-# Installing compiled shared library database functions (optional)
-There are special database functions required by a (little-used) API call, the migrations and diff replication. The former two are provided as *either* pure SQL functions or a compiled shared library. The SQL versions are installed as part of the recommended install procedure above and the shared library versions are recommended only if you are running a production server and need the diff replication functionality.
-If you aren't sure which you need, stick with the SQL versions.
-Before installing the functions, it's necessary to install the PostgreSQL server development packages. On Ubuntu this means:
-sudo apt-get install postgresql-server-dev-all
-On Fedora:
-sudo dnf install postgresql-devel
-The library then needs compiling.
-cd db/functions
-make libpgosm.so
-cd ../..
-If you previously installed the SQL versions of these functions, we'll need to delete those before adding the new ones:
-psql -d openstreetmap -c "DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS tile_for_point"
-Then we create the functions within each database. We're using `pwd` to substitute in the current working directory, since PostgreSQL needs the full path.
-psql -d openstreetmap -c "CREATE FUNCTION tile_for_point(int4, int4) RETURNS int8 AS '`pwd`/db/functions/libpgosm', 'tile_for_point' LANGUAGE C STRICT"