-"action_createpoi": creare punct de interes (POI)
-"hint_pointselected": Punctul selectat\n(shift-click pe punct pentru\no linie nouă)
-"action_movepoint": Mișcă un punct
-"hint_drawmode": click pentru a adăuga un punct\ndouble-click/Return\npentru a termina linia
-"hint_overendpoint": deasupra la endpoint\nclick to join\nshift-click to merge
-"hint_overpoint": over point\nclick to join"
-"gpxpleasewait": Please wait while the GPX track is processed.
-"revert": Inversează
-"cancel": Anuleaza
-"prompt_revertversion": "Revert to an earlier saved version:"
-"tip_revertversion": Choose the version to revert to
-"action_movepoi": Miscă POI
-"tip_splitway": Choose the version to revert to
+# Messages for Romanian (Română)
+# Exported from translatewiki.net
+# Export driver: syck
+# Author: McDutchie
+ action_createpoi: creare punct de interes (POI)
+ action_movepoi: Miscă POI
+ action_movepoint: Mișcă un punct
+ cancel: Anuleaza
+ hint_drawmode: click pentru a adăuga un punct\ndouble-click/Return\npentru a termina linia
+ hint_overendpoint: deasupra la endpoint\nclick to join\nshift-click to merge
+ hint_overpoint: over point\nclick to join"
+ hint_pointselected: Punctul selectat\n(shift-click pe punct pentru\no linie nouă)
+ tip_revertversion: Choose the version to revert to
+ tip_splitway: Choose the version to revert to