test "note included in edit link" do
note = create(:note_with_comments)
- visit browse_note_path(note)
+ visit note_path(note)
assert_selector "#editanchor[href*='?note=#{note.id}#']"
find("#sidebar .btn-close").click
visible_note = create(:note, :latitude => position, :longitude => position)
create(:note_comment, :note => visible_note, :body => "this-is-a-visible-note")
- visit root_path(:anchor => "map=15/1/1") # view place of hidden note in case it is not rendered during browse_note_path(hidden_note)
- visit browse_note_path(hidden_note)
+ visit root_path(:anchor => "map=15/1/1") # view place of hidden note in case it is not rendered during note_path(hidden_note)
+ visit note_path(hidden_note)
find(".leaflet-control.control-layers .control-button").click
find("#map-ui .overlay-layers .form-check-label", :text => "Map Notes").click
visible_note_marker = find(".leaflet-marker-icon[title=this-is-a-visible-note]")