+ if gpx_id != point.gpx_id
+ gpx_id = point.gpx_id
+ trackid = -1
+ gpx_file = Trace.find(gpx_id)
+ if gpx_file.trackable?
+ track = XML::Node.new "trk"
+ doc.root << track
+ timestamps = true
+ if gpx_file.identifiable?
+ track << (XML::Node.new("name") << gpx_file.name)
+ track << (XML::Node.new("desc") << gpx_file.description)
+ track << (XML::Node.new("url") << url_for(:controller => "trace", :action => "view", :display_name => gpx_file.user.display_name, :id => gpx_file.id))
+ end
+ else
+ # use the anonymous track segment if the user hasn't allowed
+ # their GPX points to be tracked.
+ timestamps = false
+ if anon_track.nil?
+ anon_track = XML::Node.new "trk"
+ doc.root << anon_track
+ end
+ track = anon_track
+ end
+ end