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+**Nominatim is a complex piece of software and runs in a complex environment.
+Installing and running Nominatim is something for experienced system
+administrators only who can do some trouble-shooting themselves. We are sorry,
+but we can not provide installation support. We are all doing this in our free
+time and there is just so much of that time to go around. Do not open issues in
+our bug tracker if you need help. You can ask questions on the mailing list
+(see below) or on [help.openstreetmap.org](https://help.openstreetmap.org/).**
The latest stable release can be downloaded from https://nominatim.org.
-There you can also find [installation instructions for the release](https://nominatim.org/release-docs/latest/admin/Installation).
+There you can also find [installation instructions for the release](https://nominatim.org/release-docs/latest/admin/Installation), as well as an extensive [Troubleshooting/FAQ section](https://nominatim.org/release-docs/latest/admin/Faq/).
Detailed installation instructions for the development version can be
found at [nominatim.org](https://nominatim.org/release-docs/develop/admin/Installation)