el1['version'] = self.version.to_s
el1['changeset'] = self.changeset.id.to_s
- if self.redacted?
- el1['redacted'] = self.redaction.title
- end
+ el1['redacted'] = self.redaction.id.to_s if self.redacted?
- unless self.redacted? and (@user.nil? or not @user.moderator?)
- # If a way is redacted and the user isn't a moderator, only show
- # meta-data from this revision, but no real data.
- self.old_nodes.each do |nd| # FIXME need to make sure they come back in the right order
- e = XML::Node.new 'nd'
- e['ref'] = nd.node_id.to_s
- el1 << e
- end
+ self.old_nodes.each do |nd| # FIXME need to make sure they come back in the right order
+ e = XML::Node.new 'nd'
+ e['ref'] = nd.node_id.to_s
+ el1 << e
+ end
- self.old_tags.each do |tag|
- e = XML::Node.new 'tag'
- e['k'] = tag.k
- e['v'] = tag.v
- el1 << e
- end
+ self.old_tags.each do |tag|
+ e = XML::Node.new 'tag'
+ e['k'] = tag.k
+ e['v'] = tag.v
+ el1 << e
return el1
def get_nodes_revert(timestamp)
self.nds.each do |n|
- oldnode = OldNode.where('node_id = ? AND timestamp <= ?', n, timestamp).order("timestamp DESC").first
+ oldnode = OldNode.where('node_id = ? AND timestamp <= ?', n, timestamp).unredacted.order("timestamp DESC").first
curnode = Node.find(n)
id = n; reuse = curnode.visible
if oldnode.lat != curnode.lat or oldnode.lon != curnode.lon or oldnode.tags != curnode.tags then