-<h1><%= @title%>
- <%= t('diary_entry.comments.has_commented_on',:display_name => @this_user.display_name) %>
-<table id="comment-list-container">
-<% for comment in @comments %>
-<tr id="comment-row">
-<td><a href="/user/<%= comment.diary_entry.user.display_name %>/diary/<%= comment.diary_entry.id %>"><%= comment.diary_entry.title %></a>
-<span class="date"><%= comment.created_at %></span>
-<%= htmlize(comment.body) %></td></tr>
-<% end %>
+<h1><%= t('diary_entry.comments.has_commented_on', :display_name => @this_user.display_name) %></h1>
+<table width="100%">
+ <tr>
+ <th><%= t 'diary_entry.comments.post' %></th>
+ <th><%= t 'diary_entry.comments.when' %></th>
+ <th><%= t 'diary_entry.comments.comment' %></th>
+ </tr>
+ <% @comments.each do |comment| -%>
+ <% cl = cycle('table0', 'table1') %>
+ <tr class="<%= cl %>">
+ <td><%= link_to comment.diary_entry.title, :action => :view, :display_name => comment.diary_entry.user, :id => comment.diary_entry.id %></td>
+ <td><span title="<%= l comment.created_at, :format => :friendly %>"><%= t 'diary_entry.comments.ago', :ago => time_ago_in_words(comment.created_at) %></span></td>
+ <td><%= htmlize(comment.body) %></td>
+ </tr>
+ <% end -%>
<%= link_to t('diary_entry.comments.older_comments') , { :page => @comment_pages.current.next} if @comment_pages.current.next %>
<% if @comment_pages.current.next and @comment_pages.current.previous %>
description: "Recent diary entries from users of OpenStreetMap"
has_commented_on: "%{display_name} has commented on the following diary entries"
+ post: Post
+ when: When
+ comment: Comment
+ ago: %{ago} ago
newer_comments: "Newer Comments"
older_comments: "Older Comments"