+ ##
+ # test a complex delete where we delete elements which rely on eachother
+ # in the same transaction.
+ def test_upload_delete
+ basic_authorization "test@openstreetmap.org", "test"
+ diff = XML::Document.new
+ diff.root = XML::Node.new "osmChange"
+ delete = XML::Node.new "delete"
+ diff.root << delete
+ delete << current_relations(:visible_relation).to_xml_node
+ delete << current_relations(:used_relation).to_xml_node
+ delete << current_ways(:used_way).to_xml_node
+ delete << current_nodes(:node_used_by_relationship).to_xml_node
+ # upload it
+ content diff
+ post :upload, :id => 1
+ assert_response :success,
+ "can't upload a deletion diff to changeset: #{@response.body}"
+ # check that everything was deleted
+ assert_equal false, Node.find(current_nodes(:node_used_by_relationship).id).visible
+ assert_equal false, Way.find(current_ways(:used_way).id).visible
+ assert_equal false, Relation.find(current_relations(:visible_relation).id).visible
+ assert_equal false, Relation.find(current_relations(:used_relation).id).visible
+ end
+ ##
+ # test that deleting stuff in a transaction doesn't bypass the checks
+ # to ensure that used elements are not deleted.
+ def test_upload_delete_invalid
+ basic_authorization "test@openstreetmap.org", "test"
+ diff = XML::Document.new
+ diff.root = XML::Node.new "osmChange"
+ delete = XML::Node.new "delete"
+ diff.root << delete
+ delete << current_relations(:visible_relation).to_xml_node
+ delete << current_ways(:used_way).to_xml_node
+ delete << current_nodes(:node_used_by_relationship).to_xml_node
+ # upload it
+ content diff
+ post :upload, :id => 1
+ assert_response :precondition_failed,
+ "shouldn't be able to upload a invalid deletion diff: #{@response.body}"
+ # check that nothing was, in fact, deleted
+ assert_equal true, Node.find(current_nodes(:node_used_by_relationship).id).visible
+ assert_equal true, Way.find(current_ways(:used_way).id).visible
+ assert_equal true, Relation.find(current_relations(:visible_relation).id).visible
+ end
+ ##
+ # upload something which creates new objects and inserts them into
+ # existing containers using placeholders.
+ def test_upload_complex
+ basic_authorization "test@openstreetmap.org", "test"
+ # simple diff to create a node way and relation using placeholders
+ diff = <<EOF
+ <create>
+ <node id='-1' lon='0' lat='0' changeset='1'>
+ <tag k='foo' v='bar'/>
+ <tag k='baz' v='bat'/>
+ </node>
+ </create>
+ <modify>
+ <way id='1' changeset='1' version='1'>
+ <nd ref='-1'/>
+ <nd ref='3'/>
+ </way>
+ <relation id='1' changeset='1' version='1'>
+ <member type='way' role='some' ref='3'/>
+ <member type='node' role='some' ref='-1'/>
+ <member type='relation' role='some' ref='3'/>
+ </relation>
+ </modify>
+ # upload it
+ content diff
+ post :upload, :id => 1
+ assert_response :success,
+ "can't upload a complex diff to changeset: #{@response.body}"
+ # check the returned payload
+ assert_select "osm[version=#{API_VERSION}][generator=\"OpenStreetMap server\"]", 1
+ assert_select "osm>node", 1
+ assert_select "osm>way", 1
+ assert_select "osm>relation", 1
+ # inspect the response to find out what the new element IDs are
+ doc = XML::Parser.string(@response.body).parse
+ new_node_id = doc.find("//osm/node").first["new_id"].to_i
+ # check that the changes made it into the database
+ assert_equal 2, Node.find(new_node_id).tags.size, "new node should have two tags"
+ assert_equal [new_node_id, 3], Way.find(1).nds, "way nodes should match"
+ Relation.find(1).members.each do |type,id,role|
+ if type == 'node'
+ assert_equal new_node_id, id, "relation should contain new node"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # create a diff which references several changesets, which should cause
+ # a rollback and none of the diff gets committed
+ def test_upload_invalid_changesets
+ basic_authorization "test@openstreetmap.org", "test"
+ # simple diff to create a node way and relation using placeholders
+ diff = <<EOF
+ <modify>
+ <node id='1' lon='0' lat='0' changeset='1' version='1'/>
+ <way id='1' changeset='1' version='1'>
+ <nd ref='3'/>
+ </way>
+ </modify>
+ <modify>
+ <relation id='1' changeset='1' version='1'>
+ <member type='way' role='some' ref='3'/>
+ <member type='node' role='some' ref='5'/>
+ <member type='relation' role='some' ref='3'/>
+ </relation>
+ </modify>
+ <create>
+ <node id='-1' changeset='4'>
+ <tag k='foo' v='bar'/>
+ <tag k='baz' v='bat'/>
+ </node>
+ </create>
+ # cache the objects before uploading them
+ node = current_nodes(:visible_node)
+ way = current_ways(:visible_way)
+ rel = current_relations(:visible_relation)
+ # upload it
+ content diff
+ post :upload, :id => 1
+ assert_response :conflict,
+ "uploading a diff with multiple changsets should have failed"
+ # check that objects are unmodified
+ assert_nodes_are_equal(node, Node.find(1))
+ assert_ways_are_equal(way, Way.find(1))
+ end
+ ##
+ # upload multiple versions of the same element in the same diff.
+ def test_upload_multiple_valid
+ basic_authorization "test@openstreetmap.org", "test"
+ # change the location of a node multiple times, each time referencing
+ # the last version. doesn't this depend on version numbers being
+ # sequential?
+ diff = <<EOF
+ <modify>
+ <node id='1' lon='0' lat='0' changeset='1' version='1'/>
+ <node id='1' lon='1' lat='0' changeset='1' version='2'/>
+ <node id='1' lon='1' lat='1' changeset='1' version='3'/>
+ <node id='1' lon='1' lat='2' changeset='1' version='4'/>
+ <node id='1' lon='2' lat='2' changeset='1' version='5'/>
+ <node id='1' lon='3' lat='2' changeset='1' version='6'/>
+ <node id='1' lon='3' lat='3' changeset='1' version='7'/>
+ <node id='1' lon='9' lat='9' changeset='1' version='8'/>
+ </modify>
+ # upload it
+ content diff
+ post :upload, :id => 1
+ assert_response :success,
+ "can't upload multiple versions of an element in a diff: #{@response.body}"
+ end
+ ##
+ # upload multiple versions of the same element in the same diff, but
+ # keep the version numbers the same.
+ def test_upload_multiple_duplicate
+ basic_authorization "test@openstreetmap.org", "test"
+ diff = <<EOF
+ <modify>
+ <node id='1' lon='0' lat='0' changeset='1' version='1'/>
+ <node id='1' lon='1' lat='1' changeset='1' version='1'/>
+ </modify>
+ # upload it
+ content diff
+ post :upload, :id => 1
+ assert_response :conflict,
+ "shouldn't be able to upload the same element twice in a diff: #{@response.body}"
+ end
+ ##
+ # try to upload some elements without specifying the version
+ def test_upload_missing_version
+ basic_authorization "test@openstreetmap.org", "test"
+ diff = <<EOF
+ <modify>
+ <node id='1' lon='1' lat='1' changeset='1'/>
+ </modify>
+ # upload it
+ content diff
+ post :upload, :id => 1
+ assert_response :bad_request,
+ "shouldn't be able to upload an element without version: #{@response.body}"
+ end