<% if @type == "node" and common_details.visible? %>
<div class="details geo">
<%= t 'browse.location' %>
- <%= link_to(content_tag(:span, number_with_delimiter(common_details.lat), :class => "latitude") + ", " + content_tag(:span, number_with_delimiter(common_details.lon), :class => "longitude"), {:controller => 'site', :action => 'index', :anchor => "map=18/#{common_details.lat}/#{common_details.lon}"}) %>
+ <%= link_to(content_tag(:span, number_with_delimiter(common_details.lat), :class => "latitude") + ", " + content_tag(:span, number_with_delimiter(common_details.lon), :class => "longitude"), { :controller => 'site', :action => 'index', :anchor => "map=18/#{common_details.lat}/#{common_details.lon}" }) %>
<% end %>
raw t '.entry_role', :relation_name => linked_name, :relation_role => h(containing_relation.member_role)
+ %>
<%= render :partial => "common_details", :object => relation %>
<% unless relation.containing_relation_members.empty? %>
- <h4><%= t'browse.part_of' %></h4>
+ <h4><%= t 'browse.part_of' %></h4>
<ul><%= render :partial => "containing_relation", :collection => relation.containing_relation_members.uniq %></ul>
<% end %>
linked_name = link_to printable_name(relation_member.member), { :action => relation_member.member_type.downcase, :id => relation_member.member_id.to_s }, :title => link_title(relation_member.member), :rel => link_follow(relation_member.member)
type_str = t '.type.' + relation_member.member_type.downcase
- <li class="<%= member_class %>"><%=
+<li class="<%= member_class %>">
+ <%=
if relation_member.member_role.blank?
raw t '.entry', :type => type_str, :name => linked_name
raw t '.entry_role', :type => type_str, :name => linked_name, :role => h(relation_member.member_role)
- %></li>
+ %>
<%= render :partial => "common_details", :object => way %>
<% unless way.containing_relation_members.empty? %>
- <h4><%= t'browse.part_of' %></h4>
+ <h4><%= t 'browse.part_of' %></h4>
<%= render :partial => "containing_relation", :collection => way.containing_relation_members.uniq %>
<%= link_to printable_name(wn.node), { :action => "node", :id => wn.node_id.to_s }, :class => link_class('node', wn.node), :title => link_title(wn.node), :rel => link_follow(wn.node) %>
<% related_ways = wn.node.ways.reject { |w| w.id == wn.way_id } %>
<% if related_ways.size > 0 then %>
- (<%= raw t '.also_part_of', :count => related_ways.size, :related_ways => related_ways.map { |w| link_to(printable_name(w), { :action => "way", :id => w.id.to_s }, :class => link_class('way', w), :title => link_title(w) ) }.to_sentence %>)
+ (<%= raw t '.also_part_of', :count => related_ways.size, :related_ways => related_ways.map { |w| link_to(printable_name(w), { :action => "way", :id => w.id.to_s }, :class => link_class('way', w), :title => link_title(w)) }.to_sentence %>)
<% end %>
<% end %>
<li id="c<%= comment.id %>">
<small class='deemphasize'>
<%= t(".commented_by",
- :when => friendly_date(comment.created_at), :exact_time => l(comment.created_at),
- :user => link_to(h(comment.author.display_name), user_path(comment.author))).html_safe %>
+ :when => friendly_date(comment.created_at),
+ :exact_time => l(comment.created_at),
+ :user => link_to(h(comment.author.display_name), user_path(comment.author))).html_safe %>
<% if current_user and current_user.moderator? %>
— <span class="action-button deemphasize" data-comment-id="<%= comment.id %>" data-method="POST" data-url="<%= changeset_comment_hide_url(comment.id) %>"><%= t('javascripts.changesets.show.hide_comment') %></span>
<% end %>
<li id="c<%= comment.id %>">
<small class='deemphasize'>
<%= t(".hidden_commented_by",
- :when => friendly_date(comment.created_at), :exact_time => l(comment.created_at),
- :user => link_to(h(comment.author.display_name), user_path(comment.author))).html_safe %>
+ :when => friendly_date(comment.created_at),
+ :exact_time => l(comment.created_at),
+ :user => link_to(h(comment.author.display_name), user_path(comment.author))).html_safe %>
— <span class="action-button deemphasize" data-comment-id="<%= comment.id %>" data-method="POST" data-url="<%= changeset_comment_unhide_url(comment.id) %>"><%= t('javascripts.changesets.show.unhide_comment') %></span>
<%= comment.body.to_html %>
<% unless @nodes.empty? %>
<%= type_and_paginated_count('node', @node_pages) %>
- <%= render :partial => 'paging_nav', :locals => { :pages => @node_pages, :page_param => "node_page"} %>
+ <%= render :partial => 'paging_nav', :locals => { :pages => @node_pages, :page_param => "node_page" } %>
<% @nodes.each do |node| %>