has_many :containing_relation_members, :class_name => "RelationMember", :as => :member
has_many :containing_relations, :class_name => "Relation", :through => :containing_relation_members, :source => :relation
- validates_presence_of :id, :on => :update
- validates_presence_of :timestamp, :version, :changeset_id
- validates_uniqueness_of :id
- validates_inclusion_of :visible, :in => [true, false]
- validates_numericality_of :latitude, :longitude, :changeset_id, :version, :integer_only => true
- validates_numericality_of :id, :on => :update, :integer_only => true
+ validates :id, :uniqueness => true, :presence => { :on => :update },
+ :numericality => { :on => :update, :integer_only => true }
+ validates :version, :presence => true,
+ :numericality => { :integer_only => true }
+ validates :changeset_id, :presence => true,
+ :numericality => { :integer_only => true }
+ validates :latitude, :presence => true,
+ :numericality => { :integer_only => true }
+ validates :longitude, :presence => true,
+ :numericality => { :integer_only => true }
+ validates :timestamp, :presence => true
+ validates :changeset, :associated => true
+ validates :visible, :inclusion => [true, false]
validate :validate_position
- validates_associated :changeset
scope :visible, -> { where(:visible => true) }
scope :invisible, -> { where(:visible => false) }
# update changeset bbox with *old* position first
- # FIXME logic needs to be double checked
+ # FIXME: logic needs to be double checked
self.latitude = new_node.latitude
self.longitude = new_node.longitude
self.tags = new_node.tags