+ ##
+ # test the revoke all action
+ def test_revoke_all
+ blocked_user = create(:user)
+ create(:user_block, :user => blocked_user)
+ # Asking for the revoke all blocks page with a bogus user name should fail
+ get user_blocks_on_path(:display_name => "non_existent_user")
+ assert_response :not_found
+ # Check that the revoke all blocks page requires us to login
+ get revoke_all_user_blocks_path(blocked_user)
+ assert_redirected_to login_path(:referer => revoke_all_user_blocks_path(blocked_user))
+ # Login as a normal user
+ session_for(create(:user))
+ # Check that normal users can't load the revoke all blocks page
+ get revoke_all_user_blocks_path(blocked_user)
+ assert_response :redirect
+ assert_redirected_to :controller => "errors", :action => "forbidden"
+ # Login as a moderator
+ session_for(create(:moderator_user))
+ # Check that the revoke all blocks page loads for moderators
+ get revoke_all_user_blocks_path(blocked_user)
+ assert_response :success
+ end