require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../test_helper'
class TraceControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase
- # Replace this with your real tests.
- def test_truth
- assert true
+ fixtures :users, :gpx_files
+ set_fixture_class :gpx_files => 'Trace'
+ # Check that the list of changesets is displayed
+ def test_list
+ get :list
+ assert_response :success
+ assert_template 'list'
+ end
+ # Check that I can get mine
+ def test_list_mine
+ # First try to get it when not logged in
+ get :mine
+ assert_redirected_to :controller => 'user', :action => 'login', :referer => '/traces/mine'
+ # Now try when logged in
+ get :mine, {}, {:user => users(:public_user).id}
+ assert_redirected_to :controller => 'trace', :action => 'list', :display_name => users(:public_user).display_name
+ end
+ # Check that the rss loads
+ def test_rss
+ get :georss
+ assert_rss_success
+ get :georss, :display_name => users(:normal_user).display_name
+ assert_rss_success
+ end
+ def assert_rss_success
+ assert_response :success
+ assert_template nil
+ assert_equal "application/rss+xml", @response.content_type
+ end
+ # Check getting a specific trace through the api
+ def test_api_details
+ # First with no auth
+ get :api_details, :id => gpx_files(:public_trace_file).id
+ assert_response :unauthorized
+ # Now with some other user, which should work since the trace is public
+ basic_authorization(users(:public_user).display_name, "test")
+ get :api_details, :id => gpx_files(:public_trace_file).id
+ assert_response :success
+ # And finally we should be able to do it with the owner of the trace
+ basic_authorization(users(:normal_user).display_name, "test")
+ get :api_details, :id => gpx_files(:public_trace_file).id
+ assert_response :success
+ end
+ # Check an anoymous trace can't be specifically fetched by another user
+ def test_api_details_anon
+ # Furst with no auth
+ get :api_details, :id => gpx_files(:anon_trace_file).id
+ assert_response :unauthorized
+ # Now try with another user, which shouldn't work since the trace is anon
+ basic_authorization(users(:normal_user).display_name, "test")
+ get :api_details, :id => gpx_files(:anon_trace_file).id
+ assert_response :forbidden
+ # And finally we should be able to get the trace details with the trace owner
+ basic_authorization(users(:public_user).display_name, "test")
+ get :api_details, :id => gpx_files(:anon_trace_file).id
+ assert_response :success
+ end
+ # Check the api details for a trace that doesn't exist
+ def test_api_details_not_found
+ # Try first with no auth, as it should requure it
+ get :api_details, :id => 0
+ assert_response :unauthorized
+ # Login, and try again
+ basic_authorization(users(:public_user).display_name, "test")
+ get :api_details, :id => 0
+ assert_response :not_found