
+ "aeroway/windsock": {
+ "name": "吹流し",
+ "terms": "吹流し, 吹き流し, 空港, 風向, 風速"
+ },
"allotments/plot": {
"name": "市民農園の区画",
"terms": "区画, 市民農園, 市民農園の区画, 一画, 農園, 菜園, 市民菜園, 農業, 畑, 農園, コミュニティガーデン"
"name": "バー",
"terms": "バー, 飲み屋, 呑み屋, ばー, スナック, 酒, アルコール, ウィスキー, ブランデー, ワイン, 軽食, カラオケスナック, フィリピンパブ, 飲食店, 呑む, 飲む, ショットバー"
+ "amenity/bar/lgbtq": {
+ "name": "LGBTQ+なバー",
+ "terms": "LGBTQ+なバー, バー, LGBT, ゲイ, レズビアン, トランスジェンダー, レインボー"
+ },
"amenity/bbq": {
"name": "バーベキュー場/グリル",
"terms": "バーベキュー, グリル, BBQ, 飯盒炊爨, アウトドア, 娯楽, レジャー"
"name": "駐輪場",
"terms": "駐輪場, 自転車, 駐車場"
+ "amenity/bicycle_parking/building": {
+ "name": "駐輪場(ビル)",
+ "terms": "駐輪場(ビル), 駐輪場, 立体駐輪場, 屋内駐輪場, 自転車"
+ },
+ "amenity/bicycle_parking/lockers": {
+ "name": "駐輪場(ロッカー)",
+ "terms": "駐輪場(ロッカー), 駐輪場, ロッカー, 自転車ロッカー, 自転車"
+ },
+ "amenity/bicycle_parking/shed": {
+ "name": "駐輪場(屋根付き)",
+ "terms": "駐輪場(屋根付き), 駐輪場, 自転車"
+ },
"amenity/bicycle_rental": {
"name": "レンタサイクル",
"terms": "レンタサイクル, 自転車"
"amenity/bicycle_repair_station": {
"name": "自転車修理店",
- "terms": "自転車修理店, 自転車店(修理)"
+ "terms": "自転車修理店, 自転車店(修理), 自転車"
"amenity/biergarten": {
"name": "ビアガーデン",
"amenity/boat_rental": {
"name": "貸しボート",
- "terms": "貸しボート, ボート, 公園, 娯楽, レジャー"
+ "terms": "貸しボート, ボート, 公園, 娯楽, レジャー, 舟, 池, 公園, 観光"
"amenity/bureau_de_change": {
"name": "両替所",
"name": "時計",
"terms": "時計, クロック, 公園, 駅前, 広場"
+ "amenity/clock/sundial": {
+ "name": "日時計",
+ "terms": "日時計, 時計"
+ },
"amenity/college": {
"name": "短大・高専・専門学校(代表点または敷地)",
"terms": "キャンパス, 短大, 高専, 専門学校, , 教育, 学校"
"name": "コミュニティセンター",
"terms": "公民館, 市民センター, 市民活動, コミュニティセンター, 集会所"
+ "amenity/community_centre/lgbtq": {
+ "name": "LGBTQ+なコミュニティセンター",
+ "terms": "LGBTQ+なコミュニティセンター, コミュニティセンター, LGBT, ゲイ, レズビアン, トランスジェンダー, レインボー"
+ },
"amenity/compressed_air": {
"name": "空気入れ",
"terms": "空気入れ, エアー調整, 自転車"
+ "amenity/conference_centre": {
+ "name": "コンベンションセンター",
+ "terms": "コンベンションセンター, 会議施設, 見本市, 展示会, 展示会場, 会場"
+ },
"amenity/courthouse": {
"name": "裁判所",
"terms": "裁判所, 法廷, 法律, 司法"
"amenity/dive_centre": {
"name": "ダイブセンター",
- "terms": "ダイブセンター, スキューバダイビングセンター, ダイビングセンター"
+ "terms": "ダイブセンター, スキューバダイビングセンター, ダイビングセンター, 海, 潜水"
"amenity/doctors": {
"name": "医院(小規模病院)",
"name": "道場",
"terms": "道場, スポーツ, 訓練, 稽古, 練習, 習い事, 教習, トレーニング, 教室, 体操, 運動"
+ "amenity/dressing_room": {
+ "name": "更衣室",
+ "terms": "更衣室, 着替え, 脱衣所, ロッカールーム, 試着室"
+ },
"amenity/drinking_water": {
"name": "水飲み場",
"terms": "水飲み場, 水道, 飲用水, 飲料水, 飲み水, 蛇口, 公園"
"terms": "Driving School, ドライビングスクール, 教習所, 自動車, 自動車教習所, 車, 学校, 教育, 稽古, 練習, 訓練, 練習, トレーニング"
"amenity/embassy": {
- "name": "大使館",
- "terms": "大使館"
+ "name": "大使館"
+ },
+ "amenity/events_venue": {
+ "name": "イベント施設",
+ "terms": "イベント施設, イベント会場, 会場, 催事, 催事場, 結婚式場"
"amenity/fast_food": {
"name": "ファストフード全般",
"name": "ファストフード・チキン",
"terms": "ファストフード, チキン, フライドチキン, 鳥, 鶏, 飲食店, 食事, 食べる, 料理, ランチ"
+ "amenity/fast_food/donut": {
+ "name": "ファストフード・ドーナツ",
+ "terms": "ファストフード・ドーナツ, ドーナツ, ファストフード, 飲食, 食べる, 軽食, 飲食店, 食事, 料理"
+ },
"amenity/fast_food/fish_and_chips": {
"name": "ファストフード・フィッシュ&チップス",
"terms": "ファストフード, フィッシュ&チップス, フィッシュアンドチップス, 飲食店, 食事, 食べる, 料理, ランチ"
+ "amenity/fast_food/hot_dog": {
+ "name": "ファストフード・ホットドッグ",
+ "terms": "ファストフード・ホットドッグ, ホットドッグ, ファストフード, 飲食, 食べる, 軽食, 飲食店, 食事, 料理"
+ },
+ "amenity/fast_food/ice_cream": {
+ "name": "ファストフード・アイスクリーム"
+ },
"amenity/fast_food/kebab": {
"name": "ファストフード・ケバブ",
"terms": "ファストフード, ケバブ, シシケバブ, 飲食店, 食事, 食べる, 料理, ランチ"
+ "amenity/fast_food/mexican": {
+ "name": "ファストフード・メキシコ料理",
+ "terms": "食事, ランチ, 食べる, 料理, 飲食店, ファストフード・メキシコ料理, メキシカン"
+ },
"amenity/fast_food/pizza": {
"name": "ファストフード・ピザ",
"terms": "ファストフード, ピザ, 飲食店, 食事, 食べる, 料理, ピッツァ, ランチ"
"name": "インターネットカフェ",
"terms": "ネカフェ, ネットカフェ, 漫画喫茶, 漫喫, 休憩, カフェ"
+ "amenity/karaoke": {
+ "name": "カラオケボックス",
+ "terms": "カラオケボックス, カラオケ店, 歌, 音楽"
+ },
"amenity/kindergarten": {
"name": "幼稚園/保育園(代表点または敷地)",
"terms": "幼稚園の敷地, 保育園の敷地, 保育園, 幼稚園, 教育, 学校, 育児"
"name": "外国語教室",
"terms": "外国語教室, 外国語学校, 英会話, 英会話教室, 英会話スクール, 外国語, 学習, 語学, 語学教室"
+ "amenity/letter_box": {
+ "name": "郵便受け",
+ "terms": "郵便受, 郵便受け, 郵便箱, 配達, メールボックス"
+ },
"amenity/library": {
"name": "図書館",
"terms": "図書館, ライブラリ, ライブラリー, 教育, 本"
+ "amenity/loading_dock": {
+ "name": "貨物の搬出入口",
+ "terms": "貨物の搬出入口, 貨物搬入口, 貨物積出口, 荷受, 荷出"
+ },
"amenity/love_hotel": {
"name": "ラブホテル",
"terms": "ラブホテル, 宿, ホテル, 休憩, アダルト, 宿泊"
"name": "ナイトクラブ",
"terms": "ナイトクラブ, アルコール, 酒, 軽食, ショー, ショーパブ, ダンス, キャバレー, ディスコ, クラブ, ライブハウス, 音楽, 娯楽, アダルト, レジャー"
+ "amenity/nightclub/lgbtq": {
+ "name": "LGBTQ+なナイトクラブ",
+ "terms": "LGBTQ+なナイトクラブ, ナイトクラブ, LGBT, ゲイ, レズビアン, トランスジェンダー, レインボー"
+ },
"amenity/nursing_home": {
"name": "介護施設"
"amenity/parking": {
"name": "駐車場",
- "terms": "駐車場, 駐車スペース, 自動車, 駐車場, パーキング"
+ "terms": "駐車場, 駐車スペース, 自動車, パーキング, コインパーキング, 月極"
"amenity/parking/multi-storey": {
"name": "立体駐車場",
"terms": "複数階の駐車場, 駐車場, 立体駐車場, 立駐"
+ "amenity/parking/park_ride": {
+ "name": "パーク&ライド",
+ "terms": "駐車場, 自動車, パーキング, コインパーキング, パーク&ライド, 通勤, 乗り換え, 公共交通機関"
+ },
+ "amenity/parking/underground": {
+ "name": "地下駐車場",
+ "terms": "地下駐車場, 地下, 駐車場"
+ },
"amenity/parking_entrance": {
"name": "出入口(駐車場)",
"terms": "駐車場の出入口, 自動車, 出入り口, 出入口, 駐車場"
"terms": "支払端末, 入金, 振込, 金融, お金, 端末"
"amenity/pharmacy": {
- "name": "薬局・ドラッグストア",
+ "name": "薬局・ドラッグストア(薬剤師が居る店)",
"terms": "薬局, ドラッグストア, 薬品店, 医療, 薬, 薬屋, くすり屋, 調剤, 調剤薬局, 処方箋, 健康, 薬店"
+ "amenity/photo_booth": {
+ "name": "証明写真機",
+ "terms": "証明写真機, 証明写真撮影機,証明写真ボックス, コンビニ証明写真, 自販機, 写真"
+ },
"amenity/place_of_worship": {
"name": "宗教施設全般",
"terms": "礼拝所, 祈りの場所, 参拝所, 寺社, 神社, 信仰, 宗教, 宗教施設"
"name": "キリスト教の教会",
"terms": "教会, キリスト教, クリスチャン, キリスト教の教会, キリスト教徒, キリスト教会, 宗教, 宗教施設, 礼拝所"
+ "amenity/place_of_worship/christian/jehovahs_witness": {
+ "name": "エホバの証人の王国会館",
+ "terms": "エホバの証人の王国会館, 宗教, 信仰"
+ },
+ "amenity/place_of_worship/christian/la_luz_del_mundo": {
+ "name": "ラルスデルムンド寺院",
+ "terms": "ラルスデルムンド寺院, 宗教, 信仰"
+ },
+ "amenity/place_of_worship/christian/quaker": {
+ "name": "クエーカーフレンズ集会所",
+ "terms": "クエーカーフレンズ集会所, 宗教, 信仰"
+ },
"amenity/place_of_worship/hindu": {
"name": "ヒンドゥー教寺院",
"terms": "ヒンズー教寺院, 寺院, 信仰, 宗教, 宗教施設"
"name": "警察",
"terms": "警察, 警察署, 交番, 駐在所"
+ "amenity/polling_station": {
+ "name": "投票所(常設)",
+ "terms": "投票所, 期日前投票所, 選挙, 投票所(常設)"
+ },
"amenity/post_box": {
"name": "郵便ポスト",
- "terms": "郵便ポスト, 郵便箱, ポスト"
+ "terms": "郵便ポスト, ポスト, 郵便差出口, 〒"
+ },
+ "amenity/post_depot": {
+ "name": "郵便集配所",
+ "terms": "郵便集配所"
"amenity/post_office": {
"name": "郵便局",
"terms": "郵便局"
+ "amenity/prep_school": {
+ "name": "進学予備校(欧米)",
+ "terms": "予備校, プレップスクール, 進学予備校, 受験, 私立学校, 進学予備校(欧米)"
+ },
"amenity/prison": {
"name": "刑務所(代表点または敷地)",
"terms": "刑務所, 刑務所の敷地, 監獄, 少年院"
"name": "居酒屋",
"terms": "パブ, 居酒屋, 焼き鳥屋, 酒, 飲む, 呑む, 酒場, 立ち飲み, アルコール, 料理, 焼酎, ホルモン焼き, 食事, 料理, ワイン, ビール, 飲食店, 飲み屋, 小料理屋, 宴会, 炉端焼き, 焼とん"
+ "amenity/pub/lgbtq": {
+ "name": "LGBTQ+な居酒屋",
+ "terms": "LGBTQ+な居酒屋, 居酒屋, LGBT, ゲイ, レズビアン, トランスジェンダー, レインボー"
+ },
+ "amenity/pub/microbrewery": {
+ "name": "居酒屋(地ビールあり)",
+ "terms": "居酒屋(地ビールあり), 居酒屋, 地ビール, お酒, ビール"
+ },
"amenity/public_bath": {
"name": "公衆浴場",
"terms": "銭湯, 大衆浴場, 温泉, 休憩, 娯楽, お風呂, 風呂, レジャー"
"amenity/recycling": {
"name": "リサイクル施設"
+ "amenity/recycling/container/electrical_items": {
+ "name": "リサイクルボックス(家電)",
+ "terms": "リサイクルボックス(家電), リサイクルボックス, 家電"
+ },
+ "amenity/recycling/container/green_waste": {
+ "name": "リサイクルボックス(木くず類)",
+ "terms": "リサイクルボックス(木くず類), リサイクルボックス, 木くず, 草"
+ },
"amenity/recycling_centre": {
"name": "リサイクルセンター",
"terms": "リサイクルセンター, 廃棄物, 再生利用, 資源ごみ, 資源ゴミ, ゴミ, ごみ, 廃棄物処理施設, 廃棄物保管施設"
"name": "喫煙所",
"terms": "喫煙所, 喫煙エリア, たばこ, タバコ, 公園, 駅前, 広場, 煙草, 灰皿"
+ "amenity/social_centre": {
+ "name": "社交センター",
+ "terms": "社交センター, 社交施設, 会館, ホール, ソーシャルセンター"
+ },
"amenity/social_facility": {
"name": "福祉施設",
"terms": "福祉施設, 支援施設"
+ "amenity/social_facility/ambulatory_care": {
+ "name": "訪問介護事業所",
+ "terms": "訪問介護事業所, 訪問介護, 訪問看護, 介護, 看護"
+ },
"amenity/social_facility/food_bank": {
"name": "フードバンク",
"terms": "フードバンク, 食べ物, 福祉"
"name": "スタジオ",
"terms": "スタジオ, 番組製作, 音楽"
+ "amenity/studio/audio": {
+ "name": "レコーディングスタジオ",
+ "terms": "レコーディングスタジオ, 音楽スタジオ, 録音スタジオ, 録画スタジオ"
+ },
+ "amenity/studio/radio": {
+ "name": "ラジオ局",
+ "terms": "ラジオ局, ラジオ, ラジオステーション, 放送"
+ },
+ "amenity/studio/television": {
+ "name": "テレビ局",
+ "terms": "テレビ局, テレビ, テレビステーション, 放送"
+ },
+ "amenity/studio/video": {
+ "name": "映画スタジオ",
+ "terms": "映画スタジオ, フィルムスタジオ, スタジオ"
+ },
"amenity/swimming_pool": {
"name": "遊泳プール(旧)"
"name": "トイレ",
"terms": "トイレ,便所, 公園, 公衆トイレ"
+ "amenity/toilets/disposal/flush": {
+ "name": "水洗トイレ",
+ "terms": "水洗トイレ, 水洗式, トイレ, お手洗い, 洗面所, 便所"
+ },
+ "amenity/toilets/disposal/pitlatrine": {
+ "name": "汲み取り式トイレ",
+ "terms": "汲み取り式トイレ, 汲取り, 汲取, トイレ, 洗面所, お手洗い, 便所, ポットン便所"
+ },
"amenity/townhall": {
"name": "役場",
"terms": "市役所, 区役所, 町役場, 村役場, 市庁, 役所"
+ "amenity/townhall/city": {
+ "name": "市区役所",
+ "terms": "市区役所, 市役所, 区役所, 役場"
+ },
+ "amenity/toy_library": {
+ "name": "おもちゃ資料館",
+ "terms": "おもちゃ資料館, おもちゃの博物館, 玩具, おもちゃ, ゲーム, 博物館, 資料館"
+ },
"amenity/university": {
"name": "大学(代表点または敷地)",
"terms": "大学の敷地, キャンパス, 大学, 教育, 学校"
"name": "自動販売機",
"terms": "自動販売機, 自販機"
+ "amenity/vending_machine/bottle_return": {
+ "name": "空きビン回収機",
+ "terms": "空きビン回収機, ボトル, 空き瓶"
+ },
+ "amenity/vending_machine/bread": {
+ "name": "自販機(パン)",
+ "terms": "自販機(パン), パン, 自販機"
+ },
"amenity/vending_machine/cigarettes": {
"name": "たばこ自動販売機",
"terms": "たばこ, 自動販売機, 自販機, 嗜好品, タバコ, 煙草"
"name": "飲料自動販売機",
"terms": "飲料, ジュース, 酒, 飲み物, 自動販売機, 自販機"
+ "amenity/vending_machine/eggs": {
+ "name": "自販機(卵)",
+ "terms": "自販機(卵), 卵, タマゴ, 自販機"
+ },
"amenity/vending_machine/electronics": {
"name": "電子機器自販機",
"terms": "電子機器, チャージャー, ケーブル, ヘッドフォン, 自販機, 自動販売機"
"amenity/vending_machine/excrement_bags": {
"name": "犬の糞入れ自動販売機",
- "terms": "犬の糞入れ, 自動販売機, 自販機"
+ "terms": "犬の糞入れ, 自動販売機, 自販機, 犬の糞入れ自動販売機"
"amenity/vending_machine/feminine_hygiene": {
"name": "生理用品自動販売機",
"name": "アイスクリーム自販機",
"terms": "アイスクリーム, 自販機, 自動販売機"
- "amenity/vending_machine/news_papers": {
- "name": "新聞自動販売機"
+ "amenity/vending_machine/ice_cubes": {
+ "name": "自販機(氷)",
+ "terms": "自販機(氷), 氷, アイス, 自販機"
"amenity/vending_machine/newspapers": {
"name": "新聞販売機",
"name": "動物の水飲み場",
"terms": "動物の水飲み場, 水場, 動物, ペット"
+ "amenity/weighbridge": {
+ "name": "トラックスケール",
+ "terms": "トラックスケール, 車両計量台"
+ },
"area": {
"name": "エリア",
- "terms": "エリア, 領域, 範囲"
+ "terms": "エリア, 領域, 範囲, 面"
"area/highway": {
"name": "道路の種類",
"terms": "遊園地の乗り物, 乗り物, アトラクション, 娯楽"
"attraction/animal": {
- "name": "動物",
- "terms": "動物, アニマル, 鳥獣"
+ "name": "柵の中の動物",
+ "terms": "柵の中の動物, 動物, アトラクション, 見世物"
"attraction/big_wheel": {
"name": "大観覧車",
"attraction/bumper_car": {
"name": "バンパーカー",
- "terms": "ã\83\90ã\83³ã\83\91ã\83¼ã\82«ã\83¼, ã\82¢ã\83\88ã\83©ã\82¯ã\82·ã\83§ã\83³"
+ "terms": "ã\83\90ã\83³ã\83\91ã\83¼ã\82«ã\83¼, ã\83\90ã\83³ã\83\97ã\82«ã\83¼"
"attraction/bungee_jumping": {
"name": "バンジー・ジャンプ",
"name": "車止め杭",
"terms": "車止め杭, 障害物, バリア, ボラード, 杭"
+ "barrier/bollard_line": {
+ "name": "侵入防止杭",
+ "terms": "杭, ポスト, 侵入防止杭, ボラード"
+ },
"barrier/border_control": {
"name": "国境検問所",
"terms": "国境検問所, 検問所, 障害物, バリア"
"name": "家畜脱出防止溝",
"terms": "家畜脱出防止溝, 障害物, バリア"
+ "barrier/chain": {
+ "name": "チェーン",
+ "terms": "チェーン, 鎖, バリア, 障害物"
+ },
"barrier/city_wall": {
"name": "市壁",
"terms": "市壁, 障害物, バリア"
"barrier/cycle_barrier": {
"name": "自転車止め",
- "terms": "自転車止め, 障害物, バリア"
+ "terms": "自転車止め, 障害物, バリア, 自転車"
"barrier/ditch": {
"name": "塹壕・空堀",
"barrier/fence": {
"name": "フェンス",
- "terms": "フェンス, 柵, 障害物, バリア"
+ "terms": "フェンス, 柵, 障害物, バリア, 塀, ブロック塀"
"barrier/fence/railing": {
"name": "ガードレール(歩行者用)",
"name": "生垣",
"terms": "生垣, 障害物, バリア, 植物, 生け垣, 樹木"
+ "barrier/height_restrictor": {
+ "name": "高さ制限バー",
+ "terms": "高さ制限器, 高さ制限バー, 障害物, バリア"
+ },
"barrier/kerb": {
"name": "縁石",
"terms": "縁石"
"name": "低位縁石(2cm以下)",
"terms": "低位縁石, 縁石, 低くなった縁石"
+ "barrier/kerb/raised": {
+ "name": "高位縁石(3cm以上)",
+ "terms": "高位縁石, 縁石, カッセル縁石, 高くなった縁石"
+ },
+ "barrier/kerb/rolled": {
+ "name": "ロール状縁石",
+ "terms": "ロール状縁石, ロール, 丸みを帯びた縁石, 縁石"
+ },
"barrier/kissing_gate": {
"name": "キッシングゲート",
"terms": "キッシングゲート, V字形自在門, U字形自在門, 障害物, バリア"
"name": "擁壁",
"terms": "擁壁, 障害物, バリア"
+ "barrier/sally_port": {
+ "name": "出撃路(歴史的)",
+ "terms": "城門, 城壁の門, 門, 歴史的建造物, 要塞門, 監獄門, 出撃路, 歴史, 出撃路(歴史的)"
+ },
"barrier/stile": {
"name": "通路",
"terms": "通路, 踏み越し段, 障害物, バリア"
"name": "料金所(道路、橋)",
"terms": "料金所, 障害物, バリア"
+ "barrier/turnstile": {
+ "name": "回転ゲート",
+ "terms": "回転ゲート, バリア, 障害物, ゲート"
+ },
"barrier/wall": {
"name": "壁",
"terms": "壁, 障害物, バリア"
+ "barrier/wall/noise_barrier": {
+ "name": "防音壁",
+ "terms": "障害物, バリア, 防音壁, 壁, 騒音"
+ },
+ "boundary": {
+ "name": "行政境界"
+ },
"boundary/administrative": {
"name": "行政境界",
"terms": "行政境界, 都道府県境, 都境, 道境, 府境, 県境, 市区町村境, 市境, 区境, 町境, 村境"
"name": "温室(建物)",
"terms": "温室, ビニールハウス, 農業, 野菜"
+ "building/hangar": {
+ "name": "ハンガー",
+ "terms": "ハンガー, 格納庫, 建物, 飛行機"
+ },
"building/hospital": {
"name": "病院(建物)",
"terms": "病院の建物, 病棟, 病院"
"name": "住宅全般",
"terms": "住宅, 民家, 住居"
+ "building/houseboat": {
+ "name": "ハウスボート",
+ "terms": "ハウスボート, 屋形船, 居住船, 船"
+ },
"building/hut": {
"name": "小屋",
"terms": "小屋, 休憩小屋, 漁師小屋, 狩猟小屋, 掘っ立て小屋"
"name": "倉庫",
"terms": "倉庫, 蔵"
- "camp_site/camp_pitch": {
- "name": "キャンプサイト",
- "terms": "キャンプサイト, 娯楽, アウトドア, レジャー"
+ "building_part": {
+ "name": "建物の一部分",
+ "terms": "建物の一部分, 建物, 建物の部分"
- "circular": {
- "name": "å\86\86å½¢ã\82µã\83¼ã\82¯ã\83«"
+ "building_point": {
+ "name": "建ç\89©"
"club": {
"name": "クラブ",
"name": "工房",
"terms": "工房, 職人"
+ "craft/agricultural_engines": {
+ "name": "農機具工場",
+ "terms": "農機具工場, 農業用車両, 農機具事務所, 農機具工房, 農業, 職人, 農機具職人, 農具"
+ },
"craft/basket_maker": {
"name": "かご製造所",
"terms": "かご, 籠, 職人, 工房"
"craft/boatbuilder": {
"name": "ボート製造所",
- "terms": "ボート製造所, 職人, 工房"
+ "terms": "ボート製造所, 職人, 工房, 船大工"
"craft/bookbinder": {
"name": "製本所",
"name": "電化製品修理店",
"terms": "家電修理店, 電気機器修理店, 修理店, リペアショップ, 職人, 工房"
+ "craft/floorer": {
+ "name": "床張り屋",
+ "terms": "床張り屋, 床張り職人, 職人"
+ },
"craft/gardener": {
"name": "造園業",
"terms": "庭師, 職人, 工房, 造園, 造園業, 樹木"
"craft/jeweler": {
"name": "宝石加工"
+ "craft/joiner": {
+ "name": "建具屋",
+ "terms": "建具屋, 指物師, 建具, 指物, 職人"
+ },
"craft/key_cutter": {
"name": "合鍵作成(小店舗)",
"terms": "合鍵作成, 職人, 錠前, カギ, 鍵"
"name": "塗装業",
"terms": "塗装業, 外装業, ペンキ屋, 職人"
+ "craft/parquet_layer": {
+ "name": "寄せ木床張り職人",
+ "terms": "寄せ木床張り職人, 寄せ木床張り屋, 職人"
+ },
"craft/photographer": {
"name": "写真館",
"terms": "カメラマン, 写真屋, 職人, 工房, 写真館"
"terms": "製材, 職人"
"craft/scaffolder": {
- "name": "足場職人",
- "terms": "足場職人, とび職, 職人"
+ "name": "とび職",
+ "terms": "足場職人, とび職, 職人, 鳶, 鳶職"
"craft/sculptor": {
"name": "彫刻製作所",
"name": "製靴",
"terms": "製靴, 靴製造, 職人"
+ "craft/signmaker": {
+ "name": "看板屋",
+ "terms": "看板屋, 広告サイン制作, 広告"
+ },
"craft/stonemason": {
"name": "石工",
- "terms": "石工, 石材加工, 職人, 工房"
+ "terms": "石工, 石材加工, 職人, 工房, 墓石, 墓石店"
"craft/tailor": {
"name": "仕立て屋"
"embankment": {
"name": "土手"
+ "emergency": {
+ "name": "緊急設備"
+ },
"emergency/ambulance_station": {
"name": "救急車の基地",
"terms": "救急車の基地, 救命"
"name": "行き先に用事がある緊急車両, 救命"
"emergency/fire_alarm": {
- "name": "火災通報ボックス",
- "terms": "火災通報ボックス, 火災通報装置"
+ "name": "火災報知機",
+ "terms": "火災通報ボックス, 火災通報装置, 火災報知機, 火事, 消防, 火災報知器, 報知器, 報知機"
"emergency/fire_extinguisher": {
"name": "消火器",
"terms": "消火器"
+ "emergency/fire_hose": {
+ "name": "消火ホース",
+ "terms": "消火ホース, 緊急, 火災, 消防"
+ },
"emergency/fire_hydrant": {
"name": "消火栓/消防水利",
"terms": "消火栓, 消防, 消防水利, 救命, 緊急, 火災"
"name": "洗い越し",
"terms": "洗い越し, 浅瀬"
+ "ford_line": {
+ "name": "洗い越し"
+ },
"golf/bunker": {
"name": "サンドトラップ",
"terms": "サンドトラップ, バンカー, ゴルフ"
+ "golf/cartpath": {
+ "name": "ゴルフカート用の道",
+ "terms": "ゴルフカート用の道, ゴルフ, ゴルフカート, ゴルフ場"
+ },
+ "golf/driving_range": {
+ "name": "打ちっぱなし",
+ "terms": "打ちっぱなし, ゴルフ, ゴルフ練習場, ゴルフ場, スポーツ, 打ちっ放し"
+ },
"golf/fairway": {
"name": "フェアウェイ",
"terms": "フェアウェー, フェアウェイ, ゴルフ"
"name": "ゴルフホール",
"terms": "ホール, ゴルフ"
- "golf/lateral_water_hazard_area": {
+ "golf/lateral_water_hazard": {
"name": "ラテラルウォーターハザード",
- "terms": "池ポチャ, ウォーターハザード, ゴルフ"
+ "terms": "ラテラルウォーターハザード, ゴルフ"
- "golf/lateral_water_hazard_line": {
- "name": "ã\83©ã\83\86ã\83©ã\83«ã\82¦ã\82©ã\83¼ã\82¿ã\83¼ã\83\8fã\82¶ã\83¼ã\83\89",
- "terms": "池ポチャ, ウォーターハザード, ゴルフ"
+ "golf/path": {
+ "name": "ã\82´ã\83«ã\83\95å ´ã\81®æ©è¡\8cè·¯",
+ "terms": "ゴルフ場の歩行路, ゴルフ, ゴルフ場"
"golf/rough": {
"name": "ラフ",
"name": "ティー",
"terms": "ティー, ゴルフ"
- "golf/water_hazard_area": {
+ "golf/water_hazard": {
"name": "ウォーターハザード",
- "terms": "池ポチャ, ウォーターハザード, ゴルフ"
- },
- "golf/water_hazard_line": {
- "name": "ウォーターハザード",
- "terms": "池ポチャ, ウォーターハザード, ゴルフ"
+ "terms": "池ポチャ, ウォーターハザード, ゴルフ, ゴルフ場"
"healthcare": {
"name": "医療",
"name": "献血ルーム",
"terms": "血液センター, 健康, 医療"
+ "healthcare/counselling": {
+ "name": "カウンセリングセンター",
+ "terms": "カウンセリングセンター, カウンセリング, メンタルケア, 医療, 健康"
+ },
"healthcare/hospice": {
"name": "ホスピス",
"terms": "ホスピス, 医療, 福祉"
"terms": "バスガイドウェイ, ガイドウェイ"
"highway/bus_stop": {
- "name": "バス停(旧:単独)"
+ "name": "バス停"
"highway/construction": {
"name": "建設中の道路(通行止)",
"name": "建物内の通り抜け道路",
"terms": "建物内の通り抜け道路"
+ "highway/crossing": {
+ "name": "横断歩道"
+ },
"highway/crossing/marked": {
"name": "横断歩道(マークあり)",
"terms": "横断歩道(マークあり), 横断歩道, 歩道"
"name": "横断歩道(隆起あり・ゼブラあり)"
"highway/cycleway": {
- "name": "自転車道",
- "terms": "自転車道, サイクリング道路"
+ "name": "自転車専用道路(歩行者通行不可)",
+ "terms": "自転車道, サイクリング道路, 自転車"
+ },
+ "highway/cycleway/bicycle_foot": {
+ "name": "自転車歩行者道",
+ "terms": "自転車歩行者道, 自歩道, 自転車, 歩道"
+ },
+ "highway/cycleway/crossing": {
+ "name": "自転車用横断道"
+ },
+ "highway/cycleway/crossing/marked": {
+ "name": "自転車用横断道(マークあり)",
+ "terms": "自転車用横断道(マークあり), 自転車横断道, 自転車用横断歩道, 自転車, 自転車道, 横断歩道"
+ },
+ "highway/cycleway/crossing/unmarked": {
+ "name": "自転車用横断道(マークなし)",
+ "terms": "自転車用横断道(マークなし), 自転車横断道, 自転車用横断歩道, 自転車, 自転車道, 横断歩道"
"highway/elevator": {
"name": "エレベーター",
"terms": "エレベーター, エレベータ, 昇降機"
+ "highway/emergency_bay": {
+ "name": "非常駐車帯",
+ "terms": "非常駐車帯, 駐車帯"
+ },
"highway/footway": {
"name": "歩道",
"terms": "歩道, 歩行者用道路, 遊歩道, 緑道, 自然歩道, プロムナード"
"name": "動く歩道",
"terms": "動く歩道, 歩道, 水平型エスカレーター, オートウォーク, ムービングウォーク, トラベレーター, ムービングサイドウォーク, オートスロープ, エスカレータ, ベルトコンベア"
+ "highway/footway/crossing": {
+ "name": "歩行者用横断歩道"
+ },
"highway/footway/marked": {
"name": "横断歩道(マークあり)",
"terms": "横断歩道(マークあり), 横断歩道, 歩道"
"name": "小道(自動車通行不可)",
"terms": "小道, 歩道, 自転車道, バイク"
+ "highway/path/informal": {
+ "name": "けもの道",
+ "terms": "けもの道, 獣道, 小道"
+ },
"highway/pedestrian_area": {
"name": "ペデストリアンデッキ",
"terms": "ペデストリアンデッキ, 歩道"
"terms": "主要地方道, 接続路, 車道, 幹線, 公道"
"highway/raceway": {
- "name": "レーストラック(モータースポーツ)",
- "terms": "レーストラック, 車道, 私道"
+ "name": "モーターレース場",
+ "terms": "モーターレース場, 自動車レース場, バイクレース場, レース場, スポーツ, サーキット, 自動車, バイク, カーレース, バイクレース"
+ },
+ "highway/raceway/karting": {
+ "name": "カートレース場",
+ "terms": "カートレース場, レース場, スポーツ, サーキット"
+ },
+ "highway/raceway/motocross": {
+ "name": "モトクロスレース場",
+ "terms": "モトクロスレース場, レース場, スポーツ, サーキット, バイク"
"highway/residential": {
"name": "住宅地区の道路",
"name": "信号機",
"terms": "信号機, 交通信号, 道路信号, 道路設備"
+ "highway/trailhead": {
+ "name": "登山口",
+ "terms": "登山口, ハイキング開始点, スタート地点, 開始地点, ハイキング"
+ },
"highway/trunk": {
"name": "国道",
"terms": "国道, 一般国道, 車道, 幹線, 公道"
"name": "城",
"terms": "城, 城郭, 歴史, 城址, 城跡, お城"
+ "historic/castle/fortress": {
+ "name": "要塞(中世)",
+ "terms": "要塞, 歴史, 歴史的建造物, 要塞(中世)"
+ },
+ "historic/castle/palace": {
+ "name": "宮殿(歴史的)",
+ "terms": "宮殿, 歴史, 歴史的建造物, パレス, 迎賓館, 邸宅"
+ },
+ "historic/castle/stately": {
+ "name": "シャトー(歴史的)",
+ "terms": "シャトー, 歴史, 歴史的建造物, 出撃路(歴史的)"
+ },
+ "historic/city_gate": {
+ "name": "城門(歴史的)",
+ "terms": "城門, 城壁の門, 門, 歴史的建造物, 城門(歴史的)"
+ },
+ "historic/fort": {
+ "name": "要塞(近代)",
+ "terms": "要塞, 歴史, 歴史的建造物, 要塞(近代)"
+ },
+ "historic/manor": {
+ "name": "マナー・ハウス(歴史的)",
+ "terms": "マナー・ハウス, 貴族の邸宅, 歴史的建造物, マナー・ハウス(歴史的)"
+ },
"historic/memorial": {
"name": "記念碑",
"terms": "記念碑, 石碑, 石仏, 像, 歴史, 銅像, 彫刻, 公園"
+ "historic/memorial/plaque": {
+ "name": "銘板",
+ "terms": "銘板, プレート, 銘"
+ },
"historic/monument": {
"name": "記念堂",
"terms": "記念堂, 記念建造物, 歴史"
"name": "難破船",
"terms": "難破船, 沈没船, 沈船"
+ "indoor": {
+ "name": "屋内(インドア)の地物"
+ },
+ "indoor/area": {
+ "name": "屋内のスペース",
+ "terms": "屋内のエリア, インドア, 屋内, 無壁エリア, 屋内の無壁エリア, 屋内のスペース, 屋内スペース"
+ },
+ "indoor/corridor": {
+ "name": "屋内の廊下",
+ "terms": "建物内の通り抜け道路, 屋内の廊下, インドアの廊下, インドア, 屋内, 廊下"
+ },
+ "indoor/corridor_line": {
+ "name": "屋内の廊下"
+ },
+ "indoor/door": {
+ "name": "屋内のドア",
+ "terms": "屋内のドア, 屋内ドア, 扉, ドア, 入り口, インドア, 屋内"
+ },
+ "indoor/elevator": {
+ "name": "エレベータ(インドア)",
+ "terms": "エレベータ(インドア), エレベータ, インドア"
+ },
+ "indoor/room": {
+ "name": "屋内の部屋",
+ "terms": "屋内の部屋, 部屋, 屋内, インドア, ルーム"
+ },
+ "indoor/stairs": {
+ "name": "階段(インドア)",
+ "terms": "階段(インドア), 階段, インドア"
+ },
+ "indoor/wall": {
+ "name": "屋内の壁",
+ "terms": "屋内の壁, 屋内壁, 壁, ウォール, インドア, 屋内"
+ },
"internet_access/wlan": {
"name": "Wi-Fiホットスポット",
"terms": "wifi, ホットスポット, Wi-Fiホットスポット, Wi-Fi, 無線LAN"
"name": "交差点",
"terms": "交差点"
+ "junction/circular": {
+ "name": "ロータリー交差点(優先権なし)"
+ },
+ "junction/jughandle": {
+ "name": "連絡用ランプ"
+ },
+ "junction/roundabout": {
+ "name": "ラウンドアバウト(優先権あり)"
+ },
"landuse": {
- "name": "土地利用",
- "terms": "土地利用"
+ "name": "土地利用"
"landuse/allotments": {
"name": "市民農園",
"terms": "オフィス街"
"landuse/construction": {
- "name": "建設用地",
- "terms": "工事中用地, 建設用地, 工事現場"
+ "name": "建設予定地",
+ "terms": "工事中用地, 建設用地, 工事現場, 建設予定地"
"landuse/farm": {
"name": "農地(非推奨)"
"name": "農家(敷地)",
"terms": "農業施設用地, 農家, 農業"
+ "landuse/flowerbed": {
+ "name": "公共の花壇",
+ "terms": "花壇, 花, 公園, 庭, 公共の花壇"
+ },
"landuse/forest": {
"name": "人工林",
"terms": "人工林, 二次林, 営林, 保安林, 鉄道林, 防風林, 森林(人工), 樹木, 植物, 林"
"name": "兵舎",
"terms": "兵舎, 兵営"
- "landuse/military/bunker": {
- "name": "軍事用バンカー",
- "terms": "バンカー,掩体壕"
- },
- "landuse/military/checkpoint": {
- "name": "検問所",
- "terms": "検問所"
- },
"landuse/military/danger_area": {
"name": "危険区域",
"terms": "危険区域"
"name": "海軍基地",
"terms": "海軍, 軍事基地"
- "landuse/military/nuclear_explosion_site": {
- "name": "核実験場",
- "terms": "核実験場"
- },
"landuse/military/obstacle_course": {
"name": "障害物コース",
"terms": "障害物コース, アスレチックコース"
- "landuse/military/office": {
- "name": "軍事務所",
- "terms": "軍事務所"
- },
"landuse/military/range": {
"name": "軍事演習場",
"terms": "軍事演習場"
"name": "ぶどう畑",
"terms": "ぶどう畑, 果樹園, 森林, 樹木, 植物, ブドウ, 農業"
+ "landuse/winter_sports": {
+ "name": "冬季スポーツ区域",
+ "terms": "冬季スポーツ区域, 冬季スポーツ, ウィンタースポーツ"
+ },
"leisure": {
- "name": "レジャー施設全般",
- "terms": "レジャー, 娯楽"
+ "name": "レジャー施設全般"
"leisure/adult_gaming_centre": {
"name": "遊技場(成人向け)",
"name": "ダンススクール",
"terms": "ダンススクール, 舞踏, 日本舞踊, タンゴ, 社交ダンス, ワルツ, ダンス教室, 稽古, 練習, 習い事, 学校"
+ "leisure/disc_golf_course": {
+ "name": "ディスクゴルフコース",
+ "terms": "ディスクゴルフコース, ディスクゴルフ, スポーツ"
+ },
"leisure/dog_park": {
"name": "ドッグパーク",
"terms": "ドッグパーク, ドッグラン, 犬, 動物, ペット"
+ "leisure/escape_game": {
+ "name": "脱出ゲーム場",
+ "terms": "脱出ゲーム場, 脱出ゲーム, リアル脱出ゲーム, ゲーム, 娯楽"
+ },
"leisure/firepit": {
"name": "焚火場",
"terms": "焚火,キャンプファイヤー, アウトドア, 焚火場, 焚き火, キャンプ"
"name": "ピクニックテーブル",
"terms": "ピクニックテーブル, アウトドア"
+ "leisure/picnic_table/chess": {
+ "name": "チェス台",
+ "terms": "チェス台, チェステーブル, チェス卓, ゲーム"
+ },
"leisure/pitch": {
"name": "スポーツ競技場",
"terms": "スポーツ競技場, 運動場, 競技場, グラウンド, 校庭, 競技, 練習"
"name": "乗馬場",
"terms": "乗馬場, スポーツ, 運動, トレーニング, 練習, 訓練, 競技"
+ "leisure/pitch/field_hockey": {
+ "name": "フィールドホッケー場",
+ "terms": "フィールドホッケー場, ホッケー, スポーツ"
+ },
+ "leisure/pitch/horseshoes": {
+ "name": "ホースシューズ場",
+ "terms": "ホースシューズ場, 蹄鉄, 蹄鉄ゲーム場"
+ },
"leisure/pitch/netball": {
"name": "ネットボールコート",
"terms": "ネットボールコート, ネットボール, 屋内スポーツ, 球技"
"name": "ラグビー場",
"terms": "ラグビーユニオン場, スポーツ, 運動, 競技"
+ "leisure/pitch/shuffleboard": {
+ "name": "シャフルボード場",
+ "terms": "シャフルボード場, シャフルボード"
+ },
"leisure/pitch/skateboard": {
"name": "スケートパーク",
"terms": "スケートパーク, スポーツ, 運動, 競技"
"name": "進水路",
"terms": "進水路, スリップウェイ"
+ "leisure/slipway_point": {
+ "name": "進水所",
+ "terms": "進水路, スリップウェイ, 船舶"
+ },
"leisure/sports_centre": {
"name": "スポーツセンター/複合施設",
"terms": "スポーツセンター, 複合施設, 運動, 競技, トレーニング, 練習, 訓練, 体操"
+ "leisure/sports_centre/climbing": {
+ "name": "クライミングジム",
+ "terms": "クライミングジム, クライミング, スポーツ, ボルダリング"
+ },
"leisure/sports_centre/swimming": {
"name": "遊泳プール(屋内)",
"terms": "遊泳プール, プール, 水泳場, スポーツ, 運動, 競技, スポーツセンター, 屋内プール, 娯楽, 水浴び, 水遊び, 競泳"
"name": "スタジアム",
"terms": "スタジアム, 競技場, 娯楽"
+ "leisure/swimming_area": {
+ "name": "遊泳区域",
+ "terms": "遊泳区域, プール, 水泳, 海水浴, スイミング, 運動"
+ },
"leisure/swimming_pool": {
"name": "遊泳プール(屋外)",
"terms": "遊泳プール, プール, 水泳場, 娯楽, 屋外プール, 競技, スポーツ, 運動, 水浴び, 水遊び, 競泳"
"name": "競技トラック(モータースポーツ以外)",
"terms": "競技トラック, スポーツ, 運動, 競技"
+ "leisure/track/cycling": {
+ "name": "自転車競技場",
+ "terms": "自転車競技場, 自転車, 自転車トラック, 自転車レース場"
+ },
+ "leisure/track/cycling_point": {
+ "name": "自転車競技場",
+ "terms": "自転車競技場, 自転車, 自転車トラック, 自転車レース場"
+ },
"leisure/track/horse_racing": {
- "name": "レーストラック (競馬)",
- "terms": "競馬場, 馬場, レーストラック, 競馬, ギャンブル, レース"
+ "name": "競馬トラック",
+ "terms": "競馬トラック, 競馬場, 競馬, レース, トラック, 馬場, ギャンブル"
+ },
+ "leisure/track/horse_racing_point": {
+ "name": "競馬トラック",
+ "terms": "競馬トラック, 競馬場, 競馬, レース, トラック, 馬場, ギャンブル"
"leisure/track/running": {
- "name": "レーストラック (徒競走)",
- "terms": "競技場, 競走場, レーストラック, ランニング, レース, 徒競走, スポーツ"
+ "name": "ランニングトラック",
+ "terms": "ランニングトラック, ランニング用周回走路, トラック, 周回走路, 競技トラック, スポーツ"
+ },
+ "leisure/track/running_point": {
+ "name": "トラック(周回走路)",
+ "terms": "ランニングトラック, ランニング用周回走路"
"leisure/water_park": {
"name": "ウォーターパーク",
"terms": "テーマパーク, 遊園地, プール, ウォーターパーク, 娯楽"
"line": {
- "name": "線",
- "terms": "線, ライン"
+ "name": "ライン",
+ "terms": "線, ライン, ウェイ"
"man_made": {
- "name": "人工物",
- "terms": "人工物, 建造物"
+ "name": "人工物"
"man_made/adit": {
"name": "坑口",
"name": "アンテナ",
"terms": "アンテナ, 通信, テレビ"
+ "man_made/beacon": {
+ "name": "ビーコン",
+ "terms": "ビーコン, 発振器, 発信機"
+ },
+ "man_made/beehive": {
+ "name": "養蜂箱",
+ "terms": "養蜂箱, 養蜂, 蜜蜂, 飼育箱"
+ },
"man_made/breakwater": {
"name": "防波堤",
"terms": "防波堤"
"name": "バンカーサイロ",
"terms": "バンカーサイロ, サイロ"
+ "man_made/cairn": {
+ "name": "ケルン",
+ "terms": "ケルン,ケアン, 積み石,石積み, 小石"
+ },
"man_made/chimney": {
"name": "煙突",
"terms": "煙突"
"name": "クレーン",
"terms": "クレーン"
+ "man_made/cross": {
+ "name": "十字架(山頂)",
+ "terms": "十字架(山頂), 十字架, 歴史的建造物"
+ },
"man_made/cutline": {
"name": "森林の切れ目",
"terms": "森林の切れ目, カットライン"
+ "man_made/dyke": {
+ "name": "堤防",
+ "terms": "堤防, 築堤, 土手"
+ },
"man_made/embankment": {
"name": "土手",
"terms": "土手, 築堤, 堤防"
"name": "ガスタンク",
"terms": "ガスタンク"
- "man_made/groyne": {
- "name": "水制",
- "terms": "水制, ケレップ水制, 防波堤, 突堤"
+ "man_made/groyne": {
+ "name": "水制",
+ "terms": "水制, ケレップ水制, 防波堤, 突堤"
+ },
+ "man_made/lighthouse": {
+ "name": "灯台",
+ "terms": "灯台, ライトハウス"
+ },
+ "man_made/manhole": {
+ "name": "マンホール",
+ "terms": "マンホール, 蓋, フタ"
+ },
+ "man_made/manhole/drain": {
+ "name": "マンホール(排水)",
+ "terms": "マンホール(排水), 排水, 雨水, 集水"
+ },
+ "man_made/manhole/gas": {
+ "name": "マンホール(ガス)",
+ "terms": "マンホール(ガス), ガス, 都市ガス"
+ },
+ "man_made/manhole/power": {
+ "name": "マンホール(電力)",
+ "terms": "マンホール(電力), 電力, 電気"
+ },
+ "man_made/manhole/sewer": {
+ "name": "マンホール(溝渠)",
+ "terms": "マンホール(溝渠), 溝, 溝渠"
+ },
+ "man_made/manhole/telecom": {
+ "name": "マンホール(通信)",
+ "terms": "マンホール(通信), 通信, 電話, テレコム"
- "man_made/lighthouse": {
- "name": "灯台",
- "terms": "灯台, ライトハウス"
+ "man_made/manhole/water": {
+ "name": "マンホール(水道)",
+ "terms": "マンホール(水道), 水道, 上下水道, 上水, 下水"
"man_made/mast": {
"name": "柱",
"name": "柱(テレビ放送)",
"terms": "柱(テレビ放送), テレビ放送柱, 柱"
+ "man_made/mineshaft": {
+ "name": "立坑",
+ "terms": "立坑, マインシャフト, 鉱山, 垂直坑道, 垂直坑"
+ },
"man_made/monitoring_station": {
"name": "監視ステーション",
"terms": "監視ステーション"
+ "man_made/obelisk": {
+ "name": "オベリスク",
+ "terms": "オベリスク, 装飾的記念柱, 記念碑, 記念柱"
+ },
"man_made/observatory": {
"name": "観測ドーム",
"terms": "観測ドーム, 観測所"
"name": "桟橋",
"terms": "桟橋"
+ "man_made/pier/floating": {
+ "name": "浮き桟橋",
+ "terms": "浮き桟橋, 桟橋, 港湾, 船"
+ },
"man_made/pipeline": {
"name": "パイプライン",
"terms": "パイプライン"
+ "man_made/pipeline/underground": {
+ "name": "パイプライン(地下)",
+ "terms": "パイプライン(地下), パイプライン, 地下, 埋設パイプライン, 地下パイプ"
+ },
+ "man_made/pipeline/valve": {
+ "name": "バルブ(パイプライン)",
+ "terms": "バルブ(パイプライン)"
+ },
"man_made/pumping_station": {
"name": "ポンプ場",
"terms": "ポンプ場, 揚水施設, 汲み上げ"
"name": "貯蔵タンク",
"terms": "貯蔵タンク, タンク"
+ "man_made/storage_tank/water": {
+ "name": "水槽",
+ "terms": "水槽, タンク, 水タンク"
+ },
+ "man_made/street_cabinet": {
+ "name": "ストリートキャビネット",
+ "terms": "ストリートキャビネット, 歩道, 計器箱, 装置ボックス, モニター, 通信装置, 信号装置"
+ },
"man_made/surveillance": {
"name": "監視装置",
"terms": "調査監視"
"name": "観測設備",
"terms": "観測設備, 観測地点, 測候所"
+ "man_made/torii": {
+ "name": "鳥居",
+ "terms": "鳥居, 神社"
+ },
"man_made/tower": {
"name": "塔",
"terms": "塔, タワー"
+ "man_made/tower/bell_tower": {
+ "name": "鐘楼",
+ "terms": "鐘楼, 鐘, 釣鐘, 釣り鐘"
+ },
"man_made/tower/communication": {
"name": "塔(通信)",
"terms": "塔(通信), 通信塔, 塔, タワー"
+ "man_made/tower/defensive": {
+ "name": "防衛塔",
+ "terms": "防衛塔"
+ },
+ "man_made/tower/minaret": {
+ "name": "ミナレット",
+ "terms": "ミナレット, イスラム"
+ },
"man_made/tower/observation": {
"name": "塔(観察)",
"terms": "塔(観察), 観察塔, 調査塔, タワー, 火の見やぐら, 火の見櫓"
+ "man_made/tunnel": {
+ "name": "トンネル(エリア)",
+ "terms": "トンネル, 地下道, トンネル(エリア), 隧道"
+ },
+ "man_made/utility_pole": {
+ "name": "柱",
+ "terms": "電柱, 鉄柱, 柱"
+ },
"man_made/wastewater_plant": {
"name": "下水処理場",
"terms": "下水処理場"
"name": "工場",
"terms": "工場"
- "manhole": {
- "name": "マンホール",
- "terms": "マンホール, 潜孔, 人孔"
+ "military/bunker": {
+ "name": "軍事用バンカー",
+ "terms": "掩体壕, 軍事用バンカー, バンカー"
+ },
+ "military/checkpoint": {
+ "name": "検問所",
+ "terms": "検問所, チェックポイント"
+ },
+ "military/nuclear_explosion_site": {
+ "name": "核実験場",
+ "terms": "核実験場"
- "manhole/drain": {
- "name": "雨水用マンホール",
- "terms": "雨水用マンホール"
+ "military/office": {
+ "name": "軍事務所",
+ "terms": "軍事務所"
- "manhole/telecom": {
- "name": "電話線用マンホール",
- "terms": "電話線用マンホール"
+ "military/trench": {
+ "name": "塹壕",
+ "terms": "塹壕, 軍事用"
"natural": {
- "name": "自然",
- "terms": "自然"
+ "name": "自然"
"natural/bare_rock": {
"name": "岩場",
"name": "砂浜",
"terms": "砂浜, ビーチ, 浜"
+ "natural/cape": {
+ "name": "岬",
+ "terms": "岬, 崎"
+ },
"natural/cave_entrance": {
"name": "出入口(洞窟)",
"terms": "洞窟の入口, 洞穴, 出入口, 出入り口"
"name": "尾根",
"terms": "尾根, 稜線"
+ "natural/rock": {
+ "name": "岩(岩盤に接続)",
+ "terms": "岩(岩盤に接続), 岩, ボールダー, ボルダリング"
+ },
"natural/saddle": {
"name": "鞍部",
"terms": "鞍部"
"name": "低木",
"terms": "低木, 茂み, 植物"
+ "natural/shingle": {
+ "name": "小石浜",
+ "terms": "小石浜, 河川敷, 小石"
+ },
"natural/spring": {
"name": "泉",
"terms": "泉, 湧水"
+ "natural/stone": {
+ "name": "岩(単独の巨石)",
+ "terms": "岩(単独), 岩, 巨石, 石"
+ },
"natural/tree": {
"name": "樹木",
"terms": "樹木, 林, 木, 公園, 森林, 天然記念物, 植物"
"name": "並木",
"terms": "並木"
+ "natural/valley": {
+ "name": "谷",
+ "terms": "谷, 渓谷, 谷底"
+ },
"natural/volcano": {
"name": "火口",
"terms": "火口, 火山"
"name": "水域",
"terms": "水域"
+ "natural/water/basin": {
+ "name": "遊水地",
+ "terms": "遊水地, 遊水池, 集水地域, 水, 貯水池"
+ },
"natural/water/canal": {
"name": "運河",
"terms": "運河, 水路, 河川, 川"
"name": "湖",
"terms": "湖"
+ "natural/water/moat": {
+ "name": "お堀",
+ "terms": "お堀, お濠, 堀, 濠, 水域, 城"
+ },
"natural/water/pond": {
"name": "池",
"terms": "池, 公園"
"name": "小川",
"terms": "小川, せせらぎ, 河川, 川"
+ "natural/water/wastewater": {
+ "name": "下水沈殿池",
+ "terms": "下水沈殿池, 下水処理施設, 汚水沈殿池"
+ },
"natural/wetland": {
"name": "湿地",
"terms": "湿地帯, 湿地, 植物, 湿原"
"name": "非営利組織",
"terms": "非営利組織, NPO, 非営利団体"
+ "office/bail_bond_agent": {
+ "name": "保釈保証業者",
+ "terms": "保釈保証業者"
+ },
"office/charity": {
"name": "慈善団体",
"terms": "慈善団体, 寄贈, 寄付"
"name": "コワーキングスペース",
"terms": "コワーキングスペース, 共同オフィス, シェアオフィス, ドロップイン"
+ "office/diplomatic": {
+ "name": "外交施設",
+ "terms": "外交施設, 外交"
+ },
+ "office/diplomatic/consulate": {
+ "name": "領事館",
+ "terms": "領事館, 外交"
+ },
+ "office/diplomatic/embassy": {
+ "name": "大使館",
+ "terms": "大使館, 外交"
+ },
+ "office/diplomatic/liaison": {
+ "name": "交流組織",
+ "terms": "交流組織, 交流使節, 外交"
+ },
"office/educational_institution": {
"name": "教育機関事務所",
"terms": "教育機関事務所"
"name": "会計事務所(主に個人向け)",
"terms": "会計事務所, ファイナンシャルアドバイザー, 保険"
+ "office/financial_advisor": {
+ "name": "ファイナンシャル・アドバイザー",
+ "terms": "ファイナンシャル・アドバイザー, ファイナンシャルアドバイザー, FA, アドバイザー"
+ },
"office/forestry": {
"name": "林業事務所",
"terms": "林業, 森林"
"office/government/register_office": {
"name": "イギリス等の出生、結婚、死亡などの登録所",
- "terms": "登記所, 法人登記, 登録所, 法務局"
+ "terms": "登記所, 法人登記, 登録所, 法務局, 印鑑証明, 役所, 土地"
"office/government/tax": {
"name": "税務署",
"office/political_party": {
"name": "政党事務所",
- "terms": "政党事務所"
+ "terms": "政党事務所, 政党, 政治, 自民党"
"office/private_investigator": {
"name": "私立探偵社",
"name": "村制の地方自治体",
"terms": "村, 地名"
+ "playground": {
+ "name": "遊具の種類"
+ },
"playground/balance_beam": {
"name": "子供用平均台",
"terms": "平均台, 子供用平均台, 遊具"
"point": {
"name": "ポイント",
- "terms": "ポイント"
+ "terms": "ポイント, 点, ノード"
+ },
+ "polling_station": {
+ "name": "投票所(臨時)",
+ "terms": "投票所(臨時), 投票所, 期日前投票所, 選挙"
"power": {
"name": "電力関係"
"name": "ソーラーパネル",
"terms": "ソーラーパネル, 太陽光パネル"
+ "power/generator/source/hydro": {
+ "name": "水力発電機",
+ "terms": "水力発電機, 発電機, 水力, エネルギー"
+ },
"power/generator/source/nuclear": {
"name": "原子炉",
"terms": "原子炉"
"name": "変圧器",
"terms": "変圧器"
- "public_transport/linear_platform": {
- "name": "交通機関のプラットホーム/のりば",
- "terms": "プラットホーム, 待合所, 乗り場, ホーム, 駅, 乗降所, 停車場, 停留所, のりば"
- },
- "public_transport/linear_platform_aerialway": {
- "name": "ロープウェイのりば/プラットホーム",
- "terms": "ロープウェイ, チェアリフト, 牽引リフト, スキーリフト, リフト, のりば, ホーム, プラットホーム, 索道駅, 駅"
- },
- "public_transport/linear_platform_bus": {
- "name": "バスのりば/プラットホーム",
- "terms": "バス停, バス乗り場, バスのりば, バス, BRT, バスターミナル, バスステーション, バスストップ, BS, のりば, ホーム, プラットホーム, 停留所, 駅"
+ "public_transport/platform": {
+ "name": "交通機関のプラットホーム",
+ "terms": "プラットホーム, 待合所, 乗り場, ホーム, 駅, 乗降所, 停車場, 停留所, のりば, 交通機関のプラットホーム"
- "public_transport/linear_platform_ferry": {
- "name": "旅客船のりば/プラットホーム",
- "terms": "ã\83\95ã\82§ã\83ªã\83¼ä¹\97ã\82\8aå ´, ã\83\95ã\82§ã\83ªã\83¼, 港, è\88¹ç\9d\80å ´, è\88¹, 客è\88¹, æ\97\85客è\88¹, ã\83\95ã\82§ã\83ªã\83¼ã\82¿ã\83¼ã\83\9fã\83\8aã\83«, è\88\9f, é\80£çµ¡è\88¹, 渡ã\81\97è\88¹, 渡è\88¹, ã\81®ã\82\8aã\81°, ã\83\9bã\83¼ã\83 , プラットホーム"
+ "public_transport/platform/aerialway": {
+ "name": "ロープウェイプラットホーム",
+ "terms": "ã\83ã\83¼ã\83\97ã\82¦ã\82§ã\82¤, ã\83\81ã\82§ã\82¢ã\83ªã\83\95ã\83\88, ç\89½å¼\95ã\83ªã\83\95ã\83\88, ã\82¹ã\82ã\83¼ã\83ªã\83\95ã\83\88, ã\83ªã\83\95ã\83\88, ã\81®ã\82\8aã\81°, ã\83\9bã\83¼ã\83 , ã\83\97ã\83©ã\83\83ã\83\88ã\83\9bã\83¼ã\83 , ç´¢é\81\93é§\85, é§\85, ã\83ã\83¼ã\83\97ã\82¦ã\82§ã\82¤プラットホーム"
- "public_transport/linear_platform_light_rail": {
- "name": "ライトレールのりば/プラットホーム",
- "terms": "ライトレール乗り場, ライトレール, LRT, 路面電車, トラム, 駅, 停留所, 電停, 停車場, 乗降所, のりば, ホーム, プラットホーム"
+ "public_transport/platform/aerialway_point": {
+ "name": "ロープウェイのりば/プラットホーム"
- "public_transport/linear_platform_monorail": {
- "name": "ã\83¢ã\83\8eã\83¬ã\83¼ã\83«ã\81®ã\82\8aã\81°/プラットホーム",
- "terms": "ã\83¢ã\83\8eã\83¬ã\83¼ã\83«ä¹\97ã\82\8aå ´, ã\83¢ã\83\8eã\83¬ã\83¼ã\83«, é§\85, å\81\9cè»\8aå ´, å\81\9cç\95\99å ´, ã\81®ã\82\8aã\81°, ã\83\9bã\83¼ã\83 , プラットホーム"
+ "public_transport/platform/bus": {
+ "name": "ã\83\90ã\82¹プラットホーム",
+ "terms": "ã\83\90ã\82¹å\81\9c, ã\83\90ã\82¹ä¹\97ã\82\8aå ´, ã\83\90ã\82¹ã\81®ã\82\8aã\81°, ã\83\90ã\82¹, BRT, ã\83\90ã\82¹ã\82¿ã\83¼ã\83\9fã\83\8aã\83«, ã\83\90ã\82¹ã\82¹ã\83\86ã\83¼ã\82·ã\83§ã\83³, ã\83\90ã\82¹ã\82¹ã\83\88ã\83\83ã\83\97, BS, ã\81®ã\82\8aã\81°, ã\83\9bã\83¼ã\83 , ã\83\97ã\83©ã\83\83ã\83\88ã\83\9bã\83¼ã\83 , å\81\9cç\95\99æ\89\80, é§\85, ã\83\90ã\82¹プラットホーム"
- "public_transport/linear_platform_subway": {
- "name": "地下鉄のりば/プラットホーム",
- "terms": "地下鉄乗り場, 地下鉄, のりば, ホーム, プラットホーム, 駅, メトロ, 地下駅, 地下鉄駅, 停車場, 停留場"
+ "public_transport/platform/bus_point": {
+ "name": "バス停",
+ "terms": "バス停, バス停留所, 停留所, バス乗り場, BS, バスストップ"
- "public_transport/linear_platform_train": {
- "name": "鉄道のりば/プラットホーム",
- "terms": "鉄道乗り場, 鉄道, 列車, 電車, のりば, ホーム, プラットホーム, 駅, 停車場, 停留場"
+ "public_transport/platform/ferry": {
+ "name": "旅客船プラットホーム",
+ "terms": "フェリー乗り場, フェリー, 港, 船着場, 船, 客船, 旅客船, フェリーターミナル, 舟, 連絡船, 渡し船, 渡船, のりば, ホーム, プラットホーム, 旅客船プラットホーム"
- "public_transport/linear_platform_tram": {
- "name": "路面電車のりば/プラットホーム",
- "terms": "トラム乗り場, トラム, 路面電車, LRT, ライトレール, 市電, ちんちん電車, チンチン電車, のりば, ホーム, プラットホーム, 駅, 電停, 停留場, 停車場, 乗降所"
+ "public_transport/platform/ferry_point": {
+ "name": "旅客船のりば/プラットホーム"
- "public_transport/linear_platform_trolleybus": {
- "name": "ã\83\88ã\83ã\83ªã\83¼ã\83\90ã\82¹ã\81®ã\82\8aã\81°/プラットホーム",
- "terms": "ã\83\88ã\83ã\83ªã\83¼ã\83\90ã\82¹ä¹\97ã\82\8aå ´, ã\83\88ã\83ã\83ªã\83¼ã\83\90ã\82¹, ã\81®ã\82\8aã\81°, ã\83\9bã\83¼ã\83 , ã\83\97ã\83©ã\83\83ã\83\88ã\83\9bã\83¼ã\83 , ã\83\90ã\82¹å\81\9c, ã\83\90ã\82¹ä¹\97ã\82\8aå ´, ã\83\90ã\82¹ã\81®ã\82\8aã\81°, ã\83\90ã\82¹, ã\83\90ã\82¹ã\82¿ã\83¼ã\83\9fã\83\8aã\83«, ã\83\90ã\82¹ã\82¹ã\83\86ã\83¼ã\82·ã\83§ã\83³, ã\83\90ã\82¹ã\82¹ã\83\88ã\83\83ã\83\97, BS, ã\81®ã\82\8aã\81°, ã\83\9bã\83¼ã\83 , ã\83\97ã\83©ã\83\83ã\83\88ã\83\9bã\83¼ã\83 , å\81\9cç\95\99æ\89\80"
+ "public_transport/platform/light_rail": {
+ "name": "ã\83©ã\82¤ã\83\88ã\83¬ã\83¼ã\83«プラットホーム",
+ "terms": "ã\83©ã\82¤ã\83\88ã\83¬ã\83¼ã\83«ä¹\97ã\82\8aå ´, ã\83©ã\82¤ã\83\88ã\83¬ã\83¼ã\83«, LRT, è·¯é\9d¢é\9b»è»\8a, ã\83\88ã\83©ã\83 , é§\85, å\81\9cç\95\99æ\89\80, é\9b»å\81\9c, å\81\9cè»\8aå ´, ä¹\97é\99\8dæ\89\80, ã\81®ã\82\8aã\81°, ã\83\9bã\83¼ã\83 , ã\83\97ã\83©ã\83\83ã\83\88ã\83\9bã\83¼ã\83 , ã\83©ã\82¤ã\83\88ã\83¬ã\83¼ã\83«ã\83\97ã\83©ã\83\83ã\83\88ã\83\9bã\83¼ã\83 "
- "public_transport/platform": {
- "name": "交通機関(全般)の乗り場/プラットホーム",
- "terms": "プラットホーム, 待合所, 乗り場, ホーム, 駅, 乗降所, 停車場, 停留所, 電停, のりば"
+ "public_transport/platform/light_rail_point": {
+ "name": "ライトレールのりば/プラットホーム"
- "public_transport/platform_aerialway": {
- "name": "ã\83ã\83¼ã\83\97ã\82¦ã\82§ã\82¤ã\81®ã\82\8aã\81°/プラットホーム",
- "terms": "ã\83ã\83¼ã\83\97ã\82¦ã\82§ã\82¤, ã\83\81ã\82§ã\82¢ã\83ªã\83\95ã\83\88, ç\89½å¼\95ã\83ªã\83\95ã\83\88, ã\82¹ã\82ã\83¼ã\83ªã\83\95ã\83\88, ã\83ªã\83\95ã\83\88, ã\81®ã\82\8aã\81°, ã\83\9bã\83¼ã\83 , ã\83\97ã\83©ã\83\83ã\83\88ã\83\9bã\83¼ã\83 , ç´¢é\81\93é§\85, é§\85"
+ "public_transport/platform/monorail": {
+ "name": "ã\83¢ã\83\8eã\83¬ã\83¼ã\83«プラットホーム",
+ "terms": "ã\83¢ã\83\8eã\83¬ã\83¼ã\83«ä¹\97ã\82\8aå ´, ã\83¢ã\83\8eã\83¬ã\83¼ã\83«, é§\85, å\81\9cè»\8aå ´, å\81\9cç\95\99å ´, ã\81®ã\82\8aã\81°, ã\83\9bã\83¼ã\83 , ã\83\97ã\83©ã\83\83ã\83\88ã\83\9bã\83¼ã\83 , ã\83¢ã\83\8eã\83¬ã\83¼ã\83«ã\83\97ã\83©ã\83\83ã\83\88ã\83\9bã\83¼ã\83 "
- "public_transport/platform_bus": {
- "name": "バス停のりば/プラットホーム",
- "terms": "バス停, バス乗り場, バスのりば, バス, BRT, バスターミナル, バスステーション, バスストップ, BS, のりば, ホーム, プラットホーム, 停留所, 駅"
+ "public_transport/platform/monorail_point": {
+ "name": "モノレールのりば/プラットホーム"
- "public_transport/platform_ferry": {
- "name": "旅客船のりば/プラットホーム",
- "terms": "フェリー乗り場, フェリー, 港, 船着場, 船, 客船, 旅客船, フェリーターミナル, 舟, 連絡船, 渡し船, 渡船, のりば, ホーム, プラットホーム"
+ "public_transport/platform/subway": {
+ "name": "地下鉄プラットホーム",
+ "terms": "地下鉄乗り場, 地下鉄, のりば, ホーム, プラットホーム, 駅, メトロ, 地下駅, 地下鉄駅, 停車場, 停留場, 地下鉄プラットホーム"
- "public_transport/platform_light_rail": {
- "name": "ライトレールのりば/プラットホーム",
- "terms": "ライトレール乗り場, ライトレール, LRT, 路面電車, トラム, 駅, 停留所, 電停, 停車場, 乗降所, のりば, ホーム, プラットホーム"
+ "public_transport/platform/subway_point": {
+ "name": "地下鉄のりば/プラットホーム"
- "public_transport/platform_monorail": {
- "name": "モノレールのりば/プラットホーム",
- "terms": "モノレール乗り場, モノレール, 駅, 停車場, 停留場, のりば, ホーム, プラットホーム"
+ "public_transport/platform/train": {
+ "name": "鉄道プラットホーム",
+ "terms": "鉄道乗り場, 鉄道, 列車, 電車, のりば, ホーム, プラットホーム, 駅, 停車場, 停留場, 鉄道プラットホーム"
- "public_transport/platform_subway": {
- "name": "地下鉄のりば/プラットホーム",
- "terms": "地下鉄乗り場, 地下鉄, のりば, ホーム, プラットホーム, 駅, メトロ, 地下駅, 地下鉄駅, 停車場, 停留場"
+ "public_transport/platform/train_point": {
+ "name": "鉄道のりば/プラットホーム"
- "public_transport/platform_train": {
- "name": "鉄道のりば/プラットホーム",
- "terms": "鉄道乗り場, 鉄道, 列車, 電車, のりば, ホーム, プラットホーム, 駅, 停車場, 停留場"
+ "public_transport/platform/tram": {
+ "name": "路面電車プラットホーム",
+ "terms": "トラム乗り場, トラム, 路面電車, LRT, ライトレール, 市電, ちんちん電車, チンチン電車, のりば, ホーム, プラットホーム, 駅, 電停, 停留場, 停車場, 乗降所, 路面電車プラットホーム"
- "public_transport/platform_tram": {
+ "public_transport/platform/tram_point": {
"name": "路面電車のりば/プラットホーム",
"terms": "トラム乗り場, トラム, 路面電車, LRT, ライトレール, 市電, ちんちん電車, チンチン電車, のりば, ホーム, プラットホーム, 駅, 電停, 停留場, 停車場, 乗降所"
- "public_transport/platform_trolleybus": {
- "name": "トロリーバスのりば/プラットホーム",
- "terms": "トロリーバス乗り場, トロリーバス, のりば, ホーム, プラットホーム, バス停, バス乗り場, バスのりば, バス, バスターミナル, バスステーション, バスストップ, BS, のりば, ホーム, プラットホーム, 停留所"
+ "public_transport/platform/trolleybus": {
+ "name": "トロリーバスプラットホーム",
+ "terms": "トロリーバス乗り場, トロリーバス, のりば, ホーム, プラットホーム, バス停, バス乗り場, バスのりば, バス, バスターミナル, バスステーション, バスストップ, BS, のりば, ホーム, プラットホーム, 停留所, トロリーバスプラットホーム"
+ },
+ "public_transport/platform/trolleybus_point": {
+ "name": "トロリーバスのりば",
+ "terms": "トロリーバス乗り場, トロリーバス, のりば, ホーム, プラットホーム, バス停, バス乗り場, バスのりば, バス, バスターミナル, バスステーション, バスストップ, BS, のりば, ホーム, プラットホーム, 停留所, トロリーバスプラットホーム, トロリーバスのりば"
+ },
+ "public_transport/platform_point": {
+ "name": "交通機関(全般)の乗り場/プラットホーム",
+ "terms": "プラットホーム, 待合所, 乗り場, ホーム, 駅, 乗降所, 停車場, 停留所, 電停, のりば, 交通機関(全般)の乗り場/プラットホーム"
"public_transport/station": {
"name": "交通機関(全般)の駅",
"name": "車止め(鉄道)",
"terms": "車止め"
+ "railway/construction": {
+ "name": "建設中の鉄道",
+ "terms": "建設中の鉄道, 鉄道, 線路"
+ },
"railway/crossing": {
"name": "踏切 (歩道)",
"terms": "踏切 (歩道), 歩行者用踏切"
"terms": "軽便鉄道, ナローゲージ, 線路, 特殊狭軌, 狭軌"
"railway/platform": {
- "name": "プラットホーム(旧)"
+ "name": "鉄道プラットホーム"
"railway/rail": {
"name": "線路",
"terms": "線路"
+ "railway/rail/highspeed": {
+ "name": "高速鉄道",
+ "terms": "高速鉄道, 鉄道"
+ },
"railway/signal": {
"name": "鉄道信号機",
"terms": "鉄道信号機, 信号機, 信号"
"name": "リレーション",
"terms": "リレーション, 関連"
- "roundabout": {
- "name": "環状交差点"
- },
"route/ferry": {
"name": "フェリールート",
"terms": "フェリールート, 航路"
"shop/antiques": {
"name": "古美術品店",
- "terms": "古美術品店, アンティークショップ, 美術, アート, 古美術"
+ "terms": "古美術品店, アンティークショップ, 美術, アート, 古美術, 骨董品店"
"shop/appliance": {
"name": "白物家電販売店(大型製品)",
"shop/bicycle": {
"name": "自転車店",
- "terms": "自転車店"
+ "terms": "自転車店, 自転車, 自転車屋, 二輪"
+ },
+ "shop/boat": {
+ "name": "ボート店",
+ "terms": "ボート店, お店, 店舗"
"shop/bookmaker": {
"name": "公営競技投票券売り場",
"terms": "本屋, ブックストア, 古書店, 古書, 書籍販売, 書店, 本"
"shop/boutique": {
- "name": "ブティック",
- "terms": "ブティック, 婦人服店, 衣類, 衣料, 小物, ファッション, 服"
+ "name": "ブティック"
+ },
+ "shop/brewing_supplies": {
+ "name": "醸造用品店",
+ "terms": "醸造用品店, 醸造, 酒, 酒造, DIY, ホームブリュー"
"shop/butcher": {
"name": "精肉店",
"name": "キャンドル専門店",
"terms": "キャンドル, ロウソク, 蝋燭, 蠟燭, インテリア"
+ "shop/cannabis": {
+ "name": "Cannabis Shop(illegal in Japan)",
+ "terms": "Cannabis Shop(illegal in Japan)"
+ },
"shop/car": {
"name": "カーディーラー",
"terms": "自動車販売店, カーディーラー, 中古車販売店"
"terms": "チーズ店,食品, 食べ物"
"shop/chemist": {
- "name": "化粧品・薬品店(英国)",
- "terms": "薬品, 化粧品店, 薬局, 薬屋"
+ "name": "ドラッグストア・化粧品・薬品店(薬剤師がいない店)",
+ "terms": "薬品, 化粧品店, 薬局, 薬屋, ドラッグストア, 薬品店, 医療, 薬, くすり屋, 健康, 薬店"
"shop/chocolate": {
"name": "チョコレート店",
"name": "衣料品店",
"terms": "衣料品店, 洋服店, 呉服店, 衣類, 服, スーツ, 和服, 着物, 古着"
+ "shop/clothes/underwear": {
+ "name": "下着店",
+ "terms": "下着店, 衣料, 服, 衣類, 買い物, 店舗, 下着, アンダーウェア"
+ },
"shop/coffee": {
"name": "コーヒー豆販売店",
"terms": "コーヒー豆専門店, 嗜好品, 食品, 珈琲, 飲み物"
"shop/erotic": {
"name": "アダルトショップ",
- "terms": "アダルトショップ"
+ "terms": "アダルトショップ, ポルノショップ, ポルノ, 大人のおもちゃ, 成人向け"
+ },
+ "shop/erotic/lgbtq": {
+ "name": "LGBTQ+なポルノショップ",
+ "terms": "LGBTQ+なポルノショップ, ポルノショップ, LGBT, アダルトショップ, ゲイ, レズビアン, トランスジェンダー, レインボー, ポルノ"
"shop/fabric": {
"name": "生地屋",
"terms": "農産物直売所, 直販, 食品, 食べ物"
"shop/fashion": {
- "name": "ファッション店",
- "terms": "洋品店, ファッション, 衣類, 衣服, 服, 店, 衣料, 小物"
+ "name": "ファッション店"
+ },
+ "shop/fashion_accessories": {
+ "name": "ファッション小物店",
+ "terms": "アクセサリー店, アクセサリーショップ, ファッション, 小物, 装飾品, 服飾小物, ファッションアクセサリー店, 店舗, お店, おしゃれ, ファッション小物店"
"shop/fireplace": {
"name": "暖房具店",
"name": "家具店",
"terms": "家具店, インテリア用品店"
+ "shop/games": {
+ "name": "ボードゲーム販売店",
+ "terms": "ボードゲーム販売店, ボードゲーム, カードゲーム, ロールプレイングゲーム, トレーディングカード, ゲーム, 店舗, お店, 娯楽"
+ },
"shop/garden_centre": {
"name": "園芸用品店",
"terms": "園芸用品店, ガーデンセンター, DIY, 家庭菜園, 植木, 樹木, 植物"
"name": "ガスボンベ店",
"terms": "ガスボンベ店"
+ "shop/general": {
+ "name": "よろず屋",
+ "terms": "よろずや, よろず屋, 万屋"
+ },
"shop/gift": {
"name": "ギフト店",
"terms": "ギフト店, ギフト用品店, 土産店, お土産, 贈答品"
"name": "音響機器店",
"terms": "音響機器店, オーディオ店, 音楽"
+ "shop/hobby": {
+ "name": "ホビーショップ",
+ "terms": "ホビーショップ, ホビー店, プラモデル, フィギュア, マンガ, ミリタリー, 模型"
+ },
"shop/houseware": {
"name": "家庭用品店",
"terms": "雑貨屋, 家庭用品, 日用雑貨, バス用品, お風呂用品, 台所用品, キッチン用品, 生活雑貨, 料理道具, 調理器具, 食器, クッション, 茶碗, 皿, 包丁, ナイフ, フォーク, 箸"
"terms": "インテリアショップ, 家具, 室内装飾用品店, 内装用品店, インテリア店, 住宅, インテリア, 内装"
"shop/jewelry": {
- "name": "宝石店",
- "terms": "宝石店, 装飾品"
+ "name": "宝飾店",
+ "terms": "宝石店, 宝飾店, 貴金属, アクセサリー, 店舗, 買い物"
"shop/kiosk": {
"name": "キオスク",
"terms": "台所, キッチン, デザイン, design, Kitchen, 台所用品, 水回り"
"shop/laundry": {
- "name": "洗濯屋・コインランドリー",
- "terms": "洗濯屋, コインランドリー, ランドリー"
+ "name": "洗濯屋・ランドリー(非セルフ)",
+ "terms": "洗濯屋, コインランドリー, ランドリー, 洗濯屋・ランドリー(非セルフ)"
+ },
+ "shop/laundry/self_service": {
+ "name": "コインランドリー(セルフ)",
+ "terms": "コインランドリー(セルフ), コインランドリー, ランドリー, 洗濯屋"
"shop/leather": {
"name": "皮革用品店",
"terms": "皮革洋品店, レザーショップ, 皮革, レザー"
+ "shop/lighting": {
+ "name": "照明器具店",
+ "terms": "照明器具店, 灯り, 蛍光灯, 店舗, お店"
+ },
"shop/locksmith": {
"name": "鍵屋(専門店)",
"terms": "錠前屋, 鍵屋, カギ, 合鍵"
"name": "健康・医療器具店",
"terms": "医療器具店, 医療用品店, 健康器具店, ヘルスケア, 健康, 医療"
+ "shop/military_surplus": {
+ "name": "軍払い下げ品店",
+ "terms": "軍払い下げ品店, 軍払下げ品店, 軍余剰物資店, 店舗, ミリタリー, ミリタリーグッズ"
+ },
"shop/mobile_phone": {
"name": "携帯電話店",
"terms": "携帯電話店, ケータイショップ"
"name": "アウトドアショップ",
"terms": "アウトドアショップ"
+ "shop/outpost": {
+ "name": "商品受け取り店",
+ "terms": "商品受け取り店, アウトポスト, 配達, 受取"
+ },
"shop/paint": {
"name": "塗料店",
"terms": "塗料店"
"name": "写真店",
"terms": "写真屋, 写真店, 現像, ビデオ, デジカメ"
+ "shop/printer_ink": {
+ "name": "プリンタ用インク店",
+ "terms": "プリンタ用インク店, プリンタ, インクカートリッジ, トナー"
+ },
+ "shop/psychic": {
+ "name": "サイキック店",
+ "terms": "サイキック店, 超能力"
+ },
"shop/pyrotechnics": {
"name": "花火店",
"terms": "花火店"
"name": "宗教用品店",
"terms": "宗教用品店, 仏壇, 仏具, 祭祀用品, 信仰"
+ "shop/rental": {
+ "name": "レンタルショップ",
+ "terms": "レンタルショップ, レンタル店, お店, 店舗, レンタル用品店"
+ },
"shop/scuba_diving": {
"name": "スキューバダイビングショップ",
"terms": "スキューバダイビングショップ, スキューバダイビング, スポーツ, 運動"
"name": "スーパーマーケット",
"terms": "スーパーマーケット, スーパー, 買い物, ショッピング"
+ "shop/swimming_pool": {
+ "name": "プール用品店",
+ "terms": "プール用品店, スポーツ, 遊泳プール, 店舗, お店"
+ },
"shop/tailor": {
"name": "仕立屋",
"terms": "仕立屋, テイラー, 洋裁店, 衣類, 衣料, 仕立て屋, 縫製, 服, スーツ"
"name": "ワイン店",
"terms": "ワイン店, 酒屋, 食品, アルコール, 嗜好品, 飲み物"
+ "telecom/data_center": {
+ "name": "データセンター",
+ "terms": "データセンター, IDC, クラウド, オンライン, データ, ストレージ"
+ },
"tourism": {
- "name": "観光",
- "terms": "旅行, 観光"
+ "name": "観光"
"tourism/alpine_hut": {
"name": "山小屋",
"name": "パブリックアート",
"terms": "芸術作品, 銅像, 屋外アート, 彫刻, 壁画, アート, 絵画, オブジェ, 公園, 駅前, 広場"
+ "tourism/artwork/bust": {
+ "name": "胸像",
+ "terms": "胸像, 像, 芸術, 屋外アート, アート, 美術, 作品"
+ },
+ "tourism/artwork/graffiti": {
+ "name": "落書きアート",
+ "terms": "落書きアート, 落書き, アート, 屋外アート, 美術, 芸術, 作品"
+ },
+ "tourism/artwork/installation": {
+ "name": "インスタレーションアート",
+ "terms": "インスタレーションアート, インスタレーション, 美術, 芸術, 作品, 空間, 体験"
+ },
"tourism/artwork/mural": {
"name": "壁画",
"terms": "壁画, フレスコ"
"name": "観光地",
"terms": "観光名所, 見どころ, アトラクション, 見もの, 名所, 旧跡, 名勝, 観光地"
+ "tourism/camp_pitch": {
+ "name": "キャンプ区画(キャンプ場内)",
+ "terms": "キャンプ区画, テント, アウトドア"
+ },
"tourism/camp_site": {
"name": "キャンプ場",
"terms": "キャンプ場, アウトドア"
"name": "観光案内所",
"terms": "観光案内所, 案内, ビジターセンター, 観光, インフォメーション"
+ "tourism/information/route_marker": {
+ "name": "経路マーカー",
+ "terms": "経路マーカー, マーカー, 目印, ハイキング"
+ },
+ "tourism/information/terminal": {
+ "name": "情報端末",
+ "terms": "情報端末, 観光案内, インフォメーション"
+ },
"tourism/motel": {
"name": "モーテル",
"terms": "モーテル, 宿, ホテル"
"name": "動物園",
"terms": "動物園, 娯楽"
+ "tourism/zoo/petting": {
+ "name": "ふれあい動物園",
+ "terms": "ふれあい動物園, 動物園, ペット"
+ },
+ "tourism/zoo/safari": {
+ "name": "サファリパーク",
+ "terms": "サファリパーク, サファリランド"
+ },
+ "tourism/zoo/wildlife": {
+ "name": "野生公園",
+ "terms": "野生動物園, 野生公園"
+ },
"traffic_calming": {
"name": "交通静穏化設備(全般)",
"terms": "交通静穏化, 交通安全, 道路設備, 減速"
"type/multipolygon": {
"name": "マルチポリゴン"
+ "type/public_transport/stop_area_group": {
+ "name": "公共交通の停車エリアグループ",
+ "terms": "公共交通の停車エリアグループ, 公共交通"
+ },
"type/restriction": {
"name": "進行方向制限",
"terms": "進行方向制限"
"name": "ライトレール・ルート",
"terms": "ライトレール・ルート, 軽便鉄道ルート"
+ "type/route/monorail": {
+ "name": "モノレールルート",
+ "terms": "モノレールルート, モノレール, ルート"
+ },
"type/route/pipeline": {
"name": "パイプラインルート",
"terms": "パイプラインルート"
"name": "水路",
"terms": "水路"
- "vertex": {
- "name": "その他",
- "terms": "その他"
- },
"waterway": {
"name": "水路"
"name": "運河",
"terms": "運河"
+ "waterway/canal/lock": {
+ "name": "水路上のドック",
+ "terms": "閘門, 水路上のドック"
+ },
"waterway/dam": {
"name": "ダム",
"terms": "ダム"
"name": "マリンスタンド",
"terms": "マリンガススタンド, マリンガソリンスタンド"
+ "waterway/lock_gate": {
+ "name": "水門",
+ "terms": "水門, 扉, 閘門"
+ },
"waterway/milestone": {
"name": "距離標(河川)",
"terms": "距離標, 河川距離標, キロポスト, マイルストーン, 距離, 距離標識, 河川, 水域"
"waterway/waterfall": {
"name": "滝",
- "terms": "滝"
+ "terms": "滝, 瀧, 瀑布, 川, 水域, 河川"
"waterway/weir": {
"name": "堰",
- "terms": "堰"
+ "terms": "堰, 水域, 川, ダム, 河口, 河川"
"imagery": {
"AGIV": {
"attribution": {
- "text": "オルソ写真Flanders 最新 © AGIV"
+ "text": "© agentschap Informatie Vlaanderen"
- "name": "AGIV Flanders 最新航空画像"
+ "name": "AIV Flanders 最新航空画像"
"AGIV10cm": {
"attribution": {
- "text": "オルソ写真Flanders © AGIV"
+ "text": "© agentschap Informatie Vlaanderen"
- "name": "AGIV Flanders 2013-2015 航空写真 10cm"
+ "name": "AIV Flanders 2013-2015 航空写真 10cm"
"AGIVFlandersGRB": {
"attribution": {
- "text": "GRB Flanders © AGIV"
+ "text": "© agentschap Informatie Vlaanderen"
- "name": "AGIV Flanders GRB"
- },
- "Bing": {
- "description": "衛星・航空写真。撮影日付はCtrl+Shift+Bで現れる右下のパネルで確認可能。比較的新しい箇所が多いが位置ズレやゆがみ(特に高低差のある場所)に注意。日本では位置精度は概して国土地理院のものが高い。",
- "name": "Bing航空画像"
+ "name": "AIV Flanders GRB"
- "DigitalGlobe-Premium": {
+ "AIV_DHMV_II_HILL_25cm": {
"attribution": {
- "text": "規約&フィードバック"
+ "text": "© agentschap Informatie Vlaanderen"
- "description": "DigitalGlobe-Premiumは DigitalGlobe ベースマップの繋ぎ合わせから成り、50cm以上の解像度した組み合わせで、選ばれた地域が+Vividや興味深いカスタムエリアで埋められ、今後の更新でより頻繁にリフレッシュされます。",
- "name": "DigitalGlobeプレミアム画像"
+ "name": "AIV Digitaal Hoogtemodel Vlaanderen II, multidirectionale hillshade 0,25 m"
- "DigitalGlobe-Premium-vintage": {
+ "AIV_DHMV_II_SVF_25cm": {
"attribution": {
- "text": "規約&フィードバック"
+ "text": "© agentschap Informatie Vlaanderen"
- "description": "画像の境界と取得日付。ラベルはズームレベル13以上で表示。",
- "name": "DigitalGlobeプレミアム画像撮影日"
+ "name": "AIV Digitaal Hoogtemodel Vlaanderen II, Skyview factor 0,25 m"
- "DigitalGlobe-Standard": {
- "attribution": {
- "text": "規約&フィードバック"
- },
- "description": "DigitalGlobe-Standardは地球の大陸部の86%をカバーする画像を集めたセットで、一部30-60cm解像度でランドサットを下敷きにしています。平均年齢は2.31歳で、場所によっては毎年2x 更新されます。",
- "name": "DigitalGlobe標準画像"
+ "Bing": {
+ "description": "衛星・航空写真。撮影日付はCtrl+Shift+Bで現れる右下のパネルで確認可能。比較的新しい箇所が多いが位置ズレやゆがみ(特に高低差のある場所)に注意。日本では位置精度は概して国土地理院のものが高い。",
+ "name": "Bing航空画像"
- "DigitalGlobe-Standard-vintage": {
"attribution": {
- "text": "規約&フィードバック"
+ "text": "Sentinel-2 cloudless - https://s2maps.eu by EOX IT Services GmbH (Contains modified Copernicus Sentinel data 2017 & 2018)"
- "description": "画像の境界と取得日付。ラベルはズームレベル13以上で表示。",
- "name": "DigitalGlobe標準画像撮影日"
+ "description": "後処理済みのSentinel 衛星画像(日本では低解像度)",
+ "name": "eox.at 2018 cloudless"
"EsriWorldImagery": {
"attribution": {
"description": "衛星・航空画像です。",
"name": "Mapbox衛星画像"
+ "Maxar-Premium": {
+ "attribution": {
+ "text": "Terms & Feedback"
+ },
+ "description": "MaxarプレミアムはMaxarベースマップの繋ぎ合わせから成り、50cm以上の解像度した組み合わせで、選ばれた地域が+Vividや興味深いカスタムエリアで埋められ、今後の更新でより頻繁にリフレッシュされます。",
+ "name": "Maxarプレミアム画像(Beta)"
+ },
+ "Maxar-Standard": {
+ "attribution": {
+ "text": "Terms & Feedback"
+ },
+ "description": "Maxar標準は地球の大陸部の86%をカバーする画像を集めたセットで、一部30-60cm解像度でランドサットを下敷きにしています。平均年齢は2.31歳で、場所によっては毎年2x 更新されます。 ",
+ "name": "Maxar標準画像(Beta)"
+ },
"OSM_Inspector-Addresses": {
"attribution": {
"text": "© Geofabrik GmbH, OpenStreetMap contributors, CC-BY-SA"
"description": "Yellow = Public domain map data from the US Census. Red = Data not found in OpenStreetMap",
"name": "TIGER Roads 2018"
+ "US-TIGER-Roads-2019": {
+ "description": "黄 = US Censusからのパブリックドメインの地図データ。赤 = penStreetMapに無いデータ。",
+ "name": "TIGER Roads 2019"
+ },
+ "USDA-NAIP": {
+ "description": "The most recent year of DOQQs from the National Agriculture Imagery Program (NAIP) for each state in the contiguous United States.",
+ "name": "National Agriculture Imagery Program"
+ },
"US_Forest_Service_roads_overlay": {
"description": "Highway: 緑枠 = unclassified.ブラウン枠 = track. Surface: gravel = ライトブラウン, Asphalt = 黒, paved = グレイ, ground =白, concrete = 青, grass = 緑. Seasonal = 白棒",
"name": "U.S. Forest Roads Overlay"
"name": "UrbIS-Ortho 2018"
+ "UrbISOrtho2019": {
+ "attribution": {
+ "text": "Realized by means of Brussels UrbIS®© - Distribution & Copyright CIRB"
+ },
+ "name": "UrbIS-Ortho 2019"
+ },
"UrbisAdmFR": {
"attribution": {
"text": "Realized by means of Brussels UrbIS®© - Distribution & Copyright CIRB"
"description": "basemap.at が提供するオルソ写真レイヤ。geoimage.at 画像の「後継」。",
"name": "basemap.at Orthofoto"
+ "basemap.at-overlay": {
+ "attribution": {
+ "text": "basemap.at"
+ },
+ "description": "Annotation overlay provided by basemap.at.",
+ "name": "basemap.at Overlay"
+ },
+ "basemap.at-surface": {
+ "attribution": {
+ "text": "basemap.at"
+ },
+ "description": "Surface layer provided by basemap.at.",
+ "name": "basemap.at Surface"
+ },
+ "basemap.at-terrain": {
+ "attribution": {
+ "text": "basemap.at"
+ },
+ "description": "Terrain layer provided by basemap.at.",
+ "name": "basemap.at Terrain"
+ },
"eufar-balaton": {
"attribution": {
"text": "EUFAR Balaton ortofotó 2010"
"gsi.go.jp": {
"attribution": {
- "text": "国土地理院"
+ "text": "国土地理院 オルソ"
"description": "最大ズームレベル17。歪みは補正(オルソ化)済みであり、概してBingより位置精度が高く国内では最も安定して利用可能な画像だが、Bingよりやや古い場合がある。",
"name": "国土地理院 電子国土基本図(オルソ画像)"
"gsi.go.jp_airphoto": {
"attribution": {
- "text": "国土地理院"
+ "text": "国土地理院 簡易空中写真"
"description": "航空レーザー測量点検用写真をつなぎ合わせたもので、地理院オルソ画像とは撮影時期やカバー範囲が少し異なる部分もあるため、オルソ画像の代替として有用な場合がある。",
"name": "国土地理院 簡易空中写真"
+ "gsi.go.jp_seamlessphoto": {
+ "attribution": {
+ "text": "国土地理院 シームレス写真"
+ },
+ "description": "国土地理院のシームレス写真。電子国土基本図(オルソ画像), 東日本大震災後正射画像, 森林(国有林)の空中写真(林野庁), 簡易空中写真, 国土画像情報, からそれぞれ最新の写真を組合せたもの。",
+ "name": "国土地理院 全国最新写真(シームレス)"
+ },
"gsi.go.jp_std_map": {
"attribution": {
- "text": "国土地理院"
+ "text": "国土地理院 標準地図"
"description": "ズームレベル5~18の日本全国とその周辺地域をカバー。地図画像なのでトレースしやすく、概してBingより位置精度が高いが、やや古い場合がある。",
"name": "国土地理院 標準地図"
"attribution": {
"text": "© Stockholm municipality, CC0"
- "description": "Orthophotos from the municipality of Stockholm 2015, CC0 license",
+ "description": "Orthophotos from the municipality of Stockholm 2016, CC0 license",
"name": "Stockholm Orthophoto"
"tf-cycle": {
"name": "Mapping Botswana on Twitter",
"description": "Twitter of OpenStreetMap in Botswana"
+ "ym-Centre-Universitaire-de-Recherche-et-dApplication-en-Tldtection-CURAT-de-lUniversit-Felix-Houphouet-Boigny": {
+ "name": "YouthMappers CURAT",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Centre Universitaire de Recherche et d'Application en Télédétection (CURAT) de l'Université Felix Houphouet Boigny",
+ "extendedDescription": "Our chapter aim is to promote the use of collaborative free mapping and the use of openstreetmap data in the field of research and their application in the implementation of tools for decision-making. Help students produce their own data of their research."
+ },
+ "ym-The-Gambia-YMCA-University-of-the-Gambia": {
+ "name": "Connected YouthMappers",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at The Gambia YMCA / University of the Gambia",
+ "extendedDescription": "Connected YouthMappers is comprised of dedicated young Gambians who aspire to change and aid national development."
+ },
"cape-coast-youthmappers": {
"name": "University of Cape Coast YouthMappers",
"description": "Follow us on Twitter: {url}",
"name": "Talk-gh Mailing List",
"description": "Talk-gh is the official mailing list for Ghana OSM community."
+ "ym-Kwame-Nkrumah-University-of-Science-and-Technology": {
+ "name": "Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology YouthMappers",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology"
+ },
+ "ym-University-of-Cape-Coast": {
+ "name": "UCC Geographical Society",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of Cape Coast",
+ "extendedDescription": "We are a society that encompasses all students who are reading and read geography in the Department of Geography and Regional Planning at the University of Cape Coast. Our main aim is to promote interest in the discipline inside and outside of the classroom. Our motto is “We comprehend the Earth and its inhabitants.”"
+ },
+ "ym-University-of-Energy-and-Natural-Resources": {
+ "name": "Eco-Club",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of Energy and Natural Resources",
+ "extendedDescription": "To provide a sound education to all citizens about the deteriorating environment and provide utmost use of recreation of the environment for human survival."
+ },
+ "ym-University-of-Ghana": {
+ "name": "University of Ghana YouthMappers",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of Ghana",
+ "extendedDescription": "UG YouthMappers consists of both graduate and undergraduate students possessing knowledge and skills in GIS and Remote Sensing. The club is composed of an energetic team that is poised to address social issues and mitigate environmental problems through mapping. Our fundamental principles are capacity building, empowerment and teamwork."
+ },
+ "ym-University-of-Mines-and-Technology": {
+ "name": "UMaT YouthMappers",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of Mines and Technology",
+ "extendedDescription": "UMaT YouthMappers is a group of volunteer students who seek to grant students the opportunity to improve skills in the field of mapping & creating open geographic data and analyses that address locally defined development challenges worldwide."
+ },
+ "ym-General-Lansana-Conte-University": {
+ "name": "YouthMappers General Lansana Conte University",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at General Lansana Conte University",
+ "extendedDescription": "The YouthMappers of the University General Lansana Conté is a non profit community willing to contribute to Map Guinea and others part of the world. We are promoting the use of GIS and Open data to build decision support tools. We also work to build capacities among the students and local communities."
+ },
+ "ym-Institute-of-Science-and-Veterinary-Medicine": {
+ "name": "YouthMappers ISSMV Dalaba",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Institute of Science and Veterinary Medicine",
+ "extendedDescription": "YouthMappers ISSMV Dabala is a non profit organisation working to promote humanitarian mapping and the use of open sources and open data to build decision making tools in Guinea."
+ },
+ "ym-Universit-de-NZrkor": {
+ "name": "Youthmappers à N'Zérékoré",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Université de N'Zérékoré",
+ "extendedDescription": "YouthMappers est un groupe qui permet de faire la cartographie des communautés enclavées et à la prise des décisions en cas de catastrophes ou épidémies. Elle permet aussi la production et l'utilisation des données en accès gratuit."
+ },
+ "map-kibera": {
+ "name": "Map Kibera Trust",
+ "description": "Map Kibera is a registered organization working in Kenya",
+ "extendedDescription": "Map Kibera Trust’s mission is to increase influence and representation of marginalized communities through the creative use of digital tools for action."
+ },
+ "osm-kenya": {
+ "name": "OSM Kenya",
+ "description": "OSM Kenya is a community of OSM contributors and users",
+ "extendedDescription": "OSM is a local community for individuals interested in OpenStreetMap including organizations, developers, and YouthMappers chapters in the country."
+ },
+ "ym-Dedan-Kimathi-University-of-Technology": {
+ "name": "GDEV",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Dedan Kimathi University of Technology",
+ "extendedDescription": "GDEV is a group of enthusiastic GIS group at DeKUT that aims at helping students share, engage and learn from each other in matters geospatial"
+ },
+ "ym-Jomo-Kenyatta-University-of-Agriculture-and-Technology": {
+ "name": "Association of Geomatics Engineering Students",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology",
+ "extendedDescription": "The Association of Geomatics Engineering Students (AGES), aims at promoting GIS products and services as well as training students on the use of the same. It not only promotes socialization between the students and practicing professionals, but also provides a platform for exchanging new ideas for holding new GIS and surveying events and training at the university."
+ },
+ "ym-Karatina-University": {
+ "name": "Nature Club Karatina University",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Karatina University",
+ "extendedDescription": "This chapter aims to bring together all GIS enthusiasts.They include environment experts, wildlife experts, aquatic and tourism officers, just to mention a few. Its main aim is to provide a platform where students can learn from each other and, in the process, understand how to integrate the GIS skills in their various career paths as well as provide solutions to various environmental related challenges."
+ },
+ "ym-Kenyatta-University": {
+ "name": "Kenyatta University GIS Club",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Kenyatta University",
+ "extendedDescription": "Kenyatta University GIS Club (KUGISC) was founded on 28th October 2016, with more than 200 students and staff from all faculty within campus as members. We are committed to empower members with spatial knowledge, skills and expertise required in understanding the Earth. We help in mapping resources within the university by incorporating geospatial data in their projects as well as fieldwork data collection."
+ },
+ "ym-Moi-University": {
+ "name": "Geography Students Association",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Moi University",
+ "extendedDescription": "The Geography Students Association at Moi University (GEOSAMU) explores, discovers and aims at developing the entire world through the young Geo-Spatial analysts. GEOSAMU is part of the Department of Geography."
+ },
+ "ym-Technical-University-of-Kenya": {
+ "name": "Geospatial Science Student Association",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Technical University of Kenya",
+ "extendedDescription": "It's a geographical information based group with very passionate students in the relevant fields of study. We do training to members on emerging trends in the market and keep up with technological advancements"
+ },
+ "ym-University-of-Nairobi": {
+ "name": "Geospatial Engineering Students Association",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of Nairobi",
+ "extendedDescription": "UN students are working with the local OSM community, Map Kibera, and GrouthTruth to learn about open mapping and contribute data for needs in their urban communities."
+ },
+ "ym-African-Methodist-Episcopal-University": {
+ "name": "YouthMappers-AMEU",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at African Methodist Episcopal University"
+ },
+ "ym-Cuttington-University": {
+ "name": "Cuttington University YouthMappers",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Cuttington University",
+ "extendedDescription": "The YouthMappers at Cuttington University, Suakoko, and Bong County comprised of Students from three different departments; namely, the Department of Natural Resources Management “DONRM”, Department of Environmental Sciences, and the Department of Natural Sciences. Since the establishment of the Chapter in February 2017, the overall membership is 20 students, with each department containing 5 students."
+ },
+ "ym-Grand-Gedeh-County-Community-College": {
+ "name": "YouthMappers at Grand Gedeh County Community College",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Grand Gedeh County Community College",
+ "extendedDescription": "The Youth Mappers of GGCCC sole intent is to put places in and around Liberia that are not on the map. We gather youths from the college within the Grand Gedeh Community College to make it their duties to unite and bring these places to the spot light geographically."
+ },
+ "ym-Nimba-County-Community-College": {
+ "name": "Nimba County Community College Youth Mappers",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Nimba County Community College"
+ },
+ "ym-Stella-Maris-Polytechnic": {
+ "name": "YouthMappers-SMP",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Stella Maris Polytechnic"
+ },
+ "ym-University-of-Liberia-YouthMappers": {
+ "name": "University of Liberia YouthMappers",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of Liberia YouthMappers",
+ "extendedDescription": "The University of Liberia YouthMappers is a chapter organization of the Global YouthMappers. We are a nonprofit student mapping organization focus on mapping for Liberia’s development and the World at large. The purpose of this organization shall be to utilize technology and geospatial knowledge as means of creating and developing maps; collecting and analyzing data that will address local and worldwide challenges. Our aim is to support and create opportunity for students to develop interest and skills in the fields of mapping. We envision a united student community that are collaborative, active and are willing to work with the University of Liberia YouthMappers in order to better the lives of others."
+ },
"osm-mg-facebook": {
"name": "OpenStreetMap Madagascar Facebook Group",
"description": "Malagasy Facebook group for people interested in OpenStreetMap."
"name": "Talk-mg Mailing List",
"description": "Place for OpenStreetMap contributors, communities and users in Madagascar to share and discuss."
+ "ym-University-of-Malawi": {
+ "name": "Chanco Malawi YouthMappers",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of Malawi",
+ "extendedDescription": "Chanco Malawi YouthMappers is the student mapping organization for the University of Malawi's Chancellor College. The students in this chapter focus on mapping for Malawi's development and science needs."
+ },
+ "ym-Universit-des-Sciences-Sociale-et-de-Gestion-de-Bamako": {
+ "name": "Etudiant au Laboratoire HoPE",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Université des Sciences Sociale et de Gestion de Bamako"
+ },
+ "ym-Universidade-Eduardo-Mondlane": {
+ "name": "Comunidade YouthMappers Moçambique",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Universidade Eduardo Mondlane",
+ "extendedDescription": "We are a student group that intends to join Mozambican society to create a resilient community of humanitarian mapping. The community intend to map the physical occupation of our Country and create open geographic data, accessible to the public and able to be used in several areas without associated costs."
+ },
+ "ym-Namibia-University-of-Science-and-Technology": {
+ "name": "Geoinformation Technology Student Society",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Namibia University of Science and Technology"
+ },
+ "ym-Abia-State-University": {
+ "name": "AbsuMappersTeam",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Abia State University",
+ "extendedDescription": "AbsuMappersTeam is voluntary team of map enthusiast ,using openstreetmap,GIS and other open source geospatial techno;ogy to solve problems.It is a dedicated for disaster response using OpenStreetMap.It is a professional mentoring and empowerment platform for those with passion for GIS and Mapping.It is a community of volunteers for geospatial data creation,field data collection and mapping.The team was co-founded by Victor N.Sunday(the Team mentor) and Professor J.U.Ogbonna ,the team coordinator and faculty Advisor. AbsuMapperTeam is an affiliate of UniiqueMappersTeam-Port Harcourt.The team stands to support sustainable development using geospatial technology"
+ },
+ "ym-Ahmadu-Bello-University": {
+ "name": "ABU Geomappers",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Ahmadu Bello University",
+ "extendedDescription": "We are a group of Data driven Humanitarian mappers, who are dedicated to rendering humanitarian service in response to disaster and mitigation. We are glad to contribute our expertise and knowledge through mapping, and helping to spread #OpenEvangelism through Training, and collaboration."
+ },
+ "ym-Federal-School-of-Surveys": {
+ "name": "OyoMappersTeam (OMT) Oyo",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Federal School of Surveys"
+ },
+ "ym-Federal-University-of-Technology-Akure": {
+ "name": "YouthMappers Futa Space Club",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Federal University of Technology, Akure",
+ "extendedDescription": "Our mission is to raise the next generation of Space Leaders. Activities include research and capacity building in Remote Sensing, GIS, Climate Change, Astronomy, Cosmology, Space Engineering, Global Navigation, Robotics and Space Education."
+ },
+ "ym-Ignatius-Ajuru-University-of-Education": {
+ "name": "IgnatiusMappersTeam (IMT)",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Ignatius Ajuru University of Education",
+ "extendedDescription": "We are a YouthMappers Chapter of Ignatius Ajuru University of Education involved in crowdsourced mapping of our environment and remote mapping of resilient communities.We are a team of volunteers using openstreetmap and other open Geospatial source for mapping."
+ },
+ "ym-University-of-Nigeria-Enugu-Campus": {
+ "name": "LionMappersTeam (LMT) Enugu",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of Nigeria, Enugu Campus",
+ "extendedDescription": "The LionMappersTeam(LMT)Enugu Campus is an affiliate of YouthMappers Network, with the sole aim of providing members the opportunity to learn and improve their skills in the field of Geoinformatics and to create open geographic data and analysis that addresses locally defined challenges globally. It is a team of volunteers for Crowdsourced Mapping and Geographic Information provision using Openstreetmap, Citizen Science and other Geospatial Technology for research, training and response to resilient community challenges. We are involved in Web-Cartography, GIS and Remote Sensing Applications and ResearchWe are passionate about Volunteered Geographic Information.Paticipatory GIS and Citizen Science.Our major activities include online crowdsourced-Cartography, Field Mapping ,Training workshops and outreaches to High School as well as Humanitarian/Disaster Response Mapping."
+ },
+ "ym-University-of-Nigeria-Nsukka": {
+ "name": "LionMappersTeam (LMT) Nsukka",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of Nigeria, Nsukka",
+ "extendedDescription": "The LionMappersTeam is an affiliate of YouthMappers Network, with the sole aim of providing members the opportunity to learn and improve their skills in the field of mapping science and to create open geographic data and analysis that addresses locally defined challenges globally. It is a team of volunteers for crowdsourced mapping and geographic information provision using Openstreetmap, citizen science and other geospatial technology for research, training and response to resilient community challenges. We are involved in GIS and Remote Sensing Applications and Research.Paticipatory GIS and Citizen Science,field mapping ,training workshops and outreaches to High Schools."
+ },
+ "ym-University-of-Port-Harcourt": {
+ "name": "UniqueMappersTeam (UMT) Port Harcourt",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of Port Harcourt",
+ "extendedDescription": "UniqueMappersTeam(UMT)Port Harcourt is an action group and a team of volunteers for a collaborative online mapping targeted at training and empowering members with trending mapping skills to create open geospatial data and analysis that addresses locally defined challenges for geoinformation and to provide humanitarian mapping services to resilient communities in Niger Delta,Nigeria and elsewhere.We promote Crowdsoucred Mapping and Geographic information volunteering using OpenStreetMap(OSM) platform and other accessible platforms for Rapid Response Mapping,Disaster Mapping,Geo-intelligence Mapping,Map updates and training.Its an affiliate Campus chapter of Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team(HOT).It is a project-task team of YouthMappers that provide opportunity for members to learn and improve their skills in Geoinformatics so as to explore global opportunities in the field of Mapping and Geoinformation."
+ },
+ "osm-africa-telegram": {
+ "name": "OpenStreetMap Africa Telegram",
+ "description": "OpenStreetMap Telegram for Africa"
+ },
+ "ym-Insititue-d-Enseignement-Superieur-de-Ruhengeri": {
+ "name": "YouthMappers at INES Ruhengeri",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Insititue d' Enseignement Superieur de Ruhengeri",
+ "extendedDescription": "We are students from Land Administration and Management and Land survey Departments from INES-Ruhengeri. We are engaged in mapping activities that create the changes toward sustainable development in our community."
+ },
+ "ym-University-of-Rwanda-Huye-Campus": {
+ "name": "Rwanda YouthMappers",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of Rwanda - Huye Campus",
+ "extendedDescription": "Based on the commitment and the purpose of promoting mapping, and the information from YouthMappers public talks, we have organized as students in Geography department who are committed in mapping to found a chapter of our Campus. We have supported by our Facilitator Dr. Gaspard Rwanyiziri (Director of CGIS-Rwanda) and various lecturer mentors."
+ },
+ "ym-Institut-Suprieur-de-Management-Kolda": {
+ "name": "Les Femmes Leaders de ISM/Kolda",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Institut Supérieur de Management Kolda",
+ "extendedDescription": "Les Femmes Leaders de ISM/Kolda is an all-female mapping group in southern Senegal looking to put Kolda and surrounding villages on the map and better understand how to use OSM."
+ },
+ "ym-Universit-Gaston-Berger": {
+ "name": "YouthMappers at UGB",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Université Gaston Berger",
+ "extendedDescription": "YouthMappers UGB is made up of young students and researchers who are passionate about mapping. Our aim is to improve students' skills in the field of cartography and to participate in the creation of open geographic data that responds to development challenges around the world and particularly in Africa."
+ },
+ "ym-Fourah-Bay-College": {
+ "name": "Student's Geographical Association",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Fourah Bay College",
+ "extendedDescription": "The Student's Geographical Association- YouthMappers is an association of Fourah Bay College Students with the common goals of mapping out vulnerable places in Sierra Leone and the world at large for relief and other beneficial purposes,carry out Research and other educative endeavors. The chapter consists of young people with great ideas, development oriented with the capacity to relate with each other, comprehend and implement sustainable developmental projects as a team."
+ },
+ "ym-Njala-University-Freetown-Campus": {
+ "name": "Njala Freetown YouthMappers",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Njala University, Freetown Campus",
+ "extendedDescription": "We are students of Njala University Freetown Campus, studying Information Technology under the department of Physics and Computer Science. and we are located at Henry Street Freetown, Sierra Leone."
+ },
+ "ym-Njala-University-Njala-Campus": {
+ "name": "YouthMappers Njala University, Njala Campus",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Njala University, Njala Campus"
+ },
+ "ym-University-of-Pretoria": {
+ "name": "Centre for Geoinformation Science",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of Pretoria",
+ "extendedDescription": "The students who map Pretoria are supported by the University of Pretoria's Centre for Geoinformation Science, a platform from where the excellence of UP individuals and teams involved in geographic information science (GISc) research, education and training, professional development and community engagement is encouraged and strengthened through collaborations, education and training and alliances within South Africa and abroad."
+ },
+ "ym-Ardhi-University": {
+ "name": "ARU Mapper",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Ardhi University",
+ "extendedDescription": "As upcoming geospatial data consultants we seek to educate and provide advice to the society on how they can use spatial data not only as a form of location but a tool of decision making and predict different hazardous and climatical changes which may harm them or future genarations."
+ },
+ "ym-Institute-of-Finance-Management": {
+ "name": "IFM mappers",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Institute of Finance Management",
+ "extendedDescription": "This is a new chapter at out institute and we are looking forward to use our financial education that we are receiving here at the campus and link ig with the environment in order to develop our sustainable environment towards helping the community with the effects of our environment in a financial ways by converting them into numbers. this is widely explained in ecosystem accounting and environmental accounts"
+ },
+ "ym-Institute-of-Rural-Development-Planning-Mwanza": {
+ "name": "Youth Mappers Chapter at Institute of Rural Development Planning - Lake Zone Centre",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Institute of Rural Development Planning Mwanza"
+ },
+ "ym-Institute-of-Rural-Development-Planning": {
+ "name": "Mipango YouthMappers Chapter",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Institute of Rural Development Planning",
+ "extendedDescription": "Mipango YouthMappers Chapter was introduced at IRDP on 3rd July, 2017 by Dr.Domitilla Bashemera. The founding members were 300 (190 males and 110 female) Bachelor Degree students, who were registered as members of the Chapter. Gerald Zacharia is the president of the chapter and Juster Lugira is Vice President."
+ },
+ "ym-Open-University-of-Tanzania": {
+ "name": "Youth Mappers at Open University of Tanzania",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Open University of Tanzania",
+ "extendedDescription": "Youth Mappers at Open University of Tanzania\n\nHad been founded by members and students of Open University of Tanzania in Department of Geography who are mainly need to improve their career and help young community through joint and partnership projects with local community groups such as Mikoko Scout Group (www.msg.or.tz) and start cooperation with international colleges and universities for exchange programs in relation to Geography Studies as some programs prepared by Mikoko Scout Group which will link local university and other universities of the same interest through International Nature & Environmental Youth Camp 2019 (www.campsite.msg.or.tz/nature.html )\n\nOur chapter will soon be recognized as youth network program that will open opportunity for students to study and conduct research studies at a local levels."
+ },
+ "ym-Sokoine-University-of-Agriculture": {
+ "name": "SMCoSE YouthMappers",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Sokoine University of Agriculture",
+ "extendedDescription": "A Chapter comprising of Environmental sciences and management students and Geography studies under the dept. of Geography and we will be using mapping techniques, based on systems concepts and theories, can be used to facilitate, explore, and capture the different understandings of the relationships, perspectives, and boundaries involved in environmental sustainability to obtain a more complete comprehension of the concept and develop plans for action."
+ },
+ "ym-University-of-Dar-es-Salaam": {
+ "name": "YouthMappers at University of Dar es Salaam",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of Dar es Salaam",
+ "extendedDescription": "The purpose of the University of Dar es Salaam YouthMappers is to use and promote open source data and GIS technologies to map potential disaster areas, provide resources for emergency management, connect its members with open source and GIS organizations in the city of Dar es Salaam, and serve any upcoming needs of our project partners ."
+ },
+ "ym-Busitema-University": {
+ "name": "Good Mappers",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Busitema University",
+ "extendedDescription": "Good mappers is a team of students in Busitema University. Its main objective is to create a community of experienced mappers who can contribute to the world map."
+ },
+ "ym-Gulu-University": {
+ "name": "CSGU Mappers",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Gulu University",
+ "extendedDescription": "The CSGU Mappers are the Computing Society at Gulu University. This chapter is creative, passionate, innovative and ready to map Uganda and the world at large, beyond other people's imagination."
+ },
+ "ym-Kumi-University": {
+ "name": "Ever Last YouthMappers",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Kumi University",
+ "extendedDescription": "This energetic group of students organizes within the faculty of Science and Information Technology."
+ },
+ "ym-Makerere-University": {
+ "name": "Geo YouthMappers",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Makerere University",
+ "extendedDescription": "Geo YouthMappers is a Makerere University based mapping chapter esteemed to apply the spatial conception to the real world.We have collaborated on various mapping events with OSM. Our main aim is the desire to simplify data and make it readily available mostly for disaster preparedness.\"We map the world and change lives."
+ },
+ "ym-Mbarara-University-of-Science-and-Technology": {
+ "name": "MUST Street Mappers",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Mbarara University of Science and Technology",
+ "extendedDescription": "MUST Street Mappers is a Youth Mappers chapter at the Mbarara University of Science and Technology that is based on making our country and the world at large a better place through mapping. We base on collected information to notice patterns and data mine to present relevant and beneficial information to society."
+ },
+ "ym-St.-Augustine-International-University": {
+ "name": "YouthMappers at St Augustine International University",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at St. Augustine International University"
+ },
+ "ym-Uganda-Christian-University-Mbale-Campus": {
+ "name": "Mappers for Life",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Uganda Christian University Mbale Campus",
+ "extendedDescription": "We are Team Mappers for life! Please come and join us as we map together!\" This group works from the Department of Information Technology at the UCU."
+ },
+ "ym-Uganda-Pentecostal-University": {
+ "name": "HiTech Youth Mappers",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Uganda Pentecostal University",
+ "extendedDescription": "A new Youthmappers Chapter in Western Uganda. Ready to map and provide open data with OpenStreetMap for development purposes."
+ },
+ "ym-St.-Mawaggali-Trades-Training-Institute": {
+ "name": "MawaggaliMappers",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at St. Mawaggali Trades Training Institute",
+ "extendedDescription": "We are the youthappers chapter at St. Mawaggali trades in choma who are want to contribute the different humantarian tasks to serve lives through mapping."
+ },
+ "ym-The-University-of-Zambia": {
+ "name": "YouthMappers Unza",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at The University of Zambia"
+ },
+ "ym-University-of-Zimbabwe": {
+ "name": "UZMappers",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of Zimbabwe",
+ "extendedDescription": "UzMappersTeam Zimbabwe is a team of Volunteers using OpenStreetMap for Open Data Mapping and Humanitarian Disaster response mapping .The team empowers its members with open source geospatial technology skills."
+ },
+ "osm-afghanistan-facebook": {
+ "name": "OpenStreetMap Afghanistan",
+ "description": "Improve OpenStreetMap in Afghanistan"
+ },
"OSM-BGD-facebook": {
"name": "OpenStreetMap Bangladesh",
"description": "Improve OpenStreetMap in Bangladesh",
- "extendedDescription": "Mapping in Bangladesh? Have questions, want to connect with the community here? Join us at {url}. All are welcome!"
+ "extendedDescription": "Mapping in Bangladesh? Have questions, want to connect with the community here? Join us at {url}. All are welcome!",
+ "events": {
+ "sotmasia2019": {
+ "name": "State of the Map Asia 2019",
+ "description": "Join the 2019 OpenStreetMap region-wide event at State of the Map Asia in Dhaka",
+ "where": "Krishibid Institution Bangladesh (KIB), Dhaka, Bangladesh"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "ym-Asian-University-for-Women": {
+ "name": "YouthMappers at AUW",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Asian University for Women",
+ "extendedDescription": "The Asian University for Women seeks to graduate women who will be skilled and innovative professionals, service-oriented leaders in the businesses and communities in which they will work and live, and promoters of intercultural understanding and sustainable human and economic development in Asia and throughout the world."
+ },
+ "ym-Dhaka-College": {
+ "name": "YouthMappers Daka College",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Dhaka College",
+ "extendedDescription": "YouthMappers DhakaCollege is an approach by students to help mapping vulnerable areas of the world as a part of Humanitarian Action. YouthMappers gives the opportunity to the students for helping people and using mapping for humanitarian purposes. This open geographic data can be used for educational, navigational and other humanitarian purposes. Happy mapping."
+ },
+ "ym-Dhaka-University": {
+ "name": "Openstreetmap YouthMappers",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Dhaka University",
+ "extendedDescription": "It's a great privilege for the students of University of Dhaka to map for humanitarian purposes. Our chapter gives the opportunity to the students for helping people and use mapping for humanitarian purposes."
+ },
+ "ym-Eastern-University": {
+ "name": "YouthMappers at Eastern University",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Eastern University",
+ "extendedDescription": "YouthMappers at Eastern University, Bangladesh has been formed with a view to assisting people during humanitarian crisis. The students, likewise other mappers of the world, are promised to assist people in using the map for educational, navigational and other humanitarian purposes."
+ },
+ "ym-Jahangirnagar-University": {
+ "name": "YouthMappers at IRS, Jahangirnagar University",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Jahangirnagar University"
+ },
+ "ym-Khulna-University": {
+ "name": "Khulna University YouthMappers",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Khulna University",
+ "extendedDescription": "KU students and faculty from multiple disciplines are experienced at creating open data for OSM to address local challenges of development, including food security and other topics."
+ },
+ "ym-Rajshahi-University-of-Engineering-Technology": {
+ "name": "YouthMappers at RUET",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Rajshahi University of Engineering & Technology",
+ "extendedDescription": "The \"YouthMappers at RUET\" is a humanitarian mapping group of students of Rajshahi University of Engineering & Technology (RUET) to share, develop and practice the knowledge of GIS. This group encourages using open source geospatial data and platform to make solution to reach the most vulnerable group of the world."
+ },
+ "ym-Sherubtse-College": {
+ "name": "Geographical Society",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Sherubtse College",
+ "extendedDescription": "The Geographical Society, in the Department of Geography & Planning, Sherubtse College, Royal University of Bhutan, with support from the Center for Climate Change and Spatial Information, has made several efforts to create awareness and address important issues at the local and national level. We now join hands with the international student-centered YouthMappers network on \"Mapping for Resilience\" and contributing to a global 'Happiness'!"
"OSM-India-facebook": {
"name": "OpenStreetMap India - Participatory neighborhood mapping",
"description": "Improve OpenStreetMap in India",
- "extendedDescription": "Mapping in India? Have questions, want to connect with the community here? Join us at {url}. All are welcome!",
- "events": {
- "sotmasia2018": {
- "name": "State of the Map Asia 2018",
- "description": "Join the 2018 OpenStreetMap region-wide event at State of the Map Asia in India",
- "where": "Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore, India"
- }
- }
+ "extendedDescription": "Mapping in India? Have questions, want to connect with the community here? Join us at {url}. All are welcome!"
"osm-india-forum": {
"name": "OpenStreetMap India forum",
"description": "FSHM Riot group to discuss, share and update mapping activities, events in and around Puducherry",
"extendedDescription": "FSHM community members share their OSM mapping updates / experiences through the Riot.im group, this group is also used to discuss things related to free software / hardware, technology and activism."
+ "ym-Gujarat-University": {
+ "name": "CCIM at Ahmedabad",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Gujarat University"
+ },
"OSM-IDN-facebook": {
"name": "OpenStreetMap Indonesia",
"description": "Improve OpenStreetMap in Indonesia",
"extendedDescription": "Mapping in Indonesia? Have questions, want to connect with the community here? Join us at {Url}. All are welcome!"
+ "ym-Universitas-Negeri-Makassar": {
+ "name": "Kontur Geografi",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Universitas Negeri Makassar"
+ },
+ "ym-University-Muhammadiyah-Surakarta": {
+ "name": "SpaceTime",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University Muhammadiyah Surakarta",
+ "extendedDescription": "SpaceTime is a community mapping in the Faculty of Geography of Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta. SpaceTime was founded by Bruce Maldy Pratama, Mukhlis Akbar and Irfandi Fauzi. They are active students in the Faculty of Geography University Muhammadiyah Surakarta."
+ },
"osm-iran-aparat": {
"name": "OpenStreetMap Iran Aparat",
"description": "Subscribe to our channel at {url}",
"name": "OpenStreetMap 日本メーリングリスト",
"description": "Talk-ja は日本コミュニティ向けの公式メーリングリストです"
+ "OSM-Japan-telegram": {
+ "name": "OpenStreetMap 日本 Telegram",
+ "description": "OSM日本コミュニティ用のTelegramグループ: {url}"
+ },
"OSM-japan-twitter": {
"name": "OpenStreetMap 日本のTwitter",
"description": "Twitterでのハッシュタグ: {url}"
"name": "OpenStreetMap 日本",
"description": "日本のマッパーとOpenStreetMap ユーザー"
+ "OSM-Korea-mailinglist": {
+ "name": "OpenStreetMap Korea Mailinglist",
+ "description": "Talk-ko is an Official Mailinglist for the Communities to dicuss matters about Korea"
+ },
+ "OSM-Korea-telegram": {
+ "name": "OSM Korea Telegram",
+ "description": "Unofficial Group for OpenStreetMap contributors, communities, and users in Korea to share and discuss."
+ },
"OSM-MY-facebook": {
"name": "OpenStreetMap Malaysia on Facebook",
"description": "For chat about anything related to OpenStreetMap!"
"description": "Improve OpenStreetMap in Nepal",
"extendedDescription": "Mapping in Nepal? Have questions, want to connect with the community here? Join us at {Url}. All are welcome!"
+ "ym-Institute-of-Crisis-Management-Studies": {
+ "name": "Institute of Crisis Management Studies YouthMappers",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Institute of Crisis Management Studies",
+ "extendedDescription": "To develop Crisis Mappers to assist during disaster situations."
+ },
+ "ym-Kathmandu-University": {
+ "name": "Geomatics Engineering Society,GES",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Kathmandu University",
+ "extendedDescription": "Geomatics Engineering Society (GES) established in 2008 A.D is a departmental club under Department of Civil and Geomatics Engineering (DCGE) at Kathmandu University. GES acts as a platform to develop the skills of students apart from their educational activities by focusing on activities like technical trainings, seminars, talk programs and interaction with experts from related field, sports activities etc."
+ },
+ "ym-Tribhuvan-University": {
+ "name": "Geomatics Engineering Students Association",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Tribhuvan University",
+ "extendedDescription": "This organization is the student forum of Geomatics Engineering students of Tribhuvan University , Institute of Engineering on the Pashchimanchal campus. Established since the beginning of the degree program, students have been active in mapping and leadership and are thrilled to be a part of the YouthMappers network."
+ },
"OSM-Asia-mailinglist": {
"name": "OpenStreetMap Asia Mailinglist",
"description": "Talk-asia is the official Mailinglist for Asian Community"
"name": "OpenStreetMap PH Telegram",
"description": "Un-official, Telegram local community of OpenStreetMap contributors and friends in the Philippines"
+ "ym-Far-Eastern-University-Institute-of-Technology": {
+ "name": "Junior Philippines Computer Society",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Far Eastern University -Institute of Technology",
+ "extendedDescription": "FEU has been recognized as one of the leading universities in the Philippines. Its mission centers on producing graduates who have contributed to the advancement of the country. The university continuously challenges itself to raise the bar of excellence to achieve a top-tier status not only in the Philippines but also in the South East Asian region"
+ },
+ "ym-University-of-the-Philippines-Resilience-Institute": {
+ "name": "YouthMappers UP Resilience Institute",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of the Philippines Resilience Institute",
+ "extendedDescription": "The UP Resilience Institute was established in 2016 with a mission statement to empower local communities through multidisciplinary research and actions toward resilience. Through UP NOAH Center, and the help of different organizations, we have provided building exposure maps for 17 provinces out of the 82 and uploaded more than 4 million footprints to Open Street Maps."
+ },
"OSM-RU-forum": {
"name": "OpenStreetMap RU forum",
"description": "OpenStreetMap Russia web forum"
"name": "OpenStreetMap RU telegram",
"description": "OpenStreetMap Russia telegram chat"
- "OSM-south-korea-telegram": {
- "name": "OSM South Korea Telegram",
- "description": "Unofficial Channnel for OpenStreetMap contributors, communities, and users in South Korea to share and discuss."
- },
"OSM-sri-lanka-facebook": {
"name": "OpenStreetMap Sri Lanka",
"description": "Improve OpenStreetMap in Sri Lanka",
"name": "OpenStreetMap Taiwan Mailinglist",
"description": "Talk-tw is an Official Mailinglist for the Communities to dicuss matters about Taiwan"
+ "OSM-TW-telegram": {
+ "name": "OpenStreetMap Taiwan Telegram",
+ "description": "A Telegram group for the OSM Taiwan community: {url}"
+ },
"OSM-TH-CNX-meetup": {
"name": "OSM Meetup Chiang Mai",
"description": "Irregular meeting of the OpenStreetMap community in Chiang Mai",
"name": "OpenStreetMap Belarus",
"description": "OpenStreetMap Belarus telegram chat"
+ "be-chapter": {
+ "name": "OpenStreetMap Belgium Local Chapter",
+ "description": "We help grow and improve OpenStreetMap in Belgium.",
+ "extendedDescription": "If you want to help to improve and grow the mapping community in Belgium, to make even more people crazy about mapping, OpenStreetMap Belgium is the right place for you!"
+ },
"be-facebook": {
- "name": "OpenStreetMap BE Community",
+ "name": "OpenStreetMap BE Facebook Community",
"description": "Mappers and OpenStreetMap on Facebook in Belgium"
"be-forum": {
"name": "OpenStreetMap Belgium Twitter",
"description": "OSM Belgium on Twitter: @osm_be"
+ "OSM-BiH-telegram": {
+ "name": "OpenStreetMap BiH Telegram",
+ "description": "A Telegram group for the OSM Bosnia and Herzegovina community: {url}"
+ },
"hr-facebook": {
"name": "OpenStreetMap Croatia Facebook group",
"description": "OpenStreetMap Croatia Facebook group"
"osmcz-facebook": {
"name": "OpenStreetMap CZ on Facebook",
- "description": "Follow czech community on Facebook - including translated WeeklyOSM!"
+ "description": "Follow Czech community on Facebook - including translated WeeklyOSM!"
+ },
+ "OSM-CZ-telegram": {
+ "name": "OpenStreetMap CZ Telegram",
+ "description": "A Telegram group for the OSM Czech community: {url}"
"osmcz-twitter": {
"name": "Czech twitter @osmcz",
"name": "Talk-fi Mailing List",
"description": "Talk-fi is the official mailing list for the Finnish OSM community"
+ "fr-chapter": {
+ "name": "OpenStreetMap France Local Chapter",
+ "description": "We help grow and improve OpenStreetMap in France."
+ },
"fr-facebook": {
"name": "OpenStreetMap France Facebook page",
"description": "OpenStreetMap France Facebook page"
"name": "Talk-fr Mailing List",
"description": "Talk-fr mailing list"
+ "fr-telegram": {
+ "name": "OpenStreetMap France on Telegram",
+ "description": "A Telegram group for the OSM France community: {url}"
+ },
"fr-twitter": {
"name": "OpenStreetMap France on Twitter",
"description": "OpenStreetMap France on Twitter: {url}"
"name": "OpenStreetMap DE forum",
"description": "OpenStreetMap Germany web forum"
+ "de-hamburg-telegram": {
+ "name": "OSM Hamburg on Telegram",
+ "description": "OpenStreetMap Hamburg Telegram chat: {url}"
+ },
"de-irc": {
"name": "OpenStreetMap Germany IRC",
"description": "Join #osm-de on irc.oftc.net (port 6667)"
"name": "OpenStreetMap Germany",
"description": "The platform for information on OpenStreetMap in Germany"
+ "ym-Heidelberg-University": {
+ "name": "disastermappers heidelberg",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Heidelberg University",
+ "extendedDescription": "Disastermappers Heidelberg was founded in 2014 as a student initiative to build a platform for exchange between students, researchers and humanitarian actors. Disastermappers are a member of Missing Maps and are organizing mapathons, workshops and webinars in Heidelberg and beyond and support HOT and Missing Maps through research and applications."
+ },
"hu-facebook": {
"name": "OpenStreetMap HU on Facebook",
"description": "Mappers and OpenStreetMap Facebook in Hungary"
"name": "OpenStreetMap Hungary Meetup",
"description": "The platform for organizing meetups in Hungary"
+ "is-chapter": {
+ "name": "OpenStreetMap Iceland Local Chapter",
+ "description": "We help grow and improve OpenStreetMap in Iceland."
+ },
"is-facebook": {
"name": "OSM Iceland on Facebook",
"description": "Page of OpenStreetMap in Iceland"
"name": "OSM Iceland on Twitter",
"description": "Twitter of OpenStreetMap in Iceland"
+ "ireland-chapter": {
+ "name": "OpenStreetMap Ireland Local Chapter",
+ "description": "We help grow and improve OpenStreetMap in Ireland.",
+ "extendedDescription": "OpenStreetMap Ireland provides an advocate voice for the OpenStreetMap project on the island of Ireland, in addition to interacting with other open initiatives."
+ },
+ "ireland-facebook": {
+ "name": "OpenStreetMap Ireland Facebook group",
+ "description": "OpenStreetMap Ireland Facebook page"
+ },
+ "ireland-irc": {
+ "name": "OpenStreetMap Ireland IRC",
+ "description": "Join #osm-ie on irc.oftc.net (port 6667)",
+ "extendedDescription": "Join #osm-ie on irc.oftc.net (port 6667), please be patient and wait for a few minutes if you ask a question"
+ },
+ "ireland-mailinglist": {
+ "name": "Talk-ie Mailing List",
+ "description": "Talk-ie is the mailing list for the Irish OSM community"
+ },
+ "ireland-telegram": {
+ "name": "OSM Ireland on Telegram",
+ "description": "OpenStreetMap Ireland Telegram chat"
+ },
+ "ireland-twitter": {
+ "name": "OpenStreetMap IE on Twitter",
+ "description": "OpenStreetMap IE on Twitter: {url}"
+ },
+ "it-chapter": {
+ "name": "OpenStreetMap Italy Local Chapter",
+ "description": "We help grow and improve OpenStreetMap in Italy."
+ },
"it-facebook": {
"name": "OpenStreetMap Italy Facebook",
"description": "Join the OpenStreetMap Italy community on Facebook"
"name": "OpenStreetMap mailing list for Trentino",
"description": "OpenStreetMap Italy regional talk list for Trentino"
+ "ym-Politecnico-di-Milano": {
+ "name": "PoliMappers",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Politecnico di Milano",
+ "extendedDescription": "PoliMappers is a volunteer students’ association based at Politecnico di Milano. The mission of the group is to train and motivate the next generation of volunteer mappers and to do mapping using free and open source software within the university as well as primary and secondary schools."
+ },
"kosovo-telegram": {
"name": "OpenStreetMap Kosovo on Telegram",
"description": "Semi-official all-Kosovo Telegram public group. We welcome all mappers from anywhere in any language."
+ "lu-mailinglist": {
+ "name": "Talk-lu Mailing List",
+ "description": "Official mailing list for the Luxembourgish OSM community"
+ },
+ "ym-Universit-Mohammed-V-Rabat": {
+ "name": "Brahmapoutre at Rabat",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Université Mohammed V Rabat",
+ "extendedDescription": "This chapter sees participation in the YouthMappers program as an oppourtunity to share our knowlege create new working relationships with other chapters in different countries"
+ },
+ "nl-forum": {
+ "name": "Netherlands OpenStreetMap forum",
+ "description": "OpenStreetMap Netherlands web forum"
+ },
+ "nl-telegram": {
+ "name": "Netherlands OpenStreetMap Telegram",
+ "description": "A Telegram group for the OSM Netherlands community: {url}"
+ },
"no-forum": {
"name": "OpenStreetMap Norway Web Forum",
"description": "OpenStreetMap Norway web forum"
"name": "OpenStreetMap Poland Forum",
"description": "Forum of Polish OpenStreetMap community"
+ "pt-mailinglist": {
+ "name": "Talk-pt Mailing List",
+ "description": "Talk-pt is the official mailing list for the Portuguese OSM community"
+ },
+ "pt-telegram": {
+ "name": "OpenStreetMap Portugal on Telegram",
+ "description": "Telegram Group of the Portuguese OpenStreetMap community {url}"
+ },
"si-forum": {
"name": "OpenStreetMap Slovenia Forum",
"description": "Forum of OpenStreetMap community in Slovenia"
"name": "OpenStreetMap Slovenia mailing list",
"description": "Mailing list of OpenStreetMap community in Slovenia"
+ "si-twitter": {
+ "name": "OpenStreetMap Slovenia Twitter",
+ "description": "Follow OpenStreetMap Slovenia On Twitter: {url}"
+ },
+ "Galicia-Telegram": {
+ "name": "OpenStreetMap Galicia Telegram",
+ "description": "OpenStreetMap Telegram for Galicia"
+ },
+ "Galicia-Twitter": {
+ "name": "OpenStreetMap Galicia Twitter",
+ "description": "Follow us on Twitter at {url}"
+ },
+ "galicia-wiki": {
+ "name": "OpenStreetMap Wikiproject Galicia",
+ "description": "Everything you need to know about mapping in Galicia: {url}"
+ },
"OSM-ES-mailinglist": {
"name": "Talk-es mailing list",
"description": "A mailing list to discuss OpenStreetMap in Spain"
"name": "@OSMes on Telegram",
"description": "OpenStreetMap Spain Telegram chat"
+ "ym-Universidad-Autonoma-de-Madrid": {
+ "name": "YouthMappers at UAM",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Universidad Autonoma de Madrid"
+ },
+ "ym-Universidad-Politcnica-de-Madrid": {
+ "name": "Mapeo Humanitario",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid",
+ "extendedDescription": "Geo-volunteering group formed at Moncloa Campus on November 2017. Around 20 members from three Universities (Complutense, CEU and UPM). Undergraduate students, MSc and PhD students collaborate together with organizations (MSF, Acción contra el Hambre,...) supported by trainers from Geoinquietos. Official recognition by UPM as Educative Innovation Project (Code IE1718.0411)"
+ },
"osm-se": {
"name": "OpenStreetMap.se",
"description": "Provide OSM services and information for the local community in Sweden"
"name": "OpenStreetMap Sweden on Twitter",
"description": "Follow us on Twitter: {url}"
+ "ch-irc": {
+ "name": "OpenStreetMap Switzerland IRC",
+ "description": "Join #osm-ch on irc.oftc.net (port 6667)"
+ },
+ "ch-mailinglist": {
+ "name": "Openstreetmap Schweiz/Suisse/Svizzera/Svizra Mailing List",
+ "description": "Mailing list for Switzerland"
+ },
+ "ch-twitter": {
+ "name": "OpenStreetMap Switzerland Twitter",
+ "description": "Follow us on Twitter: {url}"
+ },
+ "osm-ch": {
+ "name": "OpenStreetMap Switzerland",
+ "description": "The platform for information on OpenStreetMap in Switzerland"
+ },
+ "ym-Istanbul-Technical-University": {
+ "name": "YouthMappers ITU",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Istanbul Technical University",
+ "extendedDescription": "YouthMappers ITU is an interdisciplinary and collaborative student community to promote humanitarian mapping for vulnerable settlements and aims to develop and share strategic and innovative spatial information for the future cities by using geographical information systems and open data."
+ },
+ "ua-facebook": {
+ "name": "OpenStreetMap Ukraine Facebook group",
+ "description": "Join the OpenStreetMap Ukraine community on Facebook"
+ },
+ "ua-forum": {
+ "name": "OpenStreetMap Ukraine Forum",
+ "description": "Forum of OpenStreetMap community in Ukraine"
+ },
+ "ua-github": {
+ "name": "OpenStreetMap Ukraine on GitHub",
+ "description": "OpenStreetMap Ukraine GitHub"
+ },
+ "ua-slack": {
+ "name": "OpenStreetMap Ukraine Slack",
+ "description": "Join the OpenStreetMap Ukraine community on Slack"
+ },
+ "ua-telegram": {
+ "name": "@osmUA on Telegram",
+ "description": "OpenStreetMap Ukraine Telegram chat"
+ },
+ "ua-twitter": {
+ "name": "OpenStreetMap UA Twitter",
+ "description": "OpenStreetMap Ukraine on Twitter: {url}"
+ },
+ "ua-osm": {
+ "name": "OpenStreetMap Website Ukraine",
+ "description": "OpenStreetMap website in Ukraine"
+ },
+ "scotland-twitter": {
+ "name": "OpenStreetMap Alba on Twitter",
+ "description": "OpenStreetMap Alba on Twitter: {url}"
+ },
"Nottingham-OSM-pub-meetup": {
"name": "East Midlands (Nottingham) Monthly pub meet-up",
"description": "Social gathering for East Midlands mappers and users",
"extendedDescription": "A group have been meeting since March 2011, initially in Nottingham, and, more recently in Derby, and from time to time elsewhere in the East Midlands. These are social gatherings, but are an excellent place to come and ask specific questions about OSM either in the area or in general. In the summer months we usually do some light mapping for an hour in the vicinity of our meeting place. The group as a whole has a special interest in mapping public rights of way and from time to time has mapping meetings for this purpose."
+ "gb-irc": {
+ "name": "OpenStreetMap United Kingdom IRC",
+ "description": "Join #osm-gb on irc.oftc.net (port 6667)",
+ "extendedDescription": "Join #osm-gb on irc.oftc.net (port 6667), please be patient and wait for a few minutes if you ask a question"
+ },
+ "uk-localchapter": {
+ "name": "OpenStreetMap UK",
+ "description": "The official Local Chapter for the UK (including Northern Ireland).",
+ "extendedDescription": "We support OpenStreetMap by holding events, providing community resources, building partnerships, and by spreading the word. Join OpenStreetMap UK here: {signupUrl}"
+ },
+ "uk-london-twitter": {
+ "name": "OpenStreetMap London on Twitter",
+ "description": "OpenStreetMap London on Twitter: {url}"
+ },
"gb-mailinglist": {
"name": "Talk-gb Mailing List",
- "description": "Talk-gb is the main communication forum list for the British (including Northern Ireland) OSM community"
+ "description": "Talk-gb is the main communication forum list for the UK (including Northern Ireland) OSM community"
"mappa-mercia-group": {
"name": "Mappa Mercia local group",
"description": "A home for OpenStreetMap enthusiasts in the Midlands",
"extendedDescription": "Mappa Mercia is a project to grow OpenStreetMap in the West Midlands, UK. We run community events, provide training and support local organisations wishing to open up their data."
- "gb-irc": {
- "name": "OpenStreetMap United Kingdom IRC",
- "description": "Join #osm-gb on irc.oftc.net (port 6667)",
- "extendedDescription": "Join #osm-gb on irc.oftc.net (port 6667), please be patient and wait for a few minutes if you ask a question"
+ "uk-twitter": {
+ "name": "OpenStreetMap UK on Twitter",
+ "description": "OpenStreetMap UK on Twitter: {url}"
+ },
+ "ym-Queen-Mary-University-of-London": {
+ "name": "Queen Mary YouthMappers",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Queen Mary University of London",
+ "extendedDescription": "This chapter will be part of the activities of the Queen Mary Geography Society."
+ },
+ "ym-University-of-Exeter": {
+ "name": "University of Exeter British Red Cross Missing Maps",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of Exeter",
+ "extendedDescription": "We are a team of enthusiastic Geographers with comprehensive knowledge of GIS. We are passionate about supporting the British Red Cross Society with various humanitarian aid efforts. We are also important teachers of the significance of mapping remotely sensed data and how this helps on the ground. Our mapathons have themed academic focuses that highlight the different GIS research in our geography department, while also functioning as employability awareness events which we use to invite speakers in to talk about their GIS/British Red Cross careers."
+ },
+ "ym-University-of-Warwick": {
+ "name": "University of Warwick Resilience Mapping Society",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of Warwick",
+ "extendedDescription": "We are a group of enthusiastic mappers based at Warwick University. Our aim is to get people excited about humanitarian mapping and help them understand the impact this activity has on the field. We are closely aligned with Missing Maps and Doctors Without Borders UK and focus on HOT tasks in our mapping activities and workshops. Our mapathons are listed on the Missing Maps page whenever they are scheduled."
+ },
+ "il-telegram": {
+ "name": "OSM Israel on Telegram",
+ "description": "A Telegram group for the OpenStreetMap community in Israel: {url}"
+ },
+ "ym-Yarmouk-University": {
+ "name": "YouthMappers at YU",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Yarmouk University",
+ "extendedDescription": "YouthMappers chapter at YU is the first mapping group in the Middle East and North Africa region where refugees, drought, and poverty are rising crises and in urgent need for humanitarian mapping activities to mitigate the consequences of such crises. YU Mappers are encouraged to use open data to address challenges in MENA region to bring relief and development to target areas within the region."
+ },
+ "sa-telegram": {
+ "name": "OSM Saudi Arabia on Telegram",
+ "description": "A Telegram group for the OpenStreetMap community in Saudi Arabia: {url}"
+ },
+ "ym-Sacred-Heart-Junior-College": {
+ "name": "Youth Mappers at Sacred Heart Junior College",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Sacred Heart Junior College"
"OSM-CA-Slack": {
"name": "OSM-CA Slack",
"name": "OpenStreetMap Vancouver",
"description": "Mappers and OpenStreetMap users in the Vancouver, BC area"
+ "ym-Universidad-de-Costa-Rica": {
+ "name": "YouthMappers de Universidad de Costa Rica",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Universidad de Costa Rica",
+ "extendedDescription": "YouthMappers de Universidad de Costa Rica nace en función de acción social para y por miembros de comunidades distintas según temáticas de involucramiento, interacción y representación de variables dentro de un espacio geográfico definido (un territorio) Gracias a las herramientas de OpenStreetMaps tenemos la viabilidad de poder obtener, validar y compartir la información generada para comprobación y uso destinadas a las comunidades o el interesado en tales temáticas objetivas."
+ },
"OSM-CU-telegram": {
"name": "OSM Cuba on Telegram",
"description": "OpenStreetMap Cuba Telegram chat"
- "OSM-NI-telegram": {
+ "ym-Universidad-Nacional-Autnoma-de-Honduras": {
+ "name": "PumaGis Hn",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras"
+ },
+ "ym-University-of-the-West-Indies-Mona-Campus": {
+ "name": "Libraries Outreach - ODL",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of the West Indies, Mona Campus",
+ "extendedDescription": "The UWI, Mona Campus Library engages in public, outreach and special projects. This will allow our library the means to be a catalyst for spatial literacy and advocate for spatial data sharing and access to Jamaican and Caribbean interests. We have disaster relief and communication needs and extensive earth science and geo-hazards needs to better serve our campus and community. Specifically, we hace a Science Library to showcase such to all faculty and students."
+ },
+ "ni-facebook": {
+ "name": "OpenStreetMap NI Community",
+ "description": "Mappers and OpenStreetMap on Facebook in Nicaragua"
+ },
+ "ni-mailinglist": {
+ "name": "Talk-ni Mailing List",
+ "description": "Talk-ni is the official mailing list for the Nicaraguan OSM community"
+ },
+ "ni-telegram": {
"name": "OSM Nicaragua on Telegram",
"description": "OpenStreetMap Nicaragua Telegram chat"
+ "ni-twitter": {
+ "name": "OpenStreetMap Nicaragua Twitter",
+ "description": "OSM Nicaragua on Twitter: @osm_ni"
+ },
+ "osm-ni": {
+ "name": "MapaNica.net",
+ "description": "Provide OSM services and information for the local community in Nicaragua"
+ },
+ "ym-Universidad-Nacional-de-Ingenieria": {
+ "name": "Yeka Street MGA",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Universidad Nacional de Ingenieria",
+ "extendedDescription": "YEKA STREET is a work team constituted by students from Universidad Nacional de Ingenieria at Managua, Nicaragua. With the principal purpose of apply our knowledge and skills using many tools and apps to map areas in our cities and contribute to the development community projects and disasters relieve plans. We want to lead the way adding more students from all careers and universities in our country to join us at this cause, increasing in this way the life level and reducing the population vulnerability."
+ },
+ "ym-University-of-Panama": {
+ "name": "YouthMappers UP",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of Panama",
+ "extendedDescription": "Student mappers in Panama work with open spatial data to help identify, define, address, and create meaning about locally defined development challenges. They collaborate with students from other countries on community mapping topics from ecotourism to food security, from biodiversity to indigenous issues, promoting a humanistic vision through scientific perspectives."
+ },
+ "ym-Universidad-de-Puerto-Rico-Rio-Piedras": {
+ "name": "UPR YouthMappers",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Universidad de Puerto Rico - Rio Piedras"
+ },
"Bay-Area-OpenStreetMappers": {
"name": "Bay Area OpenStreetMappers",
"description": "Improve OpenStreetMap in the Bay Area",
"description": "Mappers and OpenStreetMap users in the state of Colorado, USA",
"extendedDescription": "OpenStreetMap (OSM) Colorado is a local collaboration of people interested in contributing their efforts to create free maps. We encourage all of our mappers to organize or suggest mapping events throughout the state. Meetup activities can be simple social mixers, OSM basic to advanced training, or community mapping parties."
- "OSM-NYC": {
- "name": "OpenStreetMap NYC",
- "description": "Mappers and OpenStreetMap users, developers and enthusiasts in the New York Metropolitan area"
- },
"OSM-Portland-forum": {
"name": "OpenStreetMap PDX Google Group",
"description": "Forum and mailing list for OpenStreetMap users in the Portland area",
"OSM-US": {
"name": "OpenStreetMap US",
"description": "We help grow and improve OpenStreetMap in the United States.",
- "extendedDescription": "We support OpenStreetMap by holding annual conferences, providing community resources, building partnerships, and by spreading the word. Join OpenStreetMap US here: {signupUrl}",
- "events": {
- "sotmus2018": {
- "name": "State of the Map US 2018",
- "description": "Join the OpenStreetMap community at State of the Map US in Detroit, Michigan. Connect with other mappers, businesses, government agencies, and non profits, all collaborating around the free and editable map of the world.",
- "where": "Detroit, Michigan"
- }
- }
+ "extendedDescription": "We support OpenStreetMap by holding annual conferences, providing community resources, building partnerships, and by spreading the word. Join OpenStreetMap US here: {signupUrl}"
"OSM-Utah": {
"name": "OpenStreetMap Utah",
"description": "Mappers and OpenStreetMap users around Grand Junction, CO",
"extendedDescription": "The goal of this group is to introduce OpenStreetMap to the community, develop a community of mappers, create the most amazing geodata possible using whatever method we can and finally strategize in order to get this data out into our community. Imagine accurate trail signage! Imagine further development of bike paths! Imagine anything you want, that's the joy of OpenStreetMap!"
- "Maptime-Australia-Slack": {
- "name": "Maptime Australia Slack",
- "description": "Sign up at {signupUrl}"
+ "ym-Ball-State-University": {
+ "name": "Gamma Theta Upsilon- Iota Omega Chapter",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Ball State University",
+ "extendedDescription": "Our chapter is a very active one. We primarily focus on community events, fundraising, and field trips. We are currently looking to develop more mapping-related activities to draw in other students from campus who may be interested in contributing."
+ },
+ "ym-California-University-of-Pennsylvania": {
+ "name": "CalU PA GIS Club",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at California University of Pennsylvania",
+ "extendedDescription": "GIS Students at Cal U learn to apply spatial theory to the real world. The university degree program focuses on geography as well as utilizing GIS in emergency management."
+ },
+ "ym-Central-Washington-University": {
+ "name": "Geography Club",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Central Washington University",
+ "extendedDescription": "Our goal teaming up with Youthmappers is to bring relief to areas that are in need of humanitarian mapping. By doing so, we are serving our fellow brothers and sisters around the world as well as furthering our own cartography skills."
+ },
+ "ym-Clemson-University": {
+ "name": "Clemson Mappers",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Clemson University",
+ "extendedDescription": "Students in Clemson are supported by the Center for Geospatial Technologies, a community of interdisciplinary geospatial science practitioners supporting research, teaching, and outreach activities using technologies that enable the collection, analysis, and application of geospatial data. Students integrate geospatial technologies within their scholarly activities across all disciplines and build connections throughout the world."
+ },
+ "ym-College-of-William-and-Mary": {
+ "name": "All over the map!",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at College of William and Mary",
+ "extendedDescription": "The students who are all over the map are supported by the Center for Geospatial Analysis, a group integrating GIS across the curriculum and providing student and faculty with hardware, software, and expertise. Students of all backgrounds utilize GIS across campus, including environmental science and policy, geology, history, business, sociology, biology, anthropology, public policy, and marine sciences."
+ },
+ "ym-Cornell-University": {
+ "name": "Mapping Society",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Cornell University",
+ "extendedDescription": "Cornell students and faculty use open data and open source software to address challenges at local, national, and global scales. In doing so, we advance our academic and personal goals of developing our own skills around GIS and spatial literacy."
+ },
+ "ym-George-Mason-University": {
+ "name": "Mason Mappers",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at George Mason University",
+ "extendedDescription": "Mason Mappers Student Society is a humanitarian mapping student organization in the George Mason University GGS Department, and its goal is to promote education and knowledge in geo-technologies, geo-info science, to foster good global stewardship and engage in professional development while building a positive, interactive geo-community, as well as shaping students into leaders of tomorrow."
+ },
+ "ym-Indiana-University-of-Pennsylvania": {
+ "name": "Geospatial Science Club",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Indiana University of Pennsylvania"
+ },
+ "ym-Jacksonville-State-University": {
+ "name": "JSU Disaster Mapping Team",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Jacksonville State University",
+ "extendedDescription": "The JSU Disaster Mapping Team is a program at Jacksonville State University dedicated to assisting disaster response in times of emergencies. This includes tornadoes, severe thunderstorms, floods, etc. The team is intended to be a valuable asset to surrounding counties and a conduit for the JSU Geoscience Department students to apply what they have learned in an academic setting to support emergency services. Our goal is to streamline disaster response and recovery operations while utilizing student skill sets"
+ },
+ "ym-Kansas-State-University": {
+ "name": "Gamma Theta Upsilon: Beta Psi Chapter",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Kansas State University",
+ "extendedDescription": "We are the Kansas State University Chapter of Gamma Theta Upsilon, an international geography honor society with affiliation to YouthMappers. We have been active with mapping for OSM and conducted a mapathon called \"Map for Nepal,\" in which we used OpenStreetMap to digitize unmapped areas of Nepal after the earthquake in 2015."
+ },
+ "ym-McGill-University": {
+ "name": "Open Mapping Group McGill: A Member of the McGill Undergraduate Geography Society",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at McGill University",
+ "extendedDescription": "The Open Mapping Group McGill: A Member of McGill Undergraduate Geography Society (OMG McGill) aims to connect students with open geospatial data and technologies to enhance resilience, community-building, and learning through mapping–on campus, in Montreal, in Canada, and abroad."
+ },
+ "ym-Miami-University": {
+ "name": "Geography and Planning Society",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Miami University",
+ "extendedDescription": "GPS at Miami University aims to create a close-knit community of planners and geographers who want to have fun, learn more about careers and higher education in their field, network, and work alongside professionals for real experience."
+ },
+ "ym-Monroe-Community-College": {
+ "name": "MCC Mapping Corps",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Monroe Community College"
+ },
+ "ym-Montgomery-College": {
+ "name": "GeoMC",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Montgomery College",
+ "extendedDescription": "GeoMC’s mission is to provide students with hands-on experience in applying geospatial tools, collecting data, and project management. Most of our students come with a background in GIS and are geography majors. Our chapter’s members come from diverse backgrounds and we all work together to make a positive impact in the world live in."
+ },
+ "ym-New-York-University": {
+ "name": "NYU mHealth Initiative Mapping Corps",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at New York University",
+ "extendedDescription": "The NYU mobile health or “mHealth” research initiative focuses on development of systems that link people - usually via their phones - to the places that they live and traverse, and thus supports novel research on the way phones and maps can be leveraged to understand behavioral decision making and ultimately health outcomes."
+ },
+ "ym-Ohio-Wesleyan-University": {
+ "name": "Environment and Wildlife Club",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Ohio Wesleyan University",
+ "extendedDescription": "Environment and Wildlife Club looks at environmental issues on campus, in Delaware, and even nationally! We create campus and community projects, explore and enjoy the outdoors, volunteer, and try to promote environmentalism in every aspect of our lives."
+ },
+ "ym-Oklahoma-State-University": {
+ "name": "Geography Club",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Oklahoma State University"
+ },
+ "ym-State-University-of-New-York-Geneseo": {
+ "name": "SUNY Geneseo GIS Association",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at State University of New York Geneseo",
+ "extendedDescription": "We spread awareness, support, education, volunteerism, and career advancement opportunities in geographic information systems, across disciplines and departments, in the context of SUNY Geneseo, the local community, and global community."
+ },
+ "ym-SUNY-at-Fredonia": {
+ "name": "Geoventurers",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at SUNY at Fredonia",
+ "extendedDescription": "GeoVenturers is a group of students joining together across a number of majors on our campus that see geospatial technologies as a tool to serve others and to bring people together. Mentoring for the group brings in science education from the department of curriculum and instruction. We hope that we can bring our skills to play in helping make people's lives better."
+ },
+ "ym-Texas-Tech-University": {
+ "name": "YouthMappers at TTU",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Texas Tech University",
+ "extendedDescription": "As one of the co-founding chapters of the network, the TTU YouthMappers are enthusiastic to serve as interdisciplinary leaders to help create open geographic data and analyses that address locally defined development challenges worldwide. The chapter strives to exchange and collaborate with other chapters around the globe while also offering themselves as a local resource and service to Texas Tech student organizations in ways that add value to their respecitive campus activities through mapping."
+ },
+ "ym-The-Citadel": {
+ "name": "YouthMappers at The Citadel",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at The Citadel",
+ "extendedDescription": "This chapter is also a Rotaract Club, which is an affiliate of Rotary International. Multiple members, as well as leadership have expressed an interest in YouthMappers and we would like to affiliate our Citadel Rotaract Club with YouthMappers."
+ },
+ "ym-The-George-Washington-University": {
+ "name": "Humanitarian Mapping Society",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at The George Washington University",
+ "extendedDescription": "Models of leadership and engagement, HMS seeks to render aid and better the world through humanitarian Geographic Information Systems (GIS) projects. This co-founding affiliated chapter on the campus of GWU has a plethora of experience to share, and frequently partners directly with USAID, the American Red Cross, and the US Department of State in their DC area to expand student-led efforts and serve the global community."
+ },
+ "ym-The-Johns-Hopkins-University-SAIS": {
+ "name": "SAIS YouthMappers",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at The Johns Hopkins University, SAIS",
+ "extendedDescription": "The mission of SAIS Youth Mappers is to provide students at the Johns Hopkins University SAIS with the opportunity to become highly skilled humanitarian mappers. As a group within the South Asia Club, its primary focus is on supporting humanitarian mapping projects in the Indo-Pacific Region."
+ },
+ "ym-The-Pennsylvania-State-University": {
+ "name": "Penn State GIS Coalition",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at The Pennsylvania State University",
+ "extendedDescription": "The Penn State Geospatial Information Science (GIS) Coalition is an organization that offers students majoring, minoring, or sharing an interest in GIS opportunities to develop supplementary knowledge and skills necessary to succeed in the professional GIS industry."
+ },
+ "ym-University-of-California-Davis": {
+ "name": "Mapping Club",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of California, Davis"
+ },
+ "ym-University-of-Central-Florida": {
+ "name": "Geospatial Information Society",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of Central Florida",
+ "extendedDescription": "Our mission is to foster a social and educational environment for all majors who are interested in the discussion and application of GIS. Group and community events throughout the academic year organize students to volunteer to help local and regional communities by using community-based GIS projects and educating local middle and high school students on the use and application of GIS."
+ },
+ "ym-University-of-Chicago": {
+ "name": "Tobler Society",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of Chicago"
+ },
+ "ym-University-of-Maryland-College-Park": {
+ "name": "Geography Club",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of Maryland - College Park",
+ "extendedDescription": "The mission of the Geography Club at the University of Maryland College Park is to engage and encourage students to explore geographic interests within the campus and the community."
+ },
+ "ym-University-of-North-Texas": {
+ "name": "UNT Geography Club",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of North Texas",
+ "extendedDescription": "The Geography Club is a student organization at University of North Texas that welcomes all students who are interested in geography. The objective of the Geography Club is to promote interest in Geography, the Major and the Geography Department along with fellowship among students and faculty. The club also seeks to represent student needs and wants in regard to the study of geography and to provide a forum for the presentation of innovative ideas to the benefit of the University community."
+ },
+ "ym-University-of-Northern-Colorado": {
+ "name": "UNCO Geography and GIS Club",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of Northern Colorado",
+ "extendedDescription": "Official Geography and GIS Club chapter affiliated with the University of Northern Colorado where our aim is to learn, share and connect with those around us. #MakingSenseOfTheWorld"
+ },
+ "ym-University-of-Oregon": {
+ "name": "Map by Northwest",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of Oregon",
+ "extendedDescription": "Map By Northwest aims to engage undergraduate students at the University of Oregon in mapping projects to assist in humanitarian causes and for conducting geographic research. We welcome students from all disciplines to join us in our mapping adventures."
+ },
+ "ym-University-of-Redlands": {
+ "name": "URSpatial Geo-Thinkers",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of Redlands",
+ "extendedDescription": "To build upon the members' GIS skills and knowledge of the tools and methods through applied social engagement as well as to educate the campus community about the power of mapping and spatial analysis through community service events."
+ },
+ "ym-University-of-South-Carolina": {
+ "name": "Geography Graduate Student Association",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of South Carolina",
+ "extendedDescription": "The GGSA is a fully student-run organization, designed to serve as an advocate and resource for all geography graduate students by filling the role of liaison between the department and students. Our goal is to further professional, academic, and personal development of graduate students interested in the field of geography and its sub disciplines."
+ },
+ "ym-University-of-Southern-California": {
+ "name": "SC Mappers",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of Southern California",
+ "extendedDescription": "We see the world differently: we view it through a spatial lens. With the power of spatial thinking, we connect place and space to help address global challenges. Collaborate with us!"
+ },
+ "ym-University-of-Vermont": {
+ "name": "University of Vermont Humanitarian Mapping Club",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of Vermont"
+ },
+ "ym-University-of-Victoria": {
+ "name": "Society of Geography Students",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of Victoria",
+ "extendedDescription": "SOGS seeks to promote and represent social and academic interests within the Department of Geography. This is expressed by four key goals: To provide a forum for the discussion of matters concerning the quality and accessibility of education within geography; to provide a means of expressing a consensus of student opinion to deparhnental faculty through representation at deparkrnental meetings and on departrnental committees; to undertake anangements for such activities as are for the benefit of students and are seen to be within the field of interest of students in geography; to act as a liaison through the UVSS and the Course Union Council with other student groups on campus"
+ },
+ "ym-University-of-Wyoming": {
+ "name": "Gamma Theta Upsilon/Geography Club",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at University of Wyoming"
+ },
+ "ym-UW-Madison": {
+ "name": "BadgerMaps",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at UW-Madison",
+ "extendedDescription": "BadgerMaps is the UW campus chapter of Youthmappers, an organization dedicated to humanitarian and community mapping services. We connect our volunteer network with opportunities to create GIS data for projects that need it."
+ },
+ "ym-Vassar-College": {
+ "name": "Hudson Valley Mappers",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Vassar College",
+ "extendedDescription": "Our mission is to provide a multi-disciplinary platform for peers, educators, and community organizations to engage in local mapping projects with a focus on strengthening our local ecosystems, our built environment, and the health of our community. We also seek to contribute geospatial support for global humanitarian aid and development efforts."
+ },
+ "ym-Villanova-University": {
+ "name": "The Villanova Globeplotters",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Villanova University",
+ "extendedDescription": "The Villanova Globeplotters is built on Villanova’s Augustinian principle of selfless-service to the global community. Mixed with relaxed social interaction, we strive to provide geospatial outreach to those in need regardless of participating students’ race, academic major, student group association, or college career level."
+ },
+ "ym-West-Virginia-University": {
+ "name": "Maptime Morgantown",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at West Virginia University",
+ "extendedDescription": "Working as a collaborative team, this co-founding chapter focuses on providing an open learning environment for those interested in working on projects that intersect international development, emergency response, and geographic information science.\nThey connect beginners and experts by providing technical training and experience in building meaningful and useful geographic infrastructure data, while connecting to sister cities around the world."
+ },
+ "ym-Western-Michigan-University": {
+ "name": "Geography Club",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Western Michigan University"
+ },
+ "geogeeks_perth_meetup": {
+ "name": "GeoGeeks Perth Meetup",
+ "description": "Perth-based meetup group for people interested in mapping, geospatial data, and open source. We'll be working on anything that involves a sense of place."
"talk-au": {
"name": "Talk-au Mailing List",
"description": "Place for Aussie mappers to chat"
+ "Maptime-Oceania-Slack": {
+ "name": "Maptime Oceania Slack",
+ "description": "Sign up at {signupUrl}"
+ },
+ "talk-nz": {
+ "name": "Talk-nz Mailing List",
+ "description": "New Zealand's OSM community talk"
+ },
"OSM-AR-facebook": {
"name": "OpenStreetMap Argentina Facebook",
"description": "Join the OpenStreetMap Argentina community on Facebook",
"description": "Join the OpenStreetMap Brasília community on Telegram",
"extendedDescription": "Join the community to learn more about OpenStreetMap, ask questions or participate in our meetings. Everyone is welcome!"
+ "OSM-br-discord": {
+ "name": "OpenStreetMap Brasil Discord",
+ "description": "Join the OpenStreetMap Brasil community on Discord"
+ },
"OSM-br-mailinglist": {
"name": "Talk-br Mailing List",
"description": "A mailing list to discuss OpenStreetMap in Brazil"
"name": "OpenStreetMap Colombia",
"description": "News of the OpenStreetMap Colombia community and the OSMCo Foundation"
+ "ym-Universidad-de-Antioquia": {
+ "name": "Geomatica UDEA",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Universidad de Antioquia",
+ "extendedDescription": "We are a group interested in geospatial data, voluntary cartography, and participating in mapping with others in our country and within the YouthMappers network."
+ },
+ "ym-Universidad-de-La-Guajira": {
+ "name": "Grupo Mesh",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Universidad de La Guajira",
+ "extendedDescription": "Grupo Mesh is a student organization at the Universidad de la Guajira in Colombia, including students from the program of Environmental Engineering who learn cartography and open mapping."
+ },
+ "ym-Universidad-de-Los-Andes": {
+ "name": "Cartografos Uniandes",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Universidad de Los Andes",
+ "extendedDescription": "We are a circle of student participation that seeks to use mapping and spatial reasoning as a means to create bonds of cooperation and integration between the university and society by addressing different spatial, social, political , economic and cultural dynamics."
+ },
+ "ym-Universidad-de-San-Buenaventura": {
+ "name": "YouthMappers San Buenaventura",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Universidad de San Buenaventura",
+ "extendedDescription": "We are pleased to join YouthMappers mapping for a better world and community."
+ },
+ "ym-Universidad-Distrital-Francisco-Jose-de-Caldas": {
+ "name": "YouthMappers at Bogota",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Universidad Distrital Francisco Jose de Caldas",
+ "extendedDescription": "The Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas is a public, coeducational, research university based in Bogotá, Colombia with a population of 26,140 students."
+ },
+ "ym-Universidad-Nacional-de-Colombia": {
+ "name": "Grupo UN",
+ "description": "YouthMappers chapter at Universidad Nacional de Colombia",
+ "extendedDescription": "Students are uniting to map and network with university students across the country of Colombia and across the globe. Geographic specialties include affiliation with microbiology and health disciplines."
+ },
"OSM-EC-telegram": {
"name": "OSM Ecuador on Telegram",
"description": "OpenStreetMap Ecuador Telegram chat"
"name": "OpenStreetMap Peru",
"description": "News and resources for the OpenStreetMap Peru community"
+ "uy-forum": {
+ "name": "OpenStreetMap UY forum",
+ "description": "OpenStreetMap Uruguay web forum"
+ },
+ "uy-irc": {
+ "name": "OpenStreetMap Uruguay on IRC",
+ "description": "Join #osmuruguay on irc.freenode.org (port 6667)",
+ "extendedDescription": "Join #osmuruguay on irc.freenode.org"
+ },
+ "uy-mailinglist": {
+ "name": "Talk-uy Mailing List",
+ "description": "Talk-uy is the official mailing list for the Uruguayan OSM community"
+ },
+ "ve-forum": {
+ "name": "OpenStreetMap VE Forum",
+ "description": "OpenStreetMap Venezuela web forum"
+ },
+ "ve-mailinglist": {
+ "name": "Talk-ve Mailing List",
+ "description": "Talk-ve is the official mailing list for the Venezuelan OSM community"
+ },
+ "ve-telegram": {
+ "name": "OpenStreetMap Venezuela Telegram",
+ "description": "Join the OpenStreetMap Venezuela community on Telegram"
+ },
"LATAM-Facebook": {
"name": "OpenStreetMap Latam Facebook",
"description": "OpenStreetMap Latam on Facebook"
"osm-latam": {
"name": "OpenStreetMap Latam",
- "description": "Supporting OpenStreetMap in Latin America",
- "events": {
- "sotm-latam-2018": {
- "name": "State of the Map Latam 2018",
- "description": "State of the Map Latam is the annual conference for all mappers and users of OpenStreetMap in Latin America. The program includes talks, panels, workshops, and mapathons related to OpenStreetMap.",
- "where": "Buenos Aires, Argentina"
- }
- }
+ "description": "Supporting OpenStreetMap in Latin America"
"OSM-Discord": {
"name": "OpenStreetMap Discord",
"OSMF": {
"name": "OpenStreetMap ファウンデーション",
"description": "OSMF は英国に拠点を置くOpenStreetMapプロジェクトをサポートする非営利組織です",
- "extendedDescription": "OSMF supports the OpenStreetMap by fundraising, maintaining the servers which power OSM, organizing the annual State of the Map conference, and coordinating the volunteers who keep OSM running. You can show your support and have a voice in the direction of OpenStreetMap by joining as an OSMF member here: {signupUrl}",
- "events": {
- "sotm2018": {
- "name": "State of the Map 2018",
- "description": "Join us for 3 days in Milan, Italy for the annual worldwide OpenStreetMap conference, bringing together everyone in the community to socialize, share, and learn.",
- "where": "Milan, Italy"
- }
- }
+ "extendedDescription": "OSMF supports the OpenStreetMap by fundraising, maintaining the servers which power OSM, organizing the annual State of the Map conference, and coordinating the volunteers who keep OSM running. You can show your support and have a voice in the direction of OpenStreetMap by joining as an OSMF member here: {signupUrl}"