* for PHP variables use CamelCase with a prefixing letter indicating the type
(i - integer, f - float, a - array, s - string, o - object)
-The coding style is enforced with PHPCS and can be tested with:
+The coding style is enforced with PHPCS and pylint. It can be tested with:
- phpcs --report-width=120 --colors .
+phpcs --report-width=120 --colors .
+pylint3 --extension-pkg-whitelist=osmium nominatim
## Testing
-Before submitting a pull request make sure that the following tests pass:
+Before submitting a pull request make sure that the tests pass:
- cd test/bdd
- behave -DBUILDDIR=<builddir> db osm2pgsql
- cd test/php
- phpunit ./
+ cd build
+ make test